Ai Website Builder – Watch Me Build A Profitable Website – LIVE!

[Music] what if you can build a website that makes as much as $150 a day or more using 100% AI That's right in today's live training I'm going to fire up these AI programs and show you exactly how to build sites that make money 100% with AI that means no coding no fancy skills you don't have to pay a designer or developer yep AI is going to do all the work for us in fact I'm going to show you how to make five different types of websites on five domain names that I own we're going to do this live in front of you you can ask questions you can see the whole thing and know for sure that this is the real deal because over the last 25 years I have made thousands of different websites that have produced lots of money some of them have gone on to make over seven figures a year and many of them were actually pretty simple and I'm going to show you how to cut to the front of the line get past info overload and focus on what really puts money in your pocket because now that we have ai literally everything is done for you and just last night in making the notes for this training I went through some of the domain names that I own some of the domains we've set up for clients and some of the websites that have actually made money in fact one of these we set up back in 2021 for a student is still ranking and the student hasn't done anything since so you can see that this stuff without a shadow doubt actually works in addition to showing you some of these domains and how I make money I'm also going to show you how to use these AI tools to set up different types of websites we're going to use this to set up directory sites affiliate Splash Pages custom content websites to get ranked on Google e-commerce websites tools websites websites for dropshipping lead gen aggregators software membership sites and more and you're going to be amazed at how easy this is you literally type in a prompt and the AI spits out a website that'll make you money super fast this is a method that absolutely works but there's a few things that you need to focus on because it's not about the website the tech the design or anything like that it's about how you're going to get paid so without any further Ado smash that like button let's hop on over to the live set and I'm going to show you exactly how to use AI to create websites in minutes that put money in your pocket come on let's get [Music] started all right ladies and gentlemen welcome to the show today what we're going to do is we are going to set up some sites live we're going to show you exactly how to do this we're going to use several programs now what we're going to do is we are going to build a site much like the one you saw in the thumbnail which was for a Las Vegas real estate directory site we're going to talk about directory sites and all different types of sites and how they make money and how you can use AI to make these make money because I know there's a lot of distractions out there when it comes to AI tools and we get all excited about them but at the end of the day we're here to make a profit and that's what we need to focus on so if you're going to be building sites with AI we need to focus on the profit method first and foremost next up what we're going to do is we're going to notice that what I'm doing with this strategy is I'm using a $9 a month Hosting account so this web host account is any anyone can go get a cpanel Hosting account they're about $9 a month there's some that's cheaper you can get whichever one you want I could share my affiliate link here but you know what just go get whatever host you want or check out our site to learn about the host that we use that is $9 a month now what we're also going to look at is we're going to look at other AI website Builders because there's a lot of AI website Builders out there that talk about having this magic AI that's going to help you build what you need to build however they are built with programmers in mind not necessarily making money in mind so if you're here and you want to build sites to make money type let's make some money in the comments or something like that and let me know now some of the website builders that we're going to look at and take an overview of before we get into the one that I like best which actually isn't an AI website builder but we're going to use it as an AI website builder and I'm going to show you how that's going to work in a very very simple way first of all you have Wix which is a very powerful website builder a lot of people use that I am not a fan of it because it's more about design than it is about making money and a lot of people they they get on me about my websites because they look very old however the reason I use them is because they sell I have tested time and time again and you know a lot of people spend time on logos I've seen in studies that a site without a logo will convert about 30% higher than a site with a F logo however a lot of people are spending time on logos and all of this stuff for vanity so the question you have to ask yourself is do you want to make a website for vanity or do you want to make a website to make money do you want to make make a website to look good or do you want to make one that puts money in your pocket for me I'm always going to air on the side of money because that's why I'm here so Wix has a good one they have a free basic plan and then some premium that are $16 a month as far as I know Wix is charging per website the example I'm going to show you is $9 and you can have as many websites as you want on one account which is really really cool okay next we're going to look at Squarespace Squarespace is built by a credit card processing firm Square obviously and they're start at $16 a month it's probably going to be better for like actually making money because it is made by a credit card processor 10 web is another one that is for WordPress $10 a month bookmark jimoto zyro durable Shopify magic which is a Shopify one personally for me I think that for the most beginners Shopify is going to be a little on the pricey side and there's going to be a lot of upsells there and it's not going to be geared towards actually selling what you need to sell and building what you need to build what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you how to do this where we're actually rigging the game we're starting with these five websites I'm going to show you that we are going to build here live so bear with me these types of live streams I know a lot of people ask me to do them often they are one of the most difficult things to do because we have so many moving Parts you have sites that you know load funny you have all kinds of things you guys are going to get to see basically warts and all how this stuff works as I build this live now going through you can see big Commerce woo Commerce and all these other things here um chat GPT does have some Integrations WordPress you can use chat GPT with however I'm finding that WordPress with a plugin is better than WordPress with these I tools because so far it's not yet there so let's talk about what we're going to build and how it's going to work we are going to be building using bolt.

New which is not a website builder however we are going to use it as a website builder I'm going to show you why this crushes everything else out there now one of the important things to look at is there's there's two types of AI out there okay there's an AI which is going to be like a site Builder kind of deal so you have site Builder AI which for the most part site builder stuff is things that you can hire people to do it's not super expensive it doesn't in my opinion really need AI I'm going to show you the cases where it does need AI how to use it and how to make money with it then you have content okay content creation AI is where you are creating content for the site that you built what we're going to do is we're going to combine these together and use a tool that is like neither alongside chat GPT I'm going to show you how it works it's actually pretty amazing bolt.

New is actually very inexpensive I think you guys are going to see where I'm headed with this because we could build robust things that people really want to use so let's hop over here let me show you what we're talking about again if you're taking notes differentiate between those two right site Builder versus uh content okay so one is structure the other is content think about like a house like you have your structure of your house which is great but in order to live in your house you need some you know some furniture and and walls and stuff like that so going through we're going to use bolt.

