in just a minute I'm going to show you exactly how to use the new Google Gemini updates to make tons of money online and this is something you've never seen before cuz it just came out but first why am I out here in the freezing cold well this week I spent a couple of days here at the ClickBank headquarters in Boise Idaho they had me down to check out the headquarters the office the whole nine yards and it's actually pretty crazy because I've been working with ClickBank for over 25 years I've never met anyone from ClickBank until now now and we can see here it's not some small operation these guys are banking huge money so today let's do a walkr show you how to make money with ClickBank and the new Google Gemini Suite of AI products so that you can get started super fast come on let's check this [Music] out welcome to ClickBank this is where I'm going to be speaking tomorrow nice to meet you to meet you really excting stuff so all right so today we're looking at the new Gemini AI Suite of tools that they have in Gemini Advance now when you go over here you're going to see that we have Gemini Advanced 1.5 Pro 1.5 flash Pro with deep research this is one we're going to be looking at really closely and also flash experimental now if we go into Google pro deep research mode what's going to happen is we can literally use this to research anything we want in a very specific way so think about having a team of people over searching Google getting the information that you want to promote the products that you have so since we're here at ClickBank let's take a look at some products that we can we can go through and see how it does the research now before we get started into the Gemini Deep dive I wanted to tell you a little story about what ClickBank is and how it has helped me make money over many many years I actually first got my ClickBank account back in the year 2000 and I'll never forget when I first made money because I went to my dad and I was like hey there's this ClickBank thing I'm gonna make money and he would always say well what is a ClickBank how does a ClickBank work is that is that even real and 25 years later I can absolutely say that ClickBank is a real thing and they make billions of dollars and it is one of the first affiliate platforms I ever got started with and one of those aha moments was back in July 4th of 2020 when I got my first $21 ClickBank sale I was sitting there at my dad's house and I went home that day because back then we didn't have internet on our phones and I realized that while I was gone all day for the July 4th party at my dad's house I made $21 and you might be thinking well that's not much what am i g to get a Happy Meal or something like that and to me it was an aha moment because I realized that if I could make money on a day I wasn't working well then I can do all kinds of things and make money when I'm not working and it add adds and grows and one of the things I always tell people is what if you could do something today that would make you a dollar a day every day then you could do the same thing tomorrow and the next day and it snowballs and grows and this is the key to passive income so now let's dive into Google Gemini and show you exactly how to use AI content to sell affiliate products and make money and when dealing with ClickBank what you have is a lot of vendors that sell products and Affiliates that sell those products for them so you have the vendor on one side that has a product and then you have the affiliate like me on the another side where they will go through and they will sell the product and get a commission and you can see here you can go over to the affiliate Marketplace and you can pick a product for literally anything I can find products in the dieting Market software Market make money market and literally anything under the sun there are so many things you can make money with so I can go over here and I can see the top offers that are available and exactly how much I'm going to make when each offer sells and you can see what the average commission and version is here like this one that pays $135 148 153 and on and on we go and as we can see here there's different things from how to make your brain more smarter or something like that to uh dieting offers and pretty much anything under the sun now in order to promote these and make money what we need to do is we need to find some traffic you can find traffic through paid traffic organic traffic YouTube social media content and more now what we're going to do in this video is we're actually going to go through and use Google Gemini AI to create content to promote these offers let me show you how it works if we were to go to Gemini like this and say please find news reports about smoothies and weight loss it's going to go through and automatically do all the research on all the different sites to find us different smoothies and people that have lost weight different ingredients and different things in smoothies that'll help you make money this is going to go through and do all the stuff for you now one of the cool things that they added to this tool is the ability to research websites and the ability to tell it what you want it to research so in a sense this is kind of like having your own AI agent so we could go through and we can hit edit plan and you could say only find different things that are for news reports or by doctors or different things like that which is going to help you find angles to promote products in a way you've never thought about before so going through here we can actually edit it or we can use it as is and we could say please use as is and what it's going to do is it's going to find the websites and do all the research for us so that all we need to do is become a Content compiler this is going to change the game for so many Affiliates because now we are going to save hundreds if not thousands of hours on Research finding angles finding content ideas and different things like that and as you can see here Google gem I Advanced actually went through and found 31 different websites based on the specific task that I asked it this is going to be super simple because now I can go through and I can reference each one but that is just the tip of the iceberg what I'm about to show you is an absolute game changer for Content creation because once we have this here it is going to ask me if I want to create an entire report on the research in Google Docs and that might seem like a whatever Marcus are we going to get some googlec report what are we going to do with it how does it work well actually what's going to happen is once this is in Google Docs we can then give it to other AI tools and have it do a series of things like create a blog post create a PDF giveaway create a video and the whole nine yards this is kind of like automating your marketing without any involvement by you all we're doing is selecting the items that we want to create content about and this is going to the races making everything for you it's actually super simple and if we were to look over here at Gemini 2.0 flash experimental what they're saying is that this is using the new technology with generative speech and images and all kinds of things like that including a new product they've been teasing at which is the Google video product where it's actually going to create video with AI much like Sora only using their new chip which is a game changer and we could see here that this is going to take our content to the next level where we can use text to speech or speech to text native tool use which is literally going to allow us to build agents within the Google AI platform so I could go over here and I can create an agent based on Google 1.5 Pro deep research and have that agent go through and make a piece of content about each of the websites that it researched this is going to change the way that we do business because now we're going to see that the research is done in a very very specific way and one of the ways that I've made money over the last 25 years is by taking things that might seem common place in one market taking it to another market and then it becomes something new and revolutionary much like the offers you see where they're like hey we found this one ancient Berry that helps you lose weight that is using this kind of research and up until