[Music] today we are doing a deep dive to show you exactly how to go from0 to $10,000 a month with a faceless AI video Empire now notice I said Empire this is a very strategic process that works if you do it but the problem is until now nobody has taught it step by step exactly the way I'm about to show you right now and for those who have asked and are wondering thank you yes I do live in Central Florida and yes it does look like we are going to get some pretty major effects of the up and cominging hurricane hurricane mil and yeah I'm a little worried it seems that the wind speed and the rain is going to be pretty catastrophic in some areas however we are quite a bit east so it shouldn't be as bad as some other areas in the direct path but we're still on high alert and I thought since yeah we might have power out for quite some time I might as well fit in a little live stream to give you guys something to chew on until I get back so today I'm going to show you exactly how to use AI to create your very own video Empire we're going to show you how to use programs like perplexity notebook LM chat GPT YouTube Pinterest and more and I'm going to show you how to build an Empire from scratch and not only that but we're going to be taking a look at an example that you can see working live here while the hurricane is going on yep that's right we live in a day and age that's unlike anything else a day where amateur and Semi-Pro meteorologists can get more reach than the actual news channels yeah these guys are racking up millions and millions of views all while helping people understand what's going on what to do and how to prepare so buckle up this is going to be a fun live stream where I show you exactly how to take an idea a niche or a full-blown industry and turn it into profitable content without using your face without using your voice and 100% driven by AI so if you're excited smash a like button let's hop over to the live set and I'll show you exactly a deep dive how to make faceless AI video channels that'll put money in your pocket come on let's get started all right ladies and gentlemen welcome to to the show okay so today what we're going to do is we're going to talk about how to make a faceless video Empire with AI this is unlike anything you've ever seen before because what we're going to do is we're going to talk about two major things that other faceless AI YouTube Channel videos don't talk about and that is number one the AI topic Master this is something I've never revealed before you're going to want to pay close attention and definitely get the notes after this training is over this is something that is absolutely huge you do not want to ignore it so looking at that one first then we're going to look at the master AI resource and we're going to put these all together now if you guys are new to my Channel or you just haven't been paying attention much we are having an AI challenge where I'm actually teaching you some of the skills that make me lots of money that make a lot of my students uh do really well as well over at airofit scoop.com we're going to teach you all kinds of cool stuff there's all kinds of tools and hint this actually has a little bit to do with what we're talking about today but but first what I want to do is I want to talk to you about a successful model of a YouTube channel and I thought what better way to look at that than something that's actually going on live right now if you live here in Florida I'm in Central Florida Central sort of toward the east of Florida uh so we will be getting some some impacts from the hurricane Milton we're on alert for that but one of the things that Floridians do is they check Mike's weather page the rest of the world not so much but FL pretty much look at this as our Holy Grail and this guy does a fantastic job of sharing information he talks about the storms he talks about the models he shows you the websites and all kinds of different things now what does this have to do with you and a faceless YouTube channel well first in order to understand building a faceless YouTube channel and how to be successful we first need to understand successful YouTube channels as a whole because when we're using AI not much changes except for the information that we provide and the way we provide it in the money-making method is pretty much the same so this is very very important now when looking at Mike's weather page you could see here on YouTube the dude has 107,000 subscribers 2.2 million followers over on Facebook I was watching his live last night the guy is he's got all the weather stuff he gives you good updates and everything like that I think he had like 30,000 people live just last night which was really cool um and he gives good info and again that's something that we're going to stress throughout this is good info and one of the things that Mike talked about yesterday was the ethics of the information you provide a lot of people think that because we're using AI all the rules go out the window and we can just share whatever AI gives us that is not necessarily true we always need to focus on our visitor and our visit our viewer as the Beall end all because we want to provide good stuff and that is what Mike does here very cool stuff we can also see that um his YouTube video here got like 1.6 million views two hours ago when it was live it got even more he's got a bunch of people on Instagram and different things like that now one of the key things I want to point out with these types of sites is that what Mike has here is a website with a bunch of resources we're going to talk about why this is important but first I want you to look at something because you have a guy here with a lot of views you know he's got 1.7 or 107,000 subscribers he's got a bunch of people here and everything like that now he also has a website and that website does actually have rankings in Google so you might be saying okay yeah I've heard about rankings in Google it's great but it's difficult everything like that if you were to look at the ah ref's report for this guy's website you could see that he ranks for about 10,000 keywords driving him about 160 let me say that again 167,000 visitors a month and you might say well Marcus that seems like a lot that seems great fine wonderful but I want to show you something very very important pay close attention because what we're going to see here is that his website spaghetti spaghettimodels.com which is a great resource for uh hurricanes and things like that even though it says Google's