$150 A Day With Google Gemini AI – Make Money Guaranteed!

[Music] warning the side hustle shown in this video has been proven to work by data so watching this video may cause a spontaneous outbreak of Money Getting and don't worry we're going to use tools like Google Gemini AI to make this side hustle super easy in fact I am going to show you start to finish exactly how I set this side hustle up using AI to start getting paid fast and no you don't need any money to start in fact all the tools you need are available free online just take a look at this example one post making $536 each and every month here's another one $2,300 a month and another banking over $870 a month $817 $13,800 so as you can see the proof is in this s hustle makes money so if you're tired of info overload and all the videos telling you to do things that don't work like make a bunch of stickers and get rich or create some coffee cup that's guaranteed to make you money so today we're cutting the flow and I'm going to show you real stuff that makes money if you do it that's right this side hustle makes money online guaranteed and in the next 45 minutes I'm going to show you exactly how to set it up and prove to you that this will put tons of money in your pocket all right ladies and gentlemen welcome to the show today we are going to break it down and show you exactly what you need to know to be able to profit online with a very simple side hustle this is something easy that anyone can do it does take a little bit of work and effort but it can be done using free tools paid tools pretty much whatever you want and this is a kind of thing where you can start right away we hinted at this in Monday's video where I talked about using celebrity names to get traffic it's something that's actually very very easy easy so what we're going to do is we're going to break this down and show you exactly how it works starting from the beginning and then finishing at the end so what we're going to do here is first we're going to look at the celebrity Niche all right we know that many many people are obsessed with celebrities and public figures and all kinds of things like that and they're obsessed with what they do what they drive how much money they make what kind of stuff they use in the whole nine yards so what we're going to do is we're going to use this as what we know as the new lwh hanging fruit traffic now in the past we've talked about lwh hanging fruit as keywords and long tail and stuff like that what we're doing here is a little bit different because we're not just going to be using Google rankings and making money with Google rankings we are going to use multiple ways to get traffic and it's actually extremely simple so what we're going to do first and foremost is we are going to pick a celebrity Niche okay and this example actually went through I got a domain name we're going to set the whole thing up we're going to show you how it works live and walk you through the whole process okay the process is from finding that Niche to making the money now when we go through we are going to see lots of different things that are looked up based on celebrities we have chefs we have financial advisors we have people doing therapy people talking about life all kinds of stuff so what we're going to do is we are going to pick one celebrity Niche okay now it doesn't matter what celebrity you're using what matters is the niche as a whole we are going to pick something like maybe chefs or uh financial advisors or maybe you could even do like pastors or something like that okay now the reason we're using this is because there's tons of traffic and a lot of people don't know how to monetize this traffic so they don't use it properly which means that we can do this in an easy way and get lots of traffic and make lots of money now one of the biggest opportunities online is the fact that many people don't know how to monetize traffic right you see lots of YouTubers they're making pennies on the dollar you see influencers they're making uh Pennies on the dollar and this is a huge gap that you can use to make money let me show you how it works in a real world way so when we go through here what we're going to do is use Gemini Advanced uh chat GPT uh pretty much whatever it is you want to use whatever you like it doesn't really matter what it is you could use a free tool paid tool or whatever it is okay so what we're going to do is we're going to go through and we're going to look at different celebrities so if I was using Google Gemini okay I'm purposely using the non-advanced version so that when people are like do you need money to do this the answer is no you don't you can use the free version now what I was doing as I was going through and looking at the various different celebrities okay this was done with AI it's very simple uh what we did is we had this report I will have this report available for you at download myot notes.com So at any time during or after this video you can go there get this notes and put these through your keyword tools as well now I'm going to try my best to use free keyword tools so that you can duplicate this right we want something anyone can duplicate money is not an issue nothing's an issue we want something that you can utilize now we are also going to use use a couple of tools for those that are in this to win this I would highly recommend getting your own domain and website which I will show you in just a little bit okay very simple very easy and I think we have our theme ready as well so let me get this ready uh as well so this going to be a little bit um technical of a webinar for me to do because there's a lot going on um but I want to make sure that you see it and you know exactly what's happening now what I did just to show you that the playing field is leveled I had one of my assist one of my outsourcers who works in my content business who is not an expert on celebrities or anything of that matter I leveled the playing field and I said just go find me a bunch of celebrities in various different niches now she went through she found celebrity chefs doctors uh lifestyle singers Finance all kinds of different things like that now we are going to utilize some of these but what we want to do is we want to look at the ones that are going to have the highest value value proposition okay like Finance obviously is going to hit a bigger Market that pays a lot more money than say something like um you know singers or whatever chefs and and cook stuff is going to fetch a lot more money because we're dealing with something that they're actually going to buy so looking at this report we're looking pretty good we are we're getting there okay now what we want to do is first and foremost pick the one that we want okay let's say we want to do Finance maybe you're into Finance or maybe you're into this or that or or whatever it is okay you are going to pick one for our example here we are utilizing up here way up here this is a good report so you're going to want to get that at download notes.com we are going to use the celebrity chefs now when I go through and use something like Google bard or chat GPT I can get these lists and I can put them in tables right like this in a super simple way now what I did is I actually had it go through is look at um expanded celebrity chefs and all kinds of things like that okay very very cool we want to look at this and say okay this is what we have okay and we're going to say expanded celebrity chefs we have the list right here like this okay very very cool and we look at this and we're like okay now how are we going to take this a step further what I could do is I could say please take this table okay and we're going to do something like this please take this table here and add the celebrity items or cook Specialties all right right like this okay Cole says um all Bs he does is take paid him okay so if you're having a complaint about not getting help then you're not showing up on the calls if you show up on the Thursday call