$0 – $100K Easy Blog Method For 2024 [Follow The Data] Make Money Online!

[Music] is 2024 finally going to Mark the end of blogging as we know it blogging is dead Google just killed blogging AI will be the death of the Blogger but how do we know what's true and what's false I mean let's face it blogging and content marketing is expected to grow into a $580 billion a year industry and with some of the top bloggers making as much as1200 or even $500,000 a month in revenue or more yeah this is going to be something we want to pay attention to because I've been making money online for over 23 years and in the world of making money online nothing is easier than making money blogging in fact it's so simple that there are over 600 million blogs online today but this year we've seen a major shakeup with the rise of AI chat GPT and other tools that make it super easy to blog for profit this has left Google with a major spam problem yep that's right these AI tools are putting so much content online that Google can't even keep up which is why people are saying blogging is dead and in just a minute we're going to go over the data and actually show you what you can do to thrive in this environment and make tons of money online but you got to pay close attention because we are going to look at the data we're going to look at blogs that are thriving we're going to look at blogs that are failing and we're going to talk about what you need to do to stay ahead of the curve and put tons of money in your pocket in fact one of the expert bloggers here on YouTube yeah we dug into their stats too and found a $229,000 a month drop in traffic and he's not by any means alone in this problem in fact there are thousands of bloggers all over the web complaining about a drop in traffic and we're going to go through them line by line to see exactly what made the traffic drop how you can get the traffic back and a little known secret that I'm using right now to create content with AI that ranks on Google super fast and puts tons of money in my pocket in fact some of our blogs are actually seeing an uptick in traffic and I'm not talking about two visitors a month we're talking thousands which adds a lot of money to our bottom line as bloggers so what is it that you can do to succeed and thrive in 20124 with AI and blogging well get ready because we're going to dive in to that exact question I'm going to show you how you can start a blog from nothing and actually turn a profit how you can take an existing blog and Skyrocket your traffic literally overnight some little known tips and tactics that people are using to make money with their blog in areas they didn't even think about before so yeah this could quite possibly be the most important video you watch about blogging ever and before we get into the nitty-gritty of what's working what's not working and how you can make money I have a little story back when I first started blogging it was the year 2006 up until then I had been making millions of dollars with little blogs and rankings and Google and affiliate marketing and all kinds of things like that I was averaging anywhere from $3 to $100,000 a month on my blogs some of them with SEO some with paid traffic and some with a little secret we're going to talk about today and remember that Year everyone was talking about the death of blogging it was literally everywhere and I got a little scared so scared in fact that I purchased a $110,000 course on how to do blogging the right way and beat the Google algorithm needless to say that was a $110,000 lesson I learned and a complete waste of money I even flew out to their conference in Atlanta and ended up ditching it to go visit my family in Alabama yeah it was that bad however having made lots of money with search engine rankings in Google over the years I learned a few things that kept me going through the test of time and I also learned that there's always some Doom and Gloom on the horizon that sells tons of courses magazines newspapers and makes a lot of people a lot of money by putting fear in your mind and right now everyone's talking about AI and basically the death of jobs as we know it but this couldn't be further from the truth in fact AI is going to create more jobs help us become better bloggers and content creators and ultimately make us a heck of a lot more money but again everyone claims to have that one secret strategy and back when I was looking for the secret strategy when my blog traffic tanked years ago I remember paying a firm almost $2,000 to get me guaranteed search engine rankings and you know what they did get me the rankings however we were ranked like number 80 which didn't get us any traffic again another waste of time and money and every time throughout my career that I looked at the Doom the Gloom and the scary headlines have always made bad decisions so today ladies and gentlemen we're going to put all that out the window we are going to look at Stone Cold data because people can lie but data never lies and we're going to go through these blogs line by line and figure out exactly what's working what's dead what's thriving how AI can play a part in you making lots of money how if you're brand new and you want to start a blog you can actually grow fairly quickly we're also going to talk about where backlinks play in onpage SEO fancy SEO tactics and my one little trick that I've used time and time again to rank on Google instantly yep I actually have a video where I ranked on Google instantly live here on YouTube so if you're ready to stop struggling and actually catapult yourself to new heights in 2024 make more money do the things you love doing and have ai hand the Dirty Work smash that like button and watch this entire video at least one time because we're starting right now all right ladies and gentlemen welcome to the show today we got a lot to go over because we are going to look at the data and do a deep dive on whether blogging is dead or not now I have my own theories after doing this for about 23 years and I've seen over the years that people have been predicting the end of blogs since pretty much the beginning beginning of blogs and websites as we know it so I think it's very important that we look at the data here and if you're tired of all the junk and all the people telling you what to do and you want to look at the data rather than just listening to a bunch of hot air then this is the place for you if you're interested in blogging if you're interested in this stuff smash that like button make sure you subscribe because over the next year and years to come we are going to dive into the AI tools and blogging and show you exactly how this works now what I did is I had my outsourcers and our Ai and everything go out there and find a bunch of blogger income reports now these are blogs that you can find just by going to Google and searching for blog income reports and you can find all different kinds of blogs and the income that they say they're making now of course this is a self-regulated thing but most of these are not in the money-making Niche so I think we're going to be okay here again take these numbers with a grain of salt this is not in any way to guarantee or or imply that you will make anything in fact the average person trying to make money online makes zero so we need to keep that in mind now if we want to get to $100,000 a year with blogging then we need to really up our game and look at what's going on now what we're going to do is we are going to go through on this training and we are going to look at blogs that make lots of money as you can see here we could zoom in and show you a list of blogs I will have this list available for you download myn notes.com those will be available and you can go through and do all your uh research on these as well now we have lots of blogs that are making anywhere from $100,000 a month to several $1,000 a month um and some that are making like 300 Grand uh per month some that are making $700,000 some that are making 9 million a year and then there's some ler ones here which we're going to get to in just a minute where they're making maybe like $2,000 a month or whatever so what we're going to do is we are going to look at data in a real world way so we're going to take a look at these because if blogging is in fact dead like the gurus say which one Guru said blogging is dead and then he turned around and said it was not dead and uh these are his his results here we're going to show you this one where his traffic dropped exponentially we're going to look at why did that happen and what can we do now what I'm going to be doing here is going through these lists of blogs right here on my website um you can see lots and lots of different blogs here from a lot of making money and lifestyle to business and marketing