in this video I'm going to show you a super simple step-by-step way to make as much as $100 a day or more without having to know coding we're going to be using bolt and Gemini AI coding tools to make these little tools that are going to put money in your pocket faster than ever seen before so smash a like button and let's get right to it first we got to ask oursel where is the $100 a day going to come from whenever you're looking at a way to make money a side hustle or business opportunity you you always want to ask yourself where is the money going to come from if you can't answer that question it's most likely not legit or maybe you're not ready to take the plunge because you don't understand it fully yet until you understand this it's going to be very difficult to make money so right up front I want to show you where the $100 a day is coming from here is a screenshot from one of my affiliate accounts where I made over $116,000 promoting one little tool that costs like 30 bucks or $9 a month or something like that it's a very cheap tool and it pays me over and over and over again in fact I make money every month from this one promotion and I haven't even promoted it in over 3 years here's another one where I promote keyword tools different audio tools and other things people use on their computer and you can see the money adds up very quickly and here we have another one a very simple little tool where I made over $3,300 I've actually made a lot more than that but it only lets you go back about a year for the history so we'll just use this one but over the last year I made about $3,300 with this one which is about $10 a day which isn't much but as you can see these start to add up and truth be told I haven't promoted this one since 2015 so yeah $3,300 automatically for something I did almost 10 years ago this is a pretty solid way to make money but back when I created this one we didn't have ai so I had to do some programming and tools and it took a lot of work time and effort but now using tools like Gemini bt.
New and chat GPT we can create these in minutes so first what we need to do is find an offer that pays well we can do this using direct search like looking for whatever affiliate program we can go to companies like jvz ClickBank link share impact radius or basically any affiliate Network or company we are then going to find a specific tool in the example here I promoted a keyword tool up here it was a domain finding tool so it can be literally any tool from a PDF generator to an image manipulator pretty much anything and everything some examples here are man gouls like the one I showed you above that pays 30% recurring commission we have wondershare which has different video editing and PDF tools that pays as much as 50% commission which means they buy a software for $100 I get 50 bucks that adds up really really really quickly and they have lots of tools we can use we also have grammarly that pays as much as $20 a sale canva $36 a sale different keyword tools at 40% HubSpot which does like up to $1,000 a sale aweber pays 30% Blu host paying as much as $65 or more Shopify which pays anywhere from like $58 to $300 for a sign up and on and on we go you can see that these are actually very lucrative and this list isn't by any means exhaustive this can go on and on and on in fact over at airofit I will have a list of over a 100 different affiliate programs that work really well with this method it is super simple don't over complicate it just pick one and run with it next what we're going to do is we're going to make mini tools on bolt Google Gemini and chat gbt here's an example of one I made that is an image text extractor as you can see I'm running this right on the bolt platform what this tool does is it allows you to take any image from your computer upload it and it'll extract the text from that image as you can see here it lists out all the text on the image this is something that's very useful that I've actually paid money for in the past because I needed to take some images get the text to be able to make some other things so yeah this can be very lucrative in fact if you were to take a look at text extractor right here you can see that there's over 68,000 people a month searching for different text extractors from PDF to text to image extract from PDF picture extra trctor and on and on we go and this traffic isn't even that competitive but we're not just going to use SEO so don't worry there's easier ways to make this work but there's one very important thing you need to pay attention to the tool that we create needs to be based on the tool we're going to promote so if we go out there and we look at something like wondershare right like this what we're going to do is look at the different tools that they have now right now I don't think AI is going to make very many video tools but we can do like PDFs different data management tools and things like that so if we were to look at the PDF Solutions over here we can go to like PDF element which is a very good product I actually use this all the time on my own and they are paying up to 50% which would be around $60 per year to promote this program now what we'd want to do is figure out what this does we can do this by going to chat GPT right over here like this I am going to say please list all the things wondershare PDF Element 11 does and we can see here chat with PDF translate grammar check AI detection text and image editing background watermarks and all these different things we can see that the tool allows us to convert PDFs to and from word excel and PowerPoint so I could go through to something like Gemini I can open a new instance and say please make me a code for my website that converts Excel file into a PDF and it's going to go to work and make the tool for me and if we look at our keyword tool over here we can do excel to PDF and we could see there's like several million people looking this up each and every month so if I had a tool that converted this stuff for free it's going to be pretty easy to get traffic over to this tool more about that in just a minute first let's see how our tool is working this one says okay we got an HTML page we have a JavaScript page and some form data and some kind of python thing now if this is confusing and over your head don't worry it's kind of over my head too that's why we're going to use something like bolt to make the more complicated ones in fact I can just copy and paste The Prompt right like this open up a new chat with bolt and bada bing bada boom it's going to create the tool to right here right