here are seven ideas on how to start an easy side hustle and earn between $5,000 to $15,000 every single month I've run my own online businesses for the past 7 years and in this video I'm going to share with you things that I know 100% work because I have personally done them myself so the first side hustle that I want to tell you about is Instagram Instagram is working great for me this is my profile over here I've got 37,000 followers on Instagram and Instagram honestly is just super powerful you can publish simple reals my reals that I publish are nothing special but they get tens of thousands of viewers this one is almost at 100,000 viewers now I've had some other reals that have hit a million viewers or more and the best way to make money on Instagram is to make reals like this and you can do this in any Niche there are tons of really good niches for Instagram I'm just going to list them here on the screen so that you can see and I'm going to show you a few examples so check out this reel over here this is basically just some foot AG of trees you can totally just make this footage yourself driving in a car or you can get any stock video to make this kind of footage then it's made a little bit darker and then there is some motivational text and motivational voice that is announcing this text okay and this is getting a ton of views you can see there are 433 comments on this reel and if we check out this account you will see that these kind of reals are basically getting a ton of views look at this 1.5 million views 1.5 5 million views okay for a real like this where it's just footage of something else and it's this text today's video is brought to you by POG the most trusted name in domain registration whether you're an established marketer or just starting out pogan is your partner in creating a unique online presence with a Blog domain name a Blog domain name is really Universal and you can use it in a variety of different Industries and business models you can use it for a website dedicated to travel guides and experiences discuss the latest fashion Trends dive deep into tech reviews and the do blog domain really gives your brand a unique personality it's a trustworthy domain extension because it adds that personalized touch so why would you use pogan for your domain registration well first of all they've been named the number one domain registration Provider by USA Today for 2023 and 2024 also each blog domain that you register with poogan comes pre-loaded with a lot of features such as the who is privacy feature SSL certificate and web and email hosting trials this will help you set up your blog or your business without any of the extra costs the way that pogon themselves say it why pay for things that should be free and it's super easy to manage your dolog domain with pogon because they provide excellent customer service if you need any sort of help their support team is available for your 365 days per year so if you're ready to get started on your blogging Journey with pogan then just go to this URL here on the screen which is pog at blogger 24 or click the link in the description below and you can get your blog domain at pogan for less than $5 for the first year here is another example of reals so this account here create a kandal you'll see that his reals a lot of them are also getting tens of thousands of viewers this one is 52,000 views he's got quite a lot with 133,000 views 271,000 views and all it is check this out all it is is just him typing away on a laptop okay and then some text that motivates you or gives you some kind of excitement or drives you forward to do something and then he's got these description okay and then he's asking people to basically comment guide for a free free blueprint and whenever someone makes a comment they get a reply with a link you can insert this link and it can be an affiliate link promoting something specific that is solving a problem for the people on Instagram so if this profile is about how to start a business then you could promote an offer that is about how to start a business online if you decided to create an account in the fitness Niche you could promote a fitness offer so just make similar reals but addressing this the problems that people in your Niche have and then you would insert a link over here that is an affiliate link for a good offer that your followers might actually want if you wanted to start something like this the best thing would be to find about 5 to 10 accounts and just really study them study what they're doing create very similar content figure out what offers they're promoting and then start promoting similar offers side hustle number three is YouTube and I'm going to show you a way that I use YouTube to make very passive income so let's jump over here and let's take a look at the videos that I've posted on YouTube with the most number of views so I've had one with 5.5 million viewers I've had one with 900,000 viewers and the reason why I'm able to do this is because I Target keyword search terms so if we go into this video over here for example most profitable YouTube niches with 224,000 views okay we're going to look at the analytics and you'll see that this video is now about 1 and A2 years old but it is still getting consistent views it's still getting 410 views over the past 48 Hours add revenue on this video is just $287 that is because I turned off ads on this video because I'm monetizing it in a different way in this video I'm actually inviting people to bu my course so that's how I monetize it this is just to show you how powerful it can be that after almost 2 years this video is still getting a ton of views and this is because I targeted a very particular type of keyword which is most profitable YouTube niches if I search for this right now most profitable YouTube Niche you will see that my video is still ranking as number two likewise here is another example this video about