Free Traffic + Two Page Website = $40K A Month!

what if you could make as much as $1,400 a day or more with a simple little two-page website yeah it sounds unbelievable I know and I probably wouldn't believe it if I didn't actually live it myself and build these little websites to make tons of money and in today's live stream I'm going to show you exactly how these two-page websites rake it in big time but first you need to understand something there is a world out there where people are building little two-page websites and getting paid the same exact day that's right we're not waiting around for Google Traffic we don't have to spend a bunch of money you don't have to create a bunch of blog posts and hope they get ranked I'm talking something super simple set it up and make money the same day and I'm sure by now now your BS detectors are going off like crazy but humor me watch this entire live training ask questions post some comments because what you're about to see is making ordinary people like you and me tons of money every single day and these are actually pretty simple to make in fact one of these simple little two-page websites I set up one morning before my coffee got cold and by the end of the day it made over $130 in profit another one I set up again in less than an hour generated over $1600 in Revenue the same exact day and if you're wondering where the proof is don't worry we'll get to that in just a minute in fact the website I just mentioned that did over $1,600 the first day I actually built it live on a webinar one Saturday morning and refreshed the page as I was making money live yep that's right everything documented 100% proven and this is the same thing I've been doing for many years where I set up these simple little two-page websites and get paid and it's actually a lot easier than you might think but first I need you to understand that this world actually exists a world where people set up simple little websites and make money with affiliate marketing digital products Pinterest traffic simple web traffic and the key is understanding what makes these Pages work because I'm sure you've heard a lot of other gurus talk about how you need a big website with SEO and rankings and Google or a huge following in order to make money but that simply isn't true because there are people every day making millions of dollars with simple little one to two page websites I guarantee you've seen them but you probably never heard about how they're making money that's all about to change right here right now so so smash a like button and let's hop over to the live set and I'm going to walk you through this step by step we're going to show you how this works why it works how to get traffic and ultimately how to set up these websites so that you can get paid all right ladies and gentlemen welcome to the show today what we're going to do is we're going to show you exactly how to make simple little two-page websites that make lots of money this is something I've been doing for a long time it works like crazy it has nothing to do with making make money videos a lot of the niches that I used were various different niches from anything from recipes to different As Seen On TV products to service businesses lead businesses um couple of them for mortgages and different things like that and what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you a very straightforward very simple system now you can use this with free traffic you can use it with paid traffic we're going to show you both at the end of this video you will walk away having a new skill that you can learn and or that you have learned and you can go make money with there is no course to sell here obviously if you want to join something later you can but only after you see that yes this is something you can actually go and do from the get-go right now starting today with no other training it's actually very simple if you like that smash the like button that is your payment for today's training a simple click of a button which by the way I have made millions of dollars with simple clicks of the button we'll talk about that in just a minute now let's go through and talk about how to make insanely profitable two page websites what are we doing here how are we looking at this how does it work how many of you guys when you first saw this you were like okay two-page website how you going to make money with that don't you need an Authority website don't you need to have a bunch of Google rankings I mean come on Marcus what are you trying to pull here well I think that a lot of times when people talk about how to make money online they're telling you an over complicated method whereas what we need is something very simple I mean imagine for a minute that you could go out there and generate Pinterest pins in a niche get a ton of free traffic and drive them to a one or two page website and make a fortune sometimes $1,400 a day or more now before we get into this obviously the results are not typical implied or guaranteed the average person watching this video and the average person on the internet trying to make money makes nothing and will make nothing and will forever struggle and if you need an example of that I have a comment from yesterday we'll go over if I can find it kind of an interesting one but anyway we're going to go through we're going to look at what it takes to make $1,400 a day so right on the get-go of this video I want to address the $1,400 claim this comes from a website I had a couple years ago that worked really really well I've had several since this is just the example we're going to go over because it has a lot of different pieces that I think will help you understand this now in order to make $1,00 a day we need to understand what that looks like okay if we break that into 10 that's going to be 140 break that into half of that which would be about 70 I think we're looking at what would that be $2,400 a day would be roughly $100 an hour so this one we're looking at I think if my math is correct roughly around $70 an hour so the question is in the entire internet is there a way for you to make $70 an hour all day every day 24 hours a day and I think it's actually I think that's a little high it's probably closer to 60 now looking at this and understanding okay all I need to do is make $60 an hour all day every day what am I going to do to generate roughly $1 a minute from my website how do I generate $1 per minute this is a lot easier than going for this goal because now we have something lined up that we can actually use now we have something we can focus on so if we were to go out there and say okay well I need to make a dollar an hour all day every day there's 1,00 4 minutes in a day that is roughly a do an hour or like 97 or something like that so when going through here we need to say what is it we are going to do first thing we need to do is we need to look at the offers that are going to pay us how are we going to get paid well the way we're going to get paid is we are going to use affiliate offers we're going to use our own products different things like that so obviously if we were to take a look at this and say okay well if I wanted to make my $1,400 a day all right let's let's get the exact math here we'll do 1 1400 over 24 so 58 bucks I was pretty close there right so $58 an hour all day every day okay now in order to do this we need to take a look at what the offers look like what the offers are going to pay us if I had an offer where I was selling a book or a course or a uh downloadable or a software or something like that and I got paid $24 for that I would need two signups per hour if it was $58 payout I would need one sign up per hour very simple if it was something like this bumper vehicle history lookup $28 there I would need two per hour roughly a little bit more than two okay so if we were to focus on something like this where we say Okay vehicle history report vehicle history report and we say $28 per lead what are the odds I could get two leads per hour out of the entire internet this is this is the mindset stuff a lot of other people they're going to talk about lav attraction they're going to talk about happy thoughts and all this Kumbaya stuff that has nothing to do with making money except it makes them Rich because you buy their Kumbaya course that has nothing to do with this you can do lav attraction you can have Kumbaya all you want that's fine that's good that is separate from making money this is the mindset you need are you ready how many of you guys are ready for it type mindset in the box if you're like give me the mind mindset that actually works I've tried attracting stuff the money isn't attracted to me maybe whatever reason or whatever it is and you want the real deal mindset right here right now that will change everything forever once you get it okay here's a mindset smash a like button if you're excited about this the mindset is there's literally billions of people online right now the other mindset is of those billions of people we'll put like to the billionth power all right that's what that means there that's a fancy math stuff all right I didn't go to that school but we're going to we're going to use that there okay so there's billions of people online right now there's also platforms where you can get in front of them free or dirt cheap dirt cheap okay back in the old days you had to go and be like I'm going to run an ad on I Love Lucy episode 57 it's going to cost me $100,000 back in those days which was a lot and that's how you had to advertise now you could literally go dance on Tik Tok and get traffic like it's a fact you could go do that you could literally go to Instagram you could literally go to Pinterest and put images up if dancing isn't your Forte for me I like to dance but I don't think anyone likes to watch me dance cuz I dance like a weirdo but at any rate we're looking at this and we start to understand wait a minute so here's the mindset the mindset is is there's billions of people online they're there right now whether you like it or not whether you want to make money or not whether you think making money is legit or not whatever you think is irrelevant doesn't matter because they're still there why do you think Tik Tok is worth according to Trump like a trillion dollars why why would people dancing and doing funny stuff be worth a trillion dollars I mean that's bigger than some actually most small countries economies and yet here's this app that literally exists only on the internet and it's worth a trillion dollars how many of you guys are starting to get it and you're like okay there's people so I can get in front of people that's all it's about so let me ask you a question if Tik Tok is worth a trillion dollars and Facebook is worth a quintilian or whatever these numbers are what are the odds that in the entire internet you could go out there and make something that makes you $58 an hour all day every day I mean if you were to go to Jeff Bezos you were to go to Elon Musk you were to go to Facebook you were to go to people who own bite dance and you said I want to make $58 they'd be like well while you were walking in here telling me that we made like a million right like some of these people are making a million dollars in in a matter of minutes so to make $58 a day or $58 an hour 24 hours a day doesn't seem that far-fetched how many of you guys are like oh okay that makes sense what you've been doing is you've been comparing to what you're used to getting right what you're used to getting okay what are you used to getting and yes it is $1 per minute is what you would need to get for 1440 per day there's 1440 minutes in a day okay so what you've been doing is you've been saying well I go to work and I make $50,000 a year therefore making $50,000 a year is hard yet we're going to go through some pages this page right here makes more than you've made in a year for most people this page right here same thing and we're going to go through these I've had web pages that have made more in a week than most people make in a year and starting to look at this and say wait a minute how does that work it works because your field of knowledge your field of knowledge is currently what you see go to work get 50k I need 50k to live I need 100K to live this is what I need this is what we call float level knowledge it's enough to get by that's what you're taught in school here's how to make enough to get by they don't teach you how to get insanely Rich at school I I would have taken that class and that's the only class I would have taken but they don't teach you that what they teach you is how to work within your field of knowledge and look at this stuff and then you hear someone say hey I can make $1400 a day with a two-page website and you go oh that doesn't work that can't possibly work because I've been taught $50,000 a year is difficult and you're telling me you're going to make that in like a month with a onepage website Marcus what are you trying to pull here that's why people don't believe it that's the mindset you need so the first thing you need to do is say yes there are people out there making money a lot of money with very simple things so let's talk about some of those simple things and how they work so first of all what we need to do is we need to figure out how we're going to get paid if you're going to make money online and you see an opportunity let's say you go over