7 Passive Income Ideas Using AI – [One Makes Me $530.80 / Daily]

[Music] this is just one of my passive income sources that made over $78,000 last year alone here's another one bringing me over $30,000 last year a l and another that made me over $5,400 last year a lot and this isn't counting many other businesses that produce passive income for me on a day-to-day basis without doing any extra work and a lot of goobers out there say passive income isn't real but I beg to defo in fact I've been generating little passive income money maets for the last 25 years some of them make me anywhere from $5 a day some of them make me several thousand a day and right here right now in this training I'm going to teach you how to set a little passive income ideas and money magnets that will put money in your pocket guaranteed yep that's right if you follow this to the letter you will get results and notice how all the screenshots I'm sharing with you are my personal results a lot of other people are going to borrow results from stores and stats where they don't even know how much profit they're making what they're doing to get the income they just say something like oh look there's a sticker business making $50 million a second and using AI you can do it too however we've all been new and I'm sure you've tried these different methods and gotten nowhere really fast so today I'm going to talk to you about something very important and that is the nature of how passive income works but first a little illustration here in Florida we have a super market called Publix and one day I was asking the Publix manager how much the store in my area generated on a given day she said it was somewhere between 50 and $120,000 a day yeah $100,000 a day selling groceries now most people will look at this and say well Marcus that's a lot of money but I can't really start a grocery store I don't really have the money and what does this have to do with using AI to make passive income well friend pay close attention to this right here this is lemon pepper you've probably passed this thousands of times in the grocery store they even picked it up yourself and thought nothing of it and this is where most people get passive income raw they are looking at the grocery store as a whole this gigantic business making $100,000 a day but to get to the root of passive income we need to understand the lemon pepper principle you see this little jar of lemon pepper might not seem like a big money however hundreds of thousands of these are sold each and every year maybe even millions in fact the mccor seasoning company is worth like $18 billion but did they do it by just making a seasoning company one day nope they started very small and as many business books say there's only one way to eat an elephant why they talk about eating elephants is beyond me but let's humor them and that is is one bite at a time and while you might be out there looking for passive income ideas ways to make money online and you're trying to jump the whole staircase in one go instead of Simply taking each little step what if your business could be like the lemon pepper and you could just sell one thing really good and make $5,000 a year just like this example here that made me $5,000 last year without any work and people say well Marcus $5,000 that's barely enough to cover my monthly bills and again you're thinking as a whole and I'm going to share with you one key word distinction we need to have a distinction between an entire business and something that makes money passively over and over and over again because all I need to do to make $100,000 a year in passive income is make 20 little passive money magnets like the one that makes me $55,000 here if I wanted to make a million dollars here all I would need is about 200 of those and you might be saying well Marcus 200 passive income ideas working for me that seems like a bit much but remember the $5,000 example was my smallest example some of these will make $100,000 a year on their own some might even make a million dollars a year and some might make a few dollars a day but over time this is going to add up fast and while everyone out there is trying to make $10,000 a month $100,000 a month or even more what I've been doing is silently setting up little passive income generators yeah simple little things that you can create and like an afternoon and like CLW work these put money in my bank account each and every day so I got one question for is it worth hanging out with me for about 45 minutes to learn exactly how to set these up and you can make profit on your own with no fluff no filler no Theory only real world topnotch training based on things that I've actually done I sell and if you said yes smash that like button let's hop on over to the big computer and I'll show you how to generate passive income ideas that put money in your pocket every single day all right ladies and gentlemen as I mentioned the key to passive income is all in distinction if we can make a distinction in our Market our Niche or whatever we're trying to do online then we can make money in a really simple way passively now when we go through here what we we need to do is we need to look at where we're going to be there's lots of different passive income ideas that you can use with AI Now using AI is kind of elusive people say oh you could just get AI you could get some stickers you can make some money just slap something together and you're going to get rich a lot of people talk about books low content books and things like that which are good they can make some passive income but a lot of times what happens is you're not following the data and you're not looking at the actual real world stuff so what we're going to do is we're going to take a look at these passive income ideas and we're going to share with you some things that you can use to actually start turning a profit now when we go through and we look at this we are going to take a look at some of the major things that are out there we have blogging we have affiliate marketing we have YouTube channels faceless YouTube channels different things like that and we have all this stuff here for you at download myn notes.com where you can get this whole notes digital products Drop Shipping print on demand now a lot of these things have to do with building a business and understanding how this stuff all fits together which seems kind of daunting and if you're out there and you're watching and you're listening and you say Marcus you know I see all this stuff and it sounds good I'd like to build a Blog I'd like to do affiliate marketing or whatever it is and I just feel like there's a lot of info overload I feel like I'm not getting the big picture and even the small picture to make a distinction because print on demand does it make money well yes it does but what's missing is the distinction of what you're going to do with it how are you going to make passive income with it when we look at something else maybe you go out there and you say well I'm going to do some affiliate marketing or blogging a lot of these things have a lot of overlap and what we need to understand is that if we can do something small right if we can go out there and start our passive income and start something small very easy maybe we go out there and we say okay I'm going to use AI to make something that generates $20 a day each and every day now if you were able to do that that would be roughly $6,000 by the end of the year actually closer to seven I think if you do the math right so we're looking at this and we're like okay now that's something I can do because then if I can make five or 10 of them then I got an income that's actually doing really good for me but what's happening is a lot of people are focusing on the wrong numbers and they're not looking at the fact that everything can be broken up much like the grocery store example and when we have this people come to me all the time and they show me their websites and they have some gigantic store with a million different Drop Shipping products and I'm like that's fine and good but you're not focused on something specific you'd might you'd be much better off focusing on one little thing and this is where the magic happens because until you focus focus on Direct things you're not going to find those that produce 10020 $1,000 a day or more the only way you're going to find them is by going out there and looking at the data and starting with the smaller stuff so when we look at this we need to understand what types of things are going to do this what are the kind of things that we can create with AI to make passive income well let's take a look first of all we need to understand that right now there's a lot of money being made online I think it was something like Amazon made I don't know like a half a trillion do uh last year alone this is a lot of zeros here I think let's see there's there's our million there's our a billion right and we look at this and we're like okay that is a lot of money what what gives how can we get part of this money that's going on online because the fact is Amazon is making this every day online we can use Amazon to get a piece of this a lot of people are but we need to look at it in a different way and understand the distinction of what we are going to do exactly to the te without wavering and when we look at that what we are going to do is say well we need to set up something that I call an AI money magnet what is an AI money magnet well an AI money magnet is the idea of being able to create something with AI that serves a need of people now we're not just talking search engines and YouTubes and things like that this is something you can do over and over and over again that will serve the needs of people okay very very cool so if I can create something one time and it can produce money over and over and over again then I am going to win the game much like like investing in real estate people make a lot of money re investing in real estate because it is something that is going to produce over and over as long as that house is sitting there chances are people will rent it and you will get money so now when we're understanding this we have to go out there and we have to look at the different things that are available first of all what we need to do is we need to answer one big question this is the first distinction that we have and if you're digging this smash the like button a lot of people don't talk about this stuff but the distinction the first one we need is going to have money signs on it and hopefully you guys like the