only giving him 106 176,000 visitors a month take a look at how much traffic this website gets 5.3 million per month and since similar web is a little bit behind he's probably getting more now because obviously when there's a big storm boom that thing skyrockets that's another thing I want you to write down this is something I had in my notes but I forgot to put in the big notes and it is called Dynamic inventory this is something nobody talks about here on YouTube I Follow a lot of people about YouTube growth and different things like that Dynamic inventory is never talked about except in a video I did uh like three years ago or something like that so what we're going to look at is dynamic inventory the reason his views right now are probably closer to like 10 million is because of dynamic inventory now here's the question why would someone who's watching a channel like Mike or a channel like Ryan Hall who Al does a fantastic job this guy is like the YouTuber king of weather stuff and he does a good job right their their stream setup everything is great now again we're going to be doing something else so pay close attention you could see here dude's got like 2 million subscribers here on YouTube and all different things like that so why would someone who's watching a video about weather or weather in their area why would they go to a website like why would 5.3 million people like he doesn't even I don't even think he gets that many uh views per month if we were to go to view stats uh which is a great place to look these up we can do Mike's Mike's weather page right like this he should come up yeah so here he is here um we could see that over the last six or over the last 30 days he had 1.8 million views so how in the world is his site getting so many people to it why that is key one Dynamic inventory two major resource these are the things we're going to look at when it comes to making and building a faceless AI Channel this is stuff that other people don't talk about because it's easy to teach you to make a video I mean I can go here I can go to Camtasia I can show you how to put a voice in but you know what anyone and everyone can do that like the tech stuff is easy you just go figure it out and bada bing bada boom there you go now I do teach some of that but I want you to understand that that is not where the money is the money isn't so much in creating the video it's in the strategy behind it so looking at this we could see that his website actually does get lots of lots of rankings in Google for various things he even ranks for the word spaghetti which is an interesting one because that's what they call the hurricane map is the spaghetti map all right now hats off to Mike he's got an awesome helpful resource if you're in Florida check it out check out Ryan Hall also fantastic stuff now what does this have to do with us and what about this warning and notes first of all number one warning about ethics like I said earlier a lot of people think that with AI ethics are out the window not true a lot of people think because I can get as much reach as the news that ethics are out the window do not do this we need to be ethical we need to create things that are focused on people a lot of people do things for the views and they they don't do things that are in the best interest of the person I try to do my best of giving you guys information that's really going to help you now what we want to do is number one don't use a market that you know is serious like would I go and do AI in the hurricane Market hell no not a chance not going to touch it no way no how why because AI sometimes misses things I'm not an expert so I don't know what to say so we're going to leave that to Mike and Ryan and the others and you could see here yes there are lots of people that are live streaming and like right now if you were to look at this this guy here 73,000 watching he's more than this news more than this news by 20 50 times so these guys are getting an insane amount of reach what does this mean this means YouTube drives views like no nothing else now also number two warning always provide ethical good info even when using AI recently uh this was brought to my attention by Mike's weather page he was talking about how there's people on Tik Tok spreading misinformation about the storm which is wrong I mean you got to you got to listen to The Experts you got to listen to people who know what they're talking about not just people on Tik Tok this is where misinformation spreads in politics Health everything it is a crap show to say it the least so looking at that again I can't stress enough use this ethical why because it's powerful this is so powerful that we see normal channels we see AI channels getting more views than like legit TV shows we're going to show you in a minute you're going to see these it's going to blow your mind so back to the business model first of all number one what we want to do is provide good new upto-date info for your Market or spin on an old info there was a Bible verse years ago when I used to be a Bible preacher and it was from Solomon who said there's nothing new Under the Sun and that is true there is nothing new Under the Sun there's some new ideas which your takes on Old ideas AI is new yes it is but it's basically intelligence which has been around for years now it's just artificial and there there's new tools and new things like that so there's a lot of things that happen and and we want to look at ways to spin what we're doing with what is relevant very important a lot of you guys you try AI faceless YouTube channels you're not getting any views this will get you views it's not an if it's a when if you focus so what we want to do is find relevant new topics in our Niche to use for our Niche the this example here is news obviously right now on YouTube there is a dynamic inventory if I can find my pen there is a dynamic inventory what does that mean that means in the month of January the amount of people looking up hurricanes is nothing doesn't exist now in October you have it skyrocketing why because there's more hurricanes in October than there is in January also there are things that come out of the Woodworks hurricane Milton is right now skyrocketing it will probably never Skyrocket again after this because it will be retired right that'll be a retired name that's going to Peak there are some videos I do where we'll talk about like perplexity AI chat GPD search talk about notebook LM and these will take off like crazy understanding Dynamic inventory is