[Music] today I'm going to be talking to you about what I believe is the biggest opportunity to make money online that I've seen in over 25 years that's right if you feel like you missed the good old days of SEO domain buying easy to get traffic affiliate offers that practically sell themselves yeah that's nothing compared to the opportunity we're going to talk about today and in light of the new Google Update that just came out yesterday and has been talked about all over the news where they're targeting spammy lowquality content Ai and even wait a a minute expired domain names yeah we're going to get to that in just a minute basically this is causing a complete storm in the SEO industry and it has website Publishers literally freaking out about their website traffic are they going to get hit are they not going to get hit if they bought a domain name at auction or from a different company is that going to get hit is Google just going to have ai content are they going to have no AI content what is quality content are domain names even worth anything anymore I mean what gives well today we're going to look at the data and that data could make you very rich but you're going to need to follow along with this entire live training and don't worry if you're watching the replay that's okay too I'll allow it and the data we're going to look at today is the new Google spam policies obituary spam what's this even about and and the domain name industry every day about $500,000 worth of domains are bought and sold at auction that doesn't even include the new domains that are registered the domains that are sold privately or anything like that and as a domain buyer who's made millions of dollars buying and selling domains over the last 25 years I can tell you this opportunity is about to blow up as in the past with major Google updates we're going to see domains going at auction and expiring left right center and yeah all over the place which means Harvest Time For The Domain buyers in fact just yesterday I spent $2,000 on domain names that have backlinks good value good names rankings yeah the whole nine yards and that wasn't just yesterday yesterday although I will tell you over the last few months I have seen a huge rise in the amount of super valuable domain names being sold at auction for next to nothing but how do you know what's valuable and what's not smash that like button cuz I'm about to tell you in fact if we were to take a look at one domain I'm looking at today we can see that this appraisal site says it's worth $1,529 this one over here says it's worth $575 and over here esot says it's worth less than 100 so who do we trust is this a safe investment if I was to spend $9 $10 $100 on this domain would I be able to sell it for more than that well that is the million dooll question because if we can crack the code to knowing how to buy something cheaper than it's worth then we can do it all day every day twice on Sunday and put tons of money in our pockets and I'm going to show you exactly how to do this start to finish with nothing left out using mostly free tools and including a free tool I just paid my programmer to create for you to make money restoring and rebuilding old domain names so if you're excited smash that like button and let's get started all right ladies and gentlemen welcome to the show today we got a lot to cover with the new Google updates and what everyone's saying about them there's a lot of misinformation there's a lot of information there's a lot of stuff that a lot of people are saying and we want to get to the bottom of it now what we have here is some of the Google reports which I'll pull up on the screen as well and we will also have them available in download myot notes.com as we always do once we have everything compiled and ready for you now when we're looking at some of these reports what we have to do is look at something like Tech crunch which says Google is taking aim at SEO optimize junk pages and spam with new search update now whenever there is a Google update or a change in algorithm what happens is a lot of sites good and bad can go by the way Wayside um and you know sometimes a baby is out with the bath water and everything gets kind of jumbled up now what we have to look at here is what these people are saying is actually being Ted tackled because if we can look at this and see ahead and see into the future of what's going to go on then we can go through and do domains which is really really good so when we go through and look at the tech crunch article uh they are saying that this is going to Target product recommendations reviews deals and discounts and that's also what we found on the Google search console update itself it was saying all these different types of things they are looking at now when we look at this in terms of domains because let's face it after all what are we trying to rank we're trying to rank a domain what are we buying at auction we're buying domains what are we buying expired we're buying domains so when we're looking at this this has the potential to upset or make even better hint for people like you and me that are going to get into domain buying as I have for many years it's going to make it a lot better because when we're looking at this there's going to be a lot of domains that are high value that are going to go very very inexpensive one of them we're going to take a look at was one that I bought just recently was a mattress website we're also going to look at some free tools and all kinds of things like that now another thing that uh Google put out was saying new ways we're tackling spammy lowquality content on search now one of the interesting keywords that they chose to use in their report was lowquality content and content produced at scale content at scale scale which uh we've all heard of as well I don't think they're related but when we're looking at this they're saying producing content at scale with the implicit intent of boosting search engine rankings or gaming the search engines that's something that a lot of people do and you guys have seen many many times um on this channel we've talked about domains like this one here this is a domain that I believe it was Matt Diggity did an interview with the people who own this domain about a black SEO tactic now this domain um con- house was a restaurant I believe in Florida and what happened was people bought this because of the power of backlinks put spam on it and watch what happened this is what we're talking about here and this would be the overarching Bad Evil example okay if we were to look at con house today we could see that it ranks for 44 keywords which is hardly anything to write home about now if we were to go back in time to I believe it was uh let's see this was uh March 2022 so March 9 of 2022 this domain was ranking for all different things about this Restaurant St Augustine different stuff like that okay you guys with me Smash the like button if you're with me and you're getting it now what happened was someone took over this domain they probably bought it at auction it expired or whatever it is they took it from 1,200 rankings in Google to a few short months later get this 2.4 million rankings in Google including some that were getting lots and lots and lots and lots of traffic now this example they took this domain over they abused it they put spam on it as you can see it's anything from a fanny pack to probiotics I I mean it's literally everything with no structured idea they did this and in one month they made $850,000 $850,000 on one domain that they probably bought for less than $1,000 and bada bing bada boom there you go now this is the example that Google is talking about in its updates of what's going on okay what do they not want they don't want the manipulation just for the rankings however many domains are going to fall by the wayside many domains are going to get hit as we can see now this one was actually given a manual penalty it looks like and if you were to look at what they rank for now it's a bunch of junk it's gone they don't even have the original rankings about the con house however I believe that if someone took over this site made it about the restaurant again it would rank again for that restaurant and related terms because what's happening is they are looking for stuff that is actually relevant to the domain putting out so just to give you an example there was a domain that I bought last week which was um it was where' it go it is over here somewhere mattress Le so mattress le.com I was looking at and I was like okay this is a pretty good domain how many you guys are like mattress Le it's short it's sweet it's in a market that has billions and billions of dollars mattresses are expensive I know I just bought a new one a bit ago and it was not cheap so I'm looking at this and I'm like okay it had some rankings back in the day right $827 worth of traffic a month uh over here couple hundred worth of traffic a month it was never given the TLC that it could have been given and if we were to look at the back links we can see that they are somewhat on point with mattress type stuff let me pull this up for you um and we'll take a look I just want to make sure that we get clean results on a mattress site you never know you know you got to keep it familyfriendly here and it looks like yes a lot of it mostly is related to some mattress stuff there are some uh you know news things and things like that nothing really huge as far as back links but it did have some rankings and keywords that I liked I was like hey check this out uh Lucid versus nectar mattress okay good um nectar versus Lucid why are mattresses so expensive so I was thinking hey wait a minute this is a good domain now it was on sale on an auction it started at 500 it had a Buy It Now of $1,000 I bought it for a th000 because I was like okay I don't want to wait for it I want to use it however these you can get super cheap all the time now if we were to take a look at this we're going to take a look and say well what would the domain itself alone loan be worth now first and foremost number one I checked it for trademarks I wanted to make sure mattress Le was not a trademark so I wasn't stepping on any toes then I went through and I used different domain appraisal tools here the GoDaddy appraisal tool puts us at $1,674 okay cool but I do see that at some point in time Google says it sold for $50 it's probably way back when dinosaurs roamed but you know it was a while ago then we could go through and say well what does um Dino do say now dinod do gives it an estimate of $1,000 which is like 10 times what GoDaddy says all right so so who's true well more about that in just a minute because again if you can crack this code this is where the money is at now if we go to esot which esot more or less is like the harshest critic ever I've had things on esot it says are worth zero that I have personally sold for way more than zero all right esot says it's worth less than a 100 so what do you think did I overpay was I just about right or do you think this is something that I can use and build this is what we're going to go over today this is what we're going to talk about because ladies and Gentlemen The Domain industry is about to see changes that have never happened before for those that are paying attention can make lots of money now when we look at something like the Conch House right this one where is he here he is there he is this one had all kinds of junk on it and it got a manual uh dindex the thing got toasted why because the site was about eating