old Blackboard here it actually and it comes across on camera a lot better so the distinction here is going to be who or what pays me okay if you cannot not answer this question do not start the business plain and simple if you can't answer who or what is going to pay you then don't set up a website don't buy a product don't buy whatever you need to go back to the basis this is the core of info overload if you're struggling with info overload this will solve the problem right here right now so when we look at this we're going to say okay we could do Amazon we could do EC Commerce we could do all this stuff we could license content we could create a podcast webinars all this stuff all right it seems overwhelming and yes it is we're even going to get into buying and selling domains and flipping and rank and rent and all this other stuff okay but a lot of this is going to seem Out Of Reach if you're not distinc making a distinction I think is the right way to say it right between what is going to pay you and what is not case in point a lot of the money that I've made passively is from affiliate offers my own products AdSense different things like this but until you understand who or what's going to pay you then you're going to be left out in the cold let's go ahead and open up spy Fu as well because I want to show you guys a another way to look at this and another way to figure out how you're going to get paid so one of the things that I do is I can go to offer Vault and I can find offers this in business is what we call a constant okay a constant is something we know for sure okay that is something we know as sure as the sun is going to come up tomorrow we know that that is going to happen now what we need to do is we need to find a constant that is going to work maybe you're going to sell wigs or whatever this vitamin thing is or whatever it is okay let's say we had a constant which is Home Services bathroom quotes Okay this is a little quiz they take they put their email in the end and bada bing bada boom you get $4 right they put their email in a box you get four bucks that's how many of you guys are like wait a minute so I could do affiliate marketing I don't got to sell anything exactly I've made millions of dollars using this method where literally what you're doing is is generating leads getting people to download tools and softwares and things like that all kinds of stuff so very very simple okay and we're looking at this and I'm like okay this is a constant or maybe you're going to look at uh this one for school searches right very cool that is a constant now we can also look at something like uh ClickBank let's say I think let's go into the marketplace here affiliate Marketplace there we go so we go to the affiliate marketplace right like this and maybe I can say well let's let's find a product that is a constant that I can use okay what is something that I can generate money with all right maybe go to new offers or even top offers and see what the fancy stuff is okay now pay close attention this one here some kind of diet supplement a lot of people promoting it makes good money uh some kind of blood sugar thing you got all kinds of stuff like that now I would advise against doing really big Health Products unless you know you're doing it in a passive way sometimes you can get into some trouble there however we can go through and we can do something like maybe we go through as seen on TV or computers and internet EB business and marketing all kinds of things like that all right so let's say that we wanted to start something that can make us some money passively we want to make money over and over and over again from something that we do one time this is the key to passive income because if you can do this then you're going to be able to make a lot more over time now when we look at stuff we could say live chat jobs or get paid to use Facebook app reviews all kinds of different things like that let's say we wanted to do app reviews or maybe even um something else paid paid writing jobs okay very cool or maybe we want to go off the beaten path and say well let's do something for uh let's go up to categories and maybe we'll do how do we get back to categories top offers there we go and maybe we'll go in and do something like maybe education or green products okay so let's say uh we have an easy power plan battery stuff solar septic tank okay so now we got something about septic tanks or whatever okay $84 a sale how many of you guys are like okay I get it that's pretty cool if I was able to make $84 a sale or one sale a day that would be $84 a daytimes 365 is roughly I don't know do the math like I don't know something like that close to 40 Grand or something right 20 grand something like that and so we go through and we're like okay that is a constant that is something that we know for a fact now what am I going to do here well what I need to do is I need to think creatively now a lot of people have been saying well you know making money online has to do with traffic getting traffic all right humor me for a minute because what you've been taught about traffic is probably wrong let me say that again what you've been taught about traffic is most likely probably wrong and so what we're going to do is we are going to start with the group of people who would want this so what I'm going to do is I'm going to say okay septic fix great 80 bucks people are selling it 100 bucks a sale looking pretty good all right now what I would do is I would go through to a free keyword tool free keyword tool three words okay and we're going to go through and we are going to say something like septic all right and we'll type septic in and we'll see what kind of things people have so we have septic tank septic tank pumping service cleaning all this other stuff okay so now we're looking at all this stuff and we're like okay well maybe maybe I can produce something of value for these people that they would want to use now let me give you a a basic idea of how this works okay a basic idea of how this works was I grew up in the 80s and in the 80s Realtors tried to Market in crazy ways right they'd send you a pen they'd send you a notepad with their face on top of it oh hey John Brown the realtor is going to help you out some of the Realtors were actually pretty crafty and they would send you a free guide guide and the free guide would be hey here's how to sell your house without getting ripped off or here's how to figure out the value of your home so what they're doing is they're leading with value all right notepad yeah I mean that is value but not for the real estate market we just scribbled our grocery stuff on it and called our family realtor because we didn't care about the other ones or even a calendar right that's value but it's not the right value in order to make passive income we need the right value so if we could do something like a free guide and if you are a realtor out there do this method it's going to work better than pads and and pens and hats and gloves and coffee Koozies and things like that and if you're not a realtor and you want to make money teach Realtors to do do this all right very easy step but if I was out there and I wanted to do this I would create the free guide on how to value your house that's going to work that's going to do well if you understand that type re guide in the comments and in the Box because if you understand that this will drive sales this is a money magnet this would be a money magnet that would drive people to the realtor day in day and day out over and over and over again so creating this one thing one time will'll make money are you guys getting It smash a like button if you get it because this is where everything revolves and a lot of people talk about all these things that are going to make passive income this is the one constant that I know that will work over and over and over again and all we need to do is figure out something that is going to pay us now maybe you're saying well Marcus I'm not a realtor I don't know how this is going to work what are we going to do okay well if I go through and I look at something like septic tank or maybe I can do septic uh cleaning something like this or septic pumping or whatever it is okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to find something that will work so septic cleaning cost products how much does it cost okay septic maybe maintenance I'm not even going to try to spell that one maintenance did I spell that right let's see here septic maintenance I did not spell it right so we'll do let's see right like this correct our spelling and put it right like this all right so maybe we could do something like septic maintenance now now we're getting somewhere okay now I have an offer that pays $80 for septic stuff I also have other things like I could go over here to offer Vault and I can type in septic right septic uh let's do plumbing okay let's see am I on oh yeah you know what I have a clear let me do this off here because sometimes we get interesting results we want be careful there septic there we go there we go all right I had a filter on right so now we have septic here which is $2 to $30 a call septic fix so lots of different things here and we have ClickBank and if we go to spyfu and type in septic services or plumbers or whatever it is now I got something that's hey there's some money there we can see the advertisers are paying $5 a click monthly cost on that traffic would be like $8,400 a month how many of you guys are getting this and you're like okay it's a little different than the stuff I'm teach learning about stickers and you know ways to make money and ideas this is actual real world stuff that I can do and if You Dig It smash a like button now we can go through and see okay okay this has money now what we know right on the get-go is we have a constant I get $84 when they buy that thing I get two to 30 when they do the phone call they don't even have to buy anything that's a constant this doesn't change I mean it could change down the road but most of the time it won't it's been there for years now what I need to do is I need to say to myself okay what would these people like I got a lot of people like if you go over to the old chat GPT and you ask it how many people have septic tanks there's a lot of them okay so we're going to go through and say well if I had septic maintenance how can I create something with AI that will help these people now if you're saying oh well you know that looks competitive don't worry that is not the purpose we're creating this for just yet so if I go