Best Keyword Research Tool for YouTube | Youtube Keyword Research Tutorial (YouTube SEO)

what is the best keyword research tool for YouTube YouTube search is super important for every channel and if you look at my analytics for the last year you'll actually see that 41% of all of my viewers came from YouTube search you'll see that I'm getting thousands and thousands of views for all of these Search terms and there is a secret to how I find these high potential Search terms I've got a lot of these quiet achiever type videos that only get 20 to 30 views every single day from YouTube search but this is happening every single day for many years like this video over here look at it it has had 78,000 views but it is very very consistent and it just keeps getting more and more views and the main tool that I personally use and love is Sam Rush thank you to Sam rush for sponsoring this video you can get access to use it for free for 14 days if you go to this link that you can see here on the screen uh this link is also in the description below and yes it's a paid tool but if you use my link you'll get 14 days free access I'm going to talk about that in just a second make sure to go VI my link because if you go to their site and then click try for free you'll actually see that the standard free trial is just 7 days but if you use my link you will actually get a 14-day Pro trial and this is available exclusively through my link now guys 14-day access is actually enough to find 500 or even 1,000 keywords for your channel so it's super powerful and you can actually achieve a lot in those 14 days all right after you've got your semrush account from the main dashboard just click on keyword magic tool this is where I'm going to be showing you how to use Sam rush for YouTube specifically for YouTube keyword research let me show you some practical examples specific examples of how I found awesome keywords that are working really really well for me right now so let's check out this video it's a video about how to create a sales final for free and I've made thousands of dollars from this video because I'm recommending a specific tool in this video now I knew I wanted to create a video about something to do with sales funnels and I basically went into Sam rush and I type 10 sales funnel and then Sam Rush gives me suggestions on the actual searches that people are typing into Google and YouTube every single day so as I had a look at it I generally tend to go for how to keywords because people are searching for instructions on how to do certain things so then I saw this how to create a sales final and you'll notice that whatever you type in Sam Rush is actually going to suggest all the keywords that have got those words in them okay so this is extremely extremely powerful and after I noticed that there is how to I added how to sales final like this and then I reviewed what is actually available so here you can see that we've got all of these things how to create a sales funnels how to build a sales funnel I ended up settling for this specific term how to create a sales funnel for free now why did I do this well because if if I make a video for how to create a sales funnel for free first of all I will probably rank for keywords that start with how to create a sales funnel okay so I will rank for both most likely I will rank for how to create a sales funnel and how to create a sales final for free let's check this so I'm going to type in how to create a sales final for free and sure enough my video is right here it's basically ranking on position number two and if I also check for how to create a sales funnel I will see that I'm I'm also ranking on position 1 2 3 4 okay on position four so I've been pulling in traffic for over a year it's not a lot but it is getting a lot of traffic for me so if I'm looking at this list of keywords and then I think okay maybe I will create a video about how to create a sales final for free I wonder if this is a good idea or not is there a lot of competition to validate make sure that you open YouTube in an incognito tab so you're not logged in this way you're getting completely independent results YouTube doesn't know your previous search history or watch history and then I will generally take this keyword that I'm considering and I'll enter it into YouTube search I'll press enter and then I'll review the results when I'm reviewing the results I'm looking at two specific things one is are there many videos over here that have got every single word from my search phrase in the title of the video so that is the first thing so I'm looking for how to create sales final for free and I'm going to review all of the results here so here we've got yes we've got Jillian's um video how to create a sales funnel for free so that one has got it it means that there is at least some competition there is my video there is another video how to create a sales funnel for free in 20 minutes okay so someone else has made a video like this I think it was after I created mine because I have shown this idea before so a lot of people kind of use the ideas that I share that's happened many times and they start making their own versions of the video you can see someone has made a video about it okay free sales final course okay so this one for example this video is ranking but it is it does not contain every single word of this in the title and generally YouTube tries to serve up search results that are very very relevant to what the user is typing in okay so the fact that there is uh a video that's showing up that in the title does not have every single word means that there is not a lot of competition all right so here we've got another create a sales final for freee then we've got a couple of videos that are not very relevant so basically right now I've got about four or five competing videos in the top 10 of the search result so that's one thing that I look at the second thing that I look at is how old are those videos because right now if I take a look at the results the some of the videos or most of the videos are actually quite old two years ago 1 year ago 1 year ago one year ago 1 year ago 3 years ago so there are actually no videos here in the top 10 results that are recent and that is a very good thing it means that if you make a video and it's a good video you make a video about this today and you upload it you're actually going to have a pretty good chance of ranking because YouTube loves to serve up new videos so even though you see a lot of competition but all the videos are one two or 3 years old you can totally make a video and you'll have an awesome chance of ranking I've done this time and time again and this is probably one of the reasons why I made this video and why it's still doing well because it's one of the more recent videos on this topic another example is this one here contact form 7 WordPress tutorial so you can see that this video has been live for about 2 and a half years not getting a ton of traffic like 50 views a day so not a lot at all but it has had 65,000 views in total since I made it so I mean over time it all adds up and this is exactly why YouTube can be very very passive so like if we were just having a chat and I told you look you're going to get a video that's going to get like 50 views a day do you think that you would be interested in making this video most likely people would say nah it's not worth it but if you look at it over the course of many years how many views you can get it is absolutely worth it all right so let's have another practical example and here we're going to try to find a keyword together from scratch and here is what I'm going to do I'm going to type in how to hammer toes okay assuming that for example you've got a fitness channel or kind of like a health channel so hammer toes is a medical uh thing that can happen to people's toes on their feet and I'm just going to say that I want to find out what kind of keyword ideas Sam Rush can give me about Hammer to how to do something with hammer toes okay so let's hit search here and we've now got a ton