Big Influencers Are STEALING Your Views and Money – PROOF!

bigger YouTubers are stealing your views traffic and ultimately money out of your pocket and yeah I have proof maybe you saw this video go viral just a couple weeks ago this thing racked up almost 16 million views in just a few short weeks and not only that but according to estimates this video has made over $100,000 imagine making $100,000 in just a few weeks from one viral video now let's contrast that with my video done over 4 years ago on the same exact topic this one was hovering right around 120,000 views right before this story broke and over the lifetime of the video the ad Revenue made me less than two grand so why is this video getting millions of views and making huge money while my video on the same topic average less than $500 per year and maybe you feel like you've been working hard to make good videos and good content only to have some big YouTuber make a video very similar to yours and watch it take off with flying colors and you feel like I thought my video was pretty good Why didn't it go viral and don't worry I can empathize I mean I worked really hard on this video why doesn't the Google algorithm love me is this all just a cat and mouse game where the big YouTubers always win and the the rest of us have to struggle to pick up scraps from their fancy dinner table well friends today I have the answer and not only am I going to show you exactly how these big YouTubers are taking views that could be going to you and making tons of money but I'm also going to show you the secret code yep that's right there is a secret code here on YouTube and if you crack it you will get views subscribers and ultimately money in your pocket but you have to payose attention because what you're about to see is super detailed so make sure you watch this entire video at least one time all the way through because we're going to analyze these two videos side by side I'm going to show you a free tool that I made just for you and we're going to line these up and show you exactly what makes a video go viral and what makes another video never make it off the Launchpad so if you're excited smash a like button and get ready to fight back against the giant YouTubers that seemingly take all the views because now it's your turn I'm going to give you the keys to viral success views and prosperity come on let's dive in and I'll show you exactly how to go viral and make money here on YouTube all right it's time to answer that million dooll question why did this video make as much as $118,000 in a day and mine average $2 a day and got very little views well we're going to get to that in just a second as I've said many times here on this Chann Channel information structured differently can make you rich but I'm going to take that a step further and say that content structured differently can make you rich and famous let's take a look at my video demographics here where we got the views and how long they viewed and everything like that we can see here that the average view duration of mine was about 3 minutes and 23 seconds that's a total of right around 40% viewed meaning people were watching about 40% and then dropping off and watching any longer now this video is about 8 minutes and 45 seconds long compare that with mega lag's video here we can see that his video is over 23 minutes long so even if he got the same amount of view duration as my video he would be getting a way higher watch time I mean let's face it all he would need to do to match my watch time is get everyone to watch only 10% of his video now according to my estimates I'm guessing that most people watched over 60% of his video making his watch time probably somewhere in the neighborhood of like 12 to 17 minutes so right off the bat we see yeah 12 minutes versus 3 minutes obviously YouTube is going to promote his video more but it's not just about having a longer video it's about having a better video and yes in this instance his video is much better than my video but again it's not just about having a better video it's about content structured different L and structuring it differently has two parts one the title and the thumbnail how are you packaging the information how are you packaging your video and then number two having that watch time making a better video so that it leads to more views number one more clicks on the thumbnail obviously equals more views but if you have a good thumbnail and a terrible video it's going to fall off very quickly but if you have a good video leading to more watch time that is going to lead to more views and the algorithm is going to reward you 10-fold you see while my video here was talking about the honey app being exposed from a make money affiliate marketing standpoint Mega lags video was more focused on a general audience all the people watching influencers who want to know how they got ripped off and how they may have gotten you to get a software that yeah isn't very good so while his is going to a broad audience mine was more narrow going for a broad audience he included a lot of recognizable faces in his thumbnail now before we go any further be careful when using other images in your thumbnail make sure that you have the rights or it's within fair use rights because obviously we don't want to step on toes and get in trouble nonetheless he had very recognizable faces that made people click hey yeah I remember when Mr Beast told me to install honey I better watch this video talking about the biggest influencer scam ever yeah that's a lot better than the honey app exposed and this is very important because looking at these he has a better thumbnail a better video and a broader audience whereas mine was more for people who