$234,000 a day posting content on social media and you can do some of this with AI yep that's right today we are talking about a giant business this business is responsible for making upwards of $85 to100 million a year curating and creating content that's available free online anyway but how does it work and how can you use this method to make money online well that's exactly what we're going to talk about today this is a method that you can use that doesn't require a website doesn't require a whole lot of setup or technical knowhow in fact if you can post on Facebook or Instagram yep you pretty much have the skills you need and of course you'll probably want to learn a little bit about Ai and chat GPT and tools like that but other than that there's not a whole lot you need to get started you don't need a bunch of money you don't need a bunch of knooow Yep this literally works for anyone but first let's dive into what this is what we're talking about today is known as Facebook content farms and I have a big question for you what do these Facebook pages have in common here we have the bright side with over 43 million followers celeb rankings with almost 500,000 followers 5 minute crafts 14 million followers 7c riddles 3.5 million followers and on and on we go and you might have noticed something very important down in the little box over here adme is responsible for this page well if you do a little bit of research on the company adme you will find that these brands are no slouch these are responsible for getting more views than companies like Disney and all they're doing is creating content around what people like to view it's actually very simple some of it is video content image content and some of it is just plain text in fact most of the students I have that are doing this are doing the text and image version just using Ai and we could see here that this is a huge company generating as much as $110 million a year and to show you how big this is here's a list of some of the most followed Facebook pages you have Facebook Cristiano Ronaldo Samsung Mr Bean and then wait a minute 5 minute crafts yep that is one of the brands that this company owns and it's a huge brand and the whole thing revolves around creating content in a specific Niche posting it on Facebook Instagram or YouTube and getting paid big money it's actually super simple in fact there's a lot of other businesses doing this exact thing you can look at the shade room which is a gigantic media outlet that started with social media post and is now apparently a contender with Oprah yeah that's how big these are some of the other companies doing this are unila BuzzFeed Viral Nova Upworthy board Panda which I'm sure a lot of you guys have seen these nine gag dipley ranker Mashable the dodo and more and these companies are making money hand over fist but how are they doing it and what does that mean for people like me and you that just want to make money online posting content with AI well we're going to get to that in just a minute first first let me show you some examples of some smaller Pages here's one here called shipping container homes it's a page all around building shipping container homes and pools and different things out of shipping containers which apparently is very popular today and we could see that this one boasts over 1.9 million followers here's another one by the dipley company with over 10 million followers and of course if we look into Upworthy we can see that Upworthy is an online Media Company built on curating and sharing viral content that underscores meaningful causes and encourages viewers to spread the word did you catch that curating and sharing viral content so technically they're not really making their own content so what is this curated content stuff anyway curated content is when a Content curator selects content to share on social media platforms basically you find content and you share it or you find different types of content compile it make your own content and then share that so wait a minute Marcus these people are actually getting paid just to find share and curate content online that's out there free anyway yes that's exactly what I'm saying here and these companies are actually gigantic in fact there's some good companies like the ones we just mentioned and then there's some others that are doing spam and scams and different things like that sometimes this stuff gets out of hand so make sure that when you're curating content you always follow the copyright laws legalities and always have your users's best interest at heart in fact you can actually make more money just doing a good service for people you don't really have to be shady and you can see here the soul publishing has won tons of awards they're boasting over 2 billion subscribers and the channels go on and on in fact one of my students that joined our last meme profits class made over $700 and I think last he said he was doing like $11,000 a month with a very simple page about different household pets we can see here 5 minute crafts is boasting over 126 million followers the Woof world has 1.7 million and Bor Panda at 15 million hey wait check this out here's a friend of mine Leonard's page with over 136,000 followers and I know for a fact that this one makes money we're going to talk about in a minute I got a screenshot from my buddy and we'll show you how the whole thing works we can also see Wicked Monkey memes Chef club network and the whole nine yards and if you want to find out some of the pages that different people own what you'll notice is that on every Facebook page it says who's responsible for the page and we could just simply take this put it into Google find out all the different pages and groups and posts that they own it's actually super simple and you can dive into these and see what these