foreign oh hi there today we are going to talk about YouTube automation yes you could use YouTube automation to make a lot of money so that you too can get a Lamborghini full of cash just like Ty Lopez and in this training Marcus is going to show you exactly start to finish how to do YouTube automation with artificial intelligence or Ai No you do not need to use your own voice you do not need to use your face and you can make money every single day I tried it and it works watch the rest of this trading to learn exactly how it works are you ready Marcus yeah let's make some money all right all right ladies and Gentlemen let's get this show on the road today we got a lot to go over as you can tell from my desk we've got tons and tons of notes tons and tons of stuff to show you exactly how this whole YouTube automation stuff works so what we're going to do is we're going to dive in here and we're going to talk about every step of the way we're not going to leave anything out now what I did is I went through and I actually had some notes made I had some AI prepare some stuff for this video so that you can see in real time exactly how it works now you might have noticed that we have our old buddy here right our old buddy Rocky and we're going to talk about how this is going to work in a AI automated Channel as well so there's lots of stuff here we're going to talk about AI generated videos that are completely hands off we're going to talk about partial AI which is my favorite way to do this and we're going to go through everything so that you can get the picture and actually start this to make money for yourself now if you guys can hear me okay if everything's going all right let me know by Smashing the like button and let me know in the comments as well we're going to go through we're going to walk through this entire system so if you have a pen and a note paper handy definitely get that ready to go because we're going to show you everything nothing's going to be held back at the end of this you'll be able to go out there and either Outsource or use AI to create your own types of video channels and make money so this is going to be really cool now as you can see here you know you might not know who I am if you're new let me get you at ease here and show you where the money's at now this is from one of my YouTube automation one of my YouTube channels here what I wanted to show you is the earnings but then also show you like that I actually got it because anyone can take a screenshot and stuff like that so what I wanted to do is show you where it is here and then show you it usually takes about I think 45 days from the time the month ends for you to get it or something like that or it might be 15 days I'm not I'm not exactly sure I think it's 15 days from the beginning of the month or something like that right so you can see here this is the one that's pending so I'll probably get that in like seven or eight days or something like that and this is the one that we got last month so I wanted to show you here it is here it actually did hit my bank account you can see the exact thing here I took a screenshot obviously I blurred out the sensitive information but you can see here that this is something I've been doing for a while it's something that works extremely well now not only that but last week or I think it was two weeks ago I showed you a Pinterest method that is 100 automated you can see here that it is growing like gangbusters we are getting traffic it is starting to get some traction it is building a mailing list everything like that also you guys can see we are going to test this method if this stuff stops floating around me here we're going to test this method uh with Rocky our puppet because I like puppets because it could be super automated right all I need to do is generate a voice hint I'm going to show you in a minute just how to do that and some content and boom there we go right you don't have to show your face or anything it doesn't even have to be your voice and I've known people for years that have used puppets to make lots of money in this market really cool okay now let's get down to the nitty-gritty of how this works because I think there's a lot of misinformation when it comes to making money with YouTube Automation and making money with AI YouTube channels so we want to get your mind at ease we want to show you how this works and drill down to exactly what you need to know to make this work all right this is going to be like a full class smash the like button if you're excited get ready take some notes we're going to go through every step of the way with nothing left out number one what we need to do is choose the right Niche now I went through and I'm going to show you where I actually transcribed a video and I had a I make notes on the same topic and the same video so what we're going to see is a comparison of how it worked so what I did is I took a popular video about let's get to the other screen here I took a popular video about YouTube automation since this training is about that we went through and I took notes and I kind of highlighted and went through and saw what this was about now in this video unfortunately this guy did not teach anything he just went out there and was like okay YouTube automation is great you can make money bada bing bada boom whatever okay didn't really teach anything now when I actually fed that URL to an AI I took from a this was a this is the exact video so let me get this zoomed out here all right uh let's see where do we go there we are so this is the transcript from the video This is how long it is it is two pages long okay this was actually I paid someone on to create this for me now when I went to the AI I gave it the URL of the video gave it a little bit of notes on what I wanted it actually went through and made a one two three four five six page report and it actually has like takeaways and outlines and all kinds of stuff like that now I want you to notice I did not do anything other than copy and paste a URL and AI did the rest so it's pretty cool now we're going to talk about how that works we're actually going to