it's the end of the year and it's time for me to get my business and life together 2023 was not my best year and I'm really looking forward to creating something better in 2024 so if you can relate and you are ready for an incredible next year keep watching cuz I have some simple things you can do that will have you going into the new year feeling renewed refreshed and ready to go so I have three different categories that we're going to go through together number one is to do things that make you feel better personally so this could be something like taking a day to catch up on sleep this could be inviting your BFF over for a spa night and doing face masks and all the things so just take a moment and really tune in to what you need right now and what would just make you feel better on a personal level for me this men getting a haircut cuz it had somehow been ages getting my nails done getting my eyebrows done just things like that that would have me feel more put together and more like myself so whatever that self-care thing is that you need right now take the time go and do it you're going to feel so much better after step number two is to make your environment feel better so for me that meant doing a deep clean of my house sorting through my closet decluttering and donating a bunch of items I felt so much better after doing this and then you could consider purchasing some small items that just elevate your space for example some fresh flowers maybe some new candles a new throw pillow and because this is about business and life don't forget about your workpace so for me I rearranged some furniture I got some fresh sunflowers bought a new plant uh that's more like a tree actually okay got a tree and I upgraded my space so that I'm now using a stand for my laptop got a magic keyboard and trackpad so that I could have better posture while I work some other ideas include hanging up new artwork or photos and then switching up your lighting to create a warmer welcoming space but the overall point here is that your environment really impacts your well-being and productivity so take the time to create an environment that makes you feel good step number three is prep your business for success I would start with grabbing your phone and decluttering so this can be things like going through your camera roll and deleting duplicates or any photos that you no longer need going through your apps deleting any that you're not using as you're doing this I would also be looking for clips that you could reuse in content so what I do is I create a album on my phone for b-roll so basically any clip that could be used as background footage for a real or Tik Tok this is so handy and saves me so much time so any clip that you have of you working behind the scenes even just scenery you walking down the street whatever drinking your coffee that can all go into your b roll album okay so you're going to go through and declutter your phone after that you're going to turn to your computer and declutter that as well so if your desktop is a hot mess right now go ahead and organize those files it's going to feel so good to do this there's a ton of things you can do here to declutter for example you could clean out your project management system you can get rid of old overdue tasks that you're not going to do that's fine you can clean your inbox or you can just accept defeat and you can archive all of them that are in there and start fresh that's totally fine too I actually have a full checklist for you that includes tons of ways for you to declutter and prep your business for success in 2024 so click the link in the description below to get that it's totally free and finally take the time to grab a notebook or journal and reflect on 2023 so what are the biggest lessons for you what were the biggest wins your biggest challenges and what are you really hoping to create in 2024 so while it's fresh in your mind do a proper review I also recommend opening up your accounting software really looking at your numbers and seeing what lessons you can pull from that all right so that's how to get your business and life together before 2024 in my next video I'm going to share with you how to create the best year yet so if you haven't subscribed yet make sure to do so thank you so much for watching and I'll see you real soon with that [Music] video
Get Your Business & Life Together Before 2024