and then even some on like knitting and other weird niches like that now when we go through these it's important to realize that people are making lots of money blogging there is so much money in this market I think we read something that said content marketing is expected to be like a $600 billion dollar a year industry and that doesn't even include what that leads to right like a lot of bloggers are leading to things that make even more money and it's not tracked at the upper level it's only tracked at the lower level so there's a lot going on here and I would venture to say that most bloggers today and throughout history don't know how to monetize Their audience correctly a lot of bloggers and people out there don't understand the value of a visitor when you know what that visitor is about so when we look at this you have obvious ones like Dr Oz makes a lot of money you have different ones where it's talking about parenting and things like that and on the report that we are going to give you at download notes.com we will have these lists with the links to where they're saying they're making that money now more important than that what we want to do is we want to take a look at something like this where we are seeing a Blog and we are seeing the traffic decline right so here is an example of a Blog and this is a very popular blogger that says hey you know what I got these blogs I'm making uh millions of dollars every year with my blogs however what we're seeing is a gradual decline from 2022 down to 2023 and then when it got hit with the latest update what we're seeing is wow now it's at like 9,000 visitors um where it was peaking at like 16,000 visitors right so we're seeing like wait a minute this is this is drastically dropping in an in an insane amount right we also see the keywords are dropping it went from you know 3,200 down to practically nothing so now looking at this kind of stuff and this is using semrush we're also going to be using ah refs and several other tools but using this one could make the argument that wait a minute doesn't this Marcus doesn't this look like blogging is in fact dead I mean this guy went from from a lot of traffic down to like no traffic if you look at the 2-year Journey his Peak was like 800,000 a month and now he's flatlined at like 14,000 a month I mean you think about that in terms of money and numbers it goes way way way way way down right um and again if you look at this chart you will see all right his Peak was up here at like 800,000 a month and then down here so what gives what gives is blogging in fact done type blogging done or blogging hopeful if you think that there's hope in the blogging world and let us know what your thoughts are because I want to hear from you guys what what do you think you've been out there you've been watching probably more videos than I have what do you think about this a lot of people are saying AI can't kill blogging the whole net is having to go organic and cut out the Bots good point kg I think that that Google is trying to play katchup because there's so much spam out there and so much junk and whenever you have this happening it's going to throw the baby out with the B water now a lot of people are saying there is hope in the blogging world now I'm not going to tell you what I think you probably already know what I think we're going to look at what the data says so what I decided to do is take all of the blogs that we got the income reports for and do an ah refs and do a sem rush and see exact what's going on right I loaded these in and I said okay well let's take a look these are top blogs here like mly fool Tech Crunch and lots of others right pinch of yum is a very very popular blog and if we were to take a look at uh pinch of yum here and look at his monthly visits let's take a look at what this did because this is a popular cooking blog they make insane amounts of money and so if we were to look at this one over the course of I think we can go over to the the overview summer keyword overview or something like that maybe not and getting a little used to this an audience overview let's see here I think we can do some kind of overview let's see what this one is I'll take this here and we'll just kind of bootleg it here pinch of yum.com okay this should do the trick for us we'll just get this one here and that should do it fingers crossed all right so now we're seeing here that this one actually gained in organic traffic so the argument that blogging is dead we have this guy which yeah his blog looks like it is on the way out or at least struggling I mean look at the numbers there you're looking at um $112,000 a month traffic value versus uh what he had which was 229 250,000 so wait a minute what's going on here this guy is doing good right here he is he's got uh this amount here and if we were to do this in a HRS as well we could probably get another um overview of what this is looking like and and the data doesn't lie right and and as irod says there's always room for good content and we're going to talk about how to utilize AI content how to get in line with what this guy doing right pinch of yum here gained $132,000 worth of traffic since the last update and we're starting to look at this we could say okay let's do six months see what happened with the Google helpful content update and now we're seeing here okay January 366 329 and then he's peing up here at like 500 Grand a month in traffic value we also see hey look at that Google is finding this blog helpful okay now Malik says non-compliant blog is dead I think it's going to lead towards content that fits what the user wants which is what we're doing in my AI um content business right this is something that is super important because if you were to look at it and if you were to go to Google and search for something like Cheesy Gordita Crunch calories or something like that right what you're going to see is that Google is doing a little bit of Shifting all right A lot of times what they have here is what's known as a featured snippet okay now when you see this stuff I want you to think in your head make money online because this is the essence of making money online this guy's featured snippet getting you to his site which by the way outranks Taco Bell like you would think Taco Bell's got more backlink links Taco Bell is the guy who invented the Gordita Crunch you would think that that should outrank carb manager however because of the featured snippet it does not now another thing I want you to look at here when we go down we see fat secret nutrition Calorie King Mason fit fast food Nutrition Fitness Pal and then down here you're going to see something a little bit interesting let me know when you guys see the interesting thing on this page okay right here October 8th 2020 a little post from yours truly the affiliate marketing dude now this one has ranked it passed the Google tests and ladies and gentlemen it was a joke this was a joke just to show you hey there is a way to rank for this type of stuff now I've done this time and time again years ago we had a another joke video where I did the keyword um let me see what it was I just got to do it off here just to make sure that we give you guys clean results and everything um it was hotels near cottony Joe's uh cotton I think it's ID Joe's Nashville something like that um and for hotels cottony near cottony Joe's right we had concert hotels Hotel sales guide spreadsheet and then down here again we have the affiliate marketing dude now affiliate probe says but if it's not ranking top three you're not getting any traffic not necessarily true and this is a joke post I wasn't trying to to rank this was just for the purpose of showing how it worked now here we are seeing I am like number four on this one right under the the actual hotels so it is doing a little bit better now when we look at stuff like this we need to understand first and foremost how the internet works because if we can understand how the internet works and we could look at this list which is like billions of dollars worth of blog income then I think we can probably make $100,000 with our own types of blog how many of you guys are like yeah that makes sense if we look at the data if we understand what's going on maybe I can do something like pitch pinch of yum Who's Making Over $60,000 a month or more and maybe I could turn it into you know maybe I could make $100,000 a year that's not that difficult to do mostly Morgan $2,000 a month and what we're seeing is okay here's the data now when we look at the data we need to understand okay these are the sites that that are getting the traffic this is what they're making this is fact forget about the gurus forget about me I don't matter gurus don't matter facts matter right whenever I tell you something go look it up by