Best AI Animation Video Generator: $22,000,000 a Year (FREE)

$22 million in three hours that's right that's over $22 million that this channel made doing something that takes only 3 hours there are animation channels out there that are getting millions and millions of views and cartoons like these are extremely simple to make using ai ai animation is getting insane look at all of this animation that was made using AI in just a few clicks but first let me address a question that I always get asked and that is whether cartoons are actually monetized whenever you look at any cartoon page on YouTube right click and click view page source and then search for the value YT uncore add and if you see value one that means that this page and this video is monetized with YouTube advertising so that means that this particular cartoon has had 2.6 million monetized views and probably earned between $3 to $110,000 or more so as the first step let's use Chad GPT to help us create the animation storyline and script and I'm going to give a prompt to chpt to create a kids animation storyline in script I'm going to include these parameters to make sure that we get a nice output and I'm also going to give additional instructions to create the story line and I'm also going to ask for a leadoo AI prompt for each scene so let's get the output here we go we've got our output this is animation storyline and for each scene we have a description The Prompt for Leonardo Ai and the narration that we're going to be including into the cartoon so as the next step let's now start creating Leonardo AI images I like to use Leonardo AI because the free plan is actually really powerful so for model or preset let's go and use phix 1.0 this is a very powerful mode that we're going to be using for the other details on the left hand side for prompt enhance choose off for style we want to leave it on Dynamic contrast medium is fine for Generation mode Let's go with fast and for image Dimensions you want 16.9 because it's going to be a normal YouTube video our size we want medium for number of images let's choose four for each scene so we can choose the best one then let's click on Phenix 1.0 again to open up this prompt window and here we can start creating each of the scenes so just just take each of these prompts we're going to start with prompt for scene one copy all of this and paste it into the Leonardo AI window let's click generate Okay so we've got our four thumbnails for this very first scene if we go back to the description we can see here that our girl the protagonist wakes up with a big yarn her blonde hair is messy and her large blue eyes blink open and she looks outside the window smiling at a bright morning so this is exactly what we've got open up each one of them and make sure that there are no weird AI related issues that everything looks okay this image looks good to me this image actually looks good to me just make sure there are no weird things like uh Toes that look unusual or anything like that here everything actually seems okay on all four of these images so you can probably choose either one of them I personally prefer this so if you're happy with this you can go ahead and download this image and if for some reason you don't like any of these images you can of course just click the generate button to get four more options I am happy with this so I can download this image for later use okay something very important since we're going to be using this image as our reference image for the very first scene we want to be making sure that our character is consistent so got the same hairstyle same smile same face same eyes and in order to preserve this we need to click these three dots over here just above and click copy seed this will help us ensure that all the further scenes that we create have got the exact same character with the exact same hair so now you'll want to scroll down and where it says advanced settings where it says use fixed seed enable that option and paste that se here from now on all the further images that we create are going to be using the same consistent character okay so now we can move on to scene number two and our scene to of course is where the young girl is standing in front of a mirror while adjusting her clothes in a warm sunny room okay so let's take this okay and we've now got the images for this scene generated over here and you can see that this is consistent with the first scene again review the images we've got some AI generated issues over here okay so this is not going to work for us uh this one also doesn't quite work for us this one again there are AI generated issues over here this one doesn't quite work because there is no reflection in the mirror so here we can simply click generate again or we can generate even twice just to make sure that we've got a good variety of images from which we can then select the ones that are going to work for us now take a look at this everywhere we're getting a consistent character which is very very important it's the same hair the same person same clothes so just go through each of these and just make sure that you're getting something that you're happy with all right so here the reflection in the mirror actually seems quite good and this is quite good so we can probably use this as the image repeat this again with each of these scenes to make sure that we're building our story line and the required images here we go so we're getting all of the images for each of the scenes so this is the scene of our character walking out and going to the bar to visit her animal friends okay this is the scene of her visiting the dog and playing with the dog this looks pretty awesome here she's visiting the cat and here she's visiting the chickens and here she is visiting the lamb for each of these scenes pick the image that you like the most next to turn our images into videos I recommend to use this service called haloo AI click the create button on the left hand side you can use a free plan that actually gives you 100 daily credits and that's enough to generate some scenes we're going to use the image to video model and let's now start with our first image let's paste the same description and click animate repeat this for each scene to generate the video for each scene all right here we go so we're starting to get our results so preview each of these results and make sure that you're happy with it I mean this is looking pretty great to me we've got our second clip here with the cats that's ready this is looking really awesome as well so for each of these scenes go ahead and download each of them we're going to download this one then let's go ahead and download this one and this one is looking really really good nice and sunny so let's just go ahead and download this one as well as the next step let's create the voice over and for the we're going to be using 11 Labs go over to where you can see voices and here you can browse a huge library of voices that are available for you to use at the top you can select library and here you've got a huge Community Library of voices there are literally hundreds of different voices for you to choose from so go through them and you can narrow down by category at the top we've got narrative and story conversational characters and animation listen and review each one of them until you find the voice that you really like and after this you can click this plus add button to add this as one of the voices that are available to you to use let's now take each of these narration phrases and paste this into 11 Labs here you can paste in all of the phrases that we're going to be using in the cartoon for this we're going to use the Kawaii voice and let's now click generate speech and let's preview how it has come out good morning world another right day on the farm and let's now download some music as well for this we can use the YouTube audio library or any other source of music for our cartoon I think we can use this one walking the dog let's preview okay this is going to work just fine for us so go ahead and download this as well all right and now it's time to arrange everything into the final cartoon so start a new project in cap cut you can use any other software but I'm going to be using cap cut for this video on the right hand side modify project parameters because we want it to be a YouTube video we want to choose WID screen 16 by9 you can leave the rest of the settings the same let's click save and now we can use the import function to put in all of your videos audios and music into the project folder so here I've got all of my scenes my voice over as well as my music let's click import now I'm just going to drag them down here one after another to create our sequence okay so just dragging down this clip number six now let's grab our voice over and drop it down here and we will have to do a little bit of editing on it let's just listen to the voice over okay so here is where we want to create those cuts so let's go over here and let's click cut let's go over here and create another cut and continue like this all right so here I've distributed all the voice server according to where it should be in each of the scenes let's now add the music okay so I've got everything arranged each of the scenes is Flowing one after another I've got the voice over and I've Got the Music here so now let's preview how it all looks together good morning world another Bright Day on the farm time to get my boots on and start the day oh it smells like fresh air in adventure good morning buddy how's my best friend today and here's our lazy cat always taking naps in the Sun Fresh Eggs thanks girls as you can see we've actually got a watermark and you can remove the watermark from the final file by using a service any of these online services will work for you and if you want to learn how I turn simple videos into over $900 per day you can go to faster enter your email click this button and you'll be redirected onto this page here where you can get access on a $0 trial 47 days don't forget to like subscribe and watch this video next which will show you another amazing way to make money online using AI videos thank you so much and I'll see you in the next video

As found on YouTube


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