here's the secret to how I made over a million dollars on YouTube as an affiliate marketer are you ready for it this is no joke here it is some will some won't so what next now I first learned this through the network marketing industry and it was used to teach people how to prospect for new Distributors and as you ask people to join your MLM some will some won't so what next but I took that philosophy and applied it to my YouTube videos some videos are going to come out as one of ten some videos won't and they're gonna flop at 10 of 10.
so what go create the next best video you possibly can so remember that some will some won't so what next when you detach yourself from the outcomes and you stay focused on publishing that next best video that you can that next best video that you can that's how you know you're on the path to success and the truth is this works the exact same for bloggers and WordPress blogging too.