the AI tool we're going to look at today is going to make you money and it's going to do that in three very specific ways number one it's going to increase your engagement rate that means the stuff you create online is actually going to get more people to view it and more people to actually interact with it that means more likes more comments more time on your website and ultimately more money in your pocket the second way this new AI tool is going to put money in your pocket is by increasing the amount of people who buy the products that you're promoting so if you're an affiliate selling your own product through dropshipping ClickBank or whatever it is you're going to make more money by getting more sales simply by increasing the conversion rate and this tool does it pretty much automatically that's right you have it create something you click a button it does its magic goes to work and increases conversions for you and this is all backed by data proof and Science and the Third Way this new tool is going to help you make money is quite simply by Saving you tons of time on research and having to learn fancy infographic tools and software and crazy things like that in fact this does like 60% of the marketing job for us but you need to know exactly how to use it because learning to use this tool correctly and get the output that you want specifically that's going to make you money makes all the difference and that's why in this video not only am I going to show show you this brand new AI tool that'll help you make money but I'm going to show you how to use it to actually get that money so if you're excited smash a like button let's hop in the computer and I'll show you exactly what this new AI tool is how to use it so that you can get paid come on let's get started all right so I've been looking for a tool for many years that would help me create infographics and stunning visuals that's actually going to increase my engagement and get me more sales and I actually found something that is amazing and this is a brand new tool it's a free tool it's in beta version so it will cost some money down the line but right now it's actually free and we can see that by having little visuals and data and graphs and things like that it's going to increase the amount of views to your content so if you have a blog post a video a Pinterest an infographic a Facebook post whatever it is HubSpot study shows that over 94% more views go to the guy with the visual or the gal we can also see that it improves retention so if you have a big long report and you want to get people to consume it what better way to break it up than by having little images like this and what if I told you that these graphs charts and images and visuals were created 100% by Ai and what if I also told you that I didn't even need to do the research to find the data that it created the graphs about yeah it's pretty amazing and I'm sure you can see already how this is going to change the way that you make money online with your content your visuals and the whole N9 yards we can also see here it made a little graph about increasing retention how the visuals have an impact information processing how that works and also we can see that social media posts with images increase engagement and clickthrough up to 650 times those without so if you're trying to get engagement with just text imagine what's going to happen when you use graphs charts and visuals this is the same kind of thing we see on the news all the time they don't just go up there and tell you about the latest polls in the election and put some text up on the screen they actually show diagrams and charts and pictures of the United States with little graphs and different things like that visual data makes money and I'm going to prove it to you if you were to come over here to YouTube and type in the top richest people over time you're going to see that this type of content which is basically something you can read on a website anyway does really well when it's presented visually you can also see down here to 241,000 views on Forbes 2.6 million views here and literally all they're doing yep presenting data differently I mean couldn't you just go to Google and do top richest people over time and get the same data yep but nobody's doing it why because they want data presented differently and as I always say here on this channel content structured differently can make you rich and data structured differently with visuals and a different presentation can also make you rich and I'm going to show you how in this video we can see here it says visuals to sales conversion funnel increased engagement higher conversion rates we can see that the importance of having product images in the actual design is 67% very important meaning that is something we want to see visuals data presented in a way that people can consume we can also see that this tool here makes all these little charts that give you walkthroughs and all kinds of things and it's actually very easy the tool we're going to be using today is napkin.
At napkin. I can type in create a new napkin and I can basically make some text about whatever I want and in testing this actually does really well in not plagiarizing other sources so I can come in here and say tell me about the stats on home break-ins in the USA in 2020 three or let's say 2024 and we'll go in and it'll actually start creating the data doing the research and getting the sources for what we want now there's a key I'm going to talk about in just a minute that's going to make you use this tool in a way that's going to literally make you Unstoppable in terms of making money online so what we're going to do is we're going to get the basic data here and you can see how this is broken up and how it's laid out so I can go over here and click this little icon and it'll make a little icon to make it kind of neat that's kind of cool cool but that's not the best part what we're going to do is we're going to look for data like this where it's saying here's how many of this it's a 10% increase we're going to click this little lightning bolt over here and it's going to do the work of creating a graph for us and not only that but I can actually change it on the Fly based on these things here so if I wanted a bar graph or I think this is a sideways bar graph I don't know I didn't get that far in school we got this one here with a line graph I think it is um or different things like this and what it's going to do is it's going to make this data visualize it is going to help you get your point across which the point should be selling the product that you're trying to sell or getting the customer to do what you want them to do it's actually very simple so if I chose something like this I can see visually right here exactly how this looks and I think I'm going to pick this one here so we can see here instead of just text up here now it has this where it says the year is 2023 there's a 10% increase in burglaries 1.5 million home break-ins in 2024 now I can break that down even more and say something like you have a 1 in 300 chance of your house getting broken into or whatever the numbers are then I can go down here and make a chart for this one common methods of Entry now what I'm doing is I'm trying to do this in a way where I am going to sell something so my endgame here would be to create content that would sell home security leads as we can see here some of these companies are paying as much as $600 for a little phone call when people call a custom number for home security systems so the way it works is actually pretty simple you would go over to offer Vault and find an offer once you find the offer you want you go to the network the network over here would be dop call or dop call whatever it is and we're going to go sign up at dop call get the custom phone number that only you have your phone number is like an affiliate link it is custom to you when someone calls that number and stays on the line for a specific amount of time yep that's right you get paid and we can also do lead forms where you wouldn't have to get a phone call they would just go to a link and fill out a form sometimes you can do stuff that's just email only like this one here for Home Security Services all they need to do is fill out this little form put their name and email in get a quote for Home Security so what I'm trying to do here is make data visualized we want to make something that stops people in their track and makes them realize something they might not have known before maybe something like hey these are your chances of getting broken in or these are the top places people break in on a house here's how to avoid it and it actually makes it very simple then we can go even deeper and use something like this demographics of affected households I simply click the little lightning bolt like this and bada boom bada bang this thing pop pops up like magic you just choose the little graphic you want right like this and not only are we making visuals that can work on social media YouTube Pinterest blog post and other places that make us money but we're actually crafting a very beautiful document that we can give away in exchange for a name and email I mean imagine having a document like this versus just text yeah this is something people actually want they can use and it's going to help us get paid and as you can see here going through the library I actually did a report on preventing home invasions and this one went through and it had like home security systems likelihood different places they might enter like securing your doors and windows Landscaping one thing I didn't know is it actually says that having overgrown shrubs and trees provide a cover so that a break-in is more likely and going through and presenting this in a different way as to say hey these are the things to watch out for click this link to secure your home with a home security system or whatever it is your affiliate offer is it's actually super simple let's say for example I wanted to go over here to my GoDaddy appraisal tool blog post this one actually gets a lot of traffic we have a little calculator and all kinds of different things here talking about domain appraisals but what if I wanted to take this a step further and keep people on my site longer get them clicking on more stuff and making me more money well it's actually pretty simple what we're going to do is go over to napkin.
