Affiliate Guru’s Do NOT Want You To See This – Paypal Honey Scam!

[Music] the honey coupon browser extension by PayPal is it the biggest influencer scam in YouTube history well today that's what we're going to go over because I found 13 hidden codes deep within the honey app coupon browser you're going to want to see these plus I created a new tool to show me every time an affiliate cookie has changed when why how and what it's changed too so we're going to get to the bottom of this once and for all because after being an affiliate marketer for over 25 years yes this affects me not to mention the fact that I've made multiple millions of dollars promoting various different Chrome extensions so yeah this is super important so in this live training we're going to go over the truth about the honey app including a secret little website that most people don't know about that drops affiliate cookies like crazy we're also going to talk about a very similar issue that happened with Credit Karma how the last cookie attribution Works in affiliate marketing plus Shady affiliate tactics you need to know about if you're going to buy stuff online a full AI analysis of the code that runs these browser toolbars other companies that are pretty much doing the same thing Honey's doing only nobody's talking about those and of course I'm going to show you different affiliate marketing tactics that are used to make money some ethical and some an outright scam so after watching this entire live presentation you're going to know exactly how to stay safe online what's happening when you click a link Hint it might not be what you think how affiliate marketers are making billions and billions of dollars each and every year plus some hidden things you probably didn't know about that are putting tons of money in the pockets of unknown Affiliates armed with this knowledge you're going to be safer online you're going to understand how money is made and I'm going to show you how to make money for yourself this is going to be a pretty long live stream we're going to go over The Good the Bad and the Ugly so we're going to need some coffee to get started and remember what you're going to learn today is based on cold hard facts after having been in this industry for over 25 years getting my first affiliate commission back in the year 2000 yeah I know a thing or two about affiliate marketing and today I'm exposing it all including some of the things other Affiliates might not want you to know so if you're interested in the honey app how it makes money if it's the biggest scam of all time then smash a like button we're going to hop over to the live set and as with all of my videos we will make the complete notes file available to you more information on that in just a bit so sit back relax and get ready to see deep inside the honey app Scandal Shady ways affiliate marketers are making money money crazy affiliate tactics that you probably didn't know were going on how and why influencers are missing the boat plus some ways that you can use this information to put tons of money in your pocket let's dive in the computer and I'm going to show you everything [Music] live all right ladies and gentlemen welcome to the show today what we're going to do is we're going to look at a lot of the claims that are going on around the honey app affiliate marketing affiliate links and how money is made online now I think this is really important because talking about how money is made online is something that a lot of people don't understand what I learned with the honey app controversy and the PayPal toolbar and everything like that was that a lot of people don't understand the internet in a way that I probably thought that they did so what we're going to do is we're going to dispel the myths we're going to talk about how it works we're going to talk about some of the claims and some of the things that were correct and some of the things that I think might have gotten wrong now when we talk about honey and PayPal and different things like that all of this stuff is alleged until you know things are made to light but what we're going to do is we're going to talk about facts we're going to talk about data we're going to talk about how this stuff works how affiliate marketing works and everything like that now for those that are new there was a scandal so-called Scandal that happened with the honey app where some influencers said hey you know what um they scammed a bunch of influencers they made this toolbar the influencers promoted them and it took away their affiliate commission we're going to talk about what that means and how it works in just a minute now what these people are calling it is the biggest scam in YouTube history now I think that's a little bit of a stretch but we're going to talk about why in just a minute now when we look at this we're going to go through and I'm actually going to show you a tool that I created just for this I used Ai and luckily my programmer was around during the holidays and we used him to make them as well those tools are going to actually go through and show us some of the cookies that are on websites now I have three versions of the tool we're going to dive in we're going to show you how this works also we uncovered a couple of websites that the honey app is using to actually get these coupon codes and drop affiliate links and things like that what you're going to learn today is four different things number one the truth about the honey app how it works number two you're going to learn how money is made online The Good the Bad and the Ugly so that you can protect yourself online and if you choose to make money we're going to teach you that as well number three we're going to teach you secret scammy ways Affiliates and big businesses are trick you to make more money and 99.9% with a bar over it of people out there have no idea what is going on also we're going to talk to you about how and why influencers are missing the boat on two huge opportunities to make money online now I got to say thank you for being here um we actually have a lot of stuff set up we have our whiteboards over here we have our chalkboard setup everything we're going to go through and dive into this in a realworld way so that you can understand exactly what's going on we're going to map it out first of all there's three major things that we need to look at which is why I have the three major whiteboards and the chalkboard over there first of all I want you to know at the get-go I am not defending the honey app I'm not defending PayPal I'm defending a business model that actually works now defending a business model and saying a business model is bad is different from depending defending a business that's actually using that model in a bad way this is super important a lot of people don't understand this I saw this happen really big back a couple years ago there was someone saying you know the ACT blue platform donates to uh a certain political candidate and it's like no it goes to several different ones it's just a platform and a lot of people do this they throw the baby out with the bath water and they're looking at okay this platform is bad as a whole when in actuality it's just a couple of Bad actors now what we're going to do first and foremost most is we are going to talk about the use of a toolbar or a tool to get affiliate commissions now in the video that is in question I think I have it here the person me meal lag I think is is how you say the name he went through and he said okay well it's kind of like this using an affiliate toolbar would be like if you just walked up and took someone's commissions at the end of the sale even though a Salesman helped them so first of all what I want to do is I want to preface this and yes this has everything to do with your ability to make money online and how this stuff works and we're actually going to go through I have some tabs open here where we're going to look at some of the codes and what's going on behind the scenes that you might not know but first of all let me ask you this question and I want everyone to go through and answer this question if there was a tool let's say there was the honey app or a coupon tool and it was Flawless and it helped you save money and the coupons worked and it actually paid you back some money and all of those fancy things and they promoted it themselves online would you have an issue with that company making money with affiliate marketing right if you provided a tool and they're likey here's this tool it's going to help you that's what we want to look at here and I want you to answer yes or no and while you're answering yes or no I'm going to hop over to the chalkboard over here hopefully the screen will follow us or the camera rather there we go it is following good so over here on the chalkboard we're going to ask oursel the question if a toolbar was good if there was a good app would you have a problem with them using affiliate cookies so here you have the app and here you have them making money with affiliate commissions now in the videos and what a lot of people are saying is that this would be fine if they went through and they made money clean then there wouldn't be a problem we're going to get over to the influencer scam in just a minute over there on this whiteboard hopefully this follows me good and it doesn't make us too dizzy but a lot of people said that would be good now what happened with mag lag's video or Mega lags video is he went through and he said well this is kind of like if you were at a store and there's a Salesman all right here's the salesman here we'll make him he's tall so that we could differentiate there's our salesman there and the salesman helps this guy pick out a brand new computer things like thousands of dollars and he literally gets him the computer on the cart and then he goes to check out at the store and the salesman's like dude I got this one in the bag I helped the guy out I'm going to get a commission only in the magal lag video he says but there's a guy at the checkout counter that asks you hey you want to save some money oh just kidding I don't have any coupons and he gets the commission from this guy now a lot of people are saying that this is unethical this is bad but I want to point out something interesting there's something that that video missed that is super super important because before this guy got to the store he downloaded a tool which would be the same as if he said hey I want this guy to be my personal shopper he's going to help me save money and no matter who helps me along the way he's going to get Commission because he is my personal shopper this is something a lot of people missed now again pay close attention because what we're going to talk about is how this works in a super simple way it's much like a story years ago when I was looking to by my first house I didn't know about Realtors I didn't know about a lot of this stuff okay and so I found I found a house I liked online and I went and looked at the house and at that house there was a lady was a realtor and she was like okay let me drive you around and show you some other houses and so she drove me around show me some other houses and I was like oh thank you that's great that's wonderful then later down the road she asked me do you have a realtor you're working with I said yeah we're working with a family member who's a realtor and she got very mad and I was like wait a minute why would you get mad about that and back then I didn't understand business clearly uh as good as I do now and that Realtor got mad but the did nothing to protect her business she didn't say hey sign up she didn't say before you get in the car before I spend time showing you houses sign here she didn't say do you want me to be your realtor she did none of the above she just assumed that oh well I drove him around I should get the commissions so this is a lot like what's going on here there's a lot of influencers that are saying hey wait a minute this isn't that great but the influencer did not protect their investment they didn't protect their business now when we're looking at this store analogy and the realtor analogy and the fact that most people here answered hey you know what if they have an app that helps and it uses affiliate commission then that's not really a bad thing we're going to get into more of this in just a minute first of all what we need to do is we need to look at other businesses that are doing things that people don't like but aren't necessarily illegal or wrong right they people just don't like them this is the the the the birth of monopolies you have Amazon that literally put tons of businesses out of business you had Google who recently had Monopoly lawsuits brought against them because of their use of yep you guessed it a toolbar which was uh the Google Chrome and all the other stuff they were using it was actually a browser they have toolbars as well but looking at this we need to understand why this is not the scam that people think it is because what happened here is everyone that I've watched so far is missing the point that they had to click and add this to their browser okay now were they super upfront about what it was in my opinion they were not in my opinion from what I understand right under that add to Chrome button it should have said we make money with affiliate links absolutely should say now looking at this and understanding the the vast majority of people don't understand affiliate links is actually kind of important and also the honey app actually dropped down over a million users pretty much overnight since these videos came out now it does say that they use cookies to improve the experience and then later in their terms and conditions they do say you agree to the terms and in those terms you have to dig for it which again in my opinion that is not good you got to be upfront when you're up front and you tell people stuff they actually respect you a lot more as I've learned here with my disclaimer that's kind of gotten famous right um but they have this little part that says how does honey make money honey makes commissions from our Merchant partners and it talks about affiliate marketing and rewards and different things like that so what we're seeing here is okay this is what's go on and so they didn't disclose as good that they were an affiliate now some of the other things we're going to talk about that the other video brought to light was the replacing or swapping of affiliate cookies a lot of people don't know but when you're browsing online a cookie drops on your computer when you click an affiliate link and that gives the affiliate credit for the sale now what the video was alleging was that oh wait a minute the honey app is actually going through and they say hey there's Marcus's cookie who did all the work to get the sale we're going to get rid of that and we're going to put the honey cookie now for those who understand cookies this isn't what's happening what's happening is is a last cookie attribute which means all they're doing is getting you to click the link next there's no replacing there's no weirdness other than just clicking a link it's much like if you went out there and you were like you know what I want to buy a new camera all right here's your camera it's got a flash because it's one of the old school ones and you're like I want to buy a new camera and you watch my video on how to buy a new camera and you're like dude that Marcus guy knows what's up you click the affiliate Link in the description and you go to the site and now you are cookied on the site if you order I will get paid however what they're saying is wait a minute the honey app is now taking that that link and changing it what they're doing is they're just having a new link open which drops a new cookie do I like this as an affiliate marketer Ian I've been an affiliate marketer for 25 years this is how I make my living this is what I've done all day every day for the last 25 years which is most of my life and pretty much all of my adult life am I happy about this no but they legit got people to download this thing so technically it is their customer do we have to like that no we don't but that is the rule the last cookie attribute says whoever's customer that is whoever gets them to click there you go now if I was to go through let's say you do all the hard work here's you and you're like okay I did all the hard work they click the affiliate link but they didn't buy right away and they also happen to be on my email list if I email them a new link with some value of course you always want to add value then now I am going to be cookied did I go through and change the link no did I go through and delete or erase cookies no what did I do I went through and gave you a new one it's a fresh cookie it happens all the time you think by the time you actually buy on Amazon you probably clicked a bazillion affiliate links before then so what we have to do is we have to look at this stuff objectively and we have to understand exactly what's going on also we need to understand the power of big sites because what you're going to learn is that you can do this on a minute level do you have to compete with honey no are you going to make $100 million a year or whatever it is claim to make no maybe I don't know some people might but can you do this in something small maybe you're in the fishing Niche okay maybe you're in the tech Niche maybe you're out there in the tech Niche and you have a website and you have Tech stuff and your goal is to find them the best prices on the best products and give them reviews this is going to make money very important now when going through you are also going to see that different websites honey owns like which is their main website this is the one that their toolbar and all this stuff runs off of and what we're going to see here is that they actually rank for over 270 231,000 keywords in Google from different things like honey coupon to store coupon so they're literally ranking for Walgreens photo coupon and they use their cookie to get you to buy that which makes them money again we are commenting on the business model because the business model however they're doing it right or wrong the business model should not be combined with what you think they're doing wrong this is a business model that has worked for a long time tons of big businesses and small businesses alike use this the use of having something that's going to help you retain your People based on one interaction I.E a toolbar a mailing list whatever it is that is something that actually works very very well now if we were to sort these by volume you're going to see that there's Michaels coupon door Dash Old Navy and on and on we go now why are these important these are important because if you were to Google these what you're going to see is there's lots and lots of things going on where people are ranking for this why because it gets traffic there are tons of companies doing this uh you have disc coup you have retail meot Groupon and even Groupon is doing this if you were to go look at the Groupon page right like this and you click on this it's the same thing that happens it's the same thing I said four years ago when I made my video about the old um thing here right so what happens is you're going to click this it's going to open a new tab see right there opened a new tab went to shine and now I'm cookied for shine right very simple same thing if we do this over here in our tool to show you what the cookies look like if I was to go over here like this type in the group on okay right now you can go through the cookies you can look at them and you can see okay what kind of cookies are going on here we have this one here for group on group on group on group on okay now what happens if we were to go to shine shine let's let's copy and paste it because I I'm not even going to try to spell that the right way but if you were to go over here to shine all right we're going to go like this let's open a new one here here we go this will work we're going to go to shine right like this and you will see that if we go to shine like this there are going to be no affiliate cookies from the honey app okay and we have it blinking to show you which ones are Affiliates which ones are not however if we were to click this right here it's going to pop up and is going to show us boom now they're changed now it's going to have a whole bunch with group on see how the Groupon one is now on the uh let's go to the other site here uh where the Groupon ones will actually show there and you will see them whatever their affiliate code is sometimes they they have a name sometimes it's a number whatever it is but what's happening is it's open opening that new tab and it's making it different for us so when we look at this and we say okay how does all this work well there's another one here where they have o.

