[Music] every day this year seems to be another day filled with AI news that promises to change our life the next game Cher that's going to make us tons of money and recently the news has been no different in fact several new enhancements have just popped on the market like open ai's chat GPT voice model and Google's notebook LM podcast recording model both of these are changing the way we look at AI in the interaction with voice yes these are promising a realtime interaction whether it's a recorded podcast discussing the notes that you put into notebook LM or a direct dialogue where you're speaking to chat GPT through your phone and getting an audible voice response and yeah there's no lag it's actually like talking to a human but what does this mean for the online marketing Community content creators YouTubers bloggers and search engine marketers how is this going to change the way we live and make money online well that's what we're going to talk about today in just a minute we're going to hop over to the live set we're going to dive into these tools and show you exactly how you can use them to make money online because let's face it over the last 2 years since chat GPT became a part of our everyday life there has been little AI tools popping up here and there and some people have used those tools to make a lot of money and maybe you've been left out you've tried the tools but you're confused on how to use them to put money in your pocket or maybe you don't know how to build a business or maybe you're stuck on wondering which tool to use every day you're bombarded with news about this AI tool or that AI tool or this thing you need that's going to change your life and maybe you feel left out well friends it's time to put your mind at ease because I've been making money online for almost 25 years now long before I started teaching here on YouTube way before AI came on the scene yeah I've been in the trenches just like you making a living online in super simple ways and the last 2 years have been an absolute roller coaster not to mention helped Skyrocket my income and the reason it works is because of a few things I'm going to show you in this training because if you can learn how to use a tool like notebook LM or open AI chat GPT voice in the right way well then I believe right where you're at right here right now where you're at sitting there watching me have your hands on the greatest Money Getting tool in all of history and I'm about to show you why and not only that but I'm going to give you emphatic proof that this works like crazy so if you're excited smash a like button let's hop over to the live set and I'm going to show you exactly how to use notebook LM chat GPT voice and all the other AI tools coming out daily to put money in your pocket unlike you've ever seen before come on let's get started all right welcome to the show today what we're going to do is we're going to talk about the new AI tools what they mean and how they're going to affect our ability to make money online this is super important because there's new tools coming out all the time and we need to stay on top of what's actually going on so that we can turn a profit now we're going to be looking at several different sources today one of them I talked about 10 days ago and hinted at a little bit a couple days ago which is the Google notebook LM software this is something that if you're not paying attention you're not going to see the power of this and if you are paying attention this is an absolute game changer for the ability to make money online we're going to get into why in just a minute but as we can see here with the Google LM and uh notebook LM and the chat gbt search and voice feature what we're seeing is a lot of changes happening we're seeing here that uh the popularity of voice search is skyrocketing just over the last couple of months and years with AI people are using their phone to search unlike ever before we are also seeing lots and lots of different voice uh statistics of how many people are using voice search which means when AI comes out this is going to change a lot of things for our ability to make money and those who are early adopters those who understand what's going on now are going to be able to make money in the future in my opinion having done this for many years understanding how this works is absolute key and that's why we're doing this training today we're going to talk about how to make money with AI tools now if you're here and you feel like you got left behind time and time again you see new tools come out and you're just not making money smash a like button and let me know because I understand how you feel every day I wake up and it seems like I'm getting left in the dust I got to remember hey you know what I'm not 25 years old I can't stay up all night and understand AI until I'm bleue in the face I have to pace myself much like many of you now pacing yourself does not mean that you are going to be obsolete or you're not going to understand what is happening when it's happening and how to profit what we need to do is we need to look at this in a practical way and an overarching way we don't want to be down there with the you know Ant Farm looking at everything as it is we want to be in a helicopter looking at everything in an overview way this is super important now we're going to talk about how to make money with AI Tools in a general way we're going to talk about notebook LM we're going to talk about uh voice GPT and what those have to do with our ability to profit online first of all we have to look at this and say okay how is AI voice tools going to revolutionize search and what does this have to do with notebook LM well for those who have been following my videos you will have seen that in Notebook LM it actually has the ability to create a podcast based on notes now we're going to talk about why this is important in just a minute this is what I believe is one of the most overlooked underutilized Tools in making money online when we're looking at Google's notebook LM what we have is the ability to throw everything at an AI and get an output this is unparalleled now I know that you might be looking at this and saying okay it's just another AI tool how is this going to put money in our pocket we are going to get into this in just a minute we're going to talk about an overview we're going to dive in we're going to actually use some examples to show you how this works because let's be honest I want to take a poll of everyone listening right now and the comments if you are a little confused about this and you're like okay notebook LM looks great voice search on uh chat GPT and voice with chat GPT looks great but I don't see how to make money with these I don't understand exactly how this works so what we're going to do today is we're going to turn that frown upside down and we're going to help you understand how this stuff works so that you can profit I believe that understanding this is the key to making money online now when we look at something like notebook LM we're going through and we're understanding what's going on now six feet Wonder says It's amazing actually human-made podcasts don't make money how will millions of new podcasts make this thing better well there are actually lots of podcasts that make money but we're not talking about this in a podcast way right A lot of people I came out with a video last week and I I believe it was like 11 days ago and it was about the notebook LM tool let me see if I can find it for you guys um a lot of people took it to mean that what we want to do is make podcast that is not what we're talking about here now can you go through and make a podcast on like uh you know different platforms um different podcast places you can but that's not what we're talking about what we're talking about is the ability to use this for something else when people people are looking at this and they're like okay you know how are we going to make money am I just going to go over to Spotify and put my podcast up and hope that I get paid now what you're going to see this is super important what you are going to see is that the vast majority of people use AI the same way right so you have the vast majority of people they're going to be like hey this notebook thing looks good let's make a podcast let's put this on YouTube let's put this on Spotify let's hope that we make money with ads that is not what we're doing here actually case in point yes I have tested this and this does help Drive sales emphatically I actually went through um there's an example we're going to show you that I will have over at download notes.com I'm going to find the example for you here because I want to show you in real time how it works I did a test where I uploaded this not as a podcast I uploaded it as a discussion about a product now I got to warn you having the discussion about the product did give me an unbiased overview which at times I was like Hey and biased um I was like hey wait a minute maybe this isn't in my best interest right it was like okay it's giving an honest overview of what it thinks about this product not necessarily what I would say if I wanted to sell the product and so I tested it out and it actually did make sales what I did is I took uh this blog post here you guys could see it I'll have it in download myot notes.com as well I went through and I I loaded up a couple of webinars and PDFs and Files about a product that I have and it generated I think it was like a 30 minute or 27 Minute Podcast or something like that and the idea wasn't to use it as a traditional