you have been programmed to struggle not succeed everything you've been taught in life has taught you to be a consumer not a business owner and today I'm going to show you seven money hacks that will deprogram you and put you on the path to making money online super fast but the question is can you sit through this entire video and learn the money M hacks and change your life or is your your programming going to kick in and steal your focus away from what could be the most important video you watch about making money online because I know a lot of people talk about Pie in the Sky ideas and Law of Attraction and manifesting what you want and that's all fine and good but without these seven money mindset hacks you can manifest yourself till you're blue in the face and you're not going to get ahead because these are core things that you need to focus on to be able to get ahead in your business and whether you're looking for a side hustle a new way to make money or starting an entire business this will affect you what you are about to learn is the same stuff that I've been using for over 25 years to create multiple seven figure businesses and make eight figures for myself personally with my businesses online and all of this was started from the ground up so these principles work whether you're broke whether you have lots of money or somewhere in between Queen but first we need to focus on deprogramming you you see the United States was started as somewhat of an experiment it was a consumer experiment that was put on by a guy named Edward bernes back in the early 1900s right around the time of the Great Depression and what they did is they studied consumer behavior and they focused on marketing and turning all of the people in America into consumers that's right more focused on what they're going to buy than what they're going to do to actually get the money to buy it and what this did is it programmed us not to be entrepreneurers but to be people who are just obsessed with buying things yeah a lot of people call it shiny object syndrome fast forward to the invention of the television once the television came out the product completely changed now we had advertising that was based on people watching something for a given point of time so if they watched an entire program on TV then the advertisers would pay lots of money to have ads to be in front of those people so that yeah you guessed it they can sell stuff because these are the consumers only when TV came out you became the product you were the product that was bought and sold and you were programmed to pay attention to things that entertained you not so much to the things that would change your life and I don't even need to get into how programs like Tik Tok and Instagram and Facebook are making that a thousand times times worse by breaking your attention span into very little fragments and you have the illusion that you're doing something but nothing's actually getting done and you're not getting ahead if you're already starting to see how you've been programmed type deprogram for money in the comments below to let me know that you're paying attention because if I can use these seven money mind hacks to deprogram you I think you're going to have a much better shot at making money online starting a business and being successful and it's very important that you pay attention to all seven of these hacks because one of these alone won't work you need all seven of them to put together so that you can be successful and don't worry they're not very hard it's as simple as a little mindset shift that can be done in an afternoon actually some of it is being done right now while you're watching this video so if you're ready for Success let's dive in and talk about these seven mindset money hacks number one is a on track Focus as I mentioned earlier the consumers and the people on Tik Tock and all the people consuming content online are not the same people that are making money with content online I know this for a fact because when I go home my family is showing me videos and funny things that they look at throughout the day and I'm kind of oblivious to it because I don't know who these people are the only reason I consume internet content is so that I can make money that is my one track Focus whenever I see someone new pop up in my feed I have to figure out how they're making money it's kind of like an obsession and that one track Focus allows me to focus on what is going to get me money what am I doing at this given point in time and how does it play into making money a lot of people think that watching webinars and videos and all this stuff is helping them make money online and don't get me wrong there's a lot of good info in videos that's why I make them but there's also the distraction point which is distracting you from your main purpose and if you don't know what your main purpose is this is further proof of that concept so what we need to do is we need to set out and make a decision about what we're going to do are we going to build a website start a YouTube channel sell stuff through Drop Shipping create a product what is it that we want to do then once we decide on that we are going to be one track focus on that one thing a lot of you guys are trying to make money online and you watched a video about Drop Shipping and then you watch a video about Facebook and you watch a video about this and that and the other and everything looks good only it's fragmenting your attention and leading to indecision you don't know what you're going to do how you're going