fact make sure that there is a fact behind it one it's going to show you what's really going on and two it's going to teach you to do research yourself and understand what's going on as well now when we go through and we look at stuff like this we can see that of the gigantic list of blogs right we got a giant list of blogs we can see that very few are actually like gone so the idea of blogging being dead isn't really the case here okay this is actually an interesting one Matthew would I used to advertise on this site um so let's let's see how this one's doing okay so Matthew woodward.ok interesting um overview oh yeah so this one got hit real hard with the update let's just double check and make sure because sometimes the www will make a difference and it did not so now we're seeing on this one I used to buy ads here with this guy all the time um we're seeing that hey this one actually did in fact drop like why would it drop that much that's interesting so some of these are being hit and our job is to look at why because if we can understand why is something doing good why is something doing bad how do I do more of the good less of the bad then what we can do is we can use what's known as the 9010 rule which says that 90% of your money is going to come from 10% of your effort which means okay I look at this and I say well if 90% of our money is coming from 10% of our effort then that means 90% of our effort is useless how many of you guys are like oh wait a minute so you're telling me this is this is why I'm not successful because I either haven't done enough to get to the 10% good or everything I'm doing is just useless interesting because my idea here is what if we could X Out the 90% of the effort we're spending on useless stuff and only only focus on the 10% by looking at data how many of you guys want to do that you're like yeah I want to look at data I want to stop messing around I want to stop listening to people who have ideas and I want to look at data and we could start to look at this and say okay what do we have we got this one here uh money.com um passive income Superstars let's see if there's an interesting one lovely refinement I don't know what this one's about um but we can go through and say okay uh yeah this looks like a mental health type blog it looks like it's doing pretty well if we look at the overview he's gaining rankings his traffic went down a little which means he probably just needs to refresh his content but if we were to go here and see what I don't know let's see hopefully we have his uh income on here uh lovely refinement there we go so $2,000 a month as of October 2019 not too bad right so now we're looking at this stuff we're like okay fit mom in heels all right let's see how that one did and how many of you guys dig this where you're like okay there we are Fit Mommy and heels okay so 22,000 keyword so back then she was making uh 11,000 like what is that five years ago four years ago something like that and now we can see okay how did it fa how did it fa so we go here and we're like okay they had a little bit of a drop in traffic okay so they're back down to where they were in 2019 so the question is why and what keywords are being hit if we were to go to the calendar we can go through and say okay well what were the ones that were lost and declined what were the ones that were like boom all right do you guys notice anything here all right tell me what you notice if you guys are seeing this it's like hey wait a minute this totally makes sense all right why is it cut off okay there we go I think I just got to move that over a little so you could see that part there's not much you're missing there but you can see how it works all right does anyone know any uh realize anything here all right they got 6,300 negative lost and declined positions if we do just lost 3,000 lost keywords interesting okay what type of words are they you have cap versus hat French handbags different things like that so what we're seeing is it's more review type stuff it's more info type stuff that's not actually providing the value so if we were to go through and look at like Old Navy Alternatives okay let's let's see what comes up again we're going to look at the data so we got Le passan the effortless we got style-wise Reddit we saw Reddit got huge uh in the last similar web which is interesting that actually does fit technically Old Navy Alternatives would be the competitors that's interesting okay again we're looking at the data and I'm going to tell you the key is to be curious just say hey what's going on what does Google want I remember years ago I was at an SEO conference and I didn't listen to much this guy said but he said one thing that was important and he said you know if you look at the regular homepage of Google for a search result so you go there you search make money online Google tells you what it wants which is interesting so Google's literally saying hey this is what we want so all the SEO gurus with all their magic rain dances and fantastic ideas if you look at Google you're going to see what it wants now let's take a look at what one of these looks like so if we take a look at something like Cheesy Gordita Crunch all right now I notice here Taco Bell carb um fat secret nutrition it's all nutrition healthy fast food sites like this let's take a look at how they fared if we were to go over here and use our secret domain tool right uh which if you guys aren't in blog profit Network yet join blog profit Network we got all kinds of tools and stuff if you're interested in blogging now if we were to take a look at this and open up a batch analysis so we'll go more batch analysis open in a new tab let's put in the top ranking sites for that specific one so here I don't think we need these ones okay let's do analyze let's let's see what's going on because if we can circumvent this if we can understand what's going on and look at it in a real world way there's a lot of money out there right and when we understand that we're like okay let's take a look at the keywords all right my fitness pal nutrition carb manager fat secret Half Bake Harvest eating on a dime okay great so let's see how these sites are doing how did they Faire is blogging dead is it still alive what's going on okay this one lost about 10% of its traffic again let's take a look at what type of traffic it lost because when this stuff happens what you're going to realize is a a gigantic Gap in the marketplace the Gap in the marketplace is going to be an opportunity for you to make money this is super super important when we look at something like street tacos which it looks like he was number one on and he lost it so let's see here we got uh delicious recipe critic some popular recipes some places to eat and some videos okay good so we're starting to realize there's Reddit again interesting so now reddit's showing up again why why would Reddit come up for street tacos well apparently the redditors nine years ago cracked the code to makeing street tacos all right so now we look at this we're like okay let's let's take a look at another one again we could go through and look at what lost and say what kind of things are getting shaken up right shrimp scampy Olive Garden okay so shrimp scampy Olive Garden he was number one and I'll tell you um 7,000 searches a month people looking to to search for that that could work well there is a ClickBank book called you know hidden restaurant secret recipes or something like that I've sold lots of copies of it I mean they've sold way more than I've sold they've sold Millions I think um and so now we look at this and say okay that keyword could move product right that could move product so now we're looking at that and we're like okay well what do they say say is important instead okay we got olivegarden.com eating on a dime so eating on a dime did show up so it lost and then came back interesting okay so it came back um and you'll see these a lot of times with the keyword tools and stuff like that so now we're going through and we're like okay the food person the the recipes dotnet whatever all kinds of stuff like this all right and again if we take this list and we say okay what's going on here cuz we see I mean the cheesy Gordy to Crunch I rank for and I am not a site about Cheesy Gordita crunches I I have nothing to do with that I'm an affiliate marketing site so now we can go through and say okay let's do again batch analysis all right and pretty soon don't worry if you do this for a living like me you will end up having a bazillion tabs open all the time but now we're going to look at this and okay what is doing good what is not and we start to understand okay there are gaps here could I potentially make $1,000 a month with a keyword like shrimp scampy Olive Garden it's possible it's