podcast because nobody wants to listen to a podcast about you know High ticket niches nobody wanted to do that and when I mean High ticket niches I mean like the product not necessarily about niches people would want to listen about niches they wouldn't necessarily want to listen about a product however what we're doing is we're looking at it like in terms of infomercials back in the day when you had infomercials those worked amazingly well um I mean Tony Robbins is like I think the dude's like almost a billionaire probably a billionaire because of infomercials a lot of people made a lot of money worth uh with infom commercials and what's happening now is we're having this podcast tool that does that so to look at these tools and this is point number one before we get into anything else and that is to look at AI tools the way everyone else looks at AI tools is to grossly underestimate the amount you can earn sure there are some early adopters that will go out there and they use chat gpt3 and they went out there and they're like okay let's make content to rank on Google and they did and they basically spammed with easy content and then everyone's trying to duplicate what they did just by going and having some Auto generator and they're finding out that the results are not the same why are they not the same because if you do what everyone else does you're going to get what everyone else gets and here on the affiliate marketing dude we tell you the truth and the truth is the vast majority of people trying to make money online make nothing so if you do what those people do what are you going to make well if you average what they make the average person is making zero it is the the people who don't know what they're doing leading the people who don't know what they're doing because some people talk fancier than others what we want to do is we want to look at real world stuff understand what's happening in our AI industry make money online industry and understand where we fit where do I fit in and what is the value I bring if it is just a matter of throwing a bunch of documents into chat GPT or into notebook LM and getting an output let's put an arrow that's an arrow getting an output that's something everyone else can do which is basic okay um AI early equals spam not necessarily there were people who use chat GPT to spam that is what we're talking about there were also people who used chat GPT in the early like I did to make good stuff and that stuff is still making money to this day um these are things that I do and use on a daily basis and really understand what I'm saying without trying to anticipate what I'm not saying a lot of people listen to me and they they comment and they put questions based on what they think I'm saying rather than what I'm actually saying this this is a very difficult thing to do I struggle with it all the time you go you sit in church you listen to the guy talk you're thinking about your internal dialogue about what you believe not the person who's talking now I I don't go to church too often anymore but that is what happens what you're doing is you're listening for what you want this is what is known as confirmation bias you are listening bias I think that's how you spell bias right you are listening for something to confirm either your positive or negative view about something okay very important now if you do this it is impossible to learn new things if you don't believe me talk politics with someone you will see how this works so listen for what's actually going on now getting into this and understanding how these tools work when we're looking at notebook LM uh chat GPT voice and different things like that we are seeing that AI is going to revolutionize search with voice okay very important what it's going to do is it's going to have an enhanced accessibility voice searches are going to make information more accessible we can actually talk and say hey give me directions to the local you know restaurant or whatever it is or what is the best thing to do for my hurt foot or what should I do to work out if I want to lose belly fat and we are going to get to the point where AI can actually view a camera camera and say what do I do on this machine to lose belly fat and it'll tell you or bring up a video or in the near future it's probably going to be able to create its own video so with this we have to look at it and understand how is this going to change where are the gaps going to be because anytime there is something new there is a window a small window where people who adopt early and correctly can make more money than people who come along later let me ask you a question do you think it's easier to make money now with chat GPT or back when it first started I would say probably back when it first started because if you were one of the few people using it that was the key right if you were the first person using it you're kind of like out there in your own one of the first 100 people or 100,000 people you're going to be able to make a lot of money now when it comes to AI voice search podcast different things like that again these tools now have a trajectory where they increase super fast right like notebook LM came on the scene boom millions of people use it overnight chat GPT same thing so starting to understand okay I have this window what do I do with it well let's look at this so AI tools with search you have enhanced accessibility faster more intuitive interaction actions where users no longer no longer need to craft specific Search terms they can just talk naturally to this AI it's going to respond to them game changer for those who know how to show up and how to feed it answers bigger game Cher keep that in a pin in it for later now we're going through and we're looking at AI responding more intelligently to complex multi-part questions it is now becoming to where we're actually talking to an entity or something that's actually understanding search personal ization um when you do this again they are going to look at your history with notebook LM chat gbt they're going to look at the history and you are going to get a customized response now this is super important Amazon found this where they're like hey wait a minute if we have amazon.com and we just put the top sales on the homepage like today people are buying laptops that might not sell you as good as it sells other people so they went through and they said what if we have a custom result s based on recent searches you ever notice how you go to Amazon you look for shoes the next day all you see on Amazon is shoes like you can't buy anything else they're like you have to buy shoes like I'm sorry you looked at shoes once now all you're going to see for the rest of your life is shoes until you buy these shoes it is an algorithm based on what people want everything we do online is based on an algorithm giving people what they want you watch more of my videos what do you see more of my videos why because you watched it it said it's good great wonderful they put more in front of you again the algorithm is a confirmation bias it is biased based on what you do online now ai is going to act the same way and if we understand this and we realize oh wait a minute this is about custom unique personalization okay okay keep that in mind very important now we're going through and we're looking at okay now businesses can better tailor content for a specific audience creating more precise SEO strategies what's going to happen is you're going to have an increase in knowledge and that knowledge is going to be more specific based on something very specific so if they're interested in one thing they're going to go down the rabbit hole of that one thing that is how the search is going to work next up we're going to have ai voices and their impact on making money online which means now it's easier it's going to get easier in the future to use voice-based stuff now when we talked about this before with notebook LM a lot of people hear the word podcast generator and they say oh well that's just for making a podcast okay not always I mean there's lots of things you can do if there's a person that sees a plank of wood you might say oh well that's a 2×4 that's used for making walls to someone else they might say oh hey wait a minute what we're going to do is we're going to use this to make little figurines the guy who uses it for a wall Taps out at about $16 per 2×4 profit the guy who uses it for figurines might be able to get a 100 figurines out of it at $19 each thus making $1900 looking at it different this is something we talked about last time where we talk about distinctions distinctions are everything thing if you understand distinctions you'll be able to use these in a very specific way when people say oh well it has a podcast generator airgo we're going to make a podcast and make some money that's not exactly the best use for these and I think what a lot of people are going to find is that they're using the AI Tools in a way that doesn't necessarily get them the most profit okay how many of you guys feel that you're like yeah I've been trying to use these doesn't really work so now we need to go through and we need to look at this in a specific way so looking at this again much like people who are trying to do faceless YouTube channels they want to go and just produce some content with a click of a button and get rich early adopters yeah it worked then the search engines were like wait a minute we got all these different things that are going on we need to like limit the amount we need to maybe cap it on what you can