$500K A Month Ai Directory “Side Hustle” – I Tried It!

[Music] over $500,000 a month with a directory site I mean who's going to believe that yeah that's exactly what I thought before I was introduced to the secret world of websites producing insane amounts of money and all of this is happening literally right under your nose but what are these directory sites can you make them with AI and how are they making all this money well today that's exactly what I'm going to show you and not only that but I'm going to give you a free tool to make this whole thing even easier so that you could run this as a side hustle where you literally just copy and paste Plug and Play it's a lot easier than you might think and in this training I'm actually going to set a directory site up live and not only that but I'm going to show you two secrets that no other Guru is talking about that'll drive tons of traffic to your directory site pretty much instantly yep that's right set it up today get traffic today and maybe even get paid today but you got to pay close attention because what you're about to learn does take some work it will cost a little bit of money to get some web hosting and a domain name but all of the heavy lifting is going to be done with AI I mean isn't that the beauty of the directory site it's all systematic programmatic content basically come up with one template use it over and over again and get passive income for years and over the last few years I've run several directory sites none of them made as much as $500,000 a month like the ones you're going to see but I did make a good amount of money with my simple directory websites so yeah this method works and it's something I've actually tried but there's a few key elements you need to pay close attention to and these elements are left out of most of the videos that I've watched oh sure they'll show you some niches they'll show you some ideas and maybe even how to make content but what they're not going to show you is how to jump start your success so that you don't have to wait months and months to get ranked if you even get ranked at all in fact one of the examples I'm going to show you virtually ranked instantly it didn't even have a website and it's valued at over $100,000 and it's probably something you've never heard of and it actually lives on Facebook there are directory sites on on Facebook making more money than you'd ever think imaginable and most people think these are just free resources to help people out when in fact there are people making money hand over fist behind the scenes and that's what this training is going to do I'm going to take you behind the scenes and show you exactly what's going on so that you can understand this Secret World of making money with directory sites build your own and get paid so if you're excited smash a like button get ready to learn the secrets and get some free tools so that you can build directory sites with AI to make money online come on let's get [Music] started all right ladies and gentlemen welcome to the show today we're going to go over directory sites how they work how to make money with them and pretty much everything you need to know about how this strategy works now this is a very simple strategy that pretty much anyone can do it relies on systematic programmatic content which anyone can create especially now with AI and we're going to go through and talk about some niches including the one that is doing over $500,000 a month not only that but I'm going to show you a couple of little tips and secrets that you can type in Google and your AI programs to find these things and we're going to be setting up a site live here I'm also going to show you a free plugin that we will have available during this call as well so pay attention if you guys are excited smash a like button we're going to dive in now why are AI directory sites so elusive why why are they so enticing to the average person who wants to make money well they don't require any selling they don't need any extensive writing you don't have to be an expert in anything all you really need to do is be able to compile information now we are going to show you some examples that have tanked why they tanked we're going to show you some examples that do really well why they do well and we're going to dive into this whole process these sites are super simple and straightforward now one of the things about them also that you guys might like it is boring duplicatable money there's nothing exciting about these other than I just set them up I have information and I make money much like the Yellow Pages of old where you would go through the Yellow Pages I would venture to say that the people who set up the Yellow Pages probably weren't excited to go to work every day because it's kind of boring it's like okay I put this dentist in here and then I put this guy in here and that is my job and I go home at night but I get a nice paycheck now if you want a nice paycheck and you don't mind a little bit of boring tedious work this is for you there is no creativity there's no fancy stuff all you have to do is go put the stuff in Ai and make it work I'm also going to show you a super super direct fast way of getting started so we're going to show you some ways that you can get started fast you can jump start this and not have to wait the idea behind these is to wash rinse and repeat you're going to do one thing you're going to do it well it's going to work you're going to do it again pretty much all there is to it so if you're excited about this smash that like button now one of the little tips I'm going to give you right at the get-go is that if you put in quotes something like calls will be forwarded to these paid advertisers you are going to find the exact sites that we are looking at now often times what we do here on the channel is we go over to a site like offervault to find affiliate offers now some of the affiliate offers you're going to find I'll pull some up for you just give me a second are going to be what's known as pay per call offers a pay per call offer is an offer that that pays on a phone call so you've seen like Amazon you've seen downloads you've seen leads you've seen all these types of offers what we're going to do is we are going to type in let's see here something like rehab if you were to go to offervault which is an affiliate search engine which ladies and gentlemen it's a directory that's all it is it's a directory site so this stuff works pretty much everywhere if you were to go there and type something in like rehab you're going to see that some of these leads pay as much as $82 $5 per phone call what does that mean that means the affiliate Network gets their handy dandy pen and you get called you get paid for a call so instead of generating a sale like Amazon or something like that what they do is they give you a custom 800 number and that number is like your affiliate link when someone calls interested in something you get paid you'll see this a lot of times with like uh let's say cabinets cabinet something like that or let's say kitchen we'll type kitchen right like this and you'll see kitchen $165 for a lead super simple super easy this is all there is to it right you get a phone number there you go now the reason I brought this up is because if you were to go to Google and type in that phrase I just showed you this calls will be forwarded to paid advertisers you're going to see a lot of people doing this exact same thing let's actually go to Google and do this right like this calls will be forwarded make sure you do it in quotes what you're going to find is a lot of the sites that are making like $500,000 or more in traffic and making tons of money with calls you're going to see Addiction Center addiction resource all of these different sites here are basically doing the exact same thing and it just goes and goes and goes and a lot of people don't know that this Niche exists they don't know that these sites are out there doing this but all they're doing is programmatic content now it doesn't just have to be in the addiction Niche it could be literally anywhere now why do these work well these work let's zoom in I got old eyes here these work because regular content sites typically rely on blog posts articles or videos a lot of you guys have done that it's not that fancy it's not that pretty maybe you've had trouble getting ranked because you don't want to go out there and write a bunch of stuff over and over and over again a directory site requires a large database of listings or entries to be valuable which means you are going to have something different than other places have monetization opportunities when you're dealing with content sites It's ADS affiliate offers different things like that whereas directory sites could get into actually selling space where you're going to sell banners to local places user interaction reviews uh ratings and different things like that are going to be on directory sites and you're going to see a lot of things that directory sites have that others don't whereas with most blogs and websites you have to come up with things that you're going to write about and even using AI you have to have a little bit of creativity whereas this is just literally a template fill in the blanks over and over and over again and you will get traffic now it's very important to note you don't want to spam when you look at spamming what's going to happen is your directory will eventually tank as we saw here there was a Blog directory it was a blogarama you could see in its Heyday it was getting like 40,000 visitors a month ranking for over 125 is, keywords in Google now it is lucky to get 7,000 visitors 7 th000 7,000 visitors isn't terrible but it's not what it once had and you could take a look at the keywords and you can see why this didn't work now uh epic says how much have you made from directory sites it's tough to say cuz I actually put my first directory site up back in 2003 that was before I was actually monitoring stuff that one I think in its Heyday made as much is 20 to $22,000 per month it was a pay-per-click directory uh we basically had it on a paperclick basis where I had a little engine that would say hey if this guy you know gets a click charge him this much so a little bit different but since then I've had lots of them so I I've made quite a bit off of different directory websites and it works fantastic I mean even if you look at a lot of people think of directory websites like oh I'm going to do dentists and things like that but there's actually sites out there like AI tools directory and startup story that are literally doing this for stuff like um AI tools maybe uh different programs maybe different businesses that start up maybe directories of businesses that have been successful and you could see that this one came out of the Woodworks in about mid 2023 it is now getting good traffic 13,000 visitors a month for AI tools it was not difficult for them to set up I mean they just basically wash Wentz repeat find the keywords that are working make a directory boom there you go how many of you guys are seeing this and you're like okay this is something I can sync by teeth in this is something that makes