key this works with search marketing it works with YouTube it works with Tik Tok it works with everything why because algorithms pay close attention are based on a feedback loop and suggestion engine every PL and they say okay well I don't understand this or I don't know what to do with this it is because of a suggestion engine and if you focus on this it's key now I'm going to show you how to focus on this in a way hopefully we're back now yes we are in a way that you've never seen before this is something that is super super super super important for those paying attention Okay so number one provide new upto-date info for your Market or spin on Old info if you're talking about dating find something newsworthy or something like that number two we are going to use AI to create a resource site shell what does this mean well if you were to go over to th profits scoop.com which is what we're converting AI profit scoop over to you're going to see that we have a bunch of tools these are tools I can't provide to you here on my video like I can't give you a calculator here on the video you would need to go somewhere else to get the calculator much like Mike's weather page you need to go to his site to see all that interesting stuff all the graphs the charts the links and everything like that he really can't just give them to you here I mean you could give them in the description but that's going to be a pain and they're not going to know what to find and it's not going to be organized and the clickthrough rate is going to be nil however we see here the clickthrough rate is crazy because the dude is getting traffic 5 million people every month going to his website even in the offseason he still gets a lot of traffic so looking at that we are going to use AI to create a resource or a site shell I went through and used chat GPT just yesterday to show you guys how this works I'll see if I can find the one here I believe it was AI powered WordPress tools is one of these yeah is something like this and I think there was also another one Florida real estate might have been or I know there was maybe it's under my business account I think it might be in the business account yeah here we go so it's for carpet cleaning all right now I found that there was a lot of videos faceless videos here on YouTube about how to clean your carpet there's actually one channel that's nailing it they get like a million views of video and they're literally just cleaning carpet cleaning rugs and showing you how it works now while that is more of like a relaxing ASMR thing which I don't know the least relaxing thing to me is cleaning stuff like I don't know that makes me anxiety I don't want to clean anything I just want to pretend it's already clean but at any rate we can see here um I went through and I was talking about different carpet cleaning ideas and things like that it was like okay now we have this but before I did that what I did is I went into my Niche and I asked chat GPT if I wanted to make a giant resource site site very important about cleaning your carpet get ready ladies and gentlemen you're going to have an aha moment like never before how many of you guys are ready if you're ready smash a like button type aha in the Box type aha as a comment this is going to show you why the faceless YouTube channels you've been trying to do do not work okay very important so what we're going to do is like this okay so what we're going to do is we're going to look at this someone Sara says I watch cleaning video I find it fun to see the after there you go for me I I don't like cleaning I don't know I I like to leave that to the experts but at any rate I said create a giant resource site why because like Mike's weather page this is this is the idea here this is a model that works I've used it for years it works like crazy so what we're going to do is we're going to create a resource site before we before we film one video before we even think of a video title or idea resource site say it with me I'm gonna make a resource site first number one this is what we are doing people say oh well you know you need to get in video you need to get that you need to get that no no no no no no you need to create a resource site why because it's going to focus okay now what we're going to do is we're going to go over here and we're going to look at what that looks like so chat GPT what do we got DIY carpet cleaning guides okay cool I can make that with AI stain removal charts hey that's pretty cool so like you spill wine here's what you need to use it's like a little chart allergy information for how dirty carpets contribute to indoor allergies carpet maintenance schedule infographic on carpet cleaning carpet type guide blah blah blah blah blah tools and calculators all right how much how much uh cleaner am I going to need for my rug or whatever it is water temperature guide vacuum power cleaning frequency all of this stuff here okay so now we have like I think it did a 100 or so maybe it was just 50 I added more after but we have 50 or so to start with now visualize it what would this look like well let's kind of make it like the profit scoop how many of you guys you looked at this and you're like oh wait Marcus has the profit scoop dude I want to check it out look I could get free tools like bro I could get some free tools on a domain extractor like wait a minute Marcus made this tool where I could literally go to Google if I spell it right and I could search for something I'd allow to search for make money right and I could search for this and I can literally just take all the content here like this and throw it into the tool and it's going to yank all the domains how many of you guys are like hey that's cool it just Yanks all the domains for me that's pretty cool like I could go to God auctions right like this I can copy the whole page I could see what domains are and I can run these in my tools and bada bing bada bang it's going to save you a ton of time and that's a free tool right we also got other free tools down here like well down here somewhere there we go right here where uh we have the domains we have um ClickBank reports keywords a PayPal button generator if you want to make a PayPal button for your site all kinds of tools that people interested in making money online would be interested in hey pretty cool now visualize that for the carpet Okay cool so I could have a thing up here that's like hey check it out put your name and email and get my free carpet guide download it here cool then I can have a uh