definitely possible okay could I go through and look at some of these keywords and these sites aposta Queen all right that's a little bit smaller of a site let's see how she fared okay and again these are all ranking for this and if you if you start to understand how to mine this data because what I'm showing you right now if you're kind of like okay I'm getting it but where we going with this I'm showing you how to mine data so that you can understand what's going on and see the gaps where the money is and we start to look at this and we're like okay the pasta Queen this one gained interesting so what is she doing is it a different type of keyword let let's go through let's do six months okay since the last Google hit all right and we're going to do um let's do keywords last six months or actually we'll do calendar and we'll do um last three months I think it'll do and let's do the ones that are new and improved okay so the new and improved because this site's doing real good okay um antiy Carbonara sauce how to cook pasta al dente so it looks like actually they're doing good for some of the words that people predicted AI would take over right and we are a year into the public outing of AI right like ai's been around a while but this year they were like hey here it is so we're a year into this thing and we can see how to cook pasta al dente okay there's a little snippet but there isn't any AI on here interesting now we do notice Reddit and Kora are big we know these ones here and so we're seeing okay this is looking pretty good now when we go through and look at this number one what we need to learn if you want to make a $100,000 a year blogging and you're bored give it up if you can't watch an couple hour video you're probably not going to do it it does take work it takes effort it takes some some stick to itness but again when we look at the idea of taking the 90% that is making money and focus on that rather than just throwing things out there now we start to see things in a real world way because what I'm going to do is I'm going to take a look at some of these sites in the niches I want like here's a makeup one all right a makeup site making 10 million a year I don't know if that's true but I mean you know I know there's lots of makeup sites that that that do make a lot of money right so if we go here and we do let's see make up makeup did we do that right uh let's see makeup let's do this in a new one so go like this and do makeup geek.com and we're going to take a look and those out there that are like I don't know what Niche to go in now here's an interesting one this one lost 3,000 keywords but it gained almost 6,000 visitors a month interesting all right now we go through and we look at it and it's like okay it looks like it's flatlined but their traffic actually went up which is good let's take a look at the keywords that are driving that traffic okay now when you have something like Makeup Geek Makeup Geek eyeshadow this is what is called branded keywords right it's a brand like if you had Pepsi and it was ranked for Pepsi one Pepsi 2 is Pepsi better than Coke should I drink Pepsi on a diet that is going to be a branded keyword if it's soda on a diet how it affects you that's a non-branded so makeup non-branded um single eyeshadows non-branded so what we're looking at here is they actually rank for the word makeup and it's a Blog so now we're looking at this and we're like okay this actually is doing pretty good ey shadow makeup tutorials um empty makeup palette and all different things like that and again this is a big Niche now when we go through and we look at the data we're going to see what's actually showing up there's some kind of cosmetic cases um Z pallets and and all kinds of different things here that are ranking on Google there's Makeup Geek there and what we need to understand is how this works now dino says what if I use a WordPress theme like quora that is not why Kora is ranked when we go out there and we look at things what you're going to notice and I've seen this for 24 years now right I first started ranking sites in 1999 it'll be 24 years well it is 24 Years it'll be 25 next year I'm getting kind of old but at any rate we're still trying to do some streams and live and teaching you good stuff what you're going to notice is that with SEO you're going to have a lot of people that have tricks they're going to say the right theme will get you rankings the right H1 tag the right metadata the right backlinks the right this the right that all of this stuff and a lot of this is not founded on data what you have is you have a lot of people listening to a lot of people and not looking at the data right what we want to do is we want to make data driven decisions because if you make decisions based on data you're going to be in this level where you're like okay 90% of my money is coming from all of the stuff I do right not the other way around we need to make this we need to flip it on its head and make it work in a real world way and I guarantee when you go through and you look at a site like this makeup one there are some keywords here that are making them most of the money right and we start to look at this and we're like wait a minute single eyeshadows okay I don't know what that is but let's take a look single eyeshadows okay it looks like a product so when we look at something like this right I mean she's ranking with Sephora this is a company that's like oh my God Sephora is in every Mall which means they have a little bit of money and then you have a blogger like get out of here and then you have Reddit and you have this other stuff now what we are going to do in 2024 is we are going to have an allout approach we are going to make an assault on the traffic that we want we are going say what is the stuff that I specifically want okay the keyword makeup is that going to make money yes but is it going to make as much money as single eyeshadows maybe not why and makeup very difficult to get single eyeshadow easy to get do you see how that is going to change the 9010 rule where we're like okay I could go and and I could literally just pick out the stuff that I want blush placement okay here's someone looking for blush placement tips okay images this would be perfect for AI right I don't know a thing or two about blush I have no idea how to put makeup on uh if I did I'd probably look younger on my live streams but I don't know how and so now we can see here that there's a lot of things people are looking up for tutorials about this stuff now it's 2024 almost we all know that influencers drive money right we've seen like the Kardashians we've seen influencers that make millions of dollars promoting product we've seen that bloggers make tons of money we know there is money out there if you're sitting there and you're like I don't think I can make money online you need to look at the data and stop thinking with with emotion a lot of people think with emotion oh Google doesn't like me oh this doesn't like me that doesn't no you need to give it what it wants look at the data if I go and I put some stuff up on Tik Tok about makeup okay it doesn't mean it doesn't like me it just means I need to put stuff that people want to watch even with my stuff the intro in the beginning of this video was about 7 and A2 minutes long I hate making those I would rather stand here and teach you how to make money online this is what I do this is what I like however Studies have shown the data has shown when I tell stories it keeps people engaged longer which gets more views which triggers the algorithm and all that stuff do I do it because I like it no years ago uh someone came on my channel they're like hey why do you make those stupid faces on your thumbnails they don't work and I'm like okay well you're speaking based on your feeling I'm going Based on data when people stop clicking them I'll change my thumbnail design when people stop reading the content the way that I structure it and they stop buying stuff then we change the flip side of that ladies and gentlemen right now if you are not making money and you have a blog a website you've tried things you've took courses you have info overload you're struggling and everything like that but you're like I want to make a 100 Grand in 2024 with blogging what we need to do is we need to admit to oursel what I'm doing is not Based on data and it's not working so I need to switch and I need to change and this is a difficult thing there was a gal I was talking to who's part of our our uh mentoring group she spent $116,000 on a website and she's like how do I promote this and I was like well in all honesty I wouldn't promote it I I mean I'm sorry you spent a lot of money on it but you kind of I can't help that but if you promote the site it's not going to make money because