you'll get help if you show up on the Tuesday call you'll get help now if you're expecting to get like tons of help here I mean I really can't do that there's a lot going on here um you would want to see those specific calls all right we have support that is unparalleled if anyone knows about our support tell us what you think in the comments there okay so what we're going to do is we're going to say please take this table here and add the celebrity items or cook Specialties okay we're going to go ahead and put this here and we're we're going to see if it'll add the the Specialties because what we're going to do is we're going to take this and start to use this in a real world way okay so let's see okay let's get the tables here or we could even add it in here now please add yeah like Robert says we have the best support if you use it right you have to use it I mean you can't expect us to know what you want without telling you um but our support is second to none um and if you reach out to them they will help you with whatever uh you have an issue with okay so now please add a column on the table with the top used items by each Chef okay this is going to go through and it's going to get us an overview of what's going on and it's going to actually ask us okay which one do you want and I'm going to say ingredients let's see here top used item knives oil sea salt okay so we could do something like this Niche okay so I'm I'm going to go with this one here and then we can say now please narrow it down and add add let's see add the actual items yeah Cole you got to be on the Thursday call if if you're needing help with that I mean we're I'm literally on like if you're in boot camp there's like literally three calls a week um half the time on the Thursday call we you know just do whatever you guys ask because we run out of uh we run out of questions before we run out of time um so if you go there first and foremost and you're like hey dude here's my questions you will get answers um plain and simple but yeah um and I am the person on that call so you will get help there okay so uh now please narrow it down and add the actual item the chef promotes okay very cool like this and we can go through and get this um info in a very simple way okay so now what we're doing is we're taking a look at hey how does this work what's going on now what I did is I went through ahead of time and I actually put the entire list of 25 chefs into our keyword tool this is the Hoth free keyword tool it's free doesn't cost anything you just go there um and we look at this and we're like okay Gordon Ramsey all of these have lots and lots of traffic okay now what we're going to do is we're going to take some of them with the highest traffic and we're going to look up something specific so we'll go the Hoth does the bulk it's free it costs nothing all right then we're going to go to the free ah's Keyword Planner and we're going to type in guy Fier or whatever it is this is why it's important that we choose our overall Niche right celebrity Niche what are we going to do are we doing Cooks okay and you're going to do this overall you're not just going to focus on one so now we have like guier and all this other stuff we can go through and put something like Geier cookware okay or Geier pans or pots or whatever it is what kind of knife does he use now what we're seeing here is that 450 people a month are looking up guier cookware okay so I'm going to take that I'm going to put that on my list here okay you can use notepad or or or word or whatever it is you want okay so we're going to go like that and then I would also do like Geier pan pans or or pots or whatever it is okayer pans and now we're at 750 searches a month just for Geary cookware and pans then we can do something like knives or seasoning or whatever it is right so now we got another 250 guy Fury Knives how many of you guys are like okay I see how this is adding up because once I do this I now going to have my celebrity Niche which is Chef all right then I'm going to have guy Fier and I have approximately I think when we're done with this we're going to have uh roughly 1,500 searches a month just for Geier cookware not including Geier which gets way more traffic than just the cookware okay this is important because we're not just just going for SEO this is not just about ranking on Google if you've tried ranking on Google and you found it difficult don't worry this is your Hallelujah moment we are going to teach you ways to do this in other ways now when we go through we could also say well what about Gordon Ramsay all right Gordon Ramsey pots pans whatever again we're probably going to look at another I don't know he's pretty popular so probably like 5,000 searches a month so if we do like a Gordon Ramsay kn Gordon ramse hopefully I spell it right always makes me think of uh what is it nacho Li rames how are you right so we have Gordon Ramsey knives 800 we have Gordon Ramsay pans right so 800 four 4,400 so now we're 5,000 let's do cookware all right so now we got Jord Ramsey stuff which is hovering right around I'm going to say more than 10,000 searches a month there so between the two of these we are at you know 15,000 or or 1500 no I'm sorry 10,500 11,500 uh searches per month okay so what we're seeing here is there is a lot of traffic going on now what we want to do next is decide how we're going to promote okay if you guys have a couple of bucks let's see if my uh whiteboard thing here works if you guys have a couple of bucks I highly recommend getting some kind of web hosting and a website and I'll show you why this is important in just a minute okay um so if you have come on now come on you can there we go if you have uh I think it's like $10 a month or whatever right right I it's less than $100 for the entire year I believe something like that um you could go to gohub site.com now over at gohub site.com you can get web hosting it'll teach you how to do it very simple okay for $100 a year plus domain I think they give you a domain makes it super easy okay so we are going to go through and we are going to set this up in an easy way now what I did is I went through and we looked at several domains utilizing spam Zilla now utilizing spam Zilla right like this you can go through and you can do cookware okay something easy what you want is something very easy cookwar sets.in info cookware set ratings or whatever it is we want something easy now what I went through is I found um it was top top chef or something like that top let me see where is it it was let me see I got it set up here on the thing WP toolkit and it is come on you can load we wait and wait and wait okay so now we're going to go through and I'm using top 10 chef.com now I also got it with the the one zero just in case um so that it would you you know it's like okay here we go uh this is working okay very simple now what I did on top 10 Chef is I went ahead and and put WordPress on it we are going to um log in and show you how this works it's actually very simple you're just going to put affiliate links and things like that now the reason I got top 10 chef.com is because it's easy it's generic and it has to do with like celebrities hey it's the top 10 chefs and I think it also might have had some backlinks I don't remember um but very simple okay I want something that if I'm doing video or I'm doing Pinterest it's going to show up all the site really easy right because if you if you have a big URL and you're on Pinterest right it looks like this you're going to be like okay here's my Pinterest and it's like the top Gordon ramsy knives or whatever okay if I have topchef whatever.com it's going to get really small but if I have something like top 10 chef.com okay that's going to fit very nicely does that make sense like if I'm on mobile it's not going to be so small of font it's going to be easy now the reason I did not choose the top secret Chef is because I did find that there was a trademark with uh secret Chef so I was like okay just to be safe