ChatGPT o1 = Secret Ai Money Hack – Tested Working Method!

open AI just released a brand new AI model Chachi bt1 or strawberry as they're calling it and while everyone's been talking about this model I noticed something hidden that can put tons of money in your pocket in fact I believe this model is going to make some people millionaires very very fast but the question is are you going to use this model and what you learned in this video to start putting money in your pocket or are you again going to miss out on a super simple way to make money I mean let's face it a little less than 2 years ago I came out with a video when chat GPT 3.5 first came on the scene I taught some things there that some people scoffed at they boed they said how is that going to make any money but the strategies I taught in that video made me millions of dollars and also help lots of my students who watch my videos just like you make money online in a super simple way and this new chat gpt1 strawberry has just taken things to the next level yeah I'm talking super simple because just last night while testing out the new 01 chat GPT model I was able to create something in seconds upload it to my website and it worked right out of the gate no testing no tweaking no errors just copy paste and profit it really is that simple so unless you're okay with yet again missing out on something that could put a lot of money in your pocket I would highly recommend you smash the like button and watch the rest of this video because we're going to hop in the computer I'm going to show you what's new in this chat GPT strawberry model how it compares to the older versions what it does how it thinks and more importantly how this is going to put money in your pocket when used correctly come on let's get started okay so let's dive into this chat gp1 preview talk about how it works and why it's different according to CNET they said that the difference is its ability to think what you'll notice over here in chat GPT 40 it doesn't really have the thought structure process if I was to ask it a question like please tell me about sports it's going to go through and it's just going to give me an answer answer however when I go over to the other model you are going to see that it's actually breaking down how long it thought for and the steps that it actually thought about in compiling the answer or creating whatever it is we want it to create and since this is thinking at a PhD level this is something that we can use to make money like crazy and not only that but we could see in addition to the Chain of Thought it's also telling us why it thinks what it thinks and it's going through and it's really improved on the complex coding and thought process and here I've outlined some of the differences for you with jd4 it's general purpose however 01 model is designed for complex problem solving reasoning and specific domains like research strategy coding Math and Science these are very important because up until now most people were using chat GPT just to get simple codes or help with a Plugin or some kind of content or something very basic whereas now we can get a much more complicated output as we can see here even though chat GPT is faster and cheaper the 01 model has more computer power but it does cost a little bit more however the preview is available to us free if we have a regular chat GPT $20 a month account now one of the things that you want to notice also with the 01 strawberry model is that it lacks access to like images browsing file uploads vision and things of that nature this is primarily like having a scientist in math genius at your disposal and like a lot of math geniuses they're not very good at Art and creative stuff like that but that doesn't matter because that's not really the stuff that's going to put money in our pocket I mean we've all seen the videos about creating some fancy image but does it actually make money more about that in just a minute we can also see that the context window has shrunk by almost a fourth what does this mean that means the amount of content you can put in your initial prompt or question whereas chat gbt 4 allows 128 characters or tokens 01 model is limited to 32,000 we can also see that they are capping you at 30 messages a week for the 01 preview and 50 for the 01 mini so use it sparingly and use it for specific purposes I'll show you what those are and how they'll help you make money in just a minute we can also see who it's available to and we can see what it excels in again problem solving math and coding and different things like that and here you can see the seven biggest points that are different in this version than the other one interactive problem solving this is good for like making interactive tools and different things for your website your blog or just creating things online like little assets that'll pay you over and over also using it to make personalized educational content strategy and planning Advanced chat Bots and various things like that content creation which you can use this for Content creation however I'm going to talk to you about my secret method that blows all of that out of the water this is like content that is guaranteed to work and make you money and unlike other content strategies that take lots of SEO and work and difficulty in getting traffic this is going to have a built-in traffic method that you can use starting right away yep that's right you could start right now and theoretically make money before the day is over now disclaimer obviously the results are not typical implier guarant guaranteed while I've made millions of dollars using this method and the specific strategy I'm going to show you in this made me hundreds of thousands of dollars I want you to remember that this is a business what I get what other people get does not tell you what you're going to get in fact the average person trying to make money online makes nothing so take this with a grain of salt there's risk there's reward and most people sadly never make anything so if you're serious about this and you're in it to win it let me know as a comment below because now drum roll please the big money takeaway what is it that is hidden in this AI model 01 and 01 mini well I'm glad you asked as you can see here just this morning I asked chat gbt 01 preview to create a mortgage calculator with a drop down for rates and increments from 0 to 10.5 with a comparison rate to show saving my thinking was since you have over 2.8 million people a month looking up mortgage calculators what if I could create something better where they can compare rates and get some of that traffic because let's face it if you had this traffic mortgage companies and Banks all over the place would pay big money to advertise on your website I mean this is the kind of asset where if it worked well it can make you a lot of money my little mortgage calculator site generated as much as $1,700 a day just in ad Revenue alone that didn't include affiliate offers and other things that I had on the site that made me even more more money and so knowing this I asked chat GPT to create a calculator it gave me the whole workout of how to create the calculator myself in Excel and it was kind of a pain because I didn't want to copy and paste all these into Excel I even went on to ask it to make me a downloadable version which it failed at doing it never really gave me a download that worked that was until I asked it this one secret question and we'll get to that in just a minute but first I want to prove to you that using calculators as content to drive traffic is far superior to just having articles and SEO content first let's answer the question of why calculators can generate a ton of traffic number one they're interactive and engaging calculators are dynamic they get personalized results they're something people can use and get a result next they have problemsolving value they