monetize we need to stop promoting voting some of this because again it leads towards spam when it's super easy that's what people are going to do so we need to pay close attention because if you're listening what's going to happen is people who teach stuff that's like hey you know what find some keywords go to nid and get some Whatever by the time they teach you that it doesn't work anymore right like that's why you're struggling and people don't understand this because what we need to do is we need to learn from experience I've been doing this business 25 years I've seen things come and go I've used things that are quick I've seen things fizzle out I've seen things that have worked for the entire 25 years and when we understand this and we say okay I need to add a little bit we're not talking about a lot we got AI that helps us with damn near anything we're talking about going through there and making it work now podcasting an llm or notebook LM chat GPT voice looking at this we need to see that there is a change happening okay can I use this as a voice-based tutorial or course okay now we're taking something like notebook LM which if you don't understand the power of notebook LM you need to wake up and see the power of it because what I can do is I can go through and I can paste text and I can use all these different resources to train my own instance of AI did everyone just catch what I said this is super super important it's almost like again remember how I said the key is in custom Amazon has a custom thing for the guy who looks up shoes we'll try to draw some shoes here's a shoe right look like olive oil shoes from the old popey shows but at any rate they're looking at it and they're like okay let's show this guy's shoes it is an isolated custom experience your shoes look different than my shoes even though we're both searching for shoes got it next when we look at something like chat gbt what's happening is you are getting aant based on what you give it so it's kind of like one 2 3 4 you give it some some text and what's happening is it's saying okay I'm going to read number one now I'm going to read two now I'm going to read three now I'm going to read through and what happens is it gets diluted okay it's going to dilute the response and now you're going to get something that's probably more about the last instance and the first instance than it is about these others now with notebook LM what you have for free right is something where you are legit training it based on what you give it so it is like hey here it is it's almost like you're taking the AI and you're walking it to a custom library of the books that you just want to talk about okay does everyone see the power of that okay and what we're doing is now it's discussing this with us it's going through and it's like hey check it out let's make a study guide based on these notes it's going to do it instantly you can give it PDFs you can give it videos you can give it transcripts you can give it links you can get it literally anything and Greg says free is the amazing part it is amazing but I'd pay for it I mean for this kind of power I would absolutely pay for it why not it's allowing me to have my own experience talk to an AI about the experience and worst case scenario you go through and you can now learn and be an expert on a specific field in minutes minutes right because now you don't have to weed through all the other stuff when I first started trying to make money online I got books I got courses a lot of people don't know this but I have actually spent over a quarter of a million dollars on courses Guru classes $10,000 seminars I was out there I did the training I learned now unlike the other gurus who also want to just sell you their $10,000 training I will tell you A lot of that was completely wasted a lot of it was just junk and I didn't use it I didn't have the time to use it some of it was outdated some of it was wrong some of it was bad whatever it is we got to look at this and understand okay now what are we going to do with our knowledge now I can learn in an easy way like you really don't need a guru unless you want to work with someone and that's what I do here like if you want to work with me you go to blog profit network.com you work with me every week okay now um moo says it's still cheaper than college now College again like a lot of entrepreneurs knock College however my personal opinion is I'm glad that my doctor went to college because like I don't you know want someone messing around with my stuff if they didn't go to college now with that said I will say that a lot of what we learn is busy work so like if you go to college to be an engineer or you go to college to learn history or something like that a lot of what you learn is not going to be ending up what your specialty is now there is a time in place to learn a vast amount of things I absolutely agree with that however when it comes to being an entrepreneur Ure and making money online what we need is specialized knowledge very quickly that's what you need if you want to make money online specialized knowledge very quickly is how are you go how you are going to make it work with notebook LM I can get specialized knowledge extremely quickly I can get a notepad um response of what we're talking about I can get an overview I can go through and click the notebook guide and I can do a podcast and listen to people discuss this if I want to do that I can listen on twos speed I can listen to it while I fall asleep and starting to understand where this is and how it works is key because now you have the ability to get opinions and understanding of all different types of things now how does that work in making us money back to our notes here all right looking at this we are seeing that The Voice is coming in so if you wanted to use this with AI voice and understanding how that's going to be you can use something like notebook LM to learn about it next how do businesses adapt optimize for verse voice search we're going to talk about this in a minute leveraging AI voices for customer interaction airgo like I did on that page I showed you earlier where I just loaded the raw file of the podcast about my product and it actually made sales why because it sounds like people talking and I was like hey this is AI like this is how it works we showed how it works and still it did a good job of selling where I might not have been able to okay this is very important to understand and realize that these tools are going to catapult us if we are paying attention so using chat GPT voice and notebook LM to offer customer support is going to be something where before I might not have been able to have a support team now I can now let's talk about how this works and I I definitely encourage you guys to all use notebook LM um it is a fantastic tool even if you're not using it for Content which you should we're going to talk about that in just a minute as well now how do we use AI tools to profit that's why everyone's here right these tools are coming out it look looks great what do we do with it like this notebook LM how many of you guys are like dude this thing is amazing like we could go through we got like here's something about losing weight we got uh different tools here this one's about a product right it'll go through like I have the product info here where I got all this information free online and I could say okay give me a briefing dock about why this silk pillowcase is better than other types of pillow cases boom it's going to do the work it's going to teach me about the product and it's going to make me think different this is the key ladies and gentlemen for 25 years I've been doing internet marketing for I think 12 years I've been teaching affiliate marketing and internet marketing one of the things that I have seen as the biggest struggle is getting people to think like me I don't know why I think the way I do but it's different I think very different I I I'm the kind of person who I get a VCR I have to take it apart to learn how it works I can't read a book to learn how it works I I'm the kind of person who I get something to build I can't look at the instructions I have to just build it and kind of fail my way through it I don't know why I'm like that I just am and getting people to think different has been the biggest hurdle ever because a lot of people they just don't have it they don't think okay let's reverse the search and start with a domain name no no no they think the way everyone else does which is let's go find a niche let's find a domain for the niche let's build it out and hope it works thinking different is what has made me money this is the one skill where if you took everything else away and all I had is one this would be the one Now ladies and gentlemen AI in some sort of way kind of scares the heck out of me because it does think different if you know what to give it now looking at this we're going through and we're like okay how do we get it to think different well we could go through now that we have it loaded with the stuff that we want I can go through and say um make a checklist of the best pillow fabrics for types of sleepers okay so like you know if you're a heavy sleeper if you're Delight sleeper whatever you're going to start to see okay here's how this works here's what we're looking at okay um GPT says have I tried using CSV files with with notebook LM not yet it is something we have on the docket as it were but now we could see here okay best pillow fabrics for types of Sleepers for sleepers who want to improve their hair and skin pillowcases