companies are about it's a huge huge business but first if you wanted to get started in this business what would you do I mean how would you get the content in the first place well first what we want to do is pick a direction or Niche you'll notice that all all the you'll notice that on all these Pages we went through here they have a specific niche market in mind we have this one here with home and life hacks different things that people can do to make their life better like making these kind of punches and uh garlic bread chili or whatever that is all kinds of different things that people are interested in or this one here where they're sharing funny memes or this one over here where they're doing different snacks and Chef clubs and recipes and things like that or board Panda that goes through and does funny different things and different content now notice that some of these are going to have content that leads to the website so board Panda here is actually leading you to his website that talks about what the content is about so very simple they post a snapshot of the content linked to the blog post with the content this would be the advanced method if you actually wanted to get traffic to your website and make money with all of these ads as you can see here this ad pops up and they are paid for having these ads on the website it's actually very simple this is something that I've been doing for a long time and Facebook is a fantastic way to drive traffic to your websites blogs affiliate offers and whatever it is you're using to make money in fact if we were to go to similarweb.com right like this and search for board Panda we can see where the majority of his traffic is coming from we could see here 40 million visitors a month pretty flatlined it looks like he's been the same for a long time it also shows similarly ranked sites like Disney yeah I'd like that in my similar sites because that means I'm probably getting a lot of traffic and making a lot of money we can also see that down here it's going to show you where his track traffic comes from and we could see that 32% of his traffic is coming from social media and of that 32% we can see 60% is coming from Facebook and 33% is coming from Pinterest so over 90% of his traffic is coming from two channels just Facebook and Pinterest yep exactly and you could see here That these channels are all the same L Bible right here we could see has only 128,000 rankings in Google yet they have like 50 million followers so you can see here that this isn't just about search traffic although if you're doing the advanced blog method you'll probably get that traffic too we can see here he's not getting that much traffic from search at all when you're looking at like 89,000 visitors a month versus the 50 million people who follow the content every day so using Facebook for this stuff is a GameChanger and it gets tons and tons of traffic and don't worry if you don't want to do this with a Blog you could quite simply link to your affiliate offer right over here like many people do as you can see the shipping container guy he's got a shortened URL here that's probably going to an affiliate link or something like that so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to pick a direction we're going to talk about motor homes camping prepping grammar funny celebrity stuff what is it that we are going to go through I'm going to go ahead and put a list of different types of content that you can use for this over on my site at mprofit decom you can pick something there maybe pick something you're interested in like cooking if you like cooking or cowboy boots if you like cowboy boots or whatever it is that you like you're going to pick that direction and then what you're going to do is you are going to use AI to create horizontal content what is horizontal content you might ask well that is where we are going to take a niche and we are going to flip it sideways what a lot of people are going to tell what a lot of people are going to tell you to do is take your Niche like recipes and then go through and find all the words like recipes best recipes recipes at home recipes that are easy three ingredient recipes and different things like that what you're going to do in something like that is be timed out and limited by the amount of longtail keywords that's what this is known as people have been doing it for years instead what we are going to do is put the content on its side so I would go through and say well if we're doing crafts maybe I'll do something like popsicle stick crafts there we go right then I'm going to take that sideways and I'm going to go through and do popsicle stick Monument popsicle stick house mansion airplane whatever it is we're going to have all of them lined out or if we're doing content that is text based or we're not doing a bunch of images or videos then we can go through and do something a little bit different let me show you exactly what I mean over here in chat gbt if we were to go to chat gbt right like this and I was to say let's do some Niche ideas for Facebook or different things like that let's say I wanted to go into life hacks or hacks for common known products some of you guys have seen that there's a bunch of posts out there like oh if you put a quarter in your washing Ma machine it'll do X Y and Z don't do that I just made it up but some people will say hey if you put you know fabric softener on your air conditioner it'll smell nice in your house so what I'm doing is I'm using chat GPT and I'm asking it for some crazy hacks for modern products that very few people know about it says here's a laptop lid hanger a tennis ball phone amplifier toothpaste for headlights and these are the things that get tons and tons of views what you're going to do is you're going to use AI for every step of the process