knew what the honey app was were a little interested in the business model and how it made money and more or less went for keywords related to people who already understood what honey was there was no real curiosity or anything that people would be like oh my gosh I need to click that to figure out what's going on my video was for a select audience so that's one of the reasons mine never went viral however the video did get a lot of traffic from search a lot of people looking up honey scam how does honey make money and different things like that yeah I got a decent amount of traffic for my channel on that video it was actually one of our better videos cracking over 100,000 views but why didn't I get 15 million views well we already broke down the thumbnail so if nobody clicks nobody's going to view if they're just skipping past your thumbnail that sends a signal to YouTube that says yeah no matter how good this video is nobody really wants to watch it and before we go any further I want to show you something very important if you to look at the average impression clickthrough rate that means every hundred times my thumbnail was shown to people this is the amount of people who clicked on it about 7.6 which is actually pretty run-ofthe-mill now if you were to go through and look at this click-through rate over time you could see that sometimes we hit 10% sometimes we hit over 21% and if you look just recently recently our average is like 23% sometimes as much as 38% and you might be saying Marcus according to all logic this video should have gone viral with flying colors I mean you've been ranking for years for the word honey scam even though the thumbnail is not that good almost 23 people out of every hundred are clicking it I mean come on YouTube must hate you well not exactly because if you were to take a look at the reach portion here you're going to see over 74% of the people watching this video are coming from search meaning they're literally going to YouTube and typing in how does honey make money and finding my video right here or searching on YouTube for how does honey make money and finding my video now way down here and if we focus just on search it's a very narrow audience compare that with one of my more viral videos that got over 460,000 views but the click-through rate yeah that's pretty terrible but let's take a look at where the views were coming from 85.8% from YouTube recommending your content what does that mean that means people weren't exactly searching for this it was being recommended on YouTube these are features like showing up on the homepage right here like this and also showing up in the recommended videos over here on the right hand side of YouTube this is where the majority of views come from so while my video got more search traffic there wasn't that much search traffic to go around Mega lags video focused on a more broad audience the people wondering how influencers got scammed and people got scammed and and all kinds of things like that also we can see here that his video aligned more clearly with what his channel was about his channel more or less does good when he exposes things shows different scams catching thiefs and different things like that so this video wasn't that different it just reached a more broad audience and understanding this part is key to going viral here on YouTube and getting more people to view your content so that you can make money let's take a look even deeper but first I want to pose a question when you go to create a new video and the question is is this the type of traffic you want because while videos like this can go viral sometimes they're not the best for your target market where here Mega lag is looking to get into the scam Market much like coffeezilla and others we need to be asking oursel is this the type of traffic we want I've had videos with far less views that have made more money and it all depends on the type of traffic you want for your business and your end goal sometimes more views doesn't equal more money so it's very important that you keep in line with what your channel is about if your channel is all over the place and you're talking about scams and your favorite coffee and how to shop on Amazon well then yeah it's going to confuse the viewers the YouTube algorithm and you're not going to get any views so now let's break down the characteristics of the viral video and my not so viral video first of all we need to look at the hook and tone what is the tone of the video what is the hook why would people watch with mega lag's video he had exposing the honey influencer scam this grabs attention immediately with a bold claim I.E your favorite influencers sold you a lie this is dramatic conspiratorial and it intrigues people and draws them in the tone is emotional and intense framing honey as the villain while also looking at the Betrayal of trusted influencers I mean who's not going to watch that video compare that with mine how the honey app makes money which was the title before I recently changed it this opens with a stat driven claim PayPal bought honey for 4 billion which is kind of boring to the average person but to someone searching how does honey make money yeah it does work it builds a little bit of curiosity but the curiosity is about how honey makes money do you see how Mega lag's video goes to a much broader audience he's going after people who are interested in scams interested in influencers and basically interested in anything on YouTube and the more appeal your video has the the bigger audience it's going to get my tone was more informative and Casual with light humor where I talked about the little Honeys and how they're kind of watching over me and different things like that and