Ai News: Perplexity Ai Shopping Tool – Get Paid $300 Day Easy!

perplexity AI just came out with a game Cher yeah they're threatening to take on Google shopping perplexity AI search engine can now buy products for you wait a minute so unlike Google shopping this thing will actually buy the product for you yep that's right and naturally I found something hidden in this tool that can help you make a ton of money and it's actually super simple in fact this might be the biggest thing in affiliate marketing AI news ever and I'm going to show you how to use this to put tons of money in your pocket but first let's dive in the computer and take a look at what perplexity AI buy with Pro is all about and also what their new snap to shop is how it works and how it's going to threaten Google leg this month perplexity is coming out swaying and whenever this happens it's time for us to make money come on let me show you exactly how this is going to help you make money online all right so this news was just in perplexity shopping has just come out and you could see here it has a button right on the homepage I can click this and learn all about how it works it's got a little video it shows us how the products work and pretty much everything if I click on find a coffee maker that's right for me under $150 it's going to do all the research find the coffee makers and then when I see this buy with Pro I can actually click it buy it within perplexity use the credit card I have on file and bada boom bada bang I just ordered the product automatically it really is one click I click here add my phone number and I'm off to the races and I'm guessing that once I add my phone number it probably saves it for later as well now this thing is poised to take on Google shopping as we can see if I was to look for Lenovo laptop for video editing we can see all kinds of stores coming up and Google is using a paperclick SL affiliate model this is going to shake up the affiliate industry unlike anything we've ever seen with AI before because what perplexity is guessing is that no longer will people go here and search for a product they will actually have conversations with AI and be recommended products that fit their needs which method do you think is better searching Google or using an automated AI let me know in the comments below and this year we could see Google shopping is a huge contributor to their income in fact we're seeing reports that the ROI or return on investment on ads on Google shopping is up to 138% higher than ads on Google Search and they have a 30% higher conversion rate meaning yeah people be buying stuff and we can see here the news is literally going nut about this new AI shopping tool but what is this mean for us and how is it going to put money in our pocket well as we can see in the example here it actually allows us to put in like hey I want to make this thing what is all the stuff I need and can you buy it for me meaning if I wanted to set up like an online live streaming set it'll actually go through and buy all the products that I need to make that happen I mean are you starting to see the power here people are craving one and done searches where I could literally furnish my entire bedroom with one click or like Snap or Google Lens I could take a picture of someone's living room and it'll order all the products so I can have their exact living room are you starting to see the implications here this is a game changer and I wanted to put this to the test and actually see what's going on and what the prices are like so if we were to look for lenov laptops even though I spelled it wrong it's going to pull up all the different laptops it's going to show us some that we can buy at other websites probably with an affiliate link or we can use buy with Pro so I wanted to see if the prices were different this is saying we're going to buy it at Staples so they have an agreement with staples where we click we buy it they get paid somehow some way right now they're saying it's probably just off the $20 subscription but I'm guessing someone's going to clue in and say yeah we should be getting a commission too so here we see Lenovo 15.6 idea slim notebook we can see exactly how many Rams it has and the whole nine yards so we have 2568 and blue let's go ahead and go and Shop this at Staples and see if it's the same thing 15.6 256 8 gigs of RAM so we're seeing the same exact price with reviews and everything only this makes it a heck of a lot easier to order whereas Google is taking us to the website so we actually order it on the Best Buy website and I'm guessing they probably have an affiliate link which they do RF equals that's an affiliate link where they're getting paid maybe the person who played the ad is getting paid maybe Google's getting paid that's not super clear with perplexity I'm not seeing that ref code let's see what happens if we choose one that is not using bu with Pro V it site let's see if they have UTM source and then they have referral I'm not say there we go affiliate ID equals Google so it's actually somehow finding the link from Google and then attributing it there so they're not actually using their affiliate link within the AI and in my opinion that's just bad affiliate marketing but at any rate let's talk about how this is going to help you make more money what we're seeing here is that customers desire a oneandone shopping method I want to go through and get the laptop that is perfect for me based on a few questions that I might not know to ask and whoever sets that up and makes it easy can make the commission if you're going to Amazon you're going to get anywhere from 1 to 10% commission meaning I sell a $1,000 laptop I'm going to get anywhere from 10 bucks to 100 bucks or if I go to some other place that pays more commission I can get even more and since there's like a bazillion people buying laptops each every day this adds up super quick now my goal would be how do I get ahead of the curve and make something that's going to help people make it super easy and have my affiliate link all in AI well let's go ahead and fire up chat GPT what I'm doing here is I'm going to go to chat GPT 4.0 with canvas I'm going to say something simple and this could be based on any niche market any product line pretty much anything as long as you have an affiliate link you can get paid so first off I'm going to say please list 50 laptops organized by best uses or who they are best for this is going to go through and do all the research of all the laptops that people could possibly buy based on am I a student am I doing video editing am I a gamer what exactly do I want and you can see here General use gaming content creation and on and on we go now I'm going to take this a step further and I'm going to say now add the prices to this list it's going to go through and add the prices and while I'm doing that let's use the AHS keyword tool and let's type in the word laptops 4 just to show you that people are looking this stuff up laptops 4 you're going to see here laptops for students college students you can even do stuff for like laptops for bad eyes people that need a big screen or something like that or laptops big or visually visually laptops for visually impaired there you go or even laptops for video editing something like that and you could see that people are in fact searching for this and it's not super competitive so if we can make a really good experience where people can literally just answer a few questions and we give them the best laptop with our affiliate link then we can make some good money let me show you exactly how this works first we're going to ask it to get the prices it's going to go through and get the prices right like this now please find where they can buy them here we go right like this and while I'm doing that I'm going to have it list the top 25 stores to buy laptops that have affiliate programs Amazon Best Buy New Egg and on and on we go this is going to be crazy for Black Friday way do you see how easy it is to make money now here's where the magic happens using chat gbd 4.0 with canvas I'm going to ask it now please make a PHP tool with dropdowns where people can find the best laptop I.E I have $400 I'm a student I do video editing and I want my computer to be lightweight this is going to be a game Cher it's going to go to work and actually create the tool for me this is super simple we can actually go through and have it add even more laptops as we go along the more time I put into this the better the tools going to be and we can even load it with our affiliate links to make money so now we can take this basic calculator right like this and put it right on our website I simply go to my C panel right here like this choose the file I want right here I have laptops.