to do it what kind of business you're going to start and until you answer this question of what you're doing and how you're going to start you will forever struggle so what we need to do in mind hack one is a very specific one track Focus once we decide the type of business we're doing or the type of website we want to create or the type of product we want to sell then we are going to put all of our eggs in that one basket and make it work some people say well Marcus what if you fail do you have a backup plan I do not I've never had a backup plan in my life I always look at one thing and I look for proof that it will work and once I find that proof I do it until it works with a on track Focus I don't get distracted by the latest video or the newest AI tool I focus on one thing and if the new video will help me get there then yes I will watch it if the new AI tool fits into my focus then yes I will watch it but I need to guard my mind because that is the most important thing in my business if I don't guard my mind and focus on the one thing I'm doing in that one thing alone then I am forever going to struggle and be saddled with shiny object syndrome and I'll wonder why I spent so much money on courses and tools and never really got anywhere this is why and now let's move on to money mind hack number two deliberate action when I take action online I'm always doing something deliberate with an end goal in mind I'm creating a blog post to send to my list to sell this product I'm creating a blog post or a video to rank in the search engines to get me traffic to build a mailing list to sell the product everything has a deliberate action what most people do and I've been teaching this business for over 10 years now I've been doing this business for 25 and in teaching this business I have learned that people out there struggle and spend all day trying to make their blog blue or make a video this certain way or code this one program or write this one thing and I always ask them what are you doing and nine times out of 10 they really don't know they just know that they got fixated on one thing and they spent all day doing it because it was more or less an obsession of the Mind rather than an actual focused deliberate action when I take deliberate action I sit down and set a time frame for what I'm going to do maybe it's setting up a new project and I go out to set this new project up and maybe there's something I don't understand a program a tool a new AI thing or an image editor or whatever it is if I don't understand that within about 9 minutes I'm going to shut down and I'm going to find someone who does understand it because for me to spend all day learning this one thing that is not deliberately focused on what's going to make me money is a complete misuse of my time and so if I go out there and I try to do something and I run into a wall maybe the program isn't cooperating the way I want I need to stop right there and do something productive that's going to get me closer to my goal because trying to figure out Tech things is not going to get you closer to your goal when your goal is to run a business you're doing $2 an hour work as the CEO which does not make sense I mean think about it have you ever seen the CEO of Walmart bag your groceries yeah he hires robots and people for that and sometimes he even makes you do that yourself why because he is paid to make high priced decisions powerful decisions that affect many things and many people and the more powerful your decisions are the more money you're going to make if I make a decision about making the font blue that is a really low powerered outcome I could pay someone to do that in 2 seconds but if I spent all day trying to do that now I've just wasted so many decisions that I could be making that will make me money such as creating the right title making the right piece of content adding a new product to our product line creating a sales webinar talking to customers learning about my market all of these things will make you lots of money the tech stuff the little things the bag the groceries is not going to get you ahead but we've been programmed I understand it our programming says that digging ditches bagging groceries customer support these are important jobs and yes they are important jobs if you're looking for a job however I'm looking to run a business and that mindset needs to change so every time you sit down to do something ask yourself am I taking deliberate action that's getting me further in my business and the goal of making money if the answer is no you need to find something else to do and the third mindset hack is leverage Leverage is key I remember I think it was Archimedes who said if you give me a fulcrum which is like a fancy way of saying stick long enough I can move the Earth which is basically saying okay if I have this here I have the leverage to move something higher up without that much effort leverage in business is key we need to look for leverage everywhere can we leverage money in the form of credit bank loans money we have sitting around or whatever it is can we leverage time can we leverage employees one of the things that I did over the last couple years that has added an extra seven figures to the bottom line here at the old affiliate marketing dude is by leveraging outsourced employees if I can get outsourced employees to do some of those mundane tasks that I don't really have the time to do well then I'm freed up to focus on things that make lots of money is your mindset starting to change already are you starting to