New Now using bolt. new there are several different types of sites I have them listed here I will have the notes available at the end of this call and when we look at these what we want to do is say what type of site do I want to make last week in our training we talked about directory sites so I thought it would be fit to use a uh AI tool to build a directory site from scratch we are actually going to go through here are the domains we got this one this one this one this one and um not that one let's move that there should be five one two three four five yeah so we have uh week passwords in international saver economics explainer jobs hiring felons and Florida traffic schools I'm going to show you why I chose these in a minute now first of all let's talk about the types of sites again I will have this table for you guys later uh directory sites are like listing businesses resources different things like that okay or even maybe like franchises or something like that okay now the monetization method on that paid ads uh paid listings affiliate commissions things of that nature what you're going to see here is the ability to create these with AI some of them are going to be higher level some of them are going to be lower level the ones with the yeses are pretty much like boom set it forget it it'll make it for you very simple so we have directory sites which obviously are directories affiliate Splash Pages which we're going to take a look at an example like this one here you guys probably saw um surprisingly the website you just saw makes a lot of money more than most people would ever imagine it's a one-page website we're going to use AI to create something of that nature we also have authority sites which is where you're creating a giant website with content and all kinds of things like that to be an authority in your niche e-commerce stores which would be like a Shopify kind of deal something like that blogs obviously WordPress or other types of blogs membership websites where you're taking money on a monthly basis I showed you guys recently how I set one of these up in a very easy way using my $9 software or $9 a month web hosting and $150 software and the $150 software is a one-time payment I could probably get a cheaper version it's just one that I've used for years but I built that little website it is now up to I think it's up to about $99,000 a month recurring Revenue wasn't too hard to build at all we use WordPress and a couple other tools so the stuff that you're learning here is based on stuff I've done been doing this for 25 years I've built websites from simple little one-page websites that make seven figures to more complicated sites that make seven figures and lots of other sites that make six figures and somewhere in between looking at that we can also see software as a service which is basically a membership site but for software um this is one that I think is is a lot overlooked and we're going to show you how to make these in just a minute again it just has to do with like locking a folder which we'll get into as well review websites not a big fan of those with AI because AI I mean you could do reviews of reviews but until AI can actually touch the product it's not really going to do much there Niche forums or communities local business sites lead generation sites tools and calculators this is one of my favorite we are going to be setting one of these up today uh content aggregators a lot of people don't know many of the websites that you visit are content aggregators and those content aggregators make so much money it's not even funny I mean it's insane I know someone who's got one they make millions of dollars with it and nobody knows that is an aggregator they all think it's something fancy uh drop shipping stores travel sites and print on demand print on demand is going to be a little bit tricky I'm not the biggest print on demand Advocate however if you guys want to use it they can be done now let's talk about the difference between WordPress versus code if we're looking at WordPress and we have like a Hosting account we can go over to our Hosting account right like this and we can install WordPress on our host let me get into my C panel here again bear with me doing these live is a there's a lot of stuff going on here so I got to make sure that we hide all the relevant information and keep only the stuff that we want to show which is easier said than done when you have a million monitors around you all right so let's go through what we're going to do is if you were to install WordPress obviously you would just go into C panel and you could choose WordPress right like this and you can install WordPress on a domain like we have here we have lots of domains that use this WordPress is fantastic it does work really really really well for ranking in Google and different things of that nature so it's something that works fantastically well and it's easy if you wanted to install WordPress you literally click the button you choose the domain you want if I was going to do it on one of the ones that we're looking at today like weak I could do that so what is the difference between WordPress versus code well there is really no difference other than the fact that WordPress is done code right like WordPress is a code it's already done now you're using it what we're going to do is we're going to build a website in actual code versus a website builder okay this is super important let me bring this up here I think I have my whiteboard program on here and what we'll do is I'll show you the difference here because I think it's very important to look at um basically when you get a website when you get web hosting all you're doing is buying a folder online that's literally all it is I know a lot of people complicate it and they're like oh well this one has WordPress that's just files in a folder that's all it is so when you have a domain name so ww or whatever okay that is going to link somewhere when you buy it at name cheer GoDaddy it'll be on name cheaper GoDaddy default servers then you're going to change the name servers to whatever your host is those name servers are going to say hey lo and behold somewhere on the web according to these IP addresses which are like numbers there is a folder that this domain links to okay so that's all it is is it's saying there's a folder somewhere that's it now you can choose to put WordPress in that folder that's what makes WordPress run you could choose to put one file in there you could put a redirect in there you could put a bunch of pictures in there and then it'll come up with a directory of pictures it's very simple it is nothing more than a folder I think if you understand this website creation is going to get way easier uh for me I had to learn this early on I learned it back in 1999 when I first set up websites uh we used to use AOL websites back in the day I think it was like AOL fast sites or Geo it's before geosite so that kind of dates me a little bit but you're going to see that this is how it works once you understand hey a folder that's all it is is a folder now we can begin because I could put whatever I want in that folder and there's certain files in that folder that'll automatically show up uh when they bring up that folder alone much like on your computer right like here I have uh a banner ad folder it's got all kinds of stuff about banner ads and here's a little uh HTML page that's a website if I loaded it on the web B Bing b bang that thing would work super simple okay so looking at that let's go ahead and navigate to one of our folders if I was to go to our C panel here which is on every host every web host usually with the exception of like nine web hosts out of 10 million right um you're going to see that there is a files folder right here called file manager in this it'll bring up all my websites this is what the back end of a website looks like it's not fancy it's not pretty it's just basic folders just like on your computer if you think about this like a computer everything gets much much easier okay so now we're going to go through and we're going to look at one of these so let's take one of our examples here and we'll just get to work so let's say we have Florida traffic okay I'm going to navigate to the fs and I have Florida Market they Florida traffics now first of all why did I choose this domain well if I was to look at Florida traffic schools I would probably just type it in Florida traffic schools there it is right there okay the reason I chose this domain is because it gives me a little bit of a head start so this domain had some backlinks and some keywords related to Traffic schools in Florida I think it ranked a couple years ago or something like that is it a Zinger no but it had 140 keywords in Google a couple years ago it was related to Florida traffic school this is good it relates to things that can make me money like how to get out of a speeding ticket and whatever um you know there's all kinds of products out there there's uh traffic schools that actually pay commission there's uh ticket programs all kinds of stuff out there that we can make money so looking at this what I'm going to do is I'm going to take a look at the Domain and take a look at what ranked on the domain if you don't have ahfs I'm going to have a video next week about how to use AI to do keyword research there you go Jan I just answered that for you it's like I knew right so now we're going to go through and we're going to see all of these are based on the homage so this should be pretty simple okay so what I'm going to do I'm going to take this domain here I'm going to go to a program like bolt.

New Now bolt. new a lot of people don't understand that you could actually go through and let's see here you could actually go through and you can create a website in Bol now you just need to know how to do it you need to know the right prompts and you need to walk it through okay this was an example I did for a best roofing website is actually very simple we went through and it's got all these Pages now you are going to notice that there are some glitches some things you got to work through it's not 100% but I think think it's it's pretty close I mean it made all these Pages based on what I wanted if you were to go through and look at this one I think if I remember the domain right it was something about like roofers and Wisconsin or something let's try this or wi or something like that uh let's see uh roofers Roof oh there we go best roofer wi I think that was it so what I did did here is I went and again I'm buying a domain that that worked for what what it was for okay we want to make sure that we use the domain based on what it ranked for not based on something else we have some more videos that are going to talk about that later now notice how this one has roofers Madison WI and it's got a different link here right this would be another folder okay so what you would see here is this would kind of be a pain to make all these folders and all these files so what I did is I actually went through and I gave this information to bolt.