through and I do septic maintenance I can do something like this and go to chat GPT and say let's create a septic maintenance guide for people with septic tanks okay much like the guide we're doing for the realtor same thing we are giving the value up front here is this free thing I expect nothing in return much like this video I'm teaching you stuff you're getting answers you're getting help it is free it is value upfront I know that people that see value upfront will probably go and buy a high ticket Niche because they're going to want to work with me and do this in a very specific way so now I have like understanding it's going through it's doing all the work I can also say things like what are some weather issues to watch out for when dealing with a septic tank and what I'm going to do is I'm going to go through and I'm going to create something that is really going to do a good job for people with septic tanks I'm going to talk about prices I'm going to talk about this I'm going to talk about that now this is one example that I didn't plan on doing today I wanted to show you one that I would do that would work in a simple way now other niches you can do would work really really well what I usually like to do to find these niches is use expired domains or auction domains because those will tell me something and also give me a footing right so like we went out there and and uh we had someone with the domain I think Matt's here he had the domain podcast pontifications and with his domain excuse me he had a lot of different rankings he just got a ranking the other day on his new site how to sell a podcast he's also got Spotify rankings Spotify charts and on and on we go now if you look at this domain in the Heyday which was like a year ago I think it was maybe even two years ago there you go two years ago so two years ago in this domain's Heyday it was all about podcast stuff okay now we know podcast you could do hosting you could sell this you can sell that so again the lead magnet that we are going to look at is going to be how do I create here's here's a guide on how to sell a podcast very cool it will get distributed it will work well you can put that out there okay now the key is in putting your links and your offers within that giveaway okay that's what's going to make this whole thing um work right it's going to sing like crazy when you make it work now we're going to go through like that domain uh or this one for fish right this is all about fish stuff maybe you could do one about how to um you know make fish how to know if the fish is good or bad different types of fish or things like that how to cook fish could be a very very good one um we also go through and you can take a look at some of the ones that uh let's see here some of the ones that uh I buy let's see uh Go Daddy auctions I think I can pull up some of them here hopefully I don't know maybe it'll be nice and and show us some of the ones here bidding one okay good it is going to do it right and we could go in and take a look at some of the ones that that I purchase here and they are based on things that that work really well this was blades online.net I'm thinking okay this is one where um it talks about different kitchen knives and chef knives this is something that can work really really really well if you go here and you do Chef you'll see uh Dynasty chef knives pays $38 so now we're like oh wait a minute so now I'm seeing that I'm thinking different where other people are thinking make a book make a sticker hope that it works it's hope marketing this is not hope marketing this is strategic thinking and creating something that you can make an afternoon that'll work very very well like Kodiak says some kind of tool calculator white paper ebook something that's going to help them it can also be a video some of the things we are going to look at from this list are like um let's say uh Niche website webinars uh L licensing content uh Amazon FBA e-commerce store membership sites all of this stuff can work you could have a membership site about different ways to uh cook or different different um products that help you cook or Chef products uh one of the videos we're going to have up and coming is going to be about celebrity stuff right because you're going to find that there are people out there that are like okay chef ramse knife right they're going to look up what kind of knife does the guy use what is something of value you can make is popular um popular uh you know knives that chefs use right people are obsessed with cooking shows online this is something that would work in an easy way or even Chef Ramsey pans what kind of pans do they use um different things like that and you see that people are searching for this how many of you guys are getting this and you're like okay this is making sense I'm getting it it makes sense I go for something based on what people are looking for based on how I can make money I mean you go out there and you're like okay maybe I could do chef knives or pans or whatever and they are going to pay money and all we need to do is create something upfront to make this work now we can pair this with the domain method this is why um our high ticket niches are so popular because these are the domains that we use right so blades online.net yes I can create a bunch of giveaway ways for here's Chef Ramsay's knives here's you know guy fur's knives here's you know whatever here's sushi knife here's these type of knife and all these different kind of things that will work okay and this is what we do now maybe I've done a disservice by trying to teach this in the past and it's gotten kind of convoluted but when I buy these domains this is what I'm thinking right I'm thinking okay fishing knife world this guy's doing fishing knives okay and you could see some of them I get pretty inexpensive some of them are more expensive like this one here that we sold last week for colleges in California so let's say something like this okay where you're like oh here are the colleges in Southern California all I would need to do what would be value well value could be okay let's go in let's make a guide with AI on Scholarships in California and how to to get tax credits or how to get California to pay for you to move to California for college or something like that where we are providing something UPF front right very very simple very easy and when looking at this we go through and say okay well maybe there's like California scholarships okay right like this California scholarship and I'll tell you A lot of people don't get this but a personal uh thing with me and my family is we never went to college my brothers didn't go uh my kids went uh for a little bit but they were the first ones to go to college that I knew of and I didn't realize how complicated the process was I mean you literally go to a a college and they're like how much does this college cost and they say well how much Equity you have in your house and I'm like wait a minute that doesn't sound like the right question to ask and all of this stuff was very very very convoluted and having a guide would have absolutely helped me I would have paid for it really really good stuff and we start to understand okay these are things we're building now when you pair this with our high tick Niche method and the way that we're putting these together it works like Fast plumbing.

Net this is one I'm sure we could probably put with the uh septic tank type stuff right this is more about Plumbing but same kind of vein it would work really really well or maybe we'll go through and take a look at like uh maybe we have the fishing one let's try to look at some others here and also something like this one here candle making fun uh did really well this is for candle making you could talk about oh the different waxes the different things again that would be more on the lines of like generating Amazon income and different things like that but we see okay this works green roof guide um this is one we have uh on our domain site right now which is going for all kinds of hydroponic stuff right so we look at this and we're like oh check this out this domain is ranking for hydroponic tower garden like that's got a lot of searches so now we're looking at this we're like okay I can go to ClickBank I can type something in like Hydroponic and I'm going to see there are offers that I can use $16 $63 aquaponics and on and on we go there's also stuff on offervault so what we're doing is we're finding our constant and we're building that thing that is going to make us recurring Revenue over and over and over again and it's not that difficult to do when you realize that it's about the value you put up front and center now do you need a website to do this you do not you can do this with a PDF you can literally go out there and say okay um now please make a Simple Guide on septic tank care tips and everything else we talked about you can go through and you can put this in a guide this is kind of thing you can make in three hours maybe even less this is the kind of thing where you know if you do a really good job like we have a team that makes these and it takes about one person per day to make a really really good one and if I can make this really good and get it out in front of people it can work in a real world way you can have pictures of you know septic tanks and talk about hey when this happens watch out for this and then all you would do is lead them back to uh your PDF or if you want to do the website method you'd lead them back to you know septic whatever uh.com and it would work in a very simple way and it's it's basing it on data knowing that the offers are out there and then when we go to get traffic it's a whole different ball game because when we're going out there most people are thinking oh well you know I got to get SEO or I got to do this what's going to happen is you are going to now be in a league of your own if you are going to try to get these real estate people or these septic people interested in your stuff now you have a guide something that is a value that you can give away once you have that you're in a different League like right now you're here with all the other marketers and you're like want to promote some affiliate offer but I don't know what to do and I want to make passive income but I don't know what to do so I'm sad right but once you have this free guide and if if it's actually worth a darn okay I'm not talking some crappy guide that you take two seconds to make I I'm talking make something really good if you're in the planting Niche maybe you have