see how most of us have been focused on job type tasks rather than entrepreneur type tasks what are the things that entrepreneurs do that job people don't do what are the things that job people do that entrepreneurs don't do we need to differentiate these cuz a lot of people are in the Trap of treating their business like a job and being an entrepreneur is not a job you might do some jobl likee tasks but overall it's a business and so we need to be looking for things that we can leverage can I leverage uh Facebook for website traffic can I leverage a video to get more customers can I leverage someone else's mailing list by paying for an ad all of these things are examples of Leverage that we can do right now that can make us money these are things I talk about called traffic boosters maybe I can go to Reddit and get a bunch of customers like that maybe like my buddy years ago he built his entire multi-million dollar pawn shop business using free Craigslist ads and understanding the right places to leverage will change your life as an entrepreneur but again you need to train your mind to look for them if you're not looking you won't see and if you don't see you won't profit and that is why I'm making this video for you so that you understand the mindset shifts that need to happen for you to get ahead again they're not difficult we've gone through three already and they're pretty simple let's go on to number four maximize your time structure maximize your effort in minimum time if I can do a task 10 times quicker I need to do that task 10 times quicker I was recently watching an Alex horoi video which I have conflicted feelings on but this one thing he said actually stood out to me he said that there was a law in business that says that work will expand to meet the time allotted so if I say I need you to organize all of this fake money that I use in my videos and I give you 8 hours to do it chances are you're going to do this really slowly or do other things and get distracted and it will take you 8 hours to do but I know it's probably a 20-minute task at best so what we need to do is focus on giving each thing we do a time allotted tag saying if I'm going to do this WordPress post or make this video I have 3 hours or 20 minutes and try to make it smaller than you think you need if you think you need five hours give yourself two and see what happens and what's going to happen is you're going to find out that you're able to work a lot faster it's going to be like a miracle and you're going to wonder why you have all this time to work on your business and it's because you have trained yourself to work differently you see when we go to a job I see this all the time because I have employees here and I was an employee many years ago and when we have a job if there's nothing to do we do menial tasks to fill up the time and look busy or if we're at a desk job a lot of our time is checking email checking our Facebook feed and other things that aren't really related to working however when I sit down to work I sit down to work I determine what I want to get done how much time I have to do it and then I do it when I sat down to make this video I have my notes on the board and I said I'm going to give myself 3 hours to record this video so far it's taken me about 22 minutes so you could see by the time counter below how much time I filmed versus how much we're actually using this is important because the more we can get rid of waste the better off we're going to be and the more money we're going to make so everything you do needs to have a little time allotment I'm setting up this website here's the time I have allotted if I can't get it done in the time I need to find someone who's going to help me because if I waste my time on $2 an hour work then my business is going to be worth about $2 an hour I mean do the math right but again nobody teaches you this because because if they keep you busy you're going to buy programs and you're going to watch videos and you're going to consume all the content and wonder why you're not getting ahead this is why number five your time structure a lot of people who know me know that I suffer from probably one of the worst adhd's you've ever seen and there's a good side and a bad side to having ADHD the good side is I can focus at a rapid pace for a very long period of time if I get focused on something I will do that and I will do that alone till the end of the world the downside is I get distracted very easily so if you're distracted right now and you're watching this video and you're like well you know let's see how the ners did in the football or how this did or oh hey look there's another video or Aunt Sally posted a picture of her new dog on Facebook yeah those things are easy to get distracted by however I will tell you one of the Secrets when I go to work I go to work my computers here at the office are just for work that's all there is to do here is work and work and work and when a lot of people talk to you about hustle culture just hustle just do more they're not telling you the whole story because if you do more of the wrong thing you're going to get more of no results but if you do more of the right thing then you are going to get big results again refer ref to lesson one which is your one track focus and lesson two which is deliberate action in the direction you want to go and having add in the way I have it is super difficult and it makes it look like I'm kind of doing everything halfhazard even my employees that work here are like Marcus what's up with your schedule