now as you can see it's going to work doing all the stuff that is a little bit above my pay grade but it does a really good job and did I mention bolt is free they do have an upgraded plan for heavy users but most of this stuff can be made in the free tool and what I like about bolt most is it actually gives us a little preview of what the tool is going to look like so we can interact with it in real time not only that but it's actually very easy for non-te people to put these on their websites or even use them if you don't have a website I'll show you how to make money even without a website it's not recommended but if you don't have the budget for a website this will work just fine so now we can see an Excel to PDF converter all we need to do is click to upload find our Excel file right like this upload it and it looks like it actually downloaded as a PDF that quickly so yeah this is pretty cool now I have a tool that millions of people want to use every month that ties very nicely into selling the wondershare tool as an affiliate that has much more robust options now as a side note this is something that I do all the time I look for a free tool it's not good enough then I buy an advanced tool that has a lot more features because it's much more usable and it's absolutely worth the money and if you've ever done that before let me know maybe you've downloaded a free image extractor or or tax file converter or something like that what we're doing is making something very simple that's usable for the exact reason they're looking for and then tying it into something that pays US money much like over here at the profits where I have a bunch of different tools that people use to make money and extract things and different things like that over here I have a domain extractor that works really well they can put in the contents it extracts the domains boom there you go this links to other tools that pay me money or maybe you go over to Google and you look for a domain estimator this is a tool that tells you the the estimated value of a domain name if you were to scroll down here you would see my site affiliatemarketing if you click here you can see there is a tool that ties into the GoDaddy tool that instantly tells you the value of a domain name and since I know these people are domain investors and looking at buying and selling domains yeah I can lead them into things that make me money and yes this tool gets me traffic every single day and this leads people to sign up for my domain tools my domain classes and all kind of things related to buying domain names we can even go to chat jpt and say what kind of tools does wondershare offer and we could see all kinds of different things here that work really really well here's one for making animated explainer videos PDF element mind master for mind mapping some kind of smartphone data thing recovery tools and more here's some online tools they have like high PDF this is doing a exactly what we're talking about over here people can use this and then they get you to upgrade to the more expensive tool and that is how you get paid in fact if we were to take a look at this site here and throw it into our keyword tool you can see all the different tools they rank for cropping a PDF PDF readers translating PDFs summarizers and on and on we go all of this leads to things that make us money so first find the offer that pays well number two make the tool on bolt just like I showed you or you can use Gemini chat GPT or any other AI tool then once our tool is done we're going to click the deploy button right like this and it's going to deploy it to a web page it should pop up a little preview right here and then you should be able to deploy it to the website right like this now make sure it works before you upload it but remember this link right here this is super important because what we're going to do next is actually hide the tools behind an opin so instead of just having all the tools here like this what we're going to do is say put your name and email to use the free tool and since they want to use the tool it's very easy to get them to put their name and email in which builds a mailing list that we can mail different tools to based on what they want and having a list of people that you can email different offers to is basically like being able to print money on demand and to make that mailing list what we're going to do is we're going to use a tool like aweber and create a simple form now aweber does have an option where you can use a self-hosted form where they're actually hosting it on aweber but I would recommend using it on your own website much like I have at TH profits where I have it hosted here and then I have the tools down here you can do one of two methods you can either give the tools away free below the opin and then give them an extra incentive to put their name and email in or you can lock the tool behind the opin so that they have to put their name and email in order to get it which will make a much bigger mail list for you which in the long run will turn into more profit and it's actually pretty simple aweber has all the tools and the code and I actually have a template you can use over at airofit as well super simple don't over complicate it you could set this up in an afternoon then what we're going to do is we're going to use the mailing list and tool to drive people to our affiliate links we're going to get affiliate links for wondershare or whatever tools we're using and we are going to use that to make money let's say for example you have a domain f a tool that gets domains and comes up with ideas and different things like that maybe for new businesses we can link them to web hosting obviously if they find a domain they like and it's available and they get it free with web hosting and I get $100 to sign them up yeah that's pretty simple so all we need to do is make a tool that's going to help them with whatever the affiliate offer does better next in Step number five we're going to put the offers on the tool and in our mailing list now it's very important that we always mail them tools not just off off that way we're seen as helping them out rather than just spamming them a bunch of offers till they buy no we don't want to do that we want to give them value in each email then we want to lead them back to a blog post a tool they can use or whatever it is that's going to be helpful and that's why we had to pay attention to this link right here what we're going to do is we're going to iframe these tools within our blog or website using WordPress this is actually