B2B Affiliate Marketing | Examples, Programs & Agencies

uh I've been doing marketing since 2009 all different forms of marketing and in this stream we're going to go over what are the best B2B affiliate programs we're going to go over one B2B Market which I'm really going to recommend you know anybody who's aspiring to be an affiliate you get into massive I over8 billion dollar it's growing over8 billion per year a lot of potential Commissions in this market best BBB Market in my opinion um I'm going to go over step by step how you can be an affiliate for and drive B2B traffic for these companies and this is best if you're maybe you're corporate you recently laid off lots of layoffs happening and you want to use your expertise to sell prod you know continue selling products to businesses but earn big commissions that you get from working with businesses and then I'm also going to go over if you're a B2B company how to explode your Revenue how to find the right Affiliates and all that jazz and as if you're an affiliate right it's good to know how to get found as well for interesting opportunities so let's go right let's go right into things now if you want to explode the amount of money you're making uh this is going to be pretty exciting I mean this is specifically I'd say if you you're ex-corporate or you know corporate and you've been working with businesses this is a great Avenue for you to start out affiliate marketing if you're maybe you're tired of actually hunting for clients I don't know maybe you're tired of doing customer service and you'd rather just have that income be passive right you're good at getting clients but you don't want like dealing with them um or maybe you're a business and you just need more referral Partners to actually sell your products to grow your company so let me show you a little um a little video I put up about F five years ago okay that has earned me over $370,000 in the busino business space and I'm going to go over all of the bet you know all of the you know best B2B programs and all that stuff but if we search right here right who is that who is that who is that guy who is that guy you know this is a video I did very uninventive five years ago I did one video on clickfunnels right and oh [ __ ] well we can't show that but to this day as you see over $370,000 worth of commissions and they keep coming in and I'm going to go over some really good tips and tricks for you on how to find your niche in B2B affiliate marketing what the best programs are how to get the top payouts what are even competitive payouts right how much should you get paid and how much should you be paying and what are important things when you're looking for a company to promote or if you are a company how to promote okay so let's get into this um now a lot of folks don't realize but you you know and it's not your fault if you haven't heard about affiliate marketing before or B2B affiliate marketing before because frankly all of you know all the stuff I talk about you know most of the stuff people talk about on the internet are focused on simply selling consumer products you know liquid Death Mountain Water or selling you know you know stuff just regular consumer products but not actually nobody really talks about what how to get these really high average value commissions working with businesses and what I consider you know what what what what do I consider a high high commissions right I'm talking about an average customer value that's 5K that's $5,000 and more okay now I'm going to give you some tips on now if you're if you are a if you're looking for the best B2B affiliate Networks um let me just do a quick check broh what's going on guys I I we have a live audience here so uh uh guys let me know if anything's wrong with the audio or the chat but good to see everyone um so what are the best B2B affiliate networks right so let's go on my computer I'm going to show you two of them right now let's go to this so the first one is Commission Junction also known as CJ okay and CJ right here we can let's let me I want y'all seeing my login information again right what is with you guys always trying to hack me every time my email gets exposed I get on these live streams I get hack attempts you guys are not going to do it you know I'm too secure um okay let's get rid of this ah okay so ah there we go so Commission Junction is one of those one of those few networks and I'll I'll post this uh I'll post the link to this in the live stream chat why are you telling me yeah sir don't call me sir in the chat I'm just a dude um now here is Commission Junction and for instance let's look at some of their advertisers you can see some of the lists here but they have a lot of business to business uh programs even right here we're seeing web hosting and VPS which is a great program okay because look right here millions and millions almost every company in the world every company in the world who has a website needs web hosting needs and many need a VPS $100 commission right but we can find companies on here such as well Oracle used to be on here but you see web hosting companies and it's going to be bigger Brands you're going to find affiliate it's affiliate programs that big from bigger Brands and they're going to be attracted to a certain type of affiliate Network such as CJ so here we're already seeing you know a printing company domain registration company a training company 10% commissions we're seeing a lot of different companies that are selling to other companies already on on this and we just made it to a so there's how many companies total are on their platform I'm not sure but there's hundreds hundred hundreds of advertisers here that are in all different section uh walks of B2B and I'm I'm going to go over in just a few minutes