Clone a $20,000 a Month AI Influencer (Full Process & Tutorial)

this AI influencer is making over $20,000 a month AI influencers like these are taking the World by storm a Berlin model who used AI to create a virtual version of herself is now earning $20,000 a month another AI model in just four short months Emily pigini is now earning over $10,000 on Instagram and fan View and nowadays it's actually extremely simple to create an AI influencer like this you don't need a capital outlay you don't need to run a physical team and in today's video I'm going to show you how to create a highquality Ai influencer and how to animate this AI influencer to create something similar to this and one of the best complete guides that I have ever seen on how to create an AI influencer and make money with AI influencer is this course the AI model method which has been created by Imagine education who are the sponsors for today's video along with fan view this here is a complete course on how to make your own AI Instagram model and make money with the model here are the examples of the models that you can learn how to create along with the monetization strategies using this model this guide is normally $47 but if you use the promo code caffeinated and click apply you will get a 50% discount using my coupon code this course is put together by Imagine education who also run a YouTube channel dedicated to this so they're really experts in this field and you can find the link to this guide in the description of this video so we're going to cover all of this how to create this AI influencer how to create the content with this AI influencer how to animate the influencer to create engaging videos dancing moving around and finally I'm going to show you how to actually monetize this content the first step to creating our AI influencer is to use a tool to actually model the influencer and for that we've got two options we have ronet Rand is a purposely built software that is great at creating very realistic Ai influencers and so is Gen fluence gen fluence is also a very Advanced AI character creation tool that can help you produce really stunning AI characters for today's video though we're going to be using ronet and you can find the link to ronet in the description below so to get started you literally can just go select the character click create new and then we can start either by uploading a face or we can generate a whole new human so let's do that after this we've got a few options to choose so woman or man for this tutorial we're going to choose woman after this we're going to choose an age you can choose anything that you want let's go with 30 ethnicity you can pick here what you would like hairstyle long medium short straight wavy curly so let's choose long over here hair color we can select our preference let's go with black and let's click generate over here so you'll get a generation and from here you can either regenerate you can randomize or you can accept then click next and we can give the character a name let's say model one and click save after this we're going to be able to call this model by using at model one in our prompt box all right so now let's generate a couple of images with this model so for this we're going to go to studio and the settings that we're going to be using here are under model you want to go to flux and you can choose any of these cinematic Fashion sports travel straight at etc for now let's choose flux photo so that's what we're going to be using aspect ratio 4 to 5 that's the only one that we're going to have available on a free plan if you want other models you'll have to upgrade and for images we just want to generate two images for now and here at the bottom we've got the ability to add our prompt so here for the prompt I'm going to enter fit sporty influencer at model one is standing in the gym wearing gym clothes looking at the camera standing side on showing off her turn physique she's wearing a gym singlet and gym pant you can see the Blurred gy in the background now after this we've also got another option here pose lock so this way you can actually get same pose and same composition on your photos and there are some templates here you can upload your own photo or you can also choose some of these templates here we probably want something like this so I'm going to choose this as the pose lock and with this let's go ahead and generate our two images all right so here we've got our output and we've got two versions of this image you can see that the quality is really really good it looks realistic all the arms and fingers are all intact because sometimes as you know AI can be a bit tricky with that the face is the same face that we generated in our model generation and you've got a couple of options here you can add this into pose lock and you can also add this into face lock if you do that this is going to give you options to use a consistent pose and a consistent face in subsequent image Generations Okay so let's go ahead and generate a couple more photos so I'm going to create a slightly different set of photos now fed female influencer is wearing summer hiking clothes she's smiling in the background a beautiful Swiss mountains we're doing a slightly different pose lock like this let's generate three images with this and let's click generate now and okay here we go we've got a couple more photos we've got this option and we've now also got this option the tattoo looks quite realistic the model face is also very consistent so overall really good results if we compare this and this the face is basically the same just the hair is a little bit different but it's quite close okay next let's talk about how we can produce dancing videos like this so the first way to do this is by using this service called vigle you can register on it and then click dry try on web in here there are a few different ways to actually go about creating the video so the first you can use is mix and you can choose one of the templates if you go to the template here are some premade videos that you can use as your own and you're allowed to actually use them on social media so here are tons and tons of templates that you can use really and a lot of them have got very high potential to go viral let's say if I take this one to recreate this kind of dancing meme I can confirm this okay and then this is going to substitute this guy that's in there with our model so for this we just need to add our character which we can take from here and basically click create and that's it so let's check the results this is the first [Music] one and the second one let's take a look at this I'd say that as just a fun meme this is really good quality because the original video of course was also not like HD quality this is just like a fun viral social media style Meme and our character of course looks very very similar to the character that we generated in render net second way to do this is to go to pixel Bay or any other sites where you can download copyright free videos and type in dancing woman and then just review the results there's lots of really good footage here for a beach video you could probably use something like this just create an image of your influencer of course on the beach and then you can totally just substitute that but let's use this let's see how this turns out so we can just download this we're going to do this in vigle once again let's click create next way is to create the video directly out of render net so this is something that you can do as well of course render is not just to generate images you can also generate videos too so we can use one of these images as the source