the site is bad you need to do something that is good and that's the kind of training you get from me in my courses and stuff like that is real world stuff if you give me something I don't think go work I'm going to tell you and I'm going to show you the data of why it won't and then I'll show you what I would do instead and this is the same way we want to look at things if you want to make $100,000 a year blogging and you're like okay there's all these AIS and shifts and things right now you have the ability to make content with AI that is unparalleled you literally have out just last night we we created the notes for this video and I had two outsourcers and myself create all of these notes in one night right they went through organized them we got 250 sites on here 250 blogs they went in found the money found all the stuff and looked at hey this is what's going on before this would have taken me two or three weeks to do I would have had to have a lot of people doing this and now I get it in one night and it's cheap and we're using Ai and so we're starting to look at this and say okay so now we look at this okay and a lot of people think that blogging is oh I have to you know take pictures of my eggs like the people on Instagram and those influencers I see everywhere and that's not the case blogging copper says what is blogging what does it consist of blog blogging is what's known as a three-letter term okay blogging is CMS content management system or something like that okay content management system what does it do it manages content that's all it does that's it oh what about WordPress what about this what about that content management well Marcus I want to do clickfunnels or this or that okay fine clickfunnels is for selling stuff if you want to rank on Google okay we just looked at a bunch of blogs that are using WordPress that are ranking on Google the data says they like WordPress better okay when they when they start liking clickfunnels better I'll go buy clickfunnels but right now they like this better now that's not to say that clickfunnels and other things are not good for sales sure but again guys you're putting the cart before the horse go out there get some traffic put a PayPal button up see if the thing sells then when you get too many orders and PayPal gets annoying then go buy some fancy shopping cart thing and now when we start to realize okay this is about content in a simple way this is about going out there and understanding that not all things are equal if I go for mly fool fool.com and and I look at this and I say okay RV I think that's the rivan stock quote ticker thingy right I'm not a stock guy which will be good because now as not a stock guy let's take a look at how mle fool fared okay they dropped 1 million rankings so they did drop a little bit hey wait a minute Marcus does that just right right here this number is saying that they dropped $2.4 million a month well what is that mean that means there's like $30 million a year that someone else is getting that they're not Ergo what if you could get some of this how many of you would like to see how to get some of that because to make a 100 Grand a year okay so if you say what $30 million a year that they lost in traffic okay roughly 30 million I think it's pretty close all right if you wanted to get that all you would need is like 1 300th or 3,000th or something like that I think it's 3,000 I think so if you do the you got to do like that thing in school where you put those that way but at any rate it's not much to get this number is not much of this number and that's not even the whole number of the mly fool and now we look at this and we're like okay so if I wanted to start a blog in the stock market industry I could go out there one let's see what Google doesn't think they are relevant for anymore we'll go to calendar we'll go to uh improved we'll turn these off and we'll go lost and declined okay a lot of them here stock market today okay so that no longer ranking interesting okay another interesting thing we do see that the word stock market today which gets a ton of traffic 1.2 million visitors a month all right I see here some press releases all right so we could do press releases and be right here I also see some news sites market watch market watch and they decline so what am I going to do again ladies and gentlemen if you want to start a business then what we need to do is look at where we're going to get into the Gap so we see here new press releases are what's kicking butt right now okay we could also see stock market PL whatever this one is Tesla Nvidia and on and on we go let's see what did well and utilizing these tools you could even go through and say well I only want to see the ones that they lost that are KD competition low five or less all right cool so we'll do five or less competition on the ones that mle fool lost boom okay and it's in the stock market so I mean come on this traffic is straight up money in the old pocket so now we're like okay uh pop shelf Discord stock okay Discord stock interesting uh whatever this one is um so a lot of symbols a lot of symbols are being lost let's see what shows up instead finance Yahoo market watch okay we got some uh news we we got uh no small s so I would say it's going to be a little difficult to rank on something like this but we could go the news result uh there's fool there so they did drop a little bit came back a tad but now we can go through and say okay well what is it that we can do battery stocks okay that's an interesting one so this is battery stocks 1.3 ,000 a month battery stocks money news fool so um investing in electric vehicle battery stocks so if I look at this I can see right now there's a gap how many of you guys see the Gap you're like okay we saw mle fool they ranked for some big ass terms that no one's going to rank for with starting out but now we see something like okay battery stocks good 1,300 searches a month that's money right there okay let's go keywords explore or battery stocks and now okay good EV battery Sol excellent how many of you guys are like oh that's a gap that's a gap battery stocks okay excellent so now easy about what do we got 2500 searches a month actually more than that I think we're at like 7,000 or something like that if you calculate all these now I can go through and I could say well what is what's the flip side how am I going to make money stock market investing okay stock market that's what it's about right if you're investing in those here we go so now we're like okay stock market investing is pulling $4 a click you can even do like um stock picks maybe that has something stock picks uh $3 a click so we could see that there's money in this market and we can see okay this is something that can work if we can find it where we go think we're way back here somewhere it is one of the there we are um but now we can see okay I could literally start a business around battery stocks okay and then I could go to AI I could create the content it's very simple right I could just go over to like chat GPT or something like that uh log in oh we're logged in good and we could say something like what are the top performing battery stocks of 2023 and Y please name 25 watch what's going to happen how many you guys are ready for like holy crap this is going to help me make money right type it in the box say make me money or something like that and we're going to take a look at how this works okay so now we have abber maral whatever so ALB okay I think that's their stock ticker Watch What Happens here okay so we'll go here we got all the top stock picks right like this and when you're ready type magic okay we're going to do the magic here now please just list the stock ticker symbol for these one after another in a code box okay I'm just going to do this so it'll copy it watch this okay so we went from stock battery stock which I didn't even know I was going to do today I had no idea now we take all these NOW Watch What Happens we're going to go to keyword Explorer we're going to put in the Stock tickers B a boom bada bang we just went from 7,000 searches a month now we got some zingers and that's just a list of 10 so how many of you guys are like wait a minute so you're telling me that if I went all in on I'm going to be the stock reporter for battery stocks that's all I'm going to do companies that do batteries all right Tesla all these companies that do batteries we're going to talk about their stocks we're going to have news we're going to have updates we're going to do all this fancy stuff that's all I'm going to do for 2024 do you not think there's 100 Grand a year in this market now I think there is results are not typical implied are guaranteed the average person makes nothing but when you understand understand oh wait a minute what