Honey. which is the one they use for their affiliate links what they're doing is they're doing a redirect making it work there now as we get deeper into this you're going to see that there are other companies that do this rutin Capital One Shopping voucher codes and all these other ones now if you were to look at this you're going to see let's see what I have here I have a bunch of notes so just sit tight yeah you're going to see here this is what their main one looks like um and you can see how they're ranking and things like that now here is another interesting one that was showing how the activation and different things work on the honey page they have different activate offers and different buttons you can use and you could see here it's going to go through and say oh we found you a better deal and different things like that now a lot of problems people had was okay it's saying there's a coupon it makes you click to to say give me a coupon and then when there's no coupon they are still getting the affiliate commission well I mean that's kind of a gray area like are there things that this company does that are little bit more gray area there are but that is a gray area because again they got the person to download the tool that is the battle like that that's that's what they did Unfortunately they did it really well now on the other side of the coin and again you're going to see they rank for all different kinds of things like this if you want notes from this video I have them here at this link we'll have them later now let's get into problem number two problem number one was the use of the toolbar to get affiliate commissions where' we go okay I have this one the use of the toolbar to get affiliate commissions now number two okay there's three things we're looking at when it comes to deciding is this an outright scam is it terrible what's going on versus okay is this just kind of shady what's going on here then we're going to get into Shady affiliate tactics and how to make money again we need to understand this because if you're going to use the internet you need to kind of know what's going on behind the scenes so looking at this we're going to go through and say okay what is the issue of having a bad tool so we all agreed if you had a good tool it worked to help people it's no problem having affiliate commissions nothing wrong with it the guy asked for it again the customer asked for it now did they disclose full in my opinion they could have done better but the customer clicked the install button and not only that but we're going to get to the influencer thing the influencers told you to download it and and and click it so there's like a double thing there so number two is having a crappy or Shady tool what does this mean this means okay there's no coupons it doesn't find coupons half the time it doesn't work sometimes and even when it does it's kind of dodgy and and whatever but I found that like 50% of the time it did save money they are saying that they do save people money and things like that so having a dodgy uh tool you know that's kind of something we got to look at here and let's talk about the ways that this would be dodgy if we were to go over here to um having a bad product okay are we let's see if we can zoom in here there we go um having a bad product we'll try to we'll move me instead of the camera apparently that's easier uh having a bad product would be no coupon codes bad coupon codes or scammy coupon codes like we saw one of the things that does look like a problem was the alleged uh idea that they are paying or companies are paying them to give them worse coupon codes also one of the things was okay everyone who's using these types of apps is making things more expensive because the coupon codes are dropping the price down okay is that is that fair well I mean they found something that works did they do it the best way I don't think so however some of the other Shady stuff that this alleges if we could get the camera to follow us over here that would be fantastic there we go and we'll zoom out come on zoom out there we go um some of the other stuff was the pop unders okay a lot of people were saying okay what about these pop unders where it's actually popping something under check out clicks where there's a click on the checkout right it's like okay you're following them around to the checkout you click it is that stealing an affiliate commission more about that in a minute under the radar this is something I thought was very important with the honey app because a lot of the stuff was under the radar not so much meaning deliberately under the radar I don't know I don't work there but under the radar of most people meaning most people didn't know what was going on also the paid sponsors and the paid codes I'm not a fan of that at all I think that is very bad um also we need to really look at the fact that when you're dealing with the idea that it's an affiliate scam I think it's more of a a uh business strategy than a scammy thing now are there bad things yes there are um an affiliate scam would be like you are deliberately going in there and unethically changing people's stuff without either party's consent now in this one they they had the the consent of the person downloading the tool right it's like hey you know this is going to do stuff that's how the business makes money um and the influencers over there too so there's two parties on this now let's go through and look at some of the different things that are contributed to affiliate scams okay and also we're going to get into those 13 hidden codes and cookies and droppers and things like that I actually went through and I used I think it was Microsoft Edge yeah we use Microsoft Edge to take a look at the workings of the plugin and the reason we use Microsoft Edge is because they have co-pilot I would have ran this through um chat GPT but the code was a little bit too long and what we're seeing there is okay um let's see let's scooch this over a little bit what we're seeing here is the idea is okay what's going on with these codes and I actually went through this is what the code looks like and I went through and said okay well what does this stuff mean what's it actually doing okay and someone says um it's it's a bad business strategy I think it's a smart business strategy done poorly right a bad business strategy would be like okay you're legit taking from someone um whereas a a good business strategy would be like what if I had a website where I'm like hey come here before you buy any fishing gear before you buy any cameras and get them at that part because they know they trust me that in a sense not saying they did it good in a sense the toolbar was The Trusted source and I think that's what a lot of people have problems with but they're they're taking these three things and they're combining them together now looking at the actual code we're seeing what runs okay so they have different programs that run much like the toolbar that I created that that finds the cookies and things looking at browser actions one of the things that I did not like at all about this tool and it kind of freaked me out was the fact that it actually entered coupon codes on my behalf like when I click the button Boop doop it's going to go through all those coupon codes to find one that works I don't like things that control what I'm doing online I don't like that at all because then could it not place an order could it not do other things yes it's kind of one of those give them an inch and you get a mile but again ladies and gentlemen the purpose of me doing this stream because on last video I got a lot of junk for it like I got some really bad comments more than ever before because I'm like hey this is this is how the business works unfortunately there are things going on behind the scenes and I think in 2024 it is time that we learn how the internet works especially if we want to make money especially if we want to save money especially if we want to stay safe online and understanding how these things work is more important now and in 2025 because ladies and gentlemen if you don't get this now when AI comes you're going to be lost because AI can do so many things like I mean it just mindboggling what AI can do and what people don't understand but back to the plugin we can see that it has a Content security um background scripts that are running which basically if you look at the scripts it's it's basically like look for these websites if they visit one of these websites and the page says check out pop up this code much like if you were to go through where you have the honey app installed and you were to go to like blue host or something like that and let's say you you go to purchase something what's going to happen is it's going to go through and it's going to pop up that cookie and it's going to say hey you're on a website that is one of our websites boom coupon found that is how that is working okay can work the same on websites and different things like that but that is how it's working here it's with a popup HTML which is a normal standard for these types of toolbars now again when you click apply coupons yes it does add a new link what it's doing essentially it's not replacing it's not changing it is going through and it is adding a new link that's it like you click Bob's link then you click my link last cookie wins last click wins we've seen this in product launches forever um I was I think I was like on the top leaderboard of the cartra launch which is cool because one of my mentors who doesn't know he's my mentor I just watched him for years was in there and he was like number three I was number four I'm like damn okay cool I'm up there I'm a little happy about that but one of the things we know with those launches email early email often why because otherwise your cookie will get overwritten some people go as far in product launches to say make sure it's my cookie code and then order a lot of those are seen on like JV zoo and stuff like that where they're actually actively looking for it or maybe like ClickBank where it actually says the affiliate ID it is encrypted but it will say it in there now going through here you can see if you're to go for the cookies all you have to do is hit inspect and it'll pop up this you hit storage you'll see the cookies now you're going to see here what the cookies look like I don't know if I clicked it yet but you can see in here what they look like and then of course you once you click this it's going to apply it and open a new blue host the reason it opened the new blue host again this is not changing cookies it opens the page to get the cookie right that's literally what's happening here so we're seeing that happen is that is that good is it shady I mean it's something coupon companies have been doing for years that's how they make their money you did agree to install the thing I think in in 2025 we need to learn what we're installing right you got to learn this stuff very important so going through and we'll go through this WJ is a little lost don't worry we're going to go through this in a in a bigger part later understanding this is key ladies and gentlemen if you don't get this you're going to fall for a lot of videos that are out there that that say things that are like oh my God look at this it's like hey this is stuff it's been going on for years does it make it right some of it is just by Nature right some of it wrong but we need to be educated also they have the ability to uh turn off certain features of the honey app and things like that now I want to point your attention to Credit Karma and their affiliate lawsuit last year last year credit Karma had a affiliate lawsuit okay why did they have an affiliate lawsuit well one how many of you guys use Credit Karma type uh Karma or something in the box right Credit Karma has a thing where credit I think it's with a C Credit Karma one of them all right and Credit Karma has a place where you can go and you can get a free credit report as someone mentioned on other videos if you if you if if if you don't know what the product is and you don't know how the business is making money then you are the product right your data is worth money I was reading something recently that uh the honey app had said hey every user we have is worth about $15 a year interesting okay so we look at that and we're like okay makes sense looks good credit karma had a free app or free tool where you could check your credit for free up until then it was like $15 $30 $50 to check your credit they said we're going to make this free but we're also going to collect data this is going to get into some important interesting things if it goes over your head listen anyway it'll make sense later this going to be a long live stream I don't have to go to the gym today so we're here for a while I should go to the gym but I don't have to today uh my Trader is out for the day but at any rate if we're looking at Credit Karma what they did is they said okay we're going to do recommended credit cards and they said hey you have a 90% approval odds for this one 75 for this one and a 0% for this one now what a lot of people don't know is as an affiliate I have done this with credit card offers we get paid when people apply for a credit card just apply they don't got to sign up they don't got to get approved they just apply and we get paid and sometimes it's in like 100 to $300 I did really well with these uh back with my gas prices website when gas prices were going through the roof credit C knew this they said hey guys we can get a lot of money for these your credit cards that's how they make money business is their business model is smart the stuff they did not so much we are talking about business models because when you go out there and you say maybe honey did bad stuff I don't know it's alleged apparently there's more stuff coming out about it but when you say well toolbars bad honey bad no no no honey bad to bar is okay free credit as a model if done correctly can be fantastic as we saw the lawsuit was only like $2 million Credit Karma makes that like every I don't know couple of days or something don't quote me on it but they make a lot of money what they were caught doing was putting credit cards that paid them more money at the top whether you could get approved or not they were out there saying okay we're going to put this to the top that's what we're going to do why because they knew they would get money based on it and that was the grift okay they got sued for that had they just left it alone and said hey you know what here's some credit cards that work good for people like you maybe you own a house you don't own a house whatever makeup they had they'd still get money they probably wouldn't have lost all that much now this is the same kind of thing that was going on and the same thing they're alleging with um the honey app where it's like okay it's doing things that are not as good as they could be and the FTC came down on them for this where they said okay you need to pay $3 million now again 3 million bucks is a drop in the bucket but again how much did that one thing actually make them probably 3 million if that if that's the case right and it said they were pre-approved and stuff like that now again with the honey app thing bad coupons deliberate lower coupons this is deceptive is it the biggest scam ever I don't think so by a long shot and we're going to talk about that in a minute but first let me bring up some big YouTube scams FTX was a big scam on YouTube there were creators who promoted FTX now all I had to do was look at it because every single day I get emails of people saying we will give you a big check bigger than any check you've ever had if you promote our crypto and I say I'm not going to do it why because I know it is a rug Pole right we just saw that happen with the the Haw Tua people again allegedly I don't know who's going to invest in that coin didn't make sense to me but hey you know what I'm a different breed looking at this and understanding okay I'm not going to promote this cuz I know when I promoted toolbars I knew what they were doing right I I would promote ones that had search on them it was basically they made money through paid search very simple okay looking at that was interesting but we had FTX huge scam crypto pumping DS you see these happen daily now you have the free crypto giveaways where they literally they're like oh hey here's this Creator Elon