sense I'm not good at creativity stuff I'm not good at writing articles or reviewing products or being on camera I just want something that is wash rinse repeat bang bang bang get paid right A lot of people want that and that is what this does and a lot of people are talking about these directory sites there's a lot of misconception about them there's a lot of sensationalizing about them and there's a lot of bad advice as well that says do stuff like this guy where eventually or not this guy this guy over here where'd he go over here where eventually you will get your search engine rankings dropping and you can usually see what happened and why if you were to look at the keywords he has now a lot of it is a bunch of garbage whereas back in the day maybe 5 years ago it was more well looks like some garbage there too it might just have worked looks like it was kind of like a a post site where you were able to post stuff kind of like the directories they have on LinkedIn poll and various different places where you have people coming in and posting things user generated content now what we want to do is we want to make our own content in a very very specific way now here are the questions you want to ask yourself when building or going into the directory site type market number one do they rank this is first and foremost people say Marcus you know it's 2025 I almost said 2024 it's 2025 do these things still rank I know that Google's out there with a vengeance trying to get rid of garbage websites now it's very important a directory site doesn't equal a garbage site unless you make it a garbage site we want to do very tightnit directories this is important I'm going to give you niches I'm going to build one right in front of you we're going to show you some examples one of the examples that I was looking at earlier was this example which is a travel website a lot of you guys want to go in the travel Niche you like the travel Niche you don't want to blog about you know your plane trip and the eggs that you ate on the plane I don't know why they serve eggs on a plane but at any rate I don't know not a fan of the plane food but at any rate you could see that this one went out there and they had keyword rankings for all different kinds of things about a specific place that people travel to this is super important a lot of people don't realize it but there are right now blogs and Facebook groups about certain places I guarantee your city there you go to Facebook you look up your city you will find a city page where all the people in your city are talking about all kinds of things who's the best dentist who's the best restaurant things like that much like if you were to do that here in Orlando where you could say you know here's all the different things like my wife and I love to go out to eat to fancy places and often times I'm like hey we should start a directory site talking about places to eat in Orlando because some places are not that good to eat and they charge a lot um Peter says can you help me set up an affiliate program in offervault I have one product three pack that would be for a different question um offervault is is just a directory remember that it's just a directory it is not its own network you would need to go to a network for that so when looking at these what we want to do is say well do they rank yes they rank in fact I have a list of over a 100 different sites here let me see where I put it um I believe it was on my chat GPT yeah right here so here I have this list of over 100 different directory websites and I'm going to show you that they do in fact rank did I put them here they are so you could see Yelp obviously is a Big Kahuna there they make a ton of money Yellow Pages even though they have been not that big of a business they are getting a lot of traffic business.com best ofth web this is one of the oldest directories that was out there that categorize different things that uh happen online all kinds of crazy stuff all kinds of crazy rankings and yes ladies and gentlemen they are in fact getting traffic okay very important now can we do this better can we do it tight-knit can we get a small group of traffic and make this work absolutely again I want you to not think best of the web Yelp Yellow Pages I want you to think whatever this say say you whatever right um that place right I want you to think that place okay small place now we can go out there and we can get this working in a very specific Niche very important okay so going out there looking at some of these best of the web easy something um blog arama we saw that one entire web this is one from a long time ago I'm sure they had quite the tank over the time and let's see yeah they did have a tank here where they had a bunch of traffic and then it dwindled down why because they were not tight-knit and Google came out with a general block or general dranking or whatever you want to call it for websites that did what's called site reputation abuse this is why most directory sites failed site directory or site um reputation we'll turn that into an R there we go abuse what does this mean this means you take a site that is meant for one thing that is in one Niche you realize it has power you put it to all kinds of other things things we saw this happen uh a couple years ago when AI first got popular a couple of people took over a domain name and a website for a local restaurant in um I think it was in somewhere in Florida and it was an old restaurant it was called The Conch House they took that site because it had power they put a bunch of junk content they made like $800,000 in the matter of a month and then it got banned because it was garbage content respun rehashed AI garbage content so we don't want to do that what we want to do is ask oursel do they rank Check Yes we see they rank do they make money Check Yes we see they make money biggest question can I do better can my directory site do better than other directory sites this is key because if we can answer that question bada bing bada boom we are in the money now let's go through I wanted to take a look at a couple other examples and kind of show you my Quick Start Plan because there's there's the ranking stuff that goes out there and you're like okay I'm going to start a new site let's say you get this idea and you're like Marcus I'm going to start a directory site woohoo good Bob the guru said start an old directory so I get like directory finance and I'm going to get directory finance.com and I'm going to go out there and I'm going to rank for all of the finance companies we're going to go Bank of America we're going to go chase we're going to go this we're going to get little lenders we're we're going to get big lenders we're going to get lenders from afar and lenders near and you're going to go out there and rank this thing and you're going to see that Google takes forever to rank it and even when it does you're going to be stuck on page 100 and you are going to be sad because you're not going to get traffic and without traffic you're not going to make any money how many of you guys are following along and you're like yeah that's kind of where I'm at I'm not getting traffic I'm not making money this directory thing sounds good I've heard about it but I need a head start type head start if you're like yes I need a head start Marcus show me the way let me open up a new tab and I'm going to show you how to get a head start and exactly how this works so I'm going to go over here open this up I just got to open them on other tabs just to make sure it's you know everything's on the up and up before we show it live just one of the precautions of being live right so let's go in here and what I'm going to do is I'm going to use a tool called spam Zilla and I'm going to try to find domain that I can use based on things that have to do with directories okay so I can go out there I can look at all different kinds of niches different things like that Travel Service software products different stuff like that a lot of people are going to say go out there and find something you like find something you're interested in build your directory and start making money maybe you like software go into software okay that's fine and good but again a lot of you guys are saying you need a head start which just stting with something you like isn't going to give you a head start so my favorite place to start is by looking at a domain name that already has some kind of clout in the search engines already has some things going on like this one here uh Us Golf jobs that would be cool if I was going to do like a golf job directory or maybe a directory for golf stuff now this one here doesn't have that many rankings so it may or may not be a good buy we'll pull it up here again checking because some of these domains do have some things that are not fun to look at um so we're going to look at this off screen real quick make sure it is in fact about golf it is so so check this out this one right here golf Us Golf jobs we could see it is 25 bucks it ends in 4 days there's one bidder it's probably not going to be super expensive so here we have USG golf jobs.com has an estimated value of $1,348 nice is does that mean I'm going to get $1,300 the minute I buy it of course not that's just an estimate now what we see here is something we can build from this is a domain that ranks for 217 keywords all about golf sales rep jobs how many of you guys are like okay I might not have known what to go into but this one's already kind of ranking for golf jobs so like I legit make a a ranking okay here's Texas Minnesota New York New York New Jersey Washington Ohio and all these other things now we can see what the backlinks look like see if they are on point what you're looking for is are the backlinks related to golf or are they a bunch of spam and junk if they're related to golf good if they're related to spam and junk bad if they're related to golf and there's a few spam and junk usable okay now on this one we can see that it's got it had 135 keywords it had like a lot of backlinks probably some spam in there and we can see in its Heyday it was ranking getting 236 visitors a month and you might be saying well Markus 236 visitors a month I mean even if you made a dollar per visitor that's only $236 okay sit down chill it's just a starting point what we're doing is we're using these as a starting point some will be like this some will have more I've seen some that have insane amounts of traffic and we can literally start them right away and I usually do this by going to positions and seeing which ones have the biggest rankings the more rankings usually means the more traffic and stuff like that so I could do a directory site about tattoos and use this one or maybe I could go over here and look at like maybe piano stuff or I think there was a couple others I saw here someone about painters maybe you could do local painters things like that how many of you guys are seeing that this Head Start is putting you way ahead of where other stuff was like okay I was going to start way back in in the The Boondocks right now I can start somewhere closer like this one maybe I can do one about recycling um or or piercing stuff or whatever