ChatGpt Tasks – Hidden Money Strategy $1,000 A Week!

all right so today we're going to be looking at chat GPT scheduled tasks this is a new feature that chat GPT open AI just came out with to help you schedule tasks on demand so I could literally go over here to chat GPT like this and schedule a task for a later time or something be done once a day a couple times a day every hour or once a month literally anything I want and today I'm going to show you how to use chat gbt tasks to make up to $1,000 a week or more and it's actually super simple this is going to blow you away it's very easy and it's something that I've been doing for years to make lots of money only now with chat GPT tasks we can make this automated and super easy so that I can just sit back get a report every day and use it to make money let me show you exactly how this works first of all let's take a look at the program what it does what it can't do and all the bells and whistles first of all what we need to do is toggle down to chat GPT 4.0 or 40 with scheduled task we're going to click this here and we're going to notice it changes the icon right up here to chat GPT tasks what we're going to do here is ask it certain things I can say remind me every day to check my email at 9:00 a.m.

And it'll go through and schedule the task to remind me now there's two ways that this tool reminds you number one is over here in the taskbar we can see right here AI news update this is a daily update that I set up to go out there and find every day whatever is happening in the AI world and we could see it summarizes the headlines and shows me a little blurb about what's going on now for me running an AI based Channel this is helpful because it gives me new ideas on what to make videos about for example had I gotten the report a couple days ago I would have seen that the chat GPT tasks was something that came out because let's face it it's brand new so I would need to follow the news in order to get that data so what we can do here is we could get little reports like this another thing we can do is we can actually allow desktop notifications so that something pops up on our desk and says hey here's your new report or whatever it is you can click allow or not allow and this is a browser based type thing it'll show up down here at 9:00 a.m.

Or whenever your report is scheduled now another thing that a lot of people aren't looking at is the ability to use this much like chat GPT where we can plan something out but also schedule it so I can say something like now for my reminder please tell me the top news items for the day or let's say I'm in the market where I review different laptops top laptop news for the day and what'll happen is it'll go out there and it'll tell me the new laptops that are out I can use that to get traffic in a very very very simple way now one of the things that I noticed is it's going to just come back with this little info here where we can edit and update what I want to do is I want to give it further instructions so I'm going to say please send me today's sample right now this is going to send me the sample so I can see what it's going to look like and again we see I'll send it right now please paste it here let's see if we can actually get it here and I'm also noticing it's not doing the reminders here so it looks like it is having a little bit of a problem so what we're going to do is we're going to use this in conjunction with itself so I'm going to go over and open a new chat GPT right like this and I'm going to say something like find me today's news just about laptops and laptop deals let's do something like this and see what comes up all right we got our MacBook Air this stuff here Best Buy laptop sales this is actually really good content if I ran a laptop type site very simple very easy it would go through and make some money now what I want to do is say now please turn this into a simple blog post this is going to give us a little blog post right like this but I'm not really after the blog post I'm after what made it create the blog post so what I'm going to do next is say now please make this idea of news into blog post into a prompt and this should make us a prompt that we can use with our chat GPT scheduler updater daily reminder tasks type thing so now we're going to go like this and we're going to have it give us the idea prompting for turning news into a blog post there we go so now all I would need to do is change this for whatever Niche I'm in AI mortgages house prices or whatever so I can take this prompt right here and I could go to chat GPT tasks and I could say use this every day at 9 a.m.

Or actually let's say use this every day at 4:30 p.m. that way we get one here live on the video to create me a blog post based on the day's news based on the day's news and then we'll give it the prompt right like this and we'll go ahead and allow that way we could see what it looks like we could see it's going to allow the notifications here and it's going to run it every day at 4:30 so we should be able to see this since we're about 11 minutes away now what's going to happen here is it's actually going to go through and write me a blog post every day which is pretty cool because for those of you who are busy you want to make money online but you don't know how to do it this is going to give you something to start with is the blog post going to be perfect posted on your blog and make money no you would want to edit it and make sure it's correct and obviously add your affiliate links and things that make you money but this is something that can help you stay on task and give you things based on the day's news that are going to hit keywords and triggers that many other people aren't going to know to go for these are going to be keywords that you can get very quickly based on press release info and up to the minute info that is going to help you get a lot more traffic in a very simple way and this is just the tip of the iceberg in showing how this works I want to show you some other ways that we can go through and use this to make money so first of all obviously we can set reminders wake me up at 9:00 a.m.