very simple all we need to do is copy this link here right like this we're going to go over to an iframe generator tool right like this you can also use chat GPT but we're going to type in the URL how wide we want it so let's say it's 500 wide how tall we want it let's say it's 12200 and don't worry you can adjust these later then we click on generate code this is going to give us a code right like this now what I can do with this code I can actually create a new WordPress post we'll go ahead and name it something related to a low competition keyword like how to convert Excel to PDF we'll make that our title right here then we can have some information about the tool maybe go to chat GPT like this and say please make a checklist on how to convert Excel to PDF we'll copy the content right here like this put that on our blog post right like this then above the content I'm actually going to take that iframe code right here and I'm going to pop that in text so we'll just put that right above the content right here what that's going to do is make a nice little page that's keyword optimized with our Excel to PDF converter now I am finding that we made this a little big so we'll just go ahead and adjust it right like this by saying instead of 1 1200 tall let's go with 500 tall see how that looks and now we have our nice little Excel converter the checklist on how to convert it and we can put our affiliate links in here and sell this thing like crazy in addition we can take our opt-in page and lead them right over here in a super simple way so here is how it's going to look first we create a bunch of tools on our website using Gemini bolt and chat gbt then we take our tools put them in different blog posts then we're going to have something known as an opt-in page the opt-in page is going to explain what the tool is going to do something like get my free tool so that you can convert this file extract the text or whatever it is your tool does then they're going to put their name and email that's going to go to our aweber or wherever our list is and then we're going to send them to the blog post with the tool on it thus building our mailing list for all of the tools sending them to the tool they want and then asking them to upgrade and having affiliate links so that we can get paid it's actually super simple then when we want to email them from our list we can email them tool number one number two number three or any tool that fits whatever they want obviously if they're looking for PDF tools we probably don't want to send them a funny hat generator because that's not what they came for we want to keep it tight-knit based on what they want this is super important and will increase the amount of money you make and using this method to get to $100 a day or more is actually very simple and getting traffic to your new tool is actually very simple what we're going to do is a combination of various different methods first of all you can make a video showing how to use your tool you can see over here if we were to look up convert PDF to excel some of these people have millions of views just simply showing how to convert a PDF to Excel or Excel to PDF so this is something that works really really well if you were to take a look at something like extract text from image you're going to see the same thing they're telling you how to do all this 700,000 views 24,000 views and on and on we go and since you have a to it's very easy to get them to your website to say go to my website to use the tool so that you can convert or change your image or whatever it is they're trying to do and of course on your site you're going to ask for the optin and then sell them on the bigger software that does all of the stuff of which you are an affiliate so that you can get paid we can also go through and do blog post if you were to focus on SEO right here like this we can find keywords that have less competition by going to KD and putting it to like five or something like that and then what we're going to do is we're going to take the video we just made transcribe it give it to Ai and bada bing bada boom we can show them how to do this it's actually very simple what you would want to do is use chat GPT to show various methods of whatever you're trying to do or whatever your tool does so I could say share five ways to get text from an image and it's going to share those ways I would make a blog post about this and on the blog post I would link to my tool or I would have the tool on it it's actually very very simple then you can make a video about the top five ways to convert an image into text or something like that and you can see it's actually very simple chat GPT is going to go through and do all the work for you another way you can get traffic is by offering a press release if you have a brand new site with a bunch of tools you can put a press release out and get instant traffic to the thing overnight super super simple obviously follow all the rules but using a press release you can go out there and get some of the keywords that a new site might not be able to get next up we have Pinterest pins as we went through here and showed five ways to to convert an image into text we can actually make Pinterest pins about that and these pins get a ton of traffic you can see here here's one linking to a YouTube video here's one that is quite simply just talking about different Excel type things and they're getting almost a half a million monthly views so yeah this stuff works like crazy we have students using interest to get tons and tons of views each and every month in a very systematic way again focus on value provide that Value Point to the tool and then point to the thing that makes you money very very simple next up we can share our new tool in groups and forums where people are asking about this stuff and of course we can do SEO posts on our blog or on other sites that are talking about this as well think forums groups Facebook wherever people are that are struggling with different files or whatever it is that your tool promises to give them using Gemini bolt.
New and chat GPT you can create these in a matter of minutes as you've seen right here this stuff works like crazy and this is something I do all the time and if you want to get a list of all of the affiliate programs including these ones and over a 100 more and some keyword lists on how to do this including links to the tools and how to use them hop on over to airofit and if you enjoyed this video smash a like button let me know a comment below and check out my other videos in the description