it is we're going to try to look for these now I buy these all the time some of them I buy that have fantastic rankings and fantastic stuff and they rank right away some of them take a while okay now these do cost money if you want cheaper ones you could just drop down to like a main filter and that's going to have this little icon not like this so This icon means that they are available these are what's called expired domains the others are what's called auction domains an auction domain usually is going to be better because it hasn't been dormant for as long if we buy these now we can make this work like here's one for Supercross I grew up uh my family was all into Supercross and motorcycles and things like that that could be a good one if you wanted to do a directory site about maybe the top Supercross people or where to see them or whatever it is I think that's what it was called I I think I remember correctly so what we're going to do is we're going to get the domains like that and go make it faster okay this is going to make you rank a lot faster utilizing this is key one of the ones that I'm going to show you is uh the one we're setting up today let me just look at my chat with Jesse she set it up for me it was there we go so the one that we're setting up today I figured it would be a good one because a lot of you guys like affiliate marketing so we're going to do affiliate help center.com this is a domain I bought cost me 50 bucks at auction what I'm looking for isn't the 50 bucks or whatever I'm looking for what can I turn this into can I make a website that is an affiliate help center that is a directory for affiliate offers U I know the guys who run offer Vault they have made a lot of money I know the people that started it before it got sold he made a lot of money what is it it's a directory a lot of people don't know that it is a directory of affiliate offers so I was like wait a minute this domain looks pretty good it ranks for all kinds of affiliate offers alternatives to ClickBank affiliate marketing keyword research websites like ClickBank marriage affiliate programs RV share and that's today I believe is that today looks like it right so these are things that are ranking literally right now the minute I take it over bada bing bada bang this thing should be uh rocking and rolling you could probably see like two days ago but that's going to take a while to get down to page five you can you can just imagine how it works or look it up if you're if you're so inclined now what we look at here is the history of the site okay so affiliate helpc center.com this is a website I bought I will pull up I think I'm logged in if I'm logged in I'll give you the exact number I'm pretty sure it was either 11 or $40 plus the fee so it's either 32 or 62 something like that right um and when we look at this let's go to auctions let's see here and there's always a a fee when you buy them okay I'm not logged in but it was less than $60 we'll call it that okay how many of you guys if you could start with a head start less than 60 bucks you'd be like okay yeah this makes a lot more sense and again all you have to do is be on the lookout for stuff you want now in the Heyday we could see that this site had some keywords so it's got 70 visitors a month let's take a look at what these look like here 62 so we got some kind of nutrition affiliate program woodworking affiliate program and on and on we go now what we're seeing here is why does this work this works because it is based on systematic tick content what is systematic content well notice the nature of these keywords it's not like we're going out there looking for you know how do I set sale on a captain ship in the middle of the pirate sea no we're looking for like new affiliate program another affiliate program woodworking fast food alternative self-development they're all more or less going to be the same thing it is a template it's a templated Content it's going to look something like this let's make you a little outline so you can see it it would be like okay insert affiliate program here okay and then you'd say AFF program so it'd be like Nike affiliate program then it' be the 10 things here's how much it pays here's what network it's on here's this that and the other it's all systematic content type systematic if that makes sense to you this is what a directory site is it's literally just systematic stuff okay so now looking at the rankings here I see that I have a head start this thing's already recognized by Google which is like Okay cool so it's already recognized which means it's going to be a heck of a lot easier to get this thing to rank there we go let's put One S get this thing to rank there it is right there 7 best affiliate programs nine ways to increase all of these here okay so it's it's already there like literally right now if you were to go like nine best alternatives to ClickBank okay this will probably show up here somewhere and what happens is it literally is getting traffic right now and I'm against some big dogs you got Diggity you got uh Authority hacker so I'm like kind of skating in under the radar with my new site now all I need to do is is make good content for this okay so what we're going to do is we're going to be utilizing this site I believe I have it open over here somewhere where did we go one of these here where's the wp admin might be in this group maybe where did we go all right let me open it in another one it might be hidden here just give me one second doing these live is always kind of a pain but we will weather the storm so that we could get you good info all right and if you appreciate that let me know by typing something in the box so let me just open this up over here so you can see what it looks like let's see um affiliate help center and WP admin okay cool this should work okay fingers crossed there we are okay so what we have here is we have a basic WordPress um I had Jesse our site designer go through and make a little logo and make it kind of fancy with a little book so we can get some opt-ins and different things like that okay super cool like here we go here we're We're Off to the Races already we got the site we got the domain I bought it just a couple days ago it's already in my account we're ready to rock and roll so now we have this here and what I'm going to do is I'm going to look at the systematic approach to making this work so let me get my password here all right uh let's see go here WP admin right like this and fingers crossed yay we're in all right cool deal so now what we're going to do is we're going to start setting this thing up um I actually have something here if you guys notice it let me know when you see it it is a thing that we're going to have available towards the end of this call that's going to help you make this stuff so easy easy you're going to be like oh my gosh the other Guru is just spin around and try to get me to buy things and you're actually giving me stuff so maybe I will buy something from you or if not that's okay too just let us know how you do we actually had a guy on the call yesterday on our uh blog profit Network Tuesday call and he came to me we were looking at his site he got a site from us that it's ranking extremely well he's getting all kinds of stuff and I had noticed there was a keyword that was like podcast equipment right so it was like did this is the power of this stuff when you look at it okay he's making a podcast directory type site and talking about all kinds of podcast stuff and it was podcast equipment right like this okay if you look at this literally has 14,000 people on Google searching for it every month and I had noticed it and I'm like hey bro you know I I don't know why we didn't notice this before but check this out your site three years ago ranked for this word he's like oh my gosh that's amazing he set up a simple block post while we were on the call he emailed me this morning before I even got up and he's like the thing ranked in less than 6 hours so that's what we're looking at now what you are learning here is super super powerful super powerful use it ethically don't go out there and spam don't use junk it will come back and and bite you it just the way it is use it correctly if you get a podcast site use it for podcast my affiliate site there's Matt there tell us about uh was it less than 6 hours that it ranked pretty sure it was and I mean this is a beefy keyword I don't care who you are I'm like you rank for podcast equipment you're going to sell some podcast equipment I mean that's just the nature of it and starting to look at this and starting to be like okay I see this now when I do my affiliate site here we're going to keep this to affiliate stuff we're going to keep it very very cut and dry very very simple awesome so now what we're going to do is we're going to start to think of the nature of our keyword we could go over to chat GPT or you could use notebook LM you could use the new Google with deep research amazing tool if you haven't used it we're going to go over it shortly um if you haven't seen the channel where Alina and I are reviewing different AI programs you need to see it it's by the title AI profit scoop just search for it we just uploaded a video yesterday about the 12 AI tools and we're just going through and reviewing these tools showing you how they work free tools paid tools everything so now what we're going to do is we're going to come over here and I'm going to say please list 100 affiliate programs like Nike um better help let's say um credit cards ECT okay what this is going to do is it's going to start us off to get systematic content so if you can't afford a keyword tool chat GPT will get you by now on Friday or Monday if you are not subscribed to this Channel smash a like button subscribe because on Friday or Monday I think probably Monday I'm going to do a full Deep dive on how to use AI in place of expensive keyword tools so get ready for that but at any rate now we have this here of all these different things let's say list 100 please and we're going to try to get all these here there we go that's what we want just the the bare list like this okay now what we can do is I'm going to say now put affiliate program after each one please okay I got to say please because you know got nice to the AI he's being nice to me or or she or whoever AI is is being nice to me so we're going to be nice to them now what we can do is we can take all these and these are our keywords right so I could go through I could put these into my favorite keyword tool whichever one you fancy and you will see they actually do have rankings so if I go to keyword Explorer like this bada bing bada boom some of them will hit some of them will miss just depends now we see on this list alone I just took 36 of them 9 6,000 searches a month most of them are very low competition the only one that's big competition is sem Rush HubSpot a little bit and the Big Kahuna would be Shopify all right that's fine that's only three out of 36 I will take those odds any day of the week so now we're going through okay now we're going through and we're like now I have this list excellent now what now we can go through to our blog like this we can use