I'm going to get one without a trademark and you could do a trademark search to see that okay so very simple so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to set up my plan once I have everything I'm going to go through and say okay now I need my list of all the chefs and all the traffic then what I'm going to do is I'm going to start to make some kind of content we can do this with faceless videos or a lot of people talk about faceless videos as a side Hustle but they don't really tell you how to do it this is this is telling you how to do it I'm going to show you how to set these up it's actually super easy I'm going to be using Camtasia you're welcome to use uh canva you're welcome to use any editor for video free or paid doesn't really matter we're going to use AI voices if you don't want to use your own voice very simple okay so we have the chefs here or let's say you want to do the finance one and ladies and gentlemen this is a strategy that there is a YouTuber he does face videos so you know maybe you'll make a little less with faceless videos but this guy's an animal and he goes out there and does videos all the time and how he started was by talking about different celebrities because they have the traffic okay if you go out there and you try to sell pots and pans you're going to you're going to be competing with Amazon and Target and all these other people but if I go out here and I'm like here's you know here's a little Pinterest with the top 10 knives that Gordon Ramsey recommends or recipes or whatever here's a Pinterest with the cookware That Guy Fieri uses although I have yet to see him cook right here's this one and we can do videos and that guy that is doing this in the finan Cal Niche talking about it was the guru stuff right and he was talking about all the gurus and because of their traffic he now last I heard is making about $30 million a year now don't quote me on that I don't know him personally but it is one that actually works and this is a strategy that I have used as well it's something very simple it's much like years ago the wealthy affiliate people said oh hey here's this thing go buy write a bunch of review viws and I don't agree with the way people wrote reviews because it was basically this guy bad buy our product that's not legit stuff it's also not a review if you're just saying this guy bad go buy this and you'll notice there's lots of reviews out there about me and they all promote the same thing showing that they are in fact biased and 99% of them never bought the product that's an unethical way to do it however if you're talking real stuff like hey here's the pans that this guy uses that's something that you don't have to worry about all that other garbage we can go through and make this work in a simple way and the process works right like I don't like the way they did their reviews but the fact of the matter is is the damn thing worked they got lots of traffic they got lots of money utilizing it now we don't have to do the other stuff we're just going to go and have ai find the things that they want okay so we go through like this and we're like okay now I know what I'm doing now I need to do is utilize Google bard or whatever it is Gemini as it were and say what are some of the top cookware items Gordon Ramsey uses SL recommends okay now you might be asking yourself Marcus where is the profit Center where is this how does it work and what we're going to do is we are going to look up affiliate programs for each one yes it takes some work right you want to make some money it takes work this is a business the results are not typical implied or guaranteed while you can make a bunch of money most people make nothing because most people don't do anything and even when they do stuff they do it wrong or give up or whatever it is most people are are spending most of their time on the things that don't matter what I'm doing is I'm showing you the stuff that matters and if you double down and you keep at it you will get a following eventually if you had an Instagram channel that was all about just what celebrities use to cook with you will get traffic it is done deal okay very very simple so we're going to go through and look at this and be like okay here are the things hexclad all clad whatever this is and a lot of these like hexclad actually has an affiliate program pays 15% which is pretty cool cuz that stuff is expensive right so now we're looking at it we're like okay this is making a lot of sense this is working uh we can also use Amazon if you use Amazon you can literally have your Amazon um toolbar up here once you sign up as an Amazon affiliate you can go through and be like hey I want to promote the hexclad whatever non-stick walk pan okay all I would need to do is grab a text link right like this this link right here will pay me when people buy this okay we are we are banking on the volume the volume now Maddie says that uh 9% is paid on kitchen stuff that's that's good I I didn't know it was that High um that means on this you'd be getting roughly $14 per sale and all you're doing is showing what Gordon Ramsey uses and things like that or you could show the techniques or different things okay and again we're going to double down we're going to make this work in super simple way let's see if we can log in to um top chef and show you guys what this would look like now once we get started we need to say what is our content going to look like okay if we wanted to do a Pinterest I could quite simply open up canva or whatever it is and say here is a list of the things that Gordon Ramsey uses very simple okay here's what I found I watched the show here's what he uses and then at the bottom it would say go to um go to top 10 chef.com very simple how many of you guys get this so far smash the like button if you're like okay this makes sense this is something I can actually do this is something that actually works if I'm willing to do it okay very very easy now going through with our site all we got to do is set it up with a theme and I had um if you guys want to make a theme my uh assistant made one for me this morning because it was a it a busy morning you can go to simple blog blog theme.com okay over at simple blog theme.com we have a custom theme that I use that I've made lots of money with millions of dollars with um and it's very simple and easy you can make your own logo uh she went through and made that for us all right she literally took like 5 Seconds to do it so Jesse amazing job great job uh very cool so we're going to go through and we are going to show in folder so this is what the download looks like there it is right there okay she made that theme very simple and if you want to make the theme you literally just unzip the file and then you go to images and you'll see that she uh replaced the logo and everything like that it's just logo and background that's all you replace zip it back up boom you're done once you're done with that you go to your WordPress right like this appearance themes add new theme upload theme choose file and then we'll just choose our downloaded file right here like this super simple install and you'll see this is what it looks like currently once we put the theme on it you'll see how it works um after so we just go here activate all right it was like this let's see how Jesse did boom and there we go so it's got some forks and stuff it's got a nice little logo looking pretty good how many you guys are like okay it's something I can work with again what you want in a theme a lot of people say Marcus your themes look like they were made in the 1902 and that's fine because stuff has been selling the same way since 1902 for those who have been paying attention what we want is front and center easy to use just boom here we go okay and we're going to go like this and we're going to say um custom we'll just go into our our thing here we're going to go into into uh settings there we go there we go all right maybe I need more coffee today so we have settings here