New and it actually created the whole structure for me in a zip file so it's actually very simple let's go ahead and get started with this one we'll go over here we're going to start a new bolt okay and what we need to understand is Bolt is not so much big on content creation okay that's why I differentiated it earlier because we want bolt to create the website we need to get our content from somewhere else so if I go to chat gbt like this and I say please list the best 25 online traffic schools for Florida okay this like a directory site so we'll get this list here and it'll go through and get the list and then we are going to give this to the bolt. new okay so here we have this right like this and I can start off right like this take these and I'm going to say let's see here reload the page okay hopefully we're still logged in um so what we're going to do is I'm going to say let's build a website HTML based for my site about Florida traffic schools here is a list of some and it'll go through and it'll start to build it now what we want to do is we want to get the preliminary hey here's what it looks like okay let's see why is it being slow okay there goes good so now it's going to go through and it's going to create all of the files and all the tools that we need let's see here hopefully it's working let's see if it wants to go I think we're going it's being a little bit slow um but what we're going to do is we're going to build this thing out we're going to give it the the data and all of that other stuff okay why is it being slow reload this why we don't do live when everyone's like oh my god do everything live this is why because then they say you're taking too long well it's not my fault it's the bolt right so we're g to go through hopefully it'll start coding let me see if I need to log back in okay importing stack Blitz let's take a look here Florida traffic schools website it's going I think it's just being slow okay uh okay maybe it's this yeah maybe I need to turn this off more okay hopefully that'll work let me see if I can turn this down here okay let's see there might need to try it again but we'll see if we can get this working okay while we're waiting on that public visibility private okay should be working okay so here's the roofing website that one's also being slow okay let's see if we could do this again come on now it's usually way faster than this but of course when you're live it always is like no I'm not going to do what you want okay let's try this again here let's make a website in HTML for Florida traffic tickets and schools okay let's see if this wants to do the trick here we might need to do just the prompt and then give it the okay I don't know what this is doing okay there it goes can I close this there we go all right just got to close that we we'll be nice to it there you go nice little AI there you go you can do it buddy we believe in you okay so now it's going through uh we see it does have the index.html which is the main site we're going to upload to our server and if you're excited if you're happy for the AI that actually is doing it now smash that like button and let me know you guys appreciate these streams so we're going to go through and create this now as we go through at some point we will get a preview usually it needs to run all of them to get the preview but you can kind of see what it looks like I think I have do I have front page on here I don't know if I do doesn't look like it uh maybe we can go to what you see is what you get editor uh HTML 6 I think has a good one and what you can do is you can kind of toggle along and see what it's going to look like now you won't see the images right away okay what's it doing it is being a total pain today of course right it works every single day except the day you try to go live with it so let's see um the index is blank and you can actually talk to it like this where it'll go through and it'll toggle back and forth and it'll fix the errors usually there we go so now it's fixing that now it's fixing the index and then we can add more as we go along that's a cool thing is it's kind of like it's like you're talking to a web developer where they're like okay here they are talking here I'm getting the info let's go back and forth and then as going through if you wanted to see a preview of this before it's done it might need the whole thing U but you could try a tool like HTML 6 where you're like oh let's see what that HTML actually looks like let's copy it here say you wanted to do like this you can copy it and kind of see what it's going to look like so there's what it looks like I Drive Safely whatever now this is having a CSS based file so it's going to have an image file that's telling it oh hey this is what we want it to look like and then let's see if we have our preview yeah this doesn't want to work of course not why would it ever want to work uh let's see yeah it stopped still not working all right well bolt uh yeah you uh are kind of not working very well so while we're waiting on bolt there are some other tools we're going to look at as well uh one is Doric I think it's called do Doric um site Builder this is one that's building it on its platform whereas bolt is going to add it on our website okay let's try importing sack Blitz like we could probably try a new one uh let's see Bolt preview let's go to our other one here okay so we'll see here Florida Forex Market tools so these are little tools we made that also you work as websites as well looks like bolt is having some kind of issue right now of course it's like no you cannot show us how to use it um let's see yeah that don't want to work let's try a new one over here so let's say build a simple Florida traffic tickets website in HTML and we'll try this here let's see come on all right so we're wait for this reload the page I don't know what this is doing maybe caused by browser or browser extensions let's try another browser let's see if I can get in Bolt here okay come on now bolt new hopefully I have my stuff saved in here I should let's see log in okay traffic tickets website here we go maybe it's a browser issue hopefully that's the issue and let's see okay so now we have this and Florida traffic tickets website where did we go why does it make it so big okay so we'll go to Florida traffic ticket website see if it's actually making it looks like it is while we're waiting on this one of the other things you can notice too is I can actually go to chat GPT like this and I can create a website in chat GPT a lot of people don't realize this but let's go through and say um please make me a a HTML or PHP page from this for a site about Florida traffic schools okay so we're going to go like this and we'll actually try to create it here which will create a file now the difference here is we're going to have to like save the file whereas bolt would give us an entire download okay yeah bolt is being a complete piece of junk today let's see it's working right before the call start a new chat make a simple Florida traffic ticket calculator let's see if it does this in for my website in HTML PHP or Java okay let's see if it does this this is a simple example and we'll see if it wants to do that yeah close that okay so now it's working so it did do this it looks like it's having an issue with the package.json and let's see what main file it's giving me it looks like a TSX file which these are pain so I might have to convert it please let's do okay there's index HTML so maybe that'll work let's see here preview it doesn't even why why is the index blank okay that should have something in it if it's failing the package Json that's going to prevent anything from working yeah I don't know it's just like is anyone else using bolt and you're getting issues right now because this is just being completely useless right now Alina do you get this a lot where bolt is like I just don't feel like doing anything for you never no okay let's see yeah see it just times out right there yep well there you go so uh yeah so um I don't know if it's my yeah that's disabled so I'm not sure what it is you're using it right now and not having any trouble yep just that won't work for us apparently so looks like it's trying to make it which would be nice because this entire webinar is based on it actually working do what oh yeah we got like 15 million tokens we should be fine I think so yeah Pro 50 yeah and it is working for you right now yes so there's an issue this may be caused by browser extensions or you know it's probably the damn honey browser that's that's what I get for trying a honey browser extension um yeah maybe check it let's try also Firefox do you have our uh can you Skype me the logins yeah this is not being fun okay bolt sign in okay so let me get these logins and then we'll try to make it live okay it works for me it's working for you it must be something on this computer or browser or something so I don't know what it would be disable you know what I wonder no it wouldn't be a proxy issue isue disable but I have the same tools over there this doesn't make any sense well let's see okay did you get uh let's see where the logins are and this is how many of you guys all can like resonate with tech issues you're like yeah I have Tech issues all the time and they suck let's see all right well does it saves my login so I can't even see them let's see sign in that just saves my login that that's nice continue with GitHub okay well there's that okay so it did make it's just being a complete trying something so it's getting us fixes which is like that's better than it was let's see if it fixes the index okay now we're getting somewhere looks like maybe it was that firewall thing or something it did seem like that was the issue cuz it said oh you know it's not going to I wonder if I could just completely close all windows wonder if there's a way to like disable this completely let's see is there a way to like shut this down okay details okay is it working now let's see Florida traffic ticket calculator see if that error comes up again well all right well I tried to make a website live but you know it don't want to work so that's fun okay uh yeah what's what's the fix what's code all right well let's see let's try something there it is again what is this learn more about startup errors try again with VPN disabled all right are we on a VPN I don't think so let's see um home VPN home okay let's see if that's it so moral of the story don't use uh bolt with a VPN apparently doesn't like that okay let's see if it's working now thank you for your patience here smash a like button if you appreciate me not throwing things around the room and getting mad and turning off the live stream which is what I felt like doing a couple times so let's try this here and see if it wants to work I think it's getting closer so let's try our first one again so back to the thing Florida trick ticket calculator let's see if it'll make this here and go right here I'm going to wait for the comments on this they'll be like you didn't give me free money and you didn't make a site in two seconds this is a scam like is it really got to love the comments they're going to be fun on this one so get ready it'll be entertaining all right so let's see here if this wants to work we have a code uh let's see index is blank it looks like that might have been the issue let's see okay so this is accessing the TSX file let's see can you convert this to PHP okay all right let's see here we're going to get this thing going yeah I'm glad I caught that VPN thing uh let's see if we can convert it to PHP okay so here's our calculator so we're getting somewhere yay there we go so let's see here this is why I'm not afraid of AI replacing coders anytime soon you will be in a second because without the VPN this thing I mean Zuckerberg basically said the other day that his he's not going to have programmers in a couple years um I think that was a big statement uh let's say now please make it pretty okay so let's see if it did it as PHP and now we're going to make it pretty because it's got to be good-looking okay so we're going to go through that thank you Isa glad you appreciate me doing these these are very difficult to do I the they're the most asked for videos ever on on on the comments um now for those that don't know we do this three times a week in a in AI profit scoop High ticket niches and blog profit Network so like if you want to go through and have us build this stuff for you a game changer like those are those are amazing programs to go through so now make it nice looking let's see if that'll do it it looks like this should work right out of the gate and we'll upload it to show you okay Zuckerberg is greedy we have a video on that that's coming out uh hopefully later today Elena and I did a video yesterday about Zuckerberg and the uh money grab that is the AI Facebook uh so let's see here this is working it's making it nice let's open do we want to try to open another bolt while we're waiting for that let's show you these other domains and what they're what they're looking for so when I look at Florida traffic schools again I'm looking at where the money is going to be how it's going to work how am I going to get that money obviously it's going to be by uh the ticket affiliate programs I know there's one that's very popular um that sells really well I promoted it for a little bit back in the day but I sold the site um it did make sales I think there was a guy I think it was Jeff Mulligan was his name don't quote me on that but he did really well with that so that's that's what I was thinking there um for jobs hiring felons I was thinking about like programs that would help them get back into the workforce because I know that for a lot of people it is very difficult once you once you have that on your record okay now I can't get a job uh this domain actually ranked for a lot of stuff like does US Express hire felons does um Staff Mark so this would be a good directory site the link structure is pretty good it's got like 200 and some odd keywords here which is pretty cool so what I'm going to do while we're waiting for the other one I'm going to go ahead and download the list of 236 uh Pages actually let's go to pages so we're going to go top pages I'm going to get the peak so the peak looks like about 90 Pages there do you guys see that and yes for this specific thing you probably would want ah hrfs um so I'm going to go through I'm going to export this list and I'm going to get just the list of URLs okay so we can go through did that give me the URLs there's nothing want to work today uh let's see export is it is it working hopefully if not okay so we're going to do this the oldfashioned way which would be an oldfashioned I mean like yesterday we're just going to take this we're going to give we're going to go 100 we're going to give this to chat GPT and we're going to have it strip it out now one of the things a lot of people don't realize when it comes to making money online chat gbt will do a lot of the dirty work for you so where a lot of people are going here and they're doing creative write this do that make an image here I'm going through and I'm like okay make a list of the URL and keyword and let's say actually let's see if these are structured right does door Dash hire felons Okay cool so what I'm going to do I'm going to go through and I'm going to say from this list watch this from this list please make the URL and I'm going to give it an example make the URL this to this actually we that could work make the URL like this with the keyword after it okay now this is important this is going to help save you a bunch of time I know that so far we are 45 minutes into this training and a lot of it was de dealing with the tech issue however what I'm going to build here used to take us weeks to build so watch this we're going to do this here and then I'm going to say then the keyword after it from the URL so I'm going to take Dash does door Dash hire villains okay so I'm going to do like that hopefully it'll give us the list it should do it fairly quickly and yes it is so there we have that okay then I could go through so while we're going through with that now we can see Bolt didn't really want to make this pretty but now that it's done we can actually turn it into a website we can download it what you're going to do is you're going to export it as a download and then this you should be able to of course you guys are seeing everything warts and all here you should be able to go to the site here Florida traffic schools I should be able to upload the zip folder exactly from our uh tool here okay and then we're going to go through uh the commenters are being ni these are the Chatters the commenters come later when this the when the replays up and yeah it's going to be it'll be interesting but we're going to go through now we have it uploaded right like that and then I'm just going to go ahead and extract it now bolt adds an extra folder called project as you can see here so what going to do is we are going to move this so we're going to open project we're going to select everything and we are going to right click and hit move and we're going to move it out of project into the root folder okay simple project no project equals root make sure the slash is there we're going to move the files that moves them all into the root now in a perfect world we should be able to go to Florida traffic schools like this we should be able to reload it and there should be our tool on it if it worked right let's see if it worked right okay so we got a blank page we're close all you would do then is say okay there is an issue with the index page it's showing blank so I could actually toggle back and forth and say the index.php I think it was index.php where was it index.

