if you want to make money online with AI pay close attention because what you're about to learn is super important deep seek China's new AI is sending shock waves through the entire tech industry affecting some tech stocks in the USA to the tune of almost 15% gone overnight but what is this $1 trillion startup how is it going to help you make money and why is it getting so much traffic and even being hit with fullscale cyber attacks well that's what we're going to dive into today we're going to talk about how this AI Works how it's going to help you make money and why I think eventually the US might ban this so time is of the essence what you're going to learn in this video is going to prepare you for the blockage of some AIS which will Poise you to make lots of money and not only that but this is going to teach you something far deeper than you ever imagined but first why is this AI taking the World by storm one it's low cost and for many users even free two it's way smarter than any other AI I've tested before this is being hailed as the Sputnik moment for China AI but since this is running on a more efficient model is it really as smart as they're saying or does it just think differently more about that in in just a minute but first a little story back about 10 years ago I was struggling with really bad alcohol addiction I couldn't quit no matter what I did nothing helped I was locked in a trap that had me stuck depressed and utterly hopeless and when I got sober something interesting happened it wasn't something I planned on but being sober actually changed the way that my brain worked before where I would give it thoughts and content and things would happen it would go to the downside negative hopeless and no matter what I gave it even if was happy news it would spin it to the negative and I didn't realize this was happening because I was drinking and I thought that's the way that life was my thoughts worked the way my thoughts worked and I had to battle my thoughts day in and day out which was exhausting and I almost didn't make it through and gratefully 10 years later I could say that experience has taught me more about life and business than all the other stuff combined and yes this has everything to do with China's deep seek AI because many people think that having a better thinking AI is what's going to make the difference much like in business if you could think better if you could do better if you could be more efficient that is the key yet we see AIS that make us more efficient all day everyday open AI perplexity Google Gemini meta and more all of these tools work pretty much the same way they help us research compile information create things and overall be more productive and make more money so why is China's AI so different is it just another shiny object for people to play with for 6 months and then wonder why they're not making money with it well I think there's something bigger at play and it's not necessarily in what the AI is thinking about it's in the way that it thinks the methodology and this is where China has everything different this AI is actually thinking in a different way where chat gbt and other AIS are more linear study this figure this out this AI is actually thinking about what you want and figuring out ways to do it that are not conventional to other people now what does this have to do with you and your ability to make money well we can all do things some of the most popular videos here about making money online are technical videos showing you how to create a Pinterest post or a website or something like that and that is leading you in the wrong direction that's focusing on work that anyone can do therefore it's not valuable what is valuable the way you think about making content websites pin pins or whatever it is it's not the creation of the stuff that matters the internet doesn't need more content it needs content structured differently and as I've said many times content structured differently can make you rich and what this AI does is structure your business differently it thinks completely different let's say that you have someone who is a medium IQ level person versus someone who is genius level now obviously the genius level people are the ones that come up with the computers and electricity and all the fancy stuff we use today the vast majority of people never thought that way why it's a door in their brain that is never opened so if you keep using the same AI to get the same results and think the way everyone else thinks you're going to get the same results everyone else gets which is yeah the average person makes nothing however using China's new AI if you can prompt it correctly you can teach it to virtually output money yes this is a GameChanger and I believe the US government will eventually block access ban it or limit it in some way shape or form so what we're going to do in this video is I'm going to show you how to use this AI to think different get an output that you can use to give to other AIS to train them to think this way so that you can get paid and deep seek AI is literally mirroring high IQ thought working again it's about the working of the mind not the content I mean look at all your favorite TV TV shows they're all about different things but they keep you watching the working is why you keep watching the content is irrelevant you could watch The Bachelor you could watch I Love Lucy you could watch cartoons literally does not matter it's the way the content works and what I'm going to show you today is how to transfer this from Deep seek over to any AI you want to use that way if this thing gets Limited you're going to have something worth lots of money in fact you can use what you're going to learn right here right now to make money today and when you look at the metaphor I talked about earlier where my anxiety alcohol addiction and all of that stuff was really hard to get through that's because I was using circular reasoning I was trying to get out of a panic attack by thinking my way out of it which the thoughts that got me there are not going to be the same thoughts that get me out of it I believe it was Einstein who said the same thoughts that got us