a specific planting guide for different seasons of the year or even different places to plant things or different fruits that are good for health issues or whatever it is or aquaponics or whatever and you start to realize okay now I'm going to make this good guide once I have this this will attract traffic when done correctly because now I can go out there and I could say oh I can make a YouTube video about hey here's septic tank number one issue here's how to fix it right and you go through and you look it up and you're like okay now I have something that I can work with right because now I can go over to YouTube or Tik Tok or whatever it is let's get this camera there we go come on come on over here all right camera let's see if we can fix you it's trying to follow me I don't know it's got me not very centered there we go oh come on now oh got to turn off tracking okay this way over here over here down here oh not up down there we go think we're there Gotta Love robot cameras okay so now we're going through and we're looking at this and I can go over to YouTube or something like that septic maintenance okay and if you look at septic maintenance and stuff like that a lot of these are no face videos right so you're like oh now I'm working backwards words and making this work right here we got how to maintain septic does I don't think there's a person in that one can't tell um this one has a person but now you're seeing okay there's all this stuff here's one uh fix slow drains here's a guy doing this but what we would do is we would just have our guide and we'd say today I'm gonna here's here's a cartoon one right I would just go through and I would say well here are the seven things you need to not know or you need to do and know to keep your septic tank happy and whatever right and here's some little tablets and whatever and you would do a really good job of helping them out right here's some septics 101 course uh mistakes there's a good one mistakes um different things like that and you can go through and you could say now please share some top septic mistakes and again now we're working backwards and we're building something of value and if you spend time with this like I guarantee if I spent you know a week or so learning about the septic Market by the time the week was up if I did a really good job I'd probably know more than most of the people in this market right I'm going to know a bunch of stuff and it's going to work in a very simple way hey Lily how you doing all right so really cool stuff and we look at it and we're like okay now I got all this stuff that we can use using a garbage disposal excessively all this other stuff and we start to understand oh wow now I'm doing something Based on data that's going to work I'm getting a domain that will work uh based on the data as well super super simple and then I can go through and say well I can lead them to um a site with ads on it right very simple uh T says affiliate with the different septic tank dealerships or Builders or cement well I'm going to go and I'm going to do something like more like this where we're going to get paid here that way I don't have to deal with people and get checks and all that I just go to lead smart or smart ad and and I I get it right then and there um you can also do you know different septic tank there's like solvents and things like that that would work as well now some other stuff that we can look at is really like what Niche is out there the college one we see um the fish one there's all kinds of things that you can use smart business hacks um this is one for smoking meat right here's one you can create all kinds of different uh tools and things like that Ed says can you run both offer Vault and ClickBank absolutely you can run as many as you want ad sense off Vault ClickBank most of them are pretty cool about that um and when you start to look at this it's like okay well maybe I can go on Amazon and do something like a septic right like this and you're going to see different septic treatments right so now I can say oh hey here's a septic treatment or or or whatever it is very simple think in terms of what your Market would actually want if we were to go out there and say well maybe we want to do like um let's say romance okay maybe there's something for romance to get our mind out of the the septic area kind of annoying Market but now we look at this and we're like okay text the romance back it is getting sales it makes $43 uh per sale very simple right we go through and we' be like okay maybe using our keyword tool we can do text um let's do text romance okay or maybe even like spicy text or whatever it is um okay so let's see text romance text um wife maybe something like that maybe text messages for your wife hopefully nothing uh mixed does weird okay so like these kind of things to text the wife or um romance or or text date or whatever it is right and what you would do is you would go out there and you say okay great so now again this would be an easy version of a money magnet what are some examples of spicy or let's say romantic that way we don't get too spicy got to keep it safe here romantic text to send your wife okay now you might be asking yourself well how is this going to make money okay well first we could be like hey print this out or download this guide and you can text these to your wife and blah blah blah blah blah the way it's going to make money is by a book like this hey if you enjoyed these texts go get this again I can do this in a PDF obviously disclose that you are an affiliate but this is the kind of thing where if I did it right I mean think about this ladies and gentlemen this is where the rubber meets the road if I go out there and I'm like okay now I have this let's say I have have how to text your wife how to um spark the romance whatever and I have all these examples I can now turn these into little traffic magnets maybe I go through and I I read them or have ai read them on a video or a Tik Tok or whatever it is right have you guys seen those videos where literally all they're doing is going to a phone emulator right watch I'll show you how easy this is it's absurdly easy let's do um phone message emulator right and people watch these like crazy it's weird um phone message fake fake text message something like that it's like it'll show you generator I forget the name there it is fak text message.com so like literally you go to something like this you re you create your thing you're like oh hey here's hubby and here's wife or whatever and you're like hey girl what's up or whatever hey dinner tonight right and you would actually film this thing making a text and then you can put you know AI voices to it or whatever and make it entertaining and what you will find out is all this stuff works in a really simple way if we were to go to like Tik Tok and do like romantic text you're going to see um a ton of different one let's do message let's see here romantic text message yeah see romantic text to make uh a woman obsessed with you 69,000 searches a month how to melt her with text 1.5 I mean like literally it's not that hard and people will watch this kind of stuff and then you're like oh well what else can I do flowers send her some flowers $6 a lead here's $2 on a a 60-second call FTD flowers that's probably for a lead maybe you can do something like date night ideas or gifts or whatever it is right I mean Valentine's is coming up and people spend money I mean like let's do um here's playful and flirty they got all this stuff right they're they're literally doing it how much is spent on Valentine's Day USA it's probably a ton of money this is something you can do in a very simple way um so they are saying a significant come on you could do better than that let's see Americans are set to spend an estimated total of $25 billion on Valentine's Day jewelry greeting cards so I can go through and be like hey you know what instead of just texting or something why don't you go and get her a ring and you can do like you know Blue Nile or whatever it is and these are the kind of things where it's like you need to be thinking different because if you do this right let's say you you sit down and you create a really good guide on how to text your girl or wife or husband or whatever and you make this really good thing that they will actually use and you forget about money for a minute you're like I'm gonna make this the best ever best ever make it I don't know make it a 100 Pages or whatever it is make it a really good one and you're out there and you're like okay now the pieces of this will create traffic because we're going to break it up then we lead to all the stuff that is going to make money which is our constant now you can also turn this into blog posts and different things like that if you so desire it's actually super super super easy when you think about it in a different way the problem is is people are not think they're thinking more about what they want to make versus how the actual Mechanics Work right very simple buy her some expensive Jewels instead exactly I we're all programmed to do that uh which is cool and like Kodiak says this thing's going to stay out there forever like literally think about this for a minute this here is a book about how to text the romance back could probably create a pretty good book with AI this guy's had this out there for years I've seen it on ClickBank for years that makes him passive income he wrote it once there it goes done deal ready to go right how many of you guys are like oh that makes sense I get it or you know you look at other things like schools or bathroom remodels right you could say oh um here's how to say save money on a bathroom REM model you when you look at it what you need to do is you need to think about how many people are doing things at any given time if we were to go through and say how many bathroom remodels are done in the USA or wherever you could do worldwide if you want per year okay how many bathroom remodels are done every year let's see what they're saying and again chat GPT can be your friend to answer questions about stuff like this yes can you give an estimate let's see if it'll find them okay so now we're like okay relevant 27% of household s completing a project okay that's pretty big um and the average remodel is 4,500 to 9,000 so you got a lot of people right now this second that are thinking about bathroom remodels I probably know four people that are doing bathroom remodels right now and I don't know a lot of people right and we start to look at this and say hey wait a minute now