directory Voodoo now before everyone asks directory Voodoo is brand new I just made it this morning it there will be a free version available over at airofit scoop.com all you got to do is scroll past the video opt in if you're in the pro version you'll get the if you're if you're in the actual class you'll get the pro version but I'm going to show you how it works so if you don't get it right away just wait we will email it to you when it's ready now with directory video directory Voodoo what you're going to do is you're going to describe your Niche so we'll call it affiliate marketing program reviews with prices with payouts Network info tips on marketing ECT good next we're going to go through we're going to make a not card item in the pro version we're going to have the templates in here I haven't loaded them yet because it was it was a lot I got a little tied up in the programming part um but I did make this with AI which was pretty cool then we're going to go through and we're going to be like okay what what would we want what would it look like to have a good affiliate program type site so if we were to go to offervault and look at what their what it looks like for their stuff okay so let's say we have Galaxy watch email submit okay so they got offer name payout preview categories countries okay good so you could do something like this so I could just take this kind of start a little template so offer name payout preview category Network don't really need last updated countries let's do uh best ways to promote let's do what else would we do maybe something like sample keywords might be good right so let's do sample sample keywords space it out there and the AI is going to know how to fix all this so we don't have to worry about it so offer name payout preview categories Network countries let's do similar offers and let's do types of content to promote there we go okay next what we do is we would go through and we would have something like our giant list okay so I would just take my list of those affiliate programs wherever they are are they were over here there they go so I could take a hundred of them right like this at a glance now remember this is your starting point so it's not like you're just going to post this and be done you want to add a little bit to it when it comes to the age of AI the more you add to it the easier it's going to be so we're going to go like this here's all the ones we want we're going to pop them into here now notied over here at posts we ain't got nothing there's no posts what we're going to do is we're going to take this list of 100 it's going to be a little bit bigger cuz it did have the headlines right so when I went through with AI it had headlines like travel and Hospitality so there's going to be a couple of oddballs there we can delete them what this is going to do is going to make pending posts so that we go in we edit it we do our work and it's like a paint by number system to make the thing work now before I do this I want to make sure that Jesse set up our peral links properly I'm pretty sure she did cuz she always does but just in case cuz you know that's a lot of post okay so we're going to use post name okay save and let's make sure that that fits the the structure of what the site was like and you know golf jobs that was a good one too let's do affiliate help center and let's see what the structure was if you're doing this on an auction domain you want to make sure that the structure fits okay what do I mean by structure well let's take a look so structure is like this this is what the structure looks like okay you have your domain which is this here and then you have your slash and then you have your slug so whatever is after the domain is the structure so if it said affiliat helpc center.com money SL whatever that would be a directory or a folder or a category and something else or if instead it was PHP like this golf one is ASP so it's going to take a little bit of work we're going to have to kind of you know work around the structure you have to work around what the structure was like and I think I had the golf one in here let's see what this one looks like so that's a clean structure the golf one wasn't the cleanest but it was okay where was our golf one it was over here somewhere again smash the like button these are not easy to do when you got a million screens and all kinds of things going on um let's see golf golf golf golf golf golf oh wait you know what it's over here no golf well maybe it was in that other one let's go right over here spam Zill was in spam Zilla I remember that over here there it is USA Golf jobs okay so this one here I want to show you the structure I'm going to be thorough here so bear with me we want to look at the structure of how this looks so this one see how it has ASP question mark State equals NY so that's like a dynamic one can I use it yes you would need a custom structure and a different setup so it's going to take a bit wouldn't be my favorite but would I buy this yeah I'd buy this if the price was right it's a good domain it's sellable Us Golf jobs I mean come on pretty easy you can make it for like caddies and all that kind of stuff again we're thinking of the vision of what the site's going to look like now on this one we're clean as a whistle right the the stuff is easy it's like okay just go there and um the peral links are going to be postn name right see how it matches if it wasn't we'd have to have like a folder and all this other stuff what you can do it's just a little bit of a pain so now we're ready to go super simple now some of these should automatically fix themselves up like if I have balance of nature affiliate program it should make it or RV or something it should make those okay what we're going to do is we're going to use this plugin okay so we save our peral link we're good there we're going to go to the plugin we have our 100 listed and we have our sample watch how easy this is okay again you're going to want to finesse them we're not just going to Auto post that's just not going to serve anyone we're going to go create directory post boom oh wait a minute what happened there well it should save our info which it did and now we should have 100 pending posts see how that works so now I have Shopify I can preview it see what it looks like and I actually have a prompt to give the AI so now I could go to AI like this I'll go to chat GPT and I could just go through and be like okay today I'm going to do this one please please make this content boom now we have this here and it'll go through and it'll make the little card thing like that description offer name payout preview categories I mean how many of you guys are like dude this is pretty cool like it's going through it's doing all the stuff and all I had to do was copy and paste some keywords get the content and boom here we go uh grelle says or graciel I I hope I'm saying your name right uh will this work with a new domain without initial keywords yes but you won't get the the Head Start like I'm already I'm starting six months ahead of you if I have something that's already got rankings uh we've seen this all the time like Matt got that domain uh from us I think it was like a little bit a little bit less than a year ago um and it it gave him a head start that he wouldn't have otherwise had he's able to rank for words he wouldn't be able to to get otherwise like if you started with a new domain your chances of ranking for podcast equipment it's going to be next to nothing starting with a good domain of work so now all I have to do is take our content I mean look at this this pretty good content here obviously I would want to run this through um I'd want to I'd want to run this through grammarly just to make sure that we're not getting any plagiarism issues here so we'll go like this and like Matt says he's the one that got the podcast one massive start it is and when you say will these rank I mean if you look at different directory sites they don't have a lot of content I'm guessing there will be some plagiarism just because well apparently there's not and it was only flagged as 16% AI so the plugin is doing its magic which is really cool uh Jean says 500k a month we are going to show you that example in just a minute but first this is how you would do it so I would just go here I'd find my Shopify one edit right like this and we wait and wait and wait there we go and then when we go to edit it I can change the structure of the link so let's see if we had a Shopify one at ranked 4 uh let's see we'll go um let's do overview and then we'll do keywords and we'll do like I don't know like this keyword and if it had one you would want to match it exactly so let's do keyword and obviously make sure that you're not spamming we want to do good stuff okay so we'll do Shopify nothing there so what I'll do is I'll just change it to Shopify affiliate program so we'll just do edit Shopify affiliate ail I8 program okay now we have our our content I'll change it to Shopify affiliate program details put an image if you want bada bing bada bang now as quick as can be I now have a post there you go Shopify affiliate program details payout preview categories Network direct countries best way to promote blog YouTube I mean how many of you guys are like dude this totally makes sense like I can do this this is a directory site now what you want to do in your directory site is you want to find something different that you can do that is going to help people uh does this work in other languages absolutely um now let's go through let's talk about this site someone had brought up the um example of the $500,000 Niche where does that come from well what we're going to look at here we went over the expired domains Facebook examples would be if you were to look at Facebook um right here and you were to go through and say more filters keyword and let's say you do something like um Chicago right if you do Chicago you will see that Facebook ranks for a lot of words pertaining to Chicago they are more or less a lot of them are going to be directories so of all of the content on Facebook 142,000 rank for Chicago so here's like Facebook Marketplace Chicago um Titanic exhibit so all of these things here are like okay I can make a directory about Chicago different things to do in Chicago face Facebook ranks for this stuff like crazy a lot of people don't know it but there are Facebook groups for cities and they're worth money I know someone who um has one and they were offered like hundred grand for it and it was just literally a Facebook group for a local city and they set it up for free as what it was um understanding that there is money everywhere and that it's not that hard to get you just have to really think about it and be direct and stop looking at everything under the sun pick a direction and stick with it um the $500,000 example here is the example of the addiction calls I showed you earlier that you can put in quotes calls will be forwarded to these paid advertisers there are different addiction sites now again disclaimer if you don't know about addiction might not be the best Niche to go into obviously make sure that the affiliate programs are on the up and up I myself