set up a video here live so you can see everything in real time so first of all what we need to do is we need to choose the right niche this is where most people are going to get this wrong most people are going to go out there and they're just going to be like oh hey I want to be in the money niche or the food Niche or whatever it is and they're going to see that that actually is pretty difficult to do because you don't have any founding you don't know where you're going what we need to do is we need to know our exact trajectory okay this is extremely important because what we need to do is we need to pick the right Niche at the get-go so having the right Niche is key number one most important we need to look at this and say what are we going to talk about I mean you could go out there and you can make a Channel about your dog your cat and what you ate for breakfast but those three things are not going to go well together and if you get a bunch of people that watch the video of your dog those people aren't going to care what you made for breakfast they're not going to watch the video hence it's not going to get pushed out to a big audience and your money is going to go down the drain so what we need to do is we need to figure out how to make the money go up the drain so that we can get it and put it in our pocket and the way we're going to do that is very simple and it's about finding the right Niche now there's several ways you can go find a niche you could use something like ahrefs and and and a keyword tool and look at what there is you can look at your hobbies you can look at your interest everything like that okay or you could pick something where the money's at maybe I can go in and do something like credit cards obviously if I had a Channel about credit cards it's going to bring a lot of money because as you can see there the cost per click is through the roof however the competition is also through the roof so it might be a little bit more difficult to get traffic so what I like to do when finding a niche is I like to look at what other people are doing and I also like to look at domains that are on the market so one of my favorite ways to find a niche is simply to go to the GoDaddy auctions and then figure out what's there and figure out what is being bid on and and what is there like here's some C marketing here's some other stuff and what we want to do is find out exactly what's going on like here's one for Orlando coupons that tells me I could probably make a channel just about how to save money in Orlando that domain's only 275.
It looks like it has some traffic we can kind of go through and take a look at exactly what's going on now one of the niches that I found earlier I don't know if it's still here it was an interesting one here's a driver's update for updating computer drivers that would be a fantastic YouTube automation Niche um we can go through what was the one that I found you know what it was is taco taco yes this one here so I thought was a pretty interesting one because it had lots of rankings for interesting stuff about Taco Bell and something a little bit interesting because it it was about like you know why does Taco Bell make you you know have to go places like not running for the Border we're running for something else and I thought that was interesting because then it led into a niche of like all these different things of like why does this food make you feel like this why does this food make you do that what kinds of food are going to help you and you can see this one was all about like Taco Bell and stuff like that which was actually pretty interesting and when does Taco Bell serve lunch breakfast all kinds of stuff like that so we're looking at that and we're like okay that's an interesting one right we got um quite a bit of traffic there that could actually be a niche right there are people making money in niches like that you can do things like food for energy right what kind of foods give you energy or something like that and now what I want you to realize is that when we're doing this we are going through and we are keeping everything very tight-knit there is going to be a box that is your Niche and we are going to stay within this Niche and we're going to try to be as specific as possible so if we're out there and we're doing energy food okay this would actually be a very good one as we can see over here we have all kinds of stuff for what kinds of food give you energy um all kinds of things like that okay so we're looking at that we're like yeah you know there's there's literally thousands of people every month looking up food for energy okay what foods that give you energy food for energy what foods give you energy and on and on we go so this is something where it's like okay this can work now one of the ones that I recently got at auction again this was not a niche I had planned on going into but this is the one we are going to use for this example the site was new now there's several reasons that I like this site okay one of the reasons is that it actually ranked for like 1300 different keywords okay so when we see right here we got 1300 different keywords that this thing is ranking for now what I also like about this is the fact that SUV stuff is actually very expensive SUV um Insurance SUV prices buying a new car this is really good now what I did and I realized that not everyone can do this but I actually bought this domain at auction and I think I bought it for it was just under 800 bucks right so there's there's the page for it there I bought it for just under 800 my thinking was new it's got to be sellable so I mean worst case scenario I could sell it and get my money back um very easy okay again results not typical implied or guaranteed but I think based on doing this for 23 years that's a no-brainer it'll sell okay now also why I liked it is because we have like worst SUV in the snow which gets 150 searches a month and we are actually ranking number three here in Google we also have SUV for women uh SUV with best visibility all right and again we're taking a look at this and we're like okay this thing actually does rank