with the sound of music track or whatever or we can have it remind us on daily Tas ask or things like that now I think that when this gets into the phone application it's going to be a lot more helpful for reminder type stuff however using this here having this in your feed every single day I think can help you and of course if we had a project where I made a project let's say I call this laptop site and I actually make the tasks in the project then I would have somewhere where I can go through and use this and I believe okay so so far we can't use chat gbt 4 in projects so there's two major problems I see with chat gbt scheduled tasks one is the email capabilities and two is yeah these are going to get lost in the mix however if you're keeping up on top of them every day I think it's going to be pretty easy so as far as reminders go it's good for that you can have it remember to do things pull a report give you a checklist of you know read these affirmations every day or whatever it is number two is setting up something to run much like we're doing here where this is actually going to run the task and give us the blog post this is something where it's going to go through it's going to do this every day based on that day's news or based on whatever keyword you're doing I can give it a list of 100 keywords say make me a blog post a day and then post those up now that is something that that will help us stay on task and help us make money is that going to get us to a th000 a week it could I think there's a better way to go about getting a th000 a week which I'm going to talk to you about in just a second so what we can do in number three is we can actually use this to make website content now as of right now when chat GPT goes through and does a task in chat gbd tasks what we get as an email is just a link to that task which I didn't like and I didn't like that for a certain reason I'll go over that in just a minute and what the email looks like is this right here where it says sample report for name bio sales and you can see what this one looked like I was going through and having it update different domains that sell every day so that I could get content and it would go through and say Here's what sold we could see it did it did have a little problem here like this is doing December 15 where this is 2025 that's not exactly what I would want it is still usable but there's a little problem there I would probably have to fix that however looking at this it is going to give me different info every day that I could use as content for my website so I could go through and make a blog post every morning much like it's doing over here where we have this reminder that is going to make a blog post on that news info so very simple very easy it's going to update you now I believe in the future hopefully they are actually going to have the notes for your chat in your email I think this is something that chat GPT open AI if you're listening please make this if we actually had the content in our email then what I could do and this is something we can set up we could go through and make this happen using something like make AI something like a thirdparty program that's going to parse the data or even using the API where we can actually go through and pipe our email into our website so over here I had a little plugin that I created with chat GPT that actually allows me to take email content to an email and turn it into pending blog post this is a GameChanger because imagine if you had chat gbt uploading a brand new blog post based on your criteria every single day or even multiple times a day this is something that can make money like crazy now we're not yet there however I think we can do that with apis however and however I think it's probably easier just to take the report at is copy and paste it into your blog because you're going to have to edit it anyway so until that feature is available this is a way to make money can you get to 1,000 a week yes with a lot of work however method number four is going to show you the fastest way to $1,000 a week with chat GPT tasks ever thought possible this is a game Cher and to recap some other things we can do with website content is make a blog post give you a video idea an idea for a Pinterest pin a Tik Tok or even completely script out a video or create a new PDF that you can give to your audience very cool now number four drum roll please this is the big one where I think you can get to $1,000 a week pretty easy of course results not typical implied or guaranteed the average person trying to make money online makes nothing but I think you're going to see the Simplicity here in how it works using this to make mailing lless content so what we want to do is first you want want to go out there and build a mailing list in your Market the way you're going to do this is very simple you take your Market let's say you're in the laptop Market what you do is you use AI to create a guide for buying laptops here's the laptop buying guide for gamers for video editors for this that and the other and this is a big Market I'm actually about to spend a bunch of money on this laptop here and if you were an affiliate of Newegg and you gave me that link you would get commission for the laptop I'm going to get which yeah this one is not cheap by any means the affiliate Commission on this is going to be pretty big so very very cool and if you are in this market knowing that people are buying these things all the time then we can actually go through and create a mailing list to help people out so you would go out there you would make the guides on how to buy a laptop what to buy what to look for reviews whatever it is or if you're in the weight loss Market maybe a guide on 100 ways to lose weight or something like that you're going to give that guide away in exchange for the name and email address email that says email of your visitors then what you're going to do is follow up with them so in addition to them getting your guide they are also going to get follow-up emails on the laptop industry or AI industry or mortgage industry recipes whatever Market you're in then what we're going to do is we're going to use chat GPT tasks to find us new things to send them so we're going to take the news turn it into a blog post then we're going to have it give us an email for that blog post very simple because now I can go through and say now write me an email now make an email to my laptop deals mailing list that I can send for this content and it should go through and make a really good email about hey big discount on laptops you'll love hey name looking for a great laptop and it's actually going through and recapping these in a very very simple way and we can instead of using grab this deal and sending them to NY post we can send them to our blog post with the links to the laptop with our affiliate offers this works really well let's say you were in The Law of Attraction industry and you're like okay I have a bunch of people on my mailing list that are into law of attraction I can go through with a Tex ask and I can say please get all the self-development news for the day and summarize it as a blog post and make an email leading to the blog post for my blog and we're going to go through and use this and we can say everyday at 4:30 p.m.