have an addiction uh channel here on YouTube talking about my personal um journey through that um I don't promote these offers because I did find them to be not what I would want if I needed help that's my personal conviction a lot of people are totally fine with it that's just me personally you find your your place where you're going to be but these sites actually make a lot of money you could see addiction resource the help one um detox all different kinds of stuff like this and they just keep going and going and going now if you're take a look at sites like this you're going to see that this one here Addiction Center if we just type in California there's over 400 words that go for California here's one Hotel California by the Sea that's a a rehab there California California different things like that now if you look at it overall this is a directory site talking about different treatment centers now taking a look over here and I think it's lowballing it because this is giving about a buck 10 Buck 20 per click this is a market that goes for way higher than that as we saw earlier the addiction um offers on offer Vault if we were to pull this up here let's do uh rehab the addiction offers on offervault we're paying like $800 per call again results not typical mider guaranteed are there people making more money in a day than some people make in a year using this there is does that mean you're going to probably not however let's look at this objectively like a business let's get our head out of the clouds and understand exactly how this works where the money's going to come from and everything like that if you can answer the question of where the money is going to come from you will have a much better time of trying to make money online because now you're going to know hey this is who's paying me this is how it works so starting to look at this $825 I'm going to say if we were to look at like spyfu right over here um you're going to see that these actually go for a lot more so if you were to do like rehab center or something like that you're going to see that these actually pay this is like $23 a click which is one of the smaller ones some of them pay a lot more so all of that to say when you're looking at a site like the addiction ones we're looking at I would venture to say their traffic is worth far more than $549,000 a month does that make sense type 540 if that makes sense uh the plugin will be available later we just started working it today we have some some bugs to work out of it um if you just go to airofit scoop.com we will have it there for you so going on in there looking at that and saying okay now I see how these work you can also see like all local Pros which has affiliate offers for all kinds of different um affiliate programs from you know bathroom remodeling kitchen junk removal all of these and you could literally go through there and make sites on specific things for an area a niche a type of products or whatever it is we saw this happen with angie.com they went on and made a bunch of money like a ton of money starting to look at this and understand that you can do this in high ticket areas what if you put all your energy into car donation uh a car donation um directory site where you're like okay you want to donate your car here's all the places here here here's how much they pay different things like that again utilizing chat GPT to make this work is pretty simple we're going to go through and be like okay um please list the names of the top places to donate your car in the USA 100 please let's see what this comes up with and I'm going to show you how this leads to money and we're going to talk about how it will lead to the money how you're going to get the money everything like that now we're going to get this list here it'll probably time out because it'll be like are you sure you want to do more and then we could say uh now please just list the charity name okay so now just list the charity name it'll be like this we could do remove all stuff in Brackets that way we get a clean list what we want is a clean list okay and we're going to go like this and we wait it's definitely being faster than yesterday that's for sure yesterday Chachi BT needed some coffee or something all right so we'll go like this and we are going to take this list put it into our keyword tool right over here and then boom here we go okay so now we're going to go like this and we're going to hit search and we're going to see if there's traffic for these 2.3 million people a month you could literally make a directory of different um Charities and how to donate your car and different things like that now why is this good why would you do that Marcus I mean come on this doesn't make any sense you're saying get people to give their car to a charity okay that's all nice you give your car here's our car here right give your car appar it's a truck you give your car to the here we'll make it a cyber truck there we go actual realistic cyber truck there but at any rate you go through and you're like okay he's going to give his car he's going to get a tax write off nobody gives anybody any money how are you going to get paid Marcus this doesn't make any sense it's a charity it's free it's where's the money come from if you guys are honest with yourself and you're like where does the money come from like I don't get it you get people to get stuff free they get a a car how does that work well what happens behind the scenes is often times you will see charity commercials on TV Charities pay a lot of money to have those commercials and out of the people who watch them let's say a million people watch the commercial right like how many are actually thinking about donating their car I've seen the commercial a thousand times I've donated maybe five cars in my lifetime was that a good Roi probably not is this a good Roi probably not but they're making it work the way it makes money is through paperclick so if I go to Google and I type in something like donate car donate my car right like this you are going to see there are advertisers wheels for wishes cars for kids habitat all the way down there's a bunch of ads and ladies and gentlemen I saw some directory sites in there as well do your research you'll see how this works now if I was also to go to spyfu and I do donate car watch what happens to the cost per click donate car 3,000 a month 18,000 similar keyword traffic $34 a click okay what is that mean well that means that company that's getting the free car is paying $34 for one click to their website legit one click 34 bucks oh do they have to buy no it's one click do they have to fill out a form no it's one click do they have to call and get a tow truck to come get the car no it's one click they could click and leave it still costs the company money so what they're saying is hey wait a minute we'll pay these Affiliates more money because now I'm getting a guaranteed lead that is where paper lead payer sale that's why this is so much money because if they were to buy clicks the amount of lead they get per click is less than they get from affiliate marketing affiliate marketing is almost like a guaranteed a guaranteed um sale for them because it's like okay now I'm getting that lead and I'm paying 800 bucks sure it costs more but I'm GNA have to pay $40 time 100 clicks to get 10 leads this is a better option so looking at that could you go through and build a site around car donation you could could you do a uh directory site around travel yes you can Insurance Services uh Matt if you're still here he's got sites about tree services different local sites where people are like oh hey I want to chop down my tree I want to plant a new tree or whatever it is uh different Services work really well we saw this work with angie.com who literally dominated the market but again whenever people dominate the market the quality goes down is did I have the right one I think it's I think I have the wrong site here let's see what was it Angie let's see what was it it's maybe it's org or something we'll type it in a n g i n g is it g or J G there we go I probably spelled it wrong some some reason it's being funny here organic keywords overview there it goes okay so this is the right one here um I don't know why I was being funny over there maybe we had paid search or something like that so looking at the keywords here you're going to see that they rank for all kinds of local stuff plumbers near me also one of the interesting things here that a lot of these people do is they actually rank for the place themselves so this is kind of a gray area in marketing where it's like okay your business name is Bob's tree cutting service BTC not to be confused with Bitcoin right and Bob's tree cutting service has the name Bob's tree cutting service and people look it up okay airgo it gets some traffic okay A lot of people do this in the affiliate marketing industry that's kind of what we're doing with like Nike affiliate program and stuff like that that is going to get the traffic companies like Angie came in and said let's get a list of all the local companies and because we're the big Powerhouse we're going to outrank them it's kind of a gray area but it's does outrank them so if you were to look at something like let's say uh this one here some kind of Contracting right let's see if Angie outranks the actual business sometimes they do they do well they're the second one right so like they are the second one there right there and it actually looks it's a better listing than him because his says waterproofing and if I don't want water proofing then I'm not going to care about that look at all the businesses that are using it you have um Angie Better Business Bureau Yelp next door Home Advisor they are Map Quest they are literally using this guy's business name getting the traffic and selling it back to him if he wants it and if he doesn't want it they're selling it to his competitors interesting business model but nonetheless it can work and if you're going to do that model to in my opinion to be ethical I would probably put him at the top hey here's a top guy here's some other guys here's here's the actual business and you would do that in your template right we would go through and be like okay here's the link to the Shopify now here's some other similar ones that you can do and look at the competition why does this work this works because the competition is legit nothing right when you look at the competition here and you do whatever that company was Contracting okay now they grew could be a false positive but they grew um the competition is non-existing it's not even showing us anything it's zero and watch this if you were to Do Contracting and you were to go in here and do view all 55,000 keywords related to Contracting okay you have General Contracting not so General Contracting whatever what what happens if I do KD one so zero to one watch this show results 26 keywords that have zero competition literally nothing there's a bunch of junk in there too but literally nothing if I was to do like tree services if I was to do um there you go tree services right maybe I was to go through let's do the KD again maybe to one 56,000 let's see what it drops it