stained color guide chart best chemicals to use how to get this out of your carpet this that and the other all right and then on every video I'm like hey by the way since you're watching me clean carpet if you want to clean your own carpet I got a bunch of tools over at my site they'll be like oh hey cool better go to the site does the model work a thousand billion perc like this model works unlike anything you've ever seen and you might be saying well Markus I I haven't created a video yet I'm just creating the resource good because what you're going to do is you're now going to take your resource and you're going to get a domain so I could go over here maybe use Spam Zilla spam Zilla or maybe just look at auction domains or maybe just get any domain that kind of fits what I'm trying to do okay so I could go in here log into my spam Zilla and find a domain related to carpet okay so we'll type carpet and I want something easy to remember I don't want it to be too difficult all right so like if I was to do like budget carpets that's easy gallery of carpet something like carpet clean better Quality Carpets Metro Carpet anything Master care carpet that could work nobody's going to spell that wrong that's pretty easy okay and we'll look at different things like this so what we'd want to do is find something easy good if it has backlinks and rankings that would be a little bit of a bonus so we can kind of go through here you'll probably find a few but again we want it short easy to remember difficult to misspell like with Mike spaghetti models spaghetti is a weird word I misspell it so I'd probably get one like hurricane models or something but his is working just fine that's just my personal take so going through here and saying okay can I find something like carpet Express carpet help.org there you go or carpet man very simple okay so we can use something like that or even carpet blogger boom there you go so what you're going to do is you're going to get a an easy domain very easy domain you're going to set it up with web hosting you can learn how to do this at gohub site.com you set up the website you set up the service you can use WordPress you can use HTML you can pay someone to do it it's easy it's not that hard to do you could do this in an afternoon you just fill it with some resources very simple and you can make it nice right like if you were to look at the Simple Sites Big profits 2020 course we make it nice it's easy to look at you go to the lesson it's got the links it's got the video very simple took me like five minutes to make the shell of this then I got some icons made some buttons super easy we want it simple this is why it works a lot of people say Marcus your sites look like they are from 1996 and that is on purpose because that works look at Amazon look at Google look at Craigslist take a list of the big hundred million plus websites they all have the 1994 look to them if you don't believe me go look at them they're right there all right next we get our easy domain then we're going to look at how it works in real time and show you some examples okay so this will be our thing we have the optin much like I have here you go here you put your name and email to get the cool thing and then you have the tools down here that way they don't want to opt in fine we're going to give them tools anyway and then we'll have an optin on all the tools So eventually they'll probably opt in so looking at that now we're going to get something that actually works now what we're going to do is prove do AI videos work a thousand bazillion percent so looking at this I actually accidentally came across like this AI dating and seduction Rabbit Hole there are tons and tons of AI videos in these niches and there's even in the cleaning Niche right these are all faceless most of them are AI channels and you could see okay look at all this good stuff there all right same if you're to go over here and look up stoic dating stoic will uh stoic Community stoic Community mindset stoic pedia action Savage stoic mindset Oasis and on and on we go very simple all right so like if you were in this Niche I would say chat GPT love let's pull them up here and we are going to say I am in the dating seduction meet people Niche what would be 50 good resources tools guides printouts and apps I could give away or create for my website this is going to change the game right because having this now you got somewhere for them to go because so many people are just relying on ads to make money which is fine but it's not going to make that much especially in markets like carpet cleaning it's unless there's a carpet cleaner there's not going to be a whole lot of ads there same with dating or or seduction or something like that not that much there dating profile worksheet big building ATT traction how to approach I mean this is fantastic stuff and we can go through and say okay Enter what you do for a living and it'll give you like a line or something I don't know I have not been in the dating Niche for a long time or in the dating world for a long time rather so I would have to do my research here so now we're looking at this and we're like okay cool now I got 50 resources now what this is going to do it is going to drive your content to be about that stuff so if you're like I don't know what to make videos on well make the resources and then show people how to use them do you not think if I had a video about like a dating checklist do you not think that would work I mean if you were to go here and do like dating checklist right and they're like oh hey here's the dating checklist here uh dating checklist dating look 60,000 you got uh two 2,000 there um and on and on we go so even if you only got like a th000 people each that's 50,000 views just talking about the tools that are on your website anyway which naturally leads to go to the site to use the tools bada bing bada bang you are in business now using this is going to give you a good starting point okay I'm going to give you a list of all the channels that we're going over in this video over at AI profit scoop just go there I'll give them to you when I'm ready we will probably lose power tonight because of the storm but when they're ready we will email them out to you all right so AI profit scoop.com is where you can get that notice I practice what I preach I'm making a video and I'm telling you to go get the resources from the video and this is how it works it's very simple now what we're going to do is we're going to have this base where we got all of