if then we also say well you know AI done did the stuff already anyway and made the content obviously we're going to do a good job and make good content but what if I now did Tik Tok videos and YouTube videos and press releases and all the other stuff that Marcus teaches to get this traffic now I could probably turn this into a quarter of a million dollars a year if I really wanted do again is it guaranteed of course not nothing is guaranteed actually most people watching this will make nothing the facts show that most people don't make anything when they try to do internet marketing now there's lots of theories and reasons for that because you know you got to get in there and you got to do the work most people will go to chat GPT and create one article put it on their website and wonder why they're not rich tomorrow okay that's not the way you do it they're going to do this like a business and you want to make 100 Grand a year and you think you're going to go out there and say well I'm just going to spend 5 minutes uh you know while I'm watching uh I Love Lucy I'll just spend five minutes checking my email and I I should get rich no no no we got to get real here if you really want it I think it's there and I I I would venture to say from what my experiences it's actually easier to get doing online than actually going to a job right like I don't think there's any job out there with my qualifications that's going to pay me what I'm making right now with blogging and and marketing and things like that I don't think it's out there and a lot of times it's easy I remember um I had one website years ago and it was like I didn't even have to work it just generated money passively over and over and that's a kind of thing that this can do if done correctly now what we have to do is look at the data and look at the gaps and start to understand okay how are we going to do this maybe we'll do this with makeup okay we could go chat TPT um what are 25 lesser known makeup tips or hacks okay here we go we're going to look at this uh this is just yeah I just stumbled over this one and this is what I do all the time this is how we find our high tiet niches this is how I find my niches um to do this type of stuff we find gaps in the marketplace you need to get good at finding gaps if you are going to survive in 2024 and make a good living online there is no way about it um here's one eyeshadow for hair roots right you look at this and you're like okay eyeshadow for hair roots I know why you would do that let's try four hair roots here we go we got some stuff here or we could even do like eyes shadow four right and it works with anything what we are seeing here the list you will get at download myy notes.com is going to have I mean we got pickling uh curls for hair curls sewing software products knitting flooring travel lifestyle budget living Fitness how to play piano I mean there's literally everything out there and people are making money with this and it's it's it's not super difficult all you got to do is figure out what do they want and how do I give them something better how do I spend time and make it work now uh you know AI says uh using AdSense AdSense is one side of the coin but that's probably not going to be my main cup of tea um overall including ad Revenue here on my videos contrary to what people think it is still less than 5% of my income AdSense is is not even it doesn't even make the top 10 list um but it does make a lot I made I think uh what close to 100,000 last year um on ads which was pretty cool um but again it's a very small fraction compared to other stuff I'm doing what I would do is I would promote the mle fool they got a proven way I get $75 per sale and I think it's a free trial or a dollar trial or something like that that's something that can work and when we start to understand okay what I need to do is find niches and get proof of the money in the niche don't just listen to me are there ads are there people making money in it forget about what the gurus say they're telling you you know go create videos of you know mountains and it's like okay yeah is that going to make money probably not I mean you could get 10 million views of mountains and it's probably not going to make a whole lot maybe you could sell relaxation stuff but yeah it's a little bit of a stretch okay so we need to see the proof of the money in the niche then what we need to do is we need to think different and look at growth strategies we're going to look at the data and say okay well where is the gap in the market here's a marathon training one making six figures a month if we were to look at that and say okay let's go to here and we could do marathon nation.

Us okay um and see what they rank for okay that's maybe it's. my eyes are deceiving me one of them but we'll look at it and say okay well what does it look like like right there we could see okay that one probably isn't making the money they said unless maybe like a while ago they had a lot of traffic but again we're going to take a look at what's going on and then sometimes they might be using other traffic methods so we're going to dig into that as well so what we're going to do is we are going to look at the niches and see if there's proof of the money the places you can look just go and and you could go to Google and let's say we do quote and I'll show you this in a minute I just want to make sure it's it's good here okay we'll do quote knitting blog income so we're going to do a A variation of this so you would put knitting or whatever um your Niche is and then you're going to put blog income or or income report okay and you can see uh what exactly is going on so you do uh let's try blog income report and let's do this in quotes and get rid of this in quotes Okay so we'll do knitting blog income report so now we see how I made 5,000 in January blog income report right this is stuff that other people don't teach right how do I find stuff because now I can look at this and say okay uh crochet how I made this now I can go through here and say okay well okay let's see what they rank for let's see what is working um and when we start to understand okay now we can see what they're doing so this is a road map to where the money's at and when we start to say okay well again when we look at the um the the 9010 rule okay 90% of this stuff is probably not producing income but we could probably get it to produce income and that's where we're going to go through and we're going to think different and we're going to get rankings we're going to look at what works and what doesn't work we're going to look at the Google search adjustments we're going to look at baselines another Baseline is Wiki how Wiki how has a lot of how-to data which is what most how to make money blogging courses teach go for how to tie your shoe how to tie your tie how to lose weight how to how to how to how to sound like howdy howdy but at any rate when we look at something like this we look at their keywords we look at their traffic and we say well what what stayed and what didn't stay okay we can look at this and say okay well what what what's out there right you look at your calendar you see what changed you see what didn't change you see what gained what didn't gain you can look at Reddit right reddits data will show you a lot we can go through and get the Reddit data and say what what does Google want Reddit for and then for the guy who said you know can't I just get a theme like Reddit or Kora no because what they're doing is they're they're doing user generated content so what Google's doing is they're saying well we think that you know belt buckle reviews should be user generated content rather than a Blog interesting but what if I made a Blog with user generated content uh what website theme or Builder do you use uh we have a free theme at simple blog theme.com just go to download myot notes.com you'll get all those tools as well um if you're not on my email list you definitely should be and that takes us into um another thing to look at is when we're seeing how this works okay look at the ratings will AI take over search completely this is a question a lot of people are asking right now uh is AI going to take over search like one day are we going to go to chat GPT or Bard instead of Google maybe maybe not interesting very interesting okay so we're going to start to look at that and say okay well how do we focus on this stuff and look at what's actually happening and look at the data because when gaps occur I mean you're talking about Google is a Google Powers trillions of dollars in Revenue right they're going through and they're like okay here you go this is how it works uh Michael Kate yeah she we haven't heard from her in a long time so I think we're giving that business someone else um but yeah when