H okay so it might be confused let's try let's try going with the PHP now one of the things to notice when you're doing web stuff um when you have index. whatever that is your default so when you pull up the site that's how it's going to work okay so now what we're going to try is we're going to try to just name this index one. HTML so that it picks up that PHP file let's see if it does it it did pick up the PHP it looks like let's see here Florida traffic schools let's try index.php no index1 HTML no okay so those are coming up blank so you would just go back here and say um the index is coming up blank okay so we'll do like that let's see if it'll fix it and then we might be able to spot check fix so that we don't have to upload the whole thing this is a skill that you definitely want to pay attention to because if you could spot check this without downloading the whole thing and redoing it it'll be it'll be kind of a pain if you have to do it the other way so what we're going to do here is we're going to take this file when it's done and it looks like it's getting some kind of archive image there some other stuff here let's see what it looks like uh the name of the site is um Florida trffic with dashes right like that okay um so now we should be able to take this so it does have this here it did fix the index.php so what I'm going to do I'm just going to copy all of this stuff and we're going to spot edit by going here get our index.php in your web host you have an editor so we could toggle back and forth and make this work this is how you could build a site in chat GPT if you wanted to so we're going to go edit as we can see there's some kind of stuff here let's swap it out for this new PHP one see if that wants to work okay let's go back here index.php just to make sure because sometimes it'll cach there we go there we go so now we're getting somewhere how you guys are like okay we're getting somewhere um we could see violation Rana red light Miami this is actually pretty cool right you can add other stuff if you want we can go through and build this into something really cool now let's go through and see if it'll build us an entire site with that calculator on it now please make this an entire website with some of these traffic ticket places okay so we'll go through and we'll get those traffic ticket places we got from chat GPT okay so here's it actually made a site here let me show you how this works you guys want to just like deep dive go through this whole thing and make it happen Okay what you could do like here's a page we got from chat gbt this is a page okay if you wanted to add this all I would need to do is copy let's call this um we'll call this 25 or or let's call this schools.

PHP okay for the traffic schools okay it's just going to copy that we're going to edit on the Fly replace it with what chat GPT gave us and now we should have SL schools. PHP there we go hey that's actually pretty funny how it actually used the same format even though one was chat GPT and one wasn't it's a little spooky all right that's interesting there I mean it like literally same color scheme and everything that's kind of crazy there now are you guys seeing how we're building this out how it's like okay that's cool now using bolt when it works properly if I take the schools that I got from chat GPT it should create the entire site okay so let's go like this right there and what I want to do is I want to start to use web lingo right so I can use something like um maybe I could use something like make a site map put all the links on it deep link things like that will work so now I can go through and say please make this entire website with some of these traffic ticket places make a page for each and have a giant site map on the home page make it look nice and it'll go through it should do this it's going to rewrite this whole thing which for the rewrite yes we are going to need to download and re-upload now what you'll also notice is that it's going to have headers Footers different things like that when I'm creating stuff like this what I'm going to ask it is on every page make a header ad space and a footer ad space or you can say make an add file and have it show up on all the pages right so what that would do is when you're getting into web stuff here and inadvertently because of our our issue we had you guys get a a free class on on web Dev stuff as per how Marcus understands it right so what you're G to have is you're G to have like PHP files you're GNA have HTML and other files okay these files are the files that are pulled up as the actual web page so like here when I go to Florida traffic schools index.php that is the web page as per we see it now it can be calling other stuffff like there's probably a CSS file that says make it blue make it floating like that make the box is this big that's like the here's how it looks right so this is like the regular guy and this is the one with like fancy outfit on here's his fancy outfit it's basically like a glorified Snuggie apparently and he's got shoes right so you have it over here and then it's like put these clothes on it make it look nice that's what's happening okay now when we go into bolt we can see that it did create the calculator here make the home page not the calculator but link to it let's see how it does here because I did create an entire website which I'll show you in just a minute um with bolt Ai and is actually pretty good I think it's something that can be used um using this in conjunction with your chat GPT is what's going to be the game changer so they have home.php P which will show let's see what it's pulling up here so let's let's upload this and see what it looks like now if you wanted to test these and not have issues what you can do is you can actually test by uploading this go back to your your files reload it extract the new one and you'll know because of the date and time so this is obviously the new one we're going to extract this and I'm going to extract this to tester and this should work perfectly hopefully we we got our fingers crossed here right so now we have tester and then it's got project and you'll see what the file structure looks like when you go to it so like tester boom there we go there's our project folder now it's got this page which doesn't look like it's got anything in it so we would do reload project that would be header footer calculator index index.

HTML index.php so let's see which one this is here project oh it's under tester tester project header.php index.html so let's try index.php index.php there we go now we're getting somewhere right you guys see how it's working now uh let's see here real estate says it's good you had issues proof that everyone has issu oh yeah we have issues we just don't show them on camera because when I get irritated I I've gotten better but you know sometimes when I get irritated it's pretty bad so now we have Florida traffic schools directory home calculator Florida traffic schools calculate your traffic fine goes to the calculator looking good it's got links down here looking good good National traffic thing there so now this is I mean how many of you guys are like okay I'm a little impressed now this is pretty cool now we have this site that's actually doing the trick now again we had the issue with the project file not working so we need to go back and figure out we figured out it was bolt included index.html so all we do right click delete bada bing bada boom that should do the trick fingers crossed let's see project okay there might be another one index.php or it might be caching my web host is is notorious for like caching for the end of time just cashes and cashes and cashes so that looks like what it is is is actually cashing um so now we can load this and actually have a working website so notice how we're going through there we started with basically nothing I didn't even write content I didn't even do anything I went to bolt and I asked it to make this and I asked it to make it pretty now some other things you can do if I was to go to chat GPT and say um please make a logo for Florida traffic schools small format um Banner size I want it Banner size because I don't want a giant logo it's just going to eat up my whole site so I'm going to go through and I'm going to make a logo like this and then we'll go through and see how this works and we wait and wait and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to upload it see once you have this it's actually pretty cool so obviously I could say you know fix the fix the spelling or whatever um what I would do in this example please fix spelling and white background only okay let's see if this does this here yeah you need a site map so that spiders can crawl your site that means Google will be able to find all of the files okay so that's kind of cool so you know you can clean it up in whatever you want um but what I'm going to do is I'm just going to open a program like snagit right like this I'm going to take my image here and obviously we would clean it up but I don't think you want the webinar to go that long so we'll clean it up like this later so let's say we have our file I going to save this as something very easy so I would just do file so we'll get rid of the thumb there file save as let's do FLT Florida traffic logo.