but you're not just going to use AI you're going to use human directed AI so where I'm going in here and directing it and saying these are the things I want then we're going to go through and make it better we could say now please make an image for tennis ball phone amplifier and it'll go through and it'll make an image that'll work really well to get people enticed and interested we can post that on the Facebook page and we can post a little blurb about how the hack works it's actually very simple so now you see like why would someone put a phone in a tennis ball then I would say now please write a small article about this right here and it'll go through and it'll talk about how it works it'll say how to do it and we can even say now make three stepbystep images for this article and we can see it's literally doing all the work for us all we need to do is make sure that we have engaging content make sure it's not plagiarized which you can run it through grammarly and stuff like that and also make sure that it's telling the truth we don't want to be like hey you know go sell the tennis ball for $500 right that wouldn't be legit but doing this where we're human interacted we're getting really good content that can work in a super super simple way and you could see this is what's happening this is how it works it's actually very very simple and I mean it did a pretty good job this is stuff we could use right away and you can see here there's a channel just doing this exact same thing with little simple videos and you could do this with videos in an easy way by literally just going and getting this cleaning slime rub it on some things and take a video you don't need your voice you don't need to be in the camera literally all you're showing is your hands it's actually super simple and these kind of things get tons and tons of Engagement and all this person's doing is showing different cleaning hacks and different stuff like that so we can use AI if we say we're in the cleaning hacks now please share 25 little known cleaning hacks around the house and it'll go through and it'll find these or we could say find me 25 crazy shocking Amazon products for claiming right and we could see here like coffee filters for desting pillowcase fan blades all kinds of crazy things that would work good and again when we start to look at this we're like okay make an image for this and it makes it super super easy and the content literally writes itself and all we would have to do is make our own spin on it make sure it's good post and share it and then you could go through and maybe find some kind of ceiling fan uh cleaner that you can get on Amazon or something like that and you would use your Amazon affiliate link now this definitely is going to work best if you have your own blog however you don't need to we're going to talk about ways that you can get paid just for sharing and getting engagement so what we're going to do is get the content curate it pick our Niche and use AI to get the horizontal content now in order to get paid this is actually super simple of course affiliate offers having your own blog that's a bonus tip that can get you into bigger money but one of the things that people don't realize is Facebook actually has a bonus program that pays you when people like comment engage and view your content they pay a lot of money I'm going to show you in just a minute we can use a Facebook pronus program to make money with our content I know friends that have pages that are you know pretty small with 100,000 followers and they're making thousands and thousands of dollars a month one example we're going to show you is making like $5,000 a month now you can also monitorize across multiple platforms Pinterest I believe just created a monetization platform and again using this stuff you just make a smaller version and post it on Pinterest same content structured differently very easy and then of course we can do affiliate and site traffic Revenue as well now one of our students in our last meme profits course Carl said that on his pet site he legit made like $700 with the Facebook bonus program so this stuff works like crazy you can also see my buddy Leonard made over $5,000 and it's 23 days left for his bonus which means that was made in like 7 days or something like that crazy stuff lots of money here and you could see what he's posting some kind of Kool-Aid hack some kind of otter poop thing and a copycat what a burger and these are just images you can tell from the picture here these aren't even Facebook reels or videos or anything like that nope just simple content positioned to get engagement and what Facebook wants is they want people on Facebook so they will pay if you keep people on Facebook how do you do that keeping by keeping them engaged and this is something that is very big here is the example of the guy that was in our course last time Carl here's an example from Leonard site and we could see that this stuff works really really really well now when looking at these businesses that are gigantic like these ones up here the bright side celeb rankings 5 minute crafts 7-second riddles what we want to do is learn from their engagement while they might be making 80 to100 million a year or a quarter of a million dollars a day we want to look at this and say well maybe I'm not that big but could I make $50 a day $100 a day $300 a day or even a couple thousand a day and when you start to see the power and the magnitude of these businesses yes this would be like being around in the 80s and MTV saying hey you can use our show to sell whatever you want every single day just make sure that what you put out is engaging and ethical for our viewers do you think you could make money if they put you in front of their Millions of people that watched MTV every single day and the answer is yes