Get Paid To Copy And Paste Links – EASY Affiliate Marketing!

how to get free money just for sharing links online yes ladies and gentlemen today is the day of Black Friday where affiliate marketers will make as much as $2.7 billion that's right affiliate marketing accounts for almost 18% of all online business meaning people like me and you are getting paid every single day and in this video I'm going to show you exactly how and we're going to dispel the myths that affiliate marketing is hard because after doing this business for over 25 years affiliate marketing is super easy so if you've ever bought anything online or shared a link with a friend you could be making money right now in fact if we take a look at how affiliate marketing works you could see that the affiliate marketing industry is worth over $17 billion a year and it's expected to grow to almost $28 billion a year by 2027 so yeah there's a lot of money here and that could be going straight into your pocket and you don't even have to get traffic from Google or paid traffic or any of that fancy stuff in fact here's a screenshot of an image where they simply shared a product link on Facebook and got paid and this kind of thing is happening each and every day and the question is why aren't you doing this and making money and if you're like many people it's probably just cuz you didn't know how so today I'm going to show you exactly how affiliate marketing works first of all we need to understand that this is a performance-based marketing so what you have over here is different businesses you might have a business like Amazon or Walmart or whatever it is and they want to get sales and instead of going out there and running more TV ads or banner ads or whatever it is what they do is they find an affiliate marketer the affiliate marketer is responsible for sharing a link yes ladies and gentlemen that's all you need to do is share a link when someone clicks it and buys something you get paid and what the performance part means is that you are paid when a sale occurs now affiliate marketing isn't just limited to sales in my other videos I talk about how to get paid per click per download when people fill out a form call a phone number yes there's lots of ways to be paid with affiliate marketing but in this example the most basic one you are getting paid per sale so let's say I talk about this microphone here which is an Elgato S3 wave microphone we have many of them here in the office they are great microphones if I was to go share my experience to other bloggers other podcasters and people that need microphones well I can link to Amazon and get paid so let's say they're paying 5% on this microphone what that would mean is the microphone is about $150 so if I get someone to click my Amazon affiliate link then buy the product at Amazon for $150 that would mean I am going to get about $7.50 which might not seem like a lot but after all all I'm doing is sharing a link and since the internet is huge let's say I was to get maybe 20 people a day to buy this microphone well that would equal $150 a day or roughly $5,000 each and every month for promoting one link for a product they're probably going to buy anyway is this starting to make sense good let's continue on in affiliate marketing you have three parties you have the merchant which would be Amazon Walmart or whatever it is then you have the affiliate that's you and me and then you have the consumer who is the person buying the product all you need to do is be the middleman between Amazon and the consumer and you can do this in lots of ways you can review products you can make YouTube videos you can share things on Pinterest and Link back to your affiliate link I mean what if you had an entire Pinterest account dedicated to streamer products microphones cameras whatever live streamers use or maybe you talk about gardening products or weight loss m yoga pants yeah it goes on and on and on and the amount of money at stake here is nothing short of amazing and there's people out there that are making a few hundred a month and some people that are making as much as a million a month or more yes ladies and gentlemen I said million with an M now to date my record is about $150,000 but that was as a oneman shop with no employees so yeah this adds up super quick and the reason I'm making this video on Black Friday is because you can actually go out there and look at exactly what's going on in the affiliate marketing world go to YouTube Type in Black Friday sales you're going to see tons of affiliate marketers making money right now not tomorrow not next week right now this is happening live you're going to see people on Facebook sharing links to their favorite products Christmas list different stores and all of them are making money right now you're going to see people using press releases like these companies right here getting traffic literally within minutes and all they're doing is linking back to products and services through their affiliate link when people buy they get paid and the reason this works so well on Black Friday is you have a peak amount of traffic on Black Friday people are looking to buy so they're clicking links checking prices looking at reviews and more importantly making purchases that's right on Black Friday your typical 1 to 3% conversion rate is going to Skyrocket and hover around 5 to 10% meaning more money for the Affiliates that's also going to increase in the earnings per click which means how much you're going to make for every person who clicks on your link affiliate marketing is nothing more than a numbers game when you look at the EPC this is known as the earnings per click if I send 1,000 people to my affiliate link and make $100 that is an EPC of 10 cents meaning I can get 10 cents for everyone I send to that link if I send a th000 people I make a 100 bucks bucks if I send $10,000 I make $11,000 and depending on the product this can vary quite a bit the biggest I've ever seen is about $18 EPC meaning I was getting $18 for every person who clicked on my affiliate link and I don't care who you are that adds up