in St Augustine not light bulb security cameras okay you guys see the disconnect there the backlinks aren't on point they just abused the power that is something that Google is saying about abusing the power of a domain okay they mentioned this two times one in terms of expired domains okay which some auction domains are also expired which we'll talk about as well but when we look at this they're talking about abusing them and using them for what they're not meant for however if I take something like mattress Le and I say well I'm I'm going to build content around mattresses around these different versus mattresses and I'm going to make good content okay so I can build this up and make it work in a very very easy way now we're going to go through and we're going to talk about all this I am going to have a domain class coming up where we're going to teach all this in detail for those that are interested I just got this no new domain rank.com which I thought was a good one in light of people are going to need to fix their rankings hint ladies and gentlemen I just dropped an idea for another business you're going to be able to use a lot of people are going to be looking for this we showed an example in Friday's video of a company that did this back when Google updates were were kind of new they made $18 million in one day selling SEO training and different things like that okay so now when we look at this we have to look at what is actually going on okay we are seeing here Black Hat World had an article about the update and what it means what does it mean for expired domains does it mean they're gone does it mean the domains are are toast worthless out no I think this means that domains are more valuable than ever now is Con house going to be more valuable no not at all not even close is something like mattress Le going to be something we can use and furthermore if I was to take con house over start a restaurant and and use that in you know wherever that restaurant was I think it can be brought back I think we can resuscitate some of these and I think that's what's really important and I've been doing this a long time we're seeing exactly what's going on they're being very transparent surprisingly like often times Google's like Hey we're going to change things and you just got to kind of guess what they are this time they're actually calling things out which is interesting content at scale in terms of okay are you just creating a bunch of junk content that people don't want we're going to get into this this is super super important we are going to have examples I got examples so that you can see how this works now when it comes to domains expired domains auction domains different things like that we're going to use several different tools spam Zilla is a tool that we use you can watch watch my video here on the channel where we talk about spam Zilla spam Zilla is going to show you pretty much all of the domains that were owned at some point and now might be on auction might be on private sale might be expired and available for $9 hint the best ones I've ever gotten were the $9 ones those are the ones that sold for the most in terms of SEO ranking the best ones I get are usually name cheap and GoDaddy auctions we'll talk about those as well if you guys are digging this smash a like button now if you have uh spam Zilla and you hook it up to your ahfs you could go through and say hey let's see which ones have the best rankings and you can see which ones are there like right now uh this Cameo Cafe or something is on sale it's super expensive but it's got a bunch of traffic and you can see okay what does this actually look like and where did our rankings go there we go um and you can see what it looks like now again we can go through and see okay well what are these about right maybe I'll get one about gold or uh whatever it is and we can go through and find these and buy them I do it all the time in fact some of the most recent ones that I bought uh are over somewhere over here let's see this one there we are some of the recent ones I bought are like nails faq.com which was for finger nails again we are going to resuscitate these and bring them into what are about I'm not going to do this and say hey let's just rank this thing for you know whatever we'll rank no I'm going to do a good job create good content around the different things that people are looking up around fingernails ideally maybe um you know someone would take this over that is interested in this type of thing and you can see that I think it was two years ago it had almost 18,000 rankings in Google and again ladies and gentlemen this can be money if done correctly corly but again you know going out there and putting a thousand AI articles that are not focused that are Just Junk just regurgitated yeah that's going to have a a a huge negative impact but as far as the domain industry goes you can see that just a couple days ago March 3rd over or almost yeah over a quarter of a million dollars in sales in one day and if you were to take a look at other days you could see uh what's going on as well like snake River uh different different things there and and if you could see this and say well what if I was able to buy info shield for like 10 bucks okay and these ladies and gentlemen are the auction prices let me say something very important for those that are interested investing in domain names A lot of people think that the game is won by going through and saying well you know um maybe I'll buy it at auction and then sell it at auction no no no if you buy at auction and sell at auction you're selling to the same pool of buyers that you yourself bought in which means it's worth what you bought because you were the winner of the domain Argo we need to sell somewhere else now sometimes you can get some good ones that are out there and you can usually see what they look like like if I was to use my domain tool here I can see okay are they actually using these for SEO or what are they using them for and I can go over to ahfs or whatever tool I want do a batch analysis and kind of see okay well what are these people buying them for and I'm going to say that most of these were probably purchased for um the the name alone right and as we can see here that does look like the case except for like something like this one which had a bunch of rankings or um some others as well okay so that's what we're looking at here we're like okay I can see where these are at I can see where the value is I can kind of go through and and look up domains Now using spam Zilla again you can do one of two things you can buy for SEO and ranking purposes which I think will still be a legitimate practice if used correctly again don't spam don't do junk you would be better off spending the time it takes to make a thousand junk articles to make 10 really good ones and get the traffic right that's you're going to be better off if you spend all that time um and you have to look at that and say okay how is that going to work now the second thing we're going to look at is buying domains just for a domain if I was to buy Cameo Cafe okay this one I think is like 30 grand or something like that yeah they want 30 grand for it um if I was to go here and look up Cameo Cafe let's see what's going on now I'm guessing that this one is probably for sale um because of the SEO stuff that's probably what they're doing okay this one we're saying okay uh 1500 let's go to dino dot that's saying 3,000 okay is it worth that I don't know it depends on what you're doing if it if there's a company that is going to pay celebrities to do cameos at a cafe yeah it's probably worth 30 grand if not it's probably not does that make sense to you how a buyer at an auction versus here's this celebrity Cafe is going to change the value of the domain case in point one of the most big domains I sold I bought for $15 I sold for 25,000 and it was to a um what do you call them like a not a charity but like a foundation for political stuff and it was like okay I bought it for 15 bucks they wanted it therefore they were willing to pay for it and again I had to do some negotiating they started out at $1800 and then went up from there so when we're looking at these domains we have to look at what is going on now primarily to hedge my investment when I look at domains I'm also looking at okay what can I do with this domain if I was to own it can it be something that is good mattress Le nice and short I can use it it's brandable it'll work on Tik Tok and again everything we're doing needs to have multiple areas for us to get traffic it's not that hard to do we just have to think about the people very important now um when we look at this spam Zilla domain appraisal tools esot GoDaddy dinod do also utilizing Common Sense the best part of the GoDaddy appraisal algorithm is not the estimated value okay it's okay what I'm looking at is what recently sold that's what I'm looking at there right I want to see what sold recently and if you want to do this you could do something like mattress sale.com right let's see what what sold in the mattress Niche what I want to do so mattress sales.com went for 5,000 mattress finder 60600 and Mattress to sale right went for uh 10,100 that's what I'm going to base my my data on and then you could scroll down and see some more down here as well but if you can get it to kind of tweak and and find very similar domains that's a good way to look at it so domain industry is going to be super super super powerful now let's take a look and see what the differences are between having a domain worthwhile for a name and a domain worthwhile for um SEO purposes okay now with SEO purposes what you have is you have other domains linking into yours so this is your domain and if you're doing SEO what you could have is like Wikipedia uh Wiki how whatever and other sites that are linking into you which makes your site powerful now this is something I don't think Google's ever going to do away with that's my opinion but the more and more it gets exploited the more they're going to crack down on this however if you have links on CNN about whatever it is your your about that can work if you have links on uh different other Pages or other bicycle websites in the bicycle Niche are talking about you and linking to your domain that is going to make you more powerful and I think in the future it will make you more powerful for that Niche alone very important because this is what we're seeing when we're seeing the update where they're saying hey we're getting exploited domains they are EXP exploiting the power of a domain primarily in the Google report they're talking about third party so like here's an owner of a website you go on the website you post something pay to post maybe it's free maybe it's ugc user generated content or whatever what's going to happen is that eventually is going to go away because it's not what it's intended to so what they're looking for is common themes and theme flow okay not exploited not trying to do bad stuff but can I take something like the mattress domain get a little bit of a head start from the Boost it already has yeah I could get a little bit of a boost it'll help me out again focusing on good content take your time make good content use AI but use it in a way that's really helping people not just talking about the about right like I don't want to talk about talking about bicycles or mattresses I want to talk about the actual mattress and look at what is helpful now when we get into the realm of helpful we are looking at helpful content okay we