are the best choice silk is smoother blah blah blah blah blah now we go through okay this is where we're looking at things in a different way and again all we need to do is do the research if I want to talk about this topic of um consumer confidence tumbling I'm going to find articles I'm going to throw it into notebook LM then I'm going to discuss and learn very important so starting to look at this and and understanding okay here's where we go here's how it works let's throw it into the LM now what we're going to do next is we're going to go through and we are going to take a look at this and see what I can do next okay so now let's let's be honest here how many of you guys look at this and you're like okay this is just this is just content this means nothing this looks like everything else online how many of you guys if you understand this and you're like yeah best pillow fabrics for types like it's cool whatever but how is that going to make me money how many of you guys are struggling when it comes to this content making money and you're like okay I don't get how this is possibly going to make money I mean it's just AI whatever it doesn't really do anything okay A lot of people are going to look at that I look at it different we're trying to teach you how to look at this different so that you can use these tools to get an output that is going to help you make money so now when I look at this I start to understand okay maybe I could go over to somewhere like offer Vault and find an offer and and we can start with this okay because what we're having here is a starting point okay and our starting point is key in understanding how we look at our Niche so if we go over to something like offervault right like this and we do pillow like this we see here um silk pillow covers pillow covers pillows all kinds of different things related to pillows now what does this mean this means I get paid $64 when I sell these pillow cases this means I get 60 when I sell this when I sell this one I get 60 when I sell this one I get 45 so what we have here is money okay so like there's money so what we have in business is we have what is called a constant if people don't talk to you about this you're more than like going to struggle okay what is a constant a constant is a guarantee of something it will not go away if I mow my neighbor's lawn and he pays me $100 I could do that all every week and get $100 that's a constant I know it for a fact okay that's hypothetical didn't talk to him about his lawn sometimes he does need to know it mow it but at any rate the constant is the money I know I sell the pillowcase I get $65 that's a constant it's a fact I can take it to the bank now the question is how do I sell it well enter tools like notebook LM and chat GPT voice because now I can go through and I can get info that helps me sell it so now I got all these notes and all I did is I put in the page for the blissy uh press release I got some other stuff here for um hair types and sleep types that I got from chat GPT using these tools together is key so now I can go over to like chat GPT right like this and I can say uh let's log in do I not have it saved okay we might need to use let's go over here I have it saved over here so what we're going to do is we're going to go chat GPT and we're going to use these tools in conjunction with each other because we want is something very specific so going here if I look at chat GPT I can say please look at this and help me come up with some content ideas for YouTube videos about pillow case fabric and sleep problems or whatever okay so now we go through and now we're getting something custom and unique what we need to think is not so much like oh hey you know bamboo pillows are good for this we want to think what would be interesting to most people okay what would be interesting okay um let's get some facts all right let's go through and say um what are some facts about most people's pillows notice how what I'm doing doing is I have all these AIS and I'm like hey what do you think about this now turn it into this now come back here and make a podcast about it that I'm not going to use for a podcast I'm actually just going to put it on my site and say you need to listen to this dialogue about pillows and bada bing bada boom there we go so now we're like okay now tell me some facts about most people's pillows maybe they have bugs on them maybe they are made out of cotton maybe they're this maybe they're that and starting to understand something important here because one we need are constant to to we need facts okay you ever wonder why on Election years politicians talk about facts because people listen to facts 90% of people's pillows are not helping them sleep that's something fact worthy that's something we can turn into content looking at notebook LM throwing at all the stuff and getting the output is key so now it says uh pillowcases which are frequently made of C cotton can Harbor dust mit's dead okay now how many of you guys are like oh wait a minute now we just got a game changer and I want you to know I am not an expert on pillows I don't buy my own pillow and if I don't like the pillow my wife gets me I'm I'm I'm stuck with it right there you go I just there we go but at any rate I'm not an expert on this which means I'm learning as you are I'm new this will work so now we're like okay pillowcas Is frequent okay great so now now I have this let's go back to chat GPT see what it says Okay um now I have an overview surface is coton okay great great now look at this and let's make something about a negative like facts about your pillow that may shock you or something like that okay and then I'll I'll feed it this here your pillow could be causing acne and skin problems your pillow may be okay so it's got that let's give it this other stuff from notebook LM and starting to understand okay let's see old pillows are full of that it's actually pretty decent stuff and this is stuff that we wouldn't normally think about now think about this I want you to imagine for a minute you're on the old Facebook and you're looking at what your friends and family are up to and all of a sudden you see this post that says warning what is hidden in your pillow might shock you how many of you guys would be like yeah I probably read that I mean I don't want to be shocked by the stuff in my pillow but it might just get my attention now boom let's see what it does with this shocking pillow fact what's lurking in your bed okay interesting so now I'm like wait a minute minute your pillow pillowcase is as dirty as a toilet seat I'd read that I'd be like wait a minute cuz I'm a germaphobe I don't like germs of any type I would read that and I would consume that content because I'd be like wait a minute what is this about so now we're looking at this and we're like wait a minute here's some interesting facts and what do we know we know that as a constant this is key now watch this now we go through and we're like okay why is uh what is it silk silk better here we go now it's time for the game changer hypoallergenic properties so now we're going to make an info this is a key I want you to write this down info torial or what is it infot torial sales thing profitable info inable there we go we're making up new words here the jokes are free so profitable infot tutorial infot torial is basically like a form of propaganda okay a lot of people look at this and like oh my God propaganda is bad terrible terrible stuff I I heard it's bad well all that propaganda means is a piece of content designed to propagate a message that's all it means now can it be used for bad a th% it's used for bad daily right propaganda is to propagate a message so we are going to propagate our message what's our message well if our content is to make money obviously this stuff what I'm teaching you is very powerful use it truthfully use it good if you don't have your best interest of your viewer in mind don't do this but if you do and you're like hey wait a minute silk does happen to be the best what if I craft a video a audio or whatever it is about this and I make it for the purpose of selling the constant and all I do is say hey you know what I'm going to be the pillow guide that's all I'm going to do how many $65 sales would you want in a day now disclaimer the results are not typical implied or guarantee the average person trying to make money online makes nothing but I think understanding how these tools work in conjunction with each other I think our odds go up quite a bit but how many $65 sales would you need in a day to make a good income this is where people struggle they marget I want to make $100,000 a year I say fine go get five sales five pillow sales how many of you guys are like 100 Grand a year would be a game Cher for me if I could make it from home what is stopping you from making that that money is five pillow sales a day that's it it's all you got to do get five a day five a day what would that be let's let's do the math here right five a day times 65 what is that 3 30 something like that 33 I don't know something like that right uh 325 36 something we'll use the calculator there we go we got all these AI tools Marcus doesn't need to add let's do 65 I usually can do math in my head but today I'm just off a bit 325 I was correct I just didn't know it right so now we're looking at 325 per day 300 a day or actually 274 a day is about 100 Grand a year so 100 Grand a year what is stopping you that we need to look at this practically because a lot of people they die oh let's go get some search engine rankings let's