it actually is getting traffic and we can utilize this there we are right there okay so now what happens is using this method I get a built-in plan okay follow with me here because if you start with this idea everything is going to change for you all right the reason is because most people have no Direction they don't know where they're going they don't know where they're starting and they don't know where they're going to end up now what happens is this domain solves all the problem for me it's going to give me the direction okay I know I'm going to make money with SUV insurance by car all stuff like that okay credit cards whatever all kinds of stuff around buying an SUV investing in a car I know that my traffic is going to come from these keywords now what I need to do is I need to look at this and say to myself okay great wonderful what about the content well again smash a like button if you're digging this the content is done for me right so like best SUV for overweight drivers okay so we look at that and we're like okay great 70 searches a month now we can take a look at this and say okay well what's going on maybe we could go to YouTube and see what kind of videos if there's any there okay so we got SUV for obese drivers and here we go all right these people actually do these kind of things will you fit uh there's an entire Channel about will you fit and I think it's actually it's probably a car Channel let's let's take a look here let's take a look uh videos yes boy you fit in the car so like here's a guy who goes and and sits in cars and tells you if you if you're gonna fit in the car based on his size now can you do this as a YouTube automation Channel yes you can okay very simple now there's several ways I can do this but what we're looking at is hey here we go SUV for visibility um compact diesel lightest SUV snow and we see all this stuff here now one of the cool things they can do also is you could go to volume and look at the ones that get lots and lots of searches now MP says 150 searches 153 searches a month but what about sales sales doesn't matter all we're going to do is create content and get paid for ads here we have fastest SUVs NOW Watch What Happens we go like this then we go to YouTube we type in fastest SUVs and you are going to see 80 000 views 2.4 million 1 million uh 7 900 77 there's a lot of traffic for these now this one here looks like it's actually something that can be automated the top nine fastest SUVs he's got a picture of the car he's got some music going on this is very simple right so this is the kind of thing that can work and as we can see he got a million views here's another one okay how many of you guys are starting to get this you're like oh okay I see the picture a million views million views will you be able to compete for fastest SUVs yes eventually but right now we'll go for the littler stuff little stuff build up grow then we go for Big Stuff Got It smash the like button let's keep on going here as we could see we got all the content laid out now what we're going to do is we're going to do double fold which I'm going to talk to you about at the end where we are going to double down on content and our domain there's a reason I said start with the domain we're going to get into that in just a minute so what we're going to do is we're going to choose a niche or a domain whether you're going for food that helps you go or food that gives you energy or fast SUVs or how to tie a tie or whatever it is we're going to look at this and we're going to pick a niche that has something attached to it again if you want to learn the domain method I got tons of videos on that number two what we're going to do is we're going to find video ideas we're going to find the video ideas using these different things okay now we can also go out there and use Jasper Jasper or chat GPT or whatever AI you want and we can use that to say okay what are the top questions people have before buying an SUV all right this will help give us content as well and what we want is something that is going to be view worthy right is this going to be something that's going to get views or is this going to be something that nobody's going to care about now Ronnie says where can I buy domains with backlinks again what we're going to do is we are going to look at GoDaddy auctions I am on GoDaddy auctions all the time we bought this SUV one I bought another one that I'm going to use for this method which was pest MD was it or termite termite now this domain cost me a pretty penny you're gonna see why but here we have this one that costs a lot of money um I think it was just under 1200 bucks there's like 11 23 or 12 11 or something like that I buy too many domains uh so I don't know what it is but what we're going to see here when this decides to load ah we'll have some coffee while we wait but what we're going to do is we're going to see here that this actually does have lots of rankings so 44 keywords again what I'm doing is I'm looking at this domain and I'm like okay what is this link to I know for a fact not a question it is a fact fact okay you can't dispute this go look it up these termite companies pest control pay a fortune I'm talking 12 20 30 dollars for one click to their website so I know that the money's here the SUV one I know that Dodge and Ford and Chevy and Elon Musk pay lots of money for the word SUV sometimes fifty dollars a click or more so I know the money's there that is number one we have to know that the money is there that's that's a little creepy we'll give them some eyes there right we have to know that the money is there so yes the money is there check good we're good to go next what we know is that there's lots and lots of keywords so now I got a domain so for like 1200 bucks I got a domain it's a good domain termite MD I'm like hey I'm the termite doctor whatever it is right I can build this up make it work if I say that on videos people will remember it and it ties to something that makes a ton of money so here we go look at this nineteen dollars a click for termites and concrete um termite treatment cost square foot and we can see here if we