exactly step by step how to figure out if you're an affiliate how to figure out what your Niche is what sort of B2B programs you should be applying for and promoting and how to drive traffic now the next the next major affiliate Network for B2B programs is impact and the these guys are what i' consider one of the big daddies of affiliate marketing specifically in working with Brands you can see they're working with you know Levis Lenovo HSBC Adidas one you know CNN they're working with big companies and that's exactly if we're selling B2B we want to be working with you know kind of that more institutional thing so here we are signed in and uh we can as you see you know here's this is just I don't even promote web hosting uh much anymore you you'll see actually this this same where is it this same video how does clickfunnels work which got me 133,000 views and it's is still getting views to this day right and I posted it 5 years ago we'll wait for it and you can see I know my affiliate links are somewhere down here yeah I was able to earn commissions selling web hosting as well right you see that right here and this is this is this last month you know these are just passive commissions at this point okay now anyone can do this if you interject yourself in the conversation and again I'm going to go over how in just a second so impact I'd say is one of the best B2B affiliate networks because of the amount of Brands they have and here we can go you can see uh first I can show you some of the brands you know I'm advertising I'm really advertising this company right here blue host but also appsumo which is a software Marketplace and let's see the other companies here that I've actually gotten approved for and worked for so yeah as you see here's HubSpot how many folks here have heard of HubSpot right very popular CRM program for marketers right again business to business this is for people who have businesses and this is a great CRM program with a competitive commission another hosting company a VPN company vpns aren't consu you know they're actually consumer another CRM company AI tools just to give you some idea of what beab affiliate programs there are out there okay erase all this ah okay okay now if you're if you're a company if you're a company and you're looking to grow your referrals grow your leads uh and actually set this stuff up I'd actually recommend and you and you're just like you don't know where to start I'd recommend first you work with an agency that actually that actually can do it for you the agency I recommend would be let's let's let's go if you're looking to set up a program um where is it yeah I'd recommend these guys their names flywheel partners and it's a PR agency that gets sets up affiliate and influencer relationships with people very easy they work with pretty big clients this is the founder I actually know this guy and uh yeah they do great work they mainly work with busino business companies and you can see oh they're not going to list their clients on because it's all and then the other company if you're looking to uh if you're looking to just set up the affiliate program software if you're looking to get things set up the other company I'd recommend which is pretty old and tried and true in the space is acceleration Partners okay acceleration Partners works very closely with impact and and they will they will do everything Soup To Nuts uh it's a bigger company and it's been around since 2007 I actually uh met the owner back at one of the first affiliate summits I went to back when I was super green in I think this was 2009 um the company's been I think I said 2007 and I remember when I got started in affiliate marketing well even before I got started I I I was in college I was searching you know how to make money online right I was like this college thing is a racket like you know like my teachers aren't making any money nobody's coming out of college it was I was in college it was 2008 yeah at the time when I just decided I was like dude this sounds so lame like this this you know the the you know I was talking to some of my frat brothers who' you know left the Frat and gone out in the world and got jobs and it just sounded awful you know the whole work you know the whole Workforce idea and I said I need to figure out how to make money online I did a Google search it said affiliate marketing and I ended up at affiliate Summit um and I saw guys that were my age you know 19 you know making hundreds of thousands of dollars a month right a month you know guys my age you know that had you know they hadn't gone to college and I said how do I do that you know we're having there parties thrown by companies they were spending gobl loads of cash right at a time when you know it was cool to be you know hold a tight belt you know Financial austerity because you know the economy had collapsed and I was like this is wild like how is this corner making so much money you know how are these guys you know everybody else in my life I'm you know I was going to a community college right in uh Northridge and you know everybody out there struggling some people have little hustles here and there I had seen this amount of money in my life and that I dove head first into affiliate marketing um Robert Glazer the head of uh this company was there um but yeah very interesting so let's get back on track so how do we how do we actually promote how how do we how do we actually promote what's the stepbystep process let me write this down so we can get this up here what is the stepbystep process for affiliate marketing okay guys can I get some like reactions or can I get some like hurah or something in the chat for the stepbystep of affiliate marketing and I may if I get enough interaction I may I may even dust off this baby okay I