okay it'll automatically make a secure site super easy and then we're going to go to permal links and we are going to choose post name this is super super important why is this important because when I make a post on Ramsay or a different Chef or whatever I don't want them to just go to my website and get all the chefs I want them to go to the page on the stuff that I found for a specific Chef okay using post name right like this is going to do that for you let me show you what I mean well save okay then we're going to go General I think it is or reading reading there we go under reading we're going to do homepage displays static then we're going to choose sample okay what that's going to do is it's going to take it from the Hello World stuff to an actual page this is going to give us control controlling your content is everything controlling the flow of how people react and look at your content people ask me all the time Marcus why do you do long video intros because I want to control your experience of the video there is stuff in those intros that's going to help you get through the other stuff if you're willing to pay attention and same thing with this so we're going to refresh it now we have sample page okay now I can go through and I could do um something like edit all right let's go back to the classic editor so I'm going to do a couple more little house cleaning items we'll go plugins we'll go add new plugin we're going to do classic editor we wait and we hit activate then we're going to do add new classic widgets and activate okay that's going to allow us to edit in an easier way see how this editor is much easier much much more friendly we don't want to be wasting time on things that don't make money which is like design themes fonts they don't make money what makes money is getting the content out putting them to things that make you money so we'll say Top Chef cookware right like this update and if you want you can go through and be like okay well let's let's at least keyword load it okay uh Eric says is this a free side hustle it is a free side hustle we are using a Blog which will cost about $9 a month which last I checked is probably cheaper than going to the MacDonald's so you know you can either get um what they call food or you can get something that uh will make you a living so you can get some real food all right um but yes you can do this without a domain it's just you're going to be leaving a lot of money on the table all right so now we see that there are keywords I could do maybe uh something professional chef cookware or something like that okay very simple we can go along with it again this is not SEO heavy don't worry it doesn't hurt to have the keywords in there now if you don't want to have a website you could use a Google site you could use a PDF you could use whatever you want you could use a raw affiliate link the problem is is you're not going to be able to have a disclaimer if you have an affiliate disclaimer on your post or your video that's going to diminish the value of the video because you know it's just it's just going to do that however if I'm just making a video sharing stuff they go to my site that's where I have my affiliate disclaimer um which is going to work a lot better okay very cool now again remember don't step on any toes don't say that someone recommend something they don't don't do anything weird all we're doing is sharing cool cookware items from popular chefs very simple okay so now we go through and we create this and we're good to go I can go through and say Here's Top Chef cookware let's just humor ourselves and we will go like this and we'll see how the ranking does right A lot of times what I'll do is I'll just put this on here like this and it'll tell me if I rank for any of these people and the word pans or whatever okay so now here we are we have this top celebrity chef cookware okay I can go through I can can fancy this up however I want I'm going to get a little picky here because I'm not really digging it being so close to the edge here maybe I can go through and say now please add a blank column before let's see if it does that see chat GPD is going to help us do a lot of stuff it is pretty cool does it do a blank column okay we need the blank column please put the blank column before the chefs okay so we'll wait for this and I'll show you how it works again utilizing chat GPT and WordPress is like a dynamite combination because chat GPT knows WordPress better than everyone who works here and we do WordPress all the time including me I don't know the ins and outs of codes and stuff um chat GPT actually does so when we go through we can do this this is going to be our main page okay this page is just a placeholder page again the Perma link thing is super important I'm going to show you why in just a minute so let's go ahead and do this here there we go thank you old chat GPT you can also use Gemini and stuff like that like we see Gemini did uh create this big list right and then I could say now please make a Texton blog post for chef ramsy F that want to know what items he uses okay so notice hey I got two things going here this productivity to the max right how many of you guys are digging this smash a like button if you're like hey this is it most people just say hey here's a side hustle get a piece of paper and suddenly you'll be rich just you know draw a happy face on it right we know that that don't work but we're gonna see here that this is something that if you're willing to do it if you're willing to even do it for free or spend $99 is something you can do and again to do that uh gohub site.com is where you can get that I also have the Blog theme there so going to gohub site.com is a good place to go right so now we could take this make it look a little better celebrity chef okay where' we go edit right like this okay so now we have that blank column which if you want to like bootleg it dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot make the dots white or you could even put a uh image like a blank image or whatever um a lot of times I'll use a blank image because it's like hey I don't want to call my designer every time I need to do something simple I'll just put an image here like this and you can see uh what it looks like there we go that did a pretty good job of making it how many of you guys are like well that's a cool little hack that works good you just put some dots or a blank image or whatever blank images are your best friend okay so now I got this list I can tidy it up I can make it however uh fancy I want you know just go through and if you want to space it out a little right like this very simple okay don't overthink it people overthink this stuff and that's why they don't make money because they're just too busy thinking about stuff instead of making things that are going to work okay so now we got this we're like okay cool simple there we go it's looking good and reload there we go okay next what I'm going to do I'm going to get of the sidebar stuff over here okay super simple we're going to go um over to appearance hoets the H is silent and we just take all these blocks put them over here and bada bing bada bang Tada now we got this looking good okay you can have pictures you can have whatever you want okay we're just getting the basic lay of the land now the part that's going to be super super super super important is why we did the permal links remember we went here and we did um settings peral links and we chose post name this is super important Okay the reason we want to do this because if I make a video I don't want to say hey go to my site top 10 chef.com 52808 Gordon Ramsey pans areg good for you.com I don't want that nobody's going to type that in so what we're GNA do is we are going to go new okay you just do this for every Chef post or page whatever you fancy doesn't really make a difference posts will get picked up a little bit faster in my experience so we could go all post add new post we're going to say okay we get our