want to look at it and say what is deemed helpful what does Google think is helpful and we can see here all different things when they're talking about spam they are talking about over scaled content right over scaled content and then we're going to go through and look at okay what what do these other things go for what is good content well good content is and always will be when it comes to search about intent okay what is the intent well they are saying we want perfect unique content perfect unique content that's what they want they want unique content that is helpful why would someone search for Mattress X versus mattress y does your content help them and is it unique and I'm going to show you how to create unique content with AI it all has to do with what you feed it it has to do with how you are going going to create that and make it work so when we're seeing this we're like okay that's good so when we look at abuse of domains what is an abuse of a domain we hear this all the time when we talk about parasite SEO okay parasite what is a parasite a parasite is like a little thing that goes onto a bigger thing right and he's like okay I live because of this big thing other than that I wouldn't live that's how a parasite works so the parasite would be someone um ranking on Reddit quora LinkedIn and whatever and they are using this big site's value to get the rankings I'm going to show you an example in just a minute is all parasite SEO bad no it's not you can utilize other rankings of sites in your Niche case in point this would be like someone on a news site that is the columnist about real estate technically he's a parasite SEO he's using the big news site to talk about his real estate stuff but it is relevant because is relevant to news and he's utilizing that would be a good example happy little parasite guy there a bad example let me show you a bad example a bad example of parasite SEO is using something like this if you were to Google vshred reviews which is a popular product now the reason I chose to look at this one okay was because if you were to look at I got a lot of tabs open bear with me if you were to look at the results for the word reviews here we go so the results in ahfs for the word reviews okay this is one of the SEO things that has hit the most this is something you're going to see Reddit Kora YouTube everything on because they're like wait a minute AI can't really review a product it's going to be a junk review but the rankings I mean look at that you got 72 million searches a month for reviews of different product that doesn't even include the word review if we did review get here's another you know 100 million or whatever 39 million okay so what happens here is we are seeing seeing okay there's a lot of reviews vshred reviews was a big one that came up with 58,000 searches a month now ladies and gentlemen if you had a ranking for the word vshred review whether it was a parasite or your own site 58,000 visitors a month looking for a product and you were an affiliate of the product do you think you'd get some sales the answer is emphatically 1,00% yes so that is why this exists because if I could get traffic for that tell them why I like the product then bada bing bada boom there you go so let's look at this in Google and let's type in vshred reviews and see what comes up very important when we look at this we have trust pilot we have vred we have Reddit cor Reddit okay we have I spent $47 on vred okay so there's someone who spent 47 here's someone who spent 106 obviously make sure products are safe and everything before you try them but literally she's in front of 58,000 people cuz she spent $47 to review the product like literally next time a guru is like buy my course for 90,000 bazillion dollars go and get the $47 product and review it right you'll be way better off if you just do a good job and review it it's all you got to do okay and then you can use Reddit you can use other stuff why because you legit reviewed it or if you're going for a different term maybe you can go out there and look at what other people say about it okay so that's part one uh she's got that there now if you look at her site she ranks mostly for that keyword it's a fairly new site it's not a a big thing right here's another one YouTube um other ones talking about this as well now we also have Better Business Bureau vred another new blog Reddit and then when we get down here you're going to see some interesting things unless they got uh removed there's Outlook India okay so this would be an example so right here you're seeing um jpost okay that is a parasite SEO that was put up less than a month ago actually what like a week ago maybe two weeks ago at the most is ranking um we also have uh Outlook India product review vred Kora and some others so I also see LinkedIn okay so here's LinkedIn and this is the example I want to show you if we were to look at LinkedIn for the vshred reviews okay okay that is actually their site I think there's another one I wanted to show you that was an example of the parasite SEO look at that guy's views right there 176,000 there's a Facebook okay and then there was one I saw which was for LinkedIn and they ranked and it was not a review so an example of a terrible type of thing Ved is it good okay lots of ads bad bad user experience more ads bad experience so nowhere am I seeing key features popular programs ripped in 90 days this is not a review if I was looking for this product and I wanted a review this fails miserably right do you guys see that how many of you guys are like totally fails they totally get it if I was looking at that product and I read his advertorial SL I'm selling this other stuff using the traffic of something else that's not hitting the mark very good all right so we look at this and we're like okay this is looking very very interesting okay so vshred reviews um also we had some other things so what they're doing is they're purposely manipulating the rankings and I think I could probably do LinkedIn LinkedIn pulse it was a LinkedIn I was it this one it was one of these and it was just a a very not well done so vshred has over 100,000 reviews vred it was something where it was not even close to being a review um I think this is the same one looks like they might have started taking them out but we can see exactly what's going on and say okay those are not fitting what's going on it's not unique it's not helpful it's garbage okay what we want is um unique good content okay now when looking at domain names we're going to look at these and say okay now I know what unique content is I need to really go through uh affiliate says yeah he'd click off of that instantly exactly and that's what we're going to see with a lot of these review things right so like if you were to go um let's say balance of nature world gy or whatever it is right saltburn reviews I don't know what a saltburn is but okay so that's a movie um let's try keto gummies review okay so if you do keto gummies review Amazon Columbia University which is interesting so this is probably an example of a a parasite one where it's like okay are they is it like are they using the university to actually make this no it's complete and utter garbage if you were to look at this site is it a fake news site it's completely fake okay in my opinion in and out the whole site columbia.edu that's the power Forbes okay we're going to see that this stuff's going to get shaken up there was someone earlier that that was in the comments and I think it was true tuber he said um you know small businesses are going to get wiped out with this I disagree I think big businesses are and to show you watch what's happening with sites like CNN when we look at CNN they lost a third of their keywords they lost close to like a tenth of their traffic and so we're looking at that we're like wait wait a minute well what kind of things are they losing and this is the data you can look at because if we understand this with domain buying we can be very very powerful at SEO and we can do it in a way that is helpful and we can do it with AI now one of the other things we wanted to talk about was obituary spam on Google Now obituary spam is basically the practice of ranking for people's names right if you were to rank for every name in the alphabet you'd get a lot of traffic much like you'll see like um truthfinders and these other companies they basically try to rank for every phone number because phone numbers are Googled a lot right and they Google the phone number and it comes up oh hey is this a Spam call is this legit is this really this company what's going on right and what they'll do is they'll rank for all that stuff now does it actually do a good job some of them yes some of them will allow you to review and talk about whatever the phone numbers are some of them are complete garbage I remember years ago um the rich jerk guy had a site about phone number stuff and it was basically just Spam designed to rank for phone numbers which was not helpful it was not helpful but because of the power of the domain it worked okay so what we want to do is get away from stuff like this like obituaries okay I mean you can get some traffic there right you can do that but again at the end of the day is it going to help what we want to do is helpful stuff that is going to work if I go out there and build up my mattress domain and make it work well then now I will have something that is of value I will have something that can work and I could look back two years ago see what they ranked for five years ago see what they ranked for very very simple now when taking over a domain I want to give you guys a little tip how many of you guys want the free tool I mentioned earlier and a really cool tip this is cool I just went through and made it work okay so we're going through and we're like okay Lucid mattress all this stuff I want to find out what this is ranking for if I was going to build up this site I would need to have something that's that's really going to help me out and get the content so what I usually do is I would go um over to Google and I would do site colon sitecon mattress le.com what this is going to do is this is going to show me all the pages that rank in Google we could see if I turn it over here there we go there we go right there right I could go over here and I can do a sitecon mattress le.com and I could see that it has uh 61 results in Google so what I would want to do is build up the site and and make it good and make it a legit mattress review website now some of the sites will have you know 300 a, different things like this now before what we'd have to do is copy this and then copy the link and then make a little list so that we can build content on it let me show you what we just created for you and where to get it and you can test it out right what we do is we just copy everything like this okay and again the power of this is when you have like a thousand of them okay so what we'll do is we'll go over here we'll go to theofit scoop.com I'm going to scroll down and click on the new tool cont content profit extractor we're going to go here and all you got to do is paste that info right like this hit extract and b boom B bang it gives you the list of ranking stuff and the link that it ranked on so I could build this up super fast this is a cool tool you can mess around with it and and make it work in a very simple way it's very helpful uh when you go through and make that work okay very very good now again if I was going to go for like how to clean a mattress here or nine steps I don't