get this on the Google let's get that let's do this that or the other okay what we need to do is we need to look at it in a specific way and look at how we're going to do it practically now how are we going to use notebook LM to do that we're going to make content that other people don't have that's good that's based on getting them over into these things okay now let's look at it other way great thanks now please come up with 25 Pinterest pin ideas about different uh pillow fabrics and the benefits and downsides are you g to even say come up with 50 but we ain't got that kind of time right now we're doing a live show so now we're looking at this and we're like okay now come up with these different things like that now watch watch this okay what we're going to do is we're going to use the piggyback method okay because now I got these pins all right so now I got these 25 pin so now I got a video idea okay you don't need to use your voice don't worry obviously these tools have lots of voice so you could use chat GPT voice you could use uh the other voice you could use um the the notebook LM podcast thing okay and again it's not just for podcast like nobody really wants to listen to our podcast on pillowcases but they might listen to an info uh type thing as well so now we got a video now we got 25 pins you can get more and all of these are doing the work of propagating the message prop that says propagate all right propagating the message of you need to buy these $65 things okay pillow things now we're like hey check this out now we got these pillow cases good good good let's throw this in here so let's add another source we're going to go to paste text we're going to put in these different pillowcase Fabrics now it's going to change so what I did is I instantly threw a wrench in the transmission of the AI it thought it knew this thing now I gave it this other thing right so now we have like um down here it should have our our new note I think it's this one here something like that but it's in here and now it's got this so now let's go back to the notebook guide we're going to load a new conversation and we can do an FAQ so now we have come on now FAQ oh there goes it's generating all right there we go for my patients now we're looking at this and we're like okay check this out we have um it's going to generate a note based on the new 25 and the other stuff so notice how we're like getting a robust AI that we're training based on specific stuff that we want what are the benefits of using silk pillowcases boom here we go um here is FAQ what are the benefits how does it compare to Cotton I mean this will sell the product so if I have all these these pins and I'm like hey go to my site whatever pillowcase site okay and they go there and I'm like here's the FAQs of why you need it here's a podcast of people talking about the benefits and bada bing bada bang now I have all this content that can be used and we can see here all right everybody so for today's Deep dive we're going to be talking about something I know a lot of you are curious about I think can you guys guys hear that let's uh let me put this on so we'll listen to it all right everybody so for today's Deep dive we're going to be talking about something I know a lot of you are curious about um silk pillowcases and you know you send over a really interesting mix of Stu your markting material like are these things really as amazing as they say or is you just yeah there's definitely a lot of H I'll give you that but uh there's also some real science behind some of the benefits too so it's not all smoke and mirrors okay so let's break it down then uh this ad I'm looking at here it claims that sleeping on silk can reduce wrinkles while you sleep I mean come on sign me up but like really is there anything to that well it's not as farfetched as it might sound actually think about it this way every night your face is like smush people would listen to this right and we're like hey wait a minute now I have a study guide at table of content now I have all this stuff based on what I want I have an FAQ and now we're like wait a minute did this just kind of like do my whole job for me all I need to do is organize it because not a lot of people know how to use this in a strategic way now let's throw this in grammarly and see out of the gate I did a test last week and it came out no plagiarism at all um but let's let's test this in grammarly and see how it comes up it does sound real it absolutely sounds real so now we have Okay so this did come in with quite a bit and it's probably because it is the FAQ so we're at uh 25% external 12% AI generated so this this weighed in really good on a low AI score but it did have a plagiarism now when we go through and we look at the plagiarism there are some bigger ones like this whole phrase stuff like this but we can go through and I can go to chat GPT and open a new one and say please rewrite this in a fun human way and add to it and it'll go through and it'll rewrite this and often times this will help you um bypass it I find that with chat GPT if you use it correctly you're usually going to come out of the gate right around 10 to 12% plagiarism um with a little work you can get it down below two which two is usually really good because that means you know there's very few things that are actually going to um that are going to be feeding that um but looking at that now we're like okay hey check this out now it's got all this here let's go ahead and see how we're looking with the plagiarism all right right like this so now we're at 3% and 16 so 3% external which means 3% is exactly where you find it somewhere else which is low and the 16% says it's AI so it's actually giving a less AI result which is interesting so you know maybe using this to rewrite some of your stuff is going to be key okay understanding how that works is is absolutely gamechanging now a lot of people are asking about like the monetization of the um the uh the podcast but what I would do is I would just download this as an mp4 and then I would throw this into something like podcastle or any um speech to text generator so if we go to like podcastle which I think is a little bit more of an expensive one there are others you can use there are some that are free um but what we can do is we can actually throw this into podcastle and we could get a transcript and then we could just like pay people to read it we can run it through other AI voices we can read it ourself with a friend I mean it's literally game over you win and you can change these however you want and I think understanding like people looking for AI to just spit them out a paycheck you're wasting your time but are there ways you can use this to generate things that will propagate what it is that puts money in your pocket a thousand times yes and starting to look at this in a different way now I can go through and hit export and I can just do convert to text right like this and eventually it'll have a text file of it which is crazy okay very very cool and like um f affiliate says the monetization comes from selling more pillows absolutely that's where we're going to make money A lot of people are looking for the easy road which in reality isn't really that easy like you're going to be doing 500 things to get the same that I get from one good thing right and that's the key that's where we understand this and say okay now I can create these tools and maybe I can even have like let's uh please make a new pillow buying checklist right and now what we do is we're going to go through and we are going to use this in conjunction with our keyword tools so now I'll go here and I'll do like pillow case something like this okay and you can see that actually does get quite a bit of searches for that one which means they're selling a ton of them uh which means it's selling how to wash a pillowcase I mean could you not do Tik Tok videos on how to wash a pillowcase and then talk to them about hey here's some things that just don't wash out you need to listen to this podcast on my site to see how that works how many of you guys are having an aha moment in your like oh this is kind of changing the game because now I can use notebook LM now I can use chat gbt voice I can be the king of the pillowcase market and that's the key instead of going out there and trying to be the I'm gonna sell books on Amazon and I'm gonna sell this and I'm going to do Drop Shipping and I'm going to do that I was talking to a guy just a couple weeks ago Dude spent a fortune on a Shopify subscription and they they sold him on like three years in advance spent a bunch of money and he's like I don't have any money anymore because I bought this and I'm like okay what are you going to drop ship and he's like I don't know I wanted to do like some pumpkin things for Halloween and I'm like wait a minute why would you go and spend all this money when you don't really know what you're doing this is why people struggle instead what if you're like forget that forget what the gurus tell me forget about this forget about that I am now going to look at the constant and be like 65 bucks for the pillow I'm going to do that I'm going to buy a domain about that am I going to get Shopify well no this is affiliate marketing it's not Drop Shipping I don't need Shopify um do I need clickfunnels no I just need WordPress that's fine I'll just save some money and use WordPress guys there's a lot of in the age of AI I think what has gotten worse is thinking that tool tools are going to solve the problem tools don't solve the problem they never did they