Musk is live on the Channel no he's not it's an old video and he's not going to give you any Bitcoin I mean that's that's not how that works he's not going to come out there and do that live a lot of people unfortunately don't understand this stuff and they don't know what's going on also there was other crowdfunding fake investment groups bitconnect Ponzi these are things I won't do could I come up with some coin and sell it to people who don't know better I could do it I I I don't want to do it right I mean a lot of people are doing this in whatever I'm not going to do it because I value my ethics more than I value my bank account and looking at this and understanding what's going on I think it's important to look at this okay it's important to look at this one of the big things so there was three parts to this and then we're going to get into understanding affiliate tactics the three parts to this were hopefully our camera will follow us all right hopefully come on are We following we're supposed to be following maybe we're on the wrong camera now it's on the right one okay the three parts to it was the app here okay which is the toolbar the second part was the affiliate so the app drove people to the affiliate thing the affiliate links which made them money the third part got to have sound effects there the third part was the influencer scam so a lot of you guys saw the honey app on a lot of influencer channels you got Mr Beast you got elius Tech you got pretty much tons of people okay why did they promote it they promoted it by going through and saying okay let's get all of these influencers to make sponsored videos again this is something that I do all the time I do this all the time where we go through and we're like okay um or I don't do it all the time I get offered it all the time I get emails every day every time I go home and check the email because it's the email at home on Outlook yes I still use Outlook right on the Outlook um I get people who are like hey we will pay you to promote our product and I've only done one promotion that was a paid promotion just for the product I told the company I will do a webinar I will be honest about your stuff here's how much it costs and if I don't like your product live on the stream I will tell them what I don't like I not going to be paid to shill whatever you want to show if I was going to promote the honey like back in the day when I promoted coupon apps I actually went went through and made it work I went through and I was like okay I have this computer that I legit do this stuff and test these out a lot of these influencers didn't a lot of these influencers were like oh honey duped me okay if they duped you and I had a tech Channel I mean I I I don't know it's like obviously if they are making money and they're paying you to tell people to download their stuff then we got to look at that and we have to understand that in real world way because these influencers this video alleges honey came to them and said we're going to give you money all right so they come to them they're like we're going to give you $100,000 some people actually made a lot more than that whatever it was 100,000 a million pick your pick your amount for your favorite Creator the Creator then says Go download honey then honey swaps out the affiliate links okay but correct me if I'm wrong in the world of business transaction's done when you promote the thing it's done you got paid you can't say I got paid they got honey now I'm not getting paid again no you got paid to promote something you are paid to sh a product this is why I don't do this a lot I do it on affiliate stuff little different areas and I do vet the products um and I look at them and make sure they're good however with this the transaction is done so if you're mad that the affiliate thing is happening I mean there's an obvious person who did not vet this stuff and to say oh poor influencer they they're they're hurt well I mean you hawked a product that now you're saying isn't that good because there was a check involved let's be honest about it and then you're mad that they're taking your affiliate commissions which again I don't think this number is huge the amount of people using honey versus whatever I never saw a decline in Revenue nobody complained nobody was like oh my gosh my Revenue went down until the video came out that's interesting so now we look at this and we say what about the paying of the influencers okay very very important so the paying of the influencers was to go through and say they paid them there you go that's the end of the transaction it's like a commercial on TV right if you're some famous actor and you shave your beard with this this Stu I mean that's the end of transaction if you don't have a beard later that's not their problem right you don't get a cut of the sales unless that's in the agreement um Tommy says swapping affiliate links was corrupt again it was not swapped it was the last cookie attribution am I saying it's right that's for you to decide am I saying it was above board again for you to decide however in this industry it's not the swapping of a cookie this is what that video got wrong it was the reintroduction of the cookie okay very very important um 30-day email says 90 99% of affiliate stuff is a scam depends on where you're looking right there's millions of people who make money with Amazon they're just selling stuff on Amazon not necessarily a scam there's millions of people doing other things are there bad actors yes this is what we're saying here is that when you have a video that says oh this is bad because this person's doing it bad that is not the case it's bad because they're doing it bad that doesn't make the business model bad so when we look at it you have to understand these because I see this happen all the time so what is the last cookie what that means is a cookie does not get changed or swapped out it's not how it works what happens is you get a new cookie that's why when you're over here on the page and it says hey we got a coupon for you that's why when you click it it is then opening a new tab that's why that new tab is what's making the new cookie new cookie New Link much in the same way if you went to a different site if you were to go out there and you were to look at various different sites and you're like hey I'm going to I'm going to do whatever uh obsbot that's the camera I'm using reviews and you go through and you look at reviews and you click number one and you're like that's cool but I want to see what it looks like in HD so you click link two there's a cookie there's another cookie did number two overwrite your cookie he did not now part of the ethics issue was like okay on the checkout if you're not providing value okay well they're sort of providing value with the coupon code so looking at that I mean we got to understand this stuff because that's how it works like cookies get clicked all the time um and this stuff seems revolutionary because a lot of people don't understand it and that's why I'm doing this video today because I want you to understand it I want understand how it works also a lot of people think that this is a cookie because it's or this is an affiliate link because it's got all this stuff in it right like oh hey it's got the affiliate ID how many of you guys if you're honest with yourself you say well there's an affiliate ID that's an affiliate link so if I copy this and I send it to people I'm going to get paid how many of you guys think you're going to get paid type paid in the Box very important I see this all the time people wonder why they're not making money this is why all right if you said paid incorrect incorrect you are not paid on this one because this is not the cookie dropping link this is a tracking link this is putting the tracking stuff in there very important uh of Nazareth says the fact that honey runs knowing there is no coupon code offer and then jacking the affiliate position is what gets me upset I agree on the first part they they are not jacking the affiliate link again someone chose to download the toolbar that's a tough thing um does it make me irritated yeah they didn't really do much work for it but again it it's not like they're swapping it out that's something that I really had an issue with that video so now we're going through and we're looking at this and we're like and there you go um someone says hot take you got there uh I don't think honey broke any laws but they did act in bad faith I I do think there was bad faith now promoting with influencers is not I don't think it's bad faith I think I mean they paid influencers to do stuff they got their check like and and they that wasn't part of the thing I I think I guarantee if you went back to the beginning and they explained hey this is an affiliate toolbar which is funny because I mean if you're an influenc in the tech space you got to know what the honey app is I mean it's something we've known for years I think if you explained it if you went to the influencer and you were like hey we make money through affiliate marketing do you still want the 100 Grand I I I would guarantee most of them would still take their check okay very important you got to look at this because unfortunately and I'm not pointing any names I don't know a lot of these people I don't watch a lot of this stuff but unfortunately a lot of influencers are out for their own there was a video by Lewis Rossman I think is how you say his name fantastic video on the topic I think it was one of the best well done ones because he was talking about you know what influencers marketers we need to do better we need to do better dancing on Tik Tok and sending people to a scam is not a business that's not a really good way to do business right if you're if you're promoting a known scam I see this all the time I get people who offer me there's a promotion that uh there's two of them one of them came to me years ago and was like Hey promote this you will make an extra seven figures and I like money I mean seven figures extra who's going to turn that down I am because I knew it was a scheme a lot of my friends still promote stuff like that to this day I won't do it why won't I do it because I know at the end of the day it's one of those schemes that is not something I want to be involved in and understanding this Lewis went through and talked about hey as influencers we need to be we need to have our disclaimers we need to have our disclosures you need a website you need to do this in a real way saying that the influencer didn't know I think is something that that we have to look at it yes I absolutely Rossman stuff is on point haven't watched a lot of videos from him but I think it's really really solid uh wait what that's not a business yeah that's not I I don't know if you're dancing on Tik Tok and just leading people to a scam that's not a business now let's go through and talk about some shady affiliate tactics because I think there's a lot of tactics out there that people are missing and there's a lot of gray areas there's a lot of things that the industry does that maybe you don't know about and that's why I'm doing this I want you to know about it like if you didn't understand that that toolbar made money with affiliate links you know I I think we need to get all this right very important um I just purchased something recently wanting the influencer to get paid off of it and I innocently ran honey no that the influencer didn't get paid and they never promoted honey they lost it so here's the argument there okay and a lot of people are going to get mad about this but this is the fact okay you have an influencer you follow you like them they're trustworthy they say you know what I want some money click my link and you're like of course I'll click the link you showed me the product it's good I'm gonna go buy it you have the honey app installed unfortunately having this installed is like saying you like honey more that's pretty much what's happening because you're saying I want the affiliate commissions to go to them when and where applicable that now again did they do that ethically and promoted ethically and above board I don't know I don't like the fact that they did not have we are an affiliate right under it again how many people would actually understand that anyway I don't know I I think a lot of this stuff and this is what I learned I learned a hard lesson uh with my video and the lesson was a lot of people don't understand a lot of the things that I take for granted because I've done this for 25 years I know how this stuff works a lot of people don't and I really want to bring you guys up to speed with this so that you understand so you know when you download something like honey how it's working when you download something like this how it's working unfortunately that is their person it's like the realtor if that Realtor that I talked about in the beginning said Marcus I will take you around to look at houses but first sign this paper saying I am your realtor and I get 3% of the next house you buy this is why there was a lawsuit I think it was California might have been Nationwide on the realtor stuff because people didn't understand this they didn't understand okay that Realtor is getting it once I sign that paper if you come up and you say Marcus dude I got a good house for you to look at and we go driving around in our weird wonky car and you drive me around for 3 days we're looking at houses we're feeling carpet she gets her guy who knows about inspections and he looks at him with us and she does all this work sorry Charlie you didn't get the agreement you didn't get the agreement in a sense what honey did is it got an agreement saying hey you know what you want coupons I'm going to show you coupons now did they give coupons I don't know maybe maybe not but that's what they're saying that is what that said can it be clear oh hell yeah they could be way clearer about this okay but looking at that that is what happening uh Tony says yes this misunderstanding of how affiliate marketing works is going to crush us new affiliate marketers and they're trying to get into this field I totally agree uh Tomy says usually an affiliate link leaves a cookie for a month not true um some of them Amazon's is 24 hours um and that's 30 days until Rec cookied okay so like if I go here let's say Newegg has an affiliate link or group on or whatever okay I got this affiliate link here okay and it's there if I click your link that 30 days starts over over with your link now okay so it's the last cookie is the one to get it that's why people are mad because honey is getting it at the last second the last second they're swooping in but again you signed up for the toolbar that is what the toolbar does do I agree with some stuff of course stop now let's talk about some of these Shady affiliate tactics so that you understand what's going on uh Christie says but it doesn't doesn't it take the revenue from links from creators who didn't sign up yes because it's the customer that's that's what people aren't getting it is the customer the customer went out there the viewer the person after the influencers told them to right so like I mean the people who made this thing popular that's who I would not be happy about but going through the customer said I want coupons and in order to get those coupons I'm going to use this honey tool that has affiliate links they chose it much like in the real estate I said I'm up with this lady this lady's like I don't care what any other realtor could do whatever the heck they want I have the contract saying I'm getting 3% on the next house he buys got to get that this is important um very very important uh William said or whim says if you clear cookies cash from the settings on the PC that will overrun all cookies yes but honey will recook them that's the whole point of the program it's going to rec cookie them um it's aggressive it is a super super aggressive affiliate tactic and can it be done in ethical ways and and also unethical ways it can be so very important we got to look at that and and really focus okay uh let's see okay let's go in here next up let's take a look at these and say what's going on with Shady affiliate tactics let's talk about some of these number one is Cookie stuffing uh where you're dropping cookies inserting affiliate cookies on a user's device without their knowledge I think this is something the IND indry needs more of unfortunately up until