$5,447 A Month With This AI Tool – No Selling!

this is an AI tool that will make you money it's also an AI tool that nobody's talking about yep today we are talking about the underrated Microsoft co-pilot that is embedded in Microsoft Word or this little thing right here and we're going to show you exactly how this can make as much as $5,000 a month or more simply by using this to create little planners tools and guides it's actually super simple in fact I believe using word and co-pilot equals money for you if done correctly but first let's talk about how this whole thing works if you have Microsoft Word installed you can have the little co-pilot add-on right here and you can click it and get help with your documents but even more than that we can get help right here by clicking alt I that's going to bring up the little draft with co-pilot button where we can use this to get information and create a document super fast on the fly I can say something like create a table of the top credit cards and it's going to go to work and create a little table of the top credit cards then I can prompt it to tell us about the credit cards and give us even more information this is absolutely amazing and it's going to cut your work time from days to hours to minutes yep that's right we can use this tool to create profitable content in minutes and you might be wondering Marcus why don't I have co-pilot in my Microsoft Office well it is an add-on and it costs like $25 a month so if you search for buy co-pilot for Office 365 or even office 2020 or whatever version you're using you can actually go right here and click on Microsoft 365 co-pilot business plans or even personal plans right here and you can see it's actually super inexpensive I think at the time of filming this it's like $30 a month there are some other versions that are like 25 bucks a month so if you're interested in Saving five bucks you can go find those as well however what this is going to do is it's actually going to give you co-pilot Pro on the edge browser and it's going to install co-pilot in all of the tools Excel PowerPoint word yeah you name it if it's a Microsoft tool chances are it's going to put co-pilot right there so you can be way more efficient and thus make more money now I got to tell you what you're going to learn in this video can make money but I want you to remember that the vast majority of people trying to make money online make nothing so when I talk about five ,000 a month or 2,000 a month or even a million dollars a year I don't want you to think at the end of this video You're magically going to get money this takes work it takes effort and the vast majority of people trying to make money online make nothing now that that's out of the way let's talk about how this is going to work as you can see here the co-pilot add-on made us a nice little tool like this and we can actually go through and say now add a description and it'll go through and add a description and we can actually edit this thing as we're going along it's super easy but there's one little thing I noticed using this versus chat gbt one it's a whole lot easier and two using chat GPT alone actually Flags a much higher plagiarism rate than I found using the co-pilot add-on for Microsoft Word as you can see here right out of the gate this little planner I made only had 5% plagiarism compare that with regular chat GPT which has levels of plagiarism anywhere from like 10 to 30% sometimes even more which makes more work for us when we're going through an editing now this is all fine and good and co-pilot in Microsoft Word is definitely a great tool but how is this going to make us money well let me show you first of all if you were to take a look at this site here passion planner we can see that they have an estimated traffic of like 40,000 visitors a month and a traffic value close to $20,000 that's a lot of money here's another one generating $115,000 a month worth of free traffic and of course a smaller one here doing $7,000 a month worth of free traffic but how are they making this money and how can you do this in a simple way so that you can put money in your pocket well let me show you first I want to show you that a lot of people right now are looking up co-pilot in Microsoft Word actually couple thousand people a month not only that but there's actually millions of people each and every month close to 11 million worldwide looking looking up various different planners and these can be anything from like a wedding planner to a weekly planner a budget planner and all different kinds of planners I mean there's anything from like Bible planners to food planners to workout planners and the sites that I mentioned here are doing exactly that so you could simply look something up like weekly planner template and you're going to find all these different sites that have different planners like this one here blank calendar I'll bet he gets a lot of traffic as well yep we could see here 177,000 visitors a month for an estimated traffic value of almost $5,000 now that traffic value is going to go up or down based on the type of planners you create if you're making mortgage planners and financial planners you're going to make a lot more money than if you're making like a Bible planner or something like a recipe planner those aren't going to make as much money as Finance for obvious reasons now what we're going to do is we're going to take a look at the keywords that they rank for one of them I found was ADHD planner we could see that this keyword gets like 29,000 searches a month we can also see that if we go over here and type in ADHD into ClickBank we can see all kinds of different offers related to ADHD and hyperactivity and things like that these people are quite simply looking for help in planners for people dealing with ADHD and if you were to type this here in offervault you can see other things as well like this one which is just a zip submit or email