hey John cristani here talking about freedom and family creating an income working for yourself if you don't like that 9 to-5 we're going to get you out of it I have a couple of passive income ideas for you to get money coming in consistently without you having to constantly work for it and do that Daily Grind so you can support your life and create that freedom of family we're going to be talking about how you can do this through e-commerce not just not just generally more specifically we're going to be talking about how you can do it through YouTube blogs dividends what P2P lending is rentals and rs each of these ideas we're going to go in depth how you can actually get an advantage here let's freaking go e-commerce is a great way to make passive income but it needs to be done in a specific way if you want it to become passive e-commerce similar to affiliate marketing it's generally a more active income Source meaning you have to constantly work on you know new ads or new landing pages or new stuff like this but if you want to make an e-commerce income passive you have to find some something specific you have to get an exclusive product that only you can sell okay now an example of an exclusive product is I have these lava rocks this very specific unique lava rocks right outside my house that are worth a lot of money lava rocks are pretty expensive I could sell these lava rocks and I wouldn't have to compete with anyone now if I painted them if I did work on them I it it would be more more unique and more expensive but it wouldn't be passive now the other thing you want to do is you want to find products that are scarce right unique or scarce and wherever you are in the world there might be a product that you can sell maybe maybe you're very good at hunting snakes well that's a good or you know you enjoy hunting snakes for a living you could find snake skins you know you know and you could sell those you know you have no money but you can kill snakes right that's that's a that's a great way to make money sell those to on the e-commerce maybe you live in Morocco and there's a certain type of food that you have in Morocco but Moroccans in you know Mexico do not have access to you could set up a Mexican website and sell that Moroccan food to the Moroccans in Mexico does that make sense right and the key here the very big key to all of this so you need to have that exclusive product and you want to show up on Google for the Search terms that they're searching so let's say you're polish and you have perogi you have access to perogi suppliers that sell the best perogi it's a type of weird Polish food around but you know that polish immigrants in China that there's thousands of Polish people in China and they don't have a source for perogi well now you set up a website in Chinese that shows up when people search for perogi in China and you show up that is a purely passive income e-commerce because you are showing up for keywords you don't have to spend money or do marketing and you are selling a product that's unique and exclusive and other people can't do you marry those two you have a passive income second passive income opportunity is YouTube now YouTube by the nature of video content if you are making video content it's Unique it does take some time and effort to do but it's Unique because it's your content right now maybe you are simply showing people how to cook I've seen a lot of these cooking videos you don't like showing your face on camera just put it on the thing you're doing which is the cooking you know if you know how to build you know set up drywall well don't show your face just put the camera on the drywall and show them how you're hammering in drywall you know you know how to fix watches well don't put the camera on your face put the camera on the face of the watch and show how you're fixing it with the little tools you have content without have you having to be in front of the camera I always get people saying I don't want to be in front of the camera it's like stop whining you know first off and second off you know figure it out so you have the unique part cuz nobody can replicate your content but you want to go the second level once again we want to go for SEO we want to go for S and what is SEO you might be saying John you mentioned this twice SEO is things that people are searching for like how to fix how to fix time on Rolex submarine right submarine I think is a model of watch of Rolex right if you show videos of you you know this is something people search for there's thousands tens of thousands of people with Rolex submarine watches you're going to show up because you have unique content and people are searching for this so you don't have to actually constantly be putting out new content you just have to have a video that shows how to do it and whatever you do in your job I'm I'm pretty interested what do you all do for a living type in in the comments what you do for a living like what you do in your job like what specific thing and I'd be interested to like what skills are you learning in your job right because my guess is anything that you do for a job you can just do YouTube videos of that now I've recently seen this in the Ukraine Russia War it's really exciting all these soldiers are putting up videos on on rumble on Tik Tok on on YouTube on telegram channels of what they do for a living you know like killing people dropping bombs on people you know like like launching artillery they get a lot of views you know um you know it's kind of interesting stuff but they're making videos of it they're making videos out of war and it's really popular it's it's the first time it's been do this because there's so much censorship in a you know in the American Military They Don't Really allow them to put out videos of like you know killing people so the point is people are searching for this stuff and do content around it the second thing is the same thing with blogs you can write tutorials you can write content again our goal here is to increase the amount of information in the world if you know how to do a certain type of hair weave if you know how to speak to children a certain way if you know a certain way of folding clothes you can write a tutorial on how to do this stuff if you know how to be a good mother a father whatever it is a good dog owner you can write a tutorial online and put out blog posts and show up for it an important concept to understand is whether you're being a producer or a consumer in life now if you've noticed the last couple things I talked about what is it YouTube and blogging it requires putting out content it requires produc producing something and the FRA the the shift in mindset that you need to embody if you want to become successful is being a producer