where we are today are not going to be the thoughts that get us to the Future much in the same way you wouldn't treat a panic attack by arguing with the irrational thoughts we can't fix AI by obsessing over its outputs the future of AI isn't about thinking more it's about thinking better so smash a like button if you're ready to learn how to use deep seek AI to make tons of money online starting right now [Music] now all right so let's take a look at what's going on here with deep seeks breakthrough and Market impact first of all this Chinese AI startup was founded in 2023 so getting the big traction it's getting right now is kind of gamechanging I don't think we've seen anything at this scale before now their main model is deep seek R1 which is the research one which is the one that we've been using for many different things here at affiliate marketing dude and AI profit scoop we can also see yes it did trigger a big sell-off of Nvidia stock now looking at what makes this different and what makes it unique according to what everyone else is saying versus what I'm seeing that's something we're going to go through here first of all what makes it unique cost efficiency with the API it's ridiculously cheaper and for the average user me and you it is absolutely free which is crazy also it is cutting down on on the workload for electric need usage right so like the power plant usage is going to be a lot less when this thing is at scale versus a uh open Ai and different things like that it also encourages custom apps and plugins which is a very very big thing we can do for making money so where usually you would have something like open AI custom gpts this is something that we're encouraging to make plugins and different things that you can use with this it's more of a transparent open- Source type of deal also the hardware it runs on cheaper less Advanced chips which means that they can make them themselves which means this is going to expand even more than we see right now now big Tech is worried because of the fact that this is so big so cheap and so powerful and uses less resources this is basically being looked at as a Sputnik moment for China's AI where hey someone is way far in Advance now when we're looking at how to profit from it obviously one of the ways you can do that is build lowcost AI tools we'll talk about that and the coding capabilities of deep seek in just a minute we can also monetize AI Services we're going to get into this in just a minute this is one of the bigger ones only I'm not going to teach you how to make a service per se although you can use it for that I'm going to talk to you about something to Poise yourself for what I believe this is going to be limited at at some way shape or form because of the damage it's doing to the US economy I just I see it happening like we saw with Tik Tok it wasn't so much about the Tik Tok or the app it was more about the money behind it so looking at that I think this is going to get the same fate only a lot quicker and a lot more efficient than the ban of Tik Tok now also leveraging affordability right now I am paying over close to $600 a month for my open AI accounts for myself and my employees here and this is something that I can give them for free it's it's faster it's better it thinks different this is key also for investors obviously you can go out there and do investing that is not my for but you know some things will bounce back some will stay the same some will go down you can look at that as well now for businesses if you're in a business this gives you access to cost effective Ai and a different reasoning type this is key also looking at the risks with this it is less moderated so when you have something that is controlled by a government that's less strict you're going to have different things available we talked about this in my last video also looking at all this other stuff um when we have the difference in the two models as seen here you're seeing that it is actually thinking different I've been going through and asking it different questions in the same AI right like explain working of mind also this one here recent AI news and then I went through and I said how does someone who searches for why can't I sleep feel and one of the things that deep seek gets that the other models don't is a bigger insight into how people feel which as a marketer that's the difference between making money and not making money I'll link to some videos I talk about this in the description but going through and looking at this I want you to look at the difference right here we have physical exhaustion and mental alertness tired but wired this is one where okay it's actually getting the term it's talking about this in detail versus chat GPT where we're going through and asking the same exact question over here and we see the answer is a lot more flat frustrated exhausted anxious helpless concerned curious or seeking Solutions whereas the Deep seek is going through in a very very more robust way physical exhaustion and mental alertness it explains it anxiety and overwhelm frustration and helpless physical discomfort or health concerns now the importance of this is I mean one you're getting a much much better result even when you don't do the search which means okay if you have the search toggled it's going to go out there it's going to look at the Internet it's going to search for things when it's deep think it's like a com enclosed model only reasoning with itself um when looking at that it was very similar um even I think even better because it was like isolated instead of going out there and saying hey go read books on this it's going off of what it is right and then there's hope keep takeaway uh different things like this where it's understanding at a different level and if you can see the difference say Advanced method or something like that in the comments because we can see the difference here is night and day now again what I explained with the difference here is between like a high IQ thinking versus low IQ thinking a difference between knowing what to think knowing what to ask versus not knowing what to ask whereas with chat GPT we're going to ask something then