PHP I'm going to go ahead and save the chain I'm going to go ahead and save my code right in here like this and then you're going to see now I have a laptop tool right like this where they could say what is my budget $1,200 I want to do gaming and I want a twoin one which is like a touch screen I think something like that and we could see it found me the Acer Chromebook spin now I can go through and I can say something like now please add 50 more laptops to the tool show where they can buy them and also make it pretty and we're going to go through and we'll have this thing rocking and rolling in no time now it went through and had a comprehensive list of 50 laptops and we could see here it's going to go through and add all the new laptops right on these lines so that our tool is updated and we have tons of laptops that we can offer People based on what they want and you can see it's categorizing them adding the prices showing the features and the whole nine yards this is an absolute dream when it comes to affiliate marketing because now I can make a tool promote it and get paid super fast then we can brand it with our log and promote it and have people use this tool we can get traffic via social media YouTube Pinterest press releases or whatever it is this is the kind of thing people go nuts over for Black Friday and laptop shopping and all kinds of things like that now let's update the code and see how it looks now we could see find the best laptop for your needs let's do $1,200 for a gaming and maybe lightweight and now we could see it finds laptops super quick and it has a link where we can buy them we could simply replace these links with our affiliate links and get paid we could even get paid more money by finding things that are creative that they can use maybe I could go to chat GPT right like this and say what are the top finance companies for people buying laptops and since finance companies pay a heck of a lot more money than selling laptops we can actually get them into something like a firm Lenovo Microsoft rtb origin or any of these other companies we can use our affiliate links or simply make an article about how to finance your laptop and save a ton of money and get paid when people click on expensive links it's actually super simple building these tools is a GameChanger and what we want to think is how can I put the brain in the tool so that people don't have to do the leg work of going out and searching for the best price the best product or even knowing what they want and I could literally make tools for whatever I want so take this opportunity to get in on the AI search wave make tools that will help people out provide value and put tons of money in your pocket and just so you know what I'm talking about I've been doing this business for over 25 years and a lot of the money that I made came from Little tools like this only in my career I didn't always have ai so I had to pay a lot of money to develop these tools now there are no excuses just remember the results are not typical implied or guaranteed and while I've made millions of dollars online the vast majority of people trying to make money online don't make anything so take this with a grain of salt and if you want to get notes tools and templates from this video check out airofit thanks again for watching and I'll see you in the next video

As found on YouTube


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