may even dust off the okay put it back put it back okay may even dust it off we'll see we'll see you know I'm trying to generally in my uh career I'm trying to appeal to you know trying to be like less hypey or infomercial pitchmen but I get you know I don't know okay so let's go let's go let me see the com H let's go let's go step by step two the affiliate marketing so my formula and what I teach in my uh you know my affiliate mentorship program we have and if you're interested in that links are in description but my whole model of teaching marketing is people place product okay now in my mentorship program I say you could start with the product you know or you could start with the people but if you're doing B Tob affiliate marketing you should already be somewhat of an expert in your field I really I really uh I see you know B2B affiliate marketing is best if you're coming from sort of that I'd say you're you're you're you came from some sort of corporate job you were selling to businesses you know or you came from something where you were a commission agent selling the businesses right you should know how to talk that lingo if you don't know how to talk the talk you know in marketing it might be incremental revenue or you know does that channel you or you know multi-touch attribution points or you know this is all marketing lingo that probably most people here would under understand but you need to be able to talk your industry's lingo if you re you know but but if you do if you know how to talk that lingo you're GNA do great you're going to do great as a B2B marketer so you already know what you're going to sell right and it's something in the supply chain of what you used to do for work right now people have to really pinpoint your people where are these people right where are the people hanging out and by the way I'm going to go over many more examp see if I can this right ah cool okay we'll try this out we'll try should we try this out okay we'll see this what's up um uh sponsored by too Cho by the way uh let's try this out where are my pens okay so the first thing for finding people would be it's really simple it's really simple the brand brand okay give your opinion on the actual company uh itself make content you know maybe I review you know Google Cloud review right AWS versus Google Cloud right ah this is this is showing up awfully on the uh screen I get this you know sometimes the split tests don't work um so brand related keywords and as you see what I did over here with this video was my video is literally how does clickfunnels work okay so the program I was promoting is literally in in the the search right here and if we wanted to find what are people searching you know what how the simplest way is going to be right if brand keywords let's go let's go even better than that how how do we get even better than a brand keyword right how do we get even better than that I'll show you three interesting tools yeah three interesting tools that will help you out so let's let's go in here so we have the uh well actually let me again I'm not going to let you guys see my computer screen when I'm logging into things because you guys tried to hack me again and it's just that's good I'll show you two tools because I'm not going to log in okay so here we would go just ah ref's the keyword generator and I'm I'm going to put this in the chat for everyone who's interested what's up people let's go so question based keywords so we search Google Cloud right this is the cracked out stuff okay so here we have a bunch of keywords we don't care about any of these keywords right we don't care okay there's a lot of search volume you know I I don't really pay attention to this stuff but there's a lot of search volume what what keywords do we want can anybody guess where I'm going with this can anyone guess right what we want to do on ahrs is we want to go right here to the questions box we want to find those question related keywords okay right there this is the money this is the money what is Google gole Cloud how much is Google Cloud what is Google Cloud platform uh how to cancel how much does Google Cloud C right now this is an interesting keyword why why would I be interested in this keyword well maybe I'm not promoting Google Cloud right maybe I'm not promoting Google Cloud maybe I'm promoting AWS or Microsoft Azure right which are comp competing uh cloud computing softwares from you know uh you know Microsoft and you know Amazon so if somebody's looking to cancel Google Cloud subscription I could just say hey use use this one instead it's way better right easy easy sniping we call that keyword sniping okay how to make word cloud in Google Slides okay that's not related but as you see we have we have a number of keywords that gives us a starting place for what we actually want to talk about and ignore you can always you can ignore the keyword difficulty because the reality is is that in any major purchase decision people want multiple opinions people want multiple voices uh people want a trustworthy you know there a lot of affiliate stuff on at least yoube you know on the Internet is very biased so if you're if you start to regularly produce content that you know has some uh some level of non-bias you're you're going to win you're going to get traffic people admire expertise okay let's keep going okay now wait so we said brand [Music] keywords we'll expand this with you know questions question keywords what else competitors right if we're talking about Google Cloud we ALS you know AWS or you know Azure right right so if you're promoting Google cloud of course you're going to look up keywords on a AWS and Azure as well right this gives you some good topic ideas but what where do you actually post content and what sort of content do you create