Ai News: Notebook LM Update – Insane Money Making Method!

today I'm going to show you how to use the new features in Notebook LM to put tons of money in your pocket and this is based on a strategy that I've been using for many years to make lots of money only back in the days when I started you had to be on camera you had to have your voice you had to do all this research it was insane now with notebook LM things are way easier and we're going to take a look at some of the new updates to notebook LM like over here in the notebook LM Studio before we were able to come here to notebook and put a bunch of different topics videos websites or whatever it is over here you could even put PDFs or text files or whatever and it would generate its own little ecosystem AI that we could ask questions to we can create content about and one of the biggest features back in the day uh back in the day like a couple months ago was the ability to actually load a conversation about this topic so what the AI is going to do is it's going to go through all of the stuff that I feed it it is going to come up with a podcast style conversation and just that quickly it is going to talk about uh you're ready to see if YouTube can the different nine YouTube channel ideas to make money which is really cool because now we're getting audio that sounds real it's like an actual podcast right I mean it's tempting but figuring out actually two people talking back forth which is really cool it's a 13-minute podcast and it's looking pretty good now we can also download this podcast we can share it we could do whatever we want what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to download it right like this because I want to test something in the ability to make money this is something that is unparalleled before and it is the interactive mode beta we're going to get to this in just a minute first of all what I want you to look at here with this interactive mode beta is the fact that you can actually ask questions of the I of the AI in your microphone and get a response so if I come in here and I say something like okay let's interact we're going to go ahead and say allow while visiting this site or allow this time that way it doesn't always do it by default and now I can actually play the conversation here okay so uh you're ready to see if YouTube can be that income stream right and I could say something like like this let's go ahead and hit join and it should load it here let's try and get it to load right like this I mean it's tempting try oh hey there what's up hey there I want to know about some of the scams that are going on with YouTube Automation and some of the niches that people say will work but actually don't okay so you're asking about some of the less uh legitimate stuff going on right yeah like the dark oh yeah uh-huh yeah exactly so as you can see I'm interacting so it sounds like you're wanting to delve into the more deceptive practices yeah like the leading claims and the stuff that doesn't really work and we were actually just about to get into that right we were talking about the hype and unrealistic expectations so see how this is actually going through and I can have a conversation on the AI in this ecosystem this is where this gets really important I'm going to get ahead of myself here because I'm really excited about this this is where this gets really really important because what's happening is you are taking something like let's say chat GPT okay chat GPT is trained on everything it's like a one size fits-all jack of all trades I know everything whereas what we're doing with notebook LM is we are feeding it specific stuff that I want so if I say hey I only want to feed it reports from this financial Guru or that Financial Guru or these YouTube videos or this news Outlet then I could get a custom output based on that ecosystem it is only going to give me info in that contained ecosystem now the reason this is important even with the new podcast update is this is going to make us smarter and it's going to make us learn a lot faster what I can do is I could take a bunch of different videos throw them in here have a 10-minute conversation learn what they're about ask the questions I have specifically and bada boom bada bang we are off to the races now as we go through here I'm curious to see one important thing with this because up until now yes we could get a podcast yes we could get notes and yes we could ask questions but we actually want to go through and see if we could take it a step further and have us in the podcast more about that in just a minute so first of all notebook LM is going to make you smarter it's going to help you learn fast if you do this properly let's say you're in a niche market and you want to talk about dog training and you don't know about dog training or you don't know about this that or the other what we can do is we can actually go in throw in our competitors info and get information on what's going on we can create an FAQ we can create a podcast we can create a blog post we can make pretty much anything again within that ecosystem of the information that we give it specifically it's not going to go outside and look for other stuff unless you tell it or unless you give it something else that is where this tool is unparalleled from anything else we've ever seen this is almost like training your own AI on the topics that you want which is super important now in addition to learning fast we are also going to be able to create content so going here like this I can create content with notebook LM all I need to do is add my sources you can see here I can have Google Docs Google Slides website YouTube copied text or more or I could quite simply just upload files images pretty much the whole nine yards so if I go through and I'm like okay let's just give it a bunch of word doc files boom it'll put those in there and it'll be ready to go okay some files it'll allow some it will not now this example actually went through and got a bunch of YouTube links and boom they're ready to go now here what we're seeing is it actually gives us an audio overview a briefing dock notes we can say make an FAQ something like that and then with the podcast example I'm curious to see if it'll do one thing but let me let me get to that in just a minute next what we want to do is say okay what kind of content can we make and how would this work well I want you to think okay instead of just static blog post we can now create two people talking and actually have the words on the screen show them what we're talking about maybe have some some b-roll images and and videos where we can actually make a full video from this podcast really really cool but I want to see if we can actually take it a step further and include me in the podcast okay so we could see here it is generating a list of all the different niches and FAQ and different things like that again it is citing the resources of where it got the info and which video it's from so this could be something where you can go through and do a video very fast on I watched 100 Guru videos about niches here's what I learned I listened to a thousand psychologist or let's say 100 or 10 just to make it easy here's what I learned I read these books on this topic here's what I learned this is where this is going to get really really important because once we're able to create content