Jpeg that'll work okay so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to put this on my server so that the tool has something to go off of okay so this is our home page our Home Server here let's close these for confusion and we're going to do upload right like this and I'll go ahead and upload that file if you're using Windows the um home will just make it to where your latest files are there a quick access or home see how it just puts it right here so we'll just do FLT logo now once that's up I should be able to go florat traffic FLT logo.jpg perfect now I can go through I can go to bolt and say please use this as the logo and remove index.html okay so this should do it and that index.html is a completely useless file so we don't need it and now what it'll do is it'll actually put that logo in all of the headers I can also go through and ask it to make a um a add file so what would happen this way I don't have to edit every single thing when I change the ad so going through we're going to do what's called an ad file and we could do this in txt or HTML I would say do it in txt just so it's easier and what'll happen is your code for your ads you'd put your affiliate links in here then it would pull them in all the pages so that you don't have to edit everything okay very simple again that's like it's like the close right this guy here ain't got none the CSS is what says here's the clothes he's wearing it might not have ads the ads.txt is what says the ads are there so looking at this is very important I can go through and it's giving us no preview here uh what page is the preview showing let's see if it tells us what is going on there since you're using PHP the preview showing homepage index which is plays that okay so it should be working now please add spaces at top and bottom that feed HTML for ads from a file called ads.txt okay watch how easy this is our remote says for showing all this I missed most of it something well you didn't miss much it was me trying to figure out how to make this thing work but we we did fix it so we're going to go like this and it should add all of that and then all you need to do is know how to use a txt file ladies and gentlemen all web files mostly are txt so like PHP all of this fancy stuff it's just a txt file like if I load it in txt bada bing bada bang it'll work so now going through like this the cool thing about using um bolt is you can feed it stuff from other places and it's going to build it on demand this is better than using like a a GoDaddy Arrow or um even these fancy like site creators because what I'm showing you here is the money stuff right if you're here to make money this is the right place if you want to make a pretty website by all means pretty it up with all of this but this isn't what's going to get us paid right you guys have you've been there done that most of you guys probably have a pretty website and you don't have a pretty bank account because the website is not there to making money um Jason this is not WordPress this is a standalone website okay so you got to ask yourself pretty versus functional and profitable so now we have this we have ad advertisement ads header footer so it's in the ads header and footer so now I should be able to download this and let's uh re-upload it to the test folder so we got tester project let's just delete this this guy here okay up a level upload and we will add the tester it should just download right here I think that's the right one pretty sure I think so so we'll go like that reload and then we will extract 404 that should be the right one not to be confused with the error 40 4 it just happens to be 404 o00 so we'll go like this tester right like that extract files that should do it there and we're going to do Florida traffic schools tester project index PHP now we have this here which should be doing the trick why choose our directory Florida traffic laws it's pretty cool I mean we can go through and make pages for all these all I would have to do is say turn all these into Pages um and then you can add it so now we have the footer there let's see if it created the txt file okay so we're going to do here project Source no wellknown tester okay there's tester there project okay it might have added another there it is it added another one so we got another layer that's one of the things with bolt is like it creates in my opinion a bunch of junk files and folders so now we have let's see here so we got tester project tester project so let's see tester project so that should be it let's see what the ads file looks like it should be pretty easy to edit so what I would do is let's say yeah so here's our here's our ads here super easy so all I would have to do is be like okay um div class advertisement space okay and then I find where it says advertisement space and anywhere that it says that would be changed so it doesn't look like it put it on the homepage I can have it do that I can edit and go from there how many of you guys are understanding how this works you're like okay yeah I see we can create websites in Bolt and it's pretty simple now if we were going to do something even easier let's say we wanted to use something like um economics explainer okay I could go through I don't know if Bol would do this let's let's let's put it to the test we'll give this thing the the old what for and and test it up okay so let's say please make me a website in PHP that is a gloss of economic terms for helping people with finances let's see what it does lots of pages and terms let's see how this does here okay it's going to say it can't create PHP we're just going to convert it to PHP because once it's done it'll convert it I don't know why it does that it's just its own little thing there so we'll we'll cue this up with now convert to PHP now one of the cool things I think if you do it this way first rather than in PHP is I think our preview will be better let Let's test it and see how that works okay so now we have is our preview working no preview preview maybe it's previewing that page let's try Pages categories category Astro index okay so there's our preview for index so now we see here that's a good little tip I actually didn't know that before um but it looks like whatever file you're on it's previewing not the whole site I like that that's cool um so now we have Financial glossery home categories budget personal finance investing banking now now add some financial calculators and what this is going to do is it's going to make a site that I can promote on video maybe pinest where I'm talking about the different financial terms like economics explained and I'm I'm building content with the specific purpose of promoting my website this is something that works really well because a lot of people are are out there using social media trying to get people to a website just to buy something which I think I think you're kind of missing the boat there because if I could just say hey go to my website I built you a bunch of tools everyone's going to go to my website if I say go to my website to buy stuff very few will go to my website so it has to do with with making this a resource think about your website as your resource and using this is going to be a much better resource than just having content or whatever it is okay very very simple so remote says um where is the website being made so we're making it in the bolt platform we're uploading it to our cpanel website it's very easy so let's say we wanted to do this financial glossery one now convert this to PHP and then I think would you like to add calculators or modify add this will this will be fine so we'll we'll convert it to PHP and what I'm trying to do is get something where I can actually put ads and things that'll make me money that will actually get people to my site like imagine if I was on this webinar and I said oh hey over at my website I made you all the prompts to make websites in bolt.