recently there were two things that came out recently recently I mean like the last 10 years or so one was um disclosing your an affiliate and two was the cookies thing but again having like hey we use cookies every site use cookies we need to know what the cookies are for uh pop under cookies this is something that the honey app is doing when they are going through much like Groupon and you click and it opens up a new tab underneath the other tab that is a pop under cookie this is much like back in the day in Old affiliate marketing days and Facebook still uses this but not in the affiliate marketing sense what you would do is you put a one by one pixel ad on your website it was an image that didn't it was just a blank one by one pixel image nobody saw it but it had a tracking in it and that would track it and some people use that to drop a cookie and that's what they did all right so looking at that or forced clicks where you're you know making a button that looks like they're clicking to get something and then they're not getting something they're getting cookied that's something you know you got to look at and say how does that work and is that legit where do I fall in that another one was false advertising where they're using fake reviews writing or paying for fabricated positive reviews to promote products did they do this I mean they paid influencers I don't know if they dictated what the influencers said that would be a whole another video for a whole another thing uh misleading claims did they have misleading claims I think you know a lot of times in affiliate marketing there is a lot of times in marketing in general there's there's exaggerated benefits or features that's why I always try to say the average person trying to make money online makes nothing so understanding that you know what you're getting into I'm a big fan of of getting people to know what they're getting into and doing good honest marketing that actually helps people that's the key here um fake discounts okay yeah this would probably fall under fake discounts however what this one was talking about was uh non-existent discounts for like oh hey like the the a lot of clickfunnels people do the this is a $57,000 value yours today for only 900 bucks really when did you sell all that for 57 Grand oh you didn't okay well then that's a fake discount um I try to use actual prices on my website add them up there's your discount right um spamming email spamming obviously not a good tactic comment spamming not a good tactic um social media spam flooding groups and pages and Hashtags with irrelevant affiliate links uh we have some going on here if you guys haven't noticed uh deceptive traffic sources like bot traffic click fraud fake traffic generation where you're just basically cookie stuffing and getting people to click uh brand hijacking this is one that a lot of Affiliates do and we have to look at it and and make it very very poignant we have to look at it and say okay what's going on with trademark bidding we saw this back in the day where people would bid on a trademark and they would say this bad my stuff good again it is happening in the comments right now if you guys are paying attention I'm going to leave it there because I think it's a good lesson um so trademark bitting where you're actually using someone else's traffic unethically to get your own stuff another one is domain squatting registering domains similar to a brand capture traffic maybe someone has you know and you get with one p or something like that um that would be domain squatting where you are taking a domain that is on a trademark leading them to something that is not the trademark or similar right obviously you don't have that so uh that would be something you don't want to do also unapproved paperclick campaigns if you are running paid ads to stuff you got to watch your trademarks you got to watch all this other stuff inappropriate placement like promoting products on adult or legal websites when that is not allowed by the um by the affiliate Network content theft where you're scraping content guys we are going to see this with AI bigger than ever before where they're scraping and stealing content from competitors or Brands and republishing it plagiarism where They're copying reviews or articles from other Affiliates straight up copying adding nothing to their own very difficult then we have black at SEO keyword stuffing cloaking private blog networks and things like that unethical redirection where you're doing link hijacking where you replace other affiliate links with your own sneaky redirects again kind of some of the stuff we're seeing here um fake Authority impersonating experts again with AI you got to know what you're up against because AI can now do all of this you're going to see stuff that's like I never thought that person would say them and they didn't it was Ai and starting to look at this we need to be on guard if you want to make money and not lose money and and understand this I think it's very important uh phony testimonials using stock images I saw one recently cuz I I vet things and there was this G who's on social media and she's like I'm making all this money and um I'm like wow that looks pretty cool and it looked legit I was like wow she's doing pretty good and then I looked at testimonials and they were obvious uh shuttershock right or or clipart or whatever uh or AI and I was like okay this is not legit and then on further investigation um I had to look at it moral of the story like take the time to understand what you're downloading buying investing in listening to take the time people spend more time looking for a show to watch on Netflix than they do giving away information or money to stuff that like actually affects their future like you'll spend 3 hours looking for something on Netflix but like oh my gosh honey dup me well I mean yeah where did you think they were getting the money that's what this is about is understanding that uh why do you want to avoid these um tactics Sean says all SEO is black hat and not necessarily not all SEO is black hat um I think they come out with things saying what not to do to get Bad actors um it's not necessarily that it's all wrong I mean actually right now SEO is doing very well for the sites that that got hit in the last stuff so they're doing very well now why do we avoid these tactics they damage your credibility they lead to banss from affiliate networks risk legal repercussions and they harm the affiliate marketing industry as a whole so why I'm doing this video our industry has been harmed because there's not above board stuff going on and there's a lot of people who don't understand what's going on um going through and looking at that script I found a lot of things that were going on and what they're doing what is this code actually doing what is this toolbar actually doing what it seems to be um and Maddie says huge SEO Snapback for some of my older sites totally agree I'm seeing a huge uptick in a lot of the sites that we run um going through here and looking at this what this toolbar does understanding what the toolbar does because ladies and gentlemen here's what you need to understand free Chrome add-ons they they are vetted free Firefox add-ons Edge add-ons they are vetted but some of them get around policies by doing things Shady by Nature a Firefox Chrome or whatever other browser you're using browser add-on can affect your sites can affect what you do online affect what you're buying affect ways that you fill out forms like this one fills out coupons for us I don't like that one bit give me the list I'll put them in you don't put stuff in there when I'm going to check out and it's like hey name info payment info I don't want some toolbar hijacking that stuff are they no but do they have like does that allow it by adding these to Chrome you're allowing it ladies and gentlemen we are in a world where like your phone gets taken that's a lot of our life a lot of you guys have these sensitive information on this stuff and you're just trusting it blindly which you know look into it like if Mr Beast says Go download something like what makes him the expert I want to know how to make a video that goes viral and make a video Empire sure I'll listen to them browser extensions I never worked in browser extensions why would I listen to them you got to look at who you're listening to this is something I noticed early on I was like I don't remember I was like 20 something years old and I was watching the news and they were like let's listen to Britney Spears on this topic and I'm like wait a minute I'll listen to Britney Spears if I want to learn how to sing not about the next mortgage crisis like what what are we doing right I think influencer and celebrity and stuff is just I mean it's like the whole thing of don't meet your Heroes because you know they're going to let you down a lot of them don't know about stuff and listen to who has what it is like you go over to the the Haley girl who did the hot coin why would I do investment from that she didn't go to business school she never ran crypto the coin in my opinion is stupid why would people invest their life savings because trust is so easily given away these days and it needs to not be be on guard you know I look at this I tell older people that come across all the time I'm like you need to understand how your computer works you need to understand that things can be manipulated you need to understand how things work because a lot of this stuff it's moving faster then the regulations can catch up and with AI it's going to get a zillion times worse it's going to go a million times worth Heidi says she just lost her Samsung watch and it was like she lost her phone yeah I mean you look at it and you got to understand it uh F affiliate says cap one removed my discount code for buy one get one with their 10% offer off the entire order was it cheaper I mean did they do you any favors again looking at that Capital One is doing the same business model a lot of other coupons coert there's a lot of other ones that are doing this you need to understand how this works and and that was one of the eye openers for me is like okay a lot of people don't understand this now going through and looking at the code and understanding what things can do is key if you understand this you'll be able to see these things you'll be able to know what's going on um much like back in the day I remember there was a it was act blue and act blue is a platform for Democratic candidates to get money and it also has other stuff and they were like oh hey you know what if you give to BLM you are also giving to Joe Biden and I'm like no I don't think that's the case but he went through he had a video he showed the link and I was like well wait a minute isn't that the same as PayPal like if you pay someone else with PayPal you're not paying me CU I have a PayPal account that's silly yet it happens every day people don't understand this stuff and it has to do with stand for something or fall for everything learn this make sure it makes sense yes but Capital One is bashing Amazon in order to get traffic I don't know anything about that but we got to understand on a real world way so looking at affiliate cookies understanding how they work again key understanding yes when you go to coupon sites like if you go to your favorite influencer and then you go look for a coupon and you click the coupon 99 times out of a hundred that cookie is not going to your influencer got to understand that whether you want to do that or not are you going to you know you trade your coupon for this if the influencer knew what was going on he'd give you a coupon code right be like here's a coupon eff found here's a thing and if the influencer knew what he's doing he'd have a website be like go to my website I have my my list of stuff over there um and these kind of things will help will help you with it okay let's go through and look at some of these um other methods that a lot of people don't know about these are methods that you I know you came across them in your life understanding how they work is going to be key let's what I did is I made this grid and again over at download my I will have a list of these for you now looking at these what we're going to do is we are going to look at the ethic score what they are and how they work and by the way smash the like button thank you for being here I appreciate I know this isn't one of my normal webinars my normal type trainings but I think it's super important more now than ever especially with AI and things like that okay now what we're going to do is we're going to look at some of these I'll explain how they work so we'll get our our box up here uh first up we have co-registration this has an ethic score of a nine I will caveat that by saying if it's not disclosed that it's a regge path this is what these are called regge path um then it's probably closer to like a zero what is coed corge this is something like I believe don't quote me on it I believe Credit Karma does this I'm pretty sure they do um I have seen other places do it like when Amazon signs you up for a credit card or whatever you're like oh get the Amazon credit card and you go there and you don't have to fill out any info that's co-ed what are they doing what they are doing they already have the registered info usually this is done new which means person comes to a site fills out a form for something maybe they're going to get a free um I don't know house price report okay you fill out the house price report then on the next page it says are you interested in refy and your info is already in the refi page that is what we call a c-edge next it would go to the next page and be like okay you don't want to refi do you want to loan do you want this and the co-ed is taking you through all of these happens all the time kind of an important marketing tactic again if done correctly the score of Ethics is pretty good pre-populating Fields this is similar to cored but not so many things when you're doing co-ed it usually needs to be secure and encrypted because sometimes you have more stuff however when you're doing preop a lot of times it'll be like a zip code name or email something that's not super super sensitive um like other stuff what this is is you come to my site you put your ZIP code in the Box I now carry that zip code to another page simple right pre-populating um this is where a form is already filled out it is something that's done in the industry again the ethic score that AI gave it is an eight I would say most of the time it's a pretty ethical way to do marketing um can it be used bad of course it can another one would be cookie stuffing what is cookie stuffing um it's not putting cookies in the turkey for Thanksgiving that would just be wrong but cookie stuffing is also wrong so you know whichever one you prefer go for it cookie stuffing is where you are literally um getting people to click all kinds of things where maybe it'll drop 10 cookies maybe your page has Amazon this that and the other now Amazon's a little bit of a different one because they're very strict on their affiliate links it has to be a raw affiliate link and technically if you don't know you're clicking that affiliate link that would in my knowledge be against their TOS so cookie stuffing where you're dropping cookies without user consent don't do it not a good thing to do um a lot of people have said that honey may or may not be doing this um opening a new tab this is one we see honey doing what does this mean this means you are automatically opening a new tab means you click something and boom it opens a page and it opens another page okay this often times is done unethically because you're not telling people like click here to get a coupon versus hey you're actually clicking my Best Buy link with my affiliate code and I'm going to get paid those are two different things we need to understand that all right another thing that we can look at uh one by one pixel tracking we went through this where you have a one by one uh pixel image on your um site and that has the tracking code in it Facebook uses this all the time with their tracking cookies and things like that um it can be ethical and it can be unethical I mean it's kind of like this guys a lot of people again this is all about understanding how the internet works a lot of people don't understand this um how many of you guys have looked for something online you're