to 2400 still 123,000 searches a month how many of you guys this is making sense you're like okay I get the directory model it's basically going for things that people are searching for that have very low competition that work in a very very direct way again if you utilize this with domains how many of you guys are seeing how powerful this can be where we're going through and we could be like okay let's go maybe look at GoDaddy auctions and see what's there and maybe there's some stuff we can use that will work with this like free shipping code maybe shipping companies Green Tree there's a tree one there you go Matt um here's some others right so now you can look at these and say what would fit this one I bought the other day for soap making you can make a directory of all the soap making stuff um going through home furniture and more so here's a Furniture one again let's pull this up in a different link just to make sure just got to make sure it's F familyfriendly here all right um but what you're seeing is this is a business that a lot of people don't really talk about but can work really really really really well so here's one this guy ranked for um 160 words related to Home Furniture and more whatever it is okay so the odds of ranking for this one are probably pretty good let's go by volume see if there's a big ones home furniture dude ranked 49 for Home Furniture Home Furniture Store 35 yeah this is one where I can go through and I can do okay here's a here's a directory site about home furniture stores and think about how you can provide value in the best way possible what does value look like in a Home Furniture Store Market maybe we could go through and be like okay Home Furniture maybe we'll have like ones that have a layaway maybe maybe one for uh big people big and tall or or small people uh or or maybe ones that have a payment plan or financing or whatever it is and you start to understand okay so if I can think about this in a different way and help people find what they want faster this will work and we can go get traffic in many different ways we can make Pinterest pins about uh different things for layaway and and whatever it is and going through what you're going to do is this is going to open up a whole new a whole new way to make money right it's going to go through here's some kind of sport one here's one for um lifestyle here's one for different types of of nuts right that could be a about that or guitar here's a guitar one let's see what this guitar guy's got maybe pull that up over here just in case uh let's see oh he had 17,000 keywords in Google that's pretty good it looks like primar primarily a different language it looks like it was uh Philippine traffic let's see what we have so yeah like he ranked for 3900 keywords all about different chords and things like that you could have a directory site that it's a bit of a stretch to call that a directory site but nonetheless you could make money with that site and going through and thinking about the different niches you can have with directory sites is key now um one of the other things you can do is you could completely automate your directory site with a tool like make AI make AI is something where you can kind of give it a a task list like go to the web find these things come back make content like this you could do that it is going to miss the keyword part so you could probably load a keyword list and make it do that um we have a fantastic video over at the AI profit scoop channel on make um very good channel uh a very good uh video on that and then also in the the paid AI profit scoop we have a full tutorial on how to use it and it's actually very easy you're basically just giving it tasks like go find these golf jobs then find out what they pay then make a blog post about this that and the other so you can automate this if you want my advice would be have the human interaction make it a little bit better again you can get notes of all this over at airofit scoop.com now let's take a look at some of the niche Industries with high potential for directory websites we can use Fitness and Beauty this would be fantastic um just this morning I bought a domain that was a formula it was about formula and let me see if I can find it I think I'm logged in but it might be saved in my AHS and um what I what I was thinking is like okay I can build this up formula formula deals I think something like that formula yeah formula deals.com which again when you're looking at this if you were to go to the GoDaddy appraisal tool Somewhere Over Yonder let's use mine uh GoDaddy estimator so you go to the GoDaddy estimator and I like using mine because hey it's mine right um and it doesn't time out but on the GoDaddy estimator formula deals probably going to have 1400 bucks or something well apparently it is timed out GoDaddy appraisal let's see if theirs is timed out might be an issue with their stuff M uh formul deals.com yeah it's timing out too it's like it's probably going to have a value of 1,400 bucks something like that so already off of already out of the gate I'm starting with something of value like hey I'm starting with something that it's got value like if I go through and and make this work I'm good to go um in addition to that this also had rankings with it okay so we're going to go like this formula deals okay and 122 rankings so nothing super huge but this is all about formula stuff so you could do you know a directory of places to get subsidies and coupons and different things for formula very simple okay so now we're looking at this and we're like okay this is something we can absolutely use some others are Fitness and Beauty Investments and finance Origins and beliefs maybe you know like certain uh things like that very simple weddings events real estate this is one that's very big like right now I don't know if you guys have been paying attention but the real estate Market is absolutely tanking you can go out there and provide results on different cities hey here's how this is working here's this the houses that are for sale here's all this stuff obviously make sure that you have the rights to use them and you're doing ethical stuff um pets and Animal Care there are people with like dog walking dog grooming uh directory sites literally works really well and what you would do with that is you could have advertisers and things like that restaurants um Home Services very very big again we will have this list at aprit sc.com now when you're looking at the templates what you want to do is think about how you can do this in a way that's going to help your Market very very strategically okay very very important let's see yeah Tim we don't want to we don't want to be yeah we don't want to be like selling things there we'll remove that um so going through there and looking at all this stuff let's see okay so going through what we want to do is we want to take a look at our templates here and focus on what is going to help and work okay so going through here and looking at um Business and Professional Services so our template would look like service type in location washer repair man in Omaha Nebraska top number of Professionals in year so it be like 2025 or whatever then you'd have an introduction brief overview of the service featured businesses list of other businesses and partners with their info um tips on choosing the best service type call to action all this other stuff okay so very simple very basic Boop we just run down next up you can do like real estate and housing your temp would be po property type maybe you'd have like lak font properties in Idaho or whatever okay showcase a standout property with an image have a neighbor neighborhood overview this is a good one this is actually one that ties in really good if you were looking at directory sites uh one of the examples we use on our on our webinars often is the example of crime statistics crime statistics is how we do like this is we're going to go crime statistics in ZIP code right so you could go through and do like oh hey here are here's a crime overview of this so you can have a directory of crime statistics for certain areas very very simple okay super easy then we're going to go through and we're going to do travel and Hospitality you could do top number of hotels travel destination in location okay introduction highlight them here's the best hotels here's the tips here's a name name all stuff like that education and learning health and wellness Tech and software again we will have this entire list available over at AI profit scoop now when you're looking at a programmatic Content structure what we want to do is we want to say what are our Dynamic variables okay these are key because that's what's going to change what is our consistent format what is our template and where are we going to get these data sources you could do API spreadsheets I wouldn't use SC those are kind of black hat gray hat um so I wouldn't do those but going out there and doing like we did with our plugin here is actually very simple because then what it does is it gives me a cut and dry paint by numbers follow along like all I would do is log in here every day when I'm done with one I would publish it okay so like I could go here here's teachable okay we'll do teachable affiliate program boom put this into chat GPT and it's going to be B Bas on keyword stuff it's going to give me the rundown go through view it make sure it's good make sure it patches plagiarism add anything I want to add and put it on there and there we go ideal says so it's affiliate marketing but put in a directory instead of one by one we're going to get into um we're going to get into the monetization methods in just a minute first I want you guys to see exactly how this works see how this is just spitting it out boom boom boom and this work because it's giving it the template teachable affiliate program review there we go and it's got the types of content and different things like that all I would do go to the teachable one replace my prompt with what the prompt gave us publish right I I can also find different things now going in here you're also going to want to find ways to make money to put them in there looking at the programmatic content makes it very simple again don't just use it to spam provide good value now let's get into the ways to monetize how are we going to monetize and make money number one we are going to look for potential gaps in the market identify gaps in the market is essential for creating a successful Niche directory here are some ideas now looking at this the gaps are going to be what are you bringing to the table anyone can go out there and use AI to make a directory website and you might make money it might be shortlived as well but it might make money but big like Angie and all of those they have something different maybe it's the review mechanism maybe it's the fact that they have a lot of traffic and a lot of people talking about stuff maybe it's a sharability maybe it's their unique I've tried this okay so if we can think about how we can do this in a different way maybe you can go out there and say okay I'm going to go and I'm going to find info good bad about these companies or whatever it is