New go get them how many of you guys would be like yeah I want to go see those very cool we can make that it's very simple exactly jelly a website as a resource um yeah jelly that's fine but you know don't promote your stuff there um make your own videos to promote stuff so we're going to go through and we're going to use this and go like this and let's see preview and we'll go right here and we will see okay so it's still making it and once it's done we should be able to go in our other one now again this is this is how this works when you have a web that's all right jelly you're good um when you have a web server here you can use multiple so we're going to go in now and we're going to find this site same web server same $9 we're going to go just $9 once not for not each nine bucks you can have as many domains you do have to buy the domains but you're good to go so now we're going to go here like this and we are going to go to that web server over here okay and we're going to find economics explain there it is right there economics expercom right and think about this if I went out there and made a bazillion good videos right we go through we're like chat GPT um make a list of 100 economics economics I will be able to spell correctly let's see economics terms related to personal finance and getting ahead that people need to know and then it'll go through it'll make that list of terms I can make videos on that and say hey use the tools I created for you over at this thing and like I could literally make a Pinterest and be like hey use the tools check it out go over here like if you're uh the jelly pod guy who was promoting the podcast stuff you go through and you're like okay um list 100 uh podcast growth tips and this works I don't care what business you have this works every time you've done it do it I've been doing it for 25 years now that we have ai you literally have no excuse you can create this so here we have planning and setup tips content creation tips make your pens make your videos make your short videos Point them to whatever your site is maybe you have a site with podcast tools right make it very simple this is something anyone can do and all you have to do is line them up together so if I go through and I have this here which is the um folder here so here we have the folder for economics explainer we'll go ahead and get our bolt should be done by now looks nice export download go back to our folder literally just downloading and uploading drag and drop boom there we go and now it'll show up here reload let's just keep it in the project one just till we get it where we need okay we're going to go like this right like that extract should put it in the project folder so now we can go ep e economic expercom uh let's call it um what are we calling it project okay of course it wants to do that why is it because we're not on the VPN okay this is a fun webinar right project okay uh so let's see I'm going to have to toggle VPN to get that and then we'll toggle it off to get the other thing hopefully we don't project right like that so there now we have our website how many of you guys are seeing this and you're like okay this is pretty cool now we have a website personal finance budget emergency fund net worth in investing credit and think about things that you can do that would be fun for your audience like I mean when you think about bolt it is making a website that can make you money like all I need to do is say hey here's the best low interest credit card here's the best this make money as an affiliate boom boom boom all I'm doing is making content to send them to a site get them to use the site okay very very simple so we're going to go through and we're going to do so we have this categories okay so it needs to fix the category page calculators it's got our calculators that's cool it's got them all on one page so we could say hey go here use these calculators again have your ads on there super simple now bolt doesn't get mad okay we're toggling back and forth because when you when you get a new domain name it takes a while to resolve all around the web which is why I have to use a VPN to see it um and you guys probably see it just fine depending on where you're at but bolt doesn't like the VPN so that's what got us in the beginning of this so now let's go through and we can create something like that um and again if I wanted to put it on the homepage just move it all up there out of the project folder just like I did on the other one let's take a look at another one here maybe we have like um intentional saver so intentional saver there we go our VPN again right so intentional saver here is going maybe I should buy these or convert these domains like long before the webinar but at any rate intentional saver the idea with this one was to make a page like this where it was like okay this is going to do like an Amazon Prime affiliate offer this site promotes the Capital One shopping app which makes a fortune I mean you a lot of people don't know it a lot of people probably won't believe it I probably wouldn't believe it if I wasn't part of this industry for so long um but some of those sites make like $50,000 a day I don't know how much that one makes but I did do a similar web it's getting 1.4 million visitors a month so even if we say let's say it's getting a one in 20 conversion rate all right think about this one in 20 conversion rate I want you guys to focus one in 20 conversion rate so he's got 1.5 million visitors a month if you have a one in 20 conversion rate that is 50,000 on the million is my math right there and then it would be another 25,000 on the 500 one or it' be 75,000 I think so let's ask chat GPT just to check my math and see if I'm as smart as I think I am I'm probably not but we'll ask it anyway what is uh 12th of 1.5 mil okay right like this is my mic working is the audio cutting out for anyone or are we good let me know how the audio is it should be good I I don't see any battery warnings do we no we're good might be your audio is audio good if it's cutting out say cutting out if it's good say good that's some people that's weird okay is it good now okay um so 1.5 million 12th is 300,000 so I was I was way off on my math I don't know why I didn't think about it that way it's 12th so there we go so 300,000 my math was bad I'm not as smart as I thought I was good thing we have chat GP but this proves that it's actually making a lot more money so 300,000 that's probably amount of conversions they're getting having promoted these things in the past I think that's probably pretty fair to say one in 20 is a good amount if you wanted to do even less you could do that oh you gave it 20% gave you 20% not one in 20 okay so we want 5% so my math was right 5% there we go good old chat GP hey my math was right there we go see don't don't argue with Marcus chat gbt Marcus knows what he's talking about here I mean I'm sorry chat GPT please be nice when the computers take over I didn't mean that but at any rate let's say you have 75,000 75,000 um conversions a month okay 25,000 conversions 75,000 conversions a month at approximately I I've seen it from $4 to $8 per conversion so like that's a lot of money I don't care who you are that's a lot of money every day from a very simple website that is buying ads um I don't know how many they're doing I don't I don't know this site but we could go through and say um this is something I do in chat GPT so if you wanted to make a page in chat GPT what I would do is I would go through if you wanted a logo again just upload the logo so let's say we wanted to go chat gbt make me a logo for uh what is our site it is intentional saver intentional saver uh for saving money tips minimal wide format like a banner not very tall streamlined white background or let's do transparent transparent okay so we're going to go like this uh would you love to would love to see you make a site like that with all the Pro ad process yeah that's one where I mean the ads you're going to do it's actually really boring process but you're going to do contextual Network ads um so International no intentional saver let's see if it'll do that but any rate I don't like having a logo hurts conversion so I probably wouldn't have it I want to show you though because a lot of people are going to say oh no Marcus it needs to look pretty if you want to make it pretty you can do that so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to chat GPT and I'm going to say please make a PHP website PHP website Fancy with um add copy about a with ad copy story about a Secret online tool that saves money on purchases and how Jill the author obviously make this stuff true author saved $1,297 per year or whatever okay so let's see what this does here here's the out line HTML PHP code looking good Jill's secret tool save money online these are just this is like the close right here's what it's going to look like here's the colors all of this stuff now if I wanted to do this what I would need to do is I'm going to go to our file manager again I'm going to go into the intentional saver right here again it's blank so we're going to use that let's get rid of all these just just for confusion I don't want to confuse myself I think we can probably turn the VPN on in a second let's let's just see how this file does so now we have all that Wait Another Minute save the money blah blah blah okay meet Jill The Bargain Hunter okay uh make it more robust with uh bullet points selling the uh let's say selling the um Capital One Shopping toolbar let's say like like 1200 is words please hard cell okay so we're going to go like this and we can actually make the file and here we go and we wait and wait and wait and the cool thing about this is like I can just change this and be like now make it for buying laptops now make it for buying you know uh telephones now make it for buying coffee now make it for this that or the other and it's like literally in seconds this stuff that used to take a long time now for me A lot of it was actually pretty quick I remember uh when I made my lottery website back I think it was 2011 I made it in like 15 minutes and it made money like by the end of the day it had made $1600 um and again very simple it was based on a toolbar um is based on a a conversion like the Capital One pays $4 to $8 I think at the time the lotto one paid me a buck 20 um and so now we have look at this automatic C coupon application price comparison so this is looking pretty good now again um what I would do in this case is I would just go to notepad hopefully it's not going to open a million of them okay only a half a million open so we're good I'm going to take a blank notepad like this I'm just going to file save as test.php drop this to PHP always drop that to PHP otherwise you'll have a problem we're going to save it on the desktop that way I always have it okay it's just a blank PHP that way I can edit it I'm going to upload that here okay so we'll go file explorer test.php I'm going to upload this upload boom and how you guys feeling about this type of training do you want more of these or do you find it too techy usually I think it's like too techy but hopefully it's good okay so we're going to go like this there's our test PHP that way I could just copy and and edit it on the Fly I want this to be easy so edit save should be able to go to um what was it intentional test if we name it to to the um index later it'll it'll show us as our index discover the secret tool that saves me $12.97 every year year Meet Jill The Bargain Hunter I could put a picture in there um hi I'm Jill I've always loved this I discovered Capital One make that a link I mean you could literally go in here if you don't even know how to do it my affiliate link is HTTP whatever Capital One whatever right whatever your affiliate link is you put it there link that on all mentions of the tool and you'll see it'll do this on the Fly and we can actually edit it here and see what it's going to look like it even has like oh hey here's some other stuff um get the free tool now looks pretty cool I mean this is pretty simple and then you can even go through and say add some images right uh now add some placeholder images okay and it'll go through and add some placeholder images and then I could just upload my own images you just swap them out it's not hard to do at all um if you already had the files on the server you can just be like put this picture of Jill here put this picture of this here I mean if you had tools that would help people save money obviously we saw with the the honey tool like people are interested in that um Capital One same thing I mean Capital One shopping thing is a beast the amount of money they make in affiliate commissions Capital One Shopping let me see if I can find the domain here yeah so this is their domain and I want to show you this works this is a fortune 5 bazillion company that is literally using this stuff uh Capital One shopping now watch these are the top three that are getting uh 33 about 38,000 let's call it 40,000 for those but when you go down into the other words you're going to find they're ranking for 20 236,000 keywords a lot of them are like how to save money on Ikea Amazon promo code I mean are you guys seeing like how that works I could go through and say watch watch how easy this is so we're going to go like this I'm going to put this here as a placeholder looks like it's still working okay we're going to finish this page uh why did I use PHP we use PHP because it's easier to work with um and it allows scripts so sometimes certain scripts won't work in HTML so we're going to use PHP okay that's what WordPress is built in so let's see how our new page looks we'll go here again edit save as long as you keep this open you can edit save as many times as you want and it'll actually go through and and change the page for for you um it looks like it's caching so let's rename it test 1 2 3 see if it'll pick up the caching there test one two three there we go so now it added some images so all I would need to do is say open image in new tab get the code placeholder image one so I literally save a folder or an image called placeholder image one and it'll show up there watch how this works so if I wanted to do this let's say it was my logo file save as placeholder image one boom as long as that's on my server which now it will be right here that image should just fix itself see how it works obviously you wouldn't want the Florida traffic school on there but you get the idea Robert says are you able to rank in Google with this type of website absolutely however with this one I would probably go P this here I think the audio out was actually the VPN I think that's what happened cuz it reconnects so let's go here let's go to bolt right like this let's make a site with coupon tools to calculate savings links to top coupon websites apps and credit cards perks please let's see how this works full website at least 10 category Pages for savings categories like literally all you would have to do is be the deal person find duel deals and then there you go uh code will be so much faster than builders in the long run I agree like this one here I mean even with all the hiccups and the errors and the junk and everything we're still an hour and a half in and we have like three websites started pretty much done if I wanted to do them this is not difficult at all I think a lot of people just over complicate it so now we're going through like this it's going to have it in all these weird files we're going to convert it to uh PHP in a minute and let's see what we have it's making it save smart okay change the copyright info to let's fix this to um intentional saving is intentional savings or saver something like that intentional and by the way just so you guys know this works on our uh blog profit Network call yesterday um there was a guy who literally just made he started making little Tik Tok videos he made like 800 bucks in the first couple of days doing it dude got like half a million or quarter of a million views on one video so now we're going to go start savings here so let's change the copyright from saves smart to this okay so now we got this here and if you guys are digging this smash a like button let me know and I'll do more videos like this so now we have this it's going to change to copyright info cool excellent so there we have that auto and transport this pretty good looking site savings calculator original price discount additional coupon good so let's go through and say now convert this to PHP for my website and change the title to intentional saver that way instead of save smart that way if there's a save smart that has a trademark I don't get sued we don't want that right so here we have this do you know the guy's handle um that would be up to him he did share it yesterday on the call so if you're in blog profit Network the replay of that video does have us showing his videos he's kicking butt he like just started it um pretty good little like two-minute videos on little products and stuff and I had I had told him you know hey do this to uh get more conversion because there's a lot of things you can do uh to convert a lot better and it's funny I think it was the product that sold the 800 bucks worth wasn't even the viral one it was a different one um and see that's where I'm at like I want to do this stuff to make a living and in order to do that we need to really focus okay so let's let's see change the logo text from that to intentional or is it intentional saving there it is intentional saver right like that okay there we go so that should change that there it's got categories coupon sites so this is a site that could make some decent money um I don't know if the Capital One is still on offervault I think it was on some other ones um but there's lots of coupon stuff that you can make money with and things like that Amazon affiliate links all kinds of stuff so now we're going to go through and we're going to do okay traveling says if if it's sites that make money off affiliate commissions where would you put that in your website you put it right here like click here to to save or whatever you can even make like a coupon code generator that could work I don't know how that work logistically but bolt will figure it out like bolt figures out stuff that I don't know how to do and then it makes a website about him which is crazy so now it did it looks like it changed it to PHP let's export download let's see if we have PHP navbar calculator okay so it looks like it is PHP so let's go back to our intentional savings over here right now we have our PHP we're going to go ahead and upload this here I think this is the right one right like that yeah done that's right now so that should be good we'll go reload extract and there we go now let's see on Project hopefully let's see if we have to do our VPN project yep got to do our VPN of course this this is fun all right never had this much fun so now audio will cut out for a second okay is it connecting should be and it should bring up our project okay so now we got an issue with the file so you just find the issue so we'll go here reload project index.