do it by traffic you'll see that some of the rankings DIY termite inspection very very cool so now what's happening is I'm doubling up now a lot of people don't teach you this because a lot of people don't they don't know this exists but what we're doing is we're looking at this and you can see ads across the top of YouTube add right there these are ads paying on YouTube now what does that mean for us that means that we can get some ad Revenue we can see here 3700 150 000 or 135 000 uh sixty thousand and on and on we go so how to do it they even have shorts how to do a termite inspection so now we're looking at this and I'm like wait so you're telling me you got the domain you got the stuff set up you have the plan of action which is like okay I go do a video about DIY termite I do a video about this and again this is all going to be automated we're not going to go out there and go looking for termites I wouldn't know what a termite look like if if I if I saw one I wouldn't even have an idea but what we're going to do is we're going to look at this plan look at the strategy and make it work in a real world way okay essential oil for termites and on and on we go okay so now we're looking at this we're like good okay I got the plan all right what next next what we're going to do is we are going to go through and we are going to take a look at all this other stuff okay now number one choose your right Niche number two get a domain okay now if you want to skip the domain if you don't want to pay any money don't worry you can do that however like I don't know skip lunch for a day get a cheap domain you're gonna get one for like 50 bucks if you want or nine bucks or whatever all right and and some of the ones I get for fifty dollars have lots of backlinks and and stuff like that as well so what we're going to do is we're going to take a look at each one and we're going to let it build our plan in a simple way okay next what we're going to do is we're going to look at our traffic method for our video ideas now one of the things I like to do is just go out there find someone that's like you know hey you have a site about termites look at their keywords now we can also use chat GPT like this it said all the questions about uh SUV so like towing capacity all right that could be a video like go here and do um towing capacity okay this would be great so you look at this and you're like Toyota Tacoma Tundra all I would do is Forerunner that's an SUV all I would have to do is go through and find the SUV ones and make videos on whatever SUVs have the biggest towing capacity look at 4Runner towing capacity I'll bet you there's probably some videos coming up as well there you go Toyota 4Runner good for towing towing with a 5th gen Toyota right and so we look at this and we're like okay do these actually get views and the answer is yeah they do 47 000 views on that again that is going to be like a future bank account so we're going to look at that and strategize and we found that using chat gbt very simple now all I would have to do is get some content on it I could also go through do a new chat and say what are the top ways or let's say what are the top searches for termites or or what are the number one questions what are the top questions people have about Termite Control okay this will tell us all the stuff here what's the best way to get rid of them how much does it cost what are the signs of an infestation can I prevent them from coming back how long does a treatment last are they safe for pets and children uh do they need professional or can I do it myself see this is really good stuff that we can start to use so what we're doing is we're getting the lay of land now you might be looking at this and saying well Marcus you know I thought I was just going to watch a video click a button and AI was going to spit out money all over the place well yeah that doesn't exist yet but when it does I'll be the first to let you know because I'll probably be the first one to use it but for right now what we need to do is a leg work what is worth money is the legwork the legwork of hey this is the strategy this is the plan okay say it with me in the chat box strategy plan if you're in it to win it and you're tired of watching four minute videos that teach you nothing and you want to watch something that actually gives you results smash the like button let's keep going so we have all these questions here then we're going to go through and say okay now what I need to do is I need to visualize a title and thumbnail okay you can go over to Fiverr let's see if we go over to Fiverr here and you can look for thumbnail design thumbnail all right so you can look for thumbnail design on Fiverr for a couple of bucks you can get a thumbnail you can make it yourself or you could even go to something like Jasper over here or is our Jasper there he is and type in like SUV interior so this would actually be interesting like this one here looks weird so it'd probably get clicks that's pretty cool they're like oh what kind of car is that that's what we want we want the I want to click on that factor okay so you could create a thumbnail very simple okay then you want to look at your title what am I going to title my video well look at what other people are doing okay so is a Toyota front Forerunner good for towing okay that's pretty straightforward right there you go or you could just title It Whatever the keyword is DIY termite inspection what I wish I knew how to inspect for termites this is important something like that a little bit of an extra click factor or whatever then you have someone create the term the the thumbnail or you have the AI create the thumbnail boom you're Off to the Races very simple okay so we create our thumbnail now what we need to do is we need to look at the tools we're going to use okay you could use snagit Fiverr Jasper or mid-journey okay very simple use those for your thumbnail mid-journey does fantastic job Jasper is pretty easy too don't over complicate it just think about what people would want okay then number four this is where AI comes in okay so up until now we're looking all this