not a consumer produce more often than you consume now the next income method is pretty obvious it's dividends you can invest in stocks like AT&T cocacola Fanny May you know Bank of America you can invest in these companies and for roughly every $25 that you invest in these companies you will make back $1 in passive income a year so it's not a lot you might say well John that's not good income well we're talking about passive income here passive income typically involves more of an investment to be passive if you want to make passive income of A4 million a year $240,000 you need to put $6 million into dividend stocks but you can live the rest of your life free with that so it's not a cheap way of passive income but it is purely passive the fifth way of making passive income it's a bit more risky and it's called peer-to-peer lending and you can find out more about you know one popular peer-to-peer lending company is kea.org peer-to-peer lending what that means is you are lending to other just like kind of like normal people in businesses like like I was looking on kea.org the other day and you know there's some uh Mexican guy who wants to start a food cart you know he needs like $2,000 to uh buy equipment to start a little like like a food wagon that he rolls around the streets of Mexico City and he said he'll pay out pay back the investors within 6 months of purchasing his food cart so this is a very risky investment for a number of reasons it's a small investment it's a person I mean who says they don't just take the money and run now the way Keo works is there's a reputation systems and all sorts of stuff there's ways you can evaluate these Investments so there's there's a lot of research you have to do into these Investments but you can make really good Returns on your money 20% 30% 40% even 50% in a year but you can also lose the money you invest in these companies much more readily than if you invested in AT&T okay at the dividends you get with AT&T these are very similar the dividends you make with AT&T right you're only getting about 4% on your money invested whereas here you can make maybe 40% but also the downsides bigger does that make sense stability but not a lot of returns more risk more returns right more risk more reward the next one is rentals now obvious this costs money as well you can rent you can buy an apartment rented on Airbnb not much more to be said by that I did that it was it's very successful it's a very easy way to make money REITs is a very is a very important investment vehicle which is something I've been looking into and I'm going to start investing in soon it's called real estate investment trust and what it means is it's instead of investing in a specific house or a specific apartment building or storage unit parking lot or office build building you're investing with a group of other people usually into a group of buildings or maybe just one building and what the advantage of a Reit is is you only have to put down maybe $11,000 maybe1 to $25,000 is all it takes to invest in to a Reit now you get the benefits of investing in real estate without having to make a massive investment and without having to take over the management of those prod properties which makes it a very appealing investment because there's less risk there there's less potential upside returns but also most people investing in reach they don't want to be they don't want to be managing the buildings they don't want to be managing all the legal paperwork that's involved with buying buildings and you can also drisk Yourself by investing in REITs that involve a group of properties so you know you get the idea those are the passive income ideas where I make my $700 a month I actually make more than $700 a day from passive income my passive income is closer to the tune of I'd say a couple thousand a day because I've set up multiple streams of income my YouTube videos still get viewed about 20,000 30,000 times a day videos I shot years ago teaching people how they can start an affiliate marketing business teaching folks how they can start an e-commerce business teaching folks how they can make money posting on Facebook Instagram YouTube you know Pinterest you know all these little hacks for getting traffic and people in eyeballs and sales from doing on you know posting links online basically so that's created a nice passive income stream for me I also have a book that I've written that's on Amazon I also uh that gets some sales and I own a bunch of stocks and uh some dividend producing stuff so that's how I make my passive income it's really exciting you know I've moved up to the scale where I'm getting out of the operations of one of my companies and I'm assigning management roles so that I don't have to do the day-to-day of really anything there anymore I just can be me and do you know put out content for you guys so that those operations are managed without me like always like checking on people and like you know nagging you know saying hey you know like you said you do this why didn't you do that you know like why you know I hate doing that you know I hate micromanaging so that that's becoming a passive income source for me which is really exciting I hope you all the best let me know what was most interesting to you what which is the passive income stream which you're going to actually put in time and effort on is it you know Finding maybe you know e-commerce YouTube blogs dividend P peer-to-peer lending rentals or re reats and as always I encourage you let's live a life of freedom and let's build a dynasty and live forever freedom and family and how that starts is you have to turn off every single notification on your your phone because that thing is you are addicted to it right now and it is destroying your brain if you're on a desktop computer I applaud you if you're on a desktop or laptop and type in desktop or laptop in the comments because I applaud you for that if you have no notifications type it in the comments I applaud you for that and also build a family if you haven't duplicated yourself at least twice then you're going to die and your family line ends with you but you can live forever you know and that's the goal we're going to space we're becoming space pirates we're going to and you're going to become the prince of Mars The Prince of Pluto we're all going there so I look forward to seeing you subscribe like comment talk to you soon check out the links if you want to join one of my training programs and be coached by me and my team there's links down below if you want to be an affiliate and sell some of my products and have me pay you I've already paid out $8 million today there's links in the description talk to you soon John crani peace out
7 Passive Income Ideas To Get Money Consistently