want to just put some AI junk I want to actually think about it and one of the ways that you can use AI to build something up like this again we already talked about how it has value what we want to do is we want to go through and and look at it and say okay how can I give it some of the top things from different places and look at ways to clean a mattress right how can I think ahead of the person because they're looking for how do I clean the mattress maybe they spilled something on it or whatever it is and you can talk about different ways to do that and look at the intent of what they want right and you can even go through and and look at the keywords for clean this from a mattress I'm not going to look it up because it's going to have some interesting things but you know you're going to look at it and say okay um this versus this how can I look at it and say well Lucid versus nectar which is best for side sleepers back sleepers people with um you know bad circulation or whatever it is and we're going to think a step ahead of what they want and say okay what would be the intent of this now if you don't know how to do that don't worry we can go through and we can use something like chat GPT or Bard or uh gemini or whatever it is and I can say what is the intent of someone looking up best mattress for Sid sleepers right this will tell me what's going on and and how to do it they want Comfort they want material they want this they want that and we can talk about the different ones and what you want to do when using AI is use it as a human this is what we do in my AI content creation uh agency where we create it based on what would people want what would work and then how do we put our own stuff into it okay very very very important because now I can go through and say okay what are the best ones for side sleepers and why okay what we're doing is we do Recon and research first okay A lot of people are just going to AI creating 10,000 articles with a keyword which is what Google says they don't want right they don't want people just creating endless amounts and there was a report I had for you ear earlier that talked about how much data is created every day in 2023 and I specifically did 2023 because I wanted to know since the beginning of AI how much content is created right how many of you guys have noticed wow here on YouTube there's a bazillion AI channels coming up for every Niche like I don't care what you search there is AI stuff like that um and like affiliate says AI builds great feature list it it does good research right like what you have is an employee and it's like the old days when we had Outsourcing I remember when we had Outsourcing there were people that literally had to have a course about how to be nice to your outsourced workers because people were being rude because they're like hey I paid you make me Rich and they would just expect this thing or the AI or they would expect this person to make them rich without Direction without a goal without a process they're just make me Rich go do it and it didn't work and now with AI you don't have to pay them you know hundreds of dollars thousands of dollars you go to the AI it creates a bunch of content downside you're going to get a bunch of junk content now there's a debate about is it valuable if people watch it or consume it well yet that kind of is the definition of value so when I go out there and I see make money videos created by Ai and I know full well half the advice is garbage I mean people are watching it so therefore people are getting value so while I think it's garbage the algorithm is like well wait a minute people are consuming just like reality TV can't stand it there's a couple of shows I like with reality TV but most of them I can't stand why because I just I'm not into it yet that is what sells so we have to look at this and say okay well what is going on what is value and why okay so let's talk about different types of domains when it comes to this okay so we see yes I can create good AI content based on what people want so when we go out there and we say what are we doing well we are going to create good unique content purposeful with the intent in mind if someone's going to read it and not get what they want like the example I was showing you earlier I'll put it in the notes at download myot notes.com the one I was showing earlier or trying to find earlier that's why I have to put it in the notes um was a vred review and it was about V Ved reviews it was not a review it was about the reviews right it's like a Ved review should be X Y and Z and it's like wait a minute that's not what the person wanted they wanted if I take this for 90 days am I going to get ripped that's what they wanted and they wanted someone who said I took it for 45 days and I am now bigger than Schwarzenegger or whatever I took it for this days or it didn't work for me or it did work for me that's what the market wants when it comes to that type of content and when we look at it we have to look at the intent we have to look at the flow and the theme of what the site was made for when we're looking at parasite and garbage stuff that is going to go by the wayside again people were saying oh well does this does it have to do with um big sites like you would think oh well you know they're favoring CNN or Reddit they are favoring Reddit for one specific point why are they favoring Reddit if you were to go and let me do this off uh screen real quick just so I can make sure it's clean I wish ahr would have like a you know make a safe friendly button that you can click there but they don't have that yet but if we were to look at reddit.com and we were to look at their gains right so I'll just read them off that way uh we don't have to deal with clean unless I get a clean result then we can probably do that we'll go to the calendar and we can see some of the new stuff they're popping up for bear with me one second if you guys are digging this smash a like button let me know in the comments and in the boxes there it looks like the calendar is being a little funny let's try it one more time but with Reddit you're going to see uh the the results will change if you were to look at the calendar um and look at what is gone now from CNN I think the calendar one might be messed up there but if you were to do just the lost and declined you could see okay well what are they finding not relevant because in the old days if you owned CNN.com you could rank for whatever you wanted to rank for much like we saw with jpost and um Outlook India con house different things like this where it was built up um which is pretty cool it's like okay well there is still a place for domains which I think is is going to be more powerful now when getting to it again we have to look at okay well what is it I'm looking for when buying a domain because there are things you can do where you can buy domains just for the name itself like if I was to buy gold Trend gold trend.com okay does it have some kind of value on it let's try again we'll try this one while we're waiting and look at okay can I resell it and domain buying and reselling can be very good now again results not typical implier guaranteed investing in domains is always risky you never know what something's worth until you have a buyer with money in hand so we have to take a look at that this says it's worth 1,300 gold price forecast 1,700 it's okay I think it could work is it worth 7600 to the right buyer maybe but again you have to look at say okay well maybe gold Trends is not taken or is taken or something like that and again looking at what sells right looking at okay maybe I could go out there and take a look at name bio or or or the other pages and see what is selling right Leaf snap okay so the word snap all right that could work I can go over to my tool here and type in snap um and see okay uh snap tube snap brisk all kinds of different things and a lot of these are like nine bucks right so uh snap uh brisk or let's see if there's another good one here ideal snap okay so ideal snap could work right I could go here ideal snap.com greater than 20,000 is it really I don't know um the other snap one it did go for quite a bit okay this says 1,800 so for this we are okay so snap is one that's working right snap is a key word that that's working um all different stuff like that so this could be one where I could invest $1.99 and buy this today and hey maybe it would work well okay how many of you guys are like okay this is making sense I get this I get the idea now when I buy domains I'm ideally looking for both I want both a site that ranked with backlinks because this is still and most likely will always be worth money I'm also looking for a good name okay now I will sacrifice a good name for rankings always like if K Chow was one that I could rank for uh restaurants and food and whatever I don't really care for the domain it's got a hyphen it's weird not really a fan but I would sacrifice that for good rankings and also when we look at it we want to say what is the chances so if I bought this for $1.99 what are the chances I could sell it for $1.99 pretty good like if it's 100% I'll buy it right I there we go ideal snap or whatever um what we have to do when buying domains for ranking and for everything else is look at cash flow how can I keep the cash moving I don't want $50,000 in domain names just sitting that I can't do anything with I want domains that I can keep moving keep them moving keep it happening okay we can also see people looking up the word hub spot stuff like that and we could go through and say okay well what is selling what is working how can I do it and then you can go in here and you can like using spam Zilla um I have a link in the description to my full tutorial on spam Zilla um definitely one you don't want look at here's one snapshot Finance okay that's a decent domain if it had rankings I'd be all over it now interesting sh snapshot Services went for 800 okay so that stick figure Finance $199 so at a at 11 bucks I'm probably pretty safe there again it could be worth nothing you could lose your money um you know AI says most of my domains are net most expensive domain I ever sold was a net um that was $25,000 sale cost me 15 bucks results not typical implier guaranteed while domaining can be a very profitable industry most people trying to do domaining don't know what they're doing and even those who do know most people don't make anything or lose money but if you look at it smart and look at the data right most people are going to go in and be like oh well that sounds cute okay well I don't want cute I want sellable if I want cute I'll go get a puppy right I want sellable I want stuff that's going to work hook snap that's got two PS probably not going to want that snap and drive Snappy insurance right what can I use again there's several filters I talk about them in the video below I will also talk about them in our domain course we are going to have over at rank.com it's going to be an allout uh domain class where we're going to go through all of this but when looking at this we have to look at like what makes it valuable right what is it that makes it valuable you could go through and the data is in where you could say okay well what are the high sales of all time right and you could do like top sales and it'll show you the top sales of 2024 all time or whatever and you're going to see okay um hippo wine Al the Vista apparently that one went for quite a bit floor right so floor flooring okay that's one we can probably put in there and say okay what kind