obviously make sure you do this ethically make sure you're not just doing it to get traffic make sure you look at it with a fine Toth comb because if you review something that you haven't tried and it's a bad review you can get sued I knew a guy years ago he lost his house because he did a review and the company sued him now he also didn't like show up but he should have showed up but either way it's like a $300,000 lawsuit and he legit did try the product so going out there and thinking that you can slander companies just for the benefit of making money that is not only black hat and unethical I know it's damaging I had a company do that if you look up reviews on on my stuff you will find a lot of bad reviews and you will find that a lot of those bad reviews link to the same affiliate product which is not my product and it was a it's a big mess years cost very very much damage to my business and 99% of the people never even tried my product never even watched my video they literally just a list and went out there and made stuff and it was junk so don't do that don't do it unethical if you want to stay on the good side of that just talk about what the business does instead of saying this product bad this good give an honest review about a product right maybe you have a product directory and you're like okay here's the product here's the price here's good here's this here's that here's what people are saying um and here's an alternative and use your affiliate link to sell the one in the in the first place why not right very simple so ways to monetize is finding what you're going to do different how are you going to help these people maybe it's by sharing prices like we had uh last year we had our garage door and our garage door broke it's a little twodo garage door and I'm sitting there and I'm like okay going to cost maybe maybe 500 bucks to fix the thing it's like a garage door motor I could probably do it but every time I get on a ladder things start breaking so we we desired to hire someone and we got him out there and the first guy was like okay it's $300 to fix the springs and all this and I was like okay whatever it was thanks it the day before Thanksgiving I wanted to get it done we paid him the 300 bucks then it broke the next day and he's like oh well now it's going to cost two grand and I'm like I don't know where you come from but you know I don't think two grand for a garage door is I think that's a little bit of of what we call not a good price a little bit of a ripoff price and so having that info there saying this is what you can expect to pay I did the research in such and such a county and such and such a city and the average cost was like that there was a car company that did that years ago and they went out there and they were like oh hey we're going to look at all the people who bought the cars and we're going to say the average person in your area pays 55,000 to 56,000 for this car okay so looking at that was like okay that is the value does that make sense how that would be valuable like if I have the guy there and I'm looking it up and I'm like okay well the the motor for the garage door only cost 200 bucks why are you charging me two grand this will help people because a lot of people do get taken to the cleaners because they don't know they don't do their research and you know who can blame them we got busy lives we don't need to do all that that's your job your value is providing that for them very very very important next up uh ways to be unique unique features offer features not commonly found in existing directories maybe advanced search filters personalized recommendations or interactive maps that's one of the things that made Google Maps good is it put those companies around you so you're like oh here they are that guy's 15t from me or whatever it is okay very very very simple next up we have um improved user experience maybe it can be easier faster maybe one form will fill out multiple leads Angie and there was another one Thumbtack where you fill out the form it goes to like 10 different people could be a good could be a bad one of the one of the good sides to it for the business is you get one lead one time you sell it to 10 people times 50 bucks now you get $500 for the same lead that you would have only gotten 50 bucks for that's a good model for them um but you know you have you have to work these out figure out what you want to do next up Niche specific content maybe you can have content that's going to help them maybe with the Formula One it's going to be maybe I can have them uh info to like Wick and other things that help new moms that are dealing with formula and stuff like that get government subsidies or maybe a credit card that helps them with it or coupons or whatever it is very very very important integration with emerging Technologies maybe you can go out there and have an AI element talk to my AI about how much this service should cost that's going to get you some leads that's going to work really well and having those AI agents is something that you can make a lot of money with um also now here are the monetization methods again all of these notes uh the wonderful Valeria will be wor uh working on putting these notes up on the site they will be over at airofit scoop.com probably tomorrow morning or maybe afternoon or something like that but if you go there now we will email you when they are ready if you opt in now going through and looking at the ways to make money you can do payper call advertising like we talked about with uh having the phone number like the rehab ones that are generating insane amounts of money you earn Revenue when a user clicks on a phone number or makes a call directly from your site these work for local services like rehabs plumbers lawyers all kinds of stuff dentists um I don't know if there's any Dental paper well actually there are 1800 dentist was the first big one of these right that that was the business model 1800 dentist was one of the first directory places and they literally just had people call this 800 number they funneled them and sold leads that's how it worked and understanding this is is super key okay next up we have uh affiliate marketing this is where you would get paid per lead per sale per download per click per trial um based on the stuff on your site make it fit if you go to offervault and you type in like um let's do kitchen you're going to see remodeling kitchen uh door something about door um doorbells uh security different things like that um you can put those on there and you can also do paperclick there are paperclick companies that will put ads on your site it's a little code you put on your site you just pop it in there bada bing you're ready to go super super simple okay very very cool and you make it work in a super super simple way um sponsored listings this is where real estate I think it was him or someone said that yeah real estate said are you not going to address the monthly fee businesses pay to be on the site that would be sponsored listings and premium memberships where you can actually have it to where Realtors can join your site now imagine instead of going out there and trying to compete against Zillow what if I just did this in my local area Orlando Realtors we're going to go through we're going to talk to them maybe interview them I mean what realtor wouldn't be on an interview with a big site then you can have here they are you can listen to them I mean thinking about this in a different way if you did this locally this will work this happens all the time a lot of Realtors got big by being on local radio they became huge Realtors by doing that starting to understand that is is absolutely key um let's see here yeah exactly Brett like the reviews on my stuff most of them never even tried it uh most of them don't even know what you're talking about that's one of the beefs that I have that that Google did is Reddit now ranks for a lot of reviews and it's just people talking about their thoughts on what the product could be without even trying it and now they're getting all the traffic that's something I I don't really like um which it seems to correct like if you guys haven't noticed recently Google has gone back to hey we like small sites again also um in addition to premium memberships you can do lead generation um where you're selling leads you could generate them yourself and sell them if you're doing it local that's probably the best way or if you're doing it national you can use an affiliate network uh display ads you can have banner ads on your site data licensing I'm going to say don't do that until you until it makes sense because there's a lot of laws around data licensing and what you can and cannot sell and how you have to disclose it e-commerce integration you could sell products maybe you have some local stuff uh whatever it is uh um different things like that don't go too far out of the box though like you have a real real estate site in Orlando I don't think you want to sell like Orlando hats and shirts that's a stretch stick to real estate that's where the money is okay very important um white label Solutions where you could literally license yours to others place maybe you have a successful directory model you can license it to other people um pay-per-click advertising booking commissions where you take a fee like um kind of like they do on restaurant reservation Services stuff like that email marketing sponsorship this is a good one if you have an email list you can charge people to to send stuff to the list right you send it there's like a little sponsored email happens all the time API access probably not going to get too much into that classified ads this would be fantastic this is a great way to go um I actually bought a site years ago in the classified ad space and it was kind a junky site but I like the name and you know people would pay for it this we saw this popular years ago on forums where you would pay for a boosted post on a forum then when it dropped to the bottom You' pay to bump it back up to the top companies's made a fortune doing this it works really well uh you could also do donations in patreon which that is the lowest of the lowest totem pole money like the amount you're going to make on that is pales in comparison to other stuff what I would do would be a mix of affiliate Market marketing and um charging people outright and now that there's AI I mean you could build a custom script or buy a custom script and sell advertising on your site super fast I mean I did this years ago when I had my paperclick website we got a bunch of traffic we charged advertisers by The Click and it was a script I bought for like 200 bucks it fantastic it worked amazingly and I was able to customize it back then I didn't even have a programmer so looking at that is key uh let's see here someone says is domain flipping still great even if you don't use AI oh domain flipping is alive and well I mean a lot of people say this is dead because of AI like SEO is dead yeah they're just click baiting to get views that's all they're doing 8 million people a minute still look at Google still happening I mean for the last two years I have heard that Google is going under uh you're