and we're like okay this is looking good we got everything ready to go now what we're going to do is we're going to talk about automating it now if you're thinking hey this seems kind of complicated just think about the fact that I pretty much found like four or five different niches and did the plan right here on this call and we're only like 25 minutes in so it's not that hard to do like are you willing to invest a couple of minutes to put money in your pocket that's kind of the key all right so what we're going to do here is now we're going to look at where AI is going to come into play how is AI going to help us well the strengths of AI is research compiling and creating okay so what I can do is I can use all this stuff so what you don't want AI to do 100 is find your Niche make your title and get your thumbnail okay that's going to take a little bit of human Ingenuity but it can be automated all right so what we're going to do is we are going to do that that part so AI is going to do the rest okay your job is niche thumb title idea okay pretty cool so how many of you guys right now if you're like yeah if I could come up with niches thumbnails titles and ideas I'd do it all day long and let AI handle the rest and I would just basically go to the bank which you don't even need to do that because it's all automated in direct deposit now all right so what we're going to do is we're going to have it research compile and create now this is very important because our test here was about having these tools create something of value for us again in our test we had this guy here this video let's see where'd it go yeah so we had this video here versus what the AI created okay this video versus AI so we're going to take a look at this and we're going to say what what did we get okay was was this even good so this guy waffled for five minutes basically just talked about what could work if you could make a video it doesn't tell you how to do it you could get a lot of traffic it doesn't tell you how to do it you could make some money and then he says Fiverr and upwork and that's pretty much all she wrote now when we had a i go through I was using the program content at scale using content at scale I went through and I was like okay pretty cool let's have it make this content and I said hey here's what I want I gave it the YouTube url okay and then it came up with this content it's actually pretty good it came up with a really good piece of content it was very unique which I thought was really cool the fact that it was super unique and it was like okay this is something that let's see here rev that way we can compare but this is something that I can use so this to turn this into a video and that was the one that it it took it from it actually did a really really good job of expanding on what the Creator did not expand on right so now I could go through and I could make this into a video now there's two things you can do one you can go over to Fiverr okay let's see Fiverr this is gonna get a little pricey okay so if we go to Fiverr right like this and we do a video creation okay so if you want someone to create a video like a marketing video a flashy video whatever okay so we're looking at forty dollars so this is an explainer video forty dollars for 30 seconds so I'm gonna say with this one we got what are we at I think it was like three thousand words or something that's 1700 words okay so the average video is going to be about 150 words per minute so he's not even gonna get to five percent for that price how many guys are like well that kind of sucks like was it gonna cost me like 500 to get this video made yeah and we actually um I had my I had Brandon go through and he was looking at another guy who was doing YouTube automation and the numbers we found this guy happens to do a lot of business it was a black Hustlers Club uh or black I think it's something like that um and he's got a great channel is pretty good stuff but he went through and he talked about his automation his first month he spent almost seven thousand dollars which is like wow that's that's a lot of money like if you don't have seven thousand dollars to spend to make this and then the next month 2200 the next month so he's in this thing 26 000 and his ad Revenue was 16.
So he lost 10 grand which I I don't think I want to do that I mean is it a long-term Place sure but how many of you guys are like yeah I want to risk 26 Grand to make this work probably no one right so we need to find a different way and the way we're going to do that is using uh AI tools okay so using chat GPT using AI what we're going to do is we're going to compile some content that looks pretty good now here's a list of content again I have other videos on this so you'll want to check last week's training you can use Jasper content bot or whatever okay I think was actually a pretty good one so like I could literally log into if it'll let me there we go and I can do create a new project and I could say something like let's say long form content right like this so create a blog post about the best SUVs for overweight people boom we go here and it's going to create a piece of content about this topic okay and here we go Ford Expedition Suburban Highlander and it's going to tell us all the different stuff that we can use now I can go through and I can I can send this to Fiverr okay this is pretty small so we'll take a look at this here one second so we'll take a look at this here and we'll be like okay this is pretty good we got this content we got the word count so the word count here is 335.