It just adds that index.html so that's the issue it's having so we'll just delete that and that should fix it let's see index.php should be working okay let's see index.php is showing blank why is that showing blank navbar includes index.php is showing blank let's see create a PHP structure in files okay so we'll probably have to re-upload it but again like this is so much easier than how like I don't have to create content I don't have to create anything I'm literally just uploading this so let's delete this delete this and okay so now let's see is it index index.php remove index.html okay let's see here did it do it index has been removed the site will now properly use okay so let's export this let's see go here and upload like this okay so so now we should have that extract and hopefully it's working looks like it was working with the VPN there okay so now intentional saver project index.

PHP okay so now we have this here looks like it is was working second ago was working let's see inflating close project index.php okay there we go so now we have our site it is it does have everything switched over it has our little coupon calculator it has categories it has uh coupon sites that we we can add in there and we can have it add them in which is really simple um affiliate marketing with Williams says so each directory listing page adds as acts as a piece of indexable content that is correct uh can this be made in the free version of Bolt yes these are actually pretty low on the amount of tokens you use so you should be fine to make these in the free bolt um let's take a look at another one where we had um economics explainer we had this one so weak passwords was one that I thought would be kind of fun to build where with something like weak passwords I can go over to bolt and what I'm thinking okay we're going to sell cyber security stuff different things of that nature you know uh all those bpn things and all that fancy stuff what I'm going to do is I'm going to say let's make a site called weaker passwords or weak passwords what was it weak passwords weak passwords all right like this with tools to check and make passcodes and a quiz on is your browsing safe how much you know about cyber security ECT so this will go through and it'll make a site about this stuff and then all I would have to do is make videos and content and you can even rank for it like I go to aaps and do you know um something like Signs week password or something like that so signs of a weak password or even just like weak password something like this um and you can see which of the following make a weak password or you could do like best password or something like that how to make the best password best password managers these are things that can work and it's going to tie into stuff that makes a lot of money remote says dang good idea that's why our high ticket niches is the best product I think in the affiliate industry because those ideas and knowing like I don't buy domains without knowing this is a good idea it has traffic and I know what it's going to link to and knowing how to use that is key so we're going to go through and we're going to have these things here and now we're building our password tool here so let's see if we can get uh Main see if it gives us a preview let's see okay just attempt to fix okay let's see here so now it's got some generator a checker so these are the little tools let's see what else all right it's taking its time but let's go ahead and navigate over there and you guys are seeing that building sites in AI tools completely even tools that are not meant for it like we're using um this one that's the bolt which isn't meant to build websites and it's actually doing a really good job of of building these websites so let's go through let's get back into our files right here there's our files and see how Bolt's doing okay so it's got a strength Checker password generator security quiz nice so now let's say um please add more tools and links to vpns and other products like last pass secure internet virus softwares ECT now the reason I'm asking it to add this is because I know ahead of time that's where I want to put my affiliate links right so I'm going to go find an affiliate link for uh last pass I'm going to go find an affiliate link for Norton or whatever and what you're going to see is these pay a fortune so if I was to go to offervault or something like that and I find like Norton or virus let's do do Norton Norton like this and you can see it's paying $70 uh LifeLock $95 VPN 71 antivirus I mean there's a lot of money here and if you nail this right what you're doing is you're using AI to make a site that is going to funnel people into the things that pay you a bunch of money from keywords that are super easy right I like you could literally go through and make a bazillion Tik Tok videos on why passwords are weak and why to not have them um very simple right or you could do SEO it's very simple so now we have this here security tools so now we have this cool this good so let's go ahead and deploy this I think it's in PHP download we're going to go over here go over to um weak password down by the W's there we go week password upload we're going to upload this here Bo boom done reload it'll be right here extract and it's is literally our website from um chat GPT so let's go ahead and extract this we'll leave it on Project just because let's let's fix it on project and then we'll we'll migrate it later so week proo and we'll do like this okay so we got the error again let's double check y it's probably just an extra there it is index.html rename whatever rename file should work here if not we'll just do index.php that should load it index.php why is that not showing index.php does it not have one index.html interesting so it looks like it missed a file there uh rename let's see and sometimes it'll give you errors but I mean that that happens with everything like when I go back and forth the index file isn't working please make it PHP and remove the index.html this should fix it okay so here we have this uh yeah if you guys are worried about the tick talk ban I have a video about that I would highly recommend watching it uh let me see if I can find it for you guys it is I mean it's called the Tik Tok ban when was it couple weeks ago is yeah there it is it was on December 17th go watch that uh if you're worried about it there's ways to make money on the Tik Tok band that I go over with that okay so now we have this this should fix let's see it did fix fix it did it make an index index.html so this is in react please take it out of react and make it PHP this should fix it cuz like when it does react you need something on your server that's making it not work so this looks like it's going to convert it okay up a level delete delete okay and we'll go here upload and it's working nice and fast now so bolt is doing its job okay so now we have that JavaScript PHP looking good this should do the trick and it still has the HTML in there which we could just get rid of that okay so now we're golden should be working hopefully fingers crossed all right so we'll go through upload boom reload extract boom and then our project folder should work project index.php there we go so now we have weak password.