the winner according to Ai and the YouTube algorithm was exposing the honey influencer scam as we can see this is a clear winner there is no competition his thumbnail was 1,000% better than mine at reaching the masses now let's look at the narrative exposing the honey influencer scam had the narrative and good storytelling of how the cookie hijacking was working now this is the same thing I went through in my video only I presented it differently again information structured differently can make you rich and famous he builds suspense with phrases like it gets worse this is only the beginning these multi-part Revelations keep viewers engaged what is going to happen next what am I going to see next does it actually get worse I need to keep watching and the longer people watch the more views and money you're going to get contrast with mine it's a linear explanation of how Honey's business model works for business people interested in business models and affiliate marketing mine was more educational and less Sensational again the obvious winner exposing the honey influencer scam I mean let's face it his video was a thousand times better than mine and so it reached a much broader audience and that brings us to audience appeal who are you appealing to Mega lags video targeted viewers who enjoy exposes and controversial topics whereas mine was just for people curious about online business models very very tight-knit versus very broad Visual and storytelling for those that watched his video it relied on dramatic reenactments affiliate tracking demos and influencer references he was talking about things that the viewers cared about whereas mine was more static screen recordings an example of how affiliate links work same information structured differently if this is starting to make sense type aha I get it as a comment below next was the call to action and sharability exposing the honey influencer scam that video actually asked viewers to reflect on have I ever clicked a link did you know this was happening can you share this with other people because oh my gosh honey is taking our money this actually made a lot lot of people outraged it made people feel something it made people angry and whenever people feel stuff they keep watching they share and yeah your video goes viral but always make sure to use this ethically and honestly if you go out there and share reviews about something you actually haven't done just to get views yeah you can get sued so be very careful with that and I would say mega lag did a really good job of actually revealing stuff in an honest upfront way without over sensationalizing it now compare that with the call to action and shareability of mine I went through and encouraged subscriptions and likes but didn't create an emotional urge to share which is why his video has been shared probably millions of times and has gone viral and gotten national news attention as well as a brand new class action lawsuit all within 2 weeks of the video going live and not to mention this was in the holiday times when everyone was paying attention to other stuff so let's look at this in detail and then I'll show you the free tool that'll help your videos go viral if you were to look at both of these the hook and tone clear winner is Mega lag's video narrative structure again we give that to Mega lag hey I feel like we're having some kind of emys for YouTubers well there's only two of us and I lost audience appeal again five stars for Mega lag just two for my video visual storytelling he's got four I got two call to action and shareability I think we're going to give him like 500 Stars where I'm stuck at two and if you want to know how what you learned today can help your video go viral I actually created a free tool based on how I did this analysis you see before this video I went to chat GPT I gave it the transcript of Mega lags video the transcript of my video and asked it why did this one go viral and that one did didn't and I actually got a very detailed outline as we can see here it went through line by line and dissected both videos to show us why one went viral and another didn't then what I did is I actually package this into a custom GPT that's right if you have chat GPT you can go to the chat GPT store and look up video hacks and use this tool we can actually go over here and say here is my video idea and title how can I make it viral Watch What Happens here and in addition to helping you this is also going to help you learn so I can go through and say something like how Google makes money and this GPT is trained on viral video stats so I can hit enter right like this and it's going to give me ideas and a rundown and charts and everything I need to make this stuff go viral and as you can see here it's giving me a checklist does it have a strong hook do you know that Google makes over 200 billion a year mostly from you this is much better than stuff that I would come up with it even tells me what would work on the screen then we have an overview structure and an outline of how to make a viral video it's got the emotional triggers the call to action and shareability elements and more we can even say now make 10 titles and it's going to make 10 titles based on viral statistics as we can see my boring title of how Google makes money yeah that kind of sucks but if we go through here how Google really makes money and why it's genius or Google's $200 billion secret how they make money off of you plugging in these different elements into your video will make you go viral like crazy good smash a like button and check out the videos in the description along with a link to my website make money online

As found on YouTube


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