that is what's Happening Here Facebook has a gigantic audience and if you make good engaging content and share it with people who would like it and extend your reach you can get audiences that are ginormous like this one here for riddles literally all they're doing is sharing riddles I can go to Ai and say now come up with 100 or 100 crazy riddles and we could go through and it'll make the images it'll make whatever we want very very simple and these are the kind of things that get crazy good engagement in fact I was talking to Leonard in our last call where he was saying that there was some Dr Pepper recipe that got tons and tons of views I think it was like a Dr Pepper Oreo or something weird like that to me it sounds like a blood sugar problem but you know if it gets engagement and makes money you don't have to eat the thing to make it work and we could see it's just going to work making all kinds of different riddles and we could go through and say please make an image for please make an image for this riddle engaging and click bity and it'll go through and make something for this riddle and a super simple way so we're using AI with our human Ingenuity to have it help us save time we can curate content with AI in a way that was never ever available before and we could see here it's got all kinds of stuff like that it's pretty cool I mean we can use something like that or I might just do it without the words on the image because sometimes AI struggles with words but we can see here that it works pretty good and now we're going through we're like okay I can legit make a business that works by getting engagement of what people are looking for and using AI is a GameChanger because up until now when that company started the bright side and five minute hacks and all those they had to have a team of content writers A Team of video creators and all kinds of teams to make this stuff work but now using AI we can do this as a oneman show and you might not be able to make a $100 million a year but you can probably make something but I got to tell you this is a business the results are not typical implied or guaranteed and the average person trying to make money online makes nothing but I think if you follow along and you look at what these big businesses are doing you can make this work in a super simple way and one other bonus strategy I'll leave with you today is the art of list building if you can use these to get a mailing list maybe you'll share a thousand ways to make money or side hustles or whatever it is we can actually use those to create a business like that because if I get a mailing list then I can mail them all sorts of different things this is the same kind of thing I'm doing over on Pinterest where I'm sharing different dropshipping items I go through and I say here's a Drop Shipping item here's another one and we have all these Drop Shipping items that make money what this is doing is it's building me a mailing list over at LOL biz.com where people put their name and email to get the full list of all the Drop Shipping things and then I email them stuff about how to to get started with Drop Shipping and Shopify affiliate links and different things like that and it works like crazy again notice in the Drop Shipping example how I put the content sideways I didn't talk about best way to make money Drop Shipping how to start Drop Shipping Shopify versus this that's keyword type stuff which is good for Google rankings and YouTube and things like that when we're coming over to Facebook we want to think what's going to take people out of their normal mundane scrolling Facebook and show them something interesting can I say well hey check it out here's this weird baseball bat that makes $9 million a year on Amazon you want to learn Drop Shipping click here here's this weird inflatable giraffe that you use in your pool right it makes this much on Facebook and using data points you can be the king and all we did on this example here is find data points from different programs I pay $30 for a subscription to Jungle Scout which shows me how much traffic they get how much money they make and put some images together and bada bing bada bang There we go we can even use AI to say now tell me 100 little known Crazy Drop Shipping products that make money online and it'll go through and it'll find the stuff again we want to go through and we want to fact check it so I would say okay is there a floating globe or a self stirring mug right we can go through use our data points I can use jungle Scout ah reps or whatever other tool to see if these things actually work and we could see here yeah it definitely works a lot of people are buying these and the data I'm going to show you most of it's free anyway so I could say here's one with a th000 reviews then I would just go over to Ali put in self stirring mug and then I could say something like hey this self stirring mug will make you x amount of profit here they are for a dollar each with your logo on it and we could sell them for $16 want to learn about Drop Shipping click here it's very simple and you could do this with literally anything from life hacks to tips for insomniacs or whatever it is what we need to do is think differently think about what would stop people in their tracks based on the niche you're choosing then you go out there and use a I to create content that these people want to look at then you get paid it's really that simple and if you want to see the full webinar on this and get all the notes from this training check out mprofit tocom I have that there for you you just go over there watch the training get the notes and you too can start posting content on social media to make money online thanks again for watching smash that like button check out the videos in the description and I'll see you in the next training