All right so 335 that's going to be a two and a half minute video something like that we can use that and go to Fiverr get a video for fifty dollars or we can actually create a video ourselves all right now I'm a big fan of creating a video yourself when you're starting out because not a lot of us have a lot of money to make this work okay so what we're going to do is we're going to take this content I like to usually run it through something like grammarly okay and when I run it through grammarly just to make sure that it's not plagiarized because obviously you want unique content okay so we got that we're going to go here check for plagiarism have some coffee and we'll wait for this to load here okay so now we have 25 plagiarism okay so that's a little we'd have to tweak this a little bit we could actually uh say rewrite this or whatever and we can bring that score down a little bit okay now what we're going to do is we're going to go through here and we can just say hey re write this article and it'll rewrite the article for you now I found that passing plagiarism test there are different tools you can use content at scale is one I'm finding good luck with um still tweaking it a copy i a i is pretty good Google bard is pretty good now what we're going to do is we're going to use a video creator to make this happen now what I would do again it's only going to take you like an hour how many of you guys again all right if you had the choice between spending 26 000 over the next three months on videos or spending a couple hours to do it yourself what are you gonna do okay most people are probably going to do it themselves doesn't take that much work so we're going to automate our income but there is a little bit of work to it so now what we're going to do is we're going to take this and and start making the video okay what we're going to do is we're going to compile the video now I like to use Camtasia it looks like this okay very simple then you can also use Fiverr you can also use AI video creators there's lots of them out there again this you're going to make more money having a watchable video so if your video sucks and nobody likes it you're not going to make that much money okay what I'm going to do is I'm going to use a program called video blocks or video story blocks they have like five different names but you can get there by going to what will happen here is video blocks I can actually go through and type in SUV and I can get different um different videos of SUV stuff okay sometimes it likes to be a little bit slow okay so now we have SUVs and we can make a really cool video right and all of these are you're basically buying the rights it's like 30 a month you buy the right so watch how easy this is I go through and I'm like okay let's take our script so our script would be uh where'd it go SUVs for overweight people I think it was in here somewhere SUVs let's say well I had it over here let's see I think I might have one in here okay so let's just take one in here so new I have um luxury choices okay so 3 100 words if I was to go on Fiverr and get this it's going to cost me a fortune so now what I could do is I could do like when considering which 20 23 SUVs boasts the blah blah now what I need first and foremost is I need some kind of voice okay we need some kind of voice over some kind of thing that's going to work for us all right and there's Rocky driving his car there hopefully you guys like that right so we have this stuff here and we're gonna get a voice now getting a voice we could go to different places like um I was testing out where'd it go we were testing out this one which is okay and this one was actually pretty cool because my question was if I wanted to automate Rocky here and make a puppet Channel without my voice how can I do this and the idea was okay well what if I did the puppet voice threw it into Ai and got a voice that I could literally just type whatever I want right so like this this is what it sounds like earn money while referring new Uber used pretty much sounds like the way I do the voice for the guy right pretty simple and what we can do now is I can take that voice or any of the voices they have and I can actually generate content based on what the AI made for me so I go over here and I can put this text in right like this and we also tested out 11 Labs which it took a little bit of tweaking but we got pretty close um so we we'll test that one as well but here we could just put in our content when considering this here and let's see generate all previews so here we have this and I'll show you how easy this is again I'm doing this with multiple cameras and multiple angles and all kinds of things like that you can also use canva yes that that would work as well but what we're going to do is we're going to take a look at this and generate these here okay so this one all right generate there we go okay so now we have when considering which 2023 subbies post the most impressive Interiors there are numerous elements to take into account Discerning car enthusiasts and sous vide drivers know that interior space cargo so very simple right now you would have to do a little tweaking like it says suvi so I would have to do s dot U Dash V SUVs right and we can regenerate it see if that helps it and usually it will and then you could do a speed and stuff and then when you're done all you have to do is download it right here and then you're just going to drag that right into your video editor it's super super simple let me see if I can do this on screen here there we go so we're going to drag this right into the timeline of our Video Creator now we can see here when considering which 2023 subbies post the most impressive Interiors there are numerous elements to take into account so there we have that right there okay then all we have to do is go get our video so now we have this here this uh view of a SUV all right and this is what it's going to look like I'll try to make this a little bit bigger so you guys can see it but again and and here's a tip all right once you learn this stuff you can actually hire someone to do this I actually I'm doing this with Pinterest we're doing this with video where we're teaching exactly how everything works but look I could go here and be like when considering which 2023 subbies let me see if I can do I'll share the audio so you can hear it when considering which 2023 subbies post the most impressive Interiors there are numerous elements to take into account okay very simple then I since it changes I'll put something else there and then I can do like SUV interior okay then I can get some interior maybe something like this one here looks like they're looking at