our resources and we have a channel that's starting to grow right if you do it right it'll work and using this what I did is I went through to Ai and I was like okay now make me a thumbnail right so I was like come up with the titles now make me a thumbnail so we got like uh you won't believe what's hiding in your carpet clean it right I thought that was pretty good I mean I'd be like yeah what what is in my carpet I better clean it it's something down there I got figure out what it is and so what I did is I said make me a thumbnail it said I can't and I said please try anyway and it made uh you won't believe what's hiding in your carpet I thought this was pretty good didn't really want the logo here but this is pretty good you won't believe what's hiding in your carpet clean it right not bad right so how many of you guys are understanding oh I see that now I can lead them to a guide on all the different things about what's hiding in your carpet and things like that very simple then I start with my 50 videos then what I'm going to do is I'm going to use a tool like perplexity to find different news please find news about people getting sick because of non unclean carpet and it'll find all this stuff and this is going to give you content that you can use that's going to perpetuate your message right so if I'm talking about dating maybe I'll find some news about like Tinder or whatever and I'll talk about it like oh hey this girl got catfished on Tinder here's how I to not get catfished or something like that staying relevant making things that works really well so we can do like health risk indoor air and it's going to link to them that's why we use perplexity for this because it links to them makes it very easy another thing we can do is actually go through and use a tool like a feedle and we could set up news alerts and a news feed about our Niche so like now I can go through if I set this up for carpet it'd be like oh hey carpet cleaners are seeing a down tick because everyone's getting floor whatever now I know I need to make a floor video if everyone's getting floor you could see in mine I have it for AI business news domain name news o content and side hustle CNBC right because like if I'm in the side hustle Niche I could legit just click here I got 152 ideas I can go through and make videos about very simple right structure of content it is not the content itself it's how it's packaged like this is something so many people struggle with because they think it is about the content the content and the content alone it is not it is about what you make content on and how you package it it's all about the title the thumbnail and the packaging of the content okay so going through we're like okay here we go this is pretty cool now looking at this you could see yes it works 1.6 million views dude's just cleaning a carpet right go get dirty carpets go get a bunch of carpets at at at Home Depot or wherever you buy carpets get them all messy spill some wine on one do this spend a th000 bucks on carpet make videos about it you're going to be farther ahead than if you buy a $1,000 Guru course unless it's mine cuz mine's pretty good but at any rate I'm not a guru I just share what I learn and we could see this here same with dating now if you want to do something where you don't got to buy a bunch of carpets and do this dating one can be done with AI right you make little tools you make little videos dealing with disrespect friends caring do this when you're rejected different things like that okay so what we're going to do is we're going to start with our resource we're going to ask AI to make it again we're going to get an easy domain if you're in the dating maybe I'll go through and put dating domains if I'm this I'll go in this one then we're going to set that up at gohub site.com where we have a website and everything like that very very simple okay next we are going to turn that into a keyword list this is key notice we haven't even made a video yet we're just we're just researching the more research you do the better your stuff's going to be but you need to do research the right way watching a bunch of gurus and webinars and things like that unless they're focused on what you're doing that's a waste of time we need to focus on what we're doing so if I go here and I say uh okay we got our carpet cleaning resource or uh here's one I did for smartphone like how to fix a smartphone different things like that but if I go through and I do this one here or even Realtors or whatever and I say now based on the resource give me a list of keywords all right so now it went through and it got all the tools and keywords I pop this into my keyword tool Watch What Happens this is this is datadriven decisions we're not guessing I know in this market for realtors 1.5 million searches a month on these resources do you know what would happen if I talked about ways Realtors could get more business and I'm like oh by the way my site is a gold mine for realter like what's going to happen is is what happened to Old Mike where he's like hey I got all these tools go check them out bada bing bada boom 53 or 5.3 million visitors a month how many of you guys just had an aha moment I want to stop right here I want to make sure you got it does anyone confused type confused in the box if you are if you got the AHA type aha because it's about the content and what we're doing is we're saying to AI hey tell me the resources great wonderful now tell me the keywords same thing I did with carpet cleaning give me the keywords here we go bada bing bada boom we put these into our keyword tool keywords Explorer boom right like this and Bam there we go okay here we have a lot of searches now the question is what are we going to make videos on well we are going to make videos on these keywords that it just told us it works right so if I'm like oh hey in order to keep your carpet clean you need an air purifier right okay air purifier carpet clean something like this there you go 78,000 uh searches clean that up dude's just cleaning okay you can do this with AI or a faceless Channel with a voiceover you don't even have to be in in the screen like this guy doesn't look like he's in the screen it's a vacuum more there you go and you can just go borrow vacuums from people you don't got to buy them just borrow them or something a lot of people will do that best carpet cleaners of 2024 more vacuum war look at this guy 219 117 I mean there you go and this is just one all right now we could do like mold remediation how to