Your guide to better password enter your password to check its strength one that's weak hi there that's also weak a bunch of stuff o that's a good password there we go so it actually has this little thing but I need a uppercase there now we go so now it has this tool that you can use to check the strength of your password um you also have password generator it'll go through do I want 21 29 characters it's got a copy button pretty cool generate and it looks like it's all random there which is pretty cool security quiz is our quiz working looks like we got a little bit of an issue with that unless it's just being slow maybe um and tools so tools and security quiz are giving us a little bit of a problem I can come back here and say um tools and quiz are not working let's see if it does this okay so now it looks like it's making the tools and the other ones which I might be able to spot fix if I can find them in here Pages password Checker generator Source okay it might be in the Big File JS so it might actually be in here that is let's see edit so yeah it could be it looks like it's probably in here there it is Pages security so it just didn't include them so I should be able to just throw them in there hopefully so if I export this download and just extract it I could probably just take those like if you extract it here you're going to see all the files pretty simple and then I should probably able to just get those two so project Pages there we go so hopefully let let's see if this works this will get be a little lesson in uh in uh web folders as if we haven't had a good lesson yet so I mean it's been pretty good here uh upload we'll do security security tools drag them over here that should fix the issue hopefully okay it might be something in the other page as well so we could we could upload them all and and and it would work there um but making Pages like this making little tools like this is is a game changer let's go ahead and upload it and just see if they are working in the way it said so we'll just make a folder we'll call this test create and I'm going to get the new one test upload no upload got to go to upload there we go upload and then extract okay so that would be what would that be that would be in um week password project test or was it test and then yeah there we go so project and then index.php security quiz there we go so now it's working so pretty and like all I would need to do is replace these with my affiliate links put an affiliate disclosure and bada bang Bada Bang there it goes right how many of you guys are like dude this totally makes sense we can make websites in AI they look nice I mean this this is a site that I would be proud of you know I would probably have the tools under each of these that way you know I can have those or even or even this here but it's pretty simple and then all I would have to do is is get traffic there um the other one where we had the jobs hiring that can work really good as well but seeing how all of these have a specific purpose all of these can be made in Ai and we can actually go through and and build it out even more by saying okay now maybe I could go through and say um what are some online security terms people need to know about think VPN uh SSL whatever stuff like that and it'll go through make a glossery of 50 words then I can go through and have it make Pages based on these which would be really cool so now I can go through and and start to rank for other things this is kind of like the method um that I used years ago where what I would do is I would rank for all the different exe files people look for so if you look at exe what is this this is people that are their computer's running slow they go in and they're like why is you know slow file.exe why is it there I don't know what that is and they're looking it up and if you do something like exe it'll actually show you all the things that people are like hey what is this stuff how do I get rid of it and this is like the best way to sell you know registry edit software virus software different things like that where we're like hey check it out what is this file whatever that is who knows you can go to chat GPT and you can say um actually you know what let's do this let's see if chat GPT would do this out of the gate I'm getting kind of excited here let's see we're going to go new I'm going to do please list 100 top malicious malicious ious file names likee but actually the bad one the the name of it let's see if this does it okay uh if you want to join the Tuesday calls just go to blog profit sign up you'll be on those so now here's the extension so yeah you could do these like I mean you think this is not going to return a bunch of stuff in your AHS tool now let's okay so now it did have them fake file names cool so this is going through and we can actually I'm sure like there's people looking these up let's do um keywords explore let's put them all in so setup you got keyen you got this so these are all things people would want to get rid of right and it's like okay these are things people would want to get rid of or uh how to know a file is corrupt or bad or malicious or whatever malicious however you'd spell it um but you would go through and you can make a site based on that think about like one of the sites I use all the time that's actually good is virus total where you could like literally upload a file and see if it's bad and this is the kind of thing they have an API you could literally buy the API make a site like this and sell security software like I mean I mean it's so simple um different things like that what you want to do is you want to think creative and think about how this can build it think about okay even if I didn't want to do the API and the tool route could I go out there and make a site about all these things and what they mean I could now make articles on each one and what they mean right and then you could even do you know why these are bad or whatever and and put them in there so here you have articles exe there's one on that here's one on screen saver and it doesn't need to be big giant encyclopedia type content this is stuff that's very easy you just go through and here you go and then I could take this and let's say we'll just stop at s there we go so let's say I take this and I go to bolt and I say um please make a directory site where each of these is a page and it's all about security stuff boom it'll go through and it'll take that data this is what a lot of people don't realize is these will take the data and it'll make it work for you make a website make that file and then bada bing you're ready to go so now it's going to work making that whole thing with all the pages and literally everything say how it's doing that pretty cool and then you can have it make a site map then you can convert it to PHP how many of you guys are liking this let me know do you guys think this is too far Advanced are you are you like okay maybe maybe I could do something like this um this is something where we create tools all the time and I think it's pretty simple uh how many bolt tokens did I use let me see I I I don't know Elena do you remember how many we had before we started no I mean I I it's probably difficult to tell I don't think it was even anything to like care about let's see my subscription maybe so I have 15 million left how many did we B do you remember how many we bought the other day I think we paid like 30 bucks or something yeah so I would say I probably used way less than 20 bucks worth today way less oh he said I had 15.5 so I used like legit a penny maybe 10 cents um but yeah so now you have like all these dangerous file types exc's these these and it makes all the pages and they are their own now convert this to PHP and make a tool where they can type the file name and see the worry or whatever something like that right and it's going to go through and work it health and wellness says it's a bit Advanced this is something where like I mean it is but I I think I believe in you guys maybe more than some of you guys believe in yourself I think anyone can do this we actually had a tools class that sold out in a second and I only sold it on one call and people were nuts over it and we had people who never uploaded things to the web creating tools that impressed me I was like oh my God this is crazy so what I would say if you feel like this is above your uh current info base like push yourself try it you're not going to break anything unless you're uploading crazy stuff I mean which you're not hopefully right like this is just going to give you clean stuff you're just using it the way uh that you use it and using this let's see did it convert it to PHP yep and it looks like it didn't do that extra file so maybe it's learning right so watch I mean literally it is this easy so we have our folder which was here okay so we'll go up a level again it's just folders so like the higher I go now we're into the regular one so if I put something here it's nothing I have to actually go into a site so if I do weak passwords and I want to have something for files folder files boom so this is the one on files I would upload and you could see what it looks like if I go to week files you're going to see that zip folder like like download it if you wanted to files there we go see that zip folder right there if you want to download it you can download it and check it out what we're going to do is we're going to reload and we're going to extract and you'll see them populate here as you extract it so here we have this now we should have more stuff in here let's see project there we go so there's our analyzer enter a file name to analyze virus.

Net whatever virus.exe it'll probably say yes that's a bad one oh yes it's bad so now we have this little analyzer that's pretty cool um here's common malicious things here's all this and then we can have like click here to download security tool I mean this is something that is a game Cher index.php let's see what's here if you do it right uh let's see so their index is the tool can you put the tool on a deeper page and keep the index the main directory okay and it'll go through and it'll do that for you a Beck says every time you try it it's a new experience to build upon and get confidence go all in exactly I mean at one point most of us or all of us didn't know how to use a computer now we know um understanding that is key Kevin always asks it for HTML with integrated react components react confuses me like I don't know how it works I know that Facebook's built on react cuz one of my clients told me um but I think you know looking at this and really trying things out is really cool um not too far Advanced great training never knew dfu had gotten this far what's dfu I don't know what that means done for you maybe um but yeah a lot of people aren't doing that I think most people are not creating websites in Bolt um but we can do that we can create an app we can create whatever you want that's the thing is guys you are at a part in history where you are only limited by your imagination and what you're willing to try like is building things I didn't know how to do this this is stuff I used to ask my programmer for it would probably cost me a couple thousand dollars to get something like this back in the day now we're getting it literally in minutes done right there it is and now we can use these and upload them now if you guys want to learn more about how to make money with AI including simple methods and even more advanced methods like this check out airofit um again we'll be checking out these sites using them and uh making them work so that you can see how they work and what they do and everything like that I think you're seeing that yes this is something where previously it was very difficult to do now for me um for me I'm going to use a hybrid of WordPress and these okay so like if I was going to do a membership site I could make the entire membership stuff in this pay make them pay for that like here's all the tools here's all the stuff and then use WordPress to get traffic and sell that way that's easy for me to change um also when you're going through and you look at those other sites like directory sites are great affiliate Splash Pages like the one we did for the coupon toolbar Authority sites more or less I'd probably use WordPress with like our our plugins and stuff like that um when would you use WordPress versus bolt when you can't do what you need to do in WordPress so like I would always default to WordPress until I need a calculator a tool a file generator or something like that um that's what I'm going to do okay um when looking at Authority sites I'm I'm going to do those in WordPress hands down Ecom stores I'm going to do those in WordPress um software as a service I probably do those in Bolt right so so looking at that those and going through there and I will have all these notes with what I would use for each one over at AI profit if you guys have been following my stuff and you are not at airofit like you should go there there's a lot of good resources a lot of people are using our new um WordPress directory tool that we sent out I think it was last night or Monday night so this stuff works if you're willing to do it you just have to make it work um used WordPress for 15 years yeah same I've been using WordPress for probably close to I think we got into it in like ' 06 so probably close to 20 years now um but it works really well and I would say in my opinion stay away from these types of creators because what's going to happen is the fancy AI web creators are going to be so focused and so heavy on graphics and and how it looks and they're not going to focus on where the money's at this is where people struggle they're going out there they're trying to make something pretty they're trying to make it nice and fancy and I mean if you don't have customers toell to you're just going to waste your time making a fancy site it it doesn't do anything uh where are the notes we email them when they're ready obviously for this call the notes are not ready because this call is not over and I'm not that good I can't make notes before I'm done uh but we have a team standing by to make that which is really cool uh trly love the demo are you an affiliate of which one bolt I don't even think they have an affiliate program yeah um but it's it's really good do I still feel like Google do I still feel Google likes WordPress before anything Yes actually I have noticed in going through a lot of my client sites and the high ticket Niche sites we have seen a big uptick in in rankings so Google is loving little sites again uh more than ever before I think I think this is a a time where having the right Niche and having the right stuff is what's going to be key now I will tell you this Google loves websites that people love so if you have tools and things that people are using on your site to keep them there longer you are going to win much like the coupon one this coupon one has a high bounce rate right like most people are like 81% that means 19% of the people that go to that website do something else most people are leaving right that was pretty good for my 20% estimate but looking at that the average person's staying 40 seconds if that was higher it would work better now this one you know I don't know if this one's a Powerhouse but I know the Capital One let's see how that one looks in terms of Bounce rate because if you had tools that kept them there longer that's the key engagement is the key very important so here we have 589 million visitors a month better bounce rate but yeah more or less they are leaving so if we had something that would keep them there longer that's going to be the key uh Brett I got two high ticket niches two weeks ago awesome or B hdn two weeks ago I thought you said two um yeah those are good like we go through I I do a lot to figure out your guys' domains to figure out something that's going to work for you and give you something that you can work with that will give you a heads up a leg up and a head start so hopefully you guys enjoyed that uh what is the rank of content tools number one video so it has to do with your Niche if your Niche is a video based Niche then you would do video if your Niche is one you can make tools then you would do tools if it's a Content one you would do content you're going to let your Niche determine where your energy is going to go right so like if I'm doing gardening and there's a bunch of people on Pinterest that have gardening stuff then I'm going to go to Pinterest because that's where they are um and understanding that is key all right guys so thanks for being here thanks for um musling it through all the tech stuff we went through hopefully you guys liked it um check out aprit smash the like button check out the videos in the description I carefully picked videos I wanted you to watch based on this so if you're looking for something to watch next check those out and we will see you in the next training thanks

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