but I will tell you in that schedule there is a lotted time to do very very specific things and when I'm focusing on those I do them very quickly and having a Time structure like saying I'm blocking out 4 hours to do this I'm doing this from 3: to 5 I do calls with customers from 9 to 10 I do blog post having this structure and doing it every day is key and one of the little addendums I'll put on to our time structure is to also be consistent if you find something that works or I teach you something that works do that over and over and over again until it stops working which nine times out of 10 it won't stop working and the reason is going to be revealed in hack number seven but if we find something we want to do and do it over and over again that will change your life years ago when I was doing YouTube I was at about 10,000 subscribers I was trying to build and grow and I noticed the power of the customers that came from video I mean it was unparalleled I had one guy the pawn shop guy who wrote me one day when my channel was new and he wanted to learn from me directly the guy paid like $20,000 to hang out with me for one day and between you me in the wall I quoted that figure because I really didn't want to go meet him but he called my bluff so I had to go hang out with him and teach him business and he loved it and we became friends and talked business all the time however that showed me the power of hey there's people out there that want to learn this stuff and they will pay to learn it and it's a great place to get customers so I learned that and I said to myself back in I believe it was 2017 I'm going to do three videos a week which is difficult making these videos is very difficult why because I have an Ethics problem that says I need to be absolutely upfront and honest and do the best job I can to teach you the best things that will help you make money I don't scrimp I don't cut Corners I put a a lot of thought and effort into these videos to try to help you in the best way possible if you appreciate that smash a like button and when I set out to do three videos a week I was curious of what would happen and what happened at first was not much got a few extra videos here and there but what I learned is that by doing three videos a week that was 150 videos a year having 150 videos a year allowed me to have videos that would go viral way more often because if you're doing one a week and it takes 20 videos to get one that's going to be a banger then that's going to take me a half a year to get one banger but if I'm doing three every single week well now I get a banger every couple of months you see how that works quantity and quality pays off in Spades and also I'm not just making videos cuz I feel like it I'm looking at these videos as Avenues to get more people to watch so having the right keyword research knowing the right topic making the right content knowing what people watch these all play into what I'm doing and the cool part about it is the more you do the better you're going to get the faster it's going to get if you're doing blog post the more you do the better you're going to get the more traffic you're going to get it's a compound effect and I believe it was Einstein who said that the most powerful force in the universe is compound interest things stack on top of each other over and over can pay big dividends this is something I learned about 20 years ago when one of my websites made a $7 sale and I said to myself well I wasn't working today and the website made $7 so what if my goal wasn't to go out there and make $1,000 a day or $10,000 a day or my average which is about $5,000 a day right now which seems like a big goal you might say $5,000 a day day I haven't even made that in a month how am I going to make it in a day well I was like you back when I first started $100,000 a year was my big goal I didn't know how to get it I was stuck but after one year in business I got there and this is how instead of focusing on making $500 a day or $1,000 a day I sat down and said what if I could do something today that will produce one two maybe $3 a day now again when you look at this most people if you say Marcus you can go to work at a job and make $300 today for your work for eight hours why would you mess around making $1 a day every day well let me tell you a little secret if my focus is on making $1 a day every day with the work I do today well then that frees me up tomorrow to do the same amount of work and get another one to $3 or $10 or 50 again some of these will take off like I mentioned in the viral video example and some of them will be run-of-the-mill but the average we're shooting for is three bucks a day do you think if I gave you eight hours you could figure out a way to make $3 a day every day yeah I think so too it's not that hard you could do it with one blog post one video One post on Facebook one little mailing list tool I mean the possibilities are endless and if you do that by the end of one month you'll be making $100 a day automatically you can close shop and still get a $100 a day or you can keep going and if I spend that eight hours making a dollar a day at the end of the year that equals $365 but again everyone looks at $300 versus one what are you talking about again this is because you have been Pro programmed for instant gratification 300 now sounds better than 300 in 300 days but in 300 days I will have a machine making me $3 to $900 a day in profit without having to work anymore do you see what I'm getting at here compound interest and that all has to do with