we would have to know know what to follow up with like if I said now make 50 blog post titles for this type of website we're going to see what this comes up with and what's going to happen is your content is kind of going to go flat versus deep seek is going to know what to do with this right so let's take a look at the difference here and I want to show you because a lot of people they don't know what they don't know and this is the biggest thing when it comes to making money online people don't know what they don't know so they don't know to ask it they don't know to understand it they don't know how to position it differently when I have been using deep seek I'm seeing that it does know how to think different so instead of having to know what prompts to make what specific things to ask it this is actually going out there and it knows right and we're seeing look it's actually giving us these different things here my insomnia Journey I'll catch up on sleep later the myth I mean these are very very good why can't I sleep 10 surprising reasons now looking at chat GPT 10 proven ways to fall asleep faster tonight why can't I sleep common reasons notice how the difference is this is almost like it was written for a marketer for humans so when you go through and you're like okay I this looks good right to the most people to the to the non-marketing eye this is going to look okay you're going to create content you're going to wonder why it falls flat the reason it's falling flat you might not know so now I can go through and say now please make a prompt that would get these types of posts for any Niche be specific please how did you know to come up with these this is going to go through and it's going to give us the insight into what it's thinking notice how when it tells you what it's thinking it's way more detailed it tells you the different angles it tells you the how-to the myths and it's almost doing like everything for you which is insane and now we see replace Niche with your topic weight loss career burnout parenting you are writing for Niche Seekers with paino emotions goal hope so now it's going through and it's showing all of these which is really cool so let's see what would happen here if I was to take this for this here now do them again focused on this specifically and again remember we did ask this at the start to talk about the feelings it just kind of ignored them and just went into this other stuff so let's do now do them for this specifically right like this and let's see if they come closer but again most people are not going to know to put this this in here this is key this is going to this is going to show you the money-making method in just a minute and it's going to blow your mind so now going through this we're seeing yes it is thinking differently little glitch with chat gbtb and slow there but we could see this one's doing pretty good like this why can I stick to a routine perfectionism trap it's actually thinking completely different and when you have something that thinks different it's going to be night and day between the output you get like if you had an employee that knew how to figure things out versus an employee that just does what you tell them to do if I have one that knows how to figure stuff out I have a much much better chance of doing really well because now they can go and figure things out without my prompting that's what's Happening Here is this is more like a creative understanding marketing person that knows how to go out and figure out what it needs that's where the thinking comes in here and that's why the tech world is so up in arms because this is thinking completely different right let's see how this went all right so we have this here uh seven surprising reasons why you can't sleep and how to fix them why can't I sleep so again they're okay but notice these are these are going through and getting the feelings right hype helpful night owls can Tech really solve your sleep problems that's pretty cool right this is all inside the mind of what people are struggling with I think this is if you guys see this type I get it or aha moment let me know and and again it's going into like menopause and insomnia that's one where I might not have thought to go for that but you know again I'm sure there are people searching for this which is really really cool and understanding this now it's going to take my Marketing in a different direction and in the world of marketing if I miss this and I don't do it right I could be missing out on23 $4,000 a month where I mean how many uh women that are going through this are struggling with insomnia as well this is stuff that's going to be GameChanger again I wouldn't know to go find this so you can now go into any market and be an expert which is crazy so that's the difference between how it's thinking one we're seeing that humans with high IQ they think and focus on key variables they ignore everything else to solve problems faster this is one of the reasons I've been effective in business is because I can shut out everything except what I'm doing I have hyperfocus when I'm focused now ai deep seek is actually doing the same thing it's mirroring to shut out everything else that's why when I went through I turned off the search because I wanted it to just isolate just think about what you're thinking about and what I give you imagine if I gave this a big list of blog posts from another site or something like that again game changer another one was transfer learning which is applying Knowledge from one domain to another this is important notice in the beginning of this training or video or whatever this is that I said the example of when I was an alcoholic and how my brain was different that was my ability to find common ground in two things that are unrelated business world and Ai and alcoholism most people wouldn't put those together my brain did do that that's what we're seeing this is doing I actually went through I had deep seek go through and tell me all of the different things that had to do with working of mind and um the the content of mind which was very good and it's being a little slow right now because deep seek is being used quite a bit