Create a little piece of content about domain sales statistics and valuable keywords we can actually go through right like this and create graphs on the top keywords that show up in domains this is perfect data for people looking to buy and sell domain names and you can see here it makes a nice little chart with the top domains that sold right like this I can go through pick the visual right like that pick the colors and We're Off to the Races I can also go through and get the average sales price right here we can see that the average sales price in 2022 for a domain name was around $2,000 but this actually took it a step further and went somewhere my brain wouldn't even have thought of and it says the average sale price domain characteristics the length keyword popularity extension type Primo domains High sale domains and on and on we go this is stuff that I can actually use and create content that's going to drive people to domain sales courses yeah the whole nine yards and thinking about data in a different way is going to help you make a lot of money in fact if you were to go over here to the ah refs keyword tool and look up a word like what percentage we're going to see that people actually look up like what percentage of my paycheck is withheld for federal tax and you might be thinking well Marcus they're just looking up info how you going to make any money well I'm glad you asked we're going to fire up our napkin.
A and we're going to have an end result in mind first we're going to click new napkin draft with AI I am going to say what percentage of my paycheck is held for federal tax please include lots of data and examples now the idea here is we want to help people put more money in their pocket so I can get them to like Tax Services accounting different tips and strategies on how to save money on taxes maybe credit cards savings accounts tips on health Insurance yeah the list goes on and on and we're going to use data to sell these people in a crazy simple way I mean take a look at this I can actually click this button here and get a chart instantly on the top tax brackets and you could see here let's get a round graph here something like this one here and you could go through and you can tweak these and change them however you want we can also go through and do stuff like this one where you have allowances and different things of that nature let's see what kind of graph we get for this one here so we can see here using the 2023 tax brackets the 10% on the first 11,000 and on and on we go so we could see here exactly the data presented in a very very specific way and we can go through and even add something else maybe I want to click on this one get a little graph here right like this then the very important thing we want want to do is we want to take our information whether it's the top wealthiest people the side hustles that make the most money foods you shouldn't eat if you want to lose weight and you could see using our tool here you can type in something like how many and you could see all kinds of things people are looking for or you could do something like how to save money right like this and you could see how to save money groceries how to save money fast for a house and on and on we go and if you take these and put them into our napkin tool right like this this we could go right here how to save money for a house it's going to draft the entire content for you and just imagine how many people are buying and selling houses each and every day yeah there's a lot of them and we can see here it's going to make a little graph on the down payment the dedicated savings accounts how much you need to save and on and on we go we can even go through and do one very specific something like please list the top ways people can save money and how much they save as a percentage and it'll go through and do all the work for us and directing napkin.
A in a very specific way is going to get you a very specific output and we can actually go through and start to build these up let's say I wanted to create a source just on the estimated savings I can go through and add these up like this and put the names of them and it's actually going to and it'll actually make a result in a very very specific way then when I'm done I just click the button and get charts and info and graphics and tons of things to make my data stand out to get more clicks and make me more money and looking at this we can see that this is going to boost social media performance it's going to go through and give you different types of content that you wouldn't have thought of otherwise and it's going to help you get a lot more engagement like this here it's talking about different vitamins here's one talking about how to make a salad that has a well-balanced diet or different foods and things like that it's actually very simple and you can use this to create infographics create flowcharts mind maps you can drag them into a video editor and create a slideshow or a video based on the data or you can enhance your video with simple Graphics using this is a GameChanger we can use this to boost our blog post engagement I could go through and take the different stuff like I did for the domain sales and I can quite simply take a screenshot right like this and add this to my blog in seconds I simply copy the screenshot right like this and go over to where I want it in the blog bada boom bada bang it'll paste it right there in seconds and I can use these to get people to click on affiliate links get them to dive deeper into content or simply help sell my message and much like the example we did of the home break-ins if we can use this to show people information in a different way and help them understand and digest it in a way that makes sense well then we can make lots of money and if you want to learn more about this strategy type full tutorial below and I'll do a full training on how visuals can be used to put more money in your pocket thanks again for watching smash a like button and check out the videos in the description to learn more about how to make money online with AI