keyword we'll do Gordon ramsy cookware okay or whatever it is try to find a keyword that that you could probably rank for okay or you can even do like what does Gordon Ramsey use or whatever it is or even like discontinued if there's a discontinued one you can say well here's something that people think is similar very simple okay so we would go through and be like okay Gordon Ramsey cookware set or cookware review or whatever okay so we'll do like this add then we're going to go through and take our blog post that the old uh barred Gemini thing came up with if you do sound effects I tell you your job's going to be much more fun all right so we're going to go through and we can add this here again we don't worry too much about SEO I'm not using SEO plugins I'm not doing all this crazy stuff okay we're going to go through and make it work in a simple way there we go now all I got to do is tidy it up okay I don't really need that elevate your kitchen let's just say um like ramsy okay that's fine whatever then all I'm going to do is get my affiliate links right so let's say I want to do hexclad Amazon go here generate right so once you're an Amazon affiliate it'll go right here you click Text link bada bing bada boom copy and we're going to put click here to get the hexclad pens or whatever okay boom I'm GNA make it like that I'm G to put my link in here okay we'll just do open in a new tab put it right there like that add link I'm very picky about my links I like to have them this color blue right here publish ladies and gentlemen I am now ready to make money I can get traffic I can drive them here they can click on that I can get paid I've done it I've been doing this since the dawn of time it seems I've been doing this for 25 years it's very simple now the question is okay anyone can do this how many of you guys are like I can do it type I can do it in the chat box and in the comments below if you think yeah I got got this I could do this I could follow along I might need to watch this a couple more times but there we go next what we're going to do is we are going to start to make our content now the cool thing about this is we just made the content like Google Gemini not even the advanced just the old chilled out free Gemini went through and found this stuff so now I can go through and say okay cool now I could go over to something like 11 Labs where's 11 Labs there we go and I could go through and I can create a voiceover right all I got to do is say elevate your kitchen like ramsy gear up with Gordons go to cookware blah blah blah blah blah blah blow very simple all right generate so we just go like this it'll generate the file might take a minute or two or three which is good we got coffee we're going to we're going to be all right here elevate your kitchen like Ramy gear up with let's turn it up I think you guys can hear it there we go and again you might be saying well Marcus isn't that a robot voice can't you like not make money with a robot voice well you can't monetize with a robot voice but that's not to say you can't make money because what we're going to do is we're going to use this traffic to drive tons of people over to top what the top chef something or other I keep forgetting the domain top 10 Chef right so that's what we're going to do we're going to drive them over to that stuff okay Andrew says uh will it not dislike it as it has AI generated text let me ask you a question how many you guys have been on Instagram and Tik Tok and you see tons of robot generated voices like they dominated I I don't think there's any humans making videos on there anymore it's all the robots as a joke calm down I do realize that humans make videos um but when we're looking at this it's like okay what we're doing is we're utilizing this traffic okay we're utilizing the traffic of these things and when we go out there and we look at like Tik Tok go out there and look at um you know something like Gordon Ramsay pans or or Top Chef pans or whatever and you double down on this what's going to happen is people are going to be like well this guy talks about the top chef items I like um doing this so there we go very simple right and then we make our voice like this Gordon's go to cookware calling all ramsy fans okay and Now ladies and gentlemen I apologize you are going to have to spend like a couple minutes of work I'm sorry I I I know that the other side hustle videos literally all you have to do is watch the video and apparently you get money I don't know i' I've been trying it I didn't get any money yet but humor me there is a little bit of work you have to do okay the work we're going to do is spacing this out elevate your kitchen like ramsy Gear Up you know you just base it so so it doesn't go all together when you're done you're just going to download the audio file right like this okay and it's just going to be on your computer right here there it is fancy wonderful all we're going to do is open up an editor right so here's a video editor I use Camtasia Camtasia is like 300 bucks I've been using it since Adon of time which is why I pay for it okay you can use any free editor that you want does not matter if you find a free editor all it needs to do is have an audio track a video track and that's it okay you can use royalty stuff whatever you want make sure that you have the rights to everything and this will work so now all I got to do is drag my audio right here okay and again it's going to be the edited audio I I didn't do it otherwise this video would be like 14 hours long and I don't know if I can do that you know I I try but there you go right so now we have our audio track elevate your kitchen like Ramsey there you go pretty simple now you want to make it simple you could let's say we're doing regular so if you're doing regular we have um 1080 or 1920 by 1080 right so you just go file project settings HD okay right like that super simple then we can go through if let's say we want to do uh Tik Tock okay Tik Tock you're going to do I think it's 1080 by 1080 is that the right Tik Tock one I believe so something like that or it might be the other way it might be 1080 by 1920 there you go if you get stuck you could literally just go ask chat GPT what are the dimensions okay very simple so now we're going through and we're like okay now I could go through and get some clips let's go over to story blocks and I typed in cookware and you could see all these pans and stuff like that very simple so if I want to go through I can download this apparently I need to log in here we go Gotta prove I'm not a robot to the robot there you go robot I I promise I'm not a robot there we go right and we'll just download the uh MP4 like this okay that'll be fine you can even do the small one if you got a slow computer use a small one it ain't going to really matter most people are going to watch them on their phone so it ain't really going to matter and all we do is we build our video okay and we'll be like hey here's the top 10 cookwares by your favorite chefs all right and you can have like a pan like this or whatever it is super simple or Shrink it down okay like this and then you can do text on it or whatever or you could go to uh the profits scoop.com I got tons of tools for you over there we can go through and utilize the easy video caption maker this is what we use in my AI video business um and it it works like crazy I mean I have complete new video makers that are doing fantastic work work with this okay so we'll just do like this and we'll do top cookware used by Chef Ramsey okay now why is this important why don't I just type it well because I want them to be a um its own image okay this is important watch how this speeds it up if I'm sitting here and I'm typing in and I'm like oh hey let me type this now let me change it it's a pain and then if I do effect it's going to be even more of a pain watch this I literally go here and I'm like okay okay where'd it go somewhere over here there it is all right when I download it it's going to download