well you post content wherever your PE you know whatever wherever your the people are and also what is a platform you can be consistent on a lot of people are on LinkedIn so you could do LinkedIn posts right you could do a Blog you could do Twitter tweets you could do YouTube whatever that is okay now I'll give you a little trick a little trick to help you get a little bit deeper into the psychology and figure out the best keywords even you know that non-competitive and also help you learn how to speak to the customer even if you've never worked corporate you you want maybe you want to be an a B2B affiliate but you've never worked corporate before you don't have an understanding of the lingo that I mentioned earlier in all of these different specific Industries you know HR departments or accounting departments or you know fi Finance departments marketing departments sales departments product departments right you don't understand the lingo right well let's say if you're an affiliate for Google Cloud Okay Google Cloud right there poking it then what you would a really easy way to go about it schedule a call with the sales rep at that company okay uh sales you know you can find sales reps at companies pretty easily um we can go on you know we can real easily just go on LinkedIn and we can actually just search you know Google cloud and we can find a bunch of people working for Google Cloud you know and most of these people look at this sales reps sales reps sales reps right right here we have three different people that are working for Google Cloud now what you could do you know to make it to make it worthwhile for uh everybody is you can just ask them you could say hey Eric I'd like you know I'm I'm a I'm an affiliate I'd like you know I'm sending you guys leads for Google Cloud I was wondering if you're interested in talking okay now this will help you out a lot because what will happen you know I I don't know who will respond to you but you'll get Insider information into the topics that the buyers are actually interested you can learn the lingo and the benefit for the sales rep is that they're going to get you know maybe maybe you'll just send leads straight to them right maybe they'll even break you off a little extra of their commission if you're filling up their calendar with hot leads so it just gives you an extra way of doing things so let's get into the next thing so okay you know you let's say you're you know what social or blog or video right so you figure you have your topic you have your cont content you have you know you're posting on some Network you got some Insider info what you know where are you actually sending people to well in this case you're just sending them to your affiliate link right and that's one of the reasons why it's so easy you don't really need a landing page you don't you just you just post your affiliate link okay the other option of where you can sell people is you can have them schedule a call with you okay you can have them schedule a call with you and then you recommend maybe a suite of services to them you could say yes yes Mr um you know let's call it a AI Tool company right let's call it mid Journey mid journey is looking for cloud services and they want to know you know that but they're if they're looking for cloud services they're probably looking for more maybe a CRM a compliance option a cyber security option for their cloud service there might be more things that you can offer them and you can stack a bunch of different affiliate offers in the same you know on a call and it's still worth your while if let's say a 1hour consultation results in thousands of dollars in commissions and we'll go into some of the commissions in just a second because again we're talking about companies that we're talking about at least 10,000 you know at least a $5,000 sale here so there's a lot of money to go around and finally let's go over the product so what are you looking for in a product we're looking for a few things right we talked about a high average customer value right of 5K plus we're looking for competitive commissions what is a competitive commission right 20% solid okay 20% is a solid commission if you can get a 20% commission that's really good 20% lifetime commissions I'd call that the best okay so if you can get 20% lifetime commissions that's the best now what's normal right 5 to 10% equals normal okay so just to give you kind of an idea 5 to 10% first 12 months I'd say this is about the norm that you're going to expect in businessto business sales but if we're doing the calculations correctly right 10% of a $5,000 sale is still a pretty nice commission and if it's again what's the cost of creating you know a blog post you know on this right it all depends on you know and the good thing about B2B programs is they're very non-competitive very non-competitive a lot of these keywords are just it's it's literally like put up a blog post on this stuff man like just just just put up a blog post and you'll rank um so you can find a lot of interesting stuff like that um let's go let's go further now how do you get a higher commission call the company okay uh most companies Mo you know insurance company all these sorts of companies they will if you have a personal relationship with them you will get a higher commission absolutely okay uh usually you know in the olden days what is it when I started work in uh when I started my you know this was 2010 when I first started working in the kind of corporate world I was working for an SEO agency and there were inside sales people inside sales meant they like came to the office they sat at the desk all day and they like pounded the phones and they tried to get people to sign up for SEO you know I tried that actually I was trying to get in the marketing