being consistent the sixth money hack we're going to look at today is execution are you getting the things done completely that are going to make you money are you able to sit down and finish something start to finish whether it's a Blog whether it's a blog post a video Whatever It Is can you sit down and finish a task with one goal in mind if you can then that's going to get you a lot quicker to making money but again remember how I said all of these work together we need to know what the task is and why we're doing it if you're sitting down and doing something and you can't quantify how it's going to put money in your pocket then you need to stop doing it because what we need to do is focus only on things that make money focus on the blog post how is it going to make money when I do something there's a strategic point of everything so when I go out there and I say I'm going to make this video I say who am I going to make it for where's it going to take traffic how's it going to make me money if I do a blog post same thing if I'm writing an article same thing if I'm building a new business same thing who's it going to be for how am I going to reach them how's it going to make money these are the questions you need to be asking yourself day in and day out when you work on your business if you come and watch one of my videos ask yourself why what is this going to do for me I'm learning a new AI tool how is it going to fit in my business one of the things that ADHD also does for me is it forces me to put everything in little square boxes so when I watch a video I watch it with the intent of how is it going to help me with this project not oh hey cool thing maybe I'll start something new no I watch it and I say how is this tool going to help me with what I'm already doing and if you start asking yourself this you will be able to use these tools and you will be available for new opportunities that come along all the time but if you're just watching things to be entertained to say oh here's the new thing maybe that's going to make me Rich well yeah you might as well watch a funny movie or something like that because you're going to get the same outcome and it's going to be laughable so deliberate execution focusing on getting things done in a timely manner for a purpose number seven Guess money just sticks to me now is the ability to adapt this one is super important because what we like is to set a business set the parameters and Let It Go but you always have to adaptt this happens all the time just look at how many times open Ai and chat GPT had to adapt over the last couple months Google constantly adapting if you're not able to adapt you will be out of business if you're staying rigid and saying well this is the way that I've done it all these years well you're not going to be doing it very much longer because things change imagine if the businesses at the time of the internet said well we're just going to keep with our Yellow Pages ad because that's what we've always done well last time I needed a yellow pages for a video I had to order it on eBay and it was like 27 years old yeah that model isn't as powerful as it used to be so if you relied on that you would be out of business we need to be able to adapt and change at the drop of a hat if something doesn't work we figure out why and we learn how to make it work again that's when you watch the videos how do I make this work my video didn't get views my blog post didn't rank why the question why is key A lot of people are asking how how do I make money how do I rank rather than why why did that rank why didn't that use the word why and you'll find yourself more successful why because it's going to give you different questions and different answers having the right questions is what's going to get you the right answers but again you've been programmed to have the wrong questions that's why I'm making this video so that you can start asking the right questions rather than what's the best way to make money why don't you figure out something that works for you because let's face it we're all different some people like making videos some people don't some people are good bloggers some people aren't some people are super smart some people struggle and guess what there's super smart people that are broke and there's non-smart people that are rich there's super smart people that are rich and there's non-smart people that are broke what do they have in common I believe that it's combination of these seven mind hacks and deprogramming yourself from being a consumer of media and a consumer of products to being a business owner looking at the world a little bit different when I hang out with successful entrepreneurs that's the one thing I notice we look at at the world different now there's a lot of ego involved so it's kind of hard to see that but most people do look at things differently your realtor looks at the world in terms of houses and house prices and Loans your Gardener looks at things in terms of trees and sycamores and redwoods and all these other things I look at the world in terms of Commerce and internet and it drives everyone nuts but it sure does make us a lot of money so I hope you enjoyed this video and I hope it helped you deprogram yourself and understand what it takes to be successful and if you appreciated it share with us your top takeaway what you think was the best aha moment you had in this video as a comment below and if you want notes from this video so you can check out all of my thoughts on all of this stuff hop on over to download my