to the warrior plus and you're like I want to buy some fancy software because they literally come out with one every five seconds and you're like oh it's not about SEO it's not about this it's not about that but they don't tell you how you're going to get paid they just tell you somehow you're going to get money right or maybe you go to this other thing and it's like hey we're going to get rich but they don't tell you how you're going to make money first thing you need to do is you need to understand how you're going to get paid if you don't understand it don't set up a website don't buy the product don't do anything don't pass go wait till you figure out how you're going to get your $200 before you start so if I go here to somewhere like Max Bounty and I look at some of the affiliate offers they have this is the affiliate offer this over here is the rate or the amount I'm paid and this over here is the network wide EPC or earnings per click pay attention to this number e PC we're going to talk about the EPC and the E EPC all right the earnings per click and the effective earnings per click these are two numbers if you don't understand them that's probably why you're not making money online I understand them I eat breathe and sleep them when people ask me how much does this page make x amount per click I know I'm paid to know that's what this is about so now this is a rule of thumb this means of all the people on Max bounty who promote the AutoNation offer the average is 38 cents per click or a conversion rate of I think that's a th000 or 100 I'd have to do the math but you know let's let's do it over here just so we could get the math be correct my math brain is not working properly today so 33 70 over 38 equals let's see did we do that right over 38 38 yeah I think it's so roughly roughly uh I think 1% conversion something like that I don't know why my brain's not working that way but at any rate we got to know these things and we got to understand them here's one that's 45% EPC now you might be looking at this and say well Marcus wait a minute this offer pays more why is the EPC on this one more I mean you would think if you got $33 per sale or $33 conversion isn't High ticket affiliate marketing the way to go well some gurus would have you say that basically when a guru says you need to do high ticket affiliate marketing get ready because they're going to charge you a lot for their course it's like when they say you need to invest in yourself but that's like code word for buy my product no that's not investing in myself that's that's buying your product okay can I invest in myself to learn yeah but those are two different things so starting to understand this and say Yes $33 but it gives you less EPC this gives you more EPC in the same niche we need to understand these things we need to understand why it's not always the highest money that will get you the most money okay very important the most money I ever made on a onepage website was getting an offer that paid me a125 right you think a125 what are you going to do with that well I'm going to do it all day every day every minute of every day and that's what I did and again looking at this and understanding how much traffic is out there is absolutely key because we need to say this is where the traffic is here's how we're going to make the money so looking at these we can see the different things Automotive you have uh door Dash driver acquisition you have remote jobs here's a $3 trial so they pay three bucks I get nine pretty good although the EPC is pretty low on that one targeted career job search okay there we go uh 350 per lead what does that mean that means I'm paid when they fill out a form don't even need to get them to buy anything all right here's some others for bizop which is business opportunity a lot of the are per lead meaning all I have to do is get them to fill out a form to get some retirement report or something like that or get paid working from home or whatever it is don't even have to sell anything again think about this if you had something like how many of you guys are ready to dive into this and be like oh I get it that's pretty cool Marcus thank you I don't even need a course but I'd like to work with you so I might buy something later and you look at this and you're like if you could teach me this so clear that it makes sense then I'll do it all right smash a like button if you're excited about this let's say we have something like let's say s hustle retire with freedom I think there is one about jobs oh here we go targeted career job search so this is a paper lead program $33.50 per lead if we go over to offervault and search for this let's do like this I think we need to go offers let me just do this over here because sometimes the offeral offers are a little on the risky side died so we'll go ahead and do this over here just to make sure everything is Fancy free all right so targeted career job search should have this in here somewhere am I why am I not getting this offer name targeted career maybe a space let's do job search job search job search okay so I have some job search ones here we go now we got now we're cooking with gas here we go uh unless you live in Florida where most of the stuff is electric then you're cooking with electric all right so now we have job available search $150 you can see what these look like it's usually just a you know put your name and email in the Box want a new career job search uh $3 a lead so this one pays three bucks they put their job title and their zip and I think it probably pays on that it might need an email but it doesn't look like it doesn't look like it so traffic alloud email social Banner so social all the all the traffic's allowed except for uh no incentivized okay what does incentivized mean that means like an incentivized would be fill this out and I'll give you two bucks right we're not doing that that's a big pain in the neck we don't need to do that so what we're going to do and truth and credit says is it it's tough to get approved to Max Bounty actually it's not I had someone on a live webinar we do live webinars every Tuesday and Thursday for our paid students he was on the live webinar and he's like Marcus it's so hard I'm like go call them he called them and said what I told him to say and by the time the webinar was over he he was approved and he's like oh my gosh that was way easier than I thought usually it's just a matter of calling them so if we were to go here and look at this what we're seeing is okay so what is this how am I getting paid this is the first question we need to ask oursel how am I am I getting getting put one of those getting paid how am I getting paid okay this is the key thing uh Isa says I got on Max Bounty immediately it is it's super easy like pick up the phone call them if they call you back answer when they call nine times out of 10 if you're honest with them and you're like hey you know I'm starting out this is what I want to do I'm going to build a website and I'm going to promote this one tip for getting approved at an affiliate network if you know the offer you want like if you go to Max Bounty and you're like hey I want to run some offers versus hey I want the new career job search offer I have traffic for it then they'll accept you because you're like this is what I want super simple okay so now we have this and we're like okay how am I getting paid well I'm going to be getting paid by people looking up jobs I don't know why that has an apostrophe but today jobs has an apostrophe and I'm going to get three bucks okay so if I wanted to get to $1,400 a day I need one conversion every 2 minutes okay how many of you guys think on the entire internet there is at least one person every two minutes looking for a job okay type job if you do I'm going to turn the heater down because it's G to I'm going to be cooked by the time this webinar is over we don't want me to be cooked all right so how many of you guys think of the entire internet there's at least two people or one person every minute every one person every two minutes that is looking for a job if you do smash a like button and type it in the Box okay at least that if you guys need proof in the pudding we can go over to offervault or I'm sorry we can go over to ah refs we can sign in and we could look at how many people are looking for jobs okay and we'll do job or we can even do like apply or something like that but if you do job there's a lot of people look for uh jobs jobs near me all kinds of things so there's millions of people so out of those millions of people is there at least one person every 2 minutes I think there's probably a thousand people every 2 minutes but hey you know that's just me it's probably more than a thousand people so what we see is yes the money is out there type money is out there like you see the path you're like Okay cool so now I see people looking for jobs this pays me three bucks I get them to search a job I get the three bucks very good very fancy okay next up how are we going to get them well let's go through and let's talk about how some of these sites work because what we need to do is we need to Define what these Pages need to be like you're going to have two pages it' be nice to know what two pages you're going to do that's going to make money if you make the wrong page or you don't make the right page you're probably going to have some trouble so let's talk about how those work first of all how to make insanely profitable two-page websites there are several different types of pages and we're going to go over each of these in detail and that way at the end you're like hey I just got a free course thank you Marcus that was fantastic and I'll even give you the notes and some cool stuff to make this work and some offer lists so you're going to get the hookups here all right so a lead capture page what is a lead capture page a lead capture page is quite simply a page that captures a lead there you go all right you guys are picking this up pretty quick give yourself a pad on the back so what a lead capture page would be it would be like okay here's your page it asks for name and it asks for email and then it captures the lead okay now a lot of these offers here are already lead captures so on this one want a new career I wouldn't even need to make my own lead capture I would just make what's called a splash page which we'll go over in a minute or I could create a lead capture that goes to another lead capture okay this will help your conversions because if they put their name and email on your page and then they go to the next page they're more likely to fill it out very very very simple okay so lead capture page could be something simple like name an email it could be name email phone number it could be name email phone number address it could be all kinds of things right it could be just address it could be just zip code some of these offers pay you just on zip code okay very very very simple now what we would need to look at at is what would this look like and why does it work first of all we need an eye-catching headline what are they going to get when they fill it out when you look at sites like this okay boom very simple we're going to take a look at some of these I'm going to show you how they work and how they're making more money than a lot of people have ever made in their life and they're super simple like this one here six things not to do When selecting a financial adviser Florida brings solar energy to qualified homeowners Hefty sign up to bonuses up sign up bonuses there we go I can in fact read um zero interest or whatever it is here's another one for the leaf filler and the little rain gutter thing very simple now how many of you guys would like to know how to make these in AI because you might be saying well I don't know how to write a good headline I'm not a copy writer I haven't done this for 25 years like you help me okay well it's actually pretty simple we can go through and I can say one a new career job search I could go to chat GPT and I can say please make me a a simple landing page about a new job search tool that helps people get jobs fast this will actually go through and I can toggle down and say oh let's do um canvas that way I could see the code and everything and then I can go through and say okay uh PHP or HTML please and this will actually go through and do it I think if hopefully it'll do HTML it did all right cool that way I can show you what it looks like cuz PHP you actually have on have to have on your server to see it but this HTML is actually pretty simple and it's probably going to make it nice and pretty and everything like that and as you go through you can actually say add some bullet points now here's my affiliate link please add that this stuff is super simple it's not even funny how simple this stuff is so we're going to go through we're going to wait for this to load while I'm waiting for that to load I'm going to go to one of my C panel servers okay this is for I think this is for yeah this is for my offer hacks website so we're going to go over here and we are going to go to file manager I'm going to go to public HTML and I'm just going to create a new folder folder and we'll call this like let's call it page for two-page website okay super simple so we're going to create that new folder I'm going to go in here what I'm going to do first is I'm going to copy this and let's call it um index 1.