of floors do people want or ASAP right ASAP can be a good one what do people want ASAP what do they want fast different things like this are going to show us okay now we can look at this now when using your tools the cool thing about this is you can filter and say well I only want one that um I don't want dashes I don't want numbers and I want a domain length of 12 letters or less okay apply the filter now I'm doing ASAP with 12 letters or less ASAP protos um CPA ASAP Apothecary um and on and on we go and again a lot of what you see will be junk this is like weeding through junk only sometimes you're going to find something very good nurses ASAP that could be a sellable one um and you can start looking at this and say okay what is it that sells different things like that now when I use my main filter uh this is expired so this is truly expired domains like I can go get these for n bucks or four bucks or $11 wherever you decide to by your domain names is going to uh determine the price but I'm going to look at this and be like okay what is there that we can use um travel different things like that now you can sort them by positions you can sort them by cost okay which ones have the most uh expensive traffic okay and we can do okay um whatever this is right and I try to find things that are like okay go save online all right that's like a saving one however we do know Google is is going to be hitting uh saving and discount sites quite a bit uh that are not providing value okay so that's one of the things I use another one is a 12 so this is all the expired ones that are 12 characters or less okay sometimes I can go through here and say okay what do we got and again when I search I can search in um the actual one so if I see like the word braces or something all right let's see what people want for braces okay braces rule.com um maybe there's one I can sell to like dentists 1888 braces.com whoever owns that phone number would probably like that domain name that could be one to get again do your researches uh do your research before you buy these things okay so there's one we can look at there or you can do uh dentist these are good because if you could get like you know uh Fresno dentist or whatever um you can you can get those two people that are there and you can sell them pretty good okay or you can even do a Fresno or you know Orlando um there's lots of them you can get and then what you could do is you could do Outreach to sell them or build them up and then sell them or just put a placeholder on the site and sell them that way um that would be like your own parking type thing when you park a domain usually you're putting ads on it or a for sale sign not necessarily um hosting something here's one for reads maybe good for like a book club in or Orlando or maybe you can find like real estate or something like that and going through them you can find pretty good stuff now this is just looking at truly expired ones these are all $9 going through them is a complete pain it takes time but I have found hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of domains here that I've bought and sold then I could go through and say okay well what about GoDaddy this is true GoDaddy auctions going on right now I can go here my coach log is on GoDaddy right now I can bid on the auction I can see what kind of rankings it has pretty much the whole nine yards so my coach log says it's worth 1300 it's at 25 with 3 hours to go does it have any backlinks and rankings I don't know cuz the s's being slow um but you can see okay what is the value there yeah it does have some kind of rankings I don't know what they are but it has some maybe if it has something for like a a fitness coach or something like that maybe it's something we can utilize okay and it looks like it is some kind of life coaches and stuff like that okay so maybe you can have a log of coaches like what we want to do is we want to think about if I sell it what can I do if I use it what can I do well if I used this I can have a log of different coaches that I've I've gone through and looked that's what this guy's doing now does it rank fantastically no but could it be sellable maybe would I buy it for 25 bucks debatable probably not myself personally probably not um did you create your own filter or is is there a list I create my own filter um they are I have a lot of them and we are going to teach it in the domain class so if you want that um that's at rank.com um it's going to be a good class we actually give you uh a domain you can either choose to get a basic domain or a premium domain either way um we give you one that that you can start with which is good the idea was hopefully I can give you one that you can sell and and get some profit with okay so in that course we will show you in detail um the the stuff right so very very simple horse and jockey Pub um heavy metal training okay so heavy metal training this could be a good one because it's like okay maybe these are people looking for you know um how to play Heavy Metal I know my brother is like a heavy metal Enthusiast and he likes it heavy metal marketing heavy metal store so this one would be good now it is taken obviously because it's on GoDaddy auction and we can see okay does it rank for um stuff that we would use okay so this is like equipment training like train people to use tractors and things like that um pretty decent right we can go through and say okay heavy equipment tring it it rank number seven so if I use this for the same thing that would probably work well okay you guys getting this smash a like button if you're getting this let me know um and we could see okay so it's at 193 with 22 hours to go that's probably because it's Canada I'm probably not going to I mean if I could get it for 193 I might but you know you have to look at that again look at me cuz can I afford to get that yeah I can afford to get many of those am I going to no because I want the cash flow okay some others here like carplay now what is this one about what are they doing is it about like you know um playing the radio in car maybe I could do reviews on different car games whatever it is right and again we have rankings you can do uh United States I usually do them so carplay now that is a brandable domain I would check the trademark on it but it's probably sellable right is it going to sell for $50 million tomorrow probably not right but could I maybe hold out on it and get you know uh 500 bucks maybe maybe go play now car news today I could probably get a couple hundred bucks if I could sell it for 25 I'm in profit okay do I want to sell it for 25 probably not um we want to go through and look at okay what are we going to do I want safe bets and again the word safe is relative right as there's always a risk but I will tell you we have people that are buying domains and doing uh pretty good with it preed guide I like this pre-med guide is for like being a pre-med okay this is good now one of the reasons I want to tell you uh to to get into domain buying right this is why we're having the course this is why we're doing all this stuff is because this is going to give you new avenues you wouldn't have thought about before I find some of my most profitable do um my most profitable niches by looking at domains knowing hey this is something that actually worked and we can use it right so Premed guide that I like that's probably going to be like 1,500 2,000 over here maybe a little bit more maybe it'll have technical issues who knows um but we'll go here and do Premed guide 1280 I like it I think that's pretty safe do I think it's 12280 eh my Med space yeah I could probably sell it for for 500 to 750 if I had to right so looking at that okay again grain of salt is it going to sell for that I don't know have no idea this says 2600 okay decent what is it going for that's the $9 million question right what is it going for what can I get it for well that one ended so can I use the word Premed okay because what I'll do is I'll have these open on on several I'll be like okay what is there on true expired let's do preed boom preed neurotic preed Supreme don't want that Premed premedical anything that I can do you can even see like what is there with traffic or positions not a whole lot there we can check um GoDaddy Closeouts these are good ones I buy a lot of GoDaddy closeouts nothing for preed there um you can also check name cheep name cheep has some good ones it's a slower auction but um I've gotten some zingers on name cheep I got one yesterday it was really good uh here's one essay Penguins right for essays or or whatever it is and sometimes you'll you'll be able to get them super cheap let's see uh clothing creature facts different stuff there right so we would go through and again this is looking at them by traffic not necessarily based on um what's good to to buy and sell when looking at buying and selling it's a whole different ball game we want to do multifaceted uh domain investing right what can we do how can we make it work to show you an example of some of the ones that I bought recently that were like big ones we had Nails FAQ Denver weed I was like okay that's where it was I fatigue this is a fantastic one um because if we can go through and do a site about eyewear or whatever it is I could build this and make it work in a super simple way right and again staying on point we don't want to buy a domain and and burn it out like the the people are doing with uh black hat SEO we want to do very very specific stuff uh Marcus is going to teach us how to compete with him on those auctions yes I have noticed that the auctions have gone up since I've been teaching stuff um but I want you guys to learn the right stuff and you know go from there and there's plenty of domains to go around um this one here I think I bought for like 500 bucks which is a pretty good one and and again um when you look at if fatigue.
