all right ladies and gentlemen today I'm going to show you three really cool money-making hacks that you can do using Google's new Gemini AI platform and they're super easy in fact a lot of people are missing the point on the power of what Gemini has added to Google's Bard program and these quite simply could make you tons of money but first we got to take a look and understand exactly what's going on because there's a lot of mixed views around Google Gemini and the new AI program and they actually got in quite a bit of hot water over a quote unquote faked demo video showing how the AI interacted with different people some people are calling it the chat gbt killer others are saying it's a bunch of hot air but I'm going to tell you three ways it's going to put money in your pocket first what we need to understand is that one of the biggest things with the Google Gemini platform is its ability to understand images yeah I mean the whole idea is to go to your fridge take a picture and get a recipe custom for what you have in your fridge that's not exactly going to make us money however there is a hidden step that you can use to profit big time the second thing we're going to look at is how Google has integrated the new Gemini into their pixel 8 Pro cell phone this makes things super easy as you can see here it's actually transcribing what I saying live and in real time but again how is this going to make us any money more about that in just a minute I promise this is going to be worth the wait the third thing we're going to look at is video transcripts since YouTube is owned by Google there's a little hidden Easter egg if you will that'll help you make money just by copying and pasting a video share link this is a game changer and not only that but Google bard also has different plugins that are also feeding off the Gemini platform which is poised to be the best coding interpreter that can actually do reasoning and learning and all kinds of crazy things and these things can help us make money in a super simple way let me show you exactly how they work first of all right here we have the YouTube plugin in order to use this we just open up a new chat right like this we take the video URL right here and we can say at YouTube please make detailed notes from this video now this is brand new so sometimes it will be a little buggy I found that it works really good if you ask it again or if it gives you a problem just say please try for me and usually on the second attempt it'll do pretty good and as you could see here we forgot to include the URL and it's actually just telling us about note-taking videos and giving us a summary on those instead let's try again and say at YouTube please make detailed notes from this video put the video in like this and now second times a charm we will actually get detailed notes on this video now the way that this is going to make you money is very simple there's a lot of information in videos that you can use to post on your websites help people out with on social media make your own video about make a press release use on Pinterest and on and on we go and what happens here is instead of going through and watching hours and hours and hours of video I can get this information super fast so if you're like me and you do videos on AI I can actually go through and ask it to get me detailed notes on several different videos about AI that just came out a few days ago right like this and we can see it gets the main talking points right here then then I could even go through and say at YouTube please summarize and take notes on the following videos and I can actually put several different videos in right after each other right like this and get detailed notes on each video in a very concise way without having to do the leg work of watching them transcribing them and figuring out what they're about and now we can see it's actually compiling these and making notes on all three videos now I can say please make one big article about all these videos we went through today and it's going to go through and get me the notes on all the major videos so I can have the talking points at a glance I can use this as a blog post an update on social media content for a YouTube video update people on Twitter and then make money through ads and different programs I recommend for people looking up this information for example earlier today I actually bought this domain name at auction about random pickup lines for a project I'm working on for later keep your eye out for a video about how I'm going to use AI to make an app and make tons of money in yeah the pickup line market so I could quite simply find videos with pickup lines start a new chat and say at YouTube please get the pickup lines from this video and Google Gemini Bard is going to go to work uh we hit a snag that's what I was talking about earlier let's try again by adding the transcript by simply copying and pasting right like this and depending on the video you might have trouble and might need to try it one or two times and we could see here it's it's going to work getting all the different pickup lines from the video in a super simple way and then all I would need to do is make content about this topic and point to things that make me money for example if we go to the ClickBank Marketplace over here we can type in pick up lines and we could see different programs about flirting dating ideas and all kinds of different things that pay us money when people buy different things related to flirting and pickup lines hey it's actually super easy but be careful in this market and always be ethical upfront and provide good quality information the second tool we're going to look at is included in Google bard right here and we can actually use this to record what we're talking about right here live on screen now this isn't exactly Gemini but it is going to use Gemini to process the data in fact we can use this right here by recording something