this is making sense now all I would need to do is use chat GPT to make that guide now a lot of people people are struggling with this and they're starting to think like okay you know how does this work with making this big thing to sell well don't start with that start small if you can start with a giveaway and affiliate marketing later down the road once you give away a bunch of these then start thinking about your own product but first prove the concept what happens is so many people are trying to build this gigantic thing all at once instead of like oh hey maybe I can make this thing and make $10 a day or $20 a day or whatever it is we need to make something very very simple we need to make something very easy and we need to go and get it done now when we start to realize okay let's build this maybe you go out there and you're like okay well I know the passive income Market just yesterday I was like okay AI what are some passive income things this is the kind of thing you can make into a guide that would work really really well I got to tell you there are guides out there in affiliate marketing and making money online that are garbage complete junk and yet they build businesses now if they can make junk and build a business surely we can do a good job and build a business maybe we could talk about different things and use AI to help us in an easy way it can create videos for us it can create uh the PDF for us it can help us find offers and what we're going to do is we're going to look for things that have ability to do recurring so when we go out there we are going to say okay we need to have something that is recurring okay and this can be recurring traffic okay recurring traffic is recurring income might not be as stable as everything but nothing really is but if we do recurring traffic okay maybe people are going to our videos or stuff all the time or we can do software as a service when we looked at that example where I made $5,000 last year that was one piece of software and it recurs every month so I'm making $9 a month for every referral I get from as long as they're referrals right so if one guy signs up one time stays for 10 years that customer is worth $1,000 now most people don't see it because they go Marcus you only got $9 what am I going to go get a hamburger at the McDonald's well no I'm going to get that every single month for years and and I got to tell you like our blog profit Network product apparently it's a really good s uh me membership site because people stay like 15 years and they get value out of it one person you might say well $37 a month that doesn't add up 37 time 15 years that's 37 times 150 months if you round it right that's a lot of money and you start to realize that was technically technically I made all that money on one day when they bought very simple we can also look at Amazon we talked about Amazon right if you have Amazon and you have your septic guide okay they could go and they can buy the the septic um what do you call it the the supplements or the the septic uh chemicals and things like that a newsletter creating a newsletter is something that can provide recurring income uh p apps tools domains uh years ago when I got into affiliate marketing um and I first started buying and selling domains online there was a guy out there he was in Hong Kong and he would buy domains and he would park them right and I also had a friend in Colorado that did this they parked domains and they would park the domain get the traffic from the domain and it would make the money right you see this all the time whenever you see a domain that has like that blue page and there's little links you can click nine times out of 10 that's domain parking all they're doing is buying a domain and parking it for the traffic so maybe they'd get you know Pacific Fish Grill or something like that or maybe even one like these that I get pretty inexpensively like this one I got uh this morning for food recipes Central all right this one here it gets traffic it already has traffic look at this 2,000 keywords on this domain talking about how long is Sushi good for how much meat per person and different questions like this that AI can ask in or answer in a very simple way and all I'm doing creating the guide putting it in front of them but parking a domain is something you can do if the domain gets traffic you can make money over and over now this is something that I do all the time um when influencers don't get their domain name again I'll buy them be like okay let's lead it to to whatever I think that person would want and what happens here is you start to realize these things can add up when you start to understand okay here's one about insects right um and a lot of these are are ones that we get for our high tick Niche program right and we're seeing like okay here's different things about getting rid of roaches and and and things like that here's one for uh Quality Air right choosing a a air thing um Kodiak says would you rebuild those keywords or try something new nine times out of 10 I'm going to rebuild build the keywords right nine times out of 10 what I'm going to do is I'm going to take a site like this one uh or or meat smoking guy or whatever and I'm going to build it up over and over and over again in a very strategic way I mean this thing had a ranking it had a number 19 ranking for Weber Smokey Mountain that term gets 9,300 searches a month I mean that is a grill you could sell you go and you're like oh hey you know Amazon's got the Weber Smoky Mountain or maybe you go here and you do uh barbecue or something like that or grill right um here you go roasting Grill basket here's a rolling Grill Pit Boss Grill Pit Boss Austin Weber grill voucher right lots of different offers that you can use or of course you could even go to Amazon and sell it as an Amazon affiliate very very simple um or we're going to use Wayback machine no I'm just going to use um what ranks right so I'm going to go and I'm look at what ranks and I'm going to build that up again um very important that we use that and make it work like this guy here Matt rebuilt this one with the post on that exact page and it works right and a lot of this was created with AI it's not that difficult to do we just want to do really good uh with that stuff now as far as plagiarism issues I have a video coming out about up and cominging plagarism issues because AI with the amount of people it's going to start to plagi your as itself because people always look for basic simple easy shortcuts rather than providing good value that's what I'm talking about here providing good value will get you a um recurring income when done correctly but the problem is is people don't want to sit there for a day and create something of value they're too busy going from one thing to another thing and getting scatterbrained and that's why they never make money because they are all over the place um if you own the site is a plagiarism that's a gray area um I would not take content from a domain I own because all I bought was the domain not the website so you got to look at that now what we're doing here is taking a look and finding the offer first and then going through and saying okay how can I reverse engineer it now you can either find the offer first or find the domain first if you want to do this free no domain no hosting just PDF you're not going to do the domain so you do the offer first if you are going to do um The Domain way which which is going to put you I mean when you think about it think about how far ahead someone like the meat smoking one or like this colleges in Southern California okay this one ranks for keyword that are literally like 994 competition that's absurd so do you think this guy's going to be farther off than if you just started out in the college niche of course he is this guy's like five years ahead of the game and all he's got to do is put the content up and make it work and you guys have seen this time again where we have something like Emoji edit right this was one of my students that got the site he's now ranking for so this was this was when I bought the site I think we actually bought it in like June or something um which was I think you can see on the map what it looks like when we buy these I mean it works over and over and over again so we bought it right here in like July and you can see it just skyrocketed up up and now you're seeing it's ranking for 20 almost 13,000 keywords 41,000 traffic on the keywords traffic value I mean you see that it's like oh hey all we have to do is build it uh Mark says you could harvest the slugs from the archive but not the content correct correct um and so you start to look at this and you're like oh now I see how it works and it's not even that expensive like here's one for jetboat owner right you could go through and say um boat owner maybe make an article or guide but when you start to see that you're like okay gifts for a new boat owner find boat owner uh gift for new boat owner boat owner gift ideas things like that which is interesting and you're like okay can I create content about a boat owner and maybe get them to like boat insurance or whatever it is or things you need to know as a new boat owner I mean when you start to realize this and you're like hey these companies that are huge even Amazon you look at Amazon they are not making money on one keyword with one thing it is all broken up much like where we showed you the example with the uh lemon pepper the grocery store is making like that lemon pepper makes more than we do think about it that's making more than we do which is insane and we're like okay well now we can look at that and be like okay how does it work now when you look at that people search for that online lemon pepper now what most people are trying to do is make a gigantic food website rather than focusing on one little thing right what if you were like hey I'm going to do a good job and I'm going to find the best darn lemon pepper out there and I'm going to sell it or maybe the best recipes or whatever like you go out and say okay find some lemon pepper recipe things or or the best lemon pepper recipes or whatever it is and you start to realize hey wait a minute now I got something I can work with now my advice would be to try to find stuff that pays really well um Amazon selling lemon pepper you're going to have to sell a ton of lemon pepper to make that work however maybe I can find something else maybe there is a a seasoning you know kit or pack or whatever let's try offer Vault excuse me seasoning or maybe uh cooking we'll try