with voices even including our own voice again if you don't want to use your voice you could use AI however I think using your own voice in this is going to give you an edge and I'll talk about that in a minute so creating content what we're going to do is we're going to look for things that people are interested in you can look at different podcasts you can go out there and say well maybe there's book reviews people want this is actually a way that I've gotten a lot of traffic is by having book review discussions like let's say you want to promote a book or a course or whatever it is you would just talk about all the other stuff in your Niche and point to the things that make you money it's very simple right we could go through and say okay here's 100 different psychologist and now point to my thing here's a hundred different Finance gurus talking about stocks now here's my thing talking about stocks going through and looking at this is an absolute GameChanger and when you look at something like book review with 50,000 different keywords and about a about a half a million searches a month what we also want to do is we want to look at the specifics if I was to go through and say well let's do something like um don't eat the what was it don't eat the marshmallow don't eat marshmallow book or something like that right what you're going to see is people actually search for these books now let's do this a little bit better let's say we went to chat gbt or something like that and we say okay let's find you know list 100 top Finance books just the title Please what we can do is we can actually generate a discussions about these books right so here's some Finance books and what you'll see is if we have the titles like this let's just take 20 of them to show you how this works so we'll go like this and copy these into our keyword tool right like this you're going to see that a lot of people look these up and this is a method that I've used um that actually made my addiction Channel very popular if you were to go through and look at talk so which is my addiction Channel over here you're going to see that some of the videos we did were actually about book reviews like over here we have um I think this one was a book review and then we had one about control alcohol keep the body keeps the score and different things like that where we're actually talking about the book and we're able to get traffic about that book and what we want to do is just make a good discussion about it which is what notebook LM is allowing us to do which is really cool now if we go through here we can see It'll Do the podcast again uh you're ready to see if YouTube can be that income stream right I mean it's tempting yeah but figuring out where to even start see let's see if we could join here it could be overwhelming you know you've sent it whoa did someone just break the fourth wall let's hear it yeah so I wanted to know some of the scammy YouTube Niche stuff where they might be teaching things that don't work can you tell me a little bit about those yeah that's a good point it's important to be aware of that so what I want to see here is I could actually go through and and here's a cool thing like I could read a bunch of books and I can have a dialogue podcast about them what I want to see here is if the download includes me that's what I want to see let's see if this includes okay so uh you're ready to see if YouTube can be that income stream right I mean it's tempting but figuring out where to even start it could be overwhelming you know you sent in like a ton of sources YouTubers talking about their strategies and uh n Deep dive I'm not hearing it there let's see what happens when we reload okay download let's see so that is the same 37.1 Megs let's see info you can now input and ask here are some tips the voice and transcribe will be with will not be stored okay so I would I kind of don't like that clicking on the share will share download your original other users will not be able to interact this may be a slight DeLay So what I could do and what I here's here's what I would do right let's say I wanted to do a topic about this and I wanted to keep my voice in it so that I'm part of it what I would do is I would actually record it in something like Camtasia over here all right and I would record the entire thing with my talking and then I would edit it in Camtasia that would probably work well I mean it it might take a while but I mean you can have an editor do that in seconds and you'll see the differences in um how to edit that through I'm I'm guessing they will allow that in the future where we could actually download where we could actually download the talk with us in it which I think would be key um until now I mean the audio is there so if I go through and I I record this it should work really well let's let's try a little example and I'll show you while I'm here it's going to be a little difficult because I am going to do this while we are on the recording but let's go through and let's do join actually let's reload it here I think we're going to have to reload all all right it's getting a little slow but let's see how this does so going through here let's go load and then we'll go to interactive mode right over here okay so interactive now what I would do is I would start so right here I have the recording in Camtasia that is there recording I just click the record button and we're good to go or you could use something like voice recorder whatever let's say you wanted a voice recorder or something like this it should allow us to record both me and the computer I believe if not we can splice them together let me show you how what I would do to splice them together is I would hit record here and you can see it's actually recording me then when I go through okay so uh you're ready to see if YouTube can be that Inc would just patch it in mean it's tempting yeah but figuring out where to even start oh yeah it could be overwhelming oh hey welcome what's up hey thanks for having me on can you tell me a little bit about the scams and the niches that don't work and some of the dark side of YouTube automation okay yeah that's a good point I mean we've been talking about the potential but it's important to be aware of the downsides too yeah like we were planning to talk about some of the pitfalls later but we can definitely sh gears and talk about the scams the niches that don't work and some of that dark exactly and some of these sources inside that's something that's really important and going through let me let me stop this recording so you can see how it works okay so looking at it here what we would do to edit is you would just patch in your audio if you wanted your face on there it's fine if you wanted to have the screen share you could do that as well or you can have Boll or whatever you want b-roll is just footage that would explain what we're talking about now what you can see here is that recording the screen and recording the audio from me on the microphone you can see how this works here then when I go through okay so uh iatch it back a little bit of an echo so let's see okay so uh you're ready to see if YouTube can be that I would just patch it in so I would get rid of the eror so I could just mute me there and then it seems like it's doing pretty good welcome what's up hey thanks for having me on can you tell me a little bit about