the sales final how to create a sales final for free if we take a look at it you'll see that it's getting about 67 views every 48 Hours the revenue is about $190 I'm happy with that it's just a bit of extra income for me the real monetization here is from the affiliate link I'm showing in this tutorial how to do something in and then I'm giving my affiliate link to get a free account of of whenever someone signs up and then they end up upgrading I end up earning a commission so I earn about $1,000 a month right now through affiliate program and that's from a couple of videos where I've basically done this I've just done a tutorial about a particular software and put in my affid link underneath now the reason this works so well is again because I've put in a very specific search term and this video is just getting Evergreen views simply from people searching for this term and finding my video over here and if you want me to show you more about this method then also just drop me a comment below and tell me that make a full tutorial on strategy number three and I'll do this for you in the next couple of weeks next side hustle strategy is to become a YouTube video editor there is a huge demand for YouTube video editors out there I have actually always wanted to have a video editor and I've recently found a video editor that I'm really really happy with but video editors can earn really really good money it can range anywhere from sort of about $5 per hour of your time up to about 2030 $40 per hour of your time and that will of course depend on your country on your experience level and what kind of customers you can find but if you go onto just to get an idea and I've searched for YouTube editor over here here are the listings of YouTube video editors along with their hourly rates there are some who advertise their hourly rate at $40 per hour some who advertise it at $10 per hour the point is that there's definitely demand for this kind of service and you can go onto and search for YouTube video editing courses and complete any of the courses and once you've learned some of the basics from udemy you can go on YouTube and start searching for some more specific courses for example if you type in for how to edit like ISAC that will give you tutorials about how to edit in this particular style that's just really popular and really really engaging right now so you can learn how to do this by just watching these YouTube videos once you know how to edit videos like this you can get onto and you can create your profiles and you can start with a lower rate per hour and then once you've got a few customers and you've got a few testimonials you can start looking for clients who are perhaps are running larger YouTube channels and are willing to pay you more next side hustle is user if you go into user and then at the very top go on get paid to test this is where you can sign up to become a tester of applications and websites as you can see it says it's the ultimate side hustle it's easy fast and simple all you need to do is to just share your perspective on products and experiences and make money online from the comfort of your home you can test online apps for all of these companies you can see here the scrolling list so user testing works with very legitimate companies like subway goded canva you'll see in the testimonials user testing actually pays quite well so as far as I'm aware user testing is one of the most legit user testing companies online you'll see that from testimonials there are many people that make hundreds of dollars by doing different assignments they can be as short as 5 minutes up to about 1 hour so go ahead sign up it's a really fun way to make some extra money next side hustle is campy is a platform where you can become a tutor of English language or you can find a tutor who will help you learn English so it's a platform that connects students and tutors and you can earn money by being in tutor so if you go into tutors you'll be able to see that here are the different profiles of the tutors that are available in Camp now if you go to resources at the top scroll down you will see something that says become a tutor click on that and you'll be able to sign up to become a camp tutor with Camp you can get paid weekly and you can make $10.20 per hour or $112 per hour on Camp kids so if you teach kids the pay is a little bit higher you can review all the information here and then when you're ready just click get started and you can submit your application to Camp which will get reviewed it's available worldwide as long as your English is at a native or a bilingual proficiency you can apply to become a Cuda the last side hustle that I want to tell you about is available at fter if you go to fter you land on a page that looks like this and this is actually a training course that my business partner Alan and I have put together and it is available for a $0 access on a 7-Day trial so it's completely free for you to get started and we teach inside this training course a strategy about how to post 7c videos and exactly how we've been doing this to bring in over $928 a day using these 7sec videos using these methods we've actually generated over 10 million views and over $330,000 within a year so you can see a lot of the proof here and we teach you how you can do the exact same thing by making very very short and simple social media videos and Publishing them to grab your free access just go to faster and you'll be able to get inside this training course thank you so much for watching my video today if you enjoyed it then please smash the like button subscribe to my channel and after you've done that go ahead and watch this video next I'm showing a really unique way that I've recently discovered about how you can make money online that no one else is teaching so go ahead and watch this video next and I'll see you there
EASIEST Online Side Hustle To Start MAKING MONEY NOW