interior or something like this here very simple okay I just go through I start compiling content based on this and literally you could probably do five to ten videos a day okay here we go there we're ready to go to the screen there we go so you can see what we're doing here right like this when considering which 2023 subbies post the most impressive Interiors there are numerous elements to take into account okay so now we can go through and we can use which is a free tool I created and make this here right so I could do SUV Interiors right like this let's say we want it to stand out we'll do like this here you can make your background a little bigger and what makes this cool is I can actually create text super fast right so SUV Interiors top 7 SUVs rated by luxury or something like that now what this is going to do Luxury what this is going to do is it's going to download all these images right like this okay so now I have all these images here I just simply drag these onto my timeline okay and I can make words now again you can Outsource this 2023 so there we go boom and I can even put like little fancy stuff if I want to do like pulsating or something like this and we'll go like this here when considering which 2023 subbies post the most impressive Interiors that we could do our next one SUV Interiors rated by and then we'll do like luxury or whatever okay when considering which 2023 subbies posts the most impressive interior camera going crazy there are numerous elements to take into account Discerning car enthusiasts and SUV drivers know that interior space when considering which 2023 Southeast Post the most impressive Interiors there are numerous elements to take into account Discerning car enthusiasts and SUV drivers know that interior space cargo capacity and so then we could do uh maybe go over here yeah my camera went a little crazy it's it's fixed now I think it was my fault not my camera but we're going to go through like this and we could do like um SUV trunk or maybe you could do like a cargo like this so this would be for cargo capacity if they're interested in this okay so now we have a cargo capacity right it's actually not that hard to do to account Discerning car enthusiasts and sous-videos know that interior space cargo capacity it's a cargo capacity put that right there it's cargo capacity and then just line it up and you can do like you know put your text to cargo capacity and it's very simple to do very easy okay very very simple all right now if you wanted to do a puppet okay all you would have to do is get a green screen then get your puppet right I don't know if let's see if this'll do this while we're live here I don't know well we'll see a play doesn't crash anything all right it does work all right so what we would do here as we could just record like this to get me out of the way there he is right and then I could record right like this and play it when considering which 2023 subbies post the most impressive Interiors there are numerous elements to take into account Discerning car enthusiasts and SUV drivers know that interior space cargo capacity engine choices and overall design all contribute I like that okay then all we're going to do is put that right here okay you don't have to use your voice your face no nothing it is line up the uh word see how they line up there like that mute this make him big okay and if you do this in front of a green screen it's way better and this makes it kind of fun right so we do like that actually let's copy I'm gonna get I'm going to keep the this stuff okay and we'll just put him let's see we'll put him over top of it okay we're gonna have to do that again where'd he go library media well I don't know where he went but you would just put that right over it and it'd be very very simple okay let's see if we can undo undo because I did want to show you how that works well we might have to record that again where did it go let's try that again all right I want to show you guys exactly how this works so that you can actually do it so what we'll do is we'll start here and then we can just pull up the audio right like this when considering which 2023 subbies post the most impressive Interiors there are numerous elements to take into account Discerning car enthusiasts and sous-videos know that interior space cargo capacity engine choices and overall design all contribute to creating an exceptional Driving Experience so that oh you can try this here let's see I don't know it might be it might be having a problem with the camera but I don't I don't think so I think we should be able to get it so we'll delete that there and then all we have to do is match up the voices like this and this is something you guys could do like it's super easy so let's see here 23 subbies post the most impressive Interiors okay so that's see how the audio is lined up now all we got to do is go here and this could be like the car puppet guy and again if you had a green screen all you would do is go to visual right over here Visual and you can remove that but you guys can get the idea here so now we have our puppet when considering which 2023 subbies post the most impressive Interiors there are numerous elements to take into account Discerning car enthusiasts and sous-videos know that interior space cargo capacity engine choices and overall design all contribute to creating an exceptional Drive super simple right how many of you guys are like yeah that is ridiculously simple like anyone can do that okay yeah Mark says the guy there's like a bear a bear puppet uh like an actual bear puppet that reviews tools that does really good there's also a um a guy that that did like teaching stuff which worked really well so that's something that you can do now with that again remember I didn't say these words when considering which 2023 subi spoke that was AI right so when we look at that it's like oh wait a minute and then you can put this on top if you want the most impressive Interiors so that's something very simple right like there you go now you don't have to use your word your your voice as the bass you can choose from tons of them right so we could