help right like having a hammer to build the new talk sober set yesterday was helpful if I didn't have a hammer I'd probably still be working on it but the tool isn't the be all end all what the be all end all is is knowing your constant and knowing how you're going to get that in front of people who are willing to pay for it that's going to get you the money it's very very important okay um someone says washing pillowcase leads to $65 sale well here's the deal it's a numbers game so if I have wash a silk pillow that's just a silk pillowcase so I know they buy silk pillowcases it's probably easier to sell on mine hint very important next let's do how to wash a pillowcase in general okay so now we have these people that are interested in how to wash a pillowcase okay how often should you watch a pillowcase so what we're going to do is we're going to take those people and we are going to propagate our message what is our goal our goal is to show them how the silk pillowcase is cleaner and better and more hypogenic okay what am I going to do I'm going to make videos about how people wash their pillowcase wrong 10 different bugs that are on your pillowcase different things you need to know how often you need to do it bada bing bada boom then all of this is going to get people interested in this topic think about it this way okay when you have stuff like American Idol Mr Beast hey Idol that does have the same initials as AI That's weird American Idol Mr Beast or other big channels okay what they get is a generic audience that's why I like they're coming out with you know lunch feast or whatever the heck product they have because this is difficult traffic to monetize why it's generic why can I get an ad on American Idol for like a million dollars and it goes to like 20 million people okay that's like literally 10 cents a person I think if my math is Right five cents a person something like that okay why can I get that so expensive because it's generic traffic we don't know what they want the more you know this is where AI is going to change the game the more you know about your viewer or the person looking at your content the more money you can make if I know they're interested in washing pillowcases Argo they're interested in dirly P pillowcases Argo they might be interested in soap and pillowcases and new pillows and beds and things like that that is worth way more money to me okay targeted traffic equals money I'm going to break a myth for you guys okay a lot of people and I want you to answer this a lot of people think the hardest part of affiliate marketing and making money online is traffic every day I log in I get comments that are like yeah Marcus fine and good but I need traffic yeah Marcus but I need traffic if I had traffic that would be the key every day how many of you guys agree with them tell me don't just humor me if you think traffic is the hard part hard to get hard to do if I just had enough traffic I'd be rich type it in the box say traffic is hard or um type yeah I believe that or something right or type traffic okay if you think traffic is the hard part type traffic in the Box all right A lot of people think it okay now the comments are flying in traffic is the hard part check this out wrong if you have a credit card you could go to Google and you could buy as much traffic as you want right now it's not hard you can buy it it is not the hardest part you could buy it right now you you go there you say okay let's go to spyfu spy Fu right like this and we'll do um pillow case wash or wash pillowcase okay so I could go here and I could get the ex zero zero cents wash pillowcase nobody's bidding on it so I could go here and I could buy traffic all day every day for how to wash a pillowcase okay so traffic's not hard that is a myth people who say traffic is hard they just don't want to put their money where their mouth is it's not hard conversion is the harder part starting to look at this and saying okay how can I use this AI tool to convert traffic that I could either pay for get free or whatever it is okay it is not hard I've been saying this since 2006 I made a video called traffic is not the hard part when I first started dabbling in teaching affiliate marketing everyone thought it was the hard part it's not I have bought over $2 million worth of traffic was it hard no I just gave them $2 million they gave me a bunch of traffic it wasn't hard to do it all you might say well Marcus I don't have $2 million neither did I I bought 10 bucks turned it into 20 then I bought 20 turned it into 40 then I kept going and kept going and kept going now disclaimer can you lose a lot of money yeah I had a friend who accidentally put $10 a click instead of 10 cents we went to dinner he came back 10 grand in the hole because of his little typo but at any rate traffic is not the hard part if you think it is you're wrong because you can buy it okay so now that we know traffic isn't the hard part what is the hard part well before it was making all this stuff but now we can make it with AI and now I can I can make a 10-page website about pillowcases like that literally before I go to lunch and it's 1 o00 here I need to go to lunch pretty soon this is not hard to do now I have a video I can make a little podcast they can listen to discussing pillowcases I can say now now make a simple checklist of how to keep your pillow case clean boom now we're going through and I'm like wait a minute now I can make this work I know my constant I know beyond a shadow of a doubt no matter what I'm going to get $65 when I sell that pillow I know that so now I have this here's a little checklist now I could go to like Pinterest or something let's hope there's nothing weird Pinterest and I can type in something like um pillowcase and let's see oh wow there's even pillowcase subscription boxes okay um you can even do like top pillowcases found on Amazon it looks like they dominate for a lot of Pinterest stuff um but starting to understand like okay now I can make a little pillowcase cleaning checklist I mean does anyone see like if all I did all day every was be the pillowcase guy could I make a living I think I could uh T Ty says but dude getting traffic cheap enough that turns into profit as key okay well let's look at that it's a numbers game so if you get $65 for every sale okay I'm let let's say it converts 1% okay that means at 1% conversion I'm at 65 cents per click and 1% with this should not be difficult not at all all right again results not typical implier guaranteed if you just buy ads and don't know what you're doing yeah you're going to waste money 65 cents a click which means all I need to do is get traffic less than 65 cents a click can I do that in the pillow Market I can or Marcus I don't want to risk that I mean shoot that's going to cost me some money fine go make videos and make content and get free traffic it is not hard to do at all you got to look at it because what's going to happen is everyone's going to have an excuse or a reason why they think something won't work oh I I tried paid traffic well we probably didn't do it the right way I put a video on Tik Tok we probably didn't do it the right way what we need to do is understand that all I need is one reason why it will work you can have a thousand reasons why you think it won't work all I need is one why it does and I remember when I first started my business people told me they said Marcus what's your backup plan what are you going to do if it doesn't work I said it's going to work they said well what if it doesn't I said it will there are people making money online here's how they're doing it I'm going to do it well Marcus what if it doesn't there is no way it's not going to work because someone else is doing it that's where I learned constant the constant right if you go out there and you focus on the constant you can't lose disclaimer results not typical implied are guaranteed the average person makes nothing but if you understand the constant and you say that is what I need that's it like there we go I find the thing I know I get the 65 bucks a sale so if I can get traffic cheaper than 65 cents good traffic I'm not talking go and run a banner on free website Banner cheap whatever I'm talking actual people looking up pillow stuff that's what we're doing now I have all this content that I make in Notebook LM I make in chat GPT and now like I have all these these contents for them before we would do like a splash page or direct linking or whatever which you could still do you could still make money with they still work but now I could I have all of this content that I could get I go through I say okay now um now make a seven part email followup series for people interested in this stuff right and it'll go through and it'll make the whole series and then I go through I'm like okay so now I can go and I can get a domain name pillow case whatever right and then I'm like okay now I put them to a thing put your name and email for my pillow cleaning guide you need this guide because all these germs are blah blah blah blah blah they put it in there they get the Guide then you s send them emails about pillowcase stuff eventually they're probably going to order the thing because I mean I've been doing this a while that's pretty much what happens right and that's how it works uh GPT says I prefer organic traffic over paid in my opinion it's more satisfying seeing results from work put in well yes and no like I mean I would challenge that and say yeah if you could make $1,000 a day with paid traffic I don't think you'd care if it was organic and