Easy New AI Side Hustle Thats Making $1,341+ Daily!

here is a live example making $441 this one is making $969 $532 262 and this one here banking over $1,300 each and every day now remember these are just singular examples you can create as few or as many as you want it's actually very easy in fact this simple AI driven side hustle can use the same exact method that one of my student used to make as much as $500 in one day off of one simple post and the cool thing about these is they live forever so you could be making money day in and day out passively with this one simple side hustle that's guaranteed to work for those willing to put in the effort and the cool thing is using AI with this side hustle it's actually super simple but what does it have to do with this pot more about that in just a minute first have you ever noticed how people are utterly obsessed with celebrities that's right just yesterday watching the Super Bowl it seemed like they showed Taylor Swift more than the actual game and this celebrity culture is insanely profitable just to show you how it works if you were to take a look at the press releases created yesterday all about Taylor Swift and the Super Bowl you could see that there's literally hundreds of them and not only that but people are turning to celebrities to get all kinds of advice celebrity doctors chefs therapists even celebrities showing you how to to fix up your house and each and every celebrity has its own microeconomie how to piggyback on this gigantic celebrity side hustle that can put tons of money in your pocket and it's actually super simple in fact anyone with internet access and the ability to ask AI simple questions and the ability to use a program like canva PowerPoint Microsoft Word or any program like that can start making money as soon as today yep that's right this gets super fast results and everything I'm going to show you is based on data real world examples and things that I've actually tried we're not just sharing hypothetical side hustles this is something I've actually done and made lots of money with so if you're excited smash that like button and leave a comment saying awesome side hustle so let's dive into the computer and I'm going to show you the ins and outs step by step a very simple paint by num system where you can use AI canva PowerPoint and this simple side hustle to make tons of money please note the examples you are going to be shown are based on a 30 Cent per click basis meaning you would average about 30 cents for every visitor sent to a custom link and while some of these offers will pay more than that we need to keep in mind that the vast majority of people trying to make money online make nothing so keep that in mind this is a business it takes work and effort and even after doing all the work there are some variables that affect your income unlike those getrich quick side hustles we're actually going to show you real world stuff that actually works okay so the first thing we're going to do is fire up an AI tool we can use something like chat GPT MSN Bing co-pilot or we can even use the new Gemini tool put out by Google if we're using Gemini we would say something like please list 25 celebrity then this part is super important we are going to choose our Niche whether it's chefs personal trainers workout people therapists or whatever it is let's use chefs for this example it's going to go through and list the different chefs that are celebrity chefs that way we can use this data to actually turn a profit so we can see it's got Gordon Ramsay James Oliver wolf game puck and on and on we go now I'm going to say now please just list them out one by one with nothing extra it'll go through and make one big list one after the other so that we can copy and paste it in a super simple way now you can see we have a list of 25 celebrity chefs we are going to take this list and put it through one of our keyword tools to see which ones are the most popular I could use something like the ahrs keyword tool if I have a paid subscription or I could use something like the Hoth keyword tool right like this we're going to put in the entire list of 25 and click on view keyword stats Pro prove we're not a robot then it's going to go through and tell us the search volume for each and every Chef or whatever type of celebrity we chose we could see here 368,000 searches a month for Gordon Ramsey 40,000 for Jamie Oliver 210,000 for Anthony Bourdain 33,000 emerald legasi and on and on we go so the first thing we want to note is that a lot of people are looking up these celebrity chefs and if we were to do the same thing say list 25 celebrities that are therapists right like this you can see here it's listing them out in a very simple way I can now say please find some more and just list the names only and it's going to go through and find all the celebrity counselors or therapists or whatever it is and I can do the same exact thing here where I'm typing this into the keyword tool to see exactly what people are searching for it's actually super simple and we could see here Dr Phil 110,000 a month Dr Ruth 5400 a month and on and on we go so this shows me that people are searching for this which means it's popular this is part one of the equation which is having a popular Niche with lots of celebrities and lots of people searching for it now in addition to people searching for this you're also going to notice that if you search these on YouTube like this there's tons and tons of videos with lots and lots of views of people watching the different celebrities so this tells us there's a huge demand the next thing we're going to want to do which is part two is figure out how we're going to make money on this traffic we want to think about these celebrities and think about ultimately what they're doing because at the end of the day they're nothing more than just influencers they're influencing people to cook a certain way think a different way fix their house in a certain manner or whatever it is so we could go over to something like offervault and type something like cookware this would be perfect for the celebrity chefs or maybe you would go through and do something like therapy and use the different therapy affiliate offers and make money that way we could see here talkspace pays $150 a lead online therapy $10 anxiety and on and on we go and of course on the cookware $45 a sale 35 35 and even this one here which is super important take a note $33 per sale and not only that but we can actually go to Google and search for Gordon Ramsey cookware and figure out the exact cookware he's using we could see hexclad here right on hexclad docomo we could see that it actually is endorsed by Gordon Ramsey himself and it pays 15% commission