three files those three files are the different texts drag those onto my timeline Boop right like that again I'm telling you sound effects make life so much better all right so we'll do that okay come on now where' they go come on where' they go all right well you would drag them in there and it'd be very simple let's try it again for some reason it just wants to be funny there we go so we'll do like that oh you know what I think I dragged him onto the desktop there you go so even if I could do this you can do this there you go all right so we'll do like this top cookware make it big now the cool thing about having images is it makes it so much easier because I could just add like little effects and stuff like that Boop right like this right and then like Ramsey Gear Up With Chef ramsy okay and then you could add music or whatever um if you're using something like video blocks you'll get the rights to it which makes it super super easy okay very very cool uh let's see here um there we go jef Ramsey so you just go through and then I could say okay well now now we're talking about a specific Skillet okay Skillet something like that okay and you can find different things like that you can also show like oh here it is on Amazon here's how much it costs right or or something like this very very simple very easy maybe talk about why he likes them or whatever it is and then you can do you know like um kitchen knives or whatever it is it's very simple you're going to create the videos you're going to put them out there you can also take the video you created make a Pinterest make a blog post as you guys see I'm literally using the AI created blog post to create the good content about this stuff and and people all the time they come to me and they're like Marcus you know using AI aren't you going to get junk content yeah you're going to get junk content if you ask it for Junk content but what we're doing is we're looking at the intent of someone who would watch this what is the intent of someone who would want to know what Gordon Ramsey uses is like if I go out there and I'm like just talk about how Gordon Ramsey Cooks yeah that's going to be a junk content but if I go through here and I say okay what are some similar versions or whatever then I can go through and utilize something like offervault type in cookware we could see here La cruset happens to be one of the ones that was recommended here okay so cast iron King Dutch oven whatever and I can see that by selling that through a network on offer Vault I'm getting $35 a sale okay or 30 yeah 35 33 right and now we're looking at this pardon me all right is my sound not working we're trying here okay are we back hopefully we're back we're trying smash the like button if you appreciate the work that goes into these there's a lot going on if you guys saw my desk here it's pretty crazy you guys want a little tour towards the end all right so now we have this now it's very important that when we're doing this we don't want this big long URL we want it to just be slash Gordon or SL SL Ramsey okay that way when we tell people to do this it's go to top 10 chef.com Ramsey simple okay we want it to be super super easy everyone can remember this nobody's going to spell it wrong we're good okay and then we go through we can add the locker set affiliate program in there as well we would put that down here or right here and then we can find other ones as well all we're to do is find this like here's a cast iron skillet here we go we could go on Amazon or whatever and find a cast iron skillet super simple right we don't want to overthink this we want to make it easy then what's going to happen is we're going to have a bunch of these blog posts top 10 chef.com Ramsey top1 chef.com that way we don't have to try to spell um guy fur or whatever okay very simple and all we're going to do is build these out make content point to them okay now some of these will rank some of them will do good right we could go through and and we could do a press release right go out there and we're like okay what other type things can we do and mty's here Matty's one of our um blog profit Network students who was telling us about some sales he got yesterday um he also back in the day I think it was on Black Friday used our press Rel strategy and I think he made like $500 in in one day or something like that which is crazy and awesome and it was n that difficult to do and a lot of stuff's not difficult you just have to do it but he used that method and again results not typical imper guaranteed you might do a press release and make nothing that's a fact I mean this is a business right it's like you got to do the work you got to be willing to do it and I got to tell you you know if I look at my 25y year career in affiliate marketing versus doing a regular job I think I got a much better reward doing this affiliate thing right and so we go out there and we're like okay now I can do a press release okay am I going to do a press release on just ramsy no I'm going to do it on all the top chefs I'm GNA get a bulk overview and see what it ranks for because if I have guy Fier Gordon Ramsey here's the top pans that all these people use and guys if you don't believe me that this works go look at Fox News CNN other news sites they're doing this mark my words go look at it this is what they are doing a lot of the examples I showed you in the beginning this is what they're doing they do a press release on all this stuff and they're doing affiliate marketing you oh Mar this isn't affiliate marketing just some YouTube hype thing well no the honey app makes billions of dollars with it CNN big companies are making billions and billions of dollars with affiliate marketing and the quicker you realize hey this is a real business that has to do with traffic we are driving traffic to these specific things and if your press release now has links to your blog post guess what's going to happen to your blog Google's going to be like oh wait a minute I think this is about all these celebrity cookware things let's boost this thing up in the rankings and it's going to be amazing if you're doing Finance stuff think about this with Finance people when you look at it a press release here are what the top 20 Financial expert Guru people are saying about 2024 you think that's going to get traffic of course it's going to get traffic right and it might the traffic might drop if you do a terrible job but you should be able to get some good traffic and if you don't break it up here's what Susie Orman says about 2024 here's what the guy with the glasses says about 20424 here's that guy on Fox News who's always yelling at everybody says about 2024 and what's going to happen is you're piggybacking on the names okay piggybacking on the names this is something people do all the time I got a buddy um we did a video with years ago uh his name is Evan carmichel Evan carmichel I think I know he had a a good solid seven figureure business he might be bigger than that now he's got a ton of content utilizing here's what Oprah says about this here's what Tony r i mean go look it up Evan carmichel you can see him this is what he's doing he's making a lot of money now he uses a lot of clips from the actual people I don't recommend that he has a full team of people that that fight the stuff right they're like hey we're going to get the rights to it or whatever fly under the radar just use the name stock footage things you have the rights to doesn't matter right make it easy right he's making a bazillion dollars we just want to make a living you want to make $150 a day this is not something that I think is difficult is everyone going to do it is it guaranteed of course not but how hard would it be $35 a sale five sales a day you're at 150 bucks not that hard to do five sales or three sales something like that I don't know you do the math right but it's very simple and all you would need to do is be like hey here's the content here's the names here's what's going on this is something