like okay I'm going to get new shoes and then all of a sudden those shoes are on every website you visit you go to the news website and the shoes are there you go to a prices website the shoes are there the gas site has nothing to do with shoes but the shoes are there this is what we call retargeting okay this is right here on the list retargeting is where they are running ads based on a cookie that dropped saying this person was interested in X Y or Z usually it is going to be from the the manufacturer the website the sales website where they are taking that cookie dropping it saying this guy was interested in these shoes now retarget them and show them these ads okay how many of you guys got that you guys all got that um this also can be used you can use retargeting as a way to to do cookies for affiliate stuff right so a lot of this stuff goes hand inand a lot of it's going on and you might not know about it um incentive based marketing this is for the most part it's against a lot of affiliate networks ethics where you're like okay or not so much ethics but more uh rules where you're going through and you're like okay if you fill this out like Credit Karma if Credit Karma said apply for a new credit card I'll give you 50 bucks knowing that they're going to get a 100 they give you 50 they split it in some cases this can be above board if the company allows it others it might be incentivizing where you see like those get the free you know gift card or or whatever um retargeting ads we went over that one exit intent popups okay capturing visitors like hey wait do you want a discount hey wait do you want to get this free thing or whatever it is okay email drops where you're uh doing affiliate links in email campaigns this would be more or less like within another one where there's a guy who sends an email you pay to put your affiliate Link in there um I would not recommend this because again there's a lot of suppression list and laws about um what you can and cannot e email if it's a direct affiliate link if it's content that's a different story that's why I teach people always do content if you're an influencer do content get them back to your site give them stuff that's going to get them back to you uh very important um let's go to the next one here invisible if frames this is a a level three which means pretty much unethical what is an invisible iframe that is like the 1ex one pixel only it's a 1ex one iframe an iframe is a way to show one website in another website so a lot of you guys don't know this because I think the browsers got a little better about it but if you were to look at like GoDaddy let's go GoDaddy um GoDaddy appraise estimator I think it is GoDaddy estimator and you see my site here down here somewhere there's me okay this GoDaddy appraisal tool is actually using an iframe so this here is actually a different web page how many of you guys knew that type surprised if you didn't know it what I'm doing is I'm showing you a different web page so view page Source it should show uh let's see I know there's a way to get it I know on Chrome it does it let's see if we can do this on Chrome so on Chrome if you were to do view frame source okay so this is the frame so it's calling affiliatemarketing GDA which is that tool see how that tool looks the ex exact same it's just framed okay some people use these unethically where they're using cookies or whatever it is and it's like people don't know any better because they don't know that those are frames I use that frame because if I was to put this code in WordPress it would probably break it so instead we leave it off of WordPress and put it in here a lot of people don't know this stuff and again if you guys want me to teach more stuff that you find more things that you're interested in with affiliate marketing and how it works let me know um because I do want to do this part of my goal for 2025 is to just teach as much as I can that people can understand and of course if you want to work with me you will figure out where to find me right um pretty cool stuff so going through here um again where did our list go here we go so we have uh iframes that's one that uh you know could be used maliciously um because again a website can install things a website can download things a website can change things um looking at that is very important and always you should have some kind of good um Security on your computer as well all right next up uh geot targeting offers and no I don't have an affiliate link to it because I'm not an expert in security software and I don't want give you the wrong one so as much as it would be nice to make a bunch of affiliate commissions I don't know enough about that to give you a good informed decision uh geot targeting offers this is where you display location based affiliate offers where it's like oh this guy's in Utah let's give him this one this guy's in Vegas let's give him this uh different things like that okay next up we have um Dynamic content injection AI gave it a score of seven I think uh well that's not so bad I mean if you're going through and you're like hey Marcus do you still want to lose 100 pounds nothing really wrong with that can it go lower based on other stuff yeah like I I think it can be because if you're dynamically injecting content where you're customizing things people don't want that could be a problem okay um browser extensions now ai gave this a score of eight I am going to say ethical browser extensions are in eight okay I think that's very important so looking at that if done correctly if the honey app did everything right if they didn't have this stuff where it was like hey maybe could have done this better they could have done that better I'm not saying they did stuff wrong again it's all alleged until it comes out but could they have been cleaner on their affiliate disclosure yeah could they have told these guys what they were doing yeah could they get rid of that we don't have a coupon but we're going to get credit anyway yeah do they need to I don't know that's for you to decide um but again browser extensions done right if they did it perfectly right we wouldn't have this argument which is my case where it's like wait a minute you're saying that that these toolbars that use affiliate marketing are bad they're not bad if done correctly very important um next up we have embedded affiliate widgets where you know you would have like did this years ago I think I could probably still find it if I remember my old page I think it was console uh console so an embedded affiliate widget would be like over here we have this one this is a way old one um but this is an embedded widget where this is an affiliate widget where they can search for a domain name and I get paid when they get the domain name uh or hosting rather that's something we got to look at and understand and that could be a good way uh to do affiliate marketing that's a lot like uh tools like spam Zilla is a tool that we use to find domains all the time and they do use an affiliate link like if I buy it at GoDaddy that's an affiliate link if I buy it at Sav that's an affiliate link um they're also charging me so they're charging and using affiliate uh links is that bad I don't think so I mean they're providing value of having this tool which I love this tool it's great um now for me I don't usually buy them that way I have a place that I buy them like I'm not going to buy it here if I have my account somewhere else right so looking at that you kind of have to understand it but again making one of the biggest best ways to make money with affiliate marketing is having a good tool and now that there's AI you can create tools all the time right you can create them all the time um we created this tool that's literally going through and showing the cookies right it blinks when it finds something that could be related to um like an affiliate cookie or I we're trying we're working with it more um but going through and looking at it and saying okay if if it shows the cookies that are specific to Honey or whatever it is I think that's important to look at um we are working with a little bit more but the flashing ones usually mean it is changing them to cuz I made them for this video but we made that tool that is a tool we can use and we can actually make money with maybe we'll have a legit finder or something like that okay um so understanding these I think is absolute key where did our notes go all right um so browser extensions again I think are good widgets like the uh Blu host one uh Bridge Pages what is a bridge page a bridge page is like a landing page with not much on it let's call a bridge page a pre-sales page it's in the old days it would call a splash page okay splash page was a page that was like here's the offer you're going to see on the next page it's going to be 27 bucks click here to buy it right it's like a a warm-up page nothing really wrong with those if done correctly um funnel hijacking this is this someone could make the argument that that is kind of what's happening with the browser toolbar honey only it's not really doing that because it's not going into the other sales funnel where this would be um and I I think the word they use there for funnel hijacking is kind of not the best one um we would have to go through and look at how that's working because funnel hijacking would mean you're legit hijacking a funnel that's not what's going on um I think this would be better named integration marketing where you're like okay on this guy's thank you page I will have this offer and he'll get paid or something like that okay really cool so looking at that is good uh we also have social engineering creating urgency or exclusivity if it's honest that's good if it's dishonest it's bad viral content lockers where you are gating content we're seeing a lot of this now with AI uh where people are going through and being like oh now I can make this gated content now the news costs money or whatever uh um that's something that's kind of I think it's annoying but I don't think it's an unethical practice I mean if you want to lock your content and make me pay for it that's your business it's your content uh survey funnels these are a nine these are actually really good survey funnels work extremely well uh where what you do is before someone gets to an offer you're saying oh hey how much weight do you want to lose 10 50 100 and then maybe the next page you'll say how often do you exercise daily never all the time and it's like a little quiz that gets them to uh the next one okay very very simple you're breaking it all the old terms yeah this is fun it's like a blowback from the past um so we have viral content survey funnels exit redirects so this would be like when they go to leave the page it redirects them I'm going to give that a score of like a three to five because most of the time that's used unethically um pre-landing pages with SEO this is what's known as like a doorway page page where you're ranking a niche page to drive organic traffic to affiliate offers they give it a 10 I would say let's let's call it a pre-landing page with content you need to have some kind of value whatever it is right maybe you have a landing page and you're like hey um download this book this guide here's why you got to have some kind of value um the less value you give the more it goes down that's why people are pissed off at Honey because they're like hey there was no value there there was no coupons allegedly um but most of the time I think there most of the time I used it there was coupons does that make it right well again got to go back to the fact that hey you know they did get that customer who said they do want that the customer in this instance raised their hand and said I wanted that that's their computer they get to give their commission to whoever they want whether they know it or not that's a different story um affiliate program Arbitrage using commissions from one program to fund traffic for another that's a stupid tactic we're not going to go through that I mean you can do that where you're like this is my loss leader but I think that's just a business tactic push notifications where you get a push on your browser that says plop here's a message from Marcus or whatever um those can work traffic does dwindle because a lot of times people do uninstall them uh chat Bots with affiliate offers again this is something where you can sell really well a lot of people do this on Facebook um and you can sell extremely well now our chat Bots we actually have people behind them like people that work for me are on our chat Bots which I think is kind of fun and our conversion goes up uh content syndication where you're Distributing content on multiple platforms that's nothing wrong with that you just go through and make it work um jesia says isn't getting your content scraped for an answer to a question on Google kind of unethical well that's another can of of it's another can right A lot of people are saying hey wait a minute for years the agreement was Google ranks our content and we get paid for making content okay and Google has a lot of searches which is why they make money then AI came along and they're like hey we're going to use AI to scrape the content or use the content train on the content right and we are just going to show the answer and we're going to take all the money all right well that's something that is kind of interesting right very interesting is that ethical I mean for years we provided good content hoping that people would read it so that we'd have a Blog and we can make money and Google got a piece of the action too now they're kind of saying well thanks for all the content have a nice day we're just going to show the content basically what a lot of programs like chat gbt is starting to do right they're trained on content that we wrote we didn't give it permission to we just didn't we didn't get a choice okay so that's what I'm saying here like I think there's a bigger fish to fry than influencers who took a check to promote something and now are complaining that that thing also makes money with affiliate offers I think there's a lot bigger fish to fry um so to call that the biggest scam is is a stretch um is this a scam is it dirty I don't know I mean we did give them our content so my my thing is is like I'm in business I roll with stuff I didn't do this for 25 years full-time without taking some hits I've taken a lot of hits some of them almost didn't come back from biggest hit was when I became an alcoholic and that almost ruined everything um but you bounce back and you learn like I learned how to live without alcohol I learn how to change business practices I learn how to adapt when AI came out I adapted but the key is understanding the fundamentals of how the internet works a lot of people don't understand it uh 30day says um all right cool cool yeah um but looking at this and understanding okay these are tactics that can be used and we need to roll with it because AI is going to shake up your world like you never thought before if you don't understand this now if if you had one aha moment in this training get ready because 2025 is going to come at you so fast we got robots controlling robots controlling content that wasn't even looked at by humans that are driving thing you think it's bad now it's going to get insane and people are going to stand out and there's going to be lots of opportunities to make a lot of money if you understand what's going on uh URL shorteners with tracking these are weird like URL shorteners guys I see so many influencers that are like use my bitly link use my tiny use the link tree it's time it's 2025 get a website get a domain drive people to your domain why uh fun deep congrats on four years sober that's awesome uh why because you want to control your audience what did we learn from the honey thing he who controls the audience wins I think I spelled control wrong might have one out he who controls the audience wins that's what they did people are pissed cuz they did it right and and did they do it completely above board I don't know but they did it people were mad Google's a monopoly all right yeah tell me how mad you are when you got to log into 15 different things because Google split up into 15 companies there's goods and bads to everything monopolies exist because you know lots of reasons but when you go through and you say hey can I be the big fish in my little pond in the age of AI where