get rid a mold mold in carpet right this mold mold in carpet and this works with every Niche right you go through you're like oh okay now I have this you got your 50 videos about your 50 topics that are for the 50 things that are on your website okay it's G to take a while like you ain't going to just push a button and AI is going to go oh here's some money no no no it's going to take work you want to make real money this is how you do it you got to do real work but it's AI like how hard you push a buttons you're clicking a thing you're sitting in a chair the other day I was sitting in a chair too long I got I needed to stand up I was like ah I'm too lazy but I was working and I was making a living this isn't like going in digging ditches and things like that that's like really hard work this is stuff that you're using your brain you're being strategic spend time on strategy not the busy work everyone spends time on busy oh I got to have the greatest video sometimes I go there I bang out a video I'm like that sucks best video performs better than anything I've ever done I'm like well maybe I just need to take a less time making myself look fancy which is hard to do now I mean you know this takes work unfortunately but you have to look at that and be like okay hey I can make it happen so we're going to go through and we're gonna be like okay how do I make the video so ask AI to make the resource list turn it into a keyword list make videos based on the content here's how to get mold out of your carpet boom doesn't take long to make that video doesn't need to be your face you get an A if you use your voice if you don't want to use your voice you get a c and you can use AI okay you don't need to worry about the monetization stuff because we're driving them to our resource site not necessarily trying to do other stuff Matt says I had a video that I thought was a piece of junk and it got 2,000 views exactly and if you keep doing that it's going to grow and grow and grow and grow and you learn from what you did before getting these 50 videos you are going to learn more than any course on the market if you do it right if you're just out there and you're like oh here's 50 autogenerated U AI videos no it ain't G to happen but if we go through and we're like yeah I'm gonna I'm G try to make a good one so what we do how do we make a good one well first we start with a title and thumbnail before you make anything you need to do the titles and thumbnails and you can ask AI okay cool we got 68 now please make some catchy click baity thumbnail or uh you video titles and it'll go through and it'll make this for us let's shrink this up so you can see what I'm doing here so like that boom and it'll be like this do you get a B if you use your voice but manipulate it with AI you know I think a lot of people like I hate my voice I can't stand the way it sounds uh my editor was here yesterday editing while I was working and I'm like I don't want to listen to my myself but I couldn't find headphones that worked so I had to listen to myself I can't stand it I think I sound nasally and annoying but you know what I'm making a living it's okay I think actually I don't think I've ever had a comment on the fact that I have an annoying voice maybe I only think I do I don't know but at any rate uh 10 carpet cleaning hacks you need to try now Ultimate Guide to removing any carpet stain guaranteed these are good these are usable uh keep going I want all 68 and it'll go through and do that so very simple very easy um yes people can tell when you AI manipulate your voice if they know your voice if they don't if they're new they probably can't tell but you know depending on monetization like if you want the extra check for monetizing I would say use your own voice or hire someone on Fiverr it's cheap right so now we got 50 video titles how many of you guys are like oh that's what I'm missing yeah I can create an AI video that's not hard to do this is what I'm missing so now we do um why carpet cleaning for asthma is more important than you think hey this would be good I I struggle with asthma this might be a good one so I can go through and say new chat GPT please make a video outline for this video boom while that's running I'm going to go over here and say please make a thumb thumbnail for this video CH there we go bada bang bada bang it's doing two workings for me which is great right so now we have this here where did our outline go I think I had it here carpet cleaning alert is more important than you think that's that's okay like I would probably just have carpet cleaning alert and then get rid of the rest but what it's going to do it's going to give you an idea okay pretty cool there we go now we have our video outline great now make the script boom it'll make the script for us and then all we got to do is go somewhere like video blocks or whatever right I can go to video blocks video blocks or if I want to film The b-roll myself I can do that uh let's do carpet there we go so we can find some dude cleaning there we go okay there's some b-roll here's some like you don't know what's hiding in your carpet oo there we go like there's stuff hiding in that carpet you know it we could use that um a lot of people clean their carpet wrong and show the vacuum many people spend lots of money trying to figure out how clean it here's how to install here's this here's that there's tons of b-roll footage or you can even go through and um use other things so we're going to use for this we're going to use perplexity we're going to use PowerPoint with co-pilot I think I have PowerPoint on this computer I want to show you how cool this is because in some niches you can make a slideshow like in seconds watch this I think I have co-pilot on here I really hope so new let's do blank do we have co-pilot I don't think I have it on this one well if you had co-pilot it's much more fun because it would actually go through and and it would have the add-on where I can do that now if you have not seen that watch last week's video I show you how to use PowerPoint and co-pilot Game Changer like unlike anything you've ever seen so we're going to use AI to make the outline base it on a resource okay Bas it on the resource on your site we're going to use perplexity to find news stuff PowerPoint co-pilot to create the outline you just go to co-pilot watch that video again if you didn't see it I will put it in uh the notes over at AI profit scoop okay so in the notes for this video I will include that one it'll walk you through it