And let's see if it does this one too this should be pretty simple and we should start seeing these pop up any second now hopefully we get the notification over here which might be on a different screen let me see if I can change this here just got to make this my main display and there we go so it should pop up over here hopefully if everything's working properly and it looks like there is some kind of notification new ticket it that's not it something else doesn't look like it's popping up just yet okay so we do have the laptop deals one here I didn't see a notification I don't know why that didn't pop up but it should have um but I am seeing there is the laptop deals here and the self-development one let's see if it's making these here might just be a little bit off on timing maybe we're a little early there we go so now we have new chat save big on lap tops today it did make the blog post and let's see if it made the email okay so there's the laptops didn't see the email but I think the email was in the self-development and here we go so now we have a blog post daily self-d development digest January 16 so if you were doing this and you had like a Tik Tok or something like that you can make a video point it back to your blog post all you'd have to do this every day here here is the news how self millionaires think top development blogs best magazines so now we're seeing like up-to-date info that we can use where if you were interested in self-development this would be good have them opt in for your self-development guide then you can send them emails today's soft top self-development news and insights guys this is a GameChanger this will work like crazy because now we're going to get upto-date info with the stuff that we need to send it out and we can even prompt it with how we want the email formatted and going through and using this model where we are going to go through and it looks like this first the customer is going to come in they're going to opt in they're going to join your mailing list that's going to give you a bunch of people to email and you can set it up to where they get an email instantly which is like hey here's your free guide or whatever I promised then we can go through and send an email each day with the updates very very simple in fact this business here the is a newsletter and I'm not big on paying for news but I'm almost ready to buy a subscription to this because the stuff they have is so interesting and it's literally just curated news and you're getting them back to the blog posts and things like that they email me every day with information about today's topics or whatever it is and you could see here this is a huge business they are sending me emails as many as three I think I think yesterday they sent me 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight emails now that's a bit excessive that in my opinion would be borderline spam however these are things that I'm interested in so it works really well if you went out there and used chat GPT tasks to give you email content where all you have to do is copy paste and a little bit of editing you can do this to make lots of money in fact if I was to ask perplexity to share me newsletter businesses that make lots of money we can see there are lots the morning Brew is making over $49 million a year Market beat 36 million whatever this one is 15 million and on and on we go newsletters make tons of money actually there's another method we can use here in my business here as the affiliate marketing dude I could actually go through I can set up a chat GPT task right over here and I could say every day find me 25 or let's even say five five unique side hustles and businesses and blogs and websites that make money every that make money online and it's going to go through and it's going to give me these ideas each and every day at 9:00 so when I wake up boom I know the content to make and if I go out there and make little Tik toks and videos and Pinterest pins and whatever it is about these five businesses I will get traffic it's not not a matter of if it's a matter of when setting up these chat GPT tasks is an absolute GameChanger when used correctly and this is in the infancy this is only going to get better as time goes on also one of the other things you can do is use this to Simply keep on top of the updates in your Niche much like I talked about with the domain example that keeps me on top of the domains that are selling what's going on in the industry this is something you can use to make lots of money and stay on top of the news So Gone are the days of paying for expens RSS feed tools and different things like that welcome chat GPT task to show me what's going on in the industry up to the minute each and every day so I don't forget and let's face it that's something that's big when it comes to making money I have an account over here at where I could go and check the news for my industry every day but nine times out of 10 I forget to use it so what if I piped this into my chat gbt tasks which I'm using every day so that I'm reminded of the things to do that make me money so the verdict is in chat gbt tasks is a GameChanger for making money online and if you want to learn more about this get the notes from the video including this little plugin here hop on over to airofit make sure you smash a like button and check out the videos in the description to learn more about how to make money with chat GPT and other AI tools

As found on YouTube


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