we're watching on TV a talk we're listening to live or even a video online and it'll actually transcribe it in real time now one of the applications that I think is going to be killer for this comes from a business a friend of mine started years ago years ago a buddy of mine was kind of a junkie when it came to going to internet marketing conferences he would go to conferences everywhere all the time myself I go to maybe one or two a year at most but he was going to every conference out there and and he found out that he could actually go there take notes and then sell the notes to other people that weren't able to go there and he was able to get up-to-date information on what different marketers were talking about in a super simple way and the cool thing about this is on the new Google pixel phone it actually does the transcribing live right on the phone and not only that but once I'm done and I pause it and hit save I can actually click the link right up here and then then click the summarize button and we could see it summarizes the content right here in real time just imagine the implications of being able to use this to get summaries of pretty much anything you record so I could go ask people what they do for a living and how much they make I can interview top people in my field I can leave it playing while I watch the news and get a recap of the news each day the sky is literally the limit and last but not least what we're going to look at here is its ability to understand images now I'm going to have some upand cominging videos on this channel about how to use all three of these methods to make tons of money and actually I'm going to show you real live examples of things that I'm doing right now that are working right as you're watching this now this one is Big because in the coming years understanding images and videos is going to be what is going to set Google bard apart from something like chat GPT if I could go through and have this thing compreh apprehend a bunch of videos and images well then I can get a lot of data at the drop of a hat and we all know that data is King and data is worth tons of money if used correctly so what I've been doing today is looking at the new Google Gemini Bard and taking a look at images and seeing if it can interpret why a certain image worked well as an ad and we're looking at clickbait because what better way to get an example of what people click on than then something people actually click on so what I've been doing is throwing at a bunch of images that look like this with different clickbait ads and seeing if it can understand what's going on first I went through and had it look up the top clickbait ads of all time so that it can understand okay what's going on then I went through and uploaded some clickbait ads like this and asked it why these ads are working at first it had a little bit of a struggle it struggled again and then again but then fourth times a charm it actually went through and talked about why this image was effective as a clickbait ad this is super important because if I can give it different images and it can understand why they worked well then I can actually have it create different ads for me for example I said using the parameters you just had for the clickbait at for the clickbait ad create me one for a Financial stock market type program and it went through and said this unassuming company is about to explode and then it had a rocket ship and we could see it is gaining the Curiosity however I might tweak it a little bit and ask for a little bit more information to get a better result then I went through and had it create different ads for weight loss I had it include stories and tell me different reasons why this stuff would work and it came up with one about some magic Berry for for weight loss and it had a woman picking some berries and different things like that and we can actually go through and look at this and have it create a mid Journey prompt so that we could generate our own ad super fast then we can say something like now come up with a clickbait ad for a crazy money hack that the middle class is using to get rich and it's going to go through and do the work based on all the data that it's looked at up until now middle class shocked this crazy money hack is making people Rich overnight that's a pretty darn good ad now let's say now please come up with a sample image for that ad let's see how this does okay it didn't quite make the image so let's try now please make a mid Journey prompt for an image for this ad and it's going to go to work and create the prompt right like this let's go ahead and copy this right into mid Journey right here and see what kind of image we come up with and there we go and we can see here it's actually doing a pretty good job however let's try without saying cartoonish and we can see here it's a lot more realistic and they're looking pretty good in fact I could take one of these and get a pretty good clickthrough rate or I could post them on Facebook with little tips on how to make money of course pointing to the things that pay me and I can even go over here and say now please write the article based on how to use a side hustle to make money this is going to go to work and create content about how to use a side hustle that I can use where people are going to click on these images to learn the middle class secret money method and then they can go to My article about side hustles click on ads and different things that get me paid it's actually super simple and when you understand the power of Gemini Google bard and all these tools put together you're going to see that even you sitting there struggling to make money online can become a marketing Powerhouse overnight but you got to use these tools the right way which is why you want to smash the like button subscribe and check out the videos in the description going over these strategies in detail so that you can make money online