now this was selective stuff for people that were very deep in this market now it's available to everyone and as we can see here the report can actually open in Google Docs right like this this is where we're going to get into the agent use where we could say once I have a a document in my Google Docs do X Y and Z to help make content from that or make a video outline or make a blog post or an image or whatever it is and now we can see that the doc is created we can open it in Google Docs and it is going to show us the research that it performed which is pretty cool I mean now I can have this document to go off and build my video build my PDF create a giveaway create anent entire marketing campaign and more so we could see here for smoothies and weight loss the report is coming up and now we have smoothies and weight loss separating fact from fiction global news reports on smoothies and weight loss this is the kind of stuff that I can instantly turn into a video and perpetuate content for a specific offer in this case it would be the ClickBank smoothie offer in other cases we might do things about news reports on AI or web hosting or different side hustles and ways to make money utilizing this here can literally research anything you want let's give it another one while we're trying this out please research uncommon side hustles this is going to go through and research different side hustles that other people might not have thought about and it's going to give us a horizontal content strategy where instead of going side hustle how to do a side hustle best side hustle we're actually going to take each side hustle make content about it and that is going to perpetuate our message online I can do this with Tik Tok YouTube blog post pretty much anything and everything create content and make money so now we can see it's telling us what it's going to research let's go ahead and hit start research and again as if by Magic it is going to research all the different websites about side hustles and while we're waiting for that report we can see that the new model the flash model is actually allowing us to do more tokens it's allowing us to go through and actually do video input which means we can give it a YouTube video we could probably give it an mp4 not sure if it's yet there we can also do text image speech and more we can also see that the cut off of knowledge is August 2024 so this might not be the best for current news items or current news and AI or business or something like that where there is an actual cut off that this is researching so that is a little bit of a downside but I think using this tool is going to be a GameChanger for things that are quote unquote Evergreen smoothies business ideas different things that haven't changed much in the last few months this is going to be perfect for and as it does the report we can see that it is actually giving us the whole rundown on how this works now in addition to this multi-word report we can actually go through and we can get data on this report so I could say now strip out the ones that pertain to X Y or Z Now make a full content strategy for Tik Tok or Pinterest or whatever it is about this content specifically what's happening is we are getting a targeted content plan based on an offer we want to promote based on news reports that are in a specific genre this is something that is unparalleled before it would take tons of researchers tons of money and countless thousands of hours to do all this work now it's happening in a snap and then once our report is created we can open it in docs and then we can also go through and ask Gemini what did you learn and it's actually going to give us output based on the specific research that we asked it to do and we can see here it says I've learned a variety of uncommon side hustles including becoming a professional bridesmaid selling pet memorial headstones and advertising on your car so there's lots of things that we can create content about whether it's us on screen or AI content this is something that you can use in a very specific way now let's ask the AI please come up with all the side hustles and a plan or video title for each and it's going to go through and do the work which is based on stuff that actually works we're going to get news reports we're going to get all these other things and now we have okay made $500 standing in line corporate gift consultant a game tester and on and on we go this is content that I would have never knew existed if Google Gemini Advanced 1.5 Pro with deep research didn't exist this is literally saving me thousands of hours and countless thousands of dollars and we could see here the content plan is ready to go then I could say now turn this into Pinterest pin titles and now it's going to make the Pinterest pin titles and this is literally transforming the way that I create content online gone are the days of wondering what you're going to film next or what you're going to write about next now the work is done for you all you need to do is give the Gemini tool a specific directive and get an output that you can use to make money and what you want to remember is that everything you do needs to point to the next thing so if I'm going through here and looking at these side hustles and making Pinterest pins or videos or blog content I want to know specifically what I'm going to take them to next what does it relate to maybe we have side hustles like uncommon ones or thinking outside the box or waiting in line can I link that to a sid hustle product can I link that to a new money-making product or if we're going in the Smoothie Market how can I take these and turn these into Pinterest pin ideas and this is going to go through and give us the whole plan of content that will work if we do it the traffic is there the research is there everything's solid all I need to do is plug in playay make the content link to the offer and get paid and as you can see here it is doing the research and actually giving me different ingredients and smoothie topics and things that I can use to make content that people are interested in stuff that people want to read that is going to get them further in the mindset of making smoothies to lose weight or get healthy or whatever it is and we could see it saying the power be smoothie Green Machine cardio and on and on We Go Again ladies and gentlemen Gemini Pro Advanced with deep research is an absolute GameChanger and I'm going to start using this in my money-making strategies immediately because now we have the ability to research stuff like never before and not only that but we can have ai at a creative spin that is going to give us an angle in our market so that we can go out there and have something unique again the goal in the age of AI is to have something unique something that you can add people don't mind that things are created or written with AI as long as they're providing some kind of value and value is always in the eye of the beholder one person might think value is as much as adding one ingredient to a smoothie another person might want a two-hour tutorial on how to set up a website but no matter how you slice it everything needs a unique angle and so many people come to me all the time and they say Marcus how going to make money online when everything seems like it's already been done when everything seems like there's too much competition or there's already some kind of tutorial or video or blog post about it so what we want to do is add a unique spin maybe it's a news report or a different angle or something people haven't thought about before and this is where AI is going to help us and if you start to use this and make content in a very specific way Google Gemini is going to help you streamline that process so you can get paid and the process is very simple we're going to use Gemini to find ideas we're going to use a specific angle we're going to ask it questions and get unique output that we can share on social media on our Blog videos or whatever content we are creating and the content drives people back to the stuff that makes us money so I hope you enjoyed this video and getting a look at my week here at ClickBank if you want more videos like this smash a like button and check out the videos in the description
Ai News: Google Gemini Deep Research 1.5 = Secret Affiliate Money Tool!