super quick imagine just getting a 100 people to click that link a day that's $1,800 for simply sharing links online now remember the results are not typical implied or guaranteed I've only hit $18 a click on one promotion and the vast majority of people trying to make money online make nothing but I want you to get the magnitude of the fact that we're just sharing links online if you can copy a link and share it you can get paid and there's three reasons affiliate marketing is so attractive number one there's a low barrier of Entry you could get started right now for free now I would highly recommend getting a website because that's going to make your earnings Skyrocket but if you can't afford the $90 a year it cost to have websites then you can get started with a simple affiliate link you can actually go out there and do what's called direct linking direct linking is where I am going to get my Amazon affiliate link and I'm going to post that on a YouTube video a Facebook group in my Pinterest bio Instagram or whatever it is you are simply taking that affiliate link driving them right to the page to order the product and bada bing bada bang when they buy you get paid it's super super easy the next way you can do this is with what's called a landing page a landing page is going to help you make money by pre-selling the offer this is where you could have people on a video a podcast or whatever it is and you tell them to go to a website using a landing page allows you to Market in a less direct way on Black Friday it's easy to share links cuz people are buying but what about people that are looking up love poems yeah how do you make money with that well you could quite simply have a landing page that shares different love poems and then have a link that says buy flowers for your girlfriend here and when they buy flowers you get paid but if you went out there and told people hey go buy flowers yeah not that many people are going to click so we need a little bit of value on our landing page that is going to show them how to write a love poem or whatever it is they're doing or maybe we can have a landing page that says click the link in the description for all the tools that I use to record live video and on that landing page I can have link to the microphone the camera the software laptops and pretty much everything I use and having those links is going to give people options which is going to make me more money now you could do this the basic way where a lot of people just include all the links in the video or the Pinterest or whatever it is but I find that you get a lot higher amount of clicks when you tell people audibly in your video to go to the link and where the link is the third way to go about this is to have a fullblown website or blog this is a place where you could have all your articles and content your links and your affiliate links that get you paid what this is going to do is it's going to get you traffic over and over and over again you're going to train people to go to your blog your blog will be seen in Google which will get you more traffic and make you more money and using a website is going to help you build recurring Revenue because now people are going to go back to your website check out your stuff and eventually buy something so you get paid this really helps because some of the affiliate programs have what's known as is a 24-hour cookie which means if I have someone click on my Amazon link and they buy in 26 hours I'm not going to make anything so it definitely helps to have a Blog where they can keep coming back over and over and over again another thing you can do is you could actually run a mailing list where let's say you're talking to them about a different category maybe you're talking to them about how to be romantic and you go out there and you have a mailing list where you can send them emails over and over let's say day number one you say here's an email about how to write a love poem here's another email about how to do a romantic date and overall what you're doing is getting them back to your website clicking on your affiliate links more often which gets them cookied again which helps you make a lot more money and using affiliate marketing is the easiest way to make money online ever you can scale your income super fast by creating content of value you can use AI to help you build website and write product reviews in the whole nine yards this industry is super profitable and of course it's a win-win model meaning the merchant wins the consumer wins and I as the affiliate win because I'm putting money in my pocket every day and the flexibility of this business is crazy you can do this wherever you're at with zero money to start and you can promote whatever you want let's say you have a vacuum that you love like the Shark vacuum or Dyson vacuum we could see here that almost 7,000 people a month are looking up the Shark vacuum on Google 5,000 looking up the Dyson vacuum 2600 looking up car vacuum yeah I mean you could literally go to Amazon look up a car vacuum and make videos on Tik Tok showing how it cleans your car I mean does it get any easier than this and the cool part about this is it's not just about Black Friday well Black Friday does drive a lot of sales and you can make money for sharing links right now many Affiliates are making money year round and tons of companies are getting in on the action you have companies like Amazon paying as much as 20% commission eBay 4% Walmart Target Best Buy Macy's and more you could literally sell any product in any category share a link and get paid and if you're excited about this business smash a like button and check out the links in the description that go into detail on how to make money with affiliate marketing and if you want notes including the affiliate links the top niches top products to promote and everything you need to get started you can get my notes over at download myn thanks again for watching check out the the videos in the description and let's make money online together

As found on YouTube


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