things are not personal and everything's bulk in the age of Amazon the guy who is the expert on one line of products he going to win they're going to win right very very important um let's see Candace says you're incorrect I watch his entire video multiple times he's actually claiming that honey is literally taking away affiliate links and switching them out they're not they're not doing that literally have the code right here um the code right here what's happening the reason it is popping under you got to understand this it's a new link opened they are not taking them do I agree with everything they're doing of course not but that part was wrong because what's happening we saw it it opened a new window so what's happening here is they're saying hey there's this cookie and he says oh change it from Marcus to Honey doesn't work that way it's not how it's working what's happening is they're saying the cookie was made by a link link cookie New Link new cookie that's all it is right that's all it is and when you understand that you're like wait a minute maybe I've been looking at the internet the wrong way understanding the code understanding how it works is key some other things to look at is integration marketing one of my favorites this works really really really good uh will whim says in case of YouTube Google to reuse other people's videos I don't know much about that um but yeah the copyright stuff is is interesting there so going through uh looking at integration marketing where you have stuff on thank you Pages or within an order um I buy flowers for my wife often and sometimes for people who work here and we use a flower company and after I order it says do you want $10 off at this other place that's integration marketing it works fantastically um looking at some other stuff we talked about co-ed preop retargeting ads exit intent invisible iframes Bridge Pages survey funnels chat Bots Geo targeting and on and on we go again I will have a full list of this um isn't that browser hijacking not necessarily um you chose to install it and that's how that works like if you choose to install a browser tool you choose what gets with it now is it ethical to just bundle stuff together heck no not even close should always dis close things that's a different that's a different animal altogether um but to say that the tool duped influencers to promote it that didn't know it was going to be an affiliate program is like okay well they should have done their due diligence um I Tred to do my best due diligence again back when I was first starting I didn't do as good as I do now I was 20 years old um I think now in 2025 with all of the resources we have and all the understanding we have of the internet we need to do better right like you took the check so would you going to give the check back doubt it don't think anyone's going to do that um but I think we need to understand how money is made online because there's a lot of things out there that people don't understand um unfortunately I wish there was a class that went through it I'm making a class because I'm so irritated that there's not um so that people can understand what's going on and how money's made a lot of people think oh that's a scam well a lot of things aren't scams oh that's legit well a lot of things aren't legit we have to understand this in a real world way because we at the end of the day we are responsible for our decisions we decide to download something can a company dup us they can but again we need to do our due diligence and I need to get that saying hey I did the best I could with understanding it better than well Mr Beast liked it you really think Mr Beast is walking around with the honey app on his computer I highly doubt it it maybe he is I don't know but I highly doubt it this is a paid promotion understanding that is key when I watch reruns of Seinfeld on my TV with Direct TV and there's a commercial for some dental product do I think that Jerry Seinfeld brushes his teeth with that no if Jerry came out and said I brush my teeth with this would I think that he's unbiased no this is completely biased when someone is paid they are biased that is why with affiliate marketing the government mandated you need to disclose you are an affiliate you disclose it because people don't understand it unfortunately so you have to say hey I got paid for this much like in the old days you used to be able to run magazine advertisements all day every day and they said well you know people think these are part of the magazine maybe we need to put advertorial up on top of it that's why magazine ads now say advertorial and understanding this is key because when we go through and we look at this right you have influencers over here promoting something you have this product that does this it's like the realtor if I was a realtor and I had a bunch of people in the house and they said hey if you get all these people to come to my free seminar about real estate I'll give you 10,000 bucks okay well I got my 10 grand if in that seminar she says come be my room realtor instead of Marcus's or I'll be your realtor instead of Marcus that's they paid for the traffic unfortunately you know that's the case now should they do things not above board of course not um that's why the disclosure exists because we need to disclose there is a bias when I promote stuff I tell you guys hey go get this web hosting I am biased I'm being paid do I promote web hosts that I like yes but I'm also biased okay does that mean I promote everything that web host stands for no that means I'm promoting something to get paid it is a business influencers unfortunately they're not your friend you know they might be I don't know but for most part if you don't know I'm like I'm not I'm not going having tea with people right you got to look at it and say they are paid they're paid uh coob broko says I think it's also the user's fault for thinking they actually got the deal and believing they saved any money yes and no I think there is a fine line the the line is was there a lie or a mistruth or a deliberate misleading was that involved did they deliberately lie share a mistruth or deliberately mislead knowing people people will think a certain way because here's the deal I studied a lot of brain stuff I didn't study it in college which is probably why I don't sound educated but I like to think I know some things I studied a lot about how the brain works psychology things like that I studied it on my own knowing how the brain works okay I actually learned it back when I used to be a preacher too back knowing how the brain works puts me ahead of people who don't know how the brain works much like my doctor knows more than me about my body my body but he knows more because he went to school he learned this stuff knowing things gives you an edge and a responsibility okay you have a responsibility whether you're teaching people how to sew save money dress pretty whatever it is pick your poison gives you a responsibility and an edge now I can take that edge and I can use it against you right much like when they said oh look at what's happening with this toolbar it's doing this okay wasn't really doing that but people did think it was why because that person had an edge that you didn't have unfortunately a lot of people use this to exploit they use it for bad things like the people who do the this is worth $57,000 and today it's only $810 or 97 or whatever they like the 97s I like the 97s I just I I learned them back in 2000 and I've been using them ever since but that gives you an edge Ed and knowing that people will respond thinking they're getting a deal even though they're not is a misuse you're using your Edge for bad purposes much like if a doctor promoted something that was not good for you that they got paid more money on they're using their Edge against it okay unfortunately in a capitalistic Society this is what you get you get Bad actors you get good actors you probably get them in every society but that's the one we got right now so we'll use that and starting to look at that and understand okay I'm going to use this for good and you know what when I started saying I'm just going to help people as much as I can in the best way I can I started make more money right like y'all can learn as much as you want here a lot of people are like Markus you you leave things out well there's like 1300 videos here I'm pretty sure nothing's left out pretty sure you can learn how to do this we got people who who watch my free videos get good stuff and actually build a business out of it all right if you want to work with me we have options we have domains and tools and things like that but there's plenty of things to learn when I when I adopted that method actually did better what if you adopted methods and you did them better that's why I teach business strategies where you go through and you're like okay well maybe I don't like the way that this toolbar worked but maybe people want discounts maybe I can help them find discounts manually and just sit there and find discounts for people all day come to my chatbot I'll help you save money on computers or TV equipment or this that or the other and we start to realize wait a minute that would be kind of cool like I could sit there and I could help people all day would that be hijacking affiliate commissions no they're coming to you for a discount that is the value you're providing the person who got them there in the first place provided the value of getting you interested in the product if he didn't follow through and see you to the end I mean you know it get it it happens all the time and looking that and understanding it and saying okay well the first guy who ever spoke about the TV is the one that should get the commission it's not how the world works unfortunately it's not how it works you go to a car dealer if you're off the day that the guy buys the car nine times out of 10 you're probably not getting that commission just the way it works um and understanding how that works is key um let's take some questions too and then we'll get through the rest of these notes um let's go through how money is made online cuz I think there's a lot of ways that money is made that a lot of people don't understand one is um Amazon embedded sales videos a lot of people don't know this but if you're looking at something on Amazon you talk about a cookie hijack this is an interesting one nobody talks about this one if you were to go here and say uh let's look up a product uh what would be one like maybe um I don't know something that would have a video on it let's say um vacuum right maybe there's a vacuum with a video and it shows how it does or something like that um what happens is if you're browsing on Amazon and let's say you want to buy this vacuum okay let's say you're cookied I'm not exactly sure how this works but I'm pretty sure I got it um so this here let's say you came from someone's cookie and you're you're here you're like dude that influencer said I should get a vacuum man that'd be great love this vacuum and then you go down here and one of the guys has a video on the Shark vacuum okay it would come up right here and it would have the video and it would say this influencers getting paid for this video review that would be a Rec cookie okay now I'm not sure exactly how those works but pretty sure that's how it works another one is Amazon live streams a lot of people don't understand when there's someone doing a live stream on a product they're cooking them they're making money with affiliate commissions you can actually run those on Amazon they allow you to use their platform um Amazon storefronts where you're literally like I'm an influencer here's my storefront here's all the things that you can buy um a lot of people don't know this but one of the reasons a lot of Affiliates make money with Amazon because I mean let's face it their commission percentage is terrible it's hideous it's like the worst in the industry but they're Amazon which means they're the 200 lb gorilla which means uh the conversions are through the roof and the Amazon cookie much like many cookies are for the entire cart so if I say go buy this toothpick for a quarter and you have a $25,000 computer in your cart I get paid on the toothpick and the computer even if an influencer told you about the computer and I told you about the toothpick a lot of people would say oh my God that's not fair why do you get the paid on the 25 Grand I was the last cookie that's how it works that pun totally intended ladies and gentlemen I got to zoom in for this one is how the cookie crumbles come on jokes are free sit down sit down calm down but at any rate that's how it works understanding this industry is key um and understanding how things work and there are Bad actors and good actors uh Amazon storefronts Tik Tock shops a lot of people don't know those Tik Tok shops people making cute little videos about products on Tik Tok are getting paid at an affiliate on Tik Tok even though you never leave Tik Tok there you go uh YouTube product ads where you get paid from having products I had a friend who did a lot of this um made really well on one video about something and um it sold directly through the product ads right it's like an affiliate link but it's embedded again a lot of a lot of gray areas a lot of things you know mve in parts and stuff like that that a lot of people don't understand um YouTube product ads it's much like a Blog right if you're you're out there and you have a Blog and you have ads on a Blog all right you technically getting paid for those ads I mean not technically you are you get paid for the ads okay should we disclose that where Google does say ads by Google but it doesn't necessarily say that the blog gets paid from Those ads by Google I mean are we going to go into a world where it's like welcome to my website I am going to get paid just by you being on this website thanks for being here here's the 50 Ways i' got to get paid maybe maybe not we'll see how that goes again AI is going to make this crazy um when you refresh browser Amazon also Rec cookies refresh browser like when you delete your cookies yes but not just refreshing um it has to be either recooked or the 24 hours pass a lot of people don't know that too Amazon if you don't make the sale in 24 hours you're out how many of you guys you've had something in your Amazon cart for like a week my Amazon cart's like a memory for me I'm like ah here's some things I thought about maybe I'll buy them one day eventually I buy them whoever is the last cookie is getting paid on all of it so we got to understand this and see exactly how the industry Works um YouTube product ads shoppable posts where it's like Pinterest Instagram where they can actually buy directly from a post like click here to get the shoes I'm wearing click here to get the the hat or whatever Facebook Creator rewards this is one a lot of people don't know about we had a a video a couple years ago or was it yeah I guess I have had this office over two years um we had a video a couple years ago where there was a guy I met who posted memes on Facebook that's what he did he's like here's a meme I'm going to share it and he got a lot of views he got millions of people a month sharing his stuff on Facebook and he got paid for engagement wait Marcus did he sell anything nope was he an affiliate nope did he have any ads nope did he do anything other than share memes nope wait you're telling me that works that's why a lot of people they they think things are scams because they don't understand the industry there are ways people are making money that you never even thought possible some of them that are like oh my God that's the easiest thing in the world like posting stuff on Facebook didn't even have to have a website he I don't even think he had a website at the time I met him um and he was making a fortune I think it was like 70 grand a month again results not typical implier guaranteed Facebook does pay that's why there's garbage on Facebook that's why you look at Facebook that's Ai and trashy stuff and garbage stuff because that gets engagement and they're paying those people for the engagement um other ways that people get paid Facebook Creator rewards influencer storefronts like um I think like stand store and stuff like that a lot of those are your own products as well uh ad Revenue models you got AdSense you have content networks like aoic mediavine ad Thrive ads in