we look at that it's like you have to look at when when you're looking at a trillion dollar powering tool which is Google little gaps could be like lifechanging income which is very important um then we're looking at how to create content with AI diversify how do we use Tik Tok Twitter YouTube how do we use these other things to build us up more because on a lot of those those keywords we saw YouTube it's not that hard to turn a AI content into a human generated AI video now I say human generated because if you think you're going to go to pictory or uh in video and get something that's going to make you money you got another thing coming that so far those tools do not do the level of stuff that's going to make money but if you do it human-based I mean we're creating um two or three videos per person per day with AI it's not hard to do right we're not even doing the voices we do the voice with um stuff like that then we're going to look at how to monetize better now when we monetize better again looking at the 80 or the 9010 rule okay what we're going to do is we're going to say well how do we do more of what works right the gal with the crochet one a lot of the key words are you know how do I crochet a a sock okay if I have something there and it's like here's how to crochet the shock the sock right once they read it they're gone they don't care who I am anymore okay but what if I built an email list okay I can say hey get my free 10 favorite crochet patterns um put your name in email okay now I can Market to them over and over and over again and email marketing is something that's going to add money to your bottom line a lot of people don't like getting into it but I think going forward in 2024 if you want to make money blogging and you want to make a $100,000 a year or more blogging you need to have a mailing list plain and simple I mean if I had different things for the battery stocks right and I had an email list that's probably going to be the difference between making a dollar versus making $100 a year off the same amount of traffic right and you start to realize wait a minute so the money's there and the key is always provide value always go out there and say well instead of an email like hey join the mly fool I'm not going to do that instead I'll do hey we found these two new battery stocks today check it out on our blog click here boom they go to your blog that's where you have the offer that's where you have the ads that's where you have all the stuff and what's going to happen is over time it's going to grow and build um a lot of you guys might notice like my affiliate marketing dude site we don't do a lot of SEO on it and don't that's not the the purpose of it it does get some rankings but nothing huge that's not where the money comes from however what we're doing is we are utilizing the traffic sources video email banners all kinds of things to generate an email list and it Cycles them back and because of that we get between 200 and 300,000 visitors a month or something like that that are coming back and liking the stuff over and over and over again the key is is to get people back over and over and over again no matter what you're doing you could be doing weddings on a budget you could be doing um you know how to cook things you could be how to have the best birthday party it could be literally anything and when you start to understand that all I need to do is look at the gaps and then another thing we want to do to make this even bigger is if we don't want to wait like I hate waiting I impatient when it comes to making money what we can do is we could use the um auction domain strategy auction the auction domain strategy is where I could literally go buy a domain right now that ranks on Google pack it with AI content boom I start ranking right away and these are things that we've done over and over and over again uh for our students where they're getting traffic literally instant um that's what we do in our high ticket Niche program as well but when we start to realize okay the way we're going to start is by picking a niche or finding the Gap so I can go through and I can pick a niche find a gap here's a baker um some kind of crafts or even something like the penny hoarder which is a gigantic blog that makes millions I could go to something like the penny hoarder and say okay well what do they rank for that uh has a gap maybe I can go and look at this here then as I'm doing that I can go and I can find an expired domain that basically does the same thing maybe they have that cheapest gym membership or whatever it is and this is the kind of thing where okay is there a Gap 3,400 searches a month okay they lost the ranking what's actually ranking for it okay uh you got Planet Fitness Penny hoarder there go banking rates again we're seeing a lot of Reddit reddit's going to be a great place to find gaps as well um and now we have this not seeing any videos I would think that video might crush it for this I think it probably do really really good um even Pinterest right maybe I could do a Pinterest post where hey here's side by side all the different things and you say well work CU that that sounds like a lot well actually it's it's pretty simple I can go here open chat gbt please make a table of the top 10 cheap cheapest gyms in the USA with cost benefits and who they are best for watch it'll go through bada bing bada boom now we're looking at this we have some coffee here we go I could turn this into a Pinterest literally by just you know taking a snapshot or whatever or I could give it to an outsourcer and say turn this into a video or um a image or whatever it is and now we can see hey this is how this works it's not difficult to do and when we realize we're going to be looking at the gaps and understanding how this works right again like this guy here lost a bunch of traffic well where did it go right that's what I want to know like where did it go what did he uh rank for before okay let's say site Explorer like that and we can see um what his stuff is and and he actually has really good videos his content's pretty pretty good um but we can see Okay calendar what did they rank for uh do I have training on domain buying yeah we have a lot of domain videos okay so now I could see uh best Joe Rogan podcast he got a lot of traffic from that entry-level digital marketing jobs so this one here entrylevel digital marketing jobs this probably triggers a lot of money right best Joe Rogan podcast it's got a lot of traffic but it's probably not triggering the money Now podcast hosting sites well there now we got a dollar or a thousand searches a month watch what happens with this and I'm going to show you how this works in a real world way right you how many of you guys want to see Marcus puts his money where his mouth is this is what he does for a living it works in a simple way podcast hosting sites 433 per click let's do uh web hosting which I think every podcast person needs a web host anyway all right so web hosting is now going to trigger $1 13 a click so if I could get people that are interested in podcast hosting flip them into regular hosting then this would work how many of you guys see that type podcast hosting if you're like oh I totally get that and by the way smash the like button we need more likes right when we look at this we're like okay there we go now watch this here is a domain I bought a couple weeks ago okay it was called well let's see here it's called podcast pontifications like this okay now this one has 17 thou 1,700 rankings in Google right so I bought this domain at auction it was it was less than 600 bucks I think it might have been like 580 plus the fee something like that but I buy them all the time I bought uh 10 this morning for like $2 to $40 each one was five bucks right and so now we're looking at this and we're like okay now I can see all this stuff about podcast and podcast hosting I could literally make a giant site about how to make money podcasting how to start a podcast how to run a podcast link them to web hosting link them to podcasting tools and make a lot of money right how many you guys are like oh yeah we just saw that by looking at the Gap in this guy's stuff right here we got uh rank Checker softwares um different things like that and our job is to pick something and do it really really well right because there is money like if you were to dominate and just go all in on um doing good content around podcast hosting sites you could probably do really really well I would I would venture to say it's not that hard to make six figures a year in the podcasting stuff like here you got sponsored ads all the way up right now we can look at this and see okay there you got Reddit podbean all this other stuff WordPress beginner so there's a a WordPress let's go ahead and