satisfying you'd just be cashing checks I mean that's my personal um take on it usually when people don't like paperclick it's because they're a little afraid and they're afraid because they don't understand numbers but if you understand numbers it's game over you win and you can do paid traffic you could do free traffic you do whatever you want very important I do both I've been doing both since I think the first time I bought traffic was 2001 on seven search back before there was even we had seven search we had go to and we had find what um and I used those and they worked really well I'll never forget the first time I did a mortgage offer I was spending 70 cents a click and I was making like three bucks a click and I did it all day every day and they didn't have enough traffic I wanted to buy more um but understanding that is is very key um and understanding you know what we're looking at okay uh what niches could we start up doing with this digital affiliate offers well digital affiliate offers kind of pigeon holds you to a niche so I would say start with something interesting find something that's interesting to you because if you can find something interesting whether it's pillowcases whether it's life insurance whatever it is find that constant and either do it with domains right like you can go through and you can use domain names um to find your Niche and we go through that in other videos I'll put them in the description but starting other to understand how this works is key because now we have one of the highest paid skills I believe online and AI is doing it for us this is where the game changes because up until now you would have to go out there and you would have to do all kinds of research to learn all this stuff do you know how much research I just did in the pillow industry in about 10 minutes while doing a live stream like that's unparalleled of what was before usually you'd have to spend days but now I can do this at the drop of a hat in a specific way to propagate content for the purpose of selling a product and now I can be like okay so now I have um this here seven-part email follow-up series here they are tired of waking up Bed Head sleepy lines the hidden truth about your pillow kit I mean how many of you guys are like oh I get it because here's the deal for two years I've watched people sit on AI not making money because they're listening to the gurus tell them what they think they need to know okay I'm not asking you for anything you can buy my course later if you want to work with me but all the information is here free I have a uh business model where I give away everything I know here free so if you're like Marcus I don't want to pay anything gurus can take a hike I just want free stuff you can watch my channel there are enough videos here for you to make money I know people have done it okay if you want to work with me and have me look over your stuff and actually go through your sites and help you build things and help you personally yeah we have courses for that like high tiet nit.com however what happened is there's so many people listening to gurus Point them in the wrong direction they've missed the boat on AI what is AI good for research it's good for research adaptation content creation and making money only if you have a constant if they say go out there and make history videos for YouTube with AI one you can't monetize those two why would you be in the history Niche they're just looking for interesting stuff three why no no no no no no make videos about pillows then how you going to monetize it you're going to sell the pillows what are you going to make the content about silk satin bamboo this cleaning that the other everything needs to be in a line and if you don't know what your Niche is and you're just like oh well I'm making faceless videos I'm doing Drop Shipping I'm doing this I'm doing that then you you don't know what you're doing if you can't answer who your audience is why you're making the videos and what your constant is you don't have a business sorry I mean I know it is fun and cute but that's not what's going to put money in your pocket what's going to put money in your pocket is a direct approach direct approach and this is what we teach in high ticket niches and blog profit Network we teach you the direct approach and we help you with it we get people all the time and I I ask you on blog profit Network I say do you want me to be honest or do you want me to tell you the truth and more often than not people are like tell me the truth and I say your website is terrible you have no Niche you need to go pick a niche and I would rather tell you guys the truth about it because that's what's going to help you get ahead um flat star says you can make YouTube channels about the history of say cruise ships and sell cruise ship advertising no um that's not like selling if you had a video about why ancient Egypt civilization didn't sleep well that's not going to sell the pillowcases like why would you do that what you're doing is you're trying to take a square block and put it in a round hole you're like oh the guru said this let me adapt it to what Marcus said no no no no no no I need to figure out what my constant is and adapt that to my content and how I'm going to make money because far too many people they try to be get like creative and cute ideas which can work sometimes like if you come try to come up with the next pet rock you're probably going to why that just worked we don't know why it worked people wanted the pet rock it worked boom it hit if you try to replicate that you're going to be like my uncle who always has an idea for a T-shirt and never sells them oh well Marcus you know now you have print on demand okay but are you basing it Based on data no no no when we look at this so like I was looking at um Etsy and a lot of people want to make money on Etsy I'm like I you know I don't I really don't care how I make money everything works print on demand Works Etsy works search works YouTube works it all makes money every bit of it but you have to do it the right way and what we're doing is we're like okay I need to find the constant I need to find what works so if I'm doing Etsy and I want to be like the guy and this is the example I gave him for the Drop Shipping if I want to do like the Drop Shipping I can use something like pumpkin carving this is a site I bought about pumpkin carving okay it had 5400 rankings in Google for pumpkin carving stencils this will sell pumpkin carving stencils having the idea is worthless having the site is worth money this is like what we do in high ticket niches we find domains that are tied to a constant that get traffic that we could build up and make work if someone out there was starting from square square one and they're like oh you know I just want to sell pumpkin stuff on Etsy you you're going to struggle this I got built in traffic this site already gets traffic it's already got rankings it's already ready to go and starting to understand that with AI tools like notebook LM it's going to help us with strategic decision- making building expertise in Niche markets I could go through I could learn about pumpkin carving what are the safety for pumpkin carving uh where do you get those like if I wanted to go through and make content for this it is not hard to do at all Oogie Boogie pumpkin stencil okay let's go over here to um in this example I'm probably going to use uh perplexity because perplexity has a great ability to go out there and get info uh right now so I could do Oogie Boogie pumpkin stencil please find some of these with prices and info right now I could go through and I'm like okay here we go here's the yogi Boogie P pumpkin stencil there it is on Etsy here it is here this is content that would work fantastic for this pumpkin site how many of you guys are like oh that took that totally makes sense right and you understand like wait a minute uh Nick says if we join blog profit Network would we get training and help with setting up the notebook LM yes we are starting to do a lot more topical trainings last week we put one in there about I believe it was specifically to notebook LM um and we do cover it every week so yes um so now looking at this I could be like okay let's go to chat GPT and we'll say um new let's write a blog post about Oogie Boogie pumpkin stencil and let's do this use this please and make it fun also have related search section okay now I'm going to go through I'm going to templa it here's the yogie boogies where going to find them here's how much they cost if you like Oogie Boogie you might also like Jack Skellington and you know Sally and whatever else so now I got a blog post right how many of you guys are like this is what I need how to get paid is the constant I mean depending on where you go like if you go to Amazon they'll pay you bank wire if you go to um affiliate networks they'll do PayPal some places send you a check but now see it's actually doing the links which is cool and again with a little bit of work here's how to get the most results from your stencil related searches I mean just pretty good and again focus on good quality content that would help these people so now let's see what this looks like for play ISM and then we can make a podcast about the different uh pumpkin stencils what are the most popular oh hey Jan last week I made one with a cowboy on it whatever right um make sure it's good 1% matches external so right out of the gate no plagiarism and 50% AI so a little bit of tweaking it'll be um very specific and now all I would need to do is go down