department but they put me in there first and I sucked couldn't get couldn't really get any deals uh but the there were also outside sales people now what are outside sales people well the outside sales people they got paid the same amount they got paid 50% on the first month and then 10% thereafter 10% of their you know their client contracts uh for the lifetime value so the outside salespeople got paid the same as the inside salespeople uh what's but what was the thing that linked them all together why you know why how did how did the outside sales people the remote people get the same commissions well they just they Inked a deal you you know they literally signed you know they had a a contract you know with you know to be a commission only sales agent for the company you know they so you can do that uh but usually it takes calling up like the company owner and saying hey I work I build people's websites you know and a lot of these referral agents or these outside salespeople for these companies were uh you know they ran their own little agencies maybe they did websit s it design or maybe they did graphic design or maybe they were an accountant or they a printer um now the reality is is that sales people if you're doing sales inside sales outside sales everything's go moving to affiliate okay everything's moving to affiliate I did a post on LinkedIn that went a little bit viral I said 80% of salaried marketing jobs are going to be done by next year you know by the end of 2025 same stuff's going to happen with sales uh with at least outside sales type roles okay or inside sales I don't know but it's going to happen everything's moving to affiliate folks so that's that's the step by step now how do you figure out what you know like so let's go over uh let me show you some examples okay let's go over some examples we go over some examples and I'll take some questions in um uh at some point so first off here's an example of hey my name is this is just a video uh Zoom vers goto meeting which is best right this guy got fourth ,000 views on his video he posted three years ago Zoom vers goto meeting which is best you know a comparison right kind of like I mentioned AWS vers Google cloud and I'm going to go over the top niche in a in a little bit so as you see he's got here's his affiliate link right right here right go to meeting 14-day trial right his affiliate link right there and he has a video talking about the thing okay so simple example of affiliate marketing right there and then we have and this is a case study I found from acceleration partners and they're talking about you know they they created the affiliate program for them and it increased their business just by activating people on the internet to send them leads and mind you these guys were already a big company by 2020 which is when this which is like the time frame of this it increased 700% the company growth by putting of an affiliate program right tracked so you know crazy stuff crazy stuff increase in paid accounts period over period right people do not understand you or companies don't understand right affiliate affiliate marketing is crowdsourced sales crowdsourced marketing right affiliate marketing is the future it is is the future any sales and marketing role is going to be commission based in the future there's there's just too many people you don't need roles for it just offer a commission right you don't need salespeople on salary why do people still hire marketers on salary set up an affiliate program right it seems so obvious to me but I do truly believe I I I I believe the rest of the world is going to catch up eventually we'll see we'll see okay now let's go over some more examples right so I showed you you know my example from clickfunnels right now here's here's blue host right blue host this is a website hosting company pays me about you know over ,000 at every month Okay thousands of dollar I mean they've been paying me over $1,000 doar a month for a while right so I've earned money with that program and here's here's another one I don't even remember where I put these affiliate links but this is for legal setup and incorporation you know this is the link I sent sent to you know set up the foundation yeah so you know set up the foundation for your at business it's just a little I think promotion I do in my members area for you know students of my mentorship uh to help them save money on taxes right A lot of people don't know you can set up an LLC and you just write off basically all your expenses on taxes you know and it makes a lot of sense we've you know let's say you earn 50,000 a year and you spend let's call it uh you spend 40,000 a year right and then you have 10,000 left over then you have to pay taxes on that right so you're sorry let's say you make 50,000 a year uh you're going to have to pay and and you spend let's call it 30,000 and you have to pay 20,000 taxes right let's call it 40% tax rate at nothing but if you have a business if you have an LLC what happens is you take that 50 you minus the 30k spent and then you multiply that by 40% and there you're only paying 8,000 bucks a month in taxes or 8,000 a year in taxes as opposed to 20,000 okay so you just had a huge difference you know to it you you change where you change the multiplier of where the government takes your money so this was a this is an affiliate program you know this this is Inc Corporation Services I recommend to my students screw it I'll put the link in my chat and uh what happens you know and and it's it's paid me out just a lot of money I started recommending this program uh this year here and as you see I've already earned $45,000 from that right so busino business programs and and but not notice another interesting kind of thing about this is there isn't in this