of suggestions here how to fix hamau how to fix ham with tape okay so there's something about tape that we can do how to treat a ham how to prevent hamau how to avoid ham so all of this is actually separate video ideas you can make a video about how to cure ham toe you can make another one about how to avoid it another one about how to prevent it you can make another video about how to tape a ham to that's also a distinctively different idea so let's take a look at all of these ideas in an incognito window so let's start with how to tape a hammer toe all right so I'm here inside the incognito window and I've started typing in how to tape a hammer toe like this so I can definitely see that there are suggestions that are coming up it means that it's a real term that people are actually typing in so let's that's that's a good thing that's a big tick for us okay uh so how to type a hamor let's click this and let's see what the results actually are first of all I'm going to look at whether how to tape a ham whether that appears in the title of the competing videos so this video is by the way old okay but yes we've got that here how to tape a hammer to there's another one how to tape claw aose hos this one is not exactly relevant it says hos kinesio taping okay so not exactly what the user types in so it's a little bit less relevant ham taping also not exactly what the user types in and ham okay so it doesn't says how to tape a ham it just says hos basically now we're starting to see that at positions five six Etc the videos become less and less relevant now let's apply our second criteria and the second criteria is are there a lot of recent videos so this video is 4 years old this video is 6 years old this one is 5 years old then we've got 3 years old so all the videos are actually really old and as I told you before YouTube loves fresh videos because YouTube knows that things change a lot and YouTube is mostly about serving up new high quality content as long as your content is good and it's relevant and it's recent you'll have a a really good chance of outranking all the other old the videos so just like that we've actually found a really good search term how to tape a hammer toe look a lot of videos there have got hundreds of thousands of views 113,000 252,000 so they're ranking and they're quietly just getting this traffic every single day they're getting this search traffic so definitely don't be put off by low search volumes here in Sam rush because this is not an exact search volume it's an approximate uh so generally try to check all of these on YouTube YouTube will tell you how many searches you can get because these videos they're not viral videos okay like it's not this video is not going viral and everyone's just looking at this ham information these kind of Search terms which are how to do something are mostly people typing stuff into YouTube and then YouTube actually serving this in search results over time so this will give you a pretty good idea of how much traffic you can get just looking at the search counts of all the videos and honestly this would be pretty much impossible if I was not using Sam rush for this because Sam Rush has got the largest database of keywords that you can search and you can just type in like little parts of c key phrases and Sam Rush will then give you these massive lists of different search phrases that you can search and one more example that I would like to share with you is this video over here that has been live also for about 3 years 164,000 views only gets about 100 140 views every single day but it is very consistent and of course it is all from YouTube search if we go into reach you will see that they're all about the searches on how to create a landing page for free or just how to create a landing page okay so all of these I mean it's just so consistent it's crazy and again of course I found this idea through Sam rush so I use the keyword magic tool how to learning Page search and let's see the results that I'm going to get through this so you can see there are actually 3529 different suggestions so to my point earlier that Sam Rush has got the largest database of keywords out of all the keyword tools this is the keyword that I chose that I made my video about the search volume was only 260 but as you've seen I've actually had over 100,000 views on this video but you can totally just keep going down the list and you can go for any of these keywords you will literally never run out of ideas for what kind of videos to make if you use rush for keyword research for YouTube like look at this how to optimize a landing page okay so this is something that I think not many people have ever thought of how to optimize a landing page and unless you've got access to Sam Rush you're actually never going to even find out about this keyword all right so let's see um YouTube actually gives us a few suggestions how to optimize landing page for Google ads for conversion for SEO but let's just go with how to optimize landing page and look at this the first result is 5 years old okay and there is not actually this these keywords how to optimize landing page does not appear in the title of the video anywhere let's go down a bit more landing page test to Skyrocket conversions and optins again how to optimize landing page does not appear in the title does not appear in the title does not appear in the title well kind of does a little bit but not much landing page optimization it it's not exactly how to optimize landing page so guys once again just like this we found another idea if you make a video about how to optimize a landing page okay you will have a great chance of outranking this video because it's 5 years old and it doesn't even have that in its title all right and you'll probably outrank this one as well because 3 years ago 880,000 views and does not have how to optimize landing page in the title of the actual video so if you make a good video about how to optimize a landing page put this in the title make sure it's a good video create a good thumbnail then you're actually going to have have a really high chance of ranking for this keyword of course not every single keyword not every single video works out uh I have a success rate of about 60 to 70% about 20 30% of the videos that I make they just don't rank for whatever Ison maybe the video is not good enough it is just how content marketing actually works it's the same with websites but by using Sam rush for your research the way that I've shown you I've given you plenty of examples in this video you're actually going to drastically increase your success chance so I highly recommend that you use Sam rush for your YouTube keyword research like I personally think that it is actually the best YouTube keyword Search tool and if you guys click the link in the description below or go to this link over here I'm going to show it here on the screen you will be able to get a special deal which is a 14-day Pro trial of Sam Rush 14 days now in 14 days you can do a lot just set a few of these days aside and I know that in these 14 days you will be able to to find hundreds and hundreds of keywords and of course with the results that you're going to get from this tool I'm sure that you're going to like to keep this tool as well but either way Within These 14 days you really can find a ton of keywords I honestly think that you should at least give this a try if you've never used Sam Rush it's a crazy powerful tool it is so so useful for YouTube keyword research I personally use it every single time that I'm posting video so I super highly recommended so thank you so much for watching this video I hope you enjoyed it if you did Smash the like button just underneath subscribe to my YouTube channel for more videos like this and after you've done that go ahead and watch this video next in this video I'm going to show you how to dramatically increase your YouTube views so go ahead and watch this video next thank you so much I'll see you in the next video

As found on YouTube


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