Comom this is probably going to have a really good uh so there's 2100 there here is 3800 I Pro so I think again looking at your guide why is this valuable yeah I think this is probably worth 3,800 or more especially because like my ideal Market is like Lens Crafters type businesses um and things like that uh some others I bought recently these are just the auction ones um if you want to see some others I bought uh go to download myn notes.com we'll have them there uh custom wood carving um again looking at okay why do we buy them what do they do um this one here was really good it was uh about uh baby stuff right like what can you use for your baby best strollers best this best that um really good look at that had 20,000 rankings back in the day um again building it up with value we don't want to build it up with Just Junk we want to build it up with good stuff and one of the things I look at too when buying for rankings is does it rank now like okay uh is DFT good for eczema it says it ranks number 21 let's see if we actually do rank number 21 okay also by the way how many of you guys want a really cool um headline hack you guys want a hack well we'll just keep going with good stuff right um and we'll go through and say let's see if this ranks it was uh what was it baby something or other what was our domain miracle miracle there we are so right here so it does rank it's got an image this would be one we can probably build pretty good now let me show you a hack I showed you how this tool can be used really good for um your own site so like if I wanted to do this okay I could go to site colon my Miracle baby.com okay I think that's how you spell it see how it's got 573 results I would have to go in and do each one and okay here's this here's that copy and paste it would take me a long time or to pay someone it would take them probably a good day to go through these and get get it the way that I want it now luckily your old buddy Marcus likes to pay his programmers to make cool stuff for you watch how easy it is we just keep hitting more results more results and we find all the stuff again do not spam do not do junk take your time it's not that hard to make good articles especially in the age of ai ai is good to use unless you're just hey give me an article about this that's not what we want take your time right now um my team of content people are usually taking about an hour per piece of content right and that's with AI so we're doing a really good job checking them making sure we hit the intent um stuff like that again Google's cracking down on scale stuff what that means we don't know yet we don't know um does it mean like con house or does it mean here's a realtor who's making scaled content with a team of writers I don't think it means that I think it means bulk junk unwanted spam that's why they're they're hammering down on spam again these are my opinions you will see things fluctuate some of the domains I buy will take some of them will soar all in all things will fluctuate and over time we will see what works and that's the key is looking at the data because guys search Mark marting this is how you copy them search marketing is a trillion industry so what we'll do is we'll go ahead and copy this and what I mean by search marketing is um the business that's created with search traffic so all we have to do is site colon put your site in copy this we're going to go to the profit sc.com we're going to click content profit extractor first way to use this tool watch this bada bing bada boom it's going to paste it might take take a minute because there's a lot there all right we'll we'll wait and while we're waiting for that what I'm going to do is I uh let's see wait come on you can do it let's see if it's a little faster on edge sometimes Edge is faster copy paste that one to be faster let's see who wins there but what it's going to do is it's going to switch it uh for us right which is really cool so that's number one way yeah it's timing out now it it'll work it's just because I have so much stuff going on on this computer with the ram that's why it's not working okay so what'll happen is it'll use that the second way to use this this tool come on now the second way to use this tool is for headlines right you can go through and say is DFT good for eczema I can take all these headlines put them into the tool get the headlines and say okay now make me one for X Y and Z uh Maddie says he just used the tool it works it does it works fantastically I think it's right now because we're literally uploading in you know 10,000 kilobytes per second or KB whatever uh which is why the ram it's it's got the RAM for the recording and everything like that and yes I always crash computers with ram um but yeah that's how you're going to do that and you could see it works I mean if you were just to take this here um you would see okay yes it does work boom there you go we're just using a big file okay so if you wanted to do this for headlines I could say um top 10 security cameras for home okay so if I wanted to go here and say okay I want to get a conglomeration of the titles right like this hopefully this doesn't time it out like that extract now it's going to give us all of the titles here and the cool thing is is we can extract it in Excel file um everything like that so it'll really help you get like a Content strategy uh which will work really good and again that's over at the profits scoop.com you just click on content profit extractor um and you're good to go so when looking at domains we want to look at okay how is it valued is it something with ranking is it a good value that I can sell a domain is it something that I can use uh true tuber says what is um what is the purpose of the tool the purpose of the tool is to get the content from a domain you're buying right so if you're going to buy a domain let's say you're going to get um the mattress one right you would go site colon mattress le.com if you spell it right mattress Le mattress is it two s's there we go um you're going to take the results like this and what it's going to do is it's going to give you hey this is all the pages that are indexed that you need to to build right so super simple bada bing bada boom there you go right very simple uh Roxy says all Spam sites got de-indexed not yet I I'm seeing that there are quite a few are they planning on it yes they are they are trying to plan on it uh but a lot of times you know like vshred reviews um let's see if we can have one that's not vred there's one I found the other day that was just total like garbage you know what I'm actually so it's because I have that pulse let's do site colon linkedin.com pulse and then put vshred this should show it so with this one here um you will see a lot of these are um parasite SEO and it looks like we're just pulling the wrong one here but um you can see if you do enough of the research you'll see them there uh what we're looking for is one that doesn't have the vred logo um vred reviews let's try like this because that's that's what's using the parasite one b r reviews um and you'll see that yes a lot of times are they all taken out is drift good for eczema are there spam sites on here there probably is um let's see here Reddit everything exema news direct so that would be an example of a site that is using um stuff like that so this would be an example is this spam debatable is it um AI maybe let's see AI detector we'll use copy leaks because they are the roughest and then we'll do a HRS to see what that domain ranks for and you can kind of see at a glance okay well what are these people doing what is Google not want so if we were to take that one there's Outlook India I showed you that one earlier um if we were to take this one here let's see if it has AI score and again this isn't definitive but it will give you an idea I got to tell that I'm a human to detect if this content's AI what a what an interesting world we live in so that's showing 100% AI content okay um news direct so this popped out of nowhere right around the time AI got popular it boomed to the top sunk to the bottom and then boomed to the top again so this one here 181,000 keywords um a lot of junk this in my opinion would be a Spam site and if we were to look at like a year ago 32,000 again this to me would be more or less search engine spam So eventually is this one going to get de-indexed well looks like it might have already started but it is it is making a little bit of a comeback as of like now so 18 181,000 is there any top rankings no now this this this is interesting Choice Home Warranty George Foreman does that really get 2.5 million searches a month my hunch is no I don't think so I don't think that many people are looking up George Foreman warranty it it could be but I don't think so um what we're looking at there let's do George Foreman yep see how it doesn't show up here it's interesting so I'm guessing that's a false positive which means does he really get that traffic probably not Google Sees these signals and they're like okay what's he going for Choice Home Warranty sales okay is that really working is it really good content okay well you did have a TV show so may or a TV ad so maybe and see so like Choice home.com that's a valuable domain right looking at that if we were to pick something up like that that's going to be a Zinger quality home select home okay good so Choice home let's do the word home in here and yes I have ADD that's what makes me very very effective at this stuff is going back and forth and saying okay what is it that's going on buy home Gadget um you know looking at this from all aspects of like okay what's working what's selling how do I make this work Black Pine home home inspect it maybe um Frugal Homemakers um Home Loans you know anything like that where we could say okay what's going on and that's what we want to do is is look at this stuff in a hole as a whole like okay what is going on how can I utilize this maybe there's stuff at GoDaddy for the word home okay maybe there's stuff that has rankings um let's see home theater.org okay home theater.org is that spelled correctly home the.org it's not a bad domain for 25 bucks right how many you guys are like oh okay that's not bad do I think I could probably sell that probably could is it am I going to pay 3,800 for it no but I do see like these home ones are going good so maybe on auction I'll get it for 25 bucks right does that make sense I guess the grill didn't work out yeah I never was a fan of the old George Forman girl is kind of like weird but at any rate some people like it I don't know um but when looking at this we have to see okay well what is it that is constituted as spam looking at Outlook India stuff like this you are going to see these sites like news Direct that's more or less you know um some some spam they are literally just going for words because they Rank and that's what they're doing and you can see here we will watch these ones that's one of the benefits of uh subscribing and smashing the like button is we're watching these for you this is all we do this is all my team does is look at this stuff all day every day and we could see here uh here's another one Outlook India now Outlook India is a weird one because it's more or less a press release one which press releases are a valid way to to get traffic however do we want to just use it for everything no and will it work for other stuff let's see SEO updates Google okay if I do SEO updates Google let's see top story search engine land Journal Journal okay let's see what else there is Journal round table I'm looking for here's EC consultancy practical here's DM news so what's DM news digital marketing news Okay um EC consultancy that's a firm see if there's anything like PR web stuff like that CMS wire that is probably a place where you can you can pay for a press release and then again you can look and see okay well what does the data say is working watch your data because if you can watch the data and get rankings on things that are legit with good content see here PR web tanked we were at uh they were at 154 now they're down to 45,000 what do they still have what do they not have anymore okay so homeschool something or other um more or less like weird longtail keywords not a whole lot of big things can you use the press release method still I believe yes you can you just need to use it different no no spam No Junk um if you were to look like a year ago 1 million okay there's that choice own War so here's let's let's dive in you guys want to see an example of like I could pretty much guarantee there's going to be spam on this keyword because that is the nature of it so there's his Choice Home Warranty there's news direct here's some advertising sites finance Yahoo cyber backpack Choice warranty Business Insider let's let's go and see what else we have here's something I don't know what that is Tech of business and then if you go down enough you will find it will start to get there's sack B so that is a press release website the Sacramento B um here's some media marketing interesting we'd want to see like is that a site that's about these types of things or is it kind of like all over the place well let's take a look okay he ranks for nothing that's