submit MIT meaning all they have to do is put their email in and you get $2.30 or this one where they're actually buying a product to help different things like that very very cool we can even go here and type in planner and see the different kinds of planners like homeor workout planner financial planner and various things like that and all of these are paying money we can even go to ClickBank and say well maybe let's look at the topic like workout and find some kind of workout offer that goes with the planner that we want to create now very simple very easy losing weight different stuff like that even a golf workout hey let's see if people look that one up golf planner yep over, 1500 people a month looking up different golf trip planners and things of that nature and you can sell them anything from golf clubs to travel get them into rewards credit cards pretty much anything related to the planner you're creating and to create this planner is actually super simple what we're going to do is fire up Microsoft Word with the co-pilot add-on we're g to ask it to make a planner right like I did here for this ADHD planner I went through I had it create instructions the guide the whole nine yards and as you go along you can say now let's make one for deep focus now add a section with planners on deep focus work and it's going to go through and it'll add this right to our document and as as we go along we can check this in grammarly for plagiarism and make sure everything is working so now we have the original planner and it should be adding to the bottom right here a section on deep focus work Focus session with the date specific goal tasks and everything like that and getting traffic to these is pretty easy because people are searching for them anyway and once you're done with your planner you could quite simply make a little YouTube video about how to use the planner and bada bing bada boom you could see here all the these people talking about ADHD planners have hundreds and hundreds of thousands of views I mean you can even put your planners on Etsy and sell them there and all we need to do is pick something that looks good maybe something like a budget planner template I can fire up Microsoft Word right like this file new then I'll choose a blank document unless I want one of the fancy templates then I'm going to hit alt I please make a budget planner template be super specific and include all possible bills and income and it goes to work making a comprehensive budget planner template it's doing all the work and making this super super simple I can even take this a step further and make little boxes they can enter and different things like that then when I'm done all I need to do is brand this with my information I can have a website an affiliate link or whatever I want so if I had a site about budget planner templates I can go through and design under insert I can do a header right like this choose a header that looks good maybe this basic one here and whatever I put in this header will be on every single page so I could say get more budget planner templates at my website and you just put your website in there and if you highlight the website you can make it clickable by hitting contrl K and putting the link of your website right there you can also do this with affiliate offers but make sure if you have an affiliate offer like maybe down here you say get a new credit card right I could go in here and say click here to get a low rate balance transfer credit card now if I'm going to put the affiliate link in here there's two things I would recommend number one don't use a raw affiliate Link at worst use a link shortener at best get your own website and have it be something simple like mywebsite.com balance card or something like that check out the video in the description on how to create links with your website then I could go through and hyperlink this to my affiliate offer the second thing I want you to notice is that we're going to need some kind of affiliate disclosure in this guide saying if you click the links in this guide guide I'm going to be compensated if you buy stuff or whatever it is if you want to look that up you can just go to Google or have chat GPT create you a simple affiliate disclosure now I'm not a lawyer so I don't know what you need to say in there but chat GPT should do a good job of telling you what you need it's pretty basic then what I'm going to do when I'm done with my guide and I have my headers and Footers and links and everything like that I'm going to go ahead and hit file save as and I'm going to save this as a PDF so I can put it on my website this is actually super simple PDFs are very popular if I was to go here and type in PDF right like this you're going to see that millions and millions of people are looking for different PDFs very popular file format and it'll upload to your website or blog super fast then to distribute it is actually pretty easy and now to make this video even better I'm going to go ahead and create one of these for how to use co-pilot in word so I'm going to go ahead and open up a new document right like this and I'm going to do alt I please make a guide on how to use co-pilot in word how to sign up ECT and we're going to go ahead and generate this and see what it comes up with the key here is in working alongside co-pilot don't just take it at face value actually go in and read this stuff and make sure it's doing a good job then I can go through and say okay this is looking pretty good I got 500 Words let's do now add a table of the top co-pilot commands in word please have 25 and what they do and it's going to go through and add that table which will beef up the content make it even better right like this and it's very simple I could go through and add a header and footer that says you want to make money with AI go to my website or buy my product at blog profit Network or something like that it's actually very easy and while