YouTube videos a lot of people don't understand when ads run on a video we get paid as Creator if we're part of the Creator program okay or partner program I think is is what it's called um a lot of people don't know that okay a lot of people think oh that's the only way we get paid no there's other stuff as well like affiliate links and businesses and courses and all kinds of stuff um ads and YouTube videos they pay really well actually the Creator last I checked I think they it's right around 50% like it's either 60 or 65 or 45 or something like that all right native ads where it's like tabula those are those ads that are like oh my gosh if you have this on your foot you need to watch this right now right uh in video ads where you're having video the the ad in a video where you get paid for that um affiliate payout models now this is if you're doing affiliate I.E a link needs to be cookied you can get a cookied link on a paper lead program what does that mean that means I can get paid when someone fills out a form much like Credit Karma for the credit card form only maybe it'll be like a name and email or a zip code or dropdowns I've had one years ago we made a fortune on it was like how much do you ow on your house what state are you in what's your credit like and what is your um how much money do you want to get cash out is like a refi offer they didn't put an email they didn't put a zip they didn't put nothing I got paid $7.50 when they use those drop downs why because Google gets paid a lot of money when people search refinance and click and mad they were like well it's probably worth 750 if they actually do these drop downs versus 40 bucks for just a click that's why CPA marketing exists payperclick where you get paid when someone clicks on a link regardless of whether it sells or not this would be one where the Cookie doesn't even matter because it's just on the Click Boom you're paid boom you're paid boom you're paid doesn't matter if anyone else does if they cookie it then they'll get paid too we all get paid right umer sale where you're getting paid for a sale payer call this is where you're on a website and you see a phone number like ah wait a minute let me call and see about that termite guy coming out and fixing my termites my termites are broke um that number is a custom phone number they get paid when you call and stay on the line for a certain period of time Hybrid models this would be models where maybe you get paid on a lead and a sale or um I think the video hinted at the fact that the last cookie was pretty much the standard or the only one I think he was like that's the one the industry went with implying it's the only one um there are what's called lead cookies where your cookied they fill out name and email boom that is tagged to you forever that's uh one of mine has an affiliate program like that we have people that promoted 20 years ago or 10 years ago not 20 uh 10 years ago they're still getting paid today from clicks they got 10 years ago um that is a uh NeverEnding lead base cookie once they're in the system as a Le lead boom they're yours um those are good ones those add up really good and they make a lot of money um so if you're worried about stuff like that find some programs that fit that or a lot of influencers are missing the boat because it's like okay if you have a product people are buying on Amazon all day every day from your videos why don't you drop ship it why don't you set up your own store and Source it I mean there's so many ways to make way more money than you're doing now um but people are too busy complaining about pennies to go and make dollars and I think that is one of the things that we have to look at is like you know trying to save money here trying to do this here that's the wrong battle I want to learn how to make money because there's a lot of money out there to be made and we can do it ethically and in a good way um also digital product bundles this is actually an interesting one where like on Amazon or other places there'll be bundling or it's like okay we're going to sell this this and this and I'm getting credit for all of it because I have this one product and I thought about the bundle right think about that as value what products could I bundle like for me all right here in the old affiliate marketing dude office I think if you guys can see around here we actually have a house that's just for my office here and so we have whiteboards we got cameras we got screens I mean I spent way more than I'd like to admit on all this stuff you can see all the cameras there that camera is the same as as this one we have like five of these we have a big screen there I have my big computer back behind that there's a lot of stuff here microphones right I got a a microphone thing here I got this microphone here if someone was interested in live streaming i' think I'd know a little bit about this stuff right it'd be kind of cool and then going through and looking that and saying okay well what kind of bundle can I do where it's like okay get the camera get the microphone get this get that get the green screen get this maybe I can have the whole bundle listed out they can go get it that's the value I provide to get them to buy it um very important okay and then Amazon bundles are different than that too uh subscription based niches like patreon substack uh things like that where you're getting paid on a subscription um Niche calculators and tools where you can have a mortgage calculator with a affiliate link on it um you can have this with that and this and the other and all kinds of things like that that are really cool and work in a very very good way I've used calculators and tools to make a bunch of money and again these are things that people want to go Robert says let me give you my affiliate link when you need more equipment yeah someone got a pretty good Payday on that um but it was over a couple years and a lot of tables and stuff I built myself uh but like that like I always buy my computers custom built from a gaming company they have a 7% commission rate I mean some of computers ain't cheap um and that adds up again looking at you know how can I get them cooking how can I get them to order now and maybe if you're you know if you're worried about some of the browser extensions tell them to use a different browser say hey if you want me to get credit use whatever browser doesn't have honey because it's not it doesn't go on different ones right so if I go here and I open it here versus over here with honey that link that Cookie doesn't pass browsers right that's a cookie browser specific one um same with a phone right how many influencers don't know like oh well if they order it on their phone later the cookie ain't on their phone you got to look at that um understanding how cookies work content specific monetization like newsletters social media ads micro influencer deals um stuff like that and I'm very picky about the programs I work with and you know the honey tool doesn't have all the affiliate programs like I was looking it up for web hosting and I was like okay they they had blue host but they didn't have a couple others so you know maybe I'll I'll work around that maybe I'll find different ways again adapt am I saying it's good no but this is going to happen like there's when this gets knocked down if it gets knocked down there's a 50 other toolbars that are already in existence that are going to take the spot um and again mark my words influencers will again take the check even now that they know what's going on that's the thing you know the the influencer idea of take the dollar for whatever I mean it's it's it's not going to stop but it should because it's you know you're you're not promoting stuff that are in the best interest and you need to say what is in it for you like I think a lot could have happened if um that Hawk coin if she said here's how the reserve Works here's how much I am getting paid to promote this here's how many coins go to these people here's what's left and here's what has to happen for you to make money right like with me do you know what has to happen for you to make money quite a few things which is why 99.9% of people trying to make money online make nothing that's why and that's why I say it because I don't want to tell you oh my gosh if you're byy myself you're going to get rich tomorrow yay cuz you're not most people don't most people don't do anything because they don't whatever reason life gets in the way or whatever um but I think with that it could have been better I think with the toolbar would be better if they said look we're getting an affiliate commission for this that's how we give you cash back that's how we do this did they say that somewhat they did a little bit I think it could be better be better that's the point of this we can do better um educational content sales how to start a podcast uh demo videos YouTube monetization um Commerce Pinterest idea pins it's good way to get traffic Google shopping ads influencer managed shops retail media networks some lesser known revenue streams are app partner Partnerships like honey or rutin um partner sta CJ affiliate uh licensing content this is one I've never done but I've heard about it a lot video game skins mods gamified modification Niche apps or websites this is my favorite because you can do uh Niche apps websites very specific stuff now going through and looking at the honey you can see a list of some of the affiliate programs they work with here there's quite a few um and going through and looking at okay how does the the tool work how does this fit and what is it actually doing and I think understanding affiliate marketing as a whole is key understanding okay what is going on behind the scenes what am I not paying attention to and going forward and buying things one of the things I do like I can afford uh some things and sometimes I I don't want to afford them because I need to understand it if I don't understand I don't invest if I don't understand it I don't invest okay maybe that's bad maybe it's good I don't know but that's what I do and I think if you don't understand something like if you go out there and you're like oh hey there's this go girl on Tik Tok or this guy on Tik Tok and they're dancing around and they they get to stay home with their kids and they're making all this money how are they making the money answer that question first and understand it don't just be like oh ClickBank this that no you need understand start to finish how they're making money if you don't understand how the honey app is making money then you probably shouldn't be downloading it or promoting it if you don't understand it figure it out or don't promote it or don't whine about it later because you took the check and it ended up being bad these are things we have to look at as influencers and I know a lot of people don't like it because it's yay we're just hanging out and you know trying on clothes and doing that and trying out cameras and whatever but when push comes to shove we need to be understanding because at the end of the day you're responsible there was a program years ago one of the ones that I could have made an extra seven figures on but I wouldn't do it my friend was in it he was making a bunch of money I'm like have fun I'm not going to promote it I know it's a racket I know it's not legit and I know at the end of the day the customer getting hosed on it and it was one of those things that was like hey come on in here for $47 we'll teach you how to make money and then for 2,000 will teach you the real secret and they got you up to like $50,000 and then when you spent $50,000 they were like oh go get people to spend 47 and then 2,000 and 50,000 that's not a business that's a racket it's a racket oh but markets there's people on stage with checks yeah they got the check from this guy and they're standing on there with that guy's money saying woo look how good I am that's a con it's a it's a it's a racket at best it's a racket right and um he promoted for years and I was like I know how they're making money and I don't get it and and it doesn't make sense and I'm not going to promote it because in my ethics it doesn't fit okay um looking at other things I remember years ago a guy that I taught the business to started making good money he making like 300 Grand a year and we're doing Google stuff and all kinds of cool stuff um and he called me and he's like dude I'm investing in this company I say cool where are they getting their money from well you know you don't understand we're going to get 1% per day I'm like okay cool you're going to get you invest a dollar at the end of the year you got 365 bucks that sounds wonderful he's like good you going to invest I said where's the money come from where are they magically going to get $1 to 365 and have money to pay you and have money left over for their business where are they going to get it well uh you know ads I'm like okay well what ads well we're going to get you're going to get but you're taking my money now for something you're going to get doesn't make much sense to me uh turns out he invested I think like 160 Grand uh lost it all every penny I invested zero doar why because he was so hyped up he's like let me get the CEO on the phone like okay I'll talk to your CEO where's the money come from well we're GNA you know maybe this maybe that where where's it going to come from you're promising this return where does it come from are you magically manifesting it I know a lot of people believe in that stuff and maybe it'll work but I don't think it's going to work that good and people were like oh well you know this that and the other turns out they office goty rated it was a scam it was a complete scam but Marcus you don't understand he actually made money he did make money from all the new people that were going there it was called funny money this is a scam people use all the time where if I could give you a taste right like you invest 10 grand and I'm like hey dude check it out you log into your account there's 13 Grand brand you get excited you're like wow there's 13,000 bucks in there I better leave it in there that's what they want you to do leave it in there and then add more because maybe it'll go up even more right and at the end of the day if you don't understand where the money is coming from it's probably not a good idea are there things I haven't understood that I didn't invest in that would have made me a lot of money yeah do I regret it not so much I'm good right I like the way I do things um but understanding this and and asking questions of how is this tool working how are they getting paid someone offers you hey I'll sponsor a video okay well what are you going to do what are you sponsoring like I'm not going to get up there and say you know this is the greatest thing ever if it's a pile of junk I'm going to look at it I'm going to vet it out and I'm going to make sure it's good um understanding this is is really really key does that mean you have to understand every in and out of everything no sometimes you promote something good and the company goes bad sometimes that works sometimes you promote something bad and the company continues to be bad very rarely do you promote something bad that turns out good and you shouldn't promote something bad anyway but going through and looking at this and understanding that the internet is a big place um there's a lot going on and as influencers as creators we need to step it up whether you step it up in one little niche with 19 people or whether you step it up on a huge scale and you're reaching millions of people right A lot of people they focus on oh I'm going to reach as many people as possible not all views are created equal there are people out there making more money than people with millions of views that have thousands of views it all has to do with the value and what people want and how you help them and what they're going to end up getting uh business account says I motivate again that was the goal Robert says and we'll do questions now if you guys have questions um type them in we'll go another little bit for questions as long as it takes and go from there if you have questions about the honey stuff affiliate marketing last cookie first cookie anything about affiliate cookies making money online let me know uh do I have affiliate programs I do they are private and they are private for the reason of I don't want anyone and everyone to promote