in today's video I will show you how to create an AI influencer that goes viral I will also give you the ways to monetize your AI influencer to the tune of $20,000 a month or more this is the ultimate guide on how to create an AI influencer and these are the actual AI influencers created by the tools I'm going to show you in this video first we've got to create the AI influencer and for this I'm going to use this tool here called apob apob kindly offered to sponsor this video and when I tested it I was pleasantly surprised so I wanted to make a video on this because check out all of these AI influencers that were created using apob apop has been custom built to create AI influencers like these and it's got a ton of features like for example if I open any of these influencers then it automatically by default using its own built-in functions can keep the same consistent face and create various other images and videos using this personality and using this face and that is a huge problem that exists right now in the AI influencer tool space where sometimes you create your AI influencer but then it's very hard to actually generate a consistent AI face from these influences but apob makes it extremely simple look at this all the same face all the same person and it just takes a couple of clicks to do the same in apob for you the other thing that's awesome about apob is price you get a free plan which is quite generous and then the actual subscription actually is very reasonably priced if you pay monthly you can start with $8.99 for a lot of credits per month if you pay yearly you get an additional discount and if you use my link and my coupon which is Greg 15 just here on the screen then you can get an additional 15% off so the pricing is really good compared to its competitors as well the first and the simplest way to create your own AI influencer in apob is to use one of the community models or Community content so let's say we take this community model sailor rosenhein and we can open this up we can actually use this as the starting point for building our own influencer depending on what model you would like to build male female style Etc you can go into here and look at view all and then you can use any of these as the starting blocks after you open up one of these Community built models you can use these modifiers here to further refine the style you can use style to refine the style of the model whether it's pixel cute 3D if you want it to be realistic you can choose realistic that's what I'm going to go with but of course you can choose what you would like after that you can choose further modifiers for architecture landscape age clothing and weather I don't want the image to include architecture initially I'm going to go for landscape and let's go with beach for architecture okaye we got realistic and Beach modifiers selected so far then for AG let's go with age so I'm going to go with middle then under clothing you can select the clothing that you would like the model to wear while we're at the beach so we'll have to put in hot summer here and further you can choose the weather all right so for us let's choose sunny day for the weather and here we can choose the size of the image 9 by6 is the uh vertical style of images and for Quality we will choose best let's click generate and here we go we've got four versions of our influencer as you can see they're based off this initial influencer but we've created our own twist on this influencer and there is some resemblance of course in the face but this is to be expected because that's what we chose to do and I can now use this influencer as the starting point for my personality so that I can generate videos and further images using this model keeping a consistent face and there are a couple of things that we can do straight away with our influencers you can see there are options here to view which just brings it up in uh the enlarged view now the quality as you noticed is just the draft quality right now if you wanted to generate a high definition version of this photo you can do that by just clicking the enlarge option okay we can generate a video straight away just from here we can just generate a video right away we can download this image so it's very comfortable and convenient to to just do everything further with your model right here from the image now before we get into the actual detail of how to animate and how to create videos and and what to do I want to show you another way to generate your own influencer and that is to create your own portrait model from scratch so click plus create portrait model or we'll go here and here you can just instead of using a pre-built model to base your influence on you can create your own model from scratch there are two kind of Parts you can either upload an image so if you want to very closely duplicate another model you can do that here or you can just go and create a new AI influencer so we can say AI influencer generator and here we're just starting completely from scratch so here I can say okay it's a woman okay for age let's say we choose I don't know let's say 33 you can choose the nationality so like a typical look so for example we can choose here I don't know randomly let's say Norway here we go Norwegian okay eyes I guess we'll have to go stereotypical and uh choose blue okay for hairstyle let's see what to choose here honestly I don't even know what most of these mean so I'm just going to say long straight okay that's something that I know hair color uh let's say we'll go with blond face shape I didn't even realize there are so many different face shapes what's a good shape guys if you know let me know in the comments below what is actually a good shape to have I have no idea I'm guessing oval that seems like it's you know proportional but uh I have no idea if you guys know help me out drop me a comment below do I want the dimple well let's see what it looks like we definitely don't want the beard okay san sure why not all right uh this looks good to me I think we've got all the options here filled out so let's just click generate all right our generation is complete so let's select this image as reference image all right and this is what it looks like if we enlarge so I mean everything is looking quite good I don't see any details out of place um everything seems proportional we've got the dimple that we're requested let's ask CH GPT to give us a typical memorable Norwegian name for a fashion model there we go we've got as solheim that will do CH GPT makes my life easy I love it so let's give this and we can now say create your own image model now all right and now we've got asted Sim our model as the initial reference model and now we can go through the same steps as I showed you earlier which is to create all of these things the style the environment the appearance the weather and this way you're going to get the variations of this initial model now as you can see right now we're under build your own now we can go to complete set and under complete set you can see all the different options for what you can have so if we're building let's say a fitness influencer okay we can go to fitness and we can say here we want uh medicine ball and we'll get a complete set of photos with the medicine ball we can do the same for example for burpees Etc so you can see this is actually really really powerful because you can get a whole set of photos just by selecting what type of a set you would like okay so our set is now complete we've got astd doing bures okay we've got a whole set of four photos over here it's looking pretty good if you ask me and of course the good thing is that we've got the consistent face which is extremely important okay now let's say we want to enlarge one of these images so how do we do this we want to get better quality so select this image and then use these controls at the bottom we can also find these controls on the right hand side over here and we can now click the HD button to enlarge it let's click generate and right now our photo size is quite small it's not very high resolution but this is actually going to complete a high resolution high definition photo for us all right our HD version is ready so let's preview this oh wow you can see that the difference is huge now there