HTM HTM we'll put HTM the right way okay super simple if you don't know how to do this don't worry we teach it all the time we have other videos that'll teach you this it's basically you're just creating a folder on a website that's all there is to it it is not hard to do and now I'm going to copy this as index.htm and then I'm just going to go through right click it and hit move or C I think I can copy it too uh let's call it page is where it was and I could just put it in all of them I actually just learned this last night I was I was copying some pages and I'm like cool I can just copy it wherever I want so now we're going through I'm going to copy it to page now in page I should have that index.htm I'll just rename it right like this index.htm that way it shows up when you go to page why are we doing all this stuff because I don't want to have to create nothing I want to make it easy so copyright jobs faster whatever I can copy this like that go over here edit edit and it should look pretty good let me see if I can open it over here sorry I have a million screens over uh or open offer hacks I think it was offer page and you guys could actually go and and do this while we're there so now check it out with AI not knowing anything about coding bada bing bada boom welcome to jobs fast ultimate job search tool to land on your dream job get hired quickly okay cool uh let's do now add a better headline and an image or let's do you could do and an image or something like that and some bullet points selling them on using the job using the job search app or tool something like that okay it'll go through and it'll rewrite this you'll see there it goes it's going to rewrite it and we could just toggle back and forth and upload it and see what it's going to look like it's actually very simple and then this is where you would have your affiliate link okay now we can have images and different things like that which is very very simple okay um let's see here out of curiosity doesn't it show up every day anyway doesn't what show up every day anyway not sure what you're asking the website development is the easy part getting the eyeballs is the hard part we're going to talk about in a minute but you need to understand the Simplicity of these sites because this website even though it's stupidly simple will convert better than a lot of what other people are doing out there okay and we're going to make it a little bit better right like this so there we have that copy edit save reload boom now we have our our little um bullet points why choose job fast and we could say Okay instead of job fast please make it this that or the other okay very very simple Jack says if you get their name and email on your own website do you can you forward them into the forum or the vendor landing page they go to next yes you can just send them as the thank you page you would send them to the offer now you may or may not want to do that depending on your traffic because of the fact that um you might want to pre-sell them like some of these offers don't sell themselves so we need to pre-sell it okay so very very simple now going through and looking at this we we're getting a little bit farther so understanding that with a lead capture page we want an eye-catching headline brief benefits of subscribing or filling the thing out are clicking right most of the time what the goal of your page for a a page like this is to get them to fill it out and go to the next thing okay so we could even say um now add an optin form and give them a free guide to getting a job for more pay or something like that okay and it'll go through and it'll tweak this out for you and we're literally just making this back and forth on chat GPT and our site now some other tools you can also use are HTML 6 which this works really well for testing HTML if you didn't want to put it on the site yet or you didn't know how to do it or you wanted to perfect it you can go to HTML 6 you can put the code I think over here and it'll show you what it looks like right then you could tweak it you could be like oh hey I don't want job fast I want job slow or whatever right and it'll it'll tweak it on the fly so these are tools you can use that are really good uh HTML 6 has a free version they have a paid version you can use any online HTML editor it's not that hard to do and now you can you can fix this up now looking at this with our opin it should now have our opt-in so we'll just copy here just test it in HTML 6 before we make it live boom okay there we go sign up now and get our free guide 10 tips to Landing a higher paid job that's not bad okay how many of you guys are like oh it's pretty cool we're like right in here getting into the the nitty-gritty I see how this works this is not hard to do at all now what I would do obviously you would have to have some coding or something in there to make the opt-in work which lucky for you I am actually going to show you this page here which has the code on it so like this page here we will have in the notes of the video and this code here is the code for the opin right so I could go through here I could just give this to chat gbt and this is a universal code so like if you have an aweber account this will work if you don't replace this with whatever code you're using so I could say use this code make sure all https not HTTP and change it for the page we are making this will actually go through now I give it the code and it'll make it with the aweber it's so simple it's not even funny okay really really cool stuff does AI profit scoop talk about this absolutely AI profit scoop is amazing we have tool we have videos I'm making we have videos Alina's making we have videos uh Jesse's making we go over literally everything I think you will find that it is the best lowest cost course out there it is my way of saying hey let's all learn this stuff let's make it affordable let's do good things okay that's the idea there okay very simple so now going through this should have my aweber code in it and it looks like it did it's still it's still going it's still going get to drink our fancy sparkling water here notice no branding on the cup I do not take sponsorships the reason I don't is because I want to promote what I want to promote and I want to do what I want to do I get sponsorship deals all day for those of you who say the only thing you do is make money on YouTube actually I turn down more than most people make in a year because I don't like the sponsorships I'm not going to go through and sell some you know junky crypto just so I can make a buck I already got a buck I don't care about it that much all right so let's go through we'll put this in here see if it did the update should have our awe there we go check it out welcome to job fast your shortcut to Career Success get my free stuff here so I would just say get my get your job report here enter your name and email for instant access boom I mean how many of you guys are like dude this is pretty cool like legit I can see you're doing this live on the call it's working like crazy and I don't even have to use WordPress or anything I'm this is not about getting SEO traffic I think a lot of people get hung up on SEO traffic because they're waiting and waiting and waiting for traffic where we're like okay let's get something that's actually going to get you money and then later you can wait for the traffic engine to happen we do have some fast methods to get SEO traffic but for a lot of people if you want something quick I mean think about this I'm literally ready to go I can I can fire this up I can have this lead to the thank you page okay again two page websites so here's page one job fast optin name email thank you post is going to have okay here's some offers thanks for signing up here's your book and we could have the link to this thing that pays me three bucks right so there you go so basically what I would do is I would get people over to my site they go in they put their name and email cool I get a mailing list okay you don't want to do that skip that part have a onepage website and just lead them over to the offer that's it that's all you got to do you get to three bucks either way I'm going to build a list because over time this is going to be more money for me and then there you go so how many of you guys are like okay this is cool this is good now let's talk about some other things here one was the lead page this is where I'm getting people to opt in I collect the lead I mark it to them later if you don't want to do that you can do a splash page what is a splash page well now make this a splash actually let's do another one we'll do another just to show you guys how this works so let's go chat GPT and we'll say let's do a new one and we're going to do Canvas let's take an offer that pays a little bit more let's go over to the old Max Bounty here so we got work atome moms we got work from home interview some kind of lotto thing time shares okay travel is pretty big that could work how to make money from home make sure it's legit some of them aren't um complete business loans investors air wallet air wallx I don't know what that is 99 designs let's take a look at some other stuff I want something that pays a good bit so let's see what we got here we got dating okay so you could do like Christian dating maybe auto insurance so let's say we did auto insurance or maybe downloads okay so here's some downloads $27 a lead for a VPN okay my clean PC okay so let's let's okay here we go here's some coert coupon finder okay this one I know pays $44.50 a download okay cool $450 per download got it how many you guys got it type got it if you got it smash a like button if you got it $4.50 per download okay let's find it on the old offer Vault just so you guys can follow along and see how it works let's do copert copert there we go all right so here's the old copert there he is it reminds me of cubert did everyone remember cubert the little guy that like jumped on the boxes back in the 80s that's the games we had now you got stuff where it's like virtual reality you're literally walking down the street all kinds of stuff we had cubert that's what we had all right maybe that's why I was so interested in making money because cubert I couldn't get him to do anything he just like walked around in a circle and then it said game over and I lost and gave the remote to someone else all right but anyway we have coert here coert coupon finder okay this one here is something weird I know it's not paying $85 a download is paying 450 a download over on Max Bounty so 450 a download what does it do okay again the number one thing you need number one thing is knowing how you're going to get paid uh daringer says without the traffic it's hard to convert a sale without the traffic it's impossible to convert a sale if you got no traffic nobody's going to nobody's going to do anything like you got to have traffic we're going to talk about traffic I got that down here Yonder in the notes we're going to be here a while but we're going to talk about traffic and I'm going to show you I'm even going to give you a little hint up front at how the traffic works because this offer works perfectly for it all right so we know they download the copert I give 450 cool download 450 Marcus do they have to buy anything no download 450 do they have to fill out a form no download 450 say it with me W make a song about it right get the download you get 450 this is why they paid like that's why the honey app paid Mr Beast like a god awful amount of money to say I like honey uh because this is what they did now downloads are a good way to make money some of the companies are not on the up and up back when I did downloads I had a computer where I just tested them all and found the ones that are good coupon ones usually pretty good they're just finding coupons it's all they do all right so this one here $4.50 a download how many would you need so if you needed to make 1,400 bucks a day 1,400 over 450 that is 311 a day so all I need to do is get 311 people a day who are interested in saving money to download the coupon to a bar that's it how many of you guys think there's 300 people on the entire internet every day that might perhaps maybe want coupons okay well we know that the honey app did well even though the honey app did suffer like 3 million downloads it got them all back in like a month so there you go right so looking at this 311 that's all I need okay now some people get like 3,000 downloads a day all we need is 300 that's all we need all I need is like 15 an hour can I give away 15 coupons an hour I mean I I should hope so here's how you do it first of all we need a good landing page so check this out please make a great High converting splash page for copert coupon toolbar let's see how it does okay I didn't give it anything else I just gave it this so now it's doing this here save big on every purchase with cooper cooper okay we need Cooper did I put the right one copert sorry Cooper that way it'll actually go find it so let's stop copert there we go spelling correctly does help sometimes most of the time you don't need to but we're going to check it out here got to have some water and we'll wait for this to load now 311 downloads is all we need to make a th000 how many of you guys if you made $1,400 in a day your life would