cooking right so like maybe I could talk about that and find what I call um the jugular offer the big offer right maybe there's something out there like maybe I can do um sunflower cooking oil or something like that again I would probably find something better like the knives that's probably where I'd go because it pays more um but that would work really good now let's say knives okay kitchen knives all right I make a guide it's very simple new please tell me all the different types of cooking and chef knives and what they do right and we can go through and find images make an easy guide here's all the guide to the right knives when you're cooking and bada bing bada boom we're going to sh sell the knife and when we have something like a domain do you guys see how it's compounding I'm like okay now I got blades online.net which ranked four different words about different eyes so I'm already ahead of the game right how many of you guys are like whoa wait a minute and that's why our high ticket Niche program is so popular because we are putting you ahead of the game and you could see that at high ticket nit.com where we literally take these domains we make content on the stuff that it ranked for we get you guys the rankings we build the site we show you how to make it work b b bada boom you make it happen now of course A lot of the stuff that we've talked about it's not typical implied or guaranteed like we don't know what you're going to make this is a business the average person trying to make money online makes nothing but when you understand wait a minute okay I could literally go out there and go to Tik Tok and be like oh how to cut a tomato how to dice this you go out there you're like okay what kind of stuff would sell this maybe we'll go and do um dice onion if I could spell onion right that would probably work right and you see here dice onion and you can see how to dice an onion how to dice it without crying best way to dice an onion onion h i mean you look at this and it's like hey people are looking this up and you can probably get them to buy the knives because I'm sure they're interest interested in cooking and guess what again a lot of people don't think big picture Dyson onion gets 1,700 searches a month okay that's not much you're probably not going to sell that many knives let's just get real however watch what happens when you compound it Tik Tock 130,000 500,000 9 million on dicing stuff and you don't even have to be in the camera like this guy ain't even well that guy is but this guy's not in the camera how to dice not in the camera this is kind of thing where when you're thinking about content uh without showing your face and no face videos and things like that boom that's where it's at people talking about oh you got to go out there and make this video about you know clowns surfing or whatever that's not Based on data and it's not based on what's going to make money right we're going to go through and make this work we're going to make it work in a really really simple way uh caffeinated blogging says do we need to check these domains in case they were blacklisted spam sites Now using the tool that I use to find domains uh this has a Spam Zilla score right and this by the way full transparency let me show you how this works a couple years ago I made a video on how to use Spam Zilla that is the $5,000 example I actually went out there and I bought spam Zilla because I was like hey pretty cool um I I lead that to my tutorial and I make money on it in a very simple way but looking at this it actually has a Spam score right so you could see yeah this one is high this one is is medium most of the time they're okay what I'm looking for is do they rank currently right does this currently have any ranking so the knife one today it has 32 Rankings today that one's fine probably okay 3 hours ago come on we're doing all right there now are they great rankings no probably because the person didn't know what they were doing um so we're going to do better life cat says oh wait here we go so this is the this is the rankings now and this was the uh spam Zilla score here right so we could see like Santa Barbara Gardens maybe that one will have some stuff that we can use and we start to understand pairing this with each other is going to work like crazy and for those that are like in it to win it boom there you go do I own spam Zilla I do not I own um a domain that talks about the training for it and that does really well I think uh let me see if I can pull that up I think I've made quite a bit um let see no it's thrive thrive cart um off of this and again this is one little thing from one little tutorial and when you look at it let's do all time you can see this is a spam Zilla commission so I've made about 13,000 bucks on it now does it pay as much as I'd like no have I generated that much traffic not really I only got 10,000 clicks to it and you start to say okay well cool if I was to do this I could go out there and say okay please tell me about buying expired domain names for resell and SEO purposes I think I spelled wrong but there you go I can go through and I can make a guide on how to do this right and then I could say now share some tools domain buyers use and we'll go through and we're like okay now we go and B Bing there you go right and this is real world stuff I'm showing you hey look this is where' it go this is real world I refresh there you go uh today have I made anything yet today no yesterday 18 bucks week to date uh week to date load all right it's being slow but um you can see here it is all time um there's the example there bada bing uh let's do last year so last year alone without doing anything um it generated 5,500 bucks right and so we're starting to look at this and be like hey check this out this is real world stuff and when you start to like imagine what would happen if I made a bunch of Tik Tok videos on buying domains or YouTube videos on buying domains again I don't have to be in them all I need to do is go out here take something like this now share some tools buyers use when getting expired and auction domains right and this is why like when we do our high ticket niches and stuff we have this system set up where we are doing this for you have a whole team um that does this which is really cool uh someone says can you do a Wix versus WordPress so I'm going to say yeah I mean I'm going to use WordPress hands down and I I did do a video on that but I think that's the wrong question I think you need to find your Niche first right and then worry about all the other stuff later but if you want to learn about hosting I have a a video at uh get oh no go ubs.com gohub site.com so here you could see it actually does a really good job of sharing the tools that people use you could do how about spam Zilla and what's going to happen is you can use these and see where the traffic is right so esot okay you got esot here which does have an affiliate program I haven't made a whole lot with it but it's decent and you're going to see people do search up esot okay so that's something I can use so hey this works good with Spam Zilla or whatever it is and it's not that hard to do um now one of the things I did want to share with you guys is in blog profit Network this month for February we are actually going to be teaching this process in whole so we're going to teach you how to make these money magnets with AI if you want to check that out blog profit network.com sign up we have an offer right now where you get a domain name right we give you a decent domain name in there um really cool stuff also you can go to download my notes.com to get the notes from this video and when understanding how passive income works you really need to think about it in terms of how can I do something small really really really really good right how can I do something small that's really good and when you focus on that like Lily's out there she says she's got Niche and everything you're focusing on the wrong thing focus on here's my Niche how do I create something that's going to work for them right how do I look at that it doesn't matter Wix or WordPress I would say use WordPress because search engines love it and if you're focused on Wix you're probably more focused on what your site looks like rather than the sales message of your site and we start to understand wow these things that we create can make us money in a very very simple way and all I need to do is think about how to Value right maybe people are looking for how to value your house how to value your domain name how to Value uh whatever how to value a business okay when you look at how to value a business ladies and gentlemen these people are looking to buy and sell businesses which sell my business is going to be something that pays a lot lot of money per click and we start to understand oh wait a minute everything is distraction except for this this is where the rubber meets the road this is where the money is if you're tired of floundering around and tired of struggling the key is is zeroing in on one thing and doing it really well and doing it over and over and over again if I put all my energy into selling 250 different Books Okay I'm going to be spread so thin none of them is going to get the proper attention however if I focus on one and doing it really good then I'm going to do a lot better it's going to be easier to get traffic it's going to be easier to make the content it's going to be easier to connect with the people then I can Branch out and do the same thing on the next one and the next one and the next one and the idea which is where I came up with the whole Simple Sites concept is to make something simple that's going to produce income over and over and over again and some of them will do you know a dollar a day $10 a day or whatever but over time it's going to add a up to a lot of money and this is the same method that I've used to make millions and millions of dollars online using these little micro businesses right is there something I can do I know people talk about oh hey go buy a a laundry mat and that's fine for people who want to do that and have the capital to do that but the average laundry mat doesn't make all that much money I can go out there and I can buy a domain name and a website and and say hey now I can build this up and I can make the same amount of money the laundry mat is making right and you start to understand hey wait this is where the uh rubber meets the road like this one was a high ticket Niche we sold uh just recently think about this for a minute this was all about nursing