particular program the tracking isn't all right right you know there where where is the where is the dashboard where is the conversion tracking where's the postback pixels you know busino business affiliate Market marketing is it doesn't need to be as Tech heavy you don't need to worry about pixels and all these things as much but and if you are doing it that way then you're probably not going to get much support from the program managers and you need to be aware of that okay um now what other what other things do we have to go oh yeah so we were going to go over one of the what I was going to go over with y'all is One Market in the B2B space that's growing the entire Market it's growing 8 billion do every year huge commission potential right so hey you have your own website guys uh what are these comments um so here's here's what I'm talking about and this is kind of how I piece this together it's the answer is cloud computing okay we see the cloud computing space it's growing 20% every single year right now you might think oh who can afford cloud computing how much money is there in cloud computing you know are the commissions actually big well well there's right here there's 4 million just just this 4 million customers of cloud computing in just the top three companies four million businesses right you think oh it's hard to Target these people there's four million of them okay there's four million of these people and they're likely on multiple social networks so there's likely tens of millions of potential tou points that you can use to get in on this industry now how much money is there though how big are these clients right well I did some reverse engineering not that I'm here going to sell Cloud Computing Services maybe I will you know I don't know marketing is my thing but uh here we are and we see Google Cloud did 11.4 billion dollar from their uh let make this bigger 11.4 billion dollars last year from their Cloud Computing Services okay 35% I don't know if you guys can see that well enough it says 35% annual growth in that one division it's the highest growth division for Google highest growth division okay this year Cloud computer is exploding why is cloud computing exploding anyone in my audience want to take a gander to why cloud computing is becoming the next arms race and it's exploding within all businesses right now and if businesses frankly if businesses aren't just spending re of money on cloud computing they're probably going to be left behind two letters two letters two letters for why cloud computing is exploding okay I'll give you I'll give you a you know what I don't know if there's a lag in my chat or what's going on but you guys are better than this but I'm just going to spell it out a I right if you're selling cloud computing you're essentially selling Ai and enabling companies with AI because you need a lot of cloud Compu so and here we see right all these companies are exploding okay so based on these numbers 11.4 billion and uh we have one million or roughly 1 million customers right we can we can easily figure out that the average customer value is about oh sorry you're not even seeing my screen right so based on these two numbers million customers 12 billion we can see that the average customer value here is $11,000 a year okay 20% growth in this market means there's 800,000 new customers every year okay now how much do you get paid right well we can go right here and we can go into to where's CJ it's 5% for uh there we go right so if you wanted to join Google Cloud's affiliate program we would just go to Google Cloud North America let's look that come on these interfaces on some of these older affiliate programs are so bad okay all uh see I didn't select this button right so let's find this here oh my gosh okay so everything's showing up for Google because everybody's talking about what Search terms let's okay let's find this so here we have some information on the actual program itself right I'm not uh we have we have some interesting information what is the EPC right a100 that the three-month EPC right they're saying it's $100 uh per click right the sale percentage is 5% right there okay so you're getting 5% of sale which if we do our handy dandy math right $111,000 average customer value times 05 that's $500 $50 per customer okay and with 800,000 new customers expected to enter the market this next year right that's $440 million in potential commissions for Affiliates just in this market just in Cloud comput right now what I've been saying and I think this is all a pretty good indication of where the markets are going is the bigger companies are getting bigger right we're moving towards what I call a technocracy technocracy is where the tech companies rule the world you know not a dictator not a this or that the the tech companies and we call it a technocracy you know my prediction is the power structure of America will disintegrate by uh 2030 the big companies and the big tech companies the big businesses will remain right they'll still be there doing their thing and they'll just have more power than ever so working with some B2B programs not you know not a bad thing let's go into this let's go into some other examples of B2B affiliate programs in this Niche okay so so what are some other good B2B affiliate programs that we can all promote oh maybe you guys are going to see that I was trying to tease you guys web hosting right every business every business needs a website okay the next one is esps okay email service providers MailChimp aweber Etc every business needs to communicate with their customers through email right what else well we have HR or crms CRM companies only businesses buy these and they are huge you know and many businesses will have multiple crms for E you know at least one CRM