change you'd be like bro yeah this would be like kind of a game changer for me um and again results not typical implied or guaranteed the average person trying to make money online makes nothing most people watching this video will make nothing most people won't do anything but you know you got to take this with a grain of salt it does take some some work so now we have this page generated by a and we can have it create it so it's got like a little icon get rewarded every time you shop install the toolbar in seconds it's actually doing all the work for us I don't have to do anything except copy view it in my HTML 6 this is an example of a splash page save big with copert download for free here's a little icon so all I would need to do is upload the icon right so it would say what the icon would be so placeholder I just put the little icon here image source super simple you can put whatever you want right like if I wanted to to put the Google logo there or whatever let's put the affiliate marketing dude logo I'll show you what it looks like just so you could see how images work online so if I wanted the affiliate marketing dude logo I would just do like this get the logo copy image address put that in here right like that got to have sound effects it does help and then that should make the logo right there see how that works and you'd go through and make make cool stuff okay how many of you guys are like okay this totally makes sense could this work with toner cartridge Drop Shipping probably not and I'm going to tell you why in a minute but there are variations of this that could work for that the reason is is you're like toner cartridge you're separating such a small segment like people who use printers then you're separating even further to the types of toners you have then you need to assume that they're out of ink it's there's too many like questions like we we want to just run through like I want that that that ribbon that I run through to win the prize I don't want to hop over walls to get it and I want my starting thing to be like 5T from the the ribbon so I just walk through what you're doing is you're making things harder on yourself this training is about making it easy so like go make make this work take the money from this and run ads for your other thing all if you so desire but what I want to do is make this work okay so now we could see I could put the images in there I can have it generate images if I want or I could go to the coert toolbar and find images that work usually that's okay so download the copert toolbar now all I would need is traffic right because like people will download this it is free it will convert now I had someone earlier who was trying to tell me that you know he knew the conversion rate better than me and I've been doing this a while I kind of do know I know my conversion rate and I also know that like on um max Bounty when it says the epcs so like here it's actually showing you so the EPC is 12 cents so if you do 450 over 12 that's roughly like 140 I think so would that be like a 2.5% conversion which for this is actually pretty low that's Network wide when I promote these things we're getting 1 in 10 on the low end which would be a 45 Cent PC or I have seen as many as one in three okay it just depends on how well you promote it and how well your landing page does it getting them to click over to it so looking at this okay if I could get that traffic now it's just a numbers game and I know people don't like numbers games but hey you know what I like numbers games that put money in my pocket uh wildbird says coupons I have two domains for that Yahoo awesome it's going to be great uh Isa says can we make a QR code so they can just scan it with their phone once they go to their page why would you do that like why would you add an extra step like hey you're on my website click and download why would I be like well get your phone out first and get the old key nah like I want the next best thing to like you're just going to make money by being on my page okay I can't do that yet so what we're going to do is we're going to have something the next best thing no barrier of Entry we want like Smooth saing like hey if you download this thing you going to be saving some money okay no barrier of Entry we want it super super easy this page here super super easy right save big with Cooper here's what it does and you can actually have samples now how many of you guys would like to know how to get more free traffic than your heart's content for this type of landing page so that you can make money yeah I need to see you guys smash the like button if you want that that is uh you know that's like the peanuts I I the train elephant that dances for peanuts or whatever so just get that like button and we'll to get you going so now we have our page super simple we can even go through and say now add some stories about what people saved with copert copert okay and it'll go through and it'll make it work in a super simple way okay and they'll say oh Mary went down and saved $1,000 on her Pizza she had a real expensive pizza obviously these are examples and uh the money is real not this money but the money I get yes we use fake prop money in our videos some people get mad about that but I don't think it's wise to have like a hundred grand in cash in an office that just sits here but we got to look at that okay so now we're going to go through we're going to go through and we have our page that is adding the little stories and things like that now what we need is we need a high converting page I want to see 10 % of the people who come to this page download the toolbar if I can get that basically it would mean I'm getting 45 cents for every visitor okay if I get half of that that would mean I'm getting roughly 22 cents 22.5 cents per visitor all right now here's a question if you knew let's cut it in half let's say you only got 12% like all the other people on Max Bounty let's see here there we go 12 12 cents okay if you only got 12 cents if you knew that all you had to do is get people interested in coupons to go to this page and you would average 12 cents per click how many people a day would you want to send to that page now it makes social media advertising a little bit different because before it was like oh I got to you know do this and do that and hopefully people go to my page and hopefully they opt in and then they got to go to page two and then maybe they'll go over here and then maybe they'll click the QR code and do all no how many people would you get if you knew you got 12 cents all right well let's let's see what that would look like so if I got a th000 People a day 1,000 time 12 cents $120 a day so 120 a day 1,000 people to website simple okay what if I got 10,000 a day well 10,000 people a day okay and again the these are hypothetical numbers but these are I've seen these numbers 12 cents a click is is pretty industry standard I don't think it would be hard to get depending on the offer again results not typical implied or guaranteed we have no idea and you need to get traffic that's interested in coupons the problem is most of these people the the where that 12 cent number comes from is people that don't know what they're doing and they just go get traffic from everywhere we need qualified traffic the way we're going to qualify that traffic is get the ones that want so if I got 10,000 visitors a day that's $1,200 a day in Revenue okay so it's like hey wait a minute this just starting to add up really really quickly so we need a high converting page which I just showed you now we need some traffic okay well welcome to the age of AI where everything is so easy it's almost ridiculous I could go to Ai and I could say please list the 50 top types of coupons people use all right let's get the top 50 types of coupons people use there you go discount percentage off dollar off buy one get one that's not exactly what I was thinking I was thinking more more like categories like tires food Cola ECT Cola what am I from the 1920s but at any rate here we go you got groceries you got beverages you got clothing you got foot electronic so I got all these different 50 categories of coupons then I could go through and I could say watch this I could go over I don't know if I have might be on this other one let's see if I can get in here because if we can use Google um Gemini with deep research Gemini we could probably get like a bazillion coupons at once hopefully we can let's see if it'll do it and right how about a POP you could call it a pop that that's a little bit better that's like from the 20s now we're in the 50s all right uh let's see here uh Marcus are you doing all this with the $20 a month chat gbt I am um I have the $200 version but that's in my other accounts so you know you don't got to worry about that too much okay so let's see here if I could get in and show you what this looks like okay so now we're g to go here we should be able to go to Gemini and what I'm going to do is I'm going to use Gemini with deep research find me tons of grocery coupons okay this will actually go through and find me tons of grocery coupons and while we're waiting for that what we're going to do is we are going to do an allout attack on getting traffic so here we go cool this is looking good start research this will look at like five bazillion different websites and it'll give us an overview so we'll keep that over there for now so now we have this and we're like okay cool now I have all 50 different titles here now all I would need to do is go out there and find coupons like I go out there and I'm like hey let's make a Pinterest pin about like the cocacola coupon 10% off or whatever it is and you pay take an image of it or you find a hundred different websites that help people find coupons and then you drive them to your domain name that is like whatever coupon domain whatever okay and on there you have your download for the copert you're like hey you want to save money without having to find coupons go over here boom that page is going to sell them that's all the page does if you're like well Marcus I thought about having a ClickBank offer nope well Marcus you know new credit cards pay nope they want the coupon you give them the coupon if they don't get the coupon they leave that's why you only get 12 cents a click and not $4.50 per click you have to look at this in a very very strategic straightforward way this is why people fail this is why social media traffic is so cheap because people don't know how to convert this I learned to convert this because when I used to get free traffic so I've done it with free traffic made thousands of dollars a day with free traffic then something happened to our free traffic and I had to buy traffic and you guarantee if I'm paying six cents a click I I need to make my six cents back I can't wait around and say I hope it converts I need to make it convert if it doesn't convert I need to switch and adjust so looking at that and saying okay so how many Pinterest pins would I need to get 1,200 people to my website a lot you would a lot and people will say well marus I I don't know about this well I mean when was the last time you made $1,200 a day at a job did they ask you to do a little or did they ask you to do a lot chances are they ask you to do quite a bit and you have to understand that that's what this is about now can you Outsource it can you automate it with AI you absolutely can so your goal would be I'm going to go out there and like maybe I'll find 50 different coupons a day that would help people here's today's coupon report you know the January 22nd 2025 coupon report here's the top coupons oh hey over here at Best Buy they got a sale on I don't know whatever they have at Best Buy right and you go through and you're like okay that's all you're going to do all day every day and if you do this all day every day you will drive traffic you'd actually be happy so let's make him happy you'd be super happy but apparently you look like the Joker all right so there we go looking at that that is where the key is now using a splash page what you want to do is you want to make it bold attention grabbing headline bold short to the point copy you're going to get this coupon here's what you're going to get you can even duplicate these now that we have ai let's say I wanted to go through and be like okay well copert maybe I'm G to have maybe I'm going to have a page for let's open this copy see what it looks like real quick save and I think it's here let me just double check it so let's say I wanted to have several oh hey it did pretty good check this out watch what happened you guys ready this is looking pretty good boom save big with coert there's a download automatic earn cash back quick savings all I would need to do is add the images which I showed you had to do e earlier very easy now look at this I saved over 150 on my holiday shopping with Cooper I Mike saved this obviously double check them make sure they're good if I wanted to do this if I was going to make $1,400 a day with this I'd get the toolbar I'd put it on a laptop I don't use and I'd try to save a bunch of money like I go and I try it out hey check it out this coupon did this hey this did that this did that for example I used a coupon toolbar that came with Microsoft Edge and it saved me like 400 bucks