track the track to being a nurse and this one had all kinds of rankings for different nursing programs right and you're like oh hey this nursing program that nursing program and what I'm doing is I'm saying hey focus on this and this alone and when it works then you Branch out but if someone Focus just on how to become a nurse that Niche is so big there's so much money in it I mean watch this become or nurse requirements and you look at this and it's like oh requirements for nurse nurse practitioner requirements all this stuff here now what's happening is by creating the the m maget the traffic magnet the money magnet with AI were bypassing the competition right we skate right ac across and now we're like oh hey the competition doesn't matter because with something of value now I could do the Tik Tok videos and it could be something simple like a video on how to cut an onion please be careful if you're making those videos you could do with stock footage you can hire people to do it and you start to understand that there we go Robert says every domain is a business technically every ranking is a business right so every domain yeah that would be a business um and when you start to realize like hey wait a minute let's look at how these work and you're like okay let's do let's just look at the last 100 that I bought right and you're like okay here's the last 100 that I bought let's put them into a batch tool okay and with your high TI Niche if you ever get a high tick a niche we give you all the data and everything um keyword reports everything like we show you the whole nine yards but what you're seeing here is a lot of these have a lot of rankings so here's a deal site this has all kinds of like coupons and Deals um here's one for candles we did that here's one I got yesterday for ceramic tile sealer which I thought was fantastic I mean you think about this and it's all about like uh grouting tile how soon can you grout all this tile grouting stuff huge Niche you think about it it's like that Niche is gigantic you could talk about grout you could talk about sealers you could talk about counters remodels I mean there's so many things and when you look at a niche like that right uh nurses or or or or stuff like that boom there you go it works here's one for snowboard stuff or SEO tool or um I don't remember what that one was but you're starting to see hey wait a minute this is stuff that actually works here's a couple of mortgage ones travel uh one about Frets for people who have pet ferrets I had a friend years ago who had a um site about making parrots talk and he was making a full living on it which was crazy um do I do one-on-one calls we are taking them selectively actually right now uh we closed it down for like a year cuz I got too busy um but we do those calls um let's see strategy I think it is yeah so we do one hour calls here um if you want to get that just get with my team or whatever or go to blog profit Network and you can get the details there um but yeah like right now we are doing that because I'm training someone new to help me with that um but yeah that's the idea is like okay now we have something that's going to work and using these domains and and looking at things in a very strategic way is what really helps and if you're looking for questions on on things like that you can always go to any of my websites if you go to affiliatemarketing dude.com right like this um you can see we have this little button down here let me see if I can make it I think I need to shrink this down so this button here will get either me or or um people that work close with me they all my people that work here work very close with me I know that them personally you know uh everything like that and um you can click this and actually get help and say oh hey I'm interested in a call or whatever um and things like that uh Carlos good question he says uh where would you place a PDF in the market I think let me see um let me put the chat over here I forgot to put it on the big screen give me one second and we'll see here there we go um PDF in the market I think that's what it says where would you place a PDF in the market um I would place it on my website so ideally You' do like how I do with download myot notes.com where I have the notes at download my notes.com they put their name and email in so it's a very simple domain that's where I would put that uh is there a list of all the tools you use there are um lists of tools I use at affiliatemarketing dude.com um that's where I would go like if you guys are looking for in more info it's all here you get the notes from the videos all kinds of stuff like that and um if you want to work with us you can just click on I think there's like a work with yeah this little button here or there's a button on the side which is really cool in the giveaway maybe it would be a post yeah I mean once you have the PDF you could give it away on a press release you can give it away wherever you want um that's that's the the beauty of it on a budget which is better chat GPT or co-pilot if all you have is 20 bucks I'm gonna say I'm gonna say get chat GPT because it can do more data co-pilot is good for research but if if all you have is 20 bucks get chat gbt it's probably going to do better for you um what about promoting Retreats is it too broad it would depend on what type of Retreats you want to promote I I think that would be a fantastic one because then you can do giveaways of what it does what you're looking for let me see if um this works here hold on a second since we ran out of space on the chalkboard uh what we're looking for is a branch out so where most people see and this is what I talk about with distinctions nobody talks about this but I think it's so important um what you're talking about and this is what we do with my content business so I have a business where we make content for people and they would come in in and they would say okay how are we going to use it and what's going to happen is they're going to say well I have these retreats to sell and what I'm going to do is I'm going to say well what what are they about is it like a yoga retreat does it help with emotional balance does it help with recovery does it help with this and I'm going to go through and I'm going to make giveaways for each one if you have giveaways for each one I mean game over you win here are the benefits of this Retreat here are the the benefits of that and it's something that you can do in a really easy way um same thing with me like what I do is I promote my offers okay so it's like oh hey you could uh you know go to boot camp for people that want to meet me in person and have like a you know make money with Marcus Retreat I'm going to go through and find the steps people have to get here oh hey maybe they're researching this maybe they're researching that maybe they're researching this and along the way these are all traffic sources and it's not just one person it's thousands of people and we're going to use that to Branch out into what could I give away think about a realtor okay if you have a realtor what can you do okay well maybe I can do a price your house guide maybe I could do a a worksheet here's a a worksheet if you're thinking about selling your house here's a refinance worksheet and Realtors don't think this way most people don't think this way they're just out there like how do I get the next person I better you know run an ad or whatever which is good but running an ad is what everyone else is doing right I want to do what's called attraction marketing attraction marketing is where I am using these little lead magnet money magnets and again if you don't have a domain if you're like the guy who can only afford chat GPT use that to make your money magnets creating a PDF is free can do it online free and then put them at what you are trying to sell if it's you know the proper way to dice an onion think about that and put them to the stuff that that you're working on selling maybe you go out here and you do um house maybe something about like house house buying or how to start a house cleaning business okay or whatever it is and you start to realize okay tiny house uh uh garages or sheds or whatever it is build your own shipping container house and you start to realize okay everything is a little point and they are all passive income because I can create like that one little thing about the domain uh spam Zilla tool right that's making me an average of What $55,000 is 5500 a year so an average of like $19 a day or something like that bada bing there you go uh like Lily says most people are too lazy to put in the effort exactly and they don't see the vision right they're too busy thinking about well I want to make 100 Grand a year and it's like that's fine lots of people make 100 Grand a year but how do they do it even you you go to work every day if you make a 100 Grand a year you go to work every day and you get like $267 that's how you make a 100 Grand your your boss isn't just like hey here's 100 Grand you have to show up every day all right now these little money magnets that I'm creating with AI for free are going to work every day and they don't ask for a paycheck they don't ask for anything like that and they are making me money over and over and imagine if you had one that made 19 a day one that made five a day one that made maybe it does good maybe 130 a day maybe here's one that does 50 a day here's one that does 10 a day and one that does really good maybe 250 a day you're making a good sixf figureure income right then and there um very simple gova says can you can you explain domain parking sure so domain parking as a passive income what happens is you're going to get a domain that has traffic so if you're using spam Zilla you can go through and you can take domains and you can say hey I want to do it by traffic okay now some of these will have absolute junk traffic let's click the right one and some of them will have good traffic okay so this one here uh 59,000 visitors a month here's one with 16,000 so what's happening is you are buying the domain let's say you get this color one color's name okay this one's got traffic keywords hopefully it's clean yeah some kind of movie thing right so something like that Santa Barbara whatever right you have all these different ones all whatever safe call different things like that okay what's going to happen is you buy the domain and the domain has the traffic coming in okay you put ads on this okay there's a lots of places you can go you can go tabula you can go uh wherever and you could literally put ads