me because sometimes it's the other way sometimes the person promoting the offer is the one doing uh the scheming right I saw that years ago um with vitamin offers they're like hey this is going to cure all this stuff it's like are you a doctor no then why are you telling them it's going to do that what are you do what are you doing you're just trying to get a sale is what you're doing um and getting a sale at all cost is it's a good idea but it's bad in practice because then your ethics go out the window uh songwriting Niche what about original music that could be picked up to use for other content created and media Outlets I don't know much about that I mean it could work I think you're going to have an uphill battle because there's a lot of companies doing that already and with AI it's going to you can make your own can it work I think it can you would have to Niche it down more like songwriting Niche I think is a little too broad um unless you're teaching people how to song Write then that's a different one whim says I'm exhausted hey imagine how I feel man I've been doing this for two hours straight it's been a long day um let's see let me give you that how how do some of those WordPress plugins extend Amazon cookie to 90 days I don't know about those um maybe it's a recook thing maybe it's like a automatic Cron job click or something I don't know um in my opinion not fact but opinion I would say that they are probably violating Amazon's TOs and then I mean how you going to know anyway like how you going to fact check that like you don't know you bought the plugin you have no idea um there's a lot of junky scam plugins and softwares out there that promise to do one thing and you know as Tommy Boy says all they sold you was a guaranteed piece of crap is all it was uh let's see when you refresh browser okay so we'll take a couple of questions um if you guys have questions also the notes from this video will be at download um including all of the ethical unethical things um I will put a link on there later today to where if you don't want to give your name an email you don't have to I'll have it on there um but if you do want to join my newsletter I don't promote stuff directly in email I always promote a video or something of value first so you know on my newsletter you only get content that is of value do that for two reasons and I'll share with you the two reasons one reason is uh there's a thing called a suppression list a lot of people don't know about this suppression list means suppression means that somebody can opt out of an offer meaning I don't want to get an offer for the honey app anymore they can opt out of that and if you email them that even though you're not the company you are on the hook you're not supposed to do that that's also why I don't do that number two is because I like giving value um and I think it comes back tenfold because some people on my list they take 10 years to buy that's cool I'm good I'll wait around I'm not going anywhere been doing this 25 years um other questions we got um let's go up here where our thing is I know I have a link up here somewhere uh where is it there we go download my um let's see couple of questions I think I got questions over here I forgot I got when I have so many screens I forget where to look okay uh let's see what video viewers should I watch to understand how to limit negative impacts of Google's helpful content update uh there's a really good video I did about AI content and the Google update the key is is inval and I would say the nature of the keyword a lot of people miss this but again I'm I'm not super smart I've just been doing this a long time um what happened with the helpful content update is they targeted certain keywords so a lot of people didn't notice this because the old way of blogging was let's go after how to ways to um reviews different things like this a lot of the the informational keywords went to featured Snippets which is now ai overviews so what I would say is it's a revamping of a keyword strategy watch my videos on keyword strategy and watch my videos on intent it's about the intent um you say two hours doing this uh what about behind the scenes off camera time span oh yeah this this video took a lot of thinking I pretty much all day was about this video um and before that the research making the plugin stuff like that making these little cookie tools and things like that when is AI profit scoop paid course starting it is it is on now like we have content in there it's it's going I got $200 in a digital ebook should I buy paid traffic I don't know depends on what your eBooks about depends on what kind of traffic depends on how much you're selling it for I have no idea like no clue um most my my short answer would be if you if you want to lose 200 bucks sure go for it cuz you probably with that type of question you probably don't know landing pages keyword bidding prices there's a lot that goes into that so I would say off bat no um let's see any other questions type them in I we'll go from there smash a like button if you guys dug this and we'll take a couple more questions and then I will go and relax for the day all right what else we got here give a couple more questions uh minutes for questions and again you can always find stuff on my blog too affiliatemarketing there's tons of tons of content and things like that we have links to our live streams all kinds of cool stuff Marcus your energy shows you enjoy what you do and happy to share your knowledge I love doing this I think it's uh it keeps me young at brain young in my mind and it helps me stay on top of new trends I I find it fascinating um AI has has kind of it's taken a lot of energy because you know if it had AI come out when I was like in my 20s it would have been a lot easier than now now I'm like you I've been doing this a while but it's fun and thank you for that I I do absolutely love what I do um and I love this industry I think it's fun I think it can done in an ethical way I think uh there's a lot of things that people don't understand and and because of that um you know there's Bad actors that that take advantage of that and it's it's a difficult road to look at like a lot of people before this video you didn't know that looking up coupon codes led to affiliate links probably just thought it was like oh hey there's this guy trying to uh do this I would always assume at this point that there is a commercial intent to everything always um the other intent is probably to get views which you know both can be used unethically you can unethically try to get views and you can unethically try to get uh money and and people do both so you know you got to look at that and understand there is a motive people have when you're watching videos even your favorite influencer there's a motive they have um and you know might not be the motive you like you got to figure that out um and I think it has to do with responsibility of understanding the internet understand how these tools work um now that you have ai like I'll be honest with you I was not I didn't know how the browser toolbar worked but I threw it in Ai and I got a good understanding of how it worked and we were actually able to make this one um that did the affiliate cookie stuff which was really cool um and this was made with AI in seconds and that's one of the opportunities that's out there so there's two main opportunities for those that want to make money um one is easy and obvious that is help influencers get their stuff together help influencers right um You can help them with websites you can help them with uh promos you can help broker deals for them all kinds of stuff you can help them um with their content two make make tools could I make a good ethical tool that uses affiliate links absolutely absolutely could I probably give this cookie thing away and make money with it I probably could yeah I could do that I could be like hey maybe you need a uh virus software VPN or a cookie tracker or whatever I don't know I haven't thought it through yet but I could do that very important um is honey going to get in trouble for what they did I don't know it depends on what they actually did and what comes to light um at the end of the day I think where a lot of people got it wrong was people chose to install honey that's unfortunately that's that's the deal like they chose to do it it's what they're using it's kind of in our industry somewhat fair game did they do it in the most ethical way no I don't think so I think they could have been more forthcoming about how it works um with the whole taking away of the influencer link I mean to those in the affiliate marketing industry we knew that like I know that I my affiliate link is not some sacred thing that oh my gosh I made a video about a thing and I should get paid even if you know whatever even if the skyfalls no I know it's not sacred I know you can go somewhere else I know you can click another link I know a lot of people don't even know they're clicking other links like that's something it's pretty common um it's nothing new however if you do promise a tool that doesn't do what the tool does and you're monetizing it with affiliate links in an e unethical way it's a whole different uh whole different ball game um do I think they will get something if anything it would probably be on the disclosure side because I did find like yeah if I'm going to uh get the honey tool over let's try Chrome if I closed Chrome let's try opening Chrome again I need a new Chrome um but if we go to Chrome and we do like the honey app honey app install um if you do the honey app install let's see what it says so add to Chrome it's free uh join honey trusted shop with confidence nothing about affiliate stuff so the fact that it doesn't have it there maybe it says it in the video maybe not sure um does it say it here no you agree to their terms that's kind of hidden so nothing about we are monetized by affiliate links in my opinion not an expert on on that kind of stuff but in my opinion that's where the issue would arise non-disclosure um let's see I paid for course last night where do I start is there a way I can get a short walk through um wait up a bit we're still coming back from the holiday so I would say um just watch the the stuff you can until Monday um yeah uh do you have any thoughts on website Builders like divy services or Squarespace uh not certain where I should start I would start with a WordPress blog I think it's easy um I have ran multiple seven figure blogs and uh they work great and WordPress is is very simple and easy um so that's what I would do I spend a lot of time finding ways of driving traffic can a person get multiple income streams for one piece of content absolutely yeah I mean if you have one let's say you have a piece of content about um a 100 ways to save money okay 100 ways to save money number one could be like refi number two could be get a rewards credit card number three could be um consolidate your debt these could be three different affiliate offers there's nothing wrong with doing that um so yeah one piece of content can have multiple affiliate offers don't be too confusing though like I I wouldn't have a hundred on this i' probably do a content on five ways to save money or whatever uh which is cool uh let's see uh the course people are talking about my my super cheap course is airofit or just go to download my and get the free stuff and then want the course later you can uh let's see with a tool one creates and has affiliate Link in the code should the disclosure be right there but below it I would think the disclosure needs to be before they download it and when the link shows up so like in my opinion when you're going through and you go to check out and the honey thing pops up over here in my opinion it should show when you go to check out so this should say apply coupons note honey gets an affiliate referral commission for this and apparently I think maybe in the future we might even have this will override any coupon or or Not coupon any this will override any affiliate Link in the future that'd be kind of nice it would at least show people would you guys like that kind of stuff I think that would be a very helpful thing to have um because yeah like this is where people were having the issue was oh hey this is opening a new tab which it does see how it opened that new tab that was that o do um o.

honey. name and now am cookie to them for this purchase um that might be kind of nice to have I think I think full disclosure is what we're going to need in the future however my hunch is it's going to get worse with AI because now it's so I mean you have people that are posting content that says certainly I'll get this for you knowing full well you just copied and pasted from AI you didn't even edit it like you could be the most horrible piece of content ever but they don't care um and that's sadly the the world we live in sounds good to be honest I'm assumed as much wait till Monday all right thanks for that um what offers can you promote for mortgage calculators yeah you're going to do refinance that's going to be your main one and then maybe like a a house value offer or sell your house sometimes that would work um or you know how much house can I afford buying your first house things like that work really good um but again it has to do with each piece of content and this is again where creators get it wrong They are promoting one thing like let's look at this so the guy that uh did the video originally on the honey app if you were to take a look at the numbers uh there were 19 million downloads of the honey app okay give or take another let's call it 5 to 7 million for Chrome for um Firefox and for Edge okay so let's call it 27 million okay I think he said there was like two billion or actually more than that I think it was more than two billion uh video views that they paid for which means it didn't really convert that well which means follow along ladies and gentlemen okay which means that if you have two billion video views and you have uh 20 million downloads and the download pays you like four to $8 each which I think is what they were paying a lot of people didn't know they had an affiliate program too um um that's a a pretty low conversion rate pretty low click rate um per view it's probably a decent amount if you're if you're counting eight um but again not all 27 came to them I think they had 10 to 12 million before they started before they got out by pay B bought out by PayPal so looking at that is H interesting right um looking at this individually if I have this one video about this one thing what is the best offer for that one thing if I have this blog post about this one thing what is the best offer for that one thing looking at each one separately will make you a lot of money if you do it right uh let's see here I have sites on Blu host GoDaddy and host can I link them it depends on what you're doing um that would be a good question if you're in like one of our courses where you get the calls um we have a call Tuesday Thursday and Friday depending on what course you're and you might get all or one or whatever um those kind of things because I'd have to see what what are you doing is it worth salvaging would be the question I have um when is The Simple Sites going to be updated I am trying to get the new one out the new parts are in there we just have to upload it which has been kind of a pain because we had to switch servers okay Tuesday okay yeah so hop on the Tuesday calls and you'll be good all right guys well I think that's about it for today hopefully you like this if you're watching this on the replay make sure you comment below and let us know um what are some offers you can promote when talking about AI tools promote the AI tools a lot of AI tools have affiliate programs um and those are ones like if you're buing AI tools most of the time these big coupon apps don't even go there um so if they're good tools you can do that um yeah and also web hosting and stuff like that all right cool deal guys thanks for being here uh for the notes again I will have this entire note page uh valy is going to work on it make it all fancy for us at some point go to download my notes we'll send it to you when it's ready and we'll have a replay and all some other good stuff for you as well thanks for being here smash that like button and I'll see you in the next training

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