interesting or that's Back Then There we go got to click the right button that does help right so we could see that he came out of nowhere and he is ranking for stuff and again this is all junk you guys see how spam is like wow this is just like there's no Rhyme or Reason it's just all over the place he's not providing really news or anything not a whole lot going on again that's my opinion I don't know if that's his intent but it looks like it's all over the place PR newswire okay here's one that is primarily um News and Press releases okay how's this looking okay he's still got 3.7 million so PR newswire would be a good place to put a press release and they do have different things like truest stock okay that's interesting that is a news type thing see how news here and there's a PR news invest your place and it is ranking there okay more mly fool this guy does it uh very good so this would be an example of a site that's kind of doing a decent job where they're like we're going for all these stock terms again when buying domains we have to look at this like that is good content and if you spend the time and make good content even if it's done with AI this is something that can work in a very very good way right to does this make sense to everyone are you guys getting like hey okay I see how this is working this makes sense okay smash a like button if it makes sense to you and and utilizing these things in conjunction where you're like okay what are the value of the domains can I use the domain to find niches can I build a domain to to be good with good content if I was to take over something like fool.com for mle fool I mean that would be one where I don't think I can afford that one but that would work really well can I buy a smaller one that's doing the same thing like mattress Le is mattress Le something where I could sell the name on its own if I wanted to yes are these things stuff that I can do in conjunction and when looking at this we want to look at the value of domains investment opportunities we want to look at established history the niche specific is it mattresses or is it like you know big L's cool site right what is it okay um re Arch look these up do the work do a good job when making content when doing research do a good job watch the data see what does good see what does bad if there's certain types of sites or certain types of keywords Argo the review keywords right when we go in and we look at keywords explore and we do reviews okay these are ones that are going to get hit why because Ai and junk content doesn't do good reviews flare Airline reviews Trip Advisor air quality Reddit YouTube um reddit reddit reddit Trip Advisor uh Red Flag deals okay interesting don't know what this is looks like a forum okay so we would want to do this here and see what he's got for the Forum and utilizing these tools you could use ahrs you could use semrush you could do free stuff so this one is more or less I'm seeing some some um parasite stuff here is it parasite maybe maybe not I mean it is a site that is showing deals and these are deals so is it parasite yes is it working yes okay so there's a trade-off there and again a lot of these things are not super defined so we need to go through and look at okay well what else is there maybe um let's do Jilla pillow reviews or you could do like a blatant ClickBank product again we're seeing YouTube for a lot now this is something interesting pay attention AI spammers and video spammers are taking over accounts and building them this is not an ethical practice it will not last long which is why they need so many this was a lyrics website which is probably some kind of a singer or whatever and now it's got this kind of content which again this is low value uh content so when looking at it okay this you see them all the time and a lot of times all they're doing is going for Junk content and if you go down enough you'll see where they have um like the lyrics stuff what it was originally for but again like nobody could put out a bunch of review videos every month unless they're doing some kind of uh a junk tactic and that is what we are seeing on these things okay don't do do it uh cor like do a good video how hard would it be to go buy the pillow and test it out or find products in your house and test them out if you want to do that um product review pillow specialist right and you'll see so interesting so this is it looks like it's like a yeah so this is a news site and they're using this so this would more or less be parasite typ stuff but is it good well that's debatable a little tip too if you want to see different reviews people are doing look at the Domain they linking to and search that and you could find all kinds of stuff there's Outlook India again here's LinkedIn okay customer so this is an example customer reviews of whatever Dilla pillow is this an actual review if you're looking for this there's many things to consider what is it click here to buy specs feature this is not a review this is not if I wanted to know hey I slept on this thing for a month did it help I'm not going to get that they're regurgitating reviews right so that's junk um and there you go now watch let's see what this looks like in LinkedIn so again and hopefully you guys are liking this I think you're getting a little insight into the way that I think about things if you find it helpful let me know um these aren't the easiest types of trainings to do because I got a lot going on here but if you like it let me know so here customer reviews of L let's do site colon linkedin.com and then in quotes customer reviews of okay so um let's see customer reviews of customer reviews of portable hair and you're going to see okay this is this is the example of lowquality non-review stuff they are utilizing and exploiting Linkedin and not providing value why because they're not like dude if you're going to use this like seriously you got 5600 searches a month locally 10,000 globally get the darn pillow and review it right like it's not that hard to do and you can talk about things people said then you can make a video right very cool um and you're going to see same kind of thing they're doing this with literally everything um customer views of Life heater fire blanket or whatever and I mean literally you could use this and say okay instead of buying some $10,000 Guru course that tells me to go get other people to buy his $110,000 Guru course take your 10 grand or your grand or whatever put it towards products go review them in in a legit way and maybe you could go through and say well you know maybe I could pair this with maybe there's like a pillow site okay uh let's see maybe I could go through so pillow toss pillow and cushion my Swan pillow beauty sleep pillow pillow for me.com that that's cool name right I like that does it have backlinks no but can I build it up yeah probably would it have been worth money if the auction wasn't over yet see we can't pay attention to those it was over yesterday um but yeah if I was to buy that one one let's see 1 12200 pillow plus yeah that's probably a decent bet I think I'd probably do okay with something like that again that's looking at an auction one maybe I could go all and do pillow and see what comes up get rid of the F there there we go um and then we can see okay um what is there that I can use that's not taken um wrinkle-free [Music] pillow pillow scarf um all kinds of different stuff like that and we can go through and watch our auctions watch our domains and that's how we do this in a real world way because Google does like reviews but they want them from real stuff and if you're actually reviewing something I mean you can go on Reddit that's what they do and you say oh hey you know here's the link or whatever if they allow linking um stuff like that what we're looking to get away from is just exploiting the stuff because like here you know you got exploiters uh Outlook India is exploiting it Valley record here's another uh news one does it do the job nuances I'm not seeing reviews no there's no reviews so Google's going to signal that and be like well you know they're looking for reviews there's no reviews it's junk uh Mr DC says it's not worth trying to get ranked SEO wise uh for which which one uh okay you had a question before are there local let's take some questions I I'll put the questions over on this screen and we'll go another 20 or 30 minutes or so if you guys are digging this I'll keep going okay so um let's see we got are there local deals local directories not worth doing I have a bunch from really major cities are they more of a you have to hoof it and get people to pay you to be listed local stuff is going to be difficult however local domains will have power locally so if I was going to do San Diego if I can find a San Diego real estate site use it to talk about San Diego real estate then that would work here's San Diego bullion exchange I think that's like for for uh whatever obviously be be careful of um other stuff let's see here Revival says you're the man of marketing people don't give as much info as you give in 10 videos I try and I actually feel like this one's all over the place I'm trying to rein it in but you know uh so bullon exchange so this is all about bullon places so this could work um you do a directory type thing again I would look at the back links and see if they make sense or smart recovery San Diego if smart recovery was not a trademark and I think it is this could be a good one to get if you had like a Recovery Center in San Diego you wanted to build up now with this I don't know if the uh rankings are are are on point so I mean you'd have to look and see okay did they rank for anything was it ranking for anything recently stuff like that which it's being too slow um but you can go through and do these San Diego Temple weddings um and you can you can go that route are these going like am I going to be able to sell this San Diego bullion exchange that's going to be a tough one like I don't think so um is it worth 6 yeah it's probably worth 68 bucks it's probably dead accurate right there um yeah although San Diego Diamond Exchange went for 1300 so again look at the data don't even listen to me look at the data um is it that might have been a a diamond in the rough no pun intended it's say di come on the jokes are free but it might be um a good one you can use so exchange okay so current currency exchange so exchange is worth a lot of money let's uh let's go over here see if there's anything for exchange let's see yeah so there might be some good things here you can use but again watching these and looking at looking at this objectively of what can I do how can I provide good content how can I build something up like the miracle baby one I mean that one there I think if I remember correctly I think I paid 800 for it um which is the domain itself worth $800 I don't think so I don't think the name as itself is worth that I mean maybe maybe to the right buyer if I sat on it long enough but again sitting on domains is not cash flow it's a quick way to go broke um I need to keep these moving if I'm going to if I'm going to do this properly so could I sell it for 800 probably probably eventually uh let's see what this says 3400 but what I'm after is it ranked for a bunch of stuff so if I can do good content on the stuff that got 20,000 rankings I can do pretty good another little tip is to go to pages over here and you can see how many pages ranked in the Heyday 567 so I would need 567 pages of content on this to hit all of those words is that doable yeah I mean if