on it and make money and I've known people that have made multiple like eight figures doing this method eight figures a year doing this method again results not typical implier guaranteed uh getting to eight figures I have never done that in one year okay I've done million a year um but you know you look at that it's like most people make nothing but when you start to look at that it's like okay this guy got a ton of domains he was getting millions of visitors a day and making money on the parking of the domains and you can do that with all these different domains I like to put content on them I mean there was a a study done um Matt Diggity had some guys on who basically took a domain ranked it with a bunch of junk AI content not recommended but they made like 850k in 30 days that's the power of this what people don't get is with AI if you're not making money now with AI you probably never will unless you learn how to do it right which is what we're teaching here um because it's so simple and straightforward that literally anyone can do it uh how did the domain get traffic with content only ads so the domain got traffic as the domain so like these domains here are getting traffic we just have to put some like right now I buy it it gets traffic instantly um that's what we're looking at right so so that's the you don't have to do anything um some of them if they're getting traffic from you know uh search You' probably have to build the stuff up so it so it keeps there here's one for like interview stuff looks like an interview best online courses about interviews right so this kind of thing okay hopefully it's good stuff um we'll keep it clean there but yeah hopefully you know you look at that and you're like okay maybe I can do a site about interviews questions and answers or whatever um and again very simple make your your stuff there uh wouldn't it you lose rankings quickly they let it run their course some of them get what so so there's several different things here we'll go in a different direction since you guys are all asking okay and if you guys like this go to blog profit network.com sign up we have calls like this every week we we're able to answer a lot more questions there because I don't have to like you know worry about uh generic audience it's hey you go on there you ask your questions but I'll give you the idea and that's at blogit network.com or you could get a niche at high ticket nitch.com but what you're going to do is a domain has two things one it might have what's called backlinks so if you have a link on CNN okay or Fox just to show you that I am not partial could be either one right uh what's going to happen is it people will click the link if the link is on a page they're going to click it doesn't matter who owns the domain or not right so that would be traffic um the other thing would be rankings will the rankings drop if you just put ads on it 100% they will drop right that guy who made or 850 Grand in a month things toast doesn't rank anymore all right um this one yes the rankings will which is why we build them up however if you're getting this kind of traffic where they're actually clicking it then you could do it I mean how many of you guys have clicked on a domain and it's like this domain's not available anymore or whatever um very that that's what's happening right and if the domain was up they would get the traffic so I've had that with with a couple things um I bought one years ago I don't know if I've done anything with it it was the free ad Forum was it the free ad Forum or free ad Forum one of them but I bought it and it had a bunch of traffic and I'm like hey I'm just going to redirect this to my stuff um and it worked in a really easy way is this is this me I don't remember if this is me or not I know I have like the free ad form or free ad for them um but either way whichever one I bought I have a lot of domains yeah so mine was was free ad forum and I was thinking okay all these people that that want to post ads online you know they're going to come to me and I'll teach them how to do it the right way um so very simple and we did a video on free ad forum and and you know it's very simple so all I did was put this lead capture page up see I actually do this stuff which is a free Report with 100 free ad posting sites so you think about that and it's like oh to people looking for uh posting ads free online right so you go here and you're like free classified ads okay thousand people a month let's do classified ads 9,000 a month free classified ads let's do um ads free ads okay that's not what we want let's try um post free ads there we go so see how this has a lot of traffic and what I'm going to do is I'm going to create a giveaway it's the old thing of um a lot of people they say marget you know your thumbnails and your stuff you know uh sometimes it's kind of click baity and I'm like well yes maybe sometimes we get sensationalized but for a point it's the old thing of give them what they want sell them what they need okay so what's going to happen is you're going to click it I'm and give you what you want but in the video I'm going to teach you what you need you came here probably looking for I want to go to chat GPT and say give me $10,000 a week great fine yeah have fun with that but in this video I'm going to give you what you need which is create that content so they're going to come to me saying Hey I want to post free ads I'm going to say that's that's not the way to to do your business you don't post free ads what you do is you do the strategy that I teach you um and that happens online all the time and all I did was create that giveaway and bada bing bada boom we're ready to go we can make money right does that make sense to everyone Fred says great info but for a 66 year old you're really hard to follow do you have a step-by-step program yeah if you go to affiliat marketing dude.com just click these you could learn about our programs I got a bunch of them um High ticket niches is probably the best one because it is going to force you to hit the ground running like there's no if Sands or butts we're going to get you a domain um you just tell us you're like hey I like fishing we'll get you a fishing domain I like woodworking get you a woodworking domain um and we get you one that is is based on what you want with the link the links the back links and we build it up for you and kind of walk you through everything step by step and it's very simple like it it works if you do it here's one streetsmart affiliate.com this is one where you can create a bunch of affiliate guides there's people doing it uh I did a video a couple weeks ago on the gals that were doing the Shady affiliate marketing okay now while what they promote is Shady the way that they're promoting it is with simple little videos and things like that that are the magnets that get them the money and it makes it over and over and over again it's actually very simple um I know a lot of people over complicate this but I mean think what would happen if you had a domain like a workout domain right and maybe you go through and you're like okay well um let's do Foods after workout right people looking for Foods after workout okay A lot of people are looking it up okay now again this is elusive you might say 150 that's nothing okay fine good foods after workout this is going to have people looking it up 23, 288 1.8 million you go to YouTube high protein foods after workout same kind of thing right so now you're seeing this in a different way and you're like wait a minute this Market's not only way bigger than I thought but I go over here and I'm like okay chat GPT what are some high protein foods after workout we make the deal and then there we go so you're making the guide and give free with affiliate links exactly I would make this here be like here's my guide to um Foods after workout you could print it out right and if you look at it it's Etsy this has all this stuff there people sell it so me giving it away would work really well as well and you start to realize hey wait a minute this isn't as hard as everyone cracks it up to be even if you're you know 66 and lost follow along take notes be in it to win it do you still use a timeout method yes I do um it's a little different now because Google makes you scroll and scroll and scroll but it's still pretty much the same thing right so very simple and you start to look at that and you're like hey there you go very simple very easy all I got to do is be in it to win it and make it work check out blog profit network.com if you want to learn this strategy in detail next week on Tuesday on our Tuesday blog profit call I'm going to go through this in detail um you can also check out the other links um or just go to our sites and see what we got there right all kinds of stuff you can talk to uh the people that that work here and stuff like that all kinds of stuff for you but definitely smash a like button if you enjoyed this watch it again take some notes I think there's a lot of things people might have missed but when dealing with passive income finding your Market giving them something letting it live forever is the key to make it work um no money for a website at this time where can I post my giveaway to get traffic make videos post the link um if you want to host a pdf online you could probably I mean there's lots of places you could use a Google uh Google folder you could use dropbox could use anything right just get it out there make it work my advice would be if you don't have money for a website go get a job support yourself come back and and do it when you can do it right that would be my two cents again you could do what you want but that's what I would do that is what I did I had a job that supported me while I learned this stuff and I use that to invest over and over and over again and I built uh anim girl if you haven't decided on a niche check out High ticket nit.com I mean that's what we do that's what I do I'm good at a few things not a lot of things but I am good at finding niches and making them make money and I'm really good at finding domains and making that happen too which is really really cool so thank you very much have fun hop on over to the sites check out the stuff blog profit network if you're thinking about getting training check out Tuesday's call is going to be a deep dive on this we're going to start shifting it up a little bit and I think you're going to love it super inexpensive awesome good stuff have fun and I'll see you in the next training

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