SC inter niches that don't work and some of the dark side of YouTube Automation and then you can go through and clean it up so like watch here I'll clean this up and it'll sound like they're just talking to me of YouTube automation okay yeah that's a good point I mean we've been talking about the potential but it's to be aware of the downsides too yeah we planning to talk it's like I am literally talking to these two people about my podcast stuff so this is or about the topic rather so this is something that we can use in a really easy way and if you record it until they have the capabilities I think you can make your own podcast with AI and I mean if you wanted to do this a simple way you could make a channel called conversations with AI about and you can have conversations with AI about anything just be transparent about the fact that it's Ai and bada bing bada boom you're off to the races this is something where you can say Okay conversations with my AI host about X Y or Z creating content with this is an absolute Game Changer and the cool thing about it is it's actually going to give you the notes alongside it so as we go through and use this we're going to see some huge huge opportunities what we're looking at here is we can actually use this to create videos okay we could create podcasts if you just want uh the MP3 or whatever it is okay you can go through you can create notes Pages for a blog post to promote your site which talks about this stuff you can use this for sales where like I go through and hey we're going to have a discussion about a ClickBank product or a affiliate offer or this software or that software this is something where like I used to have to pay people to be here in the office we had to coordinate it I mean just last week I got back from the ClickBank headquarters where we we recorded a podcast live in the studio it took 4 days I had to fly there we had to sit down and have cameramen in the whole nine yards where now you could create a podcast with three people and you're the only person that's actually existing this is something that we've never seen before and what this is about is repurposing content now sometimes this will work in niches sometimes it won't so I wanted to give you some notes on niches that will actually work so going through what I thought this would be good for is like Finance book reviews and again remember if I could go through and give it some old Finance books maybe I go through and find some outof copyright books or something like that which is cool because then I can give them the links on my website which gives them an excuse to go from the video to my website then I get some SEO from the website then I can make a Pinterest about the top points of the book and that the whole thing just comes together beautifully in a way that will make you money this is insane so if we were to do Finance book reviews what we want to do is we want to think about okay if I talk about all these Finance books or copywriting books or maybe Health books or whatever it is what is it that is going to make me money all right Finance stuff obviously you go into investing and and you know safety and and um you know different products and refinance and things like that which pay a lot of money we want to go through and we want to look at that broader market and the affiliate opportunities like in M platforms budgeting apps the whole n yards this is giving you the ability to make top level content without having any other people you could literally just have your microphone your voice and some information from the internet and make this work in a simple way we can do news about AI job security this is going to get huge here's companies that are hiring people here here's this company that's hiring this stuff here's news in the AI world and the whole nine yards this is crazy easy government money websites maybe there's different grants and things like that freelance gig reviews best credit cards for rewards budget meal prep ideas RV living College survival tips crypto for beginners Fitness over 50 we can see here that there's a lot of micro niches that lead to things that pay huge money and the idea of being able to go into here with something like notebook LM join the conversation record it and actually get a three-person podcast where I can ask the questions what I'm doing is I'm being the advocate of the listener I'm saying hey guys this is what I want to talk about hey what about that what about this and this is insane and it's on a closed ecosystem so the odds of the AI running a muck and telling us crazy stuff are only if we feed it crazy stuff like we give it what we want it to talk about boom there we go so we can get some really really good output here and understanding about how things work so going through and looking at these I'll have this list niches available over at airofit and you can start with these right away we'll have some more information over there as well but when looking at how to promote this it's actually very simple I could promote these on YouTube I can promote these on my blog I can po post the conversation in places where people have questions maybe they're talking about an Amazon product did you know that right now Amazon pays you to talk about products when people buy them on the Amazon platform yeah that's right when you go over there and you look at an Amazon product let's say we have um an Elgato product for uh streaming equipment right let's say we have this one here you're actually going to have videos and reviews where people are just showing how things work so let's say you have you know products in your house and you can try them out and you can actually make videos and images and some of the ones with videos will actually pay you when people buy them based on the video this is something that is getting us into a market that didn't exist before and it's going to get better and better and better knowing how to use these tools now is key we can also promote this on other places maybe a press release maybe doing systematic video content or Pinterest or Instagram and this is the kind of thing where you know you can make content fairly easily and get paid like crazy and the way you're going to get paid is with affiliate offers such as ClickBank offervault Max Bounty or even paid ad networks if you can put this content out there and they allow monetization if you want to use your own voice you can do that AI voices some of them do monetize AI voices if done correctly and now we can create some really really good stuff and get paid through these Platforms in a super simple way if you want to learn more about this type awesome new tool as a comment below and we'll talk more about how to use notebook LM and the new podcast feature I just wanted to come out here and show you how this works in a real world way and how to use it to get content right now using this interactive mode over here and recording and different things like that so this is a game changer when it comes to making money online if you want to stay on top of all the AI stuff get the notes get the list here of all the different niches you can use and how to make money with them check out airofit also be sure to check out the videos in the description and as always smash a like button and I'll see you in the next video

As found on YouTube


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