on a on the the GoDaddy API that I use on my GoDaddy tool and I was like hey that's pretty cool so that would be a good story like hey this saved me $400 and I didn't pay anything for it I just downloaded it download it and you could save too obviously make sure you tell them you're an affiliate so you could say uh now please add an affiliate disclosure disclaimer closure and disclaimer okay it'll add that and you can even do this on WordPress we teach this as well and on WordPress what you would do is you just edit it here it's more of like a what you see is what you get editor or I could go through and do edit with nice page right like this and it's like a drag and drop kind of deal very simple right and then you just add your codes and things like that super easy don't over complicate it but again the key is you need to be very one track focused so let's see how this looks where did we go there so now we have our disclosures should be done it'll tell us when it's done waiting waiting I think AI is going to make us a lot more impatient than we are so now it's got an overview in here of all the coupons and the stores yeah so like you could legit go out there and find the top bazillion stores talk about ones that offer coupons here we have all these like all I would have to do is oh here's coupon site of the day for you people who want to beat inflation and save money by the way use a cpart thing and what you're going to do is you're literally going to be a broken record and that's why people don't like this they don't like being a broken record they don't like doing the same thing over and over every day oh the camera is following us how do we make it stop stop camera uh but going through and making that work is is super key okay all right let's see so there we have that um okay so is it done still going I don't know why it's being so slow there we go thanks to Copart I earned this there it goes come on go go go go and it should add the disclaimer and disclosure right there and then I'm going to show you a little tip that's going to make this convert better it is going to break the rule of having a two-page website but I think you're going to find it's actually pretty easy uh do I help with efficient hosting setup joining AI profit scoop yeah we help you with that we have a partnership with a hosting company that's pretty cool um and that way when you use the hosting we recommend like when I say go push the blue button your button's blue you can follow along really easy a lot of people try to use other hosting which I mean that's fine I have no problem with it but when you're wondering where the buttons are you're going to wish you got the one we want okay so here we have this here I'm going to copy it see how it looks so we'll just edit here save and then reload and now we should have our disclosures yep there they are right there cool now again chat GPT is not a lawyer so we got to look at that now we're going to go through and we're going to be like okay cool deal yeah uh flight join AI profit scoop you'll love it I mean if you don't like take your domain you get and have a nice day cuz you win if you don't like it you win if you do like it you win even more but if you don't like it you still win CU we have a a promo where you get a domain which I mean come on $17 a month domains usually most of those domains cost me more than 17 bucks anyway but at any rate looking at this and that's over at airofit so looking at this now we have this here now watch this this is going to break the one-page website rule or the two-page rule but I think you're going to find that it's not really a big website what we're going to do is I'm going to go through and I'm going to say now focus on grocery coupons make the page okay now I'm going to go here all I'm going to do is do copy grocery or actually you know what I can do I can do copy let's copy it to grocery so if I had a coupon domain this would look really nice it be you know coupon site grocery coupon site SL Best Buy coupon site SL this we're just going to provide good stuff and all we're going to do broken record all I do is sell the toolbar it's all you're going to do you're going to get tempted to do other stuff cuz you're going to get bored but you know the year I got bored doing this I was like uh it's 9:00 a.m.

I already made enough for like all week today and uh I got nothing to do so I became obsessed with checking my numbers which is why I know this stuff so well so we're going to go grocery index.php or HTM just to make it easy okay uh if you did PHP you can actually track it so you could see oh hey these came from um you know uh Pinterest these came from YouTube or whatever okay super simple so now we're going to go through here and we're going to do um grocery index so that'll make a new folder called Grocery and it's going to have the index well Marcus what's going on well if we go there now it's going to be the same page grocery boom so now what we're going to do is it remakes it for grocery I earn $10 cash back it actually change them I think it's actually finding legit reviews which is pretty cool okay so now we're going through and there we go so now we'll just copy this bad boy here go to our grocery I'm pretty sure I'm in the grocery no that one's not the grocery uh good thing we checked edit boom edit boom save now grocery should be for groceries save big on gr I actually wanted it green it's like it new that's crazy right so save big on groceries with cpart automatically find and apply the the best grocery coupons every time you shop cool massive grocery savings Cash Back Rewards now let's take it a step further check this out I want to get more people to click and the way to do that would be have something enticing like this here Florida brings solar energy to qualify homeowners or this here that's like Factory Direct those are still a little boring what I want is something spicy and we're going to go through and I'm going to say now add some content about the top 50 or let's I'm going to do five if I was doing this on my own I would do 50 it's going to take forever so I'm just going to show you with five all right smash the like button if you're cool with that now add some content about the top five ripoffs at the grocery store let's do 10 just because I I want to get more than five at the grocery store check this out so now I got something that's like Hey we're teaching you how to save money on groceries here's the report talking about the 10 things never to buy at the grocery store how many of you guys have clicked ads like that and you're like why am I reading this right it's like borderline clickbait but it does deliver on the promise which means it's not clickbait it's just a damn good ad that you clicked on so now we're going through and we're like okay this is looking pretty good we're going to copy this here when it's done have some water right like this okay there there you go now you can see it all so now we have this here and it's editing and you can see where it's actually editing this is actually a really good way to kind of learn code um I had to learn this the hard way but learning a little bit around like oh hey you know if I want the margin to be bigger make that two instead of 1.5 very simple stuff this is not difficult anyone can do this learning this is going to help you and then you'll have a skill that you can actually go use and sell okay or market so now we'll go through and we'll make our grow one here and while we're waiting for that let's talk about some of the other things so a bridge page is like a splash page but it's more for like selling okay so you could have like a personal story or testimonial so if you're going to go out there and do something like think about what you can draw on did you like for me when I was getting this office house um we got a house here that is just for my office and I didn't want to go through the third degree they give you when you buy a house I didn't want to have four I didn't want to have this but I wanted a good loan right um and so I went through and I called this company out of Google I just Googled them I'm like hey find me a cool mortgage company and so I called him off of the Google ad and then um I was like hey I don't want to give you any docks I don't want to do self-employment stuff what do I have to do to get just a loan today and she was like Hey do this this and this I'm like okay I don't need to give you anything except that and we did and we got the house that would be a story I could use on my site or maybe like me maybe you got the Amazon Rewards credit card and you go to Whole Foods and you save 5% okay that's a story I could use like oh hey I got this thing free from the money I saved having those stories will help using those um will help and you can have chat gbt add those for you uh clickfunnels style optin to upsell this would be where you're collect leads with the purpose of upselling something so this would be like can you do maybe like oh hey you're thinking about giving you're thinking about getting X software why don't you put your name in email we'll find you a good coupon for it and we'll give you a guide on how to use it right how many of you guys are like oh hey if I bought a software and it came with a free guide on how to use it that'd be kind of cool um like a little bonus all right video sales letter this is where you would have a video to sell we are getting very close to having video sales letters that are generated by AI that sell really really really well okay um works like crazy uh product comparison Pages this is where you would have oh hey you're thinking about like just yesterday I or Monday I bought a new laptop and I was debating the Titan versus the uh Raider I think it was very expensive laptop and I was like okay what are the the good goods and the bads and it was like okay the Titan basically is the same thing but most places didn't have it with the 128 of ram so I went with the Raider whoever made that little page got paid which you know kind of an interesting thing there looking at this is a lot of money is made online and people didn't know about it and this is one of the things I learned with that honey drama with the honey app lawsuit it basically showed that 99% of people including influencers who do this for a living didn't have any clue how the internet worked MoneyWise they had no idea unless they're just making it up because they don't want to look bad but either you had no idea which makes you look bad as a tech person or whatever or you you need to kind of understand this stuff and that's what people don't understand is there are companies like this making hundred million a year or more using what I'm showing you and their stuff isn't that complicated there's also people that promoted honey that made a bu of money okay very very simple and understanding that that this world is out there is key um product comparison pages that would be like oh hey you know get this or this whichever one you buy don't matter to me I'm going to get paid on either one um going through and looking at webinar registration Pages can you sell something via webinar maybe you go through the problem people have is they're trying to sell stuff the way it is like hey I'm going to make a, Pinterest pins about copert nobody cares about coert that's why they need to pay you to Market nobody cares what do they care about they care about coupons so I'm going to make a thousand Pinterest posts about the best coupons where to find them how to get them how much they save I mean for crying out loud take a minute go find like instead of going to the grocery store this would be kind of fun you go and get a bunch of coupons before you go to the grocery store see how much you could save and be like I use coupons to do this and I saved $100 people love that especially now with inflation where it's like literally $125 a bag when you go to the grocery store going through and looking at that and being like how can I really help people right and a lot of people out there are doing this but they're not leading to the direct thing that makes the money the direct thing is going to be that toolbar or that offer whenever you do this with one to two page websites you're going to have what I call the jugular offer which is the offer that's going to make 99% of the money on your site when I ran the lottery site we had a ClickBank offer the ClickBank offer made like $150 a day the main jugular offer made what would the difference be 1,600 so ,450 if I didn't have this offer I would have lost money the jugular offer is where it's going to go that's why we're finding the offer and then saying okay what else what else can I do here okay the job one or whatever what when it comes to webinar registration Pages can you do a webinar about how to save money and then download it I mean you want a high conversion rate that would be pretty darn close to like 100% not really it' probably be 30 but you get the idea countdown timers these are kind of they could get into a risky area make sure they're honest when you do the countdowns quiz funnels this is a good one where you can learn about your uh audience right so I could go through check this out this will increase conversion and it'll get you info about your Market let's say I go through and maybe I use something like bolt.