for every sale that you refer which means if I sold this gigantic pan bundle I'm going to get like 500 bucks and if I only sell these two pans down here for $200 I'm still going to make $30 commission so you could see that this starts to add up super fast next thing we're going to do is we're going to take our keyword tool right like this we're going to choose Chef number one or therapist number one or Home Improvement person number one whatever it is and we're going to pair that with our money method Gordon Ramsey pans and we could see here that over 4,000 people a month are searching for the type of pans that Gordon Ramsey uses so that's like 4,000 people that you could send here and get paid when they buy the pans that Gordon ramsy uses yep exactly then all I would need to do is go over to Google Gemini Advanced or if you're using the free version Gemini will do just fine we are going to say what are some of the top kitchen items and pans that Gordon Ramsey uses AI is going to go to work and figure out all the different things that the celebrity is using to get the result that other people want and we could see something about a scan pan all clad hexclad different knives and all kinds of crazy stuff like this then I can say now put together a kitchen checklist for people who like Gordon Ramsay this is going to go to work and put together a little checklist of people who want to use the same things that Gordon Ramsey uses when he cooks and here we have a chef knife pairing knife sharpening Skillets all kinds of crazy stuff that we can make money with in fact if you start to pair this with different things like this here we can see there's different knife sets that pay us like $45 a sale and since the traffic is built in using the celebrity's name this is going to be a cinch now of course make sure you don't step on any rules trademarks or anything like that but quite simply doing the work of figuring out what celebrities are using is pretty much public domain so I think we'll be okay there but again I'm not a lawyer just just make sure you're not saying that people are endorsing things that they're in fact not endorsing always say this is my opinion this is what I found these are the things I like that way everything's on the up and up then what I can do is figure out each of these and find the exact products and make a full list next now that I know there's traffic there's enough celebrities and there's enough products for me to make money including Amazon I can find a lot of the stuff he uses on Amazon be an affiliate of Amazon and point to those things so I can get paid on Amazon as well this side hustle is crazy simple next what I'm going to want to do is go through and create some kind of content around this stuff I can use something like canva right here and use their video editor or I could go through and use something like Microsoft PowerPoint with the co-pilot add-on this is super simple I could just code a co-pilot and say now please add some kitchen knives used by Gordon ramse and I'll link to a video in the description showing you more about how to use this PowerPoint tool in a simple way to make slides and then turn those into videos that you can put on Tik Tok YouTube Pinterest pretty much anywhere and get traffic utilizing the chef names and notice how PowerPoint went through and actually made a slide with a picture of the knife and put the different knives right there on the list so I could quite simply make a video about the top tools that Gordon Ramsay uses and point to those tools and get paid yep I don't even need a website however I would highly recommend getting a domain in a website that way on your slideshow video you can say to get the full list and discounts on these products check out whatever your site is and in order to do that right what I'm going to do is I'm going to use a tool like spam Zilla to find a domain that's going to be really easy for people to type in and remember we don't want anything that they can misspell or have any problems with dashes or anything like that so I could use something like Chef secret.in or using chef.com or even something like Chef name.com or whatever it is we just want it to be easy so that we could drive people to that website and an added bonus of having your own website is the fact that we can actually rank for some of these keywords as I mentioned earlier in the video we can see that Gordon Ramsey pans is looked up a lot however if you go through and look at some of these Pages again remember these are just one page on an entire website this page is getting about $969 each and every month worth of traffic for different keywords related to hexclad Chef Ramsey cookware frying pan and on and on we go you could see that people are looking this stuff up like crazy and when you think of the fact that this is just one chef with one Niche with one tool a pan a knife or whatever it is you could see that this could be a side hustle that can put lots of money in your pocket this example just started a few months ago and it's already getting $441 each and every month worth of free traffic for just the pans on one Chef alone here's another one $532 worth of traffic on Reddit and you can see here that this works like crazy using canva and PowerPoint makes it super easy we can actually use the embedded AI to create a PDF showing all the different things that each chef uses or therapist or whatever it is and then point directly to the affiliate programs in that PDF and get paid like that and just to show you how this works it's actually super simple in fact there's a very popular YouTuber that's getting a lot of controversy right now by the name of Sniper Wolf and I went through and I was like wait a minute a lot of people are looking up sniperwolf earnings to see how much money she makes so what I did is put a simple little blog post about her earnings and how much money she makes and we're actually ranking on Google right here with a simple AI created blog post and what you'll notice is a lot of these keywords are super non-competitive and creating a blog post a video a PDF guide with all the things they use or whatever it is is a super simple way to make money online and imagine what would happen if you started doing this with every Chef or every different celebrity in the niche that you Cho in the niche you choose and just start pointing them to things that make you money Yep this is pretty much what I've been doing for the last 25 years to make tons of money online so you can use this sight hustle in a super simple way and if you want to learn more about this smash a like button and check out the videos in the description

As found on YouTube


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