good it's still alive and well like they're still there they're still at the top so much that the government was like they're Monopoly they're making too much money right so starting to understand um a lot of people are vying for your attention and I know that's why uh this stream got a lot of people on it is because a lot of people have been talking about directory sites is it the best way for you to go I think it can be a good way but looking at this in a very very important strategic way of what you're going to do is going to be key what's the name of the book you read that help you learn about flipping the market um I don't know I don't remember I know that was a concept I I came I made popular at one point I don't know if I was the first to do that but yeah it was a good one Karen ethical it's the way now I'm almost 70 and it's amazing and I'm learning from Marcus awesome Karen I remember seeing you on the webinars why are you against AI I'm not against AI I use AI all the time um Marcus great stuff as always will a transcript be available I could put it with the note uh Valeria can you remind me to put a transcript with the notes for the one guy who wants it actually you know it is actually here on YouTube after the videoos here a lot of people ask where the replay is the replay is here on YouTube soon as I'm done here if you refresh the page you can watch it again you probably need to watch it again because we went over a lot of stuff um and understanding how these directory sites work is absolutely key let's play around with that plugin a little bit more and show you some other sites that are in this market and show you what's going on here um Addiction Center again things of Powerhouse like would you ever get that big probably not but could you do something specific like maybe non- 12-step recovery programs for alcohol only yeah I could probably do that or christian-based or faith-based or you know something specific that these guys don't do because if you were to go through here and look at their stuff you're going to see that there are they do have words like that so very very important um looking at Facebook again let's go through that big list we had this one here so this list I'll grab these domains uh let's see I know I had them in here somewhere but yeah like all local Pros you could see some of the categories there and again we'll have a lot of this stuff over at the AI profit scoop site okay here's a list of we'll just put this small list in here um so looking at this if we go to like the batch Explorer or batch analysis here you're going to see here uh day trading says but if I build an AI app if I build an app with AI that wrote the code the code is perfect and clean oh yeah I'm not sure you guys are having some kind of chat in there um we have some vide on how to build apps actually tomorrow or Friday depending on the time I have a new video I worked on for you about creating little apps which is cool um so here you can see a lot of these different sites that are working let's go back to our blog and mess around with that plugin a little bit more because I think a lot of people are going to want to use that um the plugin is customizable I'm actually the bigger version that we're going to have for the members of AI profit scoop which if you're not a member and you want to make money with AI airofit scoop.com is literally $17 a month and it's like yeah I'm not getting rich on that but it's got a lot of tools and stuff and I think you are going to find it well worth it and I made it inexpensive because I'm kind of on a mission to be like hey you know what we don't need the gurus you want to pay for expensive stuff we'll have that later if you want it but AI profit scoop I'm going to show you the real deal you can go out there and make it work just with that alone nothing else to buy um very very simple um and looking at this what you're going to do is we're going to have in AI profet scoop we're going to have this plug-in with 10 different templates so you won't even have to come up with the template it's going to be like oh you're doing a directory site for lawn mowing here's here's a template and it'll be 10 categories you will change them a little bit because I'm not a big fan of here's a tool that does everything you don't have to do anything because those don't exist so we have to do a little bit of work there but I think understanding hey look you know this is something that we set up very quickly something that works if you do it you just have to go in there and make it work it's not too hard to do again just thinking about what is that extra element that I can add that's going to help people what's that extra element I can do that is going to get them over to the next thing um super important Anthony says and let's take we got a couple of minutes so if you guys want questions put those questions in the chat box and we'll do that that here um efd says I'm not saying oh that's a different one okay question from Anthony what about building an email list since a directory is targeted absolutely yeah I mean you look at like Angie's List they are building an email list when you go to their site you have to log in you can join as a pro um and I think when going in yes so you are going to be on their list because they start with the lead form so yes that be a fantastic way to do that uh let's see will there be a transcript there there will be on the like if you reload it by Nature there is a transcript on the replay uh Marcus are free domains only for newbies or those that are already in AI profit scoop it's for everyone who's in AI profit scoop my programmer is working on the system to deliver it so those domains once we have the system ready you'll get a coupon code and it'll be for like oh hey every domain that's under this amount is included uh which is cool so there will be those there and you will have the chance to upgrade and we'll show you all kinds of stuff so the video will contain yes AI profit scoop I only saw about three videos I saw nothing else um let me log in and show you what that looks like because we actually have quite a few things in there give me one second so I'll log in I'll give you guys a little demo so what's going to happen after you log in you will see AI profit scoop in here it's going to take you to the member site um there's a video on systematic content and then down here there's a start here video AI Basics it's like a three-hour video watch it um AI side hustles we got all kinds of side hustles that we ranked AI skills there's another video um Advanced I think we're adding to this area but we do have this one in here um new AI tools find your Niche so there's quite a few things here's where all the replays are and then there's other stuff down here um so there's there's all kinds of cool stuff in AI profit scoop already and then we'll have um this plugin in there as well okay AI is constantly adding content yep uh Brent says he loves the tools glad you like it AI profit scoop is brand new only three weeks old only three videos well there's there's more than three but it is pretty new it's only about a month old and the the the people joining that has been overwhelming I didn't think we were going to get to 500 until well into the new year but we hit it before the new year and um so I think a lot of people are tired of the the hey this is really worth $10,000 but we're only going to charge you a th this is something where it's like pretty much anyone can afford it it works it's it's basic you go in there you ask for help you get the calls you get the content uh we're reviewing the programs you get the behind the scenes special plugins a lot of perks there uh day trading thank you Marcus I registered two new directory domains during the webinar one is for outlet malls and the other is for a city okay cool congrats on that that's one of the things I've noticed in AI profit scoop is people are doing much better than I thought they would in terms of tech like the amount of people that are building tools and complicated stuff with AI I mean I'm Blown Away you guys are doing a great job in there uh are the call are there live calls in AI profit scoop for questions yes there are it's not every week but we do have them I think we might add an every week but it might not always be me on there so it might be one of our helpers or something like that just because I already do a Monday Tuesday this call and a Thursday call and two calls on Friday so like I I got a lot going on um but I think we're going to have I think we're going to merge the Friday call with AI profit scoop so we got some changes coming but there's plenty of ways to get help uh would you be willing to show a quick how- to on button Voodoo no because I I don't have it on anything here so for me to do that would be really difficult ask tomorrow on the high tiet Niche call uh let's see are you going to cover how to create apps so there's going to be a video uh tomorrow or Friday that is a specific video on using bolt AI the new version of Bolt AI to create apps and this video get ready you don't even need a website to make it work like it literally you're just going to use what bolt gives you so that's going to come out um so smash the like button that way YouTube recommends you that video too what is the title of make AI training video so if you go on YouTube and you look up my other channel AI profit scoop right here it's this first video so you can get that one um fantastic video we actually just came out with one yesterday as well I don't know let me see if I can mute this just so it doesn't play so we should have yeah here we go cool so I didn't even need to mute it but yeah we have a video I just came out with yesterday um this is a new one so you probably haven't seen a lot of the stuff it takes a while for them to take off um but this one on the 12 new AI features and um my assistant Alina helps with these it's been fantastic she's a great co-host um and the videos are coming across great and she's actually gone through and made videos for AI profit scoop for the members on tedious stuff like make AI like I don't know how to use it she does she teaches you so you got like The Best of Both Worlds there um but yeah this Channel's new definitely uh right recommend checking it out as well can airofit scoop help with making apps or tools yes we do talk about that um is it going to be like a full College course on it no it's not um but it'll it'll teach you that and on the calls you can ask whatever you want so it's pretty cool all right awesome stuff any other questions on directory um sites let me know I think building these is is going to be key it'll be Game Changer using AI it's super simple the money is there there's no selling no extensive writing simple straightforward content it's kind of boring but it does make money and you can wash and rinse and repeat so really cool stuff again the notes are going to be over at airofit scoop.com including um some other stuff as well as the plugin so hopefully you enjoyed this smash a like button subscribe check out the other channels on or the other videos on the other channel

As found on YouTube


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