take some of these okay copy and we'll take just the podcast ones and when you start to realize like searching the web in a different way is the key key once you understand that this is the key and this is what you need to learn that's where it's all at because if I know how to mine data data is king that's how this works and now I have my own domain that will literally rank the minute I put something on it and then bada bing bada boom there we go so now I can go here podbean okay there's software testing help so this guy literally just tests software right um here's another one WP beginner host um let's see I'm gonna try to find one simplecast okay that's about podcasting so now we have podcasting here um again a lot of this stuff like it's names of podcasts which is okay but that's not exactly the money words Rachel mattow podcast isn't exactly a money word like they're probably just listening they just want to listen to it okay but if I could go through and say well podcast distribution now we're talking now we got something that can work and then we're like okay what podcast hosting there's another one and now we're starting to see okay here's all the stuff that that that could work in a real world way and it's all Based on data and what's actually working and what people actually want to use to make money right and when you go out there and say I want to make a plan to make $100,000 a year blogging that's what you you want to do is start to look at this and say okay here's the data and we're going to give you the data just go to download myot notes.com um you will get that data if you want to follow me uh throughout 2024 and learn how to do all this stuff uh blog profit network.com we have calls every week we got all kinds of stuff where uh we go through the data together right you come on with your site we help you out we give you all kinds of cool stuff and show you how it works um here's one for Orlando date night guide right so Orlando date night this is a niche where you know it shows that they're making a lot of money and we could go through and say okay what are they doing Orlando date night guide okay they are actually doing better so Google ended the blogs or whatever the the doomsdayers are saying this guy boosted up in the last six months he went from literally nothing to $58,000 a month in traffic let's see what he did right date night Orlando free things to do in Orlando it's all about this and when you start to understand that hey there's a guy that's probably making more than you make at your job just talking about fun things to do in his City I happen to live in Orlando and I always joke uh with my wife I'm like we should do restaurant reviews because we're kind of Foodies and we like to eat good food which is difficult to find here in Orlando uh but I always joke about that because there's ways um to do this and and you know if I was going to do it I'd do it right I'd go eat at the places I'd stay at the hotels I'd try out the different uh things and stuff like that and when you start to realize oh wait a minute hidden romantic G getaways in Florida all right maybe I could get them to book a cruise maybe I could get them to send their girlfriend flowers or book a restaurant through me or click a ad or whatever it is you know we can go through and get them to do all kinds of different things uh whether it's you know ads whether it's affiliate offers whatever it is something that is going to work in a real world way um and and you see here okay things to do in New Smyrna maybe you could do uh Airbnb or or whatever it is and you start to realize hey wait a minute there's a lot of money online and unfortunately most of the gurus are pointing me in the wrong direction most of them are not looking at data they're looking at what they think and and sadly a lot of gurus did One Thing Once got really lucky started teaching it and that's pretty much it I want someone who's who's been around a while like when I go to the doctor I want a doctor with some gray hair who's been around a while who's seen things right I don't want some guy who's like yeah yeah you know I I thought about going to to school and one day I had a hurt knee and now it's better so I'm a doctor no I want some real world experience and want data to be able to back it up um and that's what we got to do like when it comes to making money online and making money blogging you are in charge ultimately of what you do like we can all blame gurus and this and that but at the end of the day this is your gig what are you going to do with it how are you going to look at data and say well maybe I'll go the Orlando route or maybe I'll go this route and a lot of people you know they they don't know what Niche to choose and that's why we our high ticket Niche program where we literally choose the niche we give you the domains that we buy um I'm literally buying hundreds of thousands of dollars of domains uh all the time and we're building them up and and showing people hey this is how you do it this is how you structure it and we can see that blogging is not going anywhere I mean there are people making so much money with blogging and and things like that that it's not even funny and what we're going to do is we're going to stay on top of all the trends and show you all the AI stuff show you how to make this work in a real world way and when you understand that hey you know here's very specific stuff here's some kind of tiny Buddha recipes 40 aprons the cleaning couple so here's people that just do cleaning right and we got um okay looks like cleaning clean food not so much cleaning um let's see some others here some kind of mustache um let's see Advent I don't know what that is um but you could see all kinds of different things and a lot of them are making a lot of money here's one I think this is for like uh web design yeah here's something about uh design they got all kinds of interesting keywords there um let's see bakeries audio um let's see Fitness copy blog this is all about like um expensive stuff right so copy blogger is going to be how to create digital products that's actually surprisingly not that competitive for a keyword like that and that has to do with with making money and you can see here a lot of this stuff isn't that competitive let's see uh what happened with his calendar right and we start to look at the data and say okay well what what is out there how do I do a good job and how do I do really really really good uh best copyrighting course okay they're looking to buy stuff and those are not cheap I've bought copyrighting courses before um called action example so there's all kinds of different things um that they had and we could do like uh just lost let's do just lost ones come on now there we go um and we could see what they lost uh how to get readers attention how long does it take to write an ebook content writer pricing um yeah all different stuff like that which is pretty cool and then you can even say okay well maybe I'll do something like ey riter which is a multi-million dollar business based on writing um and I'm sure they're probably a adjusting to AI stuff so you got all this here um looks like a bunch of random stuff that Dro nothing too big we can even do um let's do content at scale see what they rank for and you can see what has affected them as well um chat GPT Alternatives uh email response rates so there's lots of interesting stuff and when you start to understand that content is about strategy and you can see the link for high ticket niches there um content's about strategy and it's about how am I going to find the Gap make a strategy whether it's with a domain a mailing list whatever it is and and make this something that people are want to get going to want to consume because if you do it right I mean if you do the keyword right not only are you going to be rewarded with good traffic but it's also going to be traffic that that converts um and when you start to understand that it's literally a game Cher and when it comes to making $100,000 blogging we need to look at the structure what what is it going to look like does the niche support it and how can I Branch out and make this work in a real world way so I hope you guys enjoyed this smash a like button if you enjoyed this I know it was a little bit longer and more detailed um again we will have the notes for you at download myn notes.com um and and you can also check out the other videos in the description which I specifically put videos in the description that are about blogging um so you can watch those for more details you can check out my videos on domain buying um we got tons of free content here for you and if you appreciate that smash that like button subscribe and uh we will see you next time

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