this is working there we go check that out it actually goes and does a whole cop pilate commands thing it'll do grammar check format this is actually very cool stuff then I can go through and say something like how does this compare to chat GPT now make a list of ways this is better and faster than just chat GPT and then I can go through also and say also include some list of AI tools to help people make money online right have 15 and then we could go through and then all I would need to do is sign up as an affiliate for some of the tools and add my affiliate link and I can make money that way it's actually super super simple so now we have guide on using co-pilot let's just do using co-pilot in word that that's fine I can edit that make it smaller using co-pilot and word I can probably even have this create images and it's got little tips the co-pilot commands advantages then we have 15 tools I'm going to add my affiliate links in there it looks like a lot of them actually do have the affiliate links and I think let's see did this work let's uh let's try it again I think it gave a little bit of a struggle there but we'll see how it works there's our commands all right let's see I think we need to go back and re-edit it there we go good so control Z will take us back now add 15 AI tools for making money online let's see how this does it might be too many commands having the two in there there it goes cool cool cool now it's doing it for us there we go and you could see the word count going as well so this is super super simple this is going to save you a ton of time a ton of effort and you can make really good stuff in word which saves you from having to actually go from word to grammar from chat GPT to grammarly to all these things now we just got something super simple so we'll say keep it and then we can generate more after but let's go ahead and take this into grammarly see how we're doing on the plagiarism check which is the one that's the most important the AI not so concerned with doesn't really matter if your PDF is AI um and then we're going to go through and add the footer so while we're waiting let's add the footer so we'll do insert we're going to do header right like this learn how to use AI to make money www.

Blog profit network net here we go network.com and then I can go through and fancy this up you can even have your logo here if you want it's very very simple so we'll Center that like that contrl K blog profit Network we're going to do open in a new window that way they never leave our PDF cool and you'll see it's going to put that on every page right so as we go through this will be on every single page and then you can have the footer as well the footer can have your affiliate disclosure and and other links put those there and again if you wanted to have a logo I could simply just go to blog profit network.com grab the logo right like this and then I could put that in the footer or the header right like this here Boop there we go and then that'll look like that okay we can even like make it better now let's see I think we can actually add add an image let's see here add an image of AI and word I don't know if this makes images but let's see that would actually be really cool if it did okay it doesn't it doesn't do that but you know we can add it from from chat GPT or even bang if you wanted to use the free one or you could even use the new co-pilot add-on for Windows which is like this pretty cool it's like a little companion make and an image of word and co-pilot making money and let's see what this looks like right and then we could just copy and paste the cool thing about Microsoft stuff is it's all copy and paste so we can patch these together and it's very very simple and very easy now my advice would be there you go my advice would be to link these to a website like blog profit Network or something like that because if you can use these to build a mailing list that's going to be key and you can use to build a mailing list it's actually super simple and adding the image you could just go like this shrink it up a little really cool and you can create these little planners and guides and tools in very very short period of time and then you just go down the list right like you saw that using co-pilot and word actually does get a lot of traffic and it's pretty new like literally just a year old so I can get traffic super easy and you might be thinking W Markus you know 600 visitors 2,300 visitors a month how am I going to make money well these are all people that are looking to be productive make money create documents different things like that so having them go to my website and get this guide is super super key and some of the things we can use this for is um getting traffic like you could make a video you could make a image Pinterest all kinds of stuff like that but having these planners is super super key and using AI with co-pilot will help you with content generation summar tone adjust M paraphrasing adding tables grammar check and the whole n yards there's tons of stuff you can do in fact we have an AI challenge going on right now where one of our students actually created a little tool like this where they can click on the different emoji and get the meaning she did a great job so congratulations to Jill for creating an amazing resource I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's resources there in the challenge and if you want to take that challenge hop on over to airofit scoop.com I'll have notes from this video including the examples of the planner and the one I just made for the co-pilot and word this is something you can use to make money don't overlook it and make sure you watch the video in the description from yesterday going in detail on how to use these little tools to generate leads on demand thanks again for watching and I'll see you in the next video

As found on YouTube


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