image we can write a little video prompt choose the length of the video clip that one generated 5 seconds is okay for our purposes and let's just click generate here okay so our video clip here is ready let's just view it okay so we can see that we've got some animation and there is some movement she's just standing there looking at the screen as a social media clip I mean you know this is plenty good enough this is going to get views 100% guaranteed and I'll show you one more way to produce videos with the model for this you can use cling Ai and just go into image to video and then drop the image that you'd like to animate here we've written this prompt we've got the starting picture you can also put an end frame if you want there are a few other details that you can choose over here but I'm just going to go ahead and click generate since I'm using a free plan of cling you can see that estimated weit time is going to be 38 minutes it's okay if you're not in a hurry you can obviously wait and just use this free plan if you want to upgrade you can get faster service once this is ready I'm going to upload the actual clip that's been generated so you'll be able to see it over here I'm going to put the actual clip over here generate clink produces really really good results for free once you've built your digital influencer it's time to start monetizing it and one of the ways that there influ influencers are making some serious revenue is through fan view fan view is used by a lot of AI influencers as well as by a lot of real world influencers and here are just some of the creators that are on fan View and actually earning Revenue through fan view you can see this AI influencer from Barcelona aana Lopez she has over 200,000 followers on fan View and this is how she's making money through exclusive unique access paid access to some of her photo and video content there are both male and female influencers that are doing really really well on fan View and influencers on here can offer subscriptions as well for that recurring monthly cash flow yes there is some more of the adult type content on fan view that you can produce and offer as well you do not have to but you can and the difference is that with fan view you can use AI influences they're not prohibited because if you go to something like o or only fans for this adult type content only fans actually does not allow AI influences okay so AI influences fan view is the best match and fan view only keeps 15% of the total revenue so as a Creator or as a AI influencer Creator you get to keep 85% of the earnings for your first month and 80% thereafter they're actually creators on the platform that are making hundreds of thousands every single month so this car really is the limit in terms of how much you can earn there are already several AI models well quite a quite a lot actually and if you look at it they're all doing well with a lot of fans a lot of subscriptions like this is the type of content that you can see I mean obviously this is AI fan view also has got unique AI subscription platform it combines AI messaging voice notes and analytics to increase your earning with the AI influencer you can set up your AI assistant to create an AI Avatar you can use AI to write messages there is lots of other ways that you can use AI on fan view to increase your earnings you can also train your voice onto the AI so you can basically sound like you and you can send personalized messages using the AI voice to your fans which of course will increase Revenue so to show you through the process of sign up you just go in here sign up enter your email and password and click sign up and all of the required information so for our country let's choose Australia AI created content we plan to create the type of content let's go with beauty let's go with female so can set our profile picture and display name and handle here monthly subscription price let's enter the minimum but you can of course increase it later on once you've done all the set up on fan view you will now need to think about how you're actually going to start growing your AI influencer and for this probably the best thing to do is to find another influencer account that you feel comfortable replicating you can be a fitness influencer Beauty influencer travel influencer dance influencer and so on so just go through and browse some of the profiles so for example you know that this is an AI influencer account you can see what kind of reals this account uploads whether you would like to do something similar what kind of posts this account upload then this is another one rosy gr so 178,000 followers of course doing really really well you can check what kind of content this account posts and whether you would like to produce something similar perhaps you would like something like this mixed with fashion that can absolutely and totally work as well start creating content start uploading this similar content onto your Instagram for your AI influencer once you've done that you should make a list of similar accounts so for example if you've got a beauty and fashion influencer account like this you can reach out to these type of accounts and talk to them about potentially doing a collab so you can make some content together and cross share so you share on your profile and they will share your real or your post on their profile of course you need to be working with someone with a similar account size so when you're first starting out someone with 10 million followers might not reply to you but uh you know you might reach out to someone who's got 5,000 followers or 10 ,000 followers now in terms of monetization you'll notice that most influencers have got a link tree or a similar link over here so if we open that this will actually open up all of the different ways that viewers or fans can get in touch with the person so here is the collection YouTube YouTube in Portuguese and so on and this is where you would enter the link to your fan view account so that they can go and check it out and sign up and get a membership so that you can start earning those ing payments on fan View and if you'd like to grab a specialized course that will explain this method in a lot more depth and detail you can click the link in the description below and check out this course by Imagine education it's called the AI model method where you can learn how to create models on Instagram like this and how you can then monetize the models created using those methods here you can see the earnings by some of these models it's a complete course where you can get the actual modules and you also get access to the Discord server we can ask questions to The Experts that are going to be teaching you this method the course itself is put together by Imagine education who are running this YouTube channel as well and they really are the experts in the field of creation of AI models and monetizing uh models you're in good hands there and whenever you click join you'll notice just under the payment details that there is a space to put in promo code just enter caffeinated and you will get 50% off and you can find the link to join just in the the description below thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed this content then please smash the like button just underneath the video subscribe to my channel and after you've done that go ahead and watch this video next this video will take you through another way to earn money with AI that I recently discovered and I hope you're really going to like this one so thank you so much I'll see you in the next video

As found on YouTube


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