go through and be like okay I want to choose you know all these other uh types of voices and things like that okay and then you can see I think this is a free account that gives you like 5 000 words so I mean that's 5 000 divided by 150 5000 divided by 150 so on a free account you can make 33 minutes of video now one of the cool things is you're going to learn that as you get going with these it gets easier and easier and easier and you're going to get better and better and better now there are some AI tools out there that you can use that'll actually create this stuff for you or you can Outsource it like for me I have an outsourcer that I could teach this method to I could give her the voice I want I send her a puppet I mean that only costs like forty dollars or something like that and then boom there we go okay then what we're going to do is we're going to upload our title and thumb tags okay title thumbnail and tags tags are not super important unless it's like misspelled words or whatever but what you're going to learn is that how this works okay Jeff says content at scale content now being detected as AI generated it might be might not be it depends on which tool you're using I find that different tools detect different things and I also find that most AI detectors don't know what they're detecting they have no idea okay now very simple very easy you can even ask it to rewrite it in a different way now what we're going to do is we go through and we we build this out now what I want to do is I want to focus on the monetization method because no matter what the monetization method is what's going to make this work a lot of people are going to go out there and they're like oh it's all about this or that but what it's really about is getting people to something that is going to make you money whether it's using monetization on YouTube which again AI is going to be a questionable monetization thing right are they going to allow it forever ever we don't know but they do allow the videos and we can promote other stuff and when I showed you the screenshots of what I earn with different channels and things like that I actually make probably close to 10 times that with other monetization methods so what we're looking at is how we're going to do this if I had an SUV site and I drove them to SUV because here's the deal guys I'm going to double down and I'm going to make this my website I'm going to make this my blog and I'm going to make videos boom now I got something that I can use that's going to work in a very simple way again this is about providing value Google and other search engines have said that if you provide value then it doesn't matter if it's AI written or human written what matters is are you providing value that is super super important and when you're doing short videos you can do Tick Tock you can do all kinds of things you guys are going to watch we're going to make our old buddy Rocky over there pretty much famous in the internet marketing Space by just simply creating videos where he's going to be talking about different ways to make money and critiquing things like that and and you can do this literally in any Niche so when you go about this what you want to do is focus on the tools and then what you need to realize is this is something that takes a while to build right like right now I am doing a test with Pinterest Automation and I think we yeah we're at 1800 impressions for the month and this is brand new it's 100 automated and it's going to grow but what you're going to see is that yeah we're only getting like 28 clicks right now but over time what's going to happen is it's going to hit critical mass and once it hits critical mass it's going to Skyrocket we're going to get tons of traffic we're going to make a bunch of money now most people are going to go through most people would go through they look at Pinterest or videos or whatever and they're going to be like hey you know what um this ain't cutting it this ain't working for me let's see how do we get there is it at I think it is ah come on close see if we can find it here all right well it's LOL biz on on Pinterest and what's going to happen is we literally have I think 70 different posts already but again I didn't make them they were automated um which is very simple now again most people are going to make five or six and give up so we have to look at that and make it work now Jeff says Google always changes their mind they used to love Affiliates they still do love Affiliates it's just the type of affiliate I will tell you what Google always wants and it's helpful content it's what they want very simple they never change their mind on that and if you double down on making helpful content whether it's AI whether it's whatever you're using that's the key to making this work right it's not hard to do we can automate a lot of this using the tools that we're talking about we can go through and make a automation Channel and make lots of money in a very very simple way right we got the tools we got the stuff I could probably if I sat down and I had to I could probably make 10 or 15 videos today and skinny Niche utilizing AI right and I could make pretty good videos too all we have to do is focus on what the people want in the video whether it's a teaching video a fun video whatever it is I have a buddy who's doing a joke Channel and he does automations with jokes now he's way overpaying for the joke Creator but using AI he could do it a lot cheaper and make a lot of money with it and you guys see that this stuff actually works it's just not exactly as portrayed by some other people so what we got to do is focus on good stuff now if you want to learn more about how I'm using AI how I'm building this and you want to follow along in my journey check out helpfulai we got some trainings we got some notes some cool stuff for you but I think understanding this and saying okay with these tools I can make stuff that is of value to people who are searching make it good and make money in a very simple way and if You Dig It smash that like button and check out the videos in the description and also go to helpfulai