per Department I'm talking there's HR crms there's marketing crms there's compliance crms there's customer support crms now if you're if you're um if if you're an affil you know the average customer value of these programs is massive right if you're a company make a great affiliate program and you'll explode offer 20% lifetime commissions on a CRM and you'll it business you'll you'll never be for lack of business but most most of these companies aren't doing good payouts on their affiliate programs um HubSpot is and look at what's happened to them now if you're an affiliate right what CRM were you working off of when you worked corporate did you like it did you not like it you know then talk about it and talk smack about all the competitors or talk you know find a competitor to be an affiliate for and talk smack about all you know your the software you were using right it's very straight forward okay um we have accounting soft we have all sorts of accounting software we let me just open these up right cyber security big big big big right these these two niches are probably one of some of the fastest growing niches right here and if you are uh if you're knowledgeable and can talk the lingo of these two niches you can absolutely do very well um you know get out there right there's so much money in these two niches and they're so little uh the the marketers are so unsophisticated compared to uh compared to Consumer niches and I would say anybody here in this audience you know if you're a company owner or a marketer right you're at The Cutting Edge right not that many people know about this channel right here so you'll be at The Cutting Edge if you get into those spaces um and uh let's see where do we go where do we go from here so I will um yeah I I'll take some questions um we can we can look through some programs here I can I can kind of scroll around and show you some of the businessto business uh more businesso business programs within here um you know on impact so I'm on the impact Network I make it easy or they make it easy to find the busines to business programs because we're just going to go to category and we're literally going to select right here see that B2B boom okay can I get some huras let's go so right and here we just have right but look at these commissions right this is Lenovo Lenovo UK 3% commission right not very good not very good I bet you you know and what you can do to confirm how bad the sales commission is is call up one of Lenovo sales reps and ask them what commission they're getting paid on sales I guarantee you it's higher there's a lot of disrespect for Affiliates in the marketplace a lot of companies don't respect the affiliate the power of the affiliate in today's day and age so uh they just give us low commissions and they give the meets space people higher commissions it's awful right here's a business phone company right they give you business phone right $50 commission not not that great but probably very easy you know uh probably very uh easy keywords compared to other niches 12% commission you know on purchases of done in Brad Street right what other things are there credit cards $40 but let's go over some questions uh guys I'll check the chat what's good we got let's go wolf Warrior why is my product not available in Digi store is that have anything to do I I I don't know because nobody if if you want to release my product on Digi store you can uh I'm looking for part if you're if you're interested in running my info product businesses because I'm focused more on the coaching side of the business the person who is running my info product business is just kind of I don't know stop maintaining things if uh anybody's a full stack marketer and wants to partner just fill out the partner um yeah fill out the partner link and say uh you're interested I I just put it in the chat if you're interested in running my info product business on Digi store I'll give you a license you'll have to Reg you'll have to set up the websites you'll have to set up the domain hosting you'll set everything up and we'll just split things you know we'll split things 50/50 you get a mark it off of my name and I get to I get more exposure um without running things you know I'm not really interest you know so if you're interested in a business opportunity and you're looking for an you want to create an info product or you know have an info product business well just sell my info product and give me 50% of the commissions right there you already have you know very easy so uh I have your product under oh okay great it's still on Digi store yeah I've been seeing paychecks um any questions related to B2 be affiliate marketing you know I know you guys are always like how do I get traffic it's like come on man I'm just going to start booting people who are like how do I get traffic though um let's see cool hey everyone great talking to you all the best I'm putting in a I have links in the description if you're interested in uh seeing some of the programs I recommend if you're interested in getting you know mentorship for me and be an affiliate you know I have links in the description it's John cristani I think it's John C.V and uh I have some other resources and all that stuff make sure you guys come on on uh future lives I'll be doing more and more videos uh and uh I will talk to you all soon let's go go out there make money turn off those notifications on your phone okay produce content don't consume it right go outside enjoy the world we've been given and do your absolute best at everything you do whether it's in your personal life whether it's in your relationships whether it's in your work do your absolute best and you'll all do great have a good one

As found on YouTube


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