is a lot more detail the quality is just much better and I suspect that this is still not the full size so let's download it all right so this now here I'm just opening this on my desktop computer and let's just zoom in to see where it starts to pixelate I mean this is really high definition really high quality photo of exactly what we've decided to produce next I want to show you how to use the image swap feature which is actually really cool you can basically take a photo of yourself if you wanted to and you can face swap and you can place this AI model image instead of your face if you wanted to run an AI Avatar but you wanted to kind of like inject some real life into it you know you can go and take a photo outside of yourself so for face swap let's use this photo that I'm going to get from so it does not have any copyright issues I've uploaded this photo here and let's now swap as's face onto this photo I'm going to click generate this was the photo before and this is the photo after so you can see the difference and face swap actually worked extremely well in this case for best results generally if you're going to be doing this for example with yourself it's best to choose or create an AI Avatar AI influencer model that has got similar features like same color eyes same hair it just makes things a little bit simpler for the program to actually swap everything over all right now let's look at the image to video feature so I can do this from here uh I can go image to video and then I can select some previously generated content uh I can also just upload an image or I can go to some of my previously generated images and just animate those and let's say we want to create a video out of this image over here so this will work pretty great for social media it's already an HD image so let's convert this we just press generate video over here on the image and we've got our image preloaded so let's just choose the quality Ultra we'll make it a 5-second clip and we're going to give a description camera painting to the right the model has a smile on her face looking at the camera and let's now click generate okay our video is ready so let's go ahead and preview this now this looks really good look at the Quality on this I mean I don't see anything out of place anything strange it's just a person smiling camera painting I think that all the details are there the face looks fine the smile looks good the teeth are all there the eyes everything is actually looking really really good you could absolutely post this and and if you wanted to pass this as a real person then I don't think that anyone would pick anything up that's kind of like out of place or is looking weird now let's talk about how you can do lip sync if I wanted to do lip syncing on this photo I can just choose talking Avatar and I have two options now I can either generate the audio from within here from apob AI or or I can upload the audio so for example I can use 11 Labs or another tool to generate the audio or perhaps I want to record my own voice as the audio let's try to generate a model just from here right from within apop AI so I'm going to choose this model and let's just get it to say follow me for more tips for example as the closing as the ending of the video I'm going to click generate now now of course Emily our voice model has got a French accent so let's see how this turns out follow me for more tips that's not bad follow me for more tips okay so let's just select this audio now as reference audio and we can see this is is 2 seconds long and generated video will be 2 seconds long so that works for us let's click generate and there we go we've got our lip sync video over here produced and it's actually looking really really good well now you guys know how to produce high quality real life quality of AI influencers just like this video images any personality so let's now talk about how our influencers are making money so I showed you some photos of itana LZ before so itana Lopez is 100% AI generated she's reported to make anywhere up to $220,000 per month and this is her Instagram so she's only ever made 156 posts and she's got 347,000 followers okay which is amazing for 156 posts this is just insane uh she makes content like this which is just a mix of posts as well well as reals there are only three reals so basically it's mostly just the photo content and with 156 posts she's managing to make over $20,000 a month I mean this is insane and this is not the only model you can go and you can find tons of AI models are doing this now if you're trying to figure out how this is done you can click on the links usually influencers will have links so let's click on the link tree link and you can see the there are links here to the clueless agency which is basically the agency that is making these uh these AI influences there is links to Twitter to Instagram to Tik Tok which by the way she also has 11.4 th000 followers so that's quite a lot as well but most likely I would say that majority of the income for itana comes from this link over here me myself and I and this is taking us to the fan view site now I'm going to blur some of the details here because I'm not sure if it's exactly you know for safe for work not safe for work so it's blurred but basically this fan view website is I guess a little bit like only fans but it allows a content and some of the posts that are posted on here are available to subscribers only you can see that there are uh subscriptions available for 750 per month so that's one way to monetize your a influencer if this is something you're interested in uh or maybe you know if you're comfortable with doing this but there are of course various other ways that you can do this as well you don't have to resort to this NSFW type content I'll just give you one other example so bu in Biz account now this is not an AI influencer but I'm just giving you an idea on the type of content that you can create because you can make images like this and you can create reals like this you can start creating content in a particular Niche for example in Fitness or in keto diet or in this case in the business related Niche and you can build an email list and you can promote affiliate products or sell your own product you can make money through sponsorships through promoting affiliate products let's take a look at for example some of the keto diet influencers so let's just um go over here all right we can see 170,000 followers for this influencer and of course here we've got a link to join keto me membership keto trust memberships okay so you can promote an affiliate products that you don't even have to make yourself you can promote a product from ClickBank or any other affiliate Network in your so for example if you're in the keto Niche you can promote a keto product or netbank just insert your link over here into your profile and create content similar to this there are various reals okay these reals make get hundreds or thousands of views and you can absolutely make this kind of content with apop the way that I showed you before and this link over here will be getting thousands and thousands of clicks and of course there are going to be sales and conversions here is another examp example of a Kido influencer okay Jamie Michelle all right you can absolutely make very similar post to this using apob using AI you can make rails like these rails here you can also make just posts like these posts here and you don't have to show your face on camera don't forget that you can get access to apop through my link with a 15% discount just go to this link here on the screen and use the coupon code Greg 15 to get your a 15% discount when you sign up if you want you can start with a free plan or you can go for one of the paid plans straight away just don't forget to use coupon code Greg 15 to actually lock in your 15% discount to all of the rates that you can see here on the screen and thank you so much for watching I hope that you enjoyed this video let me know what you thought of the quality of the video that you can see here on the screen I think it's really amazing and the technology has come such a long way so smash the like button just underneath this video subscribe to my YouTube channel thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video