New is it going to let me sign in let's see we'll try it off screen see if it'll let me sign in bolt. new is a pretty good one um what I can do is I can have a very simple questionnaire or tool or something like that if it wants me to log in come on you can do it invalid login okay we'll do this in maybe this one will work all right we'll do this in chat GPT unless it's going it looks like it's going it's authenticating make sure I'm authentic right so going through let's take a look at how this looks with the new um with the info on the 10 grocery store scams okay look boom here we go super easy real stories top 10 ripoffs at the grocery store pre-cut fruits and vegetables oh man I'm guilty as charge I buy that all the time um baby a brand name products salad kits I'm guilty there I'm guilty of all that this is probably why my groceries are $125 a bag but at any rate looking at this is where um where the rubber meets the road so now I could do get my report of the top 10 ripoffs ripoffs at the grocery store that's going to have a reason for them to go there now if I'm doing an option one I could say now add options for what do you spend on most at the grocery store big buttons please like meet boxed stuff ECT and it should do a good job here let's see what this does what happens here is when you have a one page where it's like a quiz funnel what's going to happen is you're going to have what do you spend on most and it'll have like a little fruit let's draw a banana there's our banana fruit and then a meat they'll have like a little cow or whatever it looks fancy meat um I don't know other stuff whatever and what'll happen is they're going to go through and click and that's going to give them one thing it's like when you get someone to nod their head they're more likely to agree with you why because subconsciously they noded their head subconsciously what's going to happen is by clicking here it's like a micro commitment they're going to be more likely to convert on the next page which would be the download page bada bing bada boom very simple okay um and making that again we're going to use that with chat gbt and it's going through and making this and we'll see how it does here we wait and wait how many you guys are digging this smash that like button let's see if we get the likes the biggest ever on a live stream but only if you like this if you don't like it then I don't know why you're still watching but at any rate to each his own okay so we're going to go through and let's see it's almost done let's see where it added the buttons not seeing them it's probably somewhere in here CTA section yeah so it added the buttons there it's waiting can we get this with the htn uh what like a like a one-pager I'm not sure what you're asking but yeah you can we can make an hdn however you want it just tell them just tell them like after you order the hdn say hey can you make it this way okay last I have but only one like to give all right okay so now we got here it's still editing we need like uh the Jeopardy music or something but that's probably copywritten or whatever you call it okay so now we're going to wait yeah we could do that Fabiola okay it is going the Ripoff item two it does a lot of like divs and fancy stuff that's what that all of that stuff is what makes it look this way like the green and everything um so now we go through it's going there's their disclaimer it's going it's trying we need like a cheerleader for our chat GPD okay so now it's done should be able to copy this come on where's our copy button and remove the copy button I think can we copy it here logs fix bugs code review all right well there it is okay so copy edit save let's see how it looks should have the buttons there we go what do you spend on most so what we would do is we'd actually track this and then send so each of these would just go to the download page now one of the little tips that you would do is let's have it move these to the top please move buttons to the top and under say then to say choose and then let's see what does it have there buttons to top what do you spend on most so I'm going to say um un under this say choose your selection then download copert on the next page that's just subconsciously boom they're going to be like oh that's how I get that thing right and it's going to precondition them really really cool stuff uh do I get another page if I join AI profit group AI profit scoop you can get a domain but I don't think we have a page offer on that like for 70 bucks there's no way I can afford to make Pages for everyone um okay so here we go here you get discounts and stuff on on AI profit scoop though like that is if you guys want to make money online and you like this kind of stuff and you're not in AI profit scoop yeah probably should be um I mean there's so much help in there it's not even funny we give you plugins we give you tools we demo software we it's all kinds of stuff and for only 57 cents a day which is pretty cool all right so now it's going through and we'll see how this works but that little line will convert better and that's what you're going to learn when you're getting like 10,000 visitors a day little subtle things will increase the conversion and you know like if I doubled the conversion from 12 cents or even got it from 12 cents to 20 cents that's an extra $800 a day in the bottom line I mean that's stuff you want to pay attention to because you might sit there and be like y I'm making $1,200 a day well you could be making two grand a day after a year of doing that you're going to be like man I wish I really had that extra 400 Grand by just adding one line under a button very very simple so now we're going to go through see how this works all right let's see here all right while we're waiting for that let's take a look at some of the examples um thank you upsell Pages this is where you're going to build your own mailing list um where you would have them opt in you collect the opt-in you mail them other stuff and then you send them direct to the offer um some examples are like the home buddy notice how it's very clear very easy nothing to do but put your Z code in again that's a micro commitment you could have a coupon one where it's like enter your zip code and then download the toolbar very simple okay next up we have um smart asset which is take the retirement quiz again seeing that quiz these work these are tested on so much traffic it works um Florida homeowner see if you're eligible it's got the little difference there look at this image is pretty cool um sign up bonuses cashback cards Leaf fitter very simple one thing to do don't confuse them have one thing to do up until now a lot of people think oh well Marcus you can't have a one-page website Google's not going to like it well we're not exactly advertising on Google search are we we are getting traffic from other places and when you understand that it changes what you're doing here's one where it was talking about cleaning product he did have the prime one here so I'm guessing he's probably is probably going through and um monetizing with this because this isn't making as much this cleaning product or maybe he's testing the cleaning product because this is the toolbar that's what that is it's the copert or the Capital One shopping or whatever it is and it works like crazy um going through and looking at this what we need on our page is a compelling headline we need to grab their attention immediately why are they there if they're let's say you're doing Pinterest if you're reviewing coupons on Pinterest or talk about coupons what would they want if they were on your page what would a coupon stop using coupons do this instead yeah I'm going to read that if I'm a coupon person and you tell me to stop using coupons I'm going to read it right it's in congruency with what they're doing if I'm out there and I'm talking about like solar uh ways to save money on your electric bill okay I would do something like the average person spends x amount too much on their bill this is where we go through on other webinars where I teach you find me some interesting facts find me some facts that are interesting about how much people waste not using coupons stuff like this where I can incorporate that into my landing page people love facts that's why like the news wouldn't exist if they didn't have weird facts uh weird facts are the key High coupon usage among consumers 90% use coupons at some point low Redemption rates despite them 85% so literally I would take that and I would think okay 85% less than 1% of all coupons are actually used that's a good fact 99% of coupon users don't know this secret that will save you money that sounds juicy but really it is is use the damn coupon like that's all it is it's understanding how to do that now turn these facts into juicy clickbaity headlines I mean this so easy back in my day I had to think about this stuff I had to go research back in my day what am I a thousand when I walked uphill in the snow both ways to get to school all right I'm not that old yet but at any rate uh back when I did this we had to come up with this stuff ourselves we had to come up with the ideas we had to think about all this stuff now it's all baked in here how coupons could add up to a free vacation hey that's pretty cool um Fabiola says I I can never find the coupon when I'm ordering something online good make it your goal to go and find coupons be like hey I was so mad that coupons never worked that I put together this pest with coupon codes super simple uh why ignoring coupons is the most expensive mistake you're make a simple trick could save you thousands and you're not using it coupon redemption stats that will make n that's lame the jaw-dropping amount you're wasting by skipping coupon 67% of Shoppers score big With Coupons discover the secrets that's pretty cool that's pretty good here's a digital one so digital coupon would work perfect for the download um you're losing $1,465 a year the shocking truth about grocery shopping I I would change it and say the shocking truth about grocery shopping now rework them without the word coupon let's see how it does you're losing 15 years the shocking truth about ignoring discount eh I I would just work them a little bit myself now let's see how our page is doing here with I think we added that line and this literally Lally copying pasting okay so now moved them to the top what do you spend most on choose your selection below then download Cooper on the next page to save big cool these would all be affiliate links that will convert when you ask people stuff when you have drop- down boxes when you have menus when you have input your ZIP code whatever it is this stuff works like it will get the click um it's simple you know when when you ask people answer so compelling headline sub headline where you're reinforcing it like save big here you won't describe you won't you won't believe this secret kind of like this this is your sub headline okay so big headline sub headline big sub image a lot of people talk about a hero image it's overrated hero images if you have images on your site and they don't to help sell what you're doing then they shouldn't be on your site a lot of people want pretty sites my sites are terrible they look basic but they convert would you rather have money or a pretty site I'd rather have money I don't know about you uh call to action ask them hey click here download the thing buy this go over here and put your ZIP code in to see how much you can save go do this that or the other uh Johnson box is where you have information on the page so like let let's type it in so as we go through let's say now add a Johnson box with this info so we're going to add a Johnson box with this info here let's do this one here we'll just do these three or four five I can count right so we'll add these here in a Johnson box and look at that it's literally just building it for me super simple I don't need to know code half this stuff I know what a div is and I would well I know some of this stuff okay I ain't going to lie but you don't need to all you need to do is know how to hit copy and paste and put your affiliate Link in like then I would just say cool here is my affiliate link add that in