all right so looking at that was key another one was analyzing our own thinking this is key a lot of AI we have seen now doesn't know how to analyze its own thinking deep seek absolutely th% does it's actually going through and it's like hey here's the things we're looking at here's how I think about it here's why I think about it and here most importantly is why that would matter again this is a GameChanger and we can see here when I asked it about the working of mind we can see data influence as humans we have bias we have uh representation where it's like okay I could be biased towards one thing I'm looking at only this one thing that's a flaw we all have it I have it AI can can look at it and it can learn from it um algorithmic design training processes and all of this other stuff where it's looking at how does it interpret How does it go through and come up with what it comes up with the difference here is it knows why it thinks what it thinks and it has the ability to see why that's wrong and how to think differently so going through we're seeing it is it's showing its work basically where a lot of others don't show its work and it's saying hey this is how this works here which by the way these are prompts you can use to help tools like chat GPT this is again one of the things I'm going to show you that's going to help you make money now again looking at this one here uh mimicking self-aware problem solving this is a big one right why did I do that why did that not work low thinking versus simpler AI models so L low IQ thinking would be like over Reliance on memorization and understand principles this would be like very flat not the ability to think outside the box if you want to make money online 99 times out of 100 you need to think outside the box when you look at different things that are done different ways it's not so much busy task work it's thinking outside the box how can I make this different how can I make it better how can I invent something that that'll go the long distance or or whatever it is uh Legacy models like gpt3 um they require massive data to compute this versus deep SE is doing it with less computing power than the other models have probably combined another one here is rigidity where humans struggle to adapt strategies to New Concepts uh this is something I don't know why I have it but I do I was born with it I guess where I would always adapt old things to new stuff I would always go through and say okay how does this work maybe it comes from when I was a preacher and I needed to find algor not algorithms allegories and different things like that I'm not sure where comes from but it has been helpful in business and I'm seeing that deep seek does it better than me like it it wins and when you look at closed Source models like open Ai and different things like that you have the lack of flexibility so it's not going to go out there and and find that new thing another one looking at critical analysis where it can go through and analyze things bigger bigger windows and different things like that bias amplification and democratization of IQ where it's actually okay now we're going through and um it's going to be a cognitive equalizer everything's equal so you can make as much money as me you don't have to think like me you can use AI so looking at this here again we're looking at efficiency open source strategy upskill learning new skills having the AI do them I think this is going to be a GameChanger now for the money method what we want to do is we want to look at something very important okay we have a small window where this tool is going to be available in the capacity it's available now for the price that it is now which is free what I'm going to show you to do is to think of the things that I've taught you as a marketer think of the stuff that you've learned in my videos go out there and understand the different things and then bake them into a prompt you can use so what I am going to do this is one of the things I'm doing over at AI profit scoop we're going to go through and we are going to ask the AI to do something so if I say I have a website about anxiety please come up with 50 unique engaging Pinterest pins based on helpful tips and how this Market feels we're going to go through we're going to get the feeling this is one thing the other AIS can't do we're to put them into the Pinterest pins because if I can make someone feel something it's game over I win I will get the view I will get the click I'll get the watch and I will get the money so now it's going through and it's like okay we want this here what they want how they feel calming and supportive and different things like that so now we are having stuff that's really good so now we have let's see uh 54321 grounding technique to calm panic attacks uh breathe through anxiety and by the way this here let me just show you this idea this is something that has been around for years where I mean it has literally been around for years but there was one marketer who made this popular as a book right so again being able to take one thing and make it a marketable thing simple counting backwards from five it's that's all it is like count backwards from five it'll engage your cognitive processes and usually it kind of like does a reset for your mind for anxiet or whatever it is is it foolproof is it exact for everything of course not but it's been around forever some of you guys remember back in the day the 5-second rule was something completely different but this is what was made popular and if we go through and look at the 5c rule it's a book by Mel Robbins which I actually did a review of on this channel and it was 2017 she put it out literally launched her career like she was a struggling news reporter she came out with this book and now she makes a bunch of money talking about this book all the time now why did that work because it was able to adapt this one thing to this other thing if you had this AI back in 2017 you could have made that content in that book yourself because it's looking at it right when anxiety strikes could this ice cube trip uh breathe through anxiety this is really really good stuff which is groundbreaking and