in April I told you that we officially launched our nonprofit Tims club which is designed to help those with autism lead a full purposeful life inspired by my little brother Tim it's going to be a cafe a day program and a community Hub based where I live in Panama this has been a dream of mine since I was 8 years old so it's really exciting to see it come to life now we're still at the very beginning stages but I want to share with you the tools that we've used to help bring it to life there are six tools on this list and I think they'll be really helpful for you no matter what project you want to launch next so of course one of the very first things we wanted to do was officially launch our website to the world this is Tims which I think looks really great so this really allowed us to have one place online where we could explain our whole story and everything that we're creating so for this we used Squarespace Squarespace is a fantastic easy to use drag and drop platform that allows you to create a beautiful website for your next project and they do have some fantastic pre-built templates that you can use as a starting point so that's what we did and then we customized it to get it looking exactly how we want so if we go over to website I'm just going to show you quickly what the page builder looks like so you're just going to click add section and then you're going to see all these different sections that you can add in okay so for example let's say I liked this one I'm going to click on that and then I can change it to my text okay and then with everything you can click edit section you can change your background image you can change the colors of the section you have a lot of opportunity to customize this and even really cool things like this little divider that's how we've gotten a lot of Little Wave details throughout our site so yeah if you need a website for your next project I would say use Squarespace I have a discount code for you so check the description below for that next for any graphics that we wanted to create like this little sunshine right here or these images of the team surrounded in yellow or Graphics like this showing our vision for that we used canva canva is fantastic if you see me create any graphic in my entire business it's all done in canva canva is phenomenal so anything that you may need that is visual so signage documents PDFs uh that's all I can think of right now anything like that you can use canva for so you can see we've been using it for social media Graphics we've been using it for slides every time that I do a workshop it's basically the most handy tool ever and just like Squarespace has tons of templates that you can use as a starting point the next tool has allowed us to fundraise by selling different offerings so for example we've been hosting monthly workshops as a fundraiser and the tool that allows us to actually process payments and sell different unique things is cartra cartra is really powerful it is what we're using for selling products and also what we're using for email marketing which is essential in the world of online business no matter what your project is so not only has cartra allowed us to do that but it's also allowed us to set up our virtual membership so these are our incredible members that are supporting us from all over the world and cartra allowed us to set that up you'll hear me talk about that tool a lot because it's also what I use for my entire online course business so of course there's a lot of ongoing projects and initiatives so in order to keep organized we are using as sauna and I would recommend you use this to organize your ideas and help you figure out exactly what those smaller steps are going to be to bring a dream project to life so as you can see see we have an entire team for Tims club and this is where we organize everything so you can see this is how we got all of our incredible creators for our bundle on board and kept track of that project um everything for our garden party is in here our virtual members like this is so helpful to have all of our to-dos in one place so for example here's a project for our first inperson fundraiser we have ideas goals we have all the stores we can buy products from all of our to-dos listed out and everything that we want to do Decor wise actually if I flip into board view I can show you we have all these really fun creative ideas of what we're going to do for the party so yeah this is how we figure out what those small little tasks are and actually get things done here's another example I'm blocking out the details but this is how we got all of our creators on board and you can see that we're tracking who was confirmed whether we got a maybe whether we needed to send another followup all of that was done here in a sauna another tool I wanted to mention which is so cool is this one right up here that allows us to automatically have a Spanish version of our website so that here is this tool so weglot allows you to translate your entire website and offer it in different languages and the next one is more of a sneak peek because we are doing a limited time merch soon and for this we are using the amazing tool printify this has made it so easy for us to create really gorgeous products like this one here like how cute is this um so what it does is it allows you to print your logo or your designs on different products they have all these different products from t-shirts to hats to mugs and what will happen is your customer can order and then they actually take care of the manufacturing and the shipping for you so as a nonprofit where obviously this is not our full Focus that is just fantastic so that is the tool that we are using for that let me give you more of a sneak peek okay yeah check out our tote bag how cute is this I'm having way too much fun little baseball cap mugs stickers t-shirts yeah our t-shirt one is cool front and then back so yeah you will see this coming your way soon limited time merch drop and I have to mention this last tool cuz I totally forgot about it this is what we've been hosting those live workshops on so we've just been keeping it simple using Zoom everyone is very used to zoom now so that's great and so this is what has allowed us to host those workshops all right guys those are the tools hopefully this was really interesting for you and helps you bring your next dream project to life thank you so much for watching if You' like this video let me know by giving it a thumbs up drop me a comment down below with your thoughts and I'll see you real soon with another [Music] video