there and it'll add it in there for you like you literally don't have to know how to do anything um now conversion stuff is a little bit different like for me I like to use WordPress rather than standard Pages just because it gives me more control but I mean if you don't have WordPress to start or you don't like WordPress don't worry about it just make it with this so now we'll go through wait for this to be done and while we're waiting for that we will go through and here we go okay other things in addition to Johnson boxes are interactive elements dropdowns calculators quizzes sliders trust elements going through security badges like hey this is secure or um I remember with with one a lot of people were worried about security of a download and so I literally recorded my screen downloading it with Norton to show that it was save I was like oh look you scan it here it's safe or trust seals you know if you're if you if the company takes PayPal or VISA you could put those on there obviously make sure you have the the the rights there and everything um but really cool I noticed on the paid version of chat GPT it doesn't finish codes past past a certain P Point yeah it's like I think 200 lines that's where you'd probably want to switch over to bolt if you're doing big codes um but for the most part stuff like this is is is basic okay so going through let's see um okay so it did it's still editing we can even go through and I could say hey make a landing page based on all this right so like let's let's see what would happen here let's do um chat gbt please make a landing a quick splash splash sales page 4 in and incorporate this stuff so let's go through incorporate this I'm going to get the offer let's go to the max Bounty page as seen on TV pan buddy okay what's pan buddy let's make sure it's not anything weird pan buddy okay so pan buddy looks like some kind of pan get her outer okay uh pan buddy yeah like so you don't have to get your pans out something like that um let's see what it pays see if it makes sense so pan buddy pays $15 a lead okay uh let's see what it is on offer Vault H you know what I'm not really feeling pan buddy let's do spoon buddy kitchen Cube ah okay kitchen Cube I like that kitchen Cube let's see offer Vault okay got to get the mouse over to screen number 1,000 offer Vault and we'll do kitchen buddy is it kitchen Cube come on kitchen Cube all right as seen on TV kitchen Cube let's see what it cost because I want to know like a lot of people do affiliate marketing and they're like like Joseph says how about an oven mitt yeah there you go uh that wouldn't pay enough but let's see like if I'm getting 15 bucks this should be $19 or less for me to even think about it it is let's see see what it cost okay it's not saying let's see um good landing page though this will convert As Seen On TV landing pages convert like crazy so let's see uh kitchen Cube kitchen Cube original measuring cup order kitchen Cube measures 19 okay here it here's the landing page cool so this is nine bucks are you guys seeing why this works I sell it for $9 I get 15 like yes I will do that all day and twice on Sunday so what am I going to do I'm going to do for kitchen Cube measure measuring t for kitchen Cube measuring tool it'll go find it incorporate all this stuff let's do do I want it to make the page let's give it a whirl let's see how it does boom we can add the images later it's not that hard you like spoon buddies there you go so Mike if you like the spoon buddy it is so simple what are you going to do so what does the spoon buddy do let's go to chat gbt what does spoon buddy do it reminds me of that song from the 9s Spoon Man was it called spoon man what a weird song that's why '90s people have interesting outlooks on life so here's what it does here keeps sauces soups or other food from dripping onto your countertop keeps your utensil Within Reach so here's what I would do so sausage soups I would go through and I would make content about saces right here's what I do I go yeah 15 bucks this is what I'm talking about people don't know that this world exists and that's why they're like Marcus your your numbers that you talk about seem outlandish well they're literally like I've lived this I've been here done this this is what I've been doing for a long time so we're going through is a joke at the same time okay spoon buddy you know it's pretty cool um yeah and and so like if we go through here we have the spoon buddy okay here's what it does what I would do is I would make a Tik Tok and I would make so I would go through and I'd be like okay let's let's make a Tik Tok about sauces so I'd be like okay list 100 sauces people make when cooking okay so I'm just going to make sauce this sauce that sauce the other I'm going to make my two-page website okay so I'm going to have have a bunch of pins and it's going to be like hollidays two eggs 1,000 gallons of butter and please see your doctor after eating it I do love some hollidays though and I like making it from scratch that package stuff packaged hollidays is just to me it's like against my religion of cooking but at any rate we're going to go through we're going to make all these it's like hey here's barbecue sauce here's Holland sauce here's uh Bern's sauce here's this sauce here's lemon sauce here's teriyaki sauce we're going to have all these sauces okay literally I can give this to my team I have a team of Pinterest makers they use AI to make Pinterest pins I can make a hundred of them by the end of the week probably in two days if I if I hurried them along and give them a little bonus I can make them myself I could probably make 25 a day it's very easy so here's the 100 sauces somewhere over here here's our hundred spes boom now I'd be like now make a cheat card for number one boom here's a cheat card it'll be like hey put the onion in put the this there you go that's it I make pins about sauces then what I do is I say go to my website to download the 100 sauce cards and they'll be like wow Marcus you giving me 100 sauce cards you are so kind you're the nicest guy online teaching me all these sauces I am so happy look at how happy happy I am I'm beaming with happiness there he is right and then you're going to say thanks for downloading check your email for your sauce download by the way go over here and get this thing so that it keeps your spoon buddy kitchen clean and then you do the spoon buddy it's probably nine bucks and I get 15 and you look at it you're like Marcus oh my gosh $1,400 a day is insane I've never even seen that before in my life what are you talking about well if I get $15 all I need to do $15 there we go $5 $15 a sale all I need to do is get four per hour are there four people in the entire world every hour getting a spoon buddy yeah are they getting a pan buddy can I promote both yeah can I promote all the Buddies I can and I can rake it in now are the results to lighter guaranteed are you going to make one Pinterest pen and get rich probably not can you make Instagram Tik Tok videos marinara sauce cheat guide two tablespoons you go there and you're like get a picture of olive oil get a picture of the clothes you show them how to do it and you rinse and repeat here's the problem I got a comment from a guy today I'm I'm going to post it on one of my videos this is a fun comment this guy was like yeah all this guy does is make videos and that's how he makes money making videos for pennies and I went to his channel and he was literally copying videos trying to make pennies but he was doing it wrong shouldn't copy videos if you do this it works it's not a matter of if it's a matter of when the problem is you're going to put 25 videos 25 pins up and you might not make your first sale yet and you'll probably give up actually most people give up after doing like three but if you do this the right way it'll work and going through let's take a look at how our page now so here's the kitchen Cube Cube thing right let's just go copy and we'll call this Cube Cube do cube.

HTM copy edit edit save and we should see it here cube. HTM very simple just makes a little file for US revolutionize your cooking with the kitchen Cube all-in-one measuring tool that saves time and space buy now and get a deal that's pretty good that's a good start obviously there's some work but it's very very similar very simple uh making Pinterest how soon will you get traffic it really depends on your strategy um I think if you do the sauces it could it could work pretty good hey it even got a timer it's pretty cool did a good job and then I just get some icons there fix up the little question mark thingies there and then bada bing bada boom and you can you can test it in um HTML 6 before you post it that way you could go through and do this or check it out if you wanted to do more pages you could have a page about each sauce and then say hey get the coupa or get the the spoon buddy uh down below that way you'd have a bunch of of uh links there okay so compelling headline subhead called to action Johnson boxes I think it made us a Johnson box on the other one here so let's see how that looked is this it I think CTA get your that's a kitchen Cube one this is our regular one okay cool so this should have added the Johnson box so you could see what it looks like there it is important saving so this is your Johnson box okay very simple obviously we would tidy it up and make it look better I would shrink it and I'd make it highlighter color which would be pretty cool uh the Pinterest algorithm how many pins a day like three or four yeah um some people do more some people have trouble with doing that many it just really depends on on your personal growth but again like you know if it takes you a couple months to get here I mean what are you doing for the next couple months are you busy you know I mean set it up a lot of you guys are going to watch videos and try different methods like stick to this do it over and over make it work um which is really cool and some things sometimes you'll go viral Sometimes some videos will do really well sometimes some pin will do really well um you can even do other traffic methods which we'll get to in just a minute trust elements scarcity and urgency be honest with this a lot of people misuse that social proof this is where you have um the testimonials visual hierarchy making it look good anchoring in price FR framing right like um how much does the average household spend on soap for the counters oh hey this spoon buddy is going to pay for itself in a month or whatever um looking that is going to be important guarantee if they have a guarantee mention it personalization this is where maybe you could have it say hey welcome John you know that would actually be really easy where you could do that um on like a thank you page and chat gbt would do that super simple I can show you how to make that work um now make it PHP and have a welcome name at the top where question mark name equals name here works on URL right so it would go through and it add this and then all you'd have to do is like PHP question mark name equals Bob and say hey welcome Bob that's a personalization you can use there really good for email cuz like if I emailed this and it had their name on it it will convert better even though it's simple and it's stupid and it's you put your name in the email anyway um this would work mobile optimization make sure sure it works on mobile exit intent popups this is a big one I actually created this tool we are going to have in AI profit scoop I'm actually all of the tools on the profit scoop we are moving into AI profit scoop so all these tools are going to be part of AI profit scoop uh later this week um and they won't be on our page anymore I'm actually getting rid of this site but here this exit pop what you do is you put your title so you'd say wait don't go by The Spoon Man spoon buddy right and then I could say Okay um click here to buy spoon buddy and save and then you can have a link now this can be HTML I'm just going to show you how easy it is this is going to generate what's called an exit pop which will help you make more money all I would have to do with this exit pop is I think we put before the footer I think let's see which page is this index.