it's like 40 minutes it shows you how to use PowerPoint you just do a voiceover with the PowerPoint boom you're good to go you can also create other stuff too next we're going to turn our outline into a script I can't stress this enough have human oversight trying to create stuff automatically with AI it's not there yet will it get there maybe but right now it's not and will I ever just completely trust it to tell me what to do probably not right uh because it's it's trained on the internet and there's a lot of dumb stuff on the internet I mean come on Tik Tok proved that it's like hey yeah let's do this challenge over here no that's probably not a good idea maybe you want to do something a little safer so having it trained on the Internet is probably not the greatest thing um but have some oversight look it over make sure it's good add some things okay then we're going to create our video with Camtasia or other if you go through here I could say oh well you know let's get our our carpet so I just log into my my account here at the story blocks or whatever okay can this be done in Google Sheets I think it probably could I don't know where their AI is in terms of that um but it probably could but let's go through let's just make it ourselves so let's say we got the carpet and I say oh let's get this one I just go here and I can download the MP4 any video player will work I would say do um the MP4 because it's going to be a smaller file and it'll be easier so we'll download like that just going to go right here drag and drop we should go there let's open this we'll make it the oldfashioned way I think we need to move this over here right so we'll just drag this download right onto the timeline and it'll put it right there and then I just put the voice over right I could go to like 11 Labs 11 labs right like this and then I could create a voiceover so I could just get my script and boom boom boom here we go put the script into 11 Labs it'll generate the MP3 I can make the video and then you just change it carpets act like a magnet for dust oh okay well let's go get us a like a a magnet dust or to get some dust right uh where's some dust a magnet for dust you can have a magnet right a magnet magnet boom not a marget we need a magnet right and then I could add this there right like that uh acts like a magnet for dust boom hey that's kind of cool magnet show the magnet then show the dust right it just go like this download boom right like that again drag it onto our timeline right here right there and then you just kind of like oh hey this acts like a magnet for dust and then when you're doing this with your voice over you just go through and add that there um generate speech and then you download each of these as MP3 and bada bang Bada Bang there you go you can also do this with um why carpet cleaning for asthma is more important than you think right so there we have that download it boom put that onto our um Camtasia timeline right why it's more important than you think let's put the carpet there why carpet cleaning for asthma is more important than you think you think and tools like this like if I had the 2024 version of Camtasia on this computer which I hardly ever use this one so I don't um it'll create captions automatically for you like you literally drag it there and it'll turn it into AI text and it'll make it pop up and fancy and literally takes minutes like I can make a good video in under an hour maybe 2 hours if I wanted to be really good so create the video with canvas uh cam Camtasia a PowerPoint things like that okay any AI video tool or work so if you have a favorite use it or look for a free one tons of them do a voiceover human or AI now a little tip if you want to do a human voiceover but you don't want your voice to be understood just do this watch we like here let's see where's the recording so see here we'll just drop it down to microphone yes it's recording me so I could just go through and do an accent I'll be like hello today we are going to talk about dirty carpet and then I just go like this and then I can slow it down and nobody will know it's me except me right so watch hello today we are going talk about dir so like that and then I can do add clip speed slow it down a bit no one will know [Music] watch talk about right pretty simple you can edit and tweak and different things like that pretty simple all right and then you just add your carpet there everything like that you can make a video I would say if you're worried about your voice I mean how many people do we hear all the time nobody's going to Care nobody's going to like your neighbor is not going to be like hey I saw that video about the carpet like nobody ever recognized me I I've been recognized like three times and it freaked me out but that's it you know so I mean you're going to be fine even and they recognize me CU like they see my face they recognize hey that's me although one guy did recognize my voice once and that that did it was kind of scary but he ended up being an intern helped me through a difficult part of my life great guy so the one time I was recognized by my voice turned out to be a good thing but at any rate nobody will it's not going to be a if you think it's a problem use 11 Labs fivr or other AI next we're going to compile the video you can use video blocks to find all the the different things here you can even use uh Sora meta deep AI Synthesia or colosan colosan sounds fancy um to create video on the fly so like I could go through and I Could Make it Joe says he was a MC for years he hates his own voice yeah I think you're going to find like most people just don't like it because we're hearing it up here other people hear it and I'm like oh the soothing sound I do like how I sound through AI but you know at any rate um next we're going to compile and upload so when you're done you just export local file do it as an mp4 make sure the sizings are good and everything like that and you're Off to the Races okay then just title your video whatever it was now to build your Empire okay so first things first you want to do this you want to be in it to win it make your 50 resource put them on your website get the mailing list again I teach this in the AI challenge over at AI profits scoop.com okay next we're going to make the 50 videos for the 50 content it's going to be easy it's going to start to build your structure you're going to it's it's kind of like do these 50 videos crappy I mean not on purpose but because you're new they're not going to be great like my first 