gamechanging vers is if I give this same thing over to chat GPT watch the difference you're going to see how flat it is and why it's not going to do the trick this is why the world is up in arms because this thinks different it thinks different it acts different and the result you get is the difference between success and failure again that example there um I once knew a guy when I was a preacher and he came up with this one thing that was like the secret method to evangelism and because of that it was marketable now is it the same thing other preachers were talking about for hundreds of years before that yeah big time he brought it into the thing made it a marketable uh type of concept and that's what we're looking at here like people want the punchline the simple this is how this works and you can make a whole book or career around it law of attraction I mean how long has the world been thinking themselves into different mindsets and wealth and whatever forever they packaged it different that is what this AI is doing it is allowing you to package things differently content structured differently can and will make you rich if you do it properly so looking at this it is absolutely thinking different so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go through and I'm going to ask it this here now make this a detailed prompt for a less smart AI than you to be able to come up with similar content for any niche market this is a prompt where it's going to think about it it's going to give me the prompt I can save the prompt I can sell it give it away help other people use it make a video about it and get traffic whatever I want to do with this prompt I can now take that and use it and people will be amazed at the outcome they can get and if and when deep seek does get throttled or banned or whatever it is I will have these prompts that I can sell this is game changer how many of you guys are getting this and you're like oh this makes perfect sense and now we're going through and we're getting a detailed prompt right here Define the niche there we go and see this is how it thought which is absolutely incredible look at look at the difference of thought here so now we have this and now I can put this in here promp temp template and I can say see it just got stuck let's see if it'll it'll do it here and again remember I'm paying $200 a month for this the other one's free now it's doing a memory updated let's see if it got it 10 habits to reduce anxiety again they're very flat do you guys see the difference type money making or let's make money or something like that or awesome methods something like that and let me know if this makes sense to you and let's say now please use this and do them again and let's see if we get the different model here okay that's okay this two Shall Pass small steps but notice how it missed the stuff here that is the difference between making money and not right when we look at this here this is the difference This Is The gamechanging Stuff This is the secret sauce that makes money so let's go ahead and add this in here when it's done right like this and let's see what it comes up with now so now it's defining the niche so it's actually kind of like teaching itself with our prompt and then it's going through and it's making the pillars or the buckets as we call them how to calm anxiety in 60 seconds now we're getting what we need notice how this is different if you have these even now because right now not everyone's using deep seek yes it's all hyped up in the news and everything but most people are still using chat gbt we can give them these prompts to get really really good stuff we can even sell Advanced prompts or prompts for marketers or something like that put them together build a mailing list sell them for a couple of bucks or a thousand bucks or whatever you want to sell them for and now we can get good results and notice how it is now doing really good grounding calm in 60 seconds 10 anxiety habits this is doing really really good now it did time out but we could just hit regenerate and try it again but noticing that it is in the way it thinks so for AI go out there make prompts save them test them out give them away build a mailing list I mean if you build a mailing list of people who want AI prompts for marketing then you have a marketing list and I know from experience you can make a lot of money with that type of list so having those prompts is key we're going to put a bunch of those prompts in AI profit scoop this month or actually next month this month's almost over so if you want to check that out we'll have them there as well and some samples for you for free on airofit scoop.com as well so looking at this though understanding one for the AI knowing the prompt being able to sell the prompt being able to make the prompt that's Advanced and then two knowing in your brain how to watch this and become a better marketer if I can watch this and see the difference that's the key like that's one of the best ways we learn back when I was kid I was the kind of person who took apart the VCR to learn how it worked only I wasn't so good at putting it back together which my family wasn't so happy about but I did learn some things and in marketing often times you don't know what you don't know when you create content you might think oh this content looks good but an experienced marketer would know different this deep seek tool is doing that and if it does that for marketing and content and things like that imagine what it's doing for other other things that is why deep seek is a game changer and that is why it's shaking up the AI world so go out there and use this make some prompts give them away build a list sell all of them like you can give one away for each thing and then sell the big pack of them or whatever it is very very simple watch my video I did last week on creating little digital products we're going to have a follow-up video on that uh I think we'll do it live Wednesday so watch out for that and uh as always if you want to make money online smash a like button subscribe and check out the videos in the description
Deepseek R1 Ai Update -This Is Insane – Make Money With Simple Prompts!