that people do all the time and having your own blog is key if you can't afford your own blog my advice would be get your own blog go to gosite decom but if you can't there are ways to do this with affiliate links a lot of people will put the affiliate links in the video uh description and things like that so it's very simple um don't some affiliate offers have stipulations like no press release they do but what we're doing is not sending a press release to the offer we're sending the press release to our website see this is something that flies under the radar um and we've talked about this before on on my uh big affiliate marketing video we talked about this right when you do email marketing okay if you do email marketing and you are sending people to an affiliate offer directly this is much like what we would call email okay or if you're doing a press release that would fall under press release but if we are bypassing this and sending them to our blog now what we are categorized is web or display traffic okay this is what they want right when you're looking at it and it's like okay don't do paid search what they don't want is they don't want you to bid on hexclad pans and send them to hexclad pans that's what they don't want but if I go out there and I bid on Gordon Ramsey famous cookware or Gordon Ramsey recommended whatever you're going to have this under the radar because we're using a website this is called like being a real affiliate okay a lot of people they'll mess around with bit.ly and things like that and it's like don't do that like they'll do that with Amazon and it's like you ain't going to make any money Amazon's not going to pay you if you cloak your link but when I have my site what's happening is I'm building it up and there is nothing more powerful than building something that's going to grow over time when I hit this with a Gordon Ramsey one or a guy Fier or whatever or Susie Orman and Robert Kosik and and then you know whatever other Financial Guru is out there this is going to grow because what's going to happen is you'll be like oh hey this one gets uh 25 visitors a day oh hey this one did really well we get 300 visitors a day oh this one sucked we only got like two visitors a day this one was a Zinger we got, 1500 what's going to happen is now you don't have to do any extra work to get this traffic it's there it's doing its work for you it's making the money day in and day out whether you do anything else or not and it's building a common theme your Niche is celebrity cookware or celebrity Financial advice and this is info you don't got to be a rocket science to figure out you don't have to have all this knowledge of the stuff we can use Ai and think about it in a different way what we need to do is think about okay is there a topic that's popular yeah AI is popular what does Susie Orman think about AI stocks what does the mle fool think about AI stocks what does this person think about that this the other and because you are piggybacking on the Traffic Watch What Happens right you're going to go through and you'll be like okay uh new chat please list 25 top Finance gurus like Susie orand um who else ECT let's see it'll it'll do something like that right and it'll go through and what's going to happen is we are now going to see everything right we're going to see everything and it's like okay now just list the people the names okay now when we put this through right like this okay we're going to wait apparently um but what's going to happen is you're going to see that people look these guys up like crazy watch this bill act okay look at that 26,000 a month net worth Twitter reading list let's try um Bill Amman stock stocks or stock picks okay Warren Buffett on and on we go okay not a whole lot of traffic but this is a market where you can promote like the mly fool $75 a sale and there's going to be ads and all kinds of things which is going to work really cool and and when we get the list right like this let's see if it'll just do the names you'll see the power of how this how many of you guys are seeing the power smash a like button and type powerful side hustle as a comment in in in the chat box as well okay that's a huge distinction web and display traffic versus paperclick exactly and when you realize that it's like okay there you go now remove the please okay and it'll remove these and it should work in a very very simple way if it decides to do this there we go and you can see here let's do this and bada bing bada boom it's going to work like crazy Home Improvement celebrities all kinds of stuff like this we're going to set them up and knock them down very simple uh here's what ju Orman or Warren Buffett think about AI um go down the list and if you did that I mean the celebrity one for the the finance is actually going to be a lot more money available because then you can do each issue plus the thing okay chefs you could too like here's how Gordon Ramsey says to cook an egg here's how this guy says to cook an egg you could do that kind of thing okay for ramsy you're batching him out on multiple posts I'm going to make multiple pieces of content not necessarily multiple posts because my blog is not the traffic generator King in this example we're going to use other stuff okay but look at this we have uh Warren Buffett Dave Ramsey like all these guys and and there you go um Dave Ramsey is a very popular one right you could do uh what does Dave Ramsey think about um AI okay I like this nothing there let's try credit what does he think about credit right and then you would just go through and say okay um what does Dave Ramsey think about credit okay Bard or Gemini sorry Gemini I know that you're Bard now or sorry Bard I know that strike that reverse it right we go through and say something like what does uh Dave Ramsey say bad about credit okay now watch this this is where the rubber meets the what does Dave Ramsey say now what does Warren Buffett say right and and it's doing the work for us we just take the ones we want make it into an image if we're using Pinterest make it into uh an image if we're using Instagram make it into a video if we're using Tik Tok make it into a blog post whatever you want uh nebble says can I use blogger you can um I mean like if you do all all of this and at the end of the day you're using some free service you don't own it it's very difficult you want something that you own which is why in my opinion getting a $9 a month blog and a domain name is key now if you have to just if you're like all I can do is use blogger fine but get a domain right go go to one of those name cheap or something where you can get a domain for $4 bare minimum get a domain okay now can you do it with about it yes you can but again all of the stuff that you're compounding is not going to build up the way it would if you had an actual blog and you had actual links and stuff like that now you can go out there and and get a $4 domain or however much they are I think GoDaddy you can get one for a penny or something like that if you buy it for five years something right it's not super expensive you can do that and you can use redirects on that again not super recommended but you you can you can redirect it to to your blogger if you want to um but again if you're in it to win it and you're like okay I want this to build and grow then I would highly recommend um getting uh web hosting and stuff like that again we have links and things I'm going to put the entire notes from this video including like a play-by-play of how to set this up over at download my notes.com which should flash up on the screen down there somewhere there it is download my notes.com um I'll have them all for you if you like my training and you want to learn more we got profit Network we got high ticket niches I do this stuff all the time this is what we do uh very very simple um I'm learning more on media content generation shorts how many clips should I focus on each day I mean it depends on how much time you have uh if it was me I'd