HTM and then what it'll do is when they go to leave see how it pops up that exit pop so it's like a hey wait check this out pretty cool how many of you guys are like dude that's cool that tool is probably worth the price of the AI profit scoop but we have lots of tools in there I think you're going to like them so having that will help that way if they go to leave you're like oh hey by the way get this other thing clean minimal design a lot of people argue with me on this I've been doing this a long time I have had billions of AD Impressions hundreds of millions of visitors I have tested this stuff like crazy um clean simple design without a logo beats a nice design with a logo 10 to one okay uh progress bars if you're going to have like a questionnaire have it oh hey you're 30% through you're almost there stuff like that uh FAQs is good video content where available um even a simple video look I'm using Cooper look how much it saves make videos like you could just go out there and make videos about look at this coupon code look at that coupon help people save money super simple uh sticky elements like um things that stay when they scroll you can do those now that you have chat GPT the sky is literally the limit you can use it to code these Pages super simple now if you want notes from this training before I get into the traffic section airofit for those of you who Wonder there's a video that sells you on the airofit scoop watch it if you don't want to buy anything scroll to the bottom of AI profit scoop and you will see the optin where you will get your free stuff and we send out all kinds of free stuff so here's the video talking about what you get I think you'll enjoy it it's only 8 minutes you can even speed it up it'll only take you 4 minutes if you watch it on double speed then you're going to go through and you're going to do um here just put your name and email in there bada bing bada boom you'll get the free stuff all right now um let's talk about some traffic methods to make this work social media platforms you can create systematic content for whatever it is you're offering if you're doing uh recipes or sauces make the content about the sauces I already made one it's not that hard to do you just duplicate now talking about just real quick I'll show you guys the C customization thing we're going to copy this index.php copy edit it's just going to show you the customization and then we'll get into the rest of the traffic stuff if you guys are digging this smash a like button and save and then we should be able to do index.php and you should see the name welcome guest question mark name equals Rufus welcome Rufus save big if you do Capital it'll capitalize it well maybe not we can add capitals later but that'll that'll customize it for you that will increase conversions now when you're doing um your social media traffic you need to be systemized you need be one track focused you need to do one thing notice here on this channel all I do is talk about how to make money online it's all variations of different ways to make money online that's it I want to get into news stuff that's for a second Channel won't work on this one people here want make money what do I do every video video says go to AI profit scoop that's what I'm doing wash rinse repeat wash rinse repeat Pinterest create good visuals Tik Tock make short engaging ones try out the sauces I mean it might be kind of fun I like making sauces I could go through and be like hey here we tried the marinara one now number two right and it'll go through alfredo sauce let's see if it does it right that looks about right don't don't mince them though actually use a greater if you make uh uh Alfredo use a grater for the garlic much better and burn a little bit of the parmesan before you make your your your sauce it'll give it a depth of flavor that's like ridiculous and these are little things I can teach them and they will like it and then they'll get that spoon thing or whatever other sauce stuff or maybe even an Emulsion blender and I can make a bunch of money right looking at that is key and also um a lot of people don't talk about it it's a temperature thing if your temperature's off a little bit your cheese is going to be grainy l people don't teach you that so that's something you can do um and worst case scenario you'll probably make some money and you'll be a better cook right there you go simple stuff um so there you go we actually are we're going to get an air fryer for the office so we could just test it on social media and do all kinds of different things um so cool stuff yesterday we had Chinese fish that was really good uh let's see okay next up um going through you YouTube you can make product review videos or videos on whatever it is you're trying to um do but make sure you do them systematic uh Instagram Facebook again systematic you will be known for what you do if you have all the sauces you'll be the sauce guy you promote the sauce offer uh very simple paid ads this is something we talked about uh before where you can run targeted ads Google ads is probably my favorite cuz it's very controllable and it's inexpensive for most of these niches um you can also use MSN if you're worried about Google because it's very fast like you can get 10,000 visitors in a couple hours on Google whereas um msn's a little bit slower and a little bit more controlled and they're a little bit friendlier to different types of ads so they're not as as strict um Facebook ads targeting can be kind of a pain but it can work I mean start a Facebook group about sauces that's a good way to get people to your stuff um Instagram ads Tik Tok ads YouTube ads you could do these kinds of things press releases very underutilized I have friends that make fortunes with press releases I think Matt's still here he did press releases he made some money I think he was selling drones or something um very simple very straightforward now imagine what would happen I actually did a press release on my downloads website back in I think it was 2006 2008 I bring this one up it's older it was my most successful one because it was in a niche that got I think that one press release for $200 got 700,000 views or something like that which was a steal I mean I made my money back and then some which is pretty cool um press releases can work really well maybe you could go through and make a press release about uh coupons different things like that uh Native advertising tabula outbrain rev content creating little ads like the ones you see on MSN like the ones we talked about in Monday's video These are game Changers they work like crazy uh display ads very similar to Native but you can use the Google uh content Network you can use other content networks um very similar to Native it's just a little bit more keyword controllable uh podcast you can have a podcast about uh different sauces or whatever your Niche is about uh webinars again webinars are probably going to be good for like you know maybe uh how to save money or or big big things okay uh brumble says can I email you directly if I join Ai provit scoup No I don't do direct emails um you can join calls we have group calls and you can ask questions on the group calls um email just gets too busy and there's no way possible I would be able to sustain answering questions via email what I would recommend and I know there's some people in different parts of the world if you can make them we try to have the AI profit scoop calls staggered so like one day it'll be at this time another another day it might be 10:00 a.m.

We try to stagger them so everyone can get at least one every so often um ask questions on there because there like I can share a lot of things here on my channel but there's certain things I can't like there are certain things where it's like okay I need you know certain rights to show this or I need um your approval to show the domain like I couldn't just be like hey give me all your websites and I'll take a look at them because I don't know what's on your websites that's why these are difficult to do however on AI profit scoop yes it's a paid community so I can share websites I can show things um that would be more difficult here so looking at that is key and I think I think for those that want to make money AI profit scoop is is the biggest no-brainer on the planet and I wanted it to be that way I wanted it to be like wait a minute I sign up it cost $17 I get a domain that's valued at way more than that and you're going to help me with everything basically making the first month like the biggest no-brainer in history yes and it's one of our programs which most of us don't most of our programs have custom Elements which means they don't have a refund policy because obviously like if I give you a website I I paid to get your website built so you have no refund uh AI profit scoop is one of the weird ones where like I've had people that are like I want to cancel because I don't like it I'm like okay have a refund too they're like oh thanks I'm like I don't care I'm not getting rich off your 17 bucks I'm here to make a community um that is actually working and and for people that really want to do this for people who want to learn how to use AI how to go in and and create things that work how to use systematic content um to make things that are going to uh Drive sales and that's the key is understanding like onepage websites can work I know a lot of people think oh how how does that work don't you need a big huge thing no there are people out there that have one-page sites that are making a fortune um the clickfunnels community which yeah they have some interesting thoughts some things I don't agree with some things I do but one of the things is their whole platform is built on paid ads Simple Sites easy stuff uh which is what I've been doing for years I mean I've been doing this I started teaching in 2008 and then I started teaching a lot um in 2017 I think is when I started teaching here on on YouTube which was a full 17 years after I had already been doing this stuff um um and these are things that I taught these are things that students have done I've had students that have onepage websites that do amazing we had a guy uh years ago obviously results not typical mider guaranteed most people make nothing but this guy came to me he was I think he was like 70 or in his mid 70s and he's like Marcus I want to I want to do these paper clips I'm like paper clips what do we going to Staples he's like no you know when you buy ads I'm like oh paperclick and uh he set up a site about homework work and he he was making like 7even Grand a month uh which was really cool but awesome stuff what do I think about AI website Builders I don't like them um I want more control I find that a lot of we AI website Builders are just doing more of the same they're more less like cute theme choosers really is what they are um so yeah like God daddy hostinger those I'm not going to use those um as you guys saw here I did build these live here and adding images and stuff I mean there's a lot more I could do that's where you know having the AI profit scoop I could go in and I could show you image stuff here have to be careful about the images we use and different things like that so it's a little bit more difficult but in AI profit scoop I can do that which is crazy um and we build them all the time which is really good uh Matt says using Marcus's theme you can pop out a site in like 25 minutes yeah if that and you get the plugins and the tools and a lot of the tools are going to be moved over there which is cool um but yeah understanding like it is about this stuff like if I went through and I set this up and I had my onepage website and I drove a hundred targeted people to it and it didn't get a download I'm going to worry because it should have a download I I should have a download um or if it's a sale and I don't get a sale in 300 clicks I'm G to worry I need to make it work uh Matt awesome I haven't verified this uh Matt is a buddy of mine uh he's been in our course for years he he basically tries like half the stuff I teach and he gets results with all of it which is awesome he said he made a site the other week in less than an hour and it made money the same day using the theme Marcus gives so that's awesome um again results not typical implier guaranteed most people that buy my courses make nothing I will say the vast majority do nothing but you know there is a risk you have to understand this is a business and the mindset you need is a business person's mindset and I think The Law of Attraction and the the business community did you guys a disservice by thinking you can go sit in the closet and meditate riches because that's not like you can go in the closet I'm go over here and I'm going to build a website that makes money you can wish money all you want but it really comes into what you do money is a direct result of what you do not of what you think I know people that make more money in a day than I make in a year that have the worst attitudes ever so there goes that theory um it's what we do that makes us money when creating a website can I install WordPress in the same file structure that I intend to use bolt no um separate it so like if I'm going to have my domain where WordPress is on that domain I'm going to make a folder for all my bolt stuff because it will conflict with it and we go over that on uh the tool as well uh the one I'm referring to is gardening okay cool gardening tool um awesome and there's a lot of gardening stuff out there so if you guys want notes from this training airofit if you enjoyed it smash a like button um check out all the other stuff there I have a whole bunch of notes links different things for you to look at there and hopefully you like this training thanks for being here check out a iprofit and I'll see you in the next training

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