you did you know five a day and you focused on the intent and did good stuff that can work okay if you go out there and go to those ones where you get a thousand AI articles for 50 bucks that's going to be spam that's junk okay but can I do a good job yeah I can um is this traffic I want can you give baby bottle in car seat I probably don't want that like the type of person who would ask that question probably isn't going to buy the stuff that I'm going to sell as an affiliate can you put whatever water in the yeah I mean these are weird questions um how long should babies wear mittens okay maybe best shoes okay I can sell some shoes detergent I can sell detergent and eczema stuff um so you know looking at this as as what I can do how I can help and how I can do this uh commercially how can I go through and look at these domains in a real world way spam Zilla also shows you a Spam score uh which I mean I'm probably going to pay attention to the current rankings rather than the spam score um because that's going to tell me more about my uh domain so looking at domains looking at how this is going to work again domains are not the Holy Grail they do give you a head start when used correctly looking at the Google spam stuff um watch what's going to happen because there is I mean I don't know if you guys noticed it but Google does have a bunch of spam stuff right um another thing that was mentioned about domains which was interesting it says the update will also tackle expired domain abuse well what is it well they go on to say intends to mislead consumers that new content is part of an older site watch the con house example um and they're using the domains to boost lowquality content and spam so this idea of low quality content and spam is one that we need to watch out for and say hey are we doing low quality are we doing spam a lot of people want to you know hey more the marrier okay maybe sometimes the more the marrier has been good in the past is that going to be in the future probably not if I was to get real and look at my career over 25 years 25 years ago what would I tell myself build something of value and do it over and over and don't stop build something big something of value start with little words do really good value on things that you can rank for make $10 a day $50 a day move to the next one build it over time focus on one maybe three sites maximum maybe five or 10 if you're like doing this all day every day like me focus on stuff and build it up and make good cont content when you create good content whether it's with AI whether it's on your own repurpose the content flags that Google and other search engines are going to look for is is this guy on Pinterest does he have some good stuff does he have this does he have that and that are the those are the flags we're going to look at uh West web page says I have a domain that I used to use for taichi lessons it has a higher appraisal value I'd like to turn it into an affiliate Niche site how would you approach it well it's going to depend on the domain like I'd go through and say okay well what do I want to build this on much like the mattress one even though it has some power in rankings I'm after it as a whole if I can do a good job on a mattress site there are mattress review sites out there that are making a fortune I'm talking like 100,000 a month or more um and you if you were to look at it like New York Times there's an example Good Housekeeping CNET there's Reddit US News see how it's all the news stuff why would news show up for reviews I don't know sleepopolis is this a mattress site it looks like it's a mattress review site interesting so this guy is doing mattress reviews I don't know the quality of his content I haven't checked it but he's got like what 800 Grand a month worth of free traffic coming from Google and it's gone up and this guy has done the test of time over time this is what happens ladies and gentlemen hear this and hear it good because here's what happens people build stuff up like this and in May of 17 he was like dude I'm rich I'm kicking butt and then the content hit happens and they're like down here and they're like bro where did my traffic go dude what's happening apparently he's from California and he says dude bro as much as I do and then they ditch their domain probably not a domain making 150 or 500,000 a month in free traffic but the smaller ones they're going to ditch them they're going to get rid of them here's another one oh my gosh I'm doing so good boom he got hit like two-thirds of his traffic gone overnight and what's going to happen mark my words I've been doing this for 25 years people with good SES aren't going to know how to recover you can make money helping them recover and also buying domains at auction and and building them up and we start to look at this and say okay over time if he was to go through if I was to take mattress Le and build it over time can I build it into this yeah it's going to take a lot of work but I can do it it is doable right and you can see what do they rank for what can I do how can I make it happen um go to his keywords look at what's going on okay uh California King best mattress purple review stuff like that right and there you go and the cool thing about this too is talk to your accountant but if you're doing this as a business you can easily write off the stuff that you get to to test out which is great um so sleepopolis is a good one and then you can go through and look at the comparative sites uh one of the best places to do comparative research is semrush their tool is unlike any other for comparative which is why I pay for a million tools but you don't have to you can do this with free stuff as as well um see and his Peak there then it dropped looking good um let's do comparative so we got sleep Foundation Casper sleepopolis mattress Clarity okay so that's probably a review site so mattress clarity.com best mat so this is a review site okay we'll watch these over the over the up and coming time because is it value yeah I mean he doing some good stuff right um and there we go it's paying off in Spades now did he have a dip yeah let's take a look at this in ahfs it's a little bit closer and again see how Reddit this is when the last Google update went boom Reddit sword to the top why because they're like well humans are talking on Reddit so I'm guessing that's the thing now this guy he had a drop but all in all Peaks and valleys overall he's probably made more money than he ever thought possible with his review site um and you look at that and say okay is this going to get decimated well it's going to depend on the quality um and there you go right that's how this works so this is the kind of thing where you know you can go through and say well can I get a head start with a mattress domain um again not with the intent of putting spam on it with the intent of hey you know I could start off with something that that worked like if you were to buy a restaurant that already had traffic hey they already do this I'm going to buy the restaurant I get the name you're going to do better than if you started your own restaurant um and if you bought the restaurant at a fraction it's like this if you were to go back to 2020 2021 and you bought a restaurant that caved and you were able to build it back up or even just sell it boom you'd be making there's a lot of people who made a lot of money doing that I mean insane amounts and we're doing the same thing only domains don't cost as much as um um businesses and oftentimes people don't know what to do to traffic right so now you can see okay uh Sin City mattress okay I could probably sell that to some mattress company trendy mattresses okay that's got some some kind of perk in there and when you look at this I think doing domains and looking at this as a serious business and providing good content right learning how to use AI the right way is going to be key right and see how a lot of these are about mattress stuff which is good that's going to give it a little bit of a boost is it going to be game over I win no can I sell a few mattresses probably um and then there we go right so rank.com is where I have a link to the domain class we're going to have if you like this and you want to see me do this for like eight hours we're going to have two calls um and we're going to give you a bonus the bonus call with rank rank mend which is our domain class you just go over here there's two options you can get uh one is a basic domain okay the 197 the big one is with a Primo domain okay so we'll give you a domain that you can start off with you get to pick so I'm going to put a list first come first serve you go to the list bada bing there you go um you can pick domains there's some zingers in there I'll tell you I got some good ones in there um and you can go through and en join the class either way you get the class and we're going to give you a bonus class which is um a pre or SQL another one of a training I did where I taught my outsourcers how to make AI content we're going to redo that we're going to let you listen in and we'll get you the recordings of everything and walk you through this so if you're looking at this and you're like Marcus yes I do see the opportunity here I see what's going on um again I think it's a very fairly priced course we're going to give you some tools to to help work it um I think you guys will really get a lot of good value out of it that is at rank men.com again you can check out our other stuff High tick niches blog profit Network and as always the notes from this video are going to be at download myy notes.com but definitely I urge you uh rank men's going to be really good how many high quality posts do you think is ideal per day depends on quality when the quality suffers dial it back right dial it back very important all right so I hope you guys enjoyed this smash a like button if you did follow the rules listen to what Google says about um what is spam what is not we don't want to spam we don't want to do junk if your site gets hit think of a way to bounce back there are always ways to bounce back even the con house domain that is pretty much trashed can eventually bounce back there are ways to do this and we are business people right whatever happens we go where we can to get the traffic to get the eyeballs to get the business whether it's you know making good videos good content right maybe I can do uh content on Pinterest and Lead back maybe I can do this or that and using AI I want you to treat AI like an employee right how does this how is this going to help me not just do it for me and make me Rich how am I going to guide this to get the goal of good unique content not junk it's a review make it a review review the thing if it's a um list make a good list if it's content about this make it about that Watch What Happens and if your sites do get um hit with any ranking wait it out don't freak out the people who freak out that's that's the ones we're going to buy the domains from right that's that's the opportunity here so looking at this and understanding how to do it is key um and noticing that hey this is a this is a trillion dollar um ecosystem at stake here we need to treat it right we need to do good stuff and focus on things that are going to help us that are going to help others always focus on user intent what they want and giving good stuff smash that like button thanks for being here H over to rank men.com if you want to learn everything I know about domains buying selling and how I've done that and let's make money online together thanks