probably do like three to five per day I I think that's reasonable um and then again this is a kind of thing you can Outsource I have a a Content business uh right now over at content profit strategy.com and we're starting to do video and I mean like literally you could get videos done I think right now we have them at 100 bucks a pop which is unparalleled like the quality we're getting is better than stuff that's like $2,000 per video um and these are the kind of things that that you can do but it's something you can do your own or learn to make videos sell it as a service and then pay for your web hosting or something like that you have to be very deliberate and strategic with your content your time and your money right A lot of people they'll think nothing of spending you know a bunch of money for some Drop Shipping course or whatever without even knowing their Niche okay if that's you go to blog profit network.com let me teach you the real way to do this we have calls every Tuesday you can ask questions you can get help all kinds of stuff blog profit network.com um let me help you with that right or if you want to do it on your own there's lots of stuff here too you don't have to worry about anything like that uh but Eric says the videos we're doing is is crazy um let's see here shouldn't I rephrase chat GPT your Gemini written stuff well what you want to do is you want to use grammarly so grammarly is going to check for plagiarism okay as far as like bypassing AI filters I think that's an I think that's overrated like I'm having like look at this we are ranking stuff like crazy in a real world way um we got uh if madd's here we got his his podcast site and he's ranking for all kinds of podcast stuff podcast um and a lot of this I think all of it actually is AI generated right and you look at it and it's like okay um he's starting to build up again this was a domain we took over you will see this thing start to Skyrocket as it's already starting to um and ranking for stuff works really well you guys saw mooji edit mooji edit is one that uh we did this is 100% AI content right 13,000 rankings in Google tons of traffic things doing crazy all right and and again do we need to rephrase this maybe maybe not let's see the key is going to be rather than worrying about rephrasing check for plagiarism that's number one you never want to plagiarize anything so we'll check in grammarly like this done hit the little plagiarism tab down here let me scoot this up there it is plagiarism tab make sure that there's no glaring plagiarism like high interest rate yeah that'll probably be plagiarized that's probably on a bunch of sites but we're saying it is 100% original great now instead of focusing on bypassing AI detectors focus on good content focus on unique content could I make a post about what these people think about AI stocks yeah and that's going to be unique I don't think a lot of other people are doing that okay very simple um you got to look at that all right and and then we just go through and we compile what we're doing is compiling can you reward it if you want to I mean I'm not seeing a whole lot of issues with with this kind of thing here right I can make a video on this it is it is bypassing plagiarism um and you could you could fact check make sure that you know Gordon Ramsey does use those pans make sure that Susie Orbin or whoever it is did say this stuff um not that hard to do it's making it very very simple right and we're like okay there we go we just go out there we do it now we're getting an 8% so high interest credit cards can off I mean that's I'm not too worried about that because what I'm worried about is like if this block comes up plagiarized yeah that's a problem or the top 10 list is exactly like someone else's top 10 list that's a problem um but as far as like little things not too worried about it falling behind in payments negatively encrypt and then you could tweak them out can you know mess up your credit score right mess it out or or tweak it and put it in your own stuff um how many blogs do you need one for every Niche um no I mean depending on the niche like I would have one so the top chef one is going to be for everything chef and then maybe for the finance one I'd have a finance one um so I would have one for every category uh not like oh hey here's one for Gordon Ramsey here's one for whatever because then you know you don't want to use their their names in your domain you're just sharing overviews of what these people are using what they're saying and stuff like that and if you do it and you double down you will start to get traction it's not a matter of of if it's a matter of when and it's very simple it's something where you know utilizing this traffic you're always going to find non-competitive because look at this okay let's get to the the rubber meat in the road here because there is an elephant in the room I don't know is there well there's that thing there there's a donkey in the room here we go the donkey in the room and it's not me it's this here not to be confused right the donkey in the room is that um if you were to go Finance like most people trying to do Marketing Online they're going to go here and be like credit card and they'll be like oh my gosh it is too competitive okay well people looking at Dave Ramsey stuff are interested in credit cards let's do this there we go there we go um so there you go boom super easy right this is this is competitive however Dave Ramsey credit or whatever is going to be way less competitive and that is the thing that works in a very simple way if we spell it right credit we'll just do Dave Ramsey um because that's what they're doing is there's traffic for this stuff there's some kind of baby step thing or whatever it is and you'll see when you Google this you know um you're going to see other people talking about it very simple um Ramsey Solutions debt.org um check city right and you're looking at it and like okay check it out I'll bet you this site is doing the same thing on a bunch of stuff right if we go here um let's do personal finance and see if he talks about other uh gurus in there overview keywords Dave Ramsey um you have let's see some other ones Let's Do by volume maybe volume will help Dave Ramsey formula um and then you'll find all kinds of things if you do like Susie Orman or or whatever you will see that a lot of these people are talking about multiples and let me see if I can find one to show you exactly what I'm talking about let's see maybe like this here and you should okay that there there we go you should be able to see um different things that rank let's do traffic and they will probably most likely have like stock names um see how the stock names same kind of thing people are going for stock market go for individual names talk about those um go for the the people or whatever it is and you will see hey this thing works uh let's do keyword keyword there we go um Ormand right chances are you're going to see all kinds of different stuff here uh let's do Buffet come on there you go see Buffett um let's do Ramsay I got a Chef Ramsay and a a finance Ramsay there you go uh Ramsay and then you'll have uh let's see who else Elon musk right like that boom Bezos are you guys getting it this is I mean this is the real world stuff this is how it works this is how people make lots of money um and B Bing there you go like when you look at this this is something that works over and over and over again for those willing to do it we can use Google Gemini we can use AI we can create content we can put them back to the things that are making us money and this is a real business and if you enjoyed it check out download myot notes.com we'll have a play byplay that you can use very simple okay hopefully you guys enjoyed this hopefully you liked it um if you want to work with me check out High ticket nit.com download my notes.com for the notes thanks for being here and I'll see you in Friday's video

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