5050 videos are not nearly as good as my videos are today I had to you know learn some things you're going to learn on these 50 and they're going to be keyword driven so you're going to start to get something right then once you got your 50 up there you should be getting some traffic you might be making some money if you got some affiliate offers and stuff like that you might be doing good and then we're going to go over to like offer Vault ClickBank different places like that and we're going to find out the money method right so if we go to like offer Vault and we do carpet carpet right right like this you are going to see carpet so here we have like a massage carpet I don't know what that is uh massager carpet okay well maybe you can sell a massager carpet but I'm probably going to give carpet cleaning 247 $20 a lead carpet and flooring 18 a lead Carpet Services I'll sell the a cleaner things like that right you can see cleaner cleaner um let's do house cleaner perfect um what else we got non-toxic cleaner these are perfect they're thinking about cleaning it doesn't just need to be carpet if you got a Zinger put it in front of them make it work guess what that's going to be on your resource site then what you're going to do once you have your 50 videos you're going to start building your Empire you're going to use feedle to set up news feeds you're going to follow other channels you're going to use sites like view stats where you go through and be like okay well what other sites are there it'll show you related stuff this literally shows you everything for free it's a great tool um and you can do similar channels here we go The Daily Show this guy here or you can even find the cleaning Channel we talked about up here uh what is it we'll just do carpet cleaning there we go oh here we go so like if we do where was the cleaning dude cleaning easy cleaning hacks okay so easy cleaning hacks put that in the tool easy cleaning Hax and you can also use this tool to figure out how to position your content differently so like this guy's got um 58,000 views in the last 28 days not bad I mean that's that's some traffic I don't care who you are that is traffic okay um very cool very good okay um Avatar yeah you can pitch your like Avatar if if your method works better than this why are you here trying to get the traffic that I use from this method to go get your stuff right does that does that not make sense like like if yeah it just does not make sense but at any rate we'll we'll get rid of this guy here remove there we go all right so at any rate yeah I don't know I you're here trying to get traffic that I get from this so there you go at any rate I digress we're going to take a look at this here and we're going to be like okay 58,000 views excellent great wonderful and then we're going to be like okay what are some similar channels boom here we go and we can go through and find similar now this guy might be too small to find him but we could probably do like cleaning hacks see if there's some big cleaning hacks one and and kind of go from there now what this is also going to do is it's going to show you what videos are doing well so like if you do uploads and videos it'll show you hey what are the best ones in the last 24 hours 48 hours or whatever and it'll show you what's trending okay does that make sense does everyone get that very cool then what we're going to do is we're going to use that to our advantage so if I go through and I'm like okay what's his most popular stuff okay so like this versus uh how to clean this out of carpet this stuff and we can kind of see what's working and then you can look at other ones uh see if there's a bigger site Washington carpet cleaning mold removal mold Busters stuff like that right and we can go through cleanipedia okay that might be a good one and we can go through and we can see what's working what's trending how it works everything like that okay does that make sense everyone got that very cool then we're going to go through and just start creating videos and seeing what does well all right so find stuff make data driven decisions rinse repeat that is how you're going to build your Empire it's not hard you use AI use perplexity find news make more good content wash rinse repeat Point people to your resource with all your content repurpose all your content what do I mean by repurpose put it on Facebook put it on Instagram put it on Tik Tok make good content okay Jill says is it best to have the site build first and then apply for an affiliate vendor yeah I would build the site first and then just apply and tell them what you're doing and they'll usually accept you unless it's you know something super strict but nine times out of 10 they'll they'll accept you if you're honest about what you're doing and what you want to do uh what how you're going to promote and things like that okay so very simple I think understanding this strategy where it's like we're starting with the resource is going to put you light years ahead of where you are now um and while it might seem like a lot of work okay can I do this in an hour a day yeah I can make a video in an hour a day maybe two hours and if you do it right then you'll get something right and and sometimes you'll be like hey I made that video it took me an hour maybe that video makes me 50 cents a day well Markus 50 cents a day what are we going to do well 365 days a year times 50 cents is what 160 bucks or something like that boom most of you guys went to work yesterday for 160 bucks right so we're looking at that and making it work is key and understanding that all of these will build and grow on what you did before some will do really good some will struggle bada bing bada boom now it's going to work for you in a very very simple way um yeah the resource is key so understanding that is key to building an AI video Empire and if you enjoyed this video make sure you smash a like button um hop on over if you want the notes and everything AI profit scoop.com we got a challenge where we're teaching you all kinds of cool stuff stay safe if you're here in Florida during the hurricane definitely a lot of places that need to worry um and always always stay safe and watch the news and follow what what the people people are telling you but thanks for being here hopefully you understand the power of the resource go to airofit scoop.com the next day in our challenge is going to be creating the resource so that's going to be really fun thanks for being
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