are providing value other than just telling people stuff they're actually letting them interact and use it also there's an SEO benefit you can actually get ranked with a very simple calculator for a very simple purpose think turkey cooking time calculator over a thousand people a month are searching for this and the top results are different calculators and cooking times and things of that nature so if I could create a simple cooking time calculator like I did on my prime rib site years ago I can make money by offering different ads and affiliate offers that fit make sense if it does let me know as a comment below we can also have link worthy content which means if your calculator is different enough to stand out and provides enough value we can actually use that and other people will link to us which brings us to the next point it has viral potential your calculator if it's creative or provides a different unique spin on something can actually go viral and get you a lot of traffic and money sometimes overnight and of course if it's good enough it will get people to return over and over and over again let's say you make one about prime rib calculator then you can have one about turkey stuffing cake recipes yeah you get the idea and now let's talk about how calculators can actually complement your articles videos Pinterest and press releases first we want to create content around the calculator we can explain the purpose make long form content have a little how to use the calculator CA show case studies of this mortgage Sav that much money refinance save this much money and on and on we go next we can actually go through and make a video showing how to use the calculator so I could go to my calculator right like this that I created just last night in a few seconds and I can actually say oh well in order to use this you want to make sure you put your interest rate and the comparison rate here and then hit calculate and you could quite simply show them how to use the tool it's very simple and the content makes sense because you're showing them how to use something next we can do a Pinterest strategy showing screen shots and images of our tool or software we can show the data that it outputs the comparisons a step by-step how to use it maybe if we're making a budget calculator we could show them how the budget works or how to save money this guy is literally the limit and D we can even create a press release I mean what if you came out with a calculator every time the FED changed the mortgage rate wouldn't that be valuable and press release worthy I mean just take a look at all the news that happens every couple hours around the Fed rate changes if you had a calculator these people were interested in you can make a website around it get tons and tons of traffic very fast and maybe even end up on the news one day well if it's a press release I guess you're kind of already on the news but yeah using this method gets me tons of traffic super fast and of course you can integrate these calculators in whatever else you're doing so if I have a blog post I can put a calculator on there much in the same way we implemented a GoDaddy appraisal tool on my website which now is our highest traffic page on the entire website we have a little box where they can enter their domain and it'll go through and tell you the value of the domain entered and you might be asking Marcus how are you going to make money with this well there's several ways to make money number one you want to think about what your calculator tool or whatever it is you're creating ties into if it's mortgages we're going to go over here and get a mortgage offer and we can get paid $60 per call $30 per lead or even $12 when they take a little rate quiz or let's say you wanted something like salary needed to buy a house again we can go for firsttime home buying offers or grade needed calculator these are people looking for whatever grade they would need to get on the next test to pass their class or maintain a certain GPA this kind of stuff we can funnel them into tutoring or a retirement calculator you can see there's tons and tons of searches for this one we can lead them into different 401ks and Banks and saving plans and even courses about retiring or let's say you want to do something like a square foot calculator where they want to calculate how much paint they're going to need to paint their house well this one we can go through and sell paint sprayers or handymen and you can see here this one pays $10 per lead when they sign up to get a handyman and we actually used a handyman to paint house it was much quicker than hiring a painting company so what we're going to do is create the calculator like this put the affiliate links and ads right here on the calculator and then we get paid when they sign up it's actually super simple and before we get into the magic phrase that's going to create these in a snap let's talk about some example Niche calculator ideas we could see here in the budget Niche we can make a monthly budget planner over in the tax we can make an income tax calculator startup cost if we're doing business businesses energy cost if you want solar and you could see that all of these tie very nicely into offers that make lots of money like this one here $90 for a solar quote lead I mean if they were looking at how much solar is going to save them wouldn't it make sense that they'd want to get more information about solar yeah I thought so too home ownership freelancing how they can calculate their paychecks crypto investing College savings plans and on and on we go here you can even get specific hourly rate calculator salary after taxes billable hours side gig earning calculator personal trainer session pricing calculator digital courses accounting lawn care pet sitting earnings yoga classes and on and on we go and again I'll have these available at my website so as you can see creating these little calculators is a super simple straightforward way to make money and to create these Cal calculators with chat gpt1 preview all we need is one magic phrase as you could see here I was trying to get it to spit out all different things and it was not understanding that I actually wanted a workable calculator I didn't want to have to figure out how to code this make it put it on my website no I just wanted chat GPT to pretty much do everything and so putting the strawberry to the work what I did was say can you make this calculator a code for my website it went through took a whopping 23 seconds created a plan and spit out the code where I could just copy each one and upload it to my website so I quite simply copied the code put them in a notepad right like this and saved the file name exactly what it told me to save them as then I uploaded it to my website and bada bang bada bang a workable calculator ready for me to add offers to so I can make money and if you might be saying well Marcus that's all fine and good but how do you add the offers well it's actually pretty simple all we need to do is go to the main page the HTM figure out where these things are like mortgage calculator you could see that's what pulls this up here so if I was to put something right here insert banner ads here that code would show up right here on the website or if you wanted one on the bottom we can see right here total savings over loan is the last line so I could quite simply put it right in here put lower banners here and you would quite simply insert the code for the ads the banner the link to your affiliate offer or whatever it is that makes you money and since there's so many different calculators people would like to use your ability to create these things is virtually endless and if you want to learn more about this method and how I create little tools that make tons of money check out the videos in the description

As found on YouTube


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