the list of all the other stuff that that it ranked for I mean how many you guys are like oh this totally makes sense now I can use these tools to do research in a niche that is based on something that would work and when you pair this with domains and different things like that it's a game changer because now I have something that's already working um just yesterday I bought a domain does anyone remember what that domain I bought was I look in the the thing here let's see it was a good domain for um it had a ton of rankings I don't remember what it was was something what was that I know I put it in the um box here yeah so it was for cutting machines it was for um like Cricut cutting machines and it had so many rankings this thing was a doozy and I'm like hey you know what I could go through I can learn about these using um The Notebook M and the other ones and this thing ranked for so much stuff it was crazy it was an absolute Zinger the back links were on point it ranked for 6,000 words related to um let me show you I'll give you guys example here 8,000 8600 keywords related to like how to download fonts to Cricut or circuit or however it is uh color tolerance circuit all kinds of stuff about those uh um tools so like if you were to look at keyword Explorer and go to I think it's C I cut Cricut like that yeah look at this all tons of people looking these up and these are actually not cheap right like 300 bucks 400 bucks 500 and it was a site just about these which is a crazy Niche right and I can go through and I could be like okay let's go to notebook let's start a new one right I could go I I could watch videos get the transcript I could go through and do like uh Cricut PDF I could download PDFs like the little sheets and things like that um I can find news sites whatever it is I could get transcripts from videos I could throw all of this stuff into notebook LM right so if I wanted to do a link put the link in there or I could save them all to like Google Drive boom there we go um another person said oh wait I think I got the wrong link there I think I need to actually go to the page there we go um let's get rid of that one so do a link like that or let's say we wanted to throw in the keywords from the site we'll just do I said not downloading let's do CSV there we go so if I go like this okay it's being funny here but you could get the like if you want to get the text from it I could just do like copy all the text um add a new one paste text boom there we go and then it'll it'll read all these and start to understand them and then if we wanted to do like uh this here I think let's see how do we do the CSV I think you'd have to have it in a Google drive there um but yeah there we go we just upload it h there you go Marcus read the directions so if we did like that you could go through and and do those in there or save it as a txt or something PDF um but you can learn about your Market in a super simple way and building expertise in your Niche is absolutely a GameChanger because now you're going to start to understand and the more you understand about your Niche and your Market the more money you can make um content creation and thought leadership you could think differently about things um Consulting and strategy development this is stuff you can use for clients if you don't want to do your own method you can go out there and do this for clients Ed research you could do research for other people investment research staying ahead of competitors this is key um I actually used notebook LM on the notes for today's video where if you were to go here let's see how do we get back over there there we go um today's video I went through and put in all the info that people were talking about and I was able to get new upto-date info and ask it questions about it to get it in my narrative um one of things we talked about I think it was last week we talked about the art of spin spin content to your narrative right if you can spin content to your narrative um that is key okay very very very important and so we could go through and we can use this and say now now help me now help me understand how to use notebook LM in local SEO marketing and it'll adapt for what you want which is crazy um and and that's key like that's how I stay on top of things even being older than most the people putting out content about this stuff monetizing research and digital products you can actually turn these into products um by having the audios as part of a product which is crazy uh making research part of your brand the key here is understanding how to use these tools to get the outb that you out that you want um again I'm going to have these notes over at download notes.com but let's recap and talk about notebook LM and what it is like for making money online uh creating content for blogs obviously we see like the pumpkin example we can make content super quickly we can throw in different things we can get audio all kinds of stuff generating podcast scripts as we showed uh before where we could actually take and put our podcast script or our podcast into something like podcastle which I have over here somewhere I don't remember where I had it podcastle um and we can download the actual script of the um audio there and it'll it'll transcribe it and everything like that uh very simple there we go I think it's like that and it'll actually transcribe that audio for you and you can use it for whatever it is you want to use it for um and you can see there like all right everybody today's deep dive talking about something silk pillowcases and you know s over a really interesting and they're actually literally going through and there is the transcript of my pillowcase uh talk as it were uh generating podcast scripts or show notes making videos also automating product descriptions this is key uh create informational products like ebooks guides videos offering content writing services this is where you could use notebook LM to do freelance writing very very cool um automating social media post this is key because I could go through I could get all kinds of news stuff throw it in there and get something specific that I would want to use for um my social content automating or monetizing tutorials and how-to guides creating affiliate product reviews like we did with the pillowcases building Niche specific newsletters I mean what if you went out there and you're just on top of uh the pillow Niche and you talk about new things which is crazy uh produce lead magnets for sales funnels this is a key you can make a giveaway like a pillow washing guide or or whatever it is uh developing Niche websites creating SEO friendly FAQs that was a good one we did offer AI assisted research service create printable or downloadable templates Big Game Changer there and generating email marketing campaigns again all of these notes along with um other behind the-scenes stuff over at download myy notes.com uh let's see here couple of questions you seem to have several courses and I get confused on which one to select what I would do is I would recommend that everyone start with blog profit network if you like it you can always upgrade later um that way you can get a feel for the teaching now if you're ready to to dive in you can look at high ticket niches and stuff like that but start with blog profit Network it's cheap you can go on the calls see if you like it see if you like working with me if you do you can always upgrade later uh you get specials for being a Blog profit Network person so it's not like you have to double buy things you just join and then you get an upgrade link very cool um can you create faceless YouTube videos using the podcast transcript you could um it's up to you whether it's going to be a good one and what you want to use it for but I think understanding like knowing the constant and understanding your Market is absolutely crucial to making this work um M make money says great list again you can get the list over at downlo my notes.com we actually have a new person Valeria who's working here um she does all the notes and stuff for us to make sure that you get those so awesome stuff um someone says you can use notebook LM to write YouTube scripts based on specific notes yeah I mean I can go through and I can take this pillowcase podcast right like this and I can go to chat GPT and I can turn this please turn this podcast into a video script and it'll go through and it'll do that and understanding that we can use the different Tools in conjunction with each other is key uh Patty says blog profit network is the smartest best tool mentorship guidance online Bar None I wouldn't spend a penny on anyone or anything else thanks for that um I think it's a good one um again the key is in blog profit Network you can bring me your sites you can show your content you can show me what works what doesn't work we help you every step of the way um we have a call Tuesday and we have a call Friday Tuesday is you could ask whatever you want Friday is more geared toward teex stuff and tools and uh WordPress and stuff like that but we can see here it turned it into a video script and it's Unique because it's based on the stuff that I fed it and being able to use notebook LM and other tools like this to get a custom trained AI on what you want it trained on